The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, December 15, 1875, Image 3

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    V EDXEMIAY M OH I N 0, DEC.! 5, 187S.
J?nr.fl'M--.Ton Reck.
Ilnnncilmrn f. W. Robinson, H. A.
tornor, A. II. Holly, H. II. Haslet, A. II
rnrtrldgp, II. (). Havis.
Jiithecx 0 the l'caccD. 8. Knox, C. A.
(Htithll. Swnsrcnrt
fk-hnol Director V. H. Knot, If. O. Tn-
Vla. N. J. Woleott, H. If. Haslet, A. II.
ivouy, l). nark.
" TYmtlenC .Turltt1,. P, Wktmorr.
Ataoeiatt Juiloct Am oukw Cook, Jos,
SherirT. J. Van Oikhe.n.
Trenaurrr S. .1. Skti.KY.
Prothnnntary, llrgintcr it Jtccorrtcr, iff.
j ni. i i.ahk.
(mmiinnrr .Touw TnoMrsoN, Jas,
. K. Ci.AnK, Kl.t ItKni.i.f.
i.nNnry Nuprrmtrnilrnt S. F. HOHH8R.
Jtiatricl Attorney H. R. Irwin,
Jury CSimmii.iioner.i Jam. Fi.N!,Wm
County fiitrrrtnr S.R, Irwin.
fbi-ower M. iTTKr.. .In.
' County AntiitorT. H. Conn, li. War-
urn, ti. i a mi kron.
Mrmherof (Xnnrent lOfA DtricL-C. R.
AMtmbly1. II. Aonkw.
3Vm o JVfit
At TIONESTA STATION, on and after
u, j.iio:
Train 22
" 64
Train S3
0:24 n. m.
3:42 p. ui.
0:21 a. tn.
3:42 p. ni.
Trnln 22, south, and 21, north, are 1st
1rina; the others aro accommodation
freight. Theso traina only are allowed to
iiarry passengers.
-On tho Rlrer Division 1. e. from Oil City
to Iryinotmi, np tho rlvor Is North j down
too river, aouui.
Rev. Robert Slow, of Titusvillc,
will conduct the services at the Pres
byterian Clturcti ic this dace on Stin
day next, morning and eveuing, hav
ing exebanged pulpils with Rov.El
Hot for that day.
A few loads of coal will be taken
on subscription at this office,' , ' '.
- l-reeman a Uorbut liave jnst re
ceived a i:ew mid select stock of bioka,
suitable fur holiday presents. Look
iti and examine atock and prices. $6tf
.X man who works on the Beaver
i -crook shingle mill had apiece of his
right index finger sawed olf a short
time einco. He is on duty nffiiiu at
' Wo understand that a shooting
runtch is going on over at Win. Hood,
today, under the air pices of some of
'the Albaughs. The best shot take
the turkeys, or geese.
Mr. J. D. W. Reck received a
ilettor frura John, a eon of A. 1$. Root,
who ia in the regular cavalry, and is
stationed at Fort Garland, ilo is in
.good health and spirits.
The attention 'of our renders is
railed to the new advertisement of J.
II. Derickson & Co., which appears in
this issue. They have leased tho
.Fisher Btnre-house and put in a large
stock of Flour, Feed and Tobaccos.
Miss Clara Heath arrived at home
Jrom the Normal School, located at
.Indiana, Fa., (ho latter part of last
week and on Monday took charge of
the Rons Ruu School, which she is to
teach this winter.
man was ia town yesterday en
deavoring to sell a "Metnllio Heel
'iStraightener," but did'nt succeed in
disposing of any; but if he bad been
celling an automatic debt adjuster he
would have had a rushing business.
A sister of Alex, Wilson, of tre
boat ''Venture," whose homo is in the
iar west, is at present in town paying
him a visit, having brought with her
a grandson of Mr. Wilson's, nged less
than two years. The mother cf the
little chap taught school on Whig
Hill about three years ago, arid also
taught a term at Ross Run. Alex, is
Aiiuch pleased with his visitors. ;
Rev. S. J. M. Euton D. D., will
deliver a lecture, "Travels in Southern
Palestine," at the (Joint House, on
Tuesday ovening, l)eo.;23, for the ben
efit of the Presbyterian Church of
Tionesta. Dr. Euton spout oue sea
son iu that ancient land, and being a
close observer, and brilliant scholar
liis lecture cannot fail to bo interest
ing. Some of tho farmers of this coun
ty aro agitating the subject of peti
tioning the Legislature to raise, the
bounty ou wild cats, to $5. The boun
ty now is ?2, and the cats are multi
plying rapidly. The increased bounty
would undoubtedly have tho of effect
clearing them out ell'ccturlly, but
whether the county treasury could
btand the strain which would immedi
ately ensue, is a question for tax-pay-its
to consider.
At a regular meeting of Tionesta
Lodge No. 3C9 I. O. O. F., held at
their Hall cn Fridny evening, Dec. 10,
a letter was read from Prcsque Isle
Lodge of Erie, Ta., announcing the
death of Lewis Schane, a member of
this Lodge, on the 2nd day of Dec.
hist., whereupon tho undersigned were
appointed to draft resolutions of res
pect, reporting as follows:
WincrtKAK, Lewis Schane a brother
Odd Fellow, it has been announced,
has left the field of human action, to,
we trust and believe, a higher and bet
ter world.
Retolvcd, That in the life of deceas
ed brother we recoguize devotion to
tho principles of Frendship, Love and
Truth, and it is worthy of remark in
this place that Bro. S. is the first mem
ber of our lodge that has been taken
away by the hand of death since its
re-organization. As a society, we
mourn with those who- mourn, yet
with our memory mingle hope, know
ing that our dead Brother in his life
time followed the principles of our
order so his life could not be an error
or fuiluio so he must have died with
an assurance of i Jimortality.
Resolved, That this memorial be
published iu the County papers, and a
copy be sent to friends of deceased.
S. J. Sctley, )
J. T. Dale, Committee
Samuel D. Irwin, )
Tionesta, Dee. 13, 1875.
Mr. Dingman, of the firm of Der
rickson & Co., has rented tho Woleott
house, aud will move in directly. Wo
are glad to welcome him a regular
settled down citizen.
S. A. Hol!:sir, t!,s Corry Life
Insurance agent, who did the tall forg
ing there some time ago, and who was
duly sentenced therefor, has been par
doned. . " ' '
Goo. Lear, of Bucks county lias
been appointed Attorney General, by
Gov. Harlranft, to ' fill the vacancy
caused by the death of Mr. Dimmick.
The appointment is said to bo an ex
cellent one in every respect.
A prohibition paper is to be pub
lished in Franklin, under the auspices
of. prominent members of the prohibi
tion party in County. Tho
office" is to be located in Hanna's
block, and is to be under the manage
ment of some chap who hails from the
Buckeye State, i
Derickson & Co., have been driv
ing stave bolts down Tionesta creek,
and, we judge that the new plan is a
success. Mr. Dithridge also drives
logs for his mill, from points up the
creeiC. 1 lie driving, we believe, is bo
managed as not to interfere with the
rn ' - which come out on everv nond
and natural rise.
Houry Shoemaker got his hide
wet one day last week by falling into
the creek. Ho was soaked awl through,
aud hopes this will be thu last exper
ience of this kind be has in the winter.
His hair was thoroughly crimped, aud
he camd near meeting his end, and on
ly desisted for fear he would find it
Now that a little "tracking snow"
has made its appearance, don't you
fellows go to work and kill a lot of
deers out of season. But some of our
sportsmen wiil reason as follows:
I.eavoH have their time to full,
And Muckers regular intervala for
I oer,
And stars to sot, but all
Thou haul all season for thine own,
O, Peer.
Stewart, the barber, has tukeo his
traps, and also, we aro sorry to hear,
some of his customers' razors, cups,
&c, and vanished. Tionesta's exper
ience with barbers has not been very
encouragiug, but there seems to be
enough work in that lino here to keep
good barber moderately busy. Mr.
Stewart brought our razor and cup to
to us before leaving, for which we are
duly thankful.
Major Goodman and JakeCospcr
of Balltowu were in towii last week,
aud report game very pleuty there,
particularly bears. Most of our old
hunters are tired of deer, anyway, and
pant fur nobler game. Here is a good
chance to do themselves proud, and
at the same time rid the country of a
pest. Two bears were killed ou Fool's
creek, ubout three miles above Ball
town, a f'ow weeks Ago, by one man in
one day. ' After he had banged t lie in
up, and went to Balltown lor help to
bring thorn in, he couldn't pilot the
wuy buck to them, so described the
country to tho old Major, who took
li i tii there u- straight as a. bqao lim).
A. H. Steele, formerly of this
place, addressed a railrond meeting at
Alliance, Ohio, one evening last week.
- Col. 8. B. Dick, of Meadville, has
been appointed Junior Grand Warden
of the Grand Lodge A. Y. M. of the
State of Pennsylvania. ' '
The New York Herald, in a lead
ing editorial breathing the spirit of
kindness and good-will, advises Mr.
Beecher to retire from the pulpit, and
thus end tho painful episode in his
During the recent bad roads a
large amount of freight has accumu
lated at the depot," and the snow as
n forerunner of good sleighing, is hail
ed with joy by those to whom the
goods are shipped, as well as by tho
station agent. , '
Justis Shawkey, Sheriff-elect, wns
in town a few days ago, making ar
rangement to come to town, to take
charge of his office. He will move in
to tho Sheriff's house directly nfter
next Court. Sheriff Van Giesen will
move into his house on Elm St.
The election next year will not
be as interesting as usual there being
only one office which the county alone
will fill thai of Assemblyman. A
State Senator and Congressman will
be elected in connection with other
counties.'' i i i ' : -
At present writing, weather pro
plifU are singularly quiet ubout that
"mild winter" they have been talking
about so long. We have had no real
cold weather &a yet, but wo have now
everything elso but that.
Two burglaries occurred In Corry
on Saturday last. Iu on3 case a gold
watch wns taken, and in the other
about 8500 iu money, drafts aud ail
ver spoons. The thieves deserve to be
convicted, and pardoned. '
Attention is called to the card of
Dr. Vogel, which appears in this issue
Those wishing his professional services
can find him, when not professionally
absent, at the Lawrence House.
Willie Kuntz had a leg broken
while coasting on the sidewalk in Oil
City recently. He is a small boy', and
baa received a severe lessou.
Robinson & Bonner are talking
seriously of putting an addition to the
south side of their store building in
the spring to accommodate their stove
and hardware business.
G. W. Brown, of Youngsville,
Pa., who has been for years a regular
and interesting coirespondent of the
Erie Dispatch, favored our sanctum
with a call on Monday last. '
The beuutiful snow has brought
out all the hand-sleds in town, and
there is an enormous amouut of coast
ing going on. Look out for accidents,
The Secretary cf the Keystone
Poultry Association, of Titusville, has
our thanks for a complimentary ticket
to the Second Annual Exhibition, to
be held jn the Corinthian Block, Ti
tusville, on tho 28th, 29th, 30th and
31st inst. A liberal premium list is
published. .. . .
The wife of Edward Carskensen,
Chamberlain to the King of Denmark,
formerly a resident of Meadville, and
wife of tho Hon. I). A. Finney, do-
ceased, died r.t Copenhagen, Denmark,
on the 18th ult., nfter a long and pain
ful illness.
From the Derriclc, we learn of a
railrond accident which occurred on
the O. C. & A. R. Ry., near the Miller
Farm one day last week. A freight
train collided with a passenger train.
Conductor Richards was thrown down,
and cut pretty badly about tie face,
and one Ililliards was thrown on .the
track, and hud several ribs broken.
The accident was caused by a fluguian
mistaking a sigunl for his recall. ' '
Our schools are at present closed
for a Loliday vacation, and will not
open uutil aier the 1st of January. If
the river only fi'?ezes over now, the
boys will have sport enough to last
them through the balunCP of the term.
Mr. Gunning, we understand, contem
plates attending th Warren County
Teachers' Institute, which is in session
this week.
The President has sent to the
Seuato tho " following "among other
nominations: Mr. D. D. Pratt, to be
Commissioner of Internal Revenue.
We rise to seek the light: Is this
Daniel Pratt, the Great - American
Traveler? If o, Mr. Grunt had bet
ter oust him, or he will "bust1' that
third term business, that the Demo
crat o papers have been telling us
about. Or to suit the peculiarity of tho
N. Y. Herald, Great CVsar, you've a
rival near t!iq throue-
"The Brooktille llepullican; of
last week, contained five and a half
columns of Sheriff's sales. '
The Central House irwan accms
to be on its muscle lately, and seme of
our juveniles have gotten some severe
strokes of the creature's wings. It
strikes like a mule kicks from the
upper joint. '
They sny now that Tweed ran a
way not so much to escape jail ot to
get rid ot his counsel, and save a little
something for bis old age.
'. Tlobcrt J. Lincoln is prominently
mentioned In connection with the Dis
trict Attorneyship rendered vacant by
the resignation of Mr. Ward, of Chic
ago, Illinois. r . i ;
t The indictment of General Bab
cock, by the grand jury, at St. Louit,
on a charge of being a member nf the
famed Whiskfy Ring, has been offi
cially communicated to the Attorney
General. Public opinion is divided
as to his guilt or innocence, but he
will have a fair trial, and if hc is
guilty, will suffer accordingly. -
The London Times places-a very
just and correct cstfnrte on that part
of the President's message which re
fers to Spanish affairs. It claims that
Spain is simply on trial. Her power
to subdue the Cuban rebellion, is the
limit of her right in that direction.
Hence thould she not be able to speed
ily subdue the rebellion, we may, find
it necessary to intervene. This is the
situation, in brief. ' '
The New York papers publish tho
will of the late William B. Astor,
Although his sons and daughters arc
left orphans, to wander through this
vale of tears, the sympathy which one
naturally feels in contemplating this
fact is tempered by a confident assur
ance that they will somehow manage
to rub along and keep the wolf from
their doors, what with houses, and
lands and cash runnine up into the
millions in each case.
The following dispatch explains
Pottsvili.e. Dec. 10.
Dispatches from Mahoning City and
uiiuerton state there is much excite'
ment in those places in consequence of
two murders committed there at tw
o'clock this morning by masked men.
They entered the honse of C. O'Don
nell, seized and bound him and then
Carried him out and shot him dead.
A man named McAllister was also ta
ken from the houso-and shot. - A--sis
ter of McAllister was also murdered.
t The murderers are supposed to be
Molly Mago ires, v.1. "j,
"It occurs to us that this kind of
thing has gone on uutil it is becoming
monotonous. It should be stopped . if
the authorities have to hang every
miner iu tho coal region. Ku Klux-
ism is mild compared with these out
The January number of Billion's
Magaziue is excelleut, the best vt
have Been for some time.' In addition
to its first class engravings we see that
M. Quad of the ', Detroit Free Press
give us the first installment of his
thrilling story, which will run for sev
eral mouths, i It? is humorous and pa
thetic, and will add to the reputation
of this live auther.' ' Published by
Thomes & Talbot, 23 Hawley Street,
Boston) and for sale at all the news
depots iu the country. Onl 61.50
per year aud 15 cents singlo number.
"Peterson" for January. We
thought the Docember number of Pe
terson's Magaziue could not be beaten,
yet here is the January number, even
more beautiful still. There are two
steel engravings, a mammoth colored
fashion-plate and a splendid Berlin
pattern In twelve colors; besides in
numerable wood engravings of fash
ions, patterns, etc. The principal steel
plate, "A Little Tot of 1776," is after
a celebrated picture 1) v Sir Joshua
Reynolds; and she is about the must
charming, cunuing little lady we have
ever seen. A very powerful novelet.
"The Days of Seventy-six," is begun,
by Mrs. Ann S. Stephens. All the
stories are goad, however, even better
thrtU usual. Thert U also an illustrat
ed article- on old Independence Hall,
in Philadelphia, aud the Declaration
of Independence, which was signed
there. As a guide for the fashions, it
lias no rival. "You do not kuow how
to dress," says a coteraporary, "till
you have seen 'Peterson.' " The price
is only two dollars a year, with great
deductions to clubs, and valuablo pre
miums to persons getting up clubs.
Address Charles J. Peterson, 306
Ctiestuut Street, Philadelphia.
Landlord and Tenant Leases, the
most approved form, for sajo at this
C, W, Orant, hf Oil City, (Rey
nolds A. Ifokill's Block,) kefps con
stantly on hand a full assortment of
the latest Foreign and Domes' ic goods
fir the manufacture of gentlemen's
clothing. He keeps none but first
class goods, and employs tho best cut
ter in tho, Oil Regions. Whatever
you get there you can depend upon its
being of the latest style, and first elos
goods. His prices aro reasonable for
the superior kind of goods be keeps
on hand. If you want poor clothing,
yon cannot be accommodated at bis
establishment. But if you want a No.
l'-artiel") mad io the latest ttyle,
Grant's is the place to go. Remem
ber tho place: Remolds .V Hukill's
Block, Seneca St., Oil City, Pa. 35 2t
Mrs. Butler bos just received a
in w stock of Millinery Goods, consist
ing of Hats, Frames, Featheis, Flow
ers, Ribbons, Velvet Ac, A.C., in the
building north of Lawrence Hoiim.
Sho solicits a continuance of the pat
ronage of the Indies of Tionesta and
vicinity. 32 6
We will pay cash on delivery at
our mill in Tionesta, for white oak
stave and bending bolts at tho follow
ing prices :
Stave bolts, 35 inches long, per cord
of 8 ft. by ift., 84 50. Ileading.bului
22 inches long, per cord of 8 ft. - by' 4
f:., 81.00. Heading bolts must bp
mado from timber at least 20 Indus
in diameter. Office at Lawrence
House. J. II. Dkrk kaon A Co.
Stoves and stoveware at Frecn;."n
A Corbet's. , . 28tf
MARRIED. At the rosl
I donee of the bride's mother, In Tioncstu
twp., Dec. 14th, 1875, liy Rev. Hold, of
Freiburg, Mr. Win. M. Wallace of Cams
City, ?a., and Miss, Alice J. Bhrlvor, of
this county.
By Robinson & Bonuer, Dealers in
General Merchandise.
Flour barrel ... $7.008.00
Buckwheat flour cwt - - 8.00
Corn Meal, bolted " - - ' 2.00
Chop feed - . . ' . 2.00Q;i2fi
ltyo biiHhel .... lK)l.on
Oat bushel .... 40 (11,45
Corn, ears ..... 4A(r$45
Rcnns V biiHhel - - , 2.00(3,00
Ham, aiiffitr cured .... 17
HreakfaHt Bacon, sugarcured - - 16
Sugar 10(ftl2
Syrup ...... 75M1.O0
N. O. Motomes ' ! ' ' J
Roat Rio Coft'oo No. 1 ... 33
Rio Cod'ro, best 50
Java Coffee ..... 37i
Tea ...... .oOtfcl.26
Rutter ...... 80(a32
Riee . 10
Eggs, fi'oxh . r - - - -30
Salt ' - '- - ' . 2.1S(.r,2.2C
Lard ....... 15(,;:0
Iron, common bar .... 4,00
Nails, lOd, IS kog .... 4.25
Mine S bid. 2.00
Potatoes ..... 35(5,40
Kew Advertisement,
lilt. VM. VOGICL,
OKI- ICE at Lawrence House, Tioneatn,
I'll., wbero lie-cun ho found atalltimoa
wnen not protrSNlonally utmcut. 80 1 j
Something New!
in tho building formerly oocuniott by J.
is mado from CORN. Willi AT
&. OATS,
and will l.o aold at prckcnt, for
81.75 1KR CWT.
Is mado from thl-t WINTER WH EAT.
every burrel of which In warranted ami
will be aold prujtortiunatcly low.
In connection with t':o alios o.
keeping the best braiuU of
FIXi: i l'T,
Hiiitod to tho most fuHtiiliona taste.
llfMIMtt lOxtimliio our Htolt
Trial List for December Ten.: 1875.
Sln'ivi-r it
Sawyer Uso vs Ueort;o S.
Klijnh C. Parker vk Jiwhus, R.'
' Jonrn.
RiuiiM-l Ixt It' vh J. W. UUhrle !'
UinrKi' llarnnnl v Joseph Cook. .
S. nmpbcll V- T. Robftrt ct nl..
J, Y. Kmil vs W. 1. Robert.
M. WiMiriiiigton ail tn' ,x do. etnl vs J.
Nliriver'.i Adm'rs. .,,,
H. Sloan vs .1. K. Ovr i',mdr.
.1. N". Ti-itMWortl) tm Commissioner of
IVirrxl County.
(it-orn V. Dciui vn J. II. IHogiiiun ' rt
nl. , .
Fourth National Hank of PlUwniirgli
i-t al vs'ii oiirt) H. If untcr rt nl.. ;
Iti-rlictl S(nnly vm Font it I'-v,
I'nnlcl Illnck v.i llooriro S. v.
Rowland Oilihuw rs Mvm SloTinnv
IS. Chan. Murphy et'ux vn't'liornaal'ortcr.
in. I4vnt II ell rou 'v Hih. V;i")c, .
17. Iiiinii-1 Waltcrx vs Jjiiic O. Ilrplcr.
in. t ydm .t Hnritli u'.e vs ffeo. H. lfnntor
ct ns. . - - . i . i
10. (icMrir J. Lacy vs Green Twp. Road
20. iJiMirjm W. Mtliriilro vs M. Itm Jr.
f M. I'l.A KK, Rrothonotarv.
Tlnnnsln, Nov. Shih, -"
rotate Sotlcc. ; 1 ,,,'f
K-tatt of PtH'Inr i. Wiium lato of
Tlonrsl.-t Hnri.iii.-li, Ton-st county, de
coamxI. A II poi-srum Indclitnl to Ktiltl -tato
aro r(vi.ell , nuike immraliato
payment, ami lhno Imvinit local cluitna
onion-it the snino, will nrcm-nl ihcm with
out delay In proper order for ncttlemi-iit,
J. W
II. Itf:iSlXiKR, 1 rt,;i..V.
. M. c ltKAItY, ' Actminlsh-afVs.
VK WIN A Ns, Administratrix'"1
V.. 1 1.
Ol.l VI
or. M 1 1. KM W. TATK. Altornev.
Tioitcata, Va., Nov. 10, lb75. l ,1 n:i
jVOTICK is herel.y given thai a petition
1 ' will he profontcd at tho next xohmoii
of tho lirciMlnturc for a Inw rciimtatmw tho
Cotnmiiinem ot the llig lvel SUto
Roail lotisf nonu tioollei-t prmant lhxe,
pay up linlel. led lice's and aottle up u
COUIllH. ...,.,
For the Commiaslonrrs.
Oflli-e of tho (Solicitor of tho Troiuitirv,
Washington, I). C, Nov. 17, 176. j
Pul.lic ftnlo, of DiriiiK nml nil huid
Tlonewla, Forrat County, IVi-iixyl vanlif.
l,r bluford Wilaon, solicitor of tlio Treas
ury, wlfh the approval of Ihn 8o?roMry of
the Treamiry.
The following deerilo1 proporty lvlng
in 1'orcnt and YwUnngoootiutiui uear Tam
est, will ho ottered ut pti 1.1 Ic aalo to tlio
highoat bidder at Agnow'a Hotel, In tlio
town of Tionctta, on Muturdny tli IMth
ilny of February next, at ten oclnvk In Uin
forenoon, vli : , ,
Tract No. 1.
The origami Ifoleniao Farm, flontoiiitlig
di acre. ,
i raci i o. t.
r.17 acres, mado np of tliroe pieces, cms
of :ul of 81 acres nud UkiUut of
45 acraw, adjoining.
Tbeso tractM lound
River at lloloinan'a
on the Alleghany
FInta, and are ailuated alwut threo uiilea
from Tioneata. Much of tho Innd ia cov
ered with exm-llent timber. Tho olenred
part la goini furui mini bottom Itiuil.. A
number of good bouaea and burna aro on
each tract.
Tract No. a. " '
4".7 aerea, aitliald near the mouth of
Went Hickory Creek, on the Allegheny
Rivor, flvo inilea abova Tkonenta, andcoii
sixts of bottom aud hill lnnd. There nrn
two houses and good out buildings on this
Thorni tracts are considered vnlunblo oil
Iiuium, aixl it ia thought that, Uwm In'ilig
rrorly tOMtcd. will bo remunerative.
Thy were taken by Hut t'nltod Stales ft.r
dbu The title in believed tn I undisput
ed, and can ho examined by biddcra lor
themselves ls?foro tho dnv of sale. Th
kolioiUir of tho Treafiiry bus bo power lo
give warranty deeds.and will only nell and
convoy to tho piln-baser all tho right nnl
title of thu I'mled istuu.
The several trai ls numbered 1, 2, unil 3,
Will Im sold separately.
Tho Itlgliest bidder for each tract when
tho aaiuo i struck olf to him na tho nnr-
chaser, will bo reipiired to sign bis name,
to a cortilicitto setting n.rth that ho la hiicIi
purclutser and agreeing to comply Willi
the l omiitlnns of etile, and will also bo
required to pay lo tho ngitnt of tho grv
ornincnl intending tho sale, tint hiiiu of
J-JOO.iKl, which will bo forfeited if ho ahull
fail to imake the payment nnd deliver tlio
aoc-.iiiiy neoordingthe eonditiona. ' '
RuymcntH will U inailo aa lollowa I
One half of tho piin-huso money, 1ch
tho IS-HHi.oo pai.l on the daynf aalo, ahull bo
paid ou delivery of tlio diwd oouvoviug
tho tract, tho remaining half to bo iiai'd lit
one yetir from the duv of sale with interest
at nix per cent, lor which deferred pay
ment purchaser ahull give his Isiud secur
ed by llrst mortgnge on tho premiKus sold.
An agent of tlio government will attend
at tho jiostolhcoiit Oil City, on Wednesday,
March 1st, 1H70, and where ouch purchaser
will bo required to puv to liim one-liulf r
the piirehoKO money, liws the fjuo itlrrwly
paid, and deliver to him tho propor aucur
itiea for tho reiiinlnlug hail', und to rei-civc
a conveyance vawciited bv tho w.lieitnr of
tho Treasury, of all tho right aud title of
tho United Hlatea of, in, and to tho tract
noid to him. Hi t kobd WllOM.
Solicitor of thw Treasury.
H. H. Hrihtow,
Secretary of the ry. r
For furlher luformuliiin In regard lo llio
alHvo dcsiTilssl lamia, v ! J. II.
Agnetv, Allorncy-at-liHr, TioiiuMla. '.
Register's Notice
Notice ia hereby given In all partiotron-
cermil liiat too loilouiug luml aowinit
have Ih-cii ojiaiiiiiied and liled in inv i.lllcc
and will I Mi presented lor iiinDrnisiiiHi, pti
i'.t at the next regular t'rphaii Coori of
Forest 'oiinly, on Ihn Foorih f
lHsoiiilsi. A. 1). IMa. The auul
being as lolloua;
1. I liuil aif-ooiit of Win. Young SIgglita,
Kxei-uUir ol the lust III and U-sl iineul of
N. 'I. Miuums. l.uu ..f lljriiioov Ti. b,
auld 'ounly, deecaacil.
J llial aiss.iint nf Janif-a Flvim i..l
Mai'tfSrtlt I'lVllll Alliniiil-ln.l,. . . t ....
elalo of I Fit mi. idle ol omA
Count -, dis'i'iiM-d.
3. Aooiiiit of John If . Itiitm.1 a .tin. ...
Ulnilor of f. Kuhns, di-ceu-M-tl.
I. M. l.AlOv 1!. nUlm
Rculster'a Htle. '1 i.,ih-u. t a.. N.iretnUr
tuiii, is;.i.
A LLOPKR VTIO.VS perUining lo Nut
rv gii-ul or Mechanical liei.nnv i..r.
I'oriued with care, and ai ruiiled. "1 o,...
antee success or n fHii.1 the umni v.
tiltlce Iu i RAMUN l:i(li k liim w
Itetni mber Ihe plucc.
'-iriv. i,. v. r iiivu-s'i'
JOR WORK lically execute
Hi rciiMiiiaf.' u iies.
I al this 01111