The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, October 27, 1875, Image 1

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W. Tl. DUNN.
mc nt loimrsoii bowkek's botldmo
Wo Bubecrlptlnn rralrtd for shorter
psrisd than three months.
Correspondence solicited from all parts
or Urn country. No notice will be taken or
annonytnou communications.
Xo. .,
;Jw5 T. O. of O. F.
MEhTS every Friday evening, at 7
o clock, In the Mull Ibrmorly occupied
by the Good Templars.
5. A. R ANDALL, Sec' y. 27-tf.
t O. U. jv. M.
KKTS it Odd Fellows' Lodg 'loom,
UT1 every Tuesday eveninc. at 7 o'clock.
P. M.ttAK, R. 8.
TiMU,Ft. Erl, Pa.
Attorneys at Law, - Tlonesta, Pa.
Office on Kim Street.
May lit, 1875.-11
K. L. Davis,
ATTORNEY AT LAW, Tlonesta, Pa.
Collections made in this and adjoin
ing cosntle. 40-ly
MIL 13 M W. TATE,'
1st Urtrt, TI0NF.8TA, PA.
F. VT.Hays,
Public, Reynolds Hull ill A Co.'s
Blu-k, Seneca St.', Oil City, Pa. 39-ly
r. miuti,
XlirXH.4 H at SMILE T,
Attorneys at Law, Fraaklin, Pa.
PRACTICE in the several Coarts or Ye
asngo, Crawford, Forest, and adjoin
ing connties. W-ly.
n.v.A n. T. LAWSOX,
BARBERS and Hairdressers. Hmcar.
tmugh building, Kim St. Switches,
Frixaea, II raids. Curls, Ac., made troti
Com lungs. Having settled permanently
in this place, thev desire the patronage or
the puli Lie. Satisfaction guaranteed. 15 Jm
W. D. BUCK UK, . PaoaiTO.
Frlsr-Clasa Licensed House. Good ste
al connected.
A,iw, Proprietor. This is a new
heiiae, and ha just been fitted up for the
essoin mod atiou or the public. A portion
r the patronage or the public is solicited.
7Lawreioa House,
PnorniitTon. This house
is rentrallv located. Everything new and
well tarnished Superior accommoda
tions and strict attention Riven to guests.
Vegetable and Fruitx or all kinds served
iu their season. Kample room for Com
mercial Agent.
SA. VARNKIt PnoPRinron. Opposite
Court House, Tionosta, Pa. Just
opened. Kvervtlilnif new and clean and
freik. The best of Honors kept constantly
mi hand. A portion of the public patron
age is rspciiuiiy souoiiou. i-ii-it
C B. Weber's Hotel,
X has possession of the new brick hotel
and will le happy to entertain all his old
natomers. ami a'uv number of new ones.
Hood acconimolatlons lor guests, and ex
cellent siaounK. iu Jin.
Dr. J. 1 Aconyb,
I had fifteen years' experience in a large
and Bucccssiul practice, will attend all
Professional Calls. Ofllce In his lru and
Orocery Htoro, located in Tidioute, near
Tidioute House.
A full assortment of Medicines. Liquor
Tobacco. Clirars. Stationery. Olasa. Paints,
Oils. Cutlery, all of the Itoai quality, and
will be sold at reasonable 'ate.
Ml. C11AH. O. DAY. an experienced
rhvsiclau and Drug-ilst from New York,
has charge of tho Store. AU prescriptions
put up accurately.
a. s. sr J no. r. a. s. ksllt.
MA Y, PA 11 K 4 CO.,
33 J- JsL JZ1 E3 JEZi S
Curner or Elm A Walnut Sts. Tionosta.
Rank or Discount and Deposit.
Interest allowed on Time Deposits.
'ellectioBsmadeonall the Principal points
of the U. 8.
Collection solicited. 18-ly.
(ROXanssut:n's ctsng, roiFT co., r.v.)
HOL SES and IiU for Sale and RENT"
Wild Lands for Sale. A
I have superior facilities for ascertaining
the condition or taxes and tax deeds, 4c,
and am therefore qnaliiled to art intelli
gently ss agent of those living at a dis
tance, owning lands in the County.
OinVe in Commissioners Room, Court
Ho?ie. Tionosta, P.. p w AR(
F. F. I.
WANTED. Eyervbody to know that
Four-Fold Liniment is the leading Lini
ment for curing all kind of Pains and
Wore Throata, and for Horses, Cattle, c,
. . ....auIiiI l inimunt. In IliA
is the
Has rirauiars arouna inius
Knld by all Druggist. 30-ly eom
Tolt WORK neatly executed at tho RE
rrpi K'N
VOL. VIII. NO. 29.
1 Vi
fa" '6 :
P IT. CHASE, or TiomwtaT offer
services to mose In need or ,
Work promptly attended tosnd f , , , j
HnilMftioilon OunrnntnciL
Mr. Chase- will work! Iu the country
when (iosirdi. 13-tf,
J U.ST opened next door north of tho
O Iawrenoo House. The undersigned Is
Firepare.) to f'o all kinds of work in his
itie in the best vtyle and on short notice.
A Specialty. Keeps on hand a fine assort
ment of Curry Combs, Brushes, HarnesM
Oill, Whips, and Saddled. HnrncKs of all
kinds made to order and cheap as the
cheapest. Remember the name and place
W. WEST, ,
North of Lawreuce House,
:Lf Tlonesta, Pa.
nns.v.n. iikatii,
MRS. HEATH lias rmntly nivefl to
this place for the purpose of mating
a want which the ladies of tho town an '
county hare for a long time known, that
of haying s dressmaker of experience
among thuni. Iam prepared to make all
kinds of dresses in the latest sly'es. and
guarantee satisfaction. Stamping for braid
ing ami smnroiaury uone in the b-t man
ner, with the newest patterns. All I ask
Is a lair 'rial. Residence on Water Street,
In the house formerly occupied by Jacob
Shriver. Utl ,
. Frank Robbing, -
(svernsaon to naniKiu.) 'j'
Pictures In every styleof the art. Yiewa
of the oil regions for sale or taken to or
der. CENTRE STREET, near R, R. crossing.
pot, Oil City, I'a. 20-tr
1151 "ET,
- Proprietor.
', 'af A'f-.-fiiiS
Pictures taken la all the latest styles
the art. 26-t' '
in BOV ARDil CO.'S SUire, Tlonesta, Pa. )
Watche; Clock, Solid ami Tlated
Jewelry, iSldrk Jewelry,
Ey Gluts, Spec
tacle, Violin String, (e., Jtc,
Will examine and repair Fine English,
Swiss or American WsUjie, aaclw as Ro
n'Htrs, Inilcieiident Socondn, stem
Winders, Duplex, Levers, Anchors and
Lepinea, and will make any new pleoes
for the same, such as Htatlk, Forks, Pel
lutta, WheelM. Pinions, Cylinders, Bar
rels, Arbors, and in l'ac( any part nnjer
tuining to fine watches.
A.11 AVorlt Warranted.
I can safely . .
that any work undertaken by in will be
done in such a manner and at such prices
noon wo me
that will piva satisfaction to all who may
I lavcr Ui with tliuir orders.
. L. KI.KIN,
H-ly Author or "The Watch."
Tou Can Save Money '
By buying your PIANOS and ORGANS
from "tho "undersigned Manufacturers'
Agent, foi the best brands In the market.
Instrument shipped direct from tbo Fiu;
trv. CIIAS. A. KHCLTZ, Tuner,
y !,-. 1 7I 174S, "lil ritu-, Ps.
. a-. I M I i r '
Whereas, In and by an act of the General
Awombly of the Couinirtawnftllliof Pcnnt
sylvania, entitled 'An Act to regulato the
Elections of the Commonwealth,' passed
tho 2d day of July. A. I)., IHiitt, it is made
the duty or tho Sheriff, nf evory , county, ,
within this CommonweaUt. to give pnblfo
notice or the General Kloctions, and in
such to onumerato:
1st. The omeern M be elected, f f '
M. Designate the place at which the
election Is to lo hold.
u.1'. ' 'lfi V.l!RonN VWl filicrift of
tte Farst;,J' nisby. mak
known and give this public notice to tho
electors of tho county of Forest, that a
depend Kkx'ilon will leheld in saldcoun
ty.ontho ,,,r,. p , .....
FIRST Tl'ESDlf Dr KOYtMBK, 1871, ' '
it being tho 2d day of the month, between
the hours of 7 a. in. and 7 p. in. at the sev
eral Klootion Instriois. , i,
In Harnett township at Clarington school
In Cireen township at the house of I-.
In Howe township at Rfookaton.
. In Jenks. township at tlic yourt house in
Marlen.-I t t r, ' ti .
In Harmony township at Allonder school
In Hickory township at Ball school
house. - -, v : -
In Klngnley township at Wheeler, Du
senbury Co's -
In Tionesta township at Court House in
Tlonesta borouglu !
Iu Ti- nesta borough at Court House in
said borougu- . : " '--" '
At which time and places tho qualilkd
electors will elect by ballot:
One person for Governor of the State of
Pennsylvania. " ( .'"a
' 0ns person torrntasurcf iilihe Ktuta pr
One porson State Senator, in connection
with the counties of Clarion,, Elk. and
One person fof Associate Judge or For
est County.
One person for Prothonotary. Register.
Recorder, and Clerk of Courts of Forest
County. .,
" One person for Sheriff of Forest County.
Tiiree persons for Commissioners of
Forest County. ,
Three persons for Auditors ot Forest
One person for Jury Commissioner of
Forest County. '-. ... - f t
One person forBurveyororFotest Coun
ty. !,! -vut i VH
The attention of electors is also called to
the following extracts from a "Further
supnlement to tbo Actregtilatingelectlona
in this Commonwealth," approved Janua
ry 30th, 1874 : .
Sump 4. On the pe'ltionof five or more
citizens' or anv election district, netting
forth that tho appointment of overseers is
a reasonable precaution to seenrotho puri
ty snd fairness of the election irt said dis
trict, it shall be the duty of the court of
common pleas of tho proper county, all
the law judges of the said court able' to act
ai tho time concurring, to appoint two ju
dicious, sober and Intelligent citizens of
the said district belonging to different po
litical parties, overseer of election to su
pervise the piMceedinga of election officers
thereof, and to maxe report of the same
as they may bo required by such oourt.
Said overseers shall he mon qualified to
se ye upon election boards, and "ball have
the right to lie present with the officers of
suuh election during the whole tima such
is held, the votes counted, and the returns
made out and signed liT" the election offi
cers: to keep a list of voters. If they see
firoor; to challenge any porson ottering
n vote, and interrogate Ilim mid his wit
nesses under o 'Hi, In regard to his rlirht
of Htiti'rago at said election and toexnmine
his papers produced; aud the officers of
said elot'tion arc rcqulrod to afford to said
overseers, so selected and nppointed.every
convenience and facility for the discharge
nf their duties; and if said election offi
cers shall refuse to permit said overseers
to lie preaant, and perform their duties as
aforesaid, suuh officer or ofliuern shall be
guilty of a misdemeanor, ami on convic
tion thereof shall b fined not exceeding
ono thousand dollars,- or Imprisoned not
exceodiiig one year, or lsith, In the discre
tion of the court ; or If the overseers shall
be driven away from the polls by violence
or intimidation, all the votes polled in
such election district may lie refected by
the proxr tribunal trying a contest under
said election, or a part or portion of such
votes aforesaid may be counted, as such
tribunal may deem nooessary to a just and
proper disposition or the cose.
Skctiosi s. At a I elections hereafter
held under . tho, laws of this wiinmon
wealtu, the polls shall I opened M seven
o'clock a. m., and closed at seven oVhs'k
p. m. - .
Sec. 6. In all election districts where a
vacancy exists by reason of the disqunli
cation of the oliici r or otherwise in an
election board heretofore appointed, or
where any new district "hall be formed,
the judge or judges of the court of com
mon pleas of the proper county shall, ten
days before any general or special elec
tion, appoint competent persons, to till
said vacancies and to conduct the election
in said new districts; and In the appoint
ment of inseclors In any election-district
both shall not be of the same iolitical
party; and the judge of elections shall, in
nil cases, lie of iho political part having
tho majority of votus in said district, as
nearly as tl'iojudgo or judges can ascer
tain the i'ai-l; and in case of the disagree
ment of the judges as U the selection of
inspectors, the political majority of the
judgos shall select on of such inspectors,
ana mo minority junge orjuugm uui se
lect the other. ' " . '
Sue. 7. Whenever there shall be a vacan
cy in an election board on the morning of
an election, said vacancy shall be tilled iu
conformity with exisiting laws.
SK'Y8.At the opening of the polls at all
elections It shall be the duty of the
judges or election for their respective dis
tricts to designate ono of the inspectors,
whose dutv it shall be to have In enstody
the registry of voters, and to make the
entriex therein required by law and it
shall be the duty of Ihe other of said in
spectors to rocoivc and number the ballots
alJutid election.
Sko. II. AU lection by the citixons shall
be by ballot t evury ball voted shall lie
numbered iu the order ill whit'Ux it It Sail
be received, and the number retsiUi4 by
the clerks on the list of votors opisisito
the name of the itlector from whom re
ceived. And any voter vatuig two or more
tickets, tho several tickata so voted ahull
each be numbered with .tits nuinlr cor
responding Willi the number to tiio name
of the voter. Any elector msy write his
rstne upon his tv'-set, fr rsn?e tho esirie
OCTOBER 27, '1975.
to be written thereon, .and' attested tt a
oiUsrM of the district) 1 In addllhm to ht
oath now prescribed bv law to lw taken
and subscribed by election oineers, they
shall severally bo sworn or alrlriantl not
t disclose bow aiiVlentnf Shall have yo
ted. unless requireil to do so as witnesses
in a judicial proceeding. All judires, ln
spectors, clerks and overseers of any elect
tlon held uiKlor this nut shall, licfore en
teflng'upon their duties, be ilulv sworn or
nuiriiiCTi in me presence or eacli other.
The ludire shall be sworn h, tlio i..nrii.,
m... i i . i .
Inspector, if there shall be inch minority
inspector, and in i-aso there be no minori
ty fnsnoew, thi-ji by iustieeoftlie peace
or aldernsni. s. i BHApAis, ovoriears
Slid clorks Siwll be.swrn . by- Ui jildirn.
Certificates of such swearing' or affirming
shnll be duly made outferid signed by the
officers so sworn, and attested b. the oill
cer who, administered ihe oath. If any
judge ot minority -inspector refuses or
falls to swear the om't drs of election in the
manner required by this set, or if any of
ficer of election shall act without bring
first duly aworn, or If any ollicer of ctor
tion shall sign the form of oath without
being duly sworn, or ir any judge or mi
nority inspector shall corti'fv that any offi
cer was sworn when he was not. It Khali
l deemed a misdemeanor, and upon eon
iictiou. the ullicscuir oUlowrsso uendiag
hall bo fined not exceeding one thousand
dollars, or imprisoned not exceeding one
.year, or both in. the discretion . of the
Oourt,1 f. . 1 1. i 1 1 it j i i , I 1 1 t
HkCi 10. On the day of election any por
son whose name shall not appear on tho
registry of voters, and who claims tho
r-iht to vote nt said election, shall pro
duce at least one qualified voter oi the dis
trict as a witness to the residence of the
claimant in the district in which I e claims
to tie a voter, for the perio I of at least two
months immediately precedingsaid elec
tion, wnich witnpjttkalmll be sworn oi af-
firiiiC.1 ana sutw H written or partly
writton and pari7friiited affidavit U the
slial t'rlttfttl Hurt naptlv nlii
stating, to the best of his knowledge ami
belief, when and where he was born ; that
he has been a citlson of the United States
for one month, and of the commonwealth
or Pennsylvania ; that ho has resided In
tho commonwealth ono year, or, if former
ly a qualified elector or a native born citi
ren thereof, and has removed therefrom
and returnod, that he has resided therein
six months next preceding said election ;
that ho has resided In the district In which
ho claims to be a voter for the period of at
least two months immediately preceding
said election ; that he has not "moved into
the district for the purpose of voting there
in ; that he has, if twontv-two years of
age or upwards, paid a state oi county tax
within two years, which was assessed at
least two months and jiaid nt least one
month before tho election. Tho said alH-
davit shall also state when and w here tho j said court shall bo open to tho public
tax claimed Mi h- paid by tho affiant was j Allrt ln ease the return of ny election dls"
assessed, aud when and whore and to trivl shall be missing -when the returns
whom paid ; and the tax receipt therefor are presented, jr in case of complaint of a
shall be produced for examination, tin es- qualified elector nnder oath, charging oal
the affiant shall state in his affidavit that puMe fraud or mistake, end particularly
it has boon lost or destroyed, or that ho specifying Uie alleged frud or mistake ir
never received any; and if a natnralizedwwbere fraud or mistuke is apparent in the
oiti7n, shall also state when, w hero aiiBssWturn, the court shall examine the re-
hv what court he was naturalized, ond
shall also produce his certificate of natu
ralisation lor examination. Rut ir the
person so claiming tho rlirht to vote shnll
take nd subscribe an affidavit that he is
native born citizen of the-United States,
or. if born elsewhere shall tate the fact
in his affidavit, amUhall produce evidence
that ho hai been natnralizod or that ho. Is
entitled to citizenship by reason of Ids
father's naturalization., and shall lurther
state in his affidavit that ho Is, nt the time
of making the affidavit, of ih aireof twen-
ty-one and nnder the- aire of twenty-two
years; that he ha heen a citizen or the
United Statesmo month, and lias reside!
in the state ono year or, if a native horn
citizen ot the state Ami removed there-
from and returned, that ho has resideii six
months nest preceding Mid e!c:''.!"M. snd
n tne eiecuoii tiisiit- io mmuiw
lavits of the witnesso to Uisir resiiionen
shall be preserved hy ths auction board. ,
and ai the clime oftheeltHjm they slajl
lie cnclosa witkmissf soters.tallv list
and other papers requh-ed by law to bo
filed by tho return Judge with the prothon-
otarv. and shall remain on tile therewith .
in the prothonotary's office, subject to - i
amination as other election paiers aro. If
the election officers shall hud that tho p
pic mo iiuw.wmy.K i "y "
of a viiii'r uti iiwt or, pr-, ,iiir
pi-rmiiieu o voie,
ttlatciv prcceaing sunn election, no s-nan pia.iS ll tho b 'X nnd Men!""! lib with tho
be entitled to vote, althongo he sh-ll not ballots. Soliiiiiginthisaotshall rcquirtlis
have paid tcs. The sa d am.lavlts of all returns of election of township or Isirough
person making suols clnims, and the affi- tticers to be made to the court asdirected
and his name shall be added to the list of i ,.nv of tjie judgos shub hin.self be a tan
taaablcs by th i eloetMin officers, the word didato for anv office at anv election, be
...w n.i.lA.1 wlmr. 1 liu nlu munt
claims to vote mi txx and the word "age,"
where he claims to vote on atje; the ame
words being added hy the clerks iu each
coko, respectively, on" iho list of persons
voting at such election.
8kc 11. It shall be lawful for any quali
fied citizen of the district, notwithstand
ing the name of the proposed voier is
contained in the list of taxable, to chal
leiiue tli" vote of snch perso , whereupon
the same proof of the right ot suffrage ss
js now required by law shall be publicly
mails and acted 0U by tho election lsrn,
and the vote admitted or rejected ae-ovd-in
to the evidence.- Every person claim
ing to lie a iinturalizoil shall bo re-
auired to produce his naturalization ccr
licate at ton election U-fore voting, jc
cept where he has lieen for five years con
secutively a voter iu the district in which
ho offers his vote; and on the vote of such
person lieing received, it shall bo the duty
of the eloction officers to write or stamp
the wold "voted,", with the day, mould
and vuur; and it any election officei or
officers shall receive a second vote on the
same dsv, hv virtue of tho same certifi
cate, excepting where sons aro entitled to
vote, because of the naturalization of
their fathers, they and the person who
shall oiler such second vote shall be guil
ty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction
thereof shall bo lined or imprisoned, or
both, at the discreitou of the court but
the fine shall not exceed five hundred
dollars iu each case, nor the imprison
ment ono vear. Tbo like punishment
shall 1k iiifiicted. on conviction, on Urn of
ficer of election who shall neglect or re
fuse to make, or cause to be made, the
end'STMimenl required as aforesaid on said
naturalisation cortiliuate.
Kkc 12 If anv hiu'Uiiii officer shall re
fuse or neglect to require such proof of
the lightor suftrsge ss is pruscrnsiii uy
this law, or the laws to which this is s
supplement, irom any person onering
vote whose numo is not on the list of
seshsd voters, or whoso right to vote is
challenged by any qualified voter present,
lo ! ,!! ,4 ( 'j'lt -h- 1
and shall admit snch person to v-otd with
out requiring such pnmf, every person so
offending shall upon conviction, lie nilty
m" a misdemeanor, and shall be sentenced
for every such offence to pay a tine not ex
ceeding fivs hundred dollars, or t- under,
go an iinprisoniUHiit not more than one
year, or both at the discretion of the
t S. 11A soon as the polls shall close, '
" nvruiiH miuii proceeo to
count sll the votes cast for each candidate
VoUkI for. and mako a ruil return of the
stne In triplicate, with a re-urn sheet in
a 'rtitioo, la all ol which the vote received
by each cWMliilssMliaTI be given alW hit
or her name, tirst in words aud again in
figure, and shall be signed by all of said
officer- ami certified by overseers. If anv
or if n t so eertined, the overseers, ami
any olll.-er refusing to sign or certify, o.
either or them, shall write upon each of
the returns his or their reasons Tor not
signing or certifying them. Tim vote, as
soon as counted . shall also bo publicly
and fully declared rroin the window to
the present, and a brief statement
showriig the te reoeived by each candi
date shall bo m ids snd sign d by tho elec
tion officer as soon as the vote is counted
and the same shall be Immediately posted
up on the door of the election hou e tor
iulormation of the public. The triplicate
returns shall be enclosed in envelopes and
' e sealed in the presence of tho officers,
and ono envelope, with the unsealed re
turn sheet, given tothejudgo, which shall
contain one list of voters, taily-paer, and
oaths of officers, and another of snid en
velope shall be given to tho minority In
sioctor. All judges living within twelve
uiles of tho prothonoiarv'soflloo, or with
in twenty-four mil s, if their residence bo
In a town, yillage, or cltv upon the lino of
a railroad leading o the county seat, ha 1,
before two o'clock p mt meridian of the
day after the election, and all other Judges
shall, before twelve o'clock meridian of
bo preserved by the prothonotary for pub
lie inspection. At twelve o'clock on ib.
second day following any election, the
prothonotary of the court of e mmon
picas shall present the said returns to the
p.ald court. In counties where there is no
resident president judge, tin) associate
judges shall perform the duties imposed
upon tho court of common pleas, which
shall convene for said purpose ; tho re
turns presented by the prothonotary shall
be opened by said court and computed by
such of its officers, and auoh aworn asist
anta as the court sholl appoint, iu the pres
ence of the judge or judges of said court,
and tho returns certified and certificates
of election issued under tho seal of the
court as is now required to be done by re
turn judges and the vote as so eompu ed
and certified, shall be ma e a matter of
recorn in sai.l court. Tho sessions of the
turn, and if in thejiidgment of the court
It snail be necessary to a just return, said
court shnll issue summary process against
the election officers slid ovsrseers, if any,
of the election district complained of, to
election papers in thoir possession : and if
palpable mistake or fraud shall liediscov-
,re,l, it shall, upon such hearing as may
bo .freuied necessary U enlighten the
court, be corrected bv the court, snd so
certiacd; but all allegations of palpable
ft-aud or mistake shall be decided bv the
Bai, court within tlireo days after the day
tha naurua are broUKhtin'toeourt for.-om-
puuti n; and the said inquiry shall be
dire, ted to palpable fraud or mNlake
ftnd shall not be deemed a judicial adjudr'
cation to onnclude any contest now or
hereafter to be provided by Jaw ; and the
uriiiic viiciu ninuwiin into court, with all
rnuur oi saiu vipucate retnrtirt shsll be
in this anntinn hut all rotnnri.-i.w,
tion of township or ksirough officers shall
be encloasxl in a sealtsi cover, directed to
the prothonotary of the court of common
pleas of the proper countv, and shall, by
somo one or them, be delivored into this
office within three davs after every such
election and tiled tjiurcin. In counties
where there are three or more judges of
8ajd uourt luarned iu the law, at least two
juujos snail sit to compute and certify re
turns, inilnas .,r..,.,..i...l if
. . . ... .. ' .
shall not sit with the court, or act ill count
ing the returns of such election and in
such cases the other jud es, if any, shall
act; snd if in any county there shall be
no judge qualified to hold the said court,
under the provisions of this a I, present
ami able to act, then, and in every such
case, the register of wills, the sheriff and
the county commissioners of the proper
county shall be slid constitute a Isiand
who, or a majority of whom, shall have
and exorcise all the Kwer aqd perforin
all the duties vested in, or required to tie
performed by tho oourt of common pleas
of such comity by and under the provis
ions of tliis seotion ; but none of tiis said
ollii. hliall act as a member of such
board when himself a caudidote for any
office at tho election, the returns of w1 ich
tho said board is required to loout under
the provisions of this section. 'Ihe returns
required by this act to be piesented by the
prollionoiary of tlio courts of common
pleas of the counties of Philadelphia and
Allegheny, respectively, shall lie pro-ent-ed
to such throe or mofo of the Judges of
the several courts nf common pleas of
aid counties, resctively, as the judges
of sa'd courts, or a majority of them, may
designate to lerforin ihe duty ot receiv
ing, computing and certifying said re
turns. V ben two or more counties are
connected for the election of any officer,
be courts nf such counties shsll each ap
point a return jo'ige to mwit at such Mine
and place, as required by law, to compute
and certify the vote of such dis'rict. All
officers provided for by this act shall be
omnpsiisaied ax like ultlcers aro paid by
existing laws. Whenever a place haa
been or shall Is, provided bv the authori
ties if any city, county, township or Isir
nugh, for the safe keeping of the ba'M
hoxes, the judge and minority iusiecter
shall, alter the election shall lie timshod,
and the l-alh 4 box or boxes containing the
tickets, list of voters and other papers,
have liuen securelv bound Willi tape and
sealed, and the sig natures ot the Judge slid
inspectors sffi xed thereto, forthwith deliv
er ;h ssms together with the remaining
" Rates of Advertising.
One Squared Inch,) one Inertlon . u
OneSqusre " one month - S 00
One Square " three months 00
One Square " one year . 10 00
Two Squarea, one year - . It 0s
QuarWirCol. . . to rZ
Half ....... , . rss
- . - . 1M
Legal noticos at established rates.
, Msrrlago and death notlcas), gratis. '. '
All bills ftir toal t. ..ItiAMti.. ' .',
lecteil quarterly. Temporary alvertias
nients mtis be paid for in advance.
Job work, Cash on Delivery. .
boxes, to the mayor and recorder of such
city, or In cotintios, townships or bor
oughs, to such person or persons as ihe
eonrt of common plea or the proper
county may designate, at the place pro
videil, as aforesaid, who shall then deposit
tho s,.id boxes and keep the same to an
swer flip call or any court or tribunal au
Ihorized to try the merits ol such election.
V henever the election officers ol
any election district shall require
the election boxes of such district to
hold any eloction which, by law, thsy
are or shall be required to hold, they shall
keep the same securely in thoir posses
sion without opening, until the morning
ol such election, and until they shall be
severally sworn or affirmed not todisclo-e
how any elector shall nave voted, and af
ter being so.swoin or athrmod, they shall
open the said boxen and burn and totally
destroy all tho ballots and other papers
wluc they siiull liud therein before pro
ceeding to hold such election.
Sko. 14. That from and Immediately af
ter tho passage of this act, ihe oourt of
common pleas iu the proper county in
election districts wherein assessors hsva
not heretol'ore.beon elected, shsll appoint
ono rcputaole person In ouch election dis
trict to be the aisosMir thereof, who shall
perform all the duties relating to elections
now required to be performed by asses
sors un ler the provisions or this act: Such
asseaaors shall hu appointed a nearly as
can be ascertained Irom the party having
a majority of the votes In thoir respective
Sko. Ii That in the election to be hold
on the third Ttteadsy or February next.
aud at the election annually thereafter,
there shall bo elected in each election dis
trict in the State, as well in those whereto
the registration of voters has horetofore
been made by officers appointed, and not
chosen by tho people to perform the duty
as in all others, one person as judge and
two inspectors, in conl'ormit v with Uie gen
eral laws of tho common wealth, to conduct
the elections for one year, and also an as
sessor who shall perlcrm the dutlos inci
dent to olootiotis as required by the pro
visions of this act.
Sue. 10. That the assessors appointed
under tho fourteenth section of this act
shall, within five d-vys after their appoint
ment, proceed to m ike out lists or the
electors of their respective election dis
tricts, and deliver tho same to the commis
sioners, who sbsll transmit s certified copy
of the same to the judge of each election
district, at least f riy-eight hours beiore
the election to be held, said assessors hM
also post ten copies thereof inconspicuous
places In each election district at least ten
days before said election. And the lists so
mado by the assessors during the two sec
ular days preceding the day of the deli ve.
ry thereof to the commissioner., (of which
days public notice shsll be given by hand
bill throughout the district) shall be open
for inspection apd correction in tho custo
dy of said assessor from ten a. m. to three
p. m, and front six p. m. to nine p. m. of
each of said davs, iu the manner provided
in section second of this act ; and all of the
remedies, privileges and powers secured
and providod thereby are hereby made
applicable to the lists herein named.
Sue. 17. The respective assess rs, in
spectors and judges of the elections shsll
each have the power to administer oatha to
any person claiming the right to be asses
sed, or tho right ot suffrage, or in regard to
any other matter or thing required lo he
done or inquired into by any of said offi
cers under this act: ami any willful fslse
swearing hy any person in relation to any
matter or thing concerning w: ich they
shall be lawfully interrogated by any of
said officers or overseers, shall bo perjury.
Skc. 18. The assessors shail each receive
the same compensation for the time neces
sarily spent in performing the duties here
by enjoined, as is providod by law to as
sossois making valuations, to be pslil by
the county commissioners as in other
cases ; and it shall not be lawful for any
assessor to assess a lax against any person
whatever within sixty-one days next pre- .
ceding the annual election in November :
any violation of this provision shsll be a
misdemeanor, and subject the officer so
offending to a fine, on conviction, not ex
ceeding one hundred dollars er to impris
onmeiit not" exceeding three months, or
both, at tho discretion of the court.
Skc. 10. Any assessor, election ollicer or
person appointed as overseer, who shall
iieglect or refuse to iierform suy duty en
joined by this act, without reasonablu or
legal cause, shall be subject to a penalty
of one hundred dollars; and if any annus
sor shall knowingly assess any porson aa
a voter who is not qualified, or shall wil
fully refuse to assess any ono who is qual
ified, he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor
ln office, and on conviction be punished by
a tine not exceeding one thousand dollars,
or imprisonment not exceeding two years
or both, at the discretion of the court, and
also to be subject to an action for damages
by the party agrieved ; and if any person
shall fraudulently alter, add to, 'deface or
destroy any list of voters made out as di
rected by this act, or tear down or removo
the same from the place where it has bean
fixed, with fraiidiiluet or miscluevious in
tuit, or for any lmpniperpurpie, the per
son so offending shsll lie guilty of siiiimIo
ineanor. and on conviction shall bo pun
ished by a tine not exceeding ft ve hundred
dollars, or imprisonment not exceeding
two years, or both, at the discretion of i he
court ; and if any person shall, by violence
or intimidation, drive, or attempt to Uriv
from the polls any porson or persons ap
pointed by the court to act aa oversee ul
an sloction, or in any way wilfully pre
vent said overseers from porfoiming any
of the duties iinjied upon Diem by this
act, such person shall be guilty of a mii
dciiieauor, and upon conviction thereof
shall be punished by a tine not exceeding
one thousand dollars, or by imprisonment
not exceeding two yesrs, or both, at tus
discretion o. tlio oourt. Any person who
' shall, on tho day of any election, r.'l a
polling place in any election district in
which he is uot entitled to vote, and Khrul
usuuii intimidation or violence for ihe
purpisMi of pieventlng any officer of elec
tion from performirg tho duties required
of him by law, or for me purisise ef pro
Voiiling iuiy qualified voter of such tiisiricl
exercising his right to vote, or from
cislng his right to challenge any perion if
teriug lo vole, such pel won shall Is- di mm
ed guilty of a misdemeanor, and u; . ,u
conviction thereof shall bo pimishe i by u
fine not exceeding ono thousand d oll-irs,
or by imprisonment not two
years, or blh, at the discretion ol tho
court, Ariy clerk, overseer orelcctn n of
ficer who shall disclose how sr.v c'r-cb r
shall liavs volsd, unless reqllin J u. do so
us a witness in a judicial prs ev-liii. st-ai:
lie guilty ol a misdemeanor, and i: : r ci.n
vicli 'ii thereof shall lie punished 1 y n tui .
not 'xceedlug one tlmn-and dolUrs, -.r b
imprisonment not exceeding two yours, or
both, at the discretion ofthe coi r'.
Stf, '0. If any prothouotary, cleik. or
iovc.i roraTn rt-o-