The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, October 13, 1875, Image 5

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    Zht forest gqnMto.
flurycM Jon Hktr.
(touncilmrn-ti. W. Robinson, N. A,
Varner, A. B. Kellv, H. 11. Haslet, A. 11
Partridge, II. O. Davit.
Jwitirra of the Vare-D. S. Knox, C. A,
tntnble IT. Swageart
f-honl lirrrtarl). H. Knot, If. O. Da.
la, N. J. Wolnott, H. II. Haslet, A.
Kelly, 1). Clark..
. Prnidtnt Judge I). WrrMoar.
Aimnriitte Juiltjcs A.toitRW Cook, Jos,
O. Dai.r.
Hheriff T. J. Va flucsns.
Trrnurrr H. J. neti.ev.
Protionntnri, ltegixter rf' irronfrr, Cc
1. .M. I I.ARK,
0mmM.t'onrr.i Jonx TnoMPHON, Jam.
K. Clark, Ki.i
f VMS-fy Yipn'nVnn'-Nf S. F. ItoURKR.
tUatriet Attorney N. D. Irwin.
Jury Coniminiiiunrr$ Jas. FiVNW, Wm.
Oiunfy 'S'n fior S.D. Tnwiie.
- f broner M. Ittkt., Jk.
inty A urfirora T. R. Conn, I. War-
Mrmbtrof Congress 19fA DtMctC. B.
AttemblyJ, IJ. Anssw.
Time o Train
At TIOVKSTA STA TION, on anJ after
May 21, 1875:
Train CO
" M
Train 6
" fid
." 61
10:4rt a. m.
8:0X p. m.
8:46 p. m.
:W a. m.
4:4il p. tn,
3iV8 a. in.
On. the Rlvor Division t e. from Oil Cltv
Im rvlnotn. up the river It North; down
the river, south.
--Rev. Elliot will preach in tlie
Presley terian church cm Sunday next,
morning ami evening. Sabbath School
t H o'clock p. ni.
Itev.' Vtta 15. Lloyd, formerly
of ibis place, died ia Tullahoma,
Teun., on the 4th mtt., aged CO years.
On this page will be noticed the
rani of Messrs. Agnew A-Lathy, who
have formed a co-partnership fur the
practice of law.
- . . - '
;-The potato crop in this county is
reported very la-go. We hear of eev
oral pnrtlc who have from 100 to. 200
bushel of them for sale.
O. W. Fry, of Franklin was in
town last week, and appointed 8. D.
Irwin Ksrj., of this place sub-agent of
dven Fire Insurance companies.
Business seems better now than
for come time past. Our merchants
are doing quite a trade in stoves aud
hardware, and other goods are selling
faster thau usual,
Jacob Wolf of Knsworth's mills
lust a valuable ho no one day last
week. It was not from epizootic, how
ever, which wo understand is raging
here and else a here.
There's one thing that makes us
cculiarly happy over the Ohio elec
tion, and that is Kepler lust a great
many cigars and for all we know to the
contrary, a few greenbacks.
The forest leaves nro falling, and
the trees will soon be bare. Then, if
we have a slight Indian summer, the
squirrels must look out, for a certain
number of them will have to die.
-Kev. A. Wilder wa appointed to
this charge, by the M. E. Conference.
Jlev. Lusher goes to Farmiugtou, But
ler county. V. P. Bignoll is the Pre
siding Elder of this district.
W, P. Finley, Republican candi
date fir State Scnator,was in town lust
week, and made many friends among
the voters cf Forest. There is no bet
ter, man for tho position in the Dis
trict. A man named Parks who was out
limiting near Fohurg on Wednesday
last, accidentally discharged his gun
the contents passing through his loft
liand, completely tearing away the
luiddlc finger.
The frame of Sheriff Van Gio
feu's new house is up, and the woik is
being prosecuted with a vigor, which,
promises to have the structure enclosed
lieforo cold weather eels iu. Knox A
tsawyer have the contract.
G. Jamicson is making prepara
tions to put down a couple of wells oo
the flats near his home, a mile up the
river from Tionesta Station. They
Set email wells thcro at three buudred
A uew barber up at Lawson'i
thop. Richard has gone oflT on ntour
of, or eomcthing of that
kind. Wo would think lie bad gone
tltctioneeriug, but that ho was heard
of in Ohio, ana had ho given his at
tention to the declines, the voto would
nut have Icon s. dose. The thop is
. aire d i'H in JT'iod ftylo.
5,000 Republican Majority
Old Bill not Legal Tender. ;
We are happy to be able to state
that Ohio has voted right, and that
Hays is Governor elect. His majority
will approximate 5,000. Never with
in our recollection has there been such
an sflort put forth by the Democracy
and that they are defeated in a place
w here they have staked their all, looks
well for our State, which will without
doubt make a clean Republican sweep
this fall. The Democracy cry "fraud
money, and "colon-cation," in the
face of palpable fraud committed by
the Democrats in Wood county, with
the advice and consent of the chair
man of the Democratic State Commit'
tee. No such eviderce can bs pro
duced against the Republican party,
and yet the cry of "fraud" ceases not.
All honor to the noble men of Ohio,
who so noblv carried the day against
all the powers that could be brought
against them.
Iowa gave 25,000 to 30,000 Repub
lican uiujority, electing Kirkwimd, the
Republican candidate forGoveruor,
an increase of lur majority by some
10,000 to 15,000. Nobly done.
Notwithstanding that this is an "off
year" in Nebraska, the Republicans
rolled up 10,000 majority. Nebraska,
wo honor aud respect you.
Forest County Annual Institute
Programme for Thursday, 7 p. m.
Select Reading, "The Boys," Ella
Mays; Select Reading, "Pleasure Ex
ertion," and others, Prof. W. II. Cur
tis; Esay, "Study vf History," Hen
ry McSweency; Essay, "Reflection,"
Mrs. S. F. E. Gilbert ; Poem, "Course
of Life," Prof O. J. Gunning; Lec
ture, "Local Geology," S. D. Irwin
Esq. ; Lecture, "Education a Power,"
Prof. C. A. Gilbert, A. M. Admis
sion 25 cents. '
v II. 8, BltOCKWAY, Supt.
It is -well known to most of our
readers within the county that a com
pany of men aro endeavoring to lease
land in this county for the purpose of
developing. Perhaps it is not so well
known, but it is nevertheless true, that
they w ill commence operations just as
soon as they lease the laud thy want;
and not until then. Every laud own
er is intcresteil in having the Forest
county territory developed. The
terms nflered by the company are lio
eral.aud it is tu the iuteiest of every one
owuiug laud the line to lease.
Should the gentlemen procure leases of
the territory they have selected, devel
opments will Commence Immediately ;
and that's what we want. If we have
oil in paying quantities, wo should
know it; it' not, the sooner we are
fully Sdtisfled ot the fact, the sooner
will t ho county accommodate itself to
the situation, aud the sooner will we
develop iu other directions. The land
owners will therefore do well to for
ward the oil development to the best
of their ability, as if this opportunity
is allowed to go by, it may be years
before we have a similar one. .. .,.,
The many friends of L. L. Mo
Call, lato Post Master of Tidionte, will
be surprised and pained to learn of
his dentil, whifh took place ut the
home of his parents near Muadville,
nearly two weeks ago. He , had just
returned from a trip in the South, when
he was stricken dotvu by a fever, of
wnicu ne aieu suortiy alter, ijiule a
number of his Tidioute 1'ricii'ls attend
ed the funorul. Mr. McCull was a
young man who had aud merited the
esteem of all who knew him, and a
promising future was cut short by the
hand of death. May he rest in peace.
Rev. A. N. Craft, at one lime pas
tor of the M. E. Church in this place,
seems to be in great demand iu the
conference. Franklin and Titusville
each scut delegates to coiifereuco to
plead their cause, and try to secure
the services of the Reverend geutloman
atbroniid. Titusville made the riffle,
and .Mr. Craft will stay there another
year. j
Bnso ball still agitates tho public
mind In tho cities of Western Pa.
Their days nre short, however, and
lull of trouble. The Mutunls of
Meadville arc tho clmmpiona as far as
heard from.
. The Tidioute fishermen aro just
scooping tho fisli out of Thompson's
Lddy, which is somo distance up the
river from that place. On Friday
last some parties hi-ought a pike dow
on the train, which must have weighed
uearly twenty pounds,
II. Ewald has re opened the Em
pice Hotel in Tidioute, with every
ining new ani ircsn. j lis rooms are
excellent, aud his table is always set
with the best the market affords
Charges reasonable. , 28 2t
.The uew postal cards are now in
ut, but uot generally. We see some
occasionally coming through the mails
here, aud they are closely scrutinized
by all to whom they are a curiosity
we tmuii theiu au improvement on
the old ones.
We've bed some cold weather.and
some snow, since our last isiue, aud
we fervently hope it will be at least
mouth before we have any more ot
either. We have had a cold summer
and thus fur, a cold fall, hut we hope
for Iudian Summer.
We invite attention to the new
advertisement of D. C. Gillespie,
Boot &, Shoe Dealer of Tidioute. He
keeps the best makes, and the finest
stock that can be procured. Give
him a call when you are in 1 Tidioute,
Y' U will find him square.
Lawrence said "more light on this
subject," and accordingly Smith Fore
man came down and put a window in
the north side of his office, which
drives the darkness away, until the
shades of evening appear. Theu, of
course, it is necessary to use kerosene,
On Friday next, if the weather is
favorable, there will be a grand squir
rel hunt, around about these diggings.
John Hulings and Win. Lawrenuere
captains of opposition aider, and have
chostti all who are on the shoot in
this neighborhood. The losing parly
pays the supper to the winners. Those
chosen will be notified before the hunt
conies off.
On account of the Institute, our
schools are nut iu session this week.
much to the delight of sundry boys
who delight to risk their necks shak
ing chestnut trees aud hunting squir
rels with guns considerably lunger
than themselves. Notwithstanding
our avocation, we hope that no acci
dents, either by flood, field, chestnut
trees or shot-guns, will happen the
The new passenger trains com
menced running on the River Division
of the O. C. & A. R. Ry.. on Monday
morning last. We have received no
official notice of the change, nor have
we the time of the trains fur any sta
tion except Tionesta which is: South,
9:08 a. ra. North, 3:45 p. m. Pass
engers are not allowed to ride on any
of the freight trains.
N. Y ise, Merchant Tailor, of
Tidioute, has just returned from the
East with a new and complete stock of
goods, from which any man cannot
fail to suit himself. His stock of over- cannot be beaten iu the State.
Give him a call, and you cannot fail
to he satisfied, a he makes perfect fits,
and his price are 25 per cen. lower
than most establishments of that kind
in this section. 23 2t
The Institute opened Monday af
ternoon, with good attendance, and
continues with good interest an!
promise of decided success. - Prof.
Curtis lectured Monday evening, and
Prof. Gilbert last evening, 'J'hesion
will be held agaiu to-night at the Uni
versalis! church, wjlh Readings,
Essays, and Lectures 1y the Professors.
Prof. Smith, of Me:idvillo is expected
to-day, aud Row.Sloau.ol Pittsburgh,
will probubly be here. , A fine session
is expected Thursday evening, as per
notice in another column. '
Peterson's Magazine, that Queen
of the Lady'e Books, is oil our tab!
for November. The principal steel
ngraving, "Mainmi'e Flower Girl,' is
very beautiful. So, also, is the mam
utolb colored steel fashion plate. But,
as a uolemporary says, the stories, tho
fushiour, the patterns, in short, every
thing iu "Peterson" is the best of its
kind. For 1876 great improvements
will be made. Am on a iheau will be a
series of illustrated articles, describing
the Ceuteunia! Exhibition, which will
alone bo worth tho subscription price,
But, in addition to this, every sub-
scribcr will be presented, as a Ccntcn
nial Gift, wilh a superb eteel enprav
ing (large-sized for framing) of Trum
bull's great picture, "The Signing of
the Declaration of Independence.
l ne price win remain the same, viz
two dollars a year, the postage pre
paid by the publisher. 1 he prices to
clubs are astonishingly low. Speci
men of the Magazine are sent, gratis
if written for. A Idress Chas. J. Peter
son, 309 Chestnut St., Philadelphia,
Pa. A superb Mezzotint "Christmas
Morning." (21x20) is offered to per
sons getting up clubs of three or more
subscribers, who will be taken at re
duced rates.
Attention So.'die-i !
The undersigned having been' ac
lively enguged in the prosecution o
Pension and Bounty claims takes this
mode of calling the attention of In
valid Pensioners to the fact, that, un
der the preseut laws a great majorit
of those on the Pension R'dls are en
titled to inereme. Als't every soldier
wounded or otherwise disabled dining
the late war (no maUnr bow slight the
preseut disability) is entitled to a pen
Special attention given to Widows'
and Orphans' claims. No charges un
til pension procured. For further par
ticulars aud prosecution of claims
address R A. McCai.mont.' '
U. S. Clii( Agent,
Mercer, Penna,
Stoves aud sioveware at Freeman
& Corbet's. , - . 28tf
We will pay cash on delivery at
our mill in Tionesta, fir white oak
stave and heading bolts at the follow
ing prices:
Stave bolts, 35 inches long, per cord
of 8 ft. by 4 ft., $4 50 Heading bolls
22 inches long, per cord of 8 ft. by 4
ft.,' $4 00. Heading bolls must be
tnad from timber at least 20 inch
in diameter. Uthce at Lawrence
House. J. H. Dkrickbon & Co.
Fresh buckwheat flour at Robin
son & Bo:uer'. 27tf
Robinson & 15 .nner have full
line of iitoves aud stove pipe. 26tf
Those beaut i In I lots just north of
Mrs. Henry's residenco can be bought
cheap, on long tune, by applying tn
the editor of this paper. tf.
The valuable and beautiful home
stead formerly owned by Hon. Joseph
G. Dale, and in. which he now resides,
is iu my hands for sale at very low-
figures. Terms one-thirH purchase
money down, and the balance in one
and two years. W. Tate.
The lightest running Machine in
the world is the Grover & Baker, at
least Baldwin, of Tidioute says so,
and ho knows. ' ' ' 46 ly
By Robinson & Bouuer, Dealers in
General Merchandise.
Fl- ur barrel ... 7.O0S.5O
Buckwheat flour Tfl cwt - 3.00
Corn Meal, bolted .... 2.25
Chop feed .... $2 00 2 25
Kye bushel .... 00(i, 1.00
Oata bushel - ..... 4045
Corn, ears . - . - 45(ai50
1 loans bushel ... 2.00(,3.00
Ham, mitfar cured . . 17
Hrcukfrtst Bacou, sugar cured - - 16
Sugar - - . . . . lo12!
Syrup ...... 75jJ1.00
N. O. Molasses . ... 1.00
Roaat Rio Cofltio No. 1 ... 33
Rio Coffee, beat r - . . -SO
Java Coffee ..... 37 j
Tea ..... - .50(3)1.25
IlutU-r - - . . , . . 28(ft30
Itieo . . . . ,10
UK, fresh - - I8(a;20
Salt - - - - 2. 15 2.25
Lard ....... 13(A20
Iron, eonimon bar. .... 4.00
Nails, 10,1, -j keg .... i,2S
line ft bhl. ..... 2.00
Few Advertisements,
TIoiimu, Ft, -
ErlB,P.-. ,
- Tionesta, Pa.
Attorneys at Law,
Office on Elm Htreet.
May 1, lS75.-tf , . ,
Imitate Xotice.
Kstnte of John Piee,
late of Klnghley
townxliin, i'orest county, tlneeawil
person iikiooIihI to nam mlauiHre request
ed to make immediate payment, ami l hose
bavins le.'al elaiiiia HL'uinnt tho same, w ill
preaeut them without delay in proper or
der lor keUluuient, to
WILLIAM B. I1KATH.) rv,.,,.
Sll HLUT ltUKHKNN, J '-Ne'-uwra.
Pr, MILKS H TA J r, AH v. 22fll
Administrators' Salo.
Pursuant to an Order of the Orphans'
"Court of F rent county. Ten n'a, will hi
old at public aale on the premiseo first
hereinafter dtwribed, at Nclllsliiirir, Har
mony Township, in sniil enmity, n
Thursday tho lltli day of November, 1H75,
thn following dewribed real wtato lato ot
Win. T. Neill, denea-cd, to-wit:
A certain piece or parcel of land sltuato
In Harmony Township, Forwt County.
I'nnn'a, bounded and described as follow;
North by land of Dr. John Wilson, east
by Imid'of Mart- Nelll, aouth by land for
merly of Bradley and others, and weal by
the Warren and Franklin turnpike road.
Containing 0110 hundred acres, more or
leas, with dwelling house and barn erect
ed thereon j thnnsuie being part of tract
iso. 01 lioiiaiiiJ iMW Company
nui vuy,, All said 'decedent' interest In
and tn a certain pits e or parcol of lard
situate in Harmony Township aforesaid,
bounded and described as follows: North
by land ol l. Joh.i Wilson, enxt bv thn
Warren and 1'iankliu turnpike road, south
by other land ! said decedent, and west
by land formerly of J. Hnggs. Cou mining
ttventv-tiVB acres, morn or less, with a
bouse and barn erected thereon; the same
being out or the southeast corner of a
farm InrmerJv of J. Hoggs., A piece or parcel of land Htnnfe
in narmony lownslnp, aforesaid, bound,
ed and described as follows t- North bv
land formerly of J. Hoggs, east bv land
formerly of Bradley an others, aonth by
land formerly of .! tin Dawson, and west
by land of Mrs. Kuielino Neill. Contain
log live acres, more or less, with the ap
Sale to commence at 2 o'clrwk, P. M
Couc' I Hons mado known at sale.
28 3t Administrators,
L services to the nponln nf Forest I
Having hat! an experience of Twelve
ears in oonsuint practice. Dr. Cobtim
guarantees to give xatialaction. Dr. Co
burn makes a Miecialtv of the treatment
of Nasal, Throat, Lung and all other
Chronic or lingering disease. Having
investigated all scientific muthodii of cur
ing disease unit selected the mood from all
systems, he will guarantee reliof or a cure
in all eases where a cure ia povaiblo. No
Charge for Consultation. All tees will be
reasonable. Professional visits made at
all hours. Parties a. a distance can con
sult him bv letter.
Oflico and ltoaidonce 1st door nsst. nf
Partridge's New Block, foot of Dutch
Hill Road, Tionesta, Pa. ilfuf
ASSISTS Dec. 31, 1873,
MILES W. TATE, Sub Acent.
45 T'onnsta, Pa.
rR. CRUMB, established for manv
J years in Buffalo, by an entirely new
svslcni of medication, treats hucccmsI'uIIv
Catarrh, Bronchitis, and Diseases of the
ijiiiis, ijivvr nun fxiuiievs. also i.fllicill
ties of a Conlidnutial Nature, wherein
skill and experience are required. Dr.
Crumb lias developed a practice which
from its unparalleled success in thousands
of eases, many of a verv aggravated char
acter, ja able tn positively icuaianteea per
n et anu permanent euro 111 every rase ho
uncieruiaes. no senas no c irculars or
Treatises on those diseases tn his patient,
us it is undeniable that such knowledge is
in general extremely prejudicial, exercis
ing an injurious oiieet ny retarding and
frequently counteracting a cui r, tending
to alarm the patient, winch is tlie princi
pal obloct ol Hiicli production!, and ex
cites and exaggerates his liars as to tho
curability ol his complaint. The Itoctor
requires simply a One! history of the case
and a candid plain statement of present
symptoms a thorough examination will
then be made, and if considered remedi
able a sincere, cnnxientlons opinion Will
ue given promptly and such luediciiiu as
will be applicable will bo sent bv express.
accompanied by full and explicit direc
tions. Charges very moderate and with
in the reach o all, uid success Kuaranlocd.
t-iuch eases as have failed under other
treatment particularly desired. Ail letters
must enclose $1.00 lor consultation fee and
correspondence during ti-ealmeiit, and ad
dressed to DR. W. R. CRUMB,
2ti 4 ' 102 Poan St.. Buflalo. X. Y.
IO -TO JS500.
Explanatory circular how 10 to 8500
invested in .Stock Privile us has paid and
will pay large proiits. Railroad iStucks,
Builds and Uold Umglit on Margins. In
terest .Six per oent. allowed on deposits.
snbjoctto sight draft. Bucktvalter A Co.,
Hunkers A nroKcrs, 10 wall St., .New
York. IP. O. Box 4:117. 20 4
Medicine Kenderod Useless I
ore endorsed by the most eminent physi
cians iu the world for tho cure of rheuma
tism, neuralgia, liver complaint, dyspep
sia, kidney dimmse, achos, plains, nervous
disorders, fits, feinuleuoiiipluiiits. nervous
ami general debility, and other chronic
diseases of the chest, head, liver, stomach,
kidneys and blood. Book with full par
ticulars Ireo by VOLT A KELT C., Ciu-
liuiati, Ohio, 20 4
UUII&JU Prion CI. Sold by Drurnirts.
tMJO Rewacil if it fails to cure. Dr. ('. B.
Howe, Seneca Falls, N. Y. 28 4t
1:111 ,a
Tradesmen's Industrial Institute.
'ittsburgh, Pa., opens Oct. 7, clows Nov.
. Address . J. NELL1S, President T.
I. 20 4
A DAY L'uaraunlecd usiuc
ur Well Auger A Drills.'i'ijloO
a month paid to trood iicmts.
Auger liisik free. JiU nuger Co., Kt.
Louis, Mo. i
$5 g $20
O (tOfl !"'r ,av nt hoino. Terms
h" 4ZU irce. Adilrect 'ieo. Minson
d- Co.
.1 11
d- Co., Portland, Mo. al t
WORK neatiy e.xeculeil ut tint llli
IH.ICAN Uilice.
rr "rw.-'ifA '.v
Pr. J. Walker's California Yin-
Cfjar 15iM('l'S aro a purely Vegetable
preparation, made chiefly from tho na
tive herbs found on tho lower range of
tte .Sierra Nevada mountfiiits of Califor
nia, the medicinal properties of which
nru extracted therefrom without the use
of Alcohol. Tho question U almost
duily naked. " What ia the cunae of Hie
unparalleled success of VixwiAlt l!rr
TElt.sf" Our inisner la, that tlicy rcmovo
the cruise of disease, ami the patient re
covers his health. They me the K'ent
blood purifier and a life-giving principle,
a perfect Renovator mid lu igorator
of tho system. Never before in the
history of tlie world tins a nietlicinn lievn
compounded posses-ang tlio reninrkHlilo
pialitins of Vi.vko til BiTTKlts in hc-ilmi the
sick of every ilisciiio mail in lipir to. Thrr
ro a penile' Purgaiive as well in a Tunic,
relieving Coufrestioii or Inilaaiiiiation of
the Liver ami Vinccrnl Orgaiiii in Bilioua
The properties of Da. Wai.kek's
Vixkoak idTTKRS are Aperient. Diaphoretic.
Carminative. Nutritions. Laxative. Diuretic.
Sedative. Counter-Irritant Sudorific Altars
lira, and Aati-llilioas.
Grateful Thousands proclaim Vr
kgar Uitteks the most wonderful III
vigoraut that crer suataiued tb tiiikiua;
No Person can tako these Hitters
according to directions, and remain long
unwell, provided their bones are uot de
stroyed by. 'mineral poison or other
means, and vital organs wasted beyond
IHlious. Remittent and Inter
mittent levers, which are so preva
lent In the valleys of our great rivers
throughout the United States, especially
thoso of the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri,
Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Ai'liau
sns, lied, Colorado, Brazos, Uio ramie,,
l'eai l, Alabama, .Mobile, 8ivamiali. Ko
nnoke, James, and many others, witli
their vast tributaries, throughout our
entire country during the Summer n::d .
Autumn, and remarkably so tlui itii:. sea
sons of unusual boat and dryness, nru
invariably acoompnnictl by extensive ilii
rmigements of the stomach ami liver,
and other abdominal viscera. . In their
treatment, a purgative, exerting a pew.
ciTul influence upon theso various or
gans, is essentially necessary. Thcro
is no cathartic Tor the purpose equal ta
DR. J. W'Al.KEIi'S VlXHtiAlt ItlTTKlts,
as tllcy will speedily rcmovo the riat-U-colorod
viscitl matter with nhteh tho
bowels ate loaded, nt the sanio time
stimulating tho accretions of tlie liver;
and generally restoring-the hcuiihy
functions of tho digestivu organs.
Fortify the hody naiiisf disease
by purifying nil its lluida with Vinkca;:
It'iffKlts. No rpidciuiu can lake ho!,;
of a system thus foi-e-armrd.
Dyspepsia or Inflisesf Jon, He.- !
ache, I'uiti in Ihn Shoulders, Cough .
Tightness of the Chest, Dixiness. Pun?
Ki notations of the Stomach. Had Taste
ia the Mouth, Bilious Attacks, I'alpil.t
tation of the Heart, lullamiiialioii ofll.;
Lungs, Pain iu the region of the Ki.i
neys, and a hundred other painful symp
toms, are the otl'spi ings of l) ;ipep.-1.:.
One bottle will prov e a bettei giiarantr
of its merits than a lengthy nivei;ti
luent. Scrofula, or lvin?;'s Kvil, wir.t
Bnollings, (J Ictus, r,rvipi'l-, Snelicil Neck,
(initru, fcScroluloiw liilliuuiiulioii. Iiuhdi'iii
Intlaiiiinntiiins, Meicuriul A ITci 1 iin. 0 .1
8ores, KrnpliitiiH of tho-Skin. Sunf Kve-. etc.
In these, as 111 all other eoimliiutiuaal Hi
case. Walk Kit's Vinkuar JIittkiu list it
iUuwu tliuir great curative power, in ti.u
most obstinate, nail iutriirttililn nc;.
For Iiillamiiiatory aiitl ( Ii:o:iitr
Itllt'llllllllism, fionl, Bilious. Ken: it
tent and Intermittent Kcvers. I tiseasc. -,f
the Bliioil, Liver, Kidnevs mul 1 1 iml -
tlioao Hitters have no eiimil. Kuvli )i iu- .
aro by Vitiated lloud.
Median ical Diseases. - Pi t s.:is ei:
fngctl in Paints mid Minerals, sui'li a.
lumbers, Typc-M-tUirs. (iolil I1r.1i, r. .
Jdlllurs, a tlicy advniu-Q in life, are si.l ji: '
to paralysis of tlie Bom"I'. To pen
against this, tako a tloe of Valm.k' 1:
KljAH Hi ITKKK (K'l'Uniolially.
For Skin Diseases, Kmpiions. '!':
tor, t-.'ilt ltlicniu, Klotehvs. Spois. I'iu,ili
Pusttilos, Boils, Carbuncle, King unn
KenM-lii'iul, Soro Ky, Kryipi'las. Itch,
hcurl's, Diseolor.itioiui of the' Skin.
anil Diseases of the Skill of tvlintevsr iiiiiiu
or nature, uru liliirslly dug up and itirrnvi
out ul tlie system iu a sliuil tiuiu by ilir u.e
of thoso Biltum.
Tin, Tape, nutl other Wumis,
lurkinp in the sy stem of so iiuiity IliuilnaiiiU,
are ctlcctuully dcstrtiyud ami rcmuM-il. i
vstmii of iiiviliciue, 110 vei luiliigp- mi sir
llieliniuitles ill fire thusysicui in,i.i . , : .
like thesu Bitters.
For Female Complaints, In young
or old, nmmi'il ur single, nt tiieditwii of no.
nianlioi'd. or thu twin of life, ltua Tome
Bitters display so deiiilril an inlliuuice iLul
lniprciieiiieiit is soiui percepiilde.
I leu 11 se 111 e Vitiated lllootl when
ever you hud Us impurities bursting through
the skin iu Pimples. Ki iiitioiis, or .Sinus;
clesnsu it when you GuU 11 olisiructi'il ami
Fluvgish in the veins: elcnuse it when it u
foul , your Ivuluif s will tell voii when Keep
tho blots! pure, and the licallli of tliu u-ui
will follow.
It. II. MrlAI.n A V".
Dniffiruu Biitl lien Airw.. Sun Kr.111t.-utM i is,
antl cor. nf Wii'lnni'tim ami I IkiiIihh Si
kulU by all ! ug(Ula a ml l
suRorcoisr dentist,
I.I, OPI-'RATK INH 1 er'nii.iiu- to Si r
f gical or Mis-banii al Drulbtiy i
fiiriiuid with cure, anil wai mints: I jinar
atitee success or refund tie m 1 cv.
mice in 1 B A N I '1 N llhll'k HI ( CK
Bemcinbcr the place,
' ly. J. V. K A UN KfcT.