liOIToK. WEDSESB1T MORJilXC. OCT. It. 1875. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. Foi Governor, " JOIINF. IIARTRANFT. " For State treasurer, HESKYW. RAWLF. REPUBLICAN COUNTY TICKET. For HUte Senator, WM. P. FIN LEY. For Associate Jndfte, EDWARD KERR. For Prothonotary, Register, Recorder and Clerk of Courts, T.J. VAN QIESEN. For Sheriff, JUSTIS 8HAWKF.Y, For Commissioners, JOHN RECK, GILBERT JAM1 KSON. For Auditors, N. THOMPSON, J. R. NF.ILL. For Jury Commissioner, n. Z. TOWNEU. For County Surveyor, T. D. COLLINS. Democracy and Contraction. We learn that there are those who imagine that ihe Democratic platform, as adopted at Erie, means wild infla tion. Undoubtedly the speech ot Mr. Hughes, and the general intent of his coiniuiuee, was Ui create the impres sion that the Ohio platform was sub stantially re-enacted, and that, there fore, full inflation is the doctrine taught. '1 hat it was their iutont to create this impression, wo fully be lieve; but a?de from the contradicto ry features of the pisiform, it really is strongly contraction, iu ?.,,B ""'y part that N really positive. The de mand is made, after accusing, falsely, the Republican party with having con tracted the currency, under the force resumption act, that the unlional bank ' ing system be abolished, ami State banks substituted. To accomplish this, the national banks must close up their affairs, go into liquidation, and the national banking laws bit repealed. The national banks of the country have ioaned an aggregate of about $1,400, 000,000, all of which must be called in, if they go iu'o liquidation. To meet this vast demand would require the payment, by debtors of all classes, of the full amount loaned. Really, notes, checks, drafts aud other forms of business paper, consti--titute a very large part of active cir dilating medium of tho country. These, for the time being, would be blotted out under the arrangement proposed. Uutii the Stales legislate, and bauks are organized under them, the notes and oilier paper that are ow ue1 iu the Natioual Banks must be out of use. Hence there won,! be a practical contraction to the amount of $1,400,000,000 effected, merely to change our banking system. ' We have no hesitancy in declaring 'that this measure wou d entirely pi out rate the country, and destroy business and par alvze labor. It could nure no other possible effect. There in no imagina ble way in which to reach the change proposed than that mentioned. Hence it amounts to a deliberate proposition to prostrate the industries of the coun try, by at least contracting the indebt edness of the people, to the extent named. And this is the only proposi tion sufficiently in accord with the old ti me views of the Democratic party to be regarded us sincere and earnestly held. It has been their policy, through 'a'l Abe history of the parly, and particu larly from the days of Jackson on, to 'aAor the management of all fiduciary questions, through State laws, and -.banks established under them. Hence it hi proposition is probably sincere. The direct contraction of National bank circulation, under the plan pro posed, will be $357,000,000. It is proposed, however, tn meet this by eu larging to this extent, the volume of legal Vet thi ciruld not be ho promptly accomplished as to at once put the new currency into the regular channels of trade. Legal tender are not given away, and unless the Government were to pay. them out for its on current expeuses, or they wcro bought by the sale of honda to to the Government, there is uo meth od of getting them into circulation. That there would bo delay, nixl that they would culy gradually find their way into circulation, canuot be doubt ed. We therefore may accept it as Kuc, that lite eiily JTect of giving their resolution validity, will be lk utter mid absolute probation of in dustry und business, ut least for a time. Wttru tW policy foreshadowed, its effect would -be entirely like than which we think attends the announce ment of resumption in 187'J. the threat of resumption, at a given time, it ail the harm contained in (imt act, and the threat to contract, at a whole tulo rate, ns propotud in tho Demo cratic pluiXurm, will exert the same inrliiL nee, in n much greater degree. Thus while nitwit and opprobrium hurled at tLc Republican party, nil W. ft. RUXS'. ,; the pretense that U 1ms contracted the currency, a proposition is put forward, which cuii have no other possible re fill I limn to contract it to a vast rx tent, uiul thin for io hh! purpose whatever. We have had an expert. ence in State hanks. They have been tho m.t unfortunate institutions we have hud. In tunes of confidence, tbey inflated the currency to the full extent of their ability ; and when call ed upon to redeem their notes, immedi ately went to the wall. The people have had a bitter and sorrowful ex perience with Slate banks, and want uo more of them. Yet the Democracy, infatuated with the past, cling to the idea of restoring the old State bunk system once more. A bcatiiilul sys tem of finance they .would give nsl They would have an unlimited issue of those unconstitutional legal ten ders; then State banks to dispense them, a mixture of National and Slate financial administration, which would be apt to harmonize beautifully. Commend us to Democratic financiers. They are able to run the entire gamut ot irregularity; and to gather up, id one crudo mass, all the impracticable aurt absurd ideas that are floating in crazy brains. We have a sample tf this in the Democntic platform, which boxes the compass nl huancial crudi ties. Ex. The Politioal Situation. The careful llarrishiirir correspon dent of the Philadelphia Pret has gathered" from gentlemen from differ ent portions of the State, who are there in pursuit of their business, some facts bearing ou the present canvass, which are of special interest, and which may be rtlieit on as correct. There is not a single Republican, he says, competent to express an opinion of tho situation, who believes that the Democracy have any prospect of sue cess. It is also a singular fact that the majority of the men who have le ported, agree as to their statement of the Democratic plan of conducting the campaign, which is to encourage as many Kepublicans as pcssihle to vote the Prohibitory ticket, and to work upon the sympathies of Kepubli can GrLZ-r 10 c"nv'nce them that it is their duty to suppor! the Democrat ic party becauso it is thu only reliable free-trauo organization in the country. The financial question is entirely lost sight of by the intriguers ; all questions relating to the administration of Slate affairs, to reforms under the new Con- i etitution, are ignored, and the cam p ign reduced to the jugglery describ ed. There is do fair discussion of the real issues involved, which is one ot the reasous why Mr. Pershing is not allowed to go among the people, as Gov. Hartranft goes, to meet them face to face. The object is to wiu hv a trick, to wrest a victory from the infatuation of men insanely pursuing impracticable objects ; and then when seated in power, the leader, of the Democratic party will with impunity restore the Government to a condi tion not only opposed to the organic law, but directly in opposition to the will of the majority, if tairly taken. Fortunately the great mass of the people seem to understand the objects of the Democratic leadtrs, and the elements which they calculated woulit fall spontaneously withiu their cou trol are above and beyond their reach. The tiews from the counties which voted in favor of the local option is unmistakable. Iu those counties the Democracy started with the cry that it was the duty of the Prohibitionists to vot for Brown and Pooypacker, and it is more than likely a very large uumber of the Republicans who be long to the order of Good Templars would have done go had not the Dem ocratic leaders manifested so much anxiety for them to deseit their party. The fact that the Democratic press championed the prohibition cause has thwarted their uwu hypocrisy and de feated the infatuation of the men who pi I ted to mislead honest prohibition ists. The veil has been lifted from tho eyes of theso people, and t-ey uow see where they aland, t'hey see thai their cause, its moral force aud sacred importauce, were never in as much danger as they are now, under the manipulation of thr Democratic lenders, who have taken the spirit of prohibition to the mountain top, offer ing it a fair realm if it vill only fall down to worship it in the shape of a vote to defeat the Republican party, which is the true fritnd of reform. But the trick has been exposed, and the politico-temperance ticket, which is revealed as an auxiliary of the Dem ocratic party, will not secure one out of every twenty Republicans who are prohilmiouists. livery day of dis cussion increases the light ou these facts, and every man who goes into the field of actiou returns with the same story, to-wit: That the Repub lican party is a unit, aud the Demo- cm tie leaders, in their efforts to do ceivo the people and form nutsideenm biualions, have entangled themselves iu meshes from which they cannot tape without necessarily fatal wounds. Such is the situation, as intelligent Republicans view it. Gazelle. -fAII.IXl CURE fjofl Howard if it fails to cure. V. B. Ilowo, tiejiuca Falls, N. Y. 'Ji -tt ti't a day ut home. Agents wanted. Out JJlnt and terms frtu. TRL'Ji .V CO., Anpuotii. Muinc. I CAEPETS! CARPET HOUSE, MEADVILLE, PA., SHRYOCK & DELAMATER Wholesale and ."Foreign & American Carpetings, Mattings, Oil Cloths, "Window Shades, Ciirtivins, Lambroqtiins, fcc SPECIAL CONTRACTS MA DK IX FUJIXISIITXO CHURCHES, HOTELS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS. SHRYOCK & DELAMATER, Mammoth Carpet and House Furnishing Establishment, 23tf THE BOOT & SHOE STORE OF . TIIDIOTTTZE, TJl Second Toor East from Depot Street. THR ontv full Bint complete assortment of tine pood 1" the place. Krerythinn warranted as represented. Hood aent C. O. Ii. to any place with tho privilege of examining. sPEoiA't jRicrcs TO CL'STOMllR.S FKOM OTIIKR TOWNS. ICum rml O 3Ie. D.O. GILL1SPIE. I" S3 M o u. o fr. IT z CO Q O O O o 3 C o O m LU EH CO CO o o o f-l C5 Q CJOr0 month to eneruetio men and OOwVJwoiiien evervwhero. BuHiuesn honoralile, KX(liLSIOU M'F'G CO., 151 Miehi)tan ave., Chicago. 20 4 AGENT'S OUTFIT FREE! Iarge C'oaimlwilou and Cauih Premiums for Boiling a LIBRARY of FAMOUS FICTION coinprifinir tlio ten Jewel of Imaginative Literature: Pllirrlai'a Fraarrw, Vicar mt Wakrarld, KubinMB ( inwi Paul ana Vlraiaim, (iulllTt-r'a Travels, Ellzabrta, Talhrk, Plrriolu, I'ndlue, Talu frein Arablau Kiilshta, Complete in ON K VOLUM K or over 1,000 piiK'ex, leautil'ully illuslnited with 'H lull pauo KiiKruviim It In tho WORLD'S STORY ROOK, and all want to road it. Auent's Oiutit Free to ail who moan liniincwi and will faithfully eauvasa. J. B- FoRD t CO., 25 - '! Fark Flaeo, N. Y. - t 1 a.a IIKMT I1KAN1) KXPOSITMN of the Tradesmen'M Indiivtrial In.itituto, FiltMburuh, l'a., opens Oct. 7, clones Noy. 0. Adilruaa A. J. NKLLiS, 1'realilcnt T. I. I. M 4 p'r"A DAY guaraunteed using J ur Well Au;er S Drills. 100 HVUwa nmiith pain to irooil agents. Aui-r biMk free. Jilz vuner '., St. Louis, Mo. i5 4 CCin nfinKOYAI' Havana lottk- 4JIU.UUUry. Distributed every ISdavs 1 prize $loo,uH) I 1 pria "... .jro.iro 2 prizes, ti'i.lKM mu-Ii oO.Uno 8. jirixes, amounting to 31U4HNI Whole tickets, i.o ; cjuartera, l5; twen tieths, 1. CirculaiH of information fiee. Frizes cashed. A, UONAU.tCO., Hunk ers, 21 i'ark Row, N ew York. I. O. llox Royal Saxon and Brunswick (iovorn incut Lotteries cniiMtantly on liand. 'i I Retail Dealers In DRUG STORE ! Jas. H. Ponos, Proprietor, Boimor A Agnew'a Bleck, ELM STREKT, - Tiombhta, Pa. - Agent for Dr. Morris' Syrup of Tar, Wild Cherry and Horehound. PBXJGS PATENT MEDICINES, TOBACCO. . CIGARS. NOTIONS, M. LIQUORS, For Medical vi ONLY White Lead, perfectly pure, Bold much cheaper than formerly. , Also all kind ot Oils, Kerosene, Tur pentine, Benzine, Toilet Articles, l'cr fuincriea, Ac, for sale cheap. JAS. If. FONES. IN" IE "W Furnit u r o 11 o o m s ! Tho nnderRifrnod bcfrs leave to inform the eitlzonK of Tionestu, and the pullio in general, that he has oened a FIRST ff.ANtl FURSITVPK KTOEK, in his now liuildintr at the junction of Elm St. and toe Dutch Hill road, where ho keeps on hand a largo assortment of FURNITURE, Consisting In part of Walnut Parlor Seta, Cham her Hot, Cane Heat Chairs, Wood Heat Chair. Rocking Chairs, Dinlni Tallies, Extension Tables, Marble Tup Tallies, Kitchen Furniture, lIureaiiH, ttodatcads, Washstanda, Lounges, Mattresses, Cupboards, lVok Cases, Fancy 1) rack els, Looking tilassea, Picture Frame, and PI CTURKS PliAJI K D. .ALSO, always on hand. ' If la rooms bolnir larro, and well situat ed ho is prepared to oll'er suporior iuduco meuts to purchasers. Call and examine hit stock and pricos, ami le convinced UNDiRTAKINO, A full assortment ot Collins uud Caskets constantly iu storo 3 ly A. II. PAItTRIDUE. TEASr; The ehoii-eit in tlio world III mil-U'l-j.' m-ii-e company In America staplo article pleaaos cver body Trade eontinua Iv in ereasinir. Amenta wauled everywhere. Rest indiiceinents. Don't wasto time, sent for Cireiilur to Robkrt Wci.i.h, 4.1 Vim y St., N. Y., V. (. llo 12S7. it NEBRASXAJjRIST MILL. THR GRIST MUX at Nebraska (Iioy town,) KoroBt comity, ban licen thor oughly overhauled ami rettttod in Hint clitM order, aud is now miming and doing all kiiiila of c.tNTOJi tatixiirva FI.OUK, FRK.n, AND OATS, foiiHtsntly on hand, nod Bold at tho very lowiwl tiirurcH. 41-iim It. W. LEDEPt'n. I:, m . 1 . DR.C. K EM OLE, i las bought out the storo of UOLA1H) UKOH,, TltlloiUo, ln And will carry on tlio business hereafter. A full line of all thr-(roods formerly kept will still lie found in this store. Physi cians prescriptions carefully compounded bv a Competent Pharmacist a Oraduato of Philadelphia Collo;;o of Pharmacy. 3U-3m C. KEM1ILE, M. 1. 3 SQ s - a a ? . O "5 9 .6 I S5 . e 03 0 EH 0 o o e o tt 3 : o a z S 2 3 a. 2 Sri 'A H J) Ph H 0) 8 a I g t 1 s I 0 5 H a "3 a ej i o o i a ; - e " .S 5 -c 2 . 1 u Si a d S o 53f a if m C a s o ? "3 F. H. 2 . S-d 8 U . 3 U a til 3 t Pi U e y. O 3 3 w H c 3 w ci a " 9 "" el 8 3 Morton, Kliss X Co., BANKERS, 3 BROAD ST., N. Y., Issuo Circular Notes and Letters of Credit for Traveler; also Commercial Credits available in all iiarta of the world Nego tiate lioans, anil draw exchange on MOHTON. IIOSKA CO., - - London IMTTIXOLEU.VCO., . - . 1'aris. HOPE CO., - - . Amsterdam. 11 U $3 SAMPLE FREEnmlea'nd'lemal'e everywnere. Artdiesa 1 Iiu I'niou Pub. ja., iMewara, r. J. I'li-aimnt and Praltablr Kiap!o aieal "lleautit'ul !" "charming!" "Oil, how lovely 1" "What aro they worth?" Ac. Huch aro ani'lamatioim liy those who boo the larsro elcu uit New Cliroinos produced by the Kuropcn ami Aiuoriean Chroino PublishiiiK Co. Tliey are all perl'cut Oeins of Art. No one can resist the. toinptalion to buy when woinp tUa k'brouioa. Can vassers, asr-nts, mid belies ami K, nllcioen out nf enipluyment, will find this the heat opening c v cr c,i'ei,., i,, umu,. moiiei-, Kor lull pailii -ulai-s, sou.) stump for eoiip'dcn tiiil cin Address F. uIchsou ,t' Co. TM Wasliinvtoji St.. Itostoit, M:iss. J2 4t Mhi-;s Pniiltn, Dat.,1a. .iVV Wimalsl Itnuli. .i . jvlucurBchlrkeo Uiuler. nui .Ii t,p!- Wilba.u,,,.! ' " - rowder. and a h.i.w.i ... iirdiu.i y .uouliou ioeleu. Hum and piow fixiii,.. The only Polytechnic Homo School, ST. t'LEJIK.NT'si IIALI, Eilioott City. ahwyUnd . i.u , a- .ii.L.i-j,, u ing loeiiiurgeineiit. Api'ly ha once. Ii It -iaC' J JOB WORK DON F. AT TUB 'REPUBLICAN" OFFICE At the lou'cot cA prior., ntutly, firtijf ly, ami in tfifh tqwd to thnt of any oier eUiblihment in the Diitricl. BUSINESS CARDS, SHOW CAKDS, VISITING CARW., . . . At . . KCHOOL CAUDA WEDDING CARDS, PROGRAMMES, INVITATION.:, BALL TICKET.-?, ADMISSION TICKETS, MOXTIIXY NT.iTKMKXTM, ENVEIPE liILL HEADS, X.ETTEU HEADS, KOl'E IIEAD3, CIRCULARS, DLANIkS. POSTERS, DOpQERS, HANDBILLS. LABELS, BHIPPING TAGS, Ac.