1875. tk 1875. I'lTTSItUItCall Commercia, A mi.ITICAl,, MTFRARY.COMMKR. CIA1. mid UKXKIUL XKWO PAPKH, tovotl to the Best Interests of the People. IN POLITICS. The WMMEW'IAL will hereafter, a heretofore, lie devoted to tlio support of itTMi(iiiKn principles, maintaining its ln dcpenco m iViim the licpuhlican Party, and claiming- th riirht at all times to speak freely an J fearlessly on the merits of mrn and measures. Tarty government ia es aentiiU to a constitutional country. nnH journal! claiming to bo independent of puny aro usually ludcpe ndcnt of princi ple. Faithful to the meat convictions and aims upon which tho Republican Party was based, it is tho mouthpiece of no cliquo or faction, supportinu tlio party solely because it believes that party ia founded on principles of Right and jus- THE EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Of tho Commercial will contain, from day to day, contributions from ahla wri ters upon all subject Political, l,turary, iSeientitie, ljoiral, Cnminercicl, Foreign and Local in which its views will be apt forth plainly and indpppndontlv, keeping In viow thp prime aim of the paper, which is the advancement of tho best interests ot all soot ions of tho country. ITS NEWS DEPARTMENTS Will always contain brief but accurate re ports of all the occurrences of the dav. Liberal expenditures will be rnado in se curing special telcirrams anil correspon dence from tho great news centers of tho country, so that readers of the Commor ceal can always relv on being served with -arly and reliable news. In the department devoted to the pub lication of Ixieal News will be found a oniploto daily historv of the city and its environs, Fathered bv a corps of careful writers and set forth in attractive style. THE MARKETS Will, as heretofore, rceeivo careful atten tion. Full telegraphic reiorts of the State of Husmoss, with Prices Current, will bo received daily from tho Trade Centers of this country and Europe. The Pittsburgh Market, in all its branches, will be report ed fully and accurately. As a common, cial journal the Commercial stands second to no paper in tho country. The Financial Column will give daily the ruling rates Tor money, and the price's ot Stocks and Honda at all the great trad ing points, with much interesting statisti cal matter. INTERESTING MISCELLANY, Kmbraeing Poems, Sketches, Incidents of Travol etc., will mid a place in the col umns of the Commercial, furnishing abundance of instruction and amusoment lor tlio family circle TMUIS FOR THE Daily- Commercial. Postage Free to Subscribers. Hv mail, npr nmimin 810 oo - 6 00 2 60 - 1 00 Ky mail for six months liy mail for throe months liy mail for one month We beg to stato that Postage will bo paid nt this office, free, on all Editions of Tug CoMMKnciAL, sent to Subscribers, under tho new Law to Uike effect on the 1st of January, 1875. THE Weekly Commercial ! A PAPER FOR THE FARMER, THE MECHANIC, THE MANUFATURER, Will contain in condensed form all the NEWS OP THE DAY, Including the proceedings of Congress ?.nd, of -tl,a I-eRislatures of Neighboring htatos. Interesting correspondence, choice selections, and CompIeteWeekly Market Reports Specially Prepared for it jTirThe WEEKLY COMMERCIAL will be sent Postage Free to Subscribers. TiJ-Each Subacrilier, at $2.00 per year, will also be entitled to a copy of our now. Illustrated Monthly Magazine, One of the handsomest and best publica tions of its kind in existence. TERMS FOR 1875. WEEKLY COMMERCIAL. (Postage Pro-Paid). Ono copyone year, Including Magazine Two Dollars. CLUB RATES: Five Copies, per annum, each $1 75 Ten Copies, " 1 5Q Twenty Copies, and over " 1 25 And one extra copy to the gettor up of club Additions may be made to a Club atanv time during the year, at the club price, the subscriptions continuing a Full Ykar from the time tho additions shall have been made. ii. Postmasters requested to act as agents. These prices are invariable. Terms Cash in advance. Remit in drafts or Post olhce Money Orders, if possible, and where neither of those can be procured sond the money in registered letter. J-SKciiuou Copius sent FREE. Ad dress all orders and letters to "THE COMMERCIAL." piTTfsuritiiii; pa. Wo mm of the Palrliaa..!...! A VOUMH fllta , hi lauuM m.rm.m WOMAN in SACRED HISTORY, C'hrUiittH Kra.. .-. rjunos 01 oKcuiuoa urawn irom Scriptural, Historical A Legendary Sou wen, ILLUSTUATED I1Y MoDfcllN ART IN OIL-COLOR PLATES alter designs by the great European mas ters Raphael, Haloid, Merie, Horace Ver not, EHiidclle, Houlaiigor.Vernet-Ixieouite, and others, forming a complete set of J iic-Siiiulcs of Celebrated Oil-Paintings, illustrative of (lie prominent fomalo char acters in Sacred History. One agent in Pennsylvania mado $li".8(l 111 two eks with this novel and elegant work. Canvassers wanted in every town. Terms very liberal. J. li. FOUD it CO 7 Park Place, New York. 10 4t $5 2 COfj per day at home. 'Terms li'cc. Address Oeo. St i IIKJ tit ct Co., I'm Hand, Mc, 7 l JOB vvul rvrv DONE AT THE 'REPUBLICAN" OFFICE At the lowest cash price, neatly, prompt ly, and in ntyle eqtial to that of any other establiehmenl in Uie District. BUSINESS CARDS, SHOW CARDS, VISITING CARDS, . SCHOOL CARDS WEDDING CARDS, PROGRAMMES, INVITATIONS, BALL TICKETS, ADMISSION TICKETS, nOXTIILY STATEMENTS, ENVELOPES BILLHEADS, LETTER HEADS, NOTE HEADS, CIRCULARS, BLANKS, POSTERS. DODGERS, HANDBILLS, LABELS, SMITING TAGS, &c. Allegheny Valley Rail Road. Oil Creek & Allegheny River Rail way, and Buffalo, Corry & Pitts burgh R. R. (X AND A FT Ell Monday, May 21, 1H75, trains will run as fol'lows j STATIONS. Northward. Sn I 5. s K. I Southward Nl Km. 4 Mm. p m a ni 0:10 fl:20 4:21 8:25 2:10 1:50 4:15 R:12 2:10 1:65 1:05 ill2i.30 I2:1W JS.s 11:30 10:35 10:40 10:00 0:10 M5 1:02 7:08 8:10 0:13 5:00 fl:4 12:20 a. 111 n. 111 Trains run bv Philadelphia Time. lUVItl MWAU.li 1 c.. J. MORTON 1IALU ' ' tlen'l Passrnirer Ticket Agent. PENNSYLVANIA CEN TRAL RAILROAD ON AND AFTER 11 P. P. Sunday May 1, 1870, Trains arrive st and leave the Union Depot, corner of Washlnton and Liberty street, as follows: AiinivK. Mall Train. 1.30 a m ; Fast I.lno 19 10 . ni ; Well's accommodation No. 1, ti.20 a m" Itrlnton iivnmmn.lal1nn Vn 1 4 r.it . Wall s accommodation No 2, 8.55 a in .Cin cinnati express 9.20 am; Johnstown ac commodation 10.50 ami liraddock'a ae cominolHtifiii Kn 1 1 no v. ... iu...t i. expresa 1.30 p m; Paci'lle express 1.50 p in : Wall's aeeominodiition No a : ... . Homowood accommodation No l,'o.55 pm; Will's nCfVlllimn.llltl.in Mr. A K. Tjl ... . RHiilon accommodation No 2,1.10 p m; j mwiiljrr p 111, DEPART. Southern AcnroBu R 'ft a n. Tt....m AM press 2.40 a m ; Wall's accommodation No 1, 8.30a in ; Mail Train 8.10 a jii ; Itrinton'a accommodation U.20am: liraddock'a ac- rvmiliinrlutirtit Vrt I R irt n . a! ........ , , uuu J ill f l IIIIHL1 cxproKS 12.35 p in ; Wall's iUHMnuii(x1:it,on N 2t 11.61 am ; JohnntoM'ti aioniuriKlatton i in 5 il,,'wona accommcxiHtioii Ko Willi Ufinnniniiutiiliiin V Q i . iitT.ii -. ' U1WHHIIUH iiwt,u.ij in, unil accommoilation No 4, 0.05 p in ; Fast Line pm, i . uii b nun, ii.uu p in. Tho Church Trains loave Wall's Station every Sunday at 9.05 a. in., rcachinK Pitts burgh at 10.05 a. in. Roturninn leave Pitts burKh at 12.50 p. m., and arrive at Wall a Station at 2.10 p. m. t CIllclmiBf I ATtlMal ill Ira- .1 3 M Dn..ll. em express daily except Monday.' All oth ni 'ri...r.d ..11.. ... i i v " . ".no uuilj , DMTJII. OUUIUiy. ( i-ur luruier iniormation aply to W. II. UKCKWITII, ABent. TtlA PAnn.irlw.nt. !.. 1 1 1 I ' will not assume any Risk for An Conine ex cept for WeaniiK Apparel, and limit their rsponsibility to One llundrod Dollai i vaN ne. All bnmrajro exceeding tliat a ount in valufc will le at the risk of tlio ncr mucus uiKen uy special contract. A. J. CASSAl General Superintendent. Altoona Pa. PITTSBURGH, IV Ttirt f.illi.'f.. 1!.,. 1.- . of our immense stock : MuMle-Loadlng Biflea, full or half stock at $12, $15, $20, and Double Barrel Rifles, $20 to $-.0. Doubl 3 Rifles and Shot Guns, either over and undor, or side by aido,aud at all prices lroin $.10 to $.i0. Biturle-Barrol Shot Guns, for men or boys : cheap safe and durable. All price $3.50 to $-25 each. Double Barrel Shot G uns. Our fifty different styles, made of Iron, London 1 wist, laminated Steel or Damas cus liar rcls. finished in the best and latest style, all sizes, for men and liovs, at prices j?J?:Vro."?8' 10 15 . $60, flo to $100. PISTOLS, in variery trom $1.00 to $8.00. TJEVOLVEIJS, 4, 5, 0, or 7 shooters, of every kind, at all prices from $0.00 to $25.00. BREECH-LOADING RIFLES. Winchester Improved 18 shooter. Host long range gun in the world. Price only $!:. Sharp's Celebrated lirsock-Loading Ri fles only $10 each. RemiURum Breech-Loading Riflea at loest factory prices. Wlesaon'a and Stophen'a Pooket Rifles, uaiinr metal cartridites, at $12, $15 and $18. Breech-Loading Shot Guns. The Dexter SiiiKle Barrel Brooch Load iiiRNlioUjiun, using Braas shells price $20. Stephens' 11. L. Single (un, $l(i. Double Barrel Breech Loader.of Moore's Dean's Woodhill's, Uroonen's, Kicharda', Seoot's and other line makos, at all prices, from $50 to $300 each. Sendor J'rice Lint to J. II. JOIIXSTOiY. GREAT WESTERN GUN WORKS, 285 LIBERTY STREET, I'lTTSBUItQII. IV., and state that saw this advertisement 111 lllK FOIIKST ItEl'UBLlC'AN. Takk Notic'k I will buy or trade for Army Kitlos.Carbines. Revolvers, Ac. For prices sco Catalogue Orders by mail receive prompt attention. Ooods sent by express to any point C. o. !., to lie examined before paid lor, wlicu requested. 40 tf ' LOTS FOR SALE! IN THE BOROUGH OF TIONESTA. Apply to GEO. G. SICKLES, 70, Nassau St., Now York City. Sn77A wkkk Kraiitoed to Malo and y I 4 rmualo amts, in their baalitv. oU nothing to trv it. Pai tii.nlin i.-r.,' I . O. Vic kciy it Co., Augiihlu, Mc. XI-Jt ' a 111 p m pm p m Pittsburgh :2.V 2:30 :. 0: W Pen 1 line 4:2."i 10:.Hi 7:M Kittanntng W:Xt 5:08 11:3a 7:11 K. H k Juiicll:! 6:00 147 ti:N Hrady IJcnd 11:30 fl:17 1:08 5:45 Parker l'J;0i fl:,r7 2:05 fitoo Emlenton 12:44 7:10 2:38 4:K. Scrnbgrass 1:!10 8:'i" 4;O0 3:41 Franklin 2:14 :lil 0:07 2:."8 Oil City 3:(KI !):50 0:18 2:20 Oloopolis 8:45 7:43I1:A8 Eagle Hock 4:07 8:00 11:3(1 Tionesta 4:4)1 8:r0 10;4H Tidioute ;( 10:20 :l"i Irvincton 7:20 11:40 7:45 Roiisevillo S:I4 10:01 0:27 1:.V2 Titusvillo 4:10 10:fl.i 7::W 12:.t0 Corry f:2H 8:52 11:10 Mayvillo 0:57 llh.1T :35 ilull'alo 0:1. "1 1:10 0:05 p. 111 p. 111 p. 111 a. m Immense Itetliiction At the Wholesale and Retail t r"''l-r . S. HAMILTON & CO., 77 5T? i - ' '.'''at:"'!rt. , OUR MOTTO IS AND HAS BEEN QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS. 20 and.2.) ier cjnt. m'bV.? provement. Tho really iirand Nil..'. Z.TiV . i R". !"K ?vt,I7 '""'" lm- roJhem ,Xv time. tl A Jt Trvn Double Reed, 4 Stop Organs, Regular Price, 9ur.oo'at s.ioo 3 " ' 105.00 at n . , . FULL 11 E SONANT CASES, uouble Reed, 4 Stop Organs, Regular Price, 9iG5.oo.at '' 5. " 175.00 at 6 " " 185.00 at 21 sets Reeds 6 " Vox Humana " 215.00 at 3 " 8 "Viola " 275 mm iiieseiirtranaareall Solid Walnut, Panclina and Carvlnir all of Noli,! vl..,.i vi T X r W & v.nwwM.v. - WILL BE SOLD AT THE n.""? ,?'"1 'do .bovece:"'Pe'o;(Wul D. If tun. be desired, wa require notes with good security, wrtJolu.tVNre:: Address for Catalogue, and slate where you read this notice. - febl7 14m . Hat tiia eompleteil the alteration, of our Htore room, we iroulil re Klteetulli announce that ire have re-oiicnet. H e hare arranfetl our Store with ft view to the con ten leuee of custom -erg, ami to neeure ejrteilition in all ora nchen of our luni,it sn, iiw Stock will he new throuah out, embraetnu all the'latcxt norel tien In line .lewrlrj,, Watchen, Sil ver It are ami Fauci tlooiln. Htl attention to customers, iluceuieutHln prices,,!, nt adherence toahtah stun, lard of ,uatitu, we. ho)ie to merit a continuance of the patroitafe heretof ore no liberallu bestowed. J STEWXSOX'S HOXS, OJ Market Street, I'ittsbui ah, J'a. 54 WOOD ST., - . W lloI.K.N OFFEIi THEIR STOCK OF DRY GOODS AND NflTinuc TOIi AUTUJIN, 1 H74, Um. J. P. FmjlsB.lnC l.wi, lArl I )rnula.tid U tb VniverfltTaf rona. in IM.1. .uj fl.r Al.ari' .ij.tfrimoiit. t .liiJlJr. Killer's Vegeisbl. ltlicumatla fcyrup nui Pill., .Inch I (uarauu. Iiil.iiltll cur. fi.rlVuiialle.iJ, l.oin luk. llMrtianita. K.rvoai. Kid 111o.m1, ji4 .11 lib 'um.lio din h .uru to, thif to.-J, ."k'"' ' C OSUOUUN, .'Uur, rubtic, fill. Vo 0-TlsS ..'9 ClMd t7i'., .!'t will nMmmn'. fiTlM.Uti.'lhnl!orplyr,D.nl'iL(orl,l hiliJUoT C IL. (l.O.omlUt, I'it4 .fdrd.N.Y. )'v..l..FWnt. Knllsl hur. -.r l'ntnphlrt i ri-.ranl.rad. , m n,wl:rj t.i?T i ur.i.Ur..Iiwnim.i m.i.utwl:44 LjtimM . 7-i.v Th,o Republican Office TKKPS oonstimtly on hand a larva as. K ljln;iias, Warrants, Summons, Jcc. to 1j0 hold c.liuap lor cuxU ' to Suit Hie Times ! ! Piano and Organ EraporiunCof . TTY. AVE.,:PITTSBU1WSH-L'A .r....r,iuuiW, mult they can at tho Krow,h of a few 8 which wo snail sell lor a short n i pnif " 155.00 at W.00 05.00 05.00 100.00 105.00 125.00 100.00 Noi- ot JJKUKER PIANOS SAME RATES OF DISCOUNT. - lrcd by the punhaser. either ouartc.lv 11 fifth A renin; J'ittshurrfi, JVi. PITTSBURGH, PA. A LK .VT VE I IYLOWPJ UCFH W2.ri-aiu Iho ol.lwtauJ imjrrdinble institution fr obtaiuiii a Mercantilo Kdncution. For ( iri'iilars write to P. DC KK Ac SONS wai-aiu com . r Pittsburgh, Pa. KKVHT(E tUMMl UntUIMj ' 293 Liberty St.. . . Ptttaburyh; Pa. li'. II. SIMPSOX, Proprietor. MKXIM AT Al.l. IIOI'UN. TKAN.SIKNT CUSTOM SOLICITIOD. I 1 m,m mmTf' .i..jnn CLOTHING ! Ilesl C IolliNt Tlio iUi-Htlon In these hard times Is not only "What shall wo do for K' uh to eat T" but "WJlKKKWITIfAI. SnALL WE BE CLOTHED ?" It Is a notorious fuel Hint in nioit tnwiiM and cities louiiil nbeut us, cloiliinn iniido to order Is not sohl in accoriliiiicn to Um ilcprci'iiition of other necessaries of life. There is, how ever, an honorable excep tion to this ru'o in the person of A. WISH, Hrrrlimit Tailor, TIDIOUTE, PA., Who iiiskes clcithinj ol'lho verv best kind, lits guaranteed, Irom 25 to 30 Per Cent. Below' the prices of other dealers In this pru t of the country, WHY IS THIS THUS? Ilo'iiuse 1st, Mr. Wise pays no birim fur. UK's tbr ri'iit, as he ow ns the bnililin ho occupies. hn iliH'sn't pnv a cutter ?.'."iH) to $:',(iii;l a year, but docs ids own cut ting, and Is not cxielled in this line in Western ' Pcnnxvlviinin, ad, ho Ihivh cloths lor cash, thus ir.-tti n a reduction on ordinary rates. 4th he sells l.r cu- h, mid thus has no bud debts to make up. The fare is ;Vk trout this place to Tld lonto, mid at the present time, ymi can iro up in the niorniuir mid back at :l:.'U), hav Inir three hours in Tidioute to select your Hoods and leave your orders. !ivo him a trial, and you will not only save money, but will iret perfect lits, anil any style or (juiility of clnlh you wmit. Itcniciiibcr.the'naiufl and place. 7 ly N. WISH, Tidioute, Pa. "WATERS' concerto" & cechestral"" ORCaNSl"'lr iiioiii liciiiiiini nt ' " "i.j le.'N.l erle in Ions -afTkw, rirr innile. 7. ( l. I Kill .i..( lll Ill s. 'V-'-jf. i'll.I.NTl,K.lnrir !( ' T 'y ' lnril In auy Or. IT 'i ff ufr f ii f'M hit an runt nvt if 14441 m pt- ilinrly volrvit. t.t-'m 7"' I '(I 11 WMMJuHMM-l,. - .'. II I I lll.l M f. DEI .'I H VOIf i; (. Mft.lt It. 't'tiruK llnmii tvt lAe br.l liiuiiv in 'A. I ..l mules. WATERS' NEW SCALE PIANOS, fcitv arrtiii paw- cr n.1 a 1 1 ii r i aliiffliitt finii.. tmik Mil niaitrrii tillproTelnciiia. mnH nr. A bc PlaniHi mnili.. 'I'lirs arRinii rnirf I'Iuiiiim ar, aurrsnlrri fir yenra. I'rlt e. rxlrcmelr low far ch.Ii nr purl rni.li. iimt balnnce in monthly m q(ifirlirlr pay inwiita. berotiiUliniid liilrmnel Inkrn in cxclinn!. II II F. A T INIIICK. Mi: VIS U.t ! It AUKilTS " HAVI l-:il ft rvrry '. ami :ttunty iw tht 1;. N. ant CniiHdn. A lnru;ocllM COM III lo Tmthny, NmtHem,, 'AunAr, krA.,xMld. m, c. II I I S1HA7H' C.4TAIOI.-I ICS MAII.kK tltlllAI i: VA I I Its 4c MN, 481 Ilroudwuy suit 4S Jiurcer 8tv N. T. Testimonials of Waters'Planosanl Organs. "Waters' Concerto Parlor Organ ios kokmcm a beautiful mid pii-ulinrly soil tone. The Concerto Ktop is, without 'doubt, tho hct ever placed in any orau. It is pro duced by an extra set 'of reads, peculiarly voiced, from which the ollcci is most charming, and its imitation of tho liiiiuun voice is superb. Kor sweetness of lono nod orchcMtral etlccts it husjno cijual." -X. i', Timm. ' Tho Concerto Parlor Orpin 'is some thing entirely new , it is'a lit nut! I'ul parlor oriiauicut, possesses a swiM't aiul poer ful tone is a most coiiiiii.tmlahlo inven tion mid holds a hit;li placo in public lu vor." X, y, I'Ji viiiii, Jjst. An Ouch itha in ihk 1'Ani.oTt. Tho ori lic.tial oruiin is the iiiinio of a new reed orjran recently announced bv Horace W a ters A Soil. The instrument t ikes this name from its recently invented orches tral slap. The voicing of this is peculiar, producing the etlect ol a full sweet con tralto voice. Its tl nest effect is produced lien tho Wops are drawn, so that nil or cjiolial cll'cct is Kiven, The esse is uniUo mid makes a handsome artielo of furni ture.' X. i'. Aim. The Waters Pianos are known as anions UlrVlirU beMl. Wn urn l.llul.l.lH In unnuL i.f those instruments with contidence, from personal knowledge. X. V. JJrtniifluit. ma Dr. J. AVulLoi'st ('ulii'oi-.ii.. vi.i. CRar Itillers mo a imtcly Vct:'tiilil incpaiutioii, mado chiully IVoni tlio na livo licibs fiilllid on tho fciwtr raiifjes cf tho Sierra Nevada nioiintalns of Calii'or. nia, tho medicinal properties of which aro extracted therefrom without the nsu of Alcohol. 'J'ho question U iilnm.t daily nskeil. "What U tlio canso ol" tho imiiarallcleil success of Vixkis ak Hit TKitst" Our answer is, that they reiiio.f tlio causo of discaso, and tlio paiient re covers his health. They aro tho ejeat blood pm iliei itiid a lilii-Kiviiij; principle, a iwrfect lienuvator ami ln ioorator of tho system. Never Lefuru in tho history f tlio vorM luis a mcdiciiw heca cuiiiHiiiiidcil posiicsiii tho rciiiiii'kalilu qualities of Vinkuau Ui itkhh in healiuj.' tlio nick of every discaso man U heir to. Thry aro a pcntla Purpulivo n well nil a Tonic, rulioving t'oi)(:cii(iii or Itilluiiiinalion of the I.ivcr uad Visceral 0ij.miis ia lliliuii The properties of Pi:. Wai.kkk's Vijckoau KI1TKH8 aro Apericiit. Diaplinrctic, Cuiiniiiutivo. N'utiilioiis, Laxative. Dinrctie, bcduiivc, Counter-Irritant fcudorilic, Alu;ra live, uud Anti-Iiilious. It. II. Hit DOV AI.n CO.. Jniriniit nmllii'n. Airt.. San KrnnriMui. I vir.irnla, una (.lir. ,.r Wiifliimriiin uml Ch irll.ni Si.. X. V. Bold liy all lli unjl.lii uml u. ul. i.. Al'VKItTISKKS send incuts to (Jco. P. Itou'eli .i i'.. ji n.... i. ........ v v lor their KiKhtv-pnc;o I'lnni.hli t, shliviiiii; cirtl ol ailvt'i'i!in. l,j 11 tl.- ri--i ..v:,'ii cm jsryL fix a-aiilllaTillliatilT Iffll i 1 T I I'l T 1 f 1. J.TV