The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, September 08, 1875, Image 3

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    3The Covert glcpiMta.
vci)M:si)AY morning, kept. Y, m
ftiirijmnJnns 1Ii:ck,
Vm licit men ( I. W. llobinson, S. A,
Vainer, A. It. Kcllv, S. II. Haslet, A. II,
rartrldire, II. (. Davis.
Justice othc lYticc D. S. Knox, ('. A,
fiiiiitnhlc II, S waitira it
Sflinnl l)irrrturx-. M. Knnx, II. O. pa.
vi. H. .1. Wulcntt, S. II. llaslr-t, A. J,
Kelly, l. (lark.
Pirtittritt jHrlqnJ,. p. Wediobp.
A.i.incintc Jiiliica Amiiikw Cook, Jos,
U. Dai.k.
MrrijrT. .T. Vax C'ikskn.
Trrt.-iiirrr X. .!.
t'mthmuitti) ) Hriintcr ,f- Itccontrr, cff.
I. M. t'l.Anit.
f Vimmi.Morirr .Tonx Thompson, 'J as
K. Ci.ahk, Km llniiiiv.
Ciiiotti MnirrintenlrntS. V. KminKit.
Hi.-liifl AltnrnrifH. I). Irwin.
Jnrii 'oni ini.iniaiici ,I.vs. 1'!,Vm
(111nlfi .Snrrrinr S.D. InwiN.
Ctironrr M. Itti:i .1 it.
CoMiiri AniHInrn T. It. Conn, L. Wah-
TiKlI, i. J A Ml I HON.
Mrmbero Vimgrc VMh VutrielC. II,
AriHbly1, 11. Aonkw.
Time of Train
At TIOXKSTA .STATION, on nml after
Train m - . . . (i: t(i a. m.
" M - ::ls p. in.
" til .... 8:4(1 p. i.
Train M .... S:VI a. in.
" .V .... 4:!H p. m,
" at - ... . :i;::s a. in.
On Iho Klvor Division . e. from Oil City
ti lrviiK'twn, up the river Is North J dow n
mi! river, hoiiiii.
Owing to the absence of lie v.
Elliott, there will lie no regular ervi
cca in llio I'lPplivtoiian i lmrcli on Sun
day next. Pnhbath tchonl cs usual, at
3 o'clock p. m.
, Wilson, tlio defendant in the cnlf
suit, wns tliHclinrgcd by the court, on
Saturday lust.
Davis is eitlcimiiiing tlie inside
walls of his ofiice, uml painting the
We publish this wock two Estate
Notices, which limy bo of interest to a
tuiinbcr of our rea:ltvs.
Mr. M. Ilnlin?, of tlio Emlcn
tun Times was in town yesterday. He
reports llio newspaper business in his
Kection flourishing.
Al. Partridge is getting on some
-l;oice new furniture this morning. If
he keeps on llio new building will soon
be too t nml I to hold his stock.
I-ioyr. A c!iy.-pick nnd scythe nnd
math. Any one having the name is
rcipicstcd to return them to store of
Ilobinsiin & Bonner, without delay.
dipt. W. C. Howe, of Franklin,
is in and about town, for a few days
past. Ills presence makes pcoplu
hopeful of nn oil excitement in this
' A few thousand shingles, left from
1 lie Presbyterian church roof, can bo
jiurclmsed cheap by applying to A. B.
Kelly, Ksij , at liny Park & Co.'s
Blackberry pickers report "this
berry as plenty, lmt small in 6ize;
lakes n good while to pick a gallon.
They have bold lit from 12 to 15 cts.
per quart.
.Mr. Geo. Watson of Red Brush
or ns Mr. Bonner calls it, Green
Brush) mills, is somewhere in York
State having a visit, and a vacation,
besides an excursion.
Bonucr & Coruwell' Mill at
irecn Brush, is cutting about 70,000
foet of lumber a wceV, at present, aud
will not probably increase its produc
tion until tho market gets better.
M. P. Jenks, Jeweller, Meadville,
Pu., has just received a new stock of
line jewelry, and watches. lie sells
bis wares as cheap as the cheapest.and
-warrants everything to bo ns he rep
resents it.
--Wo hear rumors of a riflo team
to be organized in town to compete
villi similar organizations in towns
near us. There are several excellent
marksmen in town, and we would like
to see tho organization perfected.
Smith Foreman took the job of
trhingling the church and completed it
in about three days uf last week. The
church is also to have a fresh coal ot
paint shortly, which will vastly im
prove its appea ranee.
Ou Friday last Park Grove and
Zip Uuytou killed twenty-seven rat
tlesnakes on the hill back of tho sta
tion, five large ones aud twenty-two
finall ones. Ono large one got away
J'roiu tlitiii. A tint her party went up
oil u hunt a dav or two afterward, but I
J.'UII'I no ;
Died, al his residence- in Kingsley
Township, Forest county, Pa., at 2 p.
m. on Friday, Sept. 3d, 1875, John
Dice, aged about 159 years. Deceased
was born in Hesse Cased Germany,
nnd emigrated to this country about
20 years ago, having come direct to
this neighborhood where he has re
mained ever sinro. Ho leaves 3 chil
dren and a wife the eldest child 12
and tho younger 4 and 2 years old
with a competence. Was married
twice. Was a most industrious citi
zen, in all probability overworking
himself until taken down with what
the attending physician called quick
consumption less thnu n year ago.
l orct JVett.
The funeral took place from the
residence of the deceased on Sunday
last at 10 o'clock, and was largely at
tended from this place and the sur
rounding country. His remains wore
buried in tho German Reformed
Churchyard, in Green twp. Rev.
Lusher conducted the English service,
and Rev. Houpt the German.
Wm. Cropp, who lives in the
south end of Hickory township, about
five miles from this place, was "hoist
with his own petard," on Friday morn
ing last, in the following manner: It
appears that ho has, for soaie time
past been missing corn from his corn
crib, nnd determined in give the
thieves a warm reception. To this
end he charged his old musket with
shot, and set it in the crib, capped
and cocked, with a fishing pole so
rigged that when tho door opened tho
pole would pull tlio trigger, nnd down
would cmiio the thief. Ho wanted
some corn on Friday moruing, aud
went to the crib, opened the door, an !
heard something drop. He looked
around to see what it was, and found
that it wns himself, with his legs full
of shot. Of course he didn't calcu
late to do this, but it is comforting to
know that if the thief had put in an
appearance that night, he would Lave
dropped. Mr. Cropp is not danger
ously wounded, and will be all right
hi a short time.
Calling at our schools yesterday
morning, wc found that the teacher of
tho upper school, Mr. Gunning, had en
rolled twenty-five pupils who were iu
attendance on Monday. Tho number
enrolled in this school lust term was
fifty -one, and the attendance will not
full much, if any short of that nuin
her this term. In tho lower, or pri
mary school, Miss Harrington, teacher,
forty-seven pupils were enrolled on
Monday. The number enrolled last
term was sixty-three. The seating
capacity of both rooms is tho same,
each being able to seat sixty-four pu
pils. The term will last sis months,
Miss Harrington's tenching gave sat
isfaction to all concerned last term,
ami as Mr. Gunning comes highly
recommended as a successful teacher,
wo look for good results from this term
of school. The furniture iu the school
rooms is the best that could be pro
cured, and there is no reason why the
attendance should not bo large and
the improvement of pupils rapid
Moulhly reports of each school will be
ublished in this paper.
Last week wo mentioned the fact
of the death of Major Woodcock's
father, but could get no information
iu regard to his life.
Job Woodcock wns born iu Eng
land in 1804, and lived there until
18G4, wher. he came to this country.
About five mouth ago ho came to
Neillshurg, t.o reside with his son, at
whose residence ho died. He was a
proiiiiueut Odd Fellow, and took great
pride in the order. He was remarka
bly intelligent, and made a great
number of friends in this section for
the short time he resided here. His
death is sincerely mourned by numer
ous friends here and elsewhere. Rev.
A. N. Craft, of Titusvillo delivered an
appropriate sermon at his funeral,
which was largely attended by Odd
Fellows and others.
Corner knows a white-haired old
man who has always been a Republi
can, who is going to vote for a change
of administration because some Dem
ocrats hold some paper against his
property, and ho is afraid they will
sell him out. That is a new way of
makiug con veils. Wouldn't it be
well for some of our moneyed Repub
licans to take a hint from this and
push those poor Democrats, whom
they hold paper against, to the wall?
Wo can tell this white haired old man 1
that he will never see better times
financially lhau have been under tho
present admiuislratiun, and that money
is scarce just uow is not tho fault of
i-aid niliiiini.-lriitiiiii.
We received a paper devoted to
matrimonial projects, from Chicago,
last week, and among the advertisers
for correspondents with a view to mat
rimony was one whose address was
"Miss Anna," Tionesta, Pa. Now the
next question is, who is "Miss Anna?"
Are beaux co scarce or matrimonially-inclined
yaiiths so few that
foreigners must bo called in ? Wo
advise "Miss Anna" to take her ad
vertisement out of that paper, and
take anither squaroaok among the
young men of this vicinity, and if she
is not then suited, let her do her ad
vertising and spend her money at
home. If sho follows our advice we
will promise to do our best to get her
a man, who will "love, honor and
obey" her while life lasts.
"Eddie" Biinmons, who quietly
removed from Oil City recently leav
ing a deficit in his bank account, and
also an aching void in the finances of
the Building and Loan Association,
had two bills found against him by
the Grand Jury at the last Venango
county court. The first was embezzle
ment and larceny of $3,390, while act
ing as Secretary of the Oil City Build
ing and Loan Association. The sec
ond was larceny from Oil City Savings
Bank ot $5,600, while acting as book
keeper. He was not knowu to have
any extravagant habits except dab
bling in f.incy poultry. Therefore, be
ware of poultry.
This is the day the "unterrified"
meet in convention in Erie, for the
purposo of nominating Wm. Bigler
for Governor and soma other unfortu
nate ciiss for State Treasurer. They
will als( get off a platform reflecting
on tho Republicans and praising the
Democrats for virtues they don't- pos
sess. Senator Wallace and Congress
man Randall, leaders of opposition
factions are on the ground, and if they
fall out, there in a probability that
honest men will get their dues. Dr
Wiuaiis, Representative Delegate from
this county, started for the scene of
strife yesterday.
Ou Thursday last Messrs. J. T,
Dale, F. E. Mabie, J. M. Corbet, P.
M. Clark, J. E. Wenk, W. A. Hilands
Hiid D. W. Agnew, of this place, took
a chance with some Titusvillo excur
sion'iHts and , went to Niagara Falls
They had a very pleasant time, marr
ed, of course with a few skirmishes
with the outlaws who run hacks, ho
tels aud museums, but came home very
well satisfied with their trip. None
of them would have missed the sights
for twice what it cost them.
The Recks mourn over the death
of their little dog, which died on Mou
day from the effects of a bite from
another e)pg. -We suppose they would
rather have lost a good cow, ns the
dog was a famous ratter, very intelli
gent, and the family were very much
attached to him.
Some of our readers seem to think
that we were poking fun at C. F. Gil
lespie's barn, in last week's issuo, be
cause we said it was painted with
striped paint. The baru is paiuted
red, and the bateus white, which makes
a very pleasing contrast ou that kind
of a building.
Campbell is at work on a foun
dation for Sheriff" Van Giesen's new
house, which he proposes to erect a
short distauce north of bis house which
has beeu, uutil receutly, occupied by
Jas. Huling. Raid house will form tho
rear part of the new oue.
A woman from Jcnks Twp., was
brought dowu to the county jail by
constable Burton, on Mouday last,
charged with larceny. Bail was
promptly procured, aud sua was re
leased before she had a fair chance to
know how prison life wcut.
Uucle Billy Grovo is on deck
again, and now tho deer will have to
keep their weather eye out, as he is a
dead shot, and a famous hunter. Jas.
Swailes killed a fine buck somewhere
up the creek a day or two ago, which
was in fiuo order.
Divers persons in sundry rigs
have gone blackberryiug this week.
Buckets, cups, pans, cans, jars and
sealing wax, beside provisions and
blankeU, mako a load of blackberry
pickers look like aa emigrant party
to the Black Hills.
Robinson has fenced the cows out
from his store lot, and he says they
stand around the gates at night with
'car in their eycs.sallv tears, saltlossly
shed, because they counot get a closer
view of his salt shed.
Gj to Robinson & Loniier's for
glass fruit jars, jelly glasses, tin cans,
ceiling wax, ttc. loll'
Tho Pleasanlville Cornet Band
came in as advertised on Wednesday
last, and discoursed some very good
music on the streets. This band has
improved materially since its last vis
it to this place. Wo did Dot attend
the concert, but do not hear it highly
spoken of, which may be accounted
for by the fact that their boss perform
er didn't mako his appearance that
night. They are a very gentlemanly
set of boys, however.
Attention is called to the adver
tisement of the Meadville Business
College, which appears iu another col
umn. This college is presided over
by Prof. A. W. Smith, whose reputa
lion as a penman ana instructor is
equal to the best.
Just as we go to press we learn that
Mrs. Sibbel, iho old lady, met with an
accident yesterday, in a blackberry
patch, resulting cither in a fracture or
dislocation of the right arm at the
elbow. Dr. Powell fixed it up.
The property of Dr. Powell, opposite
tho Lawrence House, together with
his practice, is for sale at reasonable
figures. This is a fine opportunity for
a good physician as there is but one
other iu the place. The reason for
selling is that Dr. Powell wishes to
settle elsewhere. 20tf.
Jury List for Sept. Term, 1875.
Tionesta Twp. C. W. Clark, Foreman,
Nicholas Thompson.
Harnett. Jacob Mays, Wm. A. Rnyer,
Chan. Campbell, Andrew Klauglienliojit,
1'eter Gniiley.
Harmony. K. T. Copoland, J. Bureh
field, Jchso I). Dawson.
Howe. Thos. Porter.
Uroon. Win. Cropp, H. Z. Towner,
Wm. Iiliim.
Kinfjslev. Wm. Toby, Frank Duson-
bury. Jacob 'Beck, DeniHon Palmer.
Hickory. James Henderson, . Lewis
Tionesta Boro. J. A. Dale, J. A. Pro
per, G. O. Buttorfield, W. J. Roberts.
Tionesta Boro. Goo. Bovard, II. A.
Adams, Ferd. Wenk, Jacob Pca, G. W
Robinson, L. Spears, J. W. Stroup, Wm.
Butler, Daniel Andrews, Smith Foreman.
Tionesla Twp. Daniel Black, Kamuol
Clark, Sr., Geo. Whitman.
Harnett. Geo. Mays, James Cuzx. ns,
Justis Shawkcy, Wm. Henry, John Kck,
Peter Knight, Joseph Landix..
Harmony. K. P. Clark, Thos. Wilson,
E. Iu Walker, Goo. Kerr, T. U. NijjRins,
R. C. Andorson, Poter Berry, D. F." Cope
land, J. II. Pcnmtll, John Kafskor, A. A
Hopkins, W. Thompson, W. V. Biggins,
W. W. Black.
Kingsley. K. D. Milltr, John Breeht,
Mort. Heath, James T. Brandou, C. F.
UUlexpie. i .
Hickory. N. O. Ball, Jus. II. Smith,
George Sibbnld, IClias AllmUL-h.
Greon. Henry Weaver, John ' Woolf,
Jeuks. J. T. Rose, Jacob Morellliott.
, The valuable and beautiful home
stead formerly owned by Hon. Joseph
G. Dale, and in which he now resides,
is in my hancU for sale at very low
figures. Terms one-third purchase
money down, and the balance in one
and two years. Miles W. Tate.
Thoso beautiful lots just north of
Mrs. Henry s rcsidenco can bo bought
cheap, on long time, by applying to
the editor of this paper.j -' j tf.
hoir,, Clarion county, by Rev. Town
end, Mr. V. M. Keck of Tionesta, and
Miss l.i.zio Williams of tStinttunvile,
Pa., on the 25th lilt.
Frank ami his bride have our very
best wishes for their happiness and
comfort. May their pathway through
life be smooth, their enterprises suc
cessful, and their end peaceful. We
couldn't wish them better luck if we
By Robiuson & Bonner, Dealers in
General Merchandise.
Flour Y barrel -,H..')0
- 45(Ti.'iO
. 10
. 10(4 12i
- 2H
..WW l.L'5
- J ir.f a
- 15(.C'0
Corn Moal, bolted
Chop feed ....
Rye. f bushel -
Corn, ers
Beans t bushel -
Ham, sugar cured -
Breakfast Bacon, sugar cured
Syrup .....
N. O. Molasses ...
Roant Rio Coffee No. 1
Rio Coffee, Im-sI
J a va Colfoo
Tea ...
Butter -
Rico ...
KgK"i fresh
Iron, common bar
Nails, ltd, keg
Limo '(A blil.
JOB W.OKK ol all kinds done atllils of
lice ou Kliort notice.
Kew AtlretHitetneuts.
Folate Police.
F.Htato of Goorjfo S. Si','(;ins, Into of
iiii-Kory 1 nwinlnp, i-orext county, de
ceased. A II persons indebted to said es
tate are requested to make hninodinte
payment, and those baring legal cluims
against the same, will present lliem with
out (lelav in propor order for nr-ttleniciit,
to JAMKM OILFILLAN, Kxociitor.
or, MI Lies W. TATK,
22 Ot at Tionesta, Ally.
IMalc .oflce.
Kstato of John Dico, late of Kingslev
township. Forest county, deiowed. Ail
persons indebted to said estate are request
ed to make immediate payment, ami those
having leital claim against tlio same, will
present tliem without delay in proper or
der for settlement, t
SKIItlOltT BURIIKNN, J Ieeutors.
or. MILKS W. TATi:, Atty. 22 4t
Administrator's Notice.
Letters of administration on tho estate
of Frederick Glnssncr, late of Green
Township, deeeasod, having been granted
to tlio undersigned, notico is hereby given
that persons knowing themselves indebt
od to said estate aio required to make ini
ineiliHto payment of tho same, and those
having claims againct said ertalc will pro
sent thmi properly authenticated for set
tlement, li. W. CLARK,
Tionesta, Pa., Auif. 2.", lS7f. 20 (It
Register's Notico.
Notice Is hereby given that Win. R.
Coon, Guardian of Win. .1. Armstrong,
minor child of Win. Armstrong deceased,
has liled in the Register's ollice in and for
tho County of Forest, at Tionesta, his linal
account as guardian of tho said minor,
and that tho snmo will lie presented to the
Orphans' Court of said Conntv for con
firmation and allowance on tho fourth
Mondpy of September next, at tho Court
House at Tionesta, in the count v aforesaid.
P. M. CLARK, Register.
Tionesta, Aug. 18, l.S7."i.
WHKREA. The Hon. L. I). Wetniore,
President Jmltro of tlio Court of Com
mon I'leus and Quarter Sessions iu and for
tlio county of Forest, lias issued bis pre
cept for holding a Court of Common Picas
Quarter Sessions, Ac, at Tionesta, for
tho County of Forest, to commence on tho
four tli Monday or Sept. next, being tho
27th day of Sept. 1N73. Notico is thercforo
given to the Coroner, Justices of tlio Peaeo
nd Constables of snid county, that Ihev he
men anu mere in tnoir proper persons at
ten o'clock, A. M., of said day, with their
records, inquisitions examinations and
other remembrances, to do those things
which to their olUces appertain to lie done,
and to thoso who bound in recognizance
to prosecute against tho prisoners that are
or snail no in me.iailot I'oreslCountv.thnt
they bo then and thore to prosecute against
mem as snail no just, mven under mv
hand and seal this IHth day of Aug., A. 1),
i(i. i. j. vAa ijiHNKa, an li.
Trial List for Sept. Term, 1875
A. L. Kellv lo use vs .lames P. Black.
A. L. Kollv to uso vs James P. Black.
('has. Murphv vs lliomas Porter.
Win. AV. Ledyard vs J. A. Dale and
J. (f. Dale.
Miriver c- Sawyer uso vs Georgo 8,
Klijah C. Parker vs Joshua 1. Jones,
Forest County uso vs.l. P, Sigginset al,
Jackson Duncan vs. J. F. Overlander.
C. 1). Ainger endorsee vs Jeremiah
Bonner endorser.
.1. J. Itoviinlds vs M. Iltnl Jr. nt nl
11. Jacob Mazo vs j. T. Dale.
12. B. N. Schaoll'or vs. Joseph flrove.
13. Jacob Shatler vs O. C. iV. A. R. Ry
14. (Jeorgo Barnard vs Josenli Cook.
, Co.
15. Samuel Campbell vs W. J.. Roberts ct
10. Jacob Shriver's adiur's. vs David Havs
17. J. Y. Saul vs W. J. Roberts.
IS, M. M. Woodington, adm'x. vs Jacob
Shriver's admr'a.
19. James A. Ford vs Louis Bickemau.
20. C. F. Uillcspio vs (ieorgo S. Hindman
21. "J. N. Tietsworth vs John Thompson
et al. Coinr's Arc.
22. Trimble, Britton t Wainwright vs
ueorge w.uiiuiiiitro.
23. Trimblo, Britton it Wainwright vs
(Jooriro W. Dithridiro.
24. II S. Setley vs M. A. Cleland ct al.
23. tieorgo W. Dean vs J. II. Dingman et
al. -v
2rt. David Jonea vs John D. Fagundus.
lirau, WHIKIIlSiV Co. vs uoo. W.Dllll-
ridgo A Co.
28. Snyder Bros, vs tleo. W. Dithridgo A
20. Fourth National Bank of Pittsburgh
et al vs (ieorgo S. Hunter et al.
OT. Herbert Stanley vs Ford A Lacy.
II. Daiiiel Black vs (too. S. Lacy.
32. Daniel Black vs Janios Alba'ugh.
P. M. CLARK, Proth'v.
August 10th, 1M73.
Send for Circular and Snociinons of
Plain and Ornamental Ponmaiishin. Kn-
closo nix cents in stamps. No attention
will be paid to postal cards or letters with
out stamps. Address, A. W. SMITH,
Aleadvillu, ra. 22 2m
Meyer's P0UH7 Powder.
utrrtnlM, ir ued In II mo,
to cure chick on cliulera and
tlx. Wubaui,l)r ofujla
rywtltr, and a bitatowal tit
ordinary attention tocte&ji
llnoa aud pmuer (edlu(r.
with & n-ir . 1 - 7.r
rrlt and nfi(ali all-forMiing malcrlul, any oue may
erp Poultry (aten la coiitlurmitul) fur any ImMh of
Urn wiu, hu proltand r-loaatro. Package & ex..
5J.f!or. if- Af ' aJor. Scut lie upon re
ceipt ol price. A4dra,
A. U MIYKR CO., Hammer.
cja it it 1 1:11 h 1: ?i 1 a it v.
IALL TKRM opens Aug. 31st. Scien
tific and classical. Coliego preparato
ry aud .Normal courses. Common brunches
iruccs. MaUicmalics. Latin, tireck.
French and licriiiau. llixik-Uc ninu' anil
Drawing. Instrumental ami Vocal M u.sic
Department conducted bv .Miss Mart' It.
Jcnks. Classes iu Scieucu of Teaching.
Instruction thorough and , scicutilh'.
Boarding hall and rooms lor sclf-board-
ing. St ml lor Catalogue to
WM. TODD, Principal.
F. F. I
'I'lllt aluiVll Ij.tli.l'M urn titrt li.ilii.lM ..( una
of the finest medicines ill tho :-ouuUy,
Four-Fold Liniment, not cxc.'lled by iiiiy
other in the curiim of Pains un.l Solo
TlirOUt. mill IN OKIi.ciiil I V n,l;intiil lit ilia.
ease Of Horses, dtttln A-i Sen circiilnr
around lt!le.. Sulci bv all Druggists.
10-1 V colli
Dr. .T. Walker's California Tin
fgur Hitters are a purely VeetaWs
preparation, mado chiclly from the na
tive herbs found on tho lower ranges of
tho Sierra Nevada mountains of Califor
nia, tho medicinal properties of which
nro extracted therefrom without the uso
of Alcohol. Tho question is alums;
daily asked. ''What is the cause of tho
unparalleled success of Yixr.ti.w: lirr
TKitsf" Our answer is, that they reinovc
tho catiRO of disease, ami tho patient re
covers his health. They nro the great
blood puriller and a life-giving principle,
n perfect licttovator ami Invioi.itor
of tlio system. Never before in tl.e
history of tlio world lias a mi'ilk-iiio been
cniiipiiiii(leil possessing tlio rcmarkalo
qualities of Vinkuaii III ttkiis in licaluur the
sick of every disease man is heir to. They
are a pontic Purgative as well ns a Tciiic.
relieving t'oiisrestinii or Lil'anini.itioii of
the Liver a:ut Visceral Organs in ili'imis
The properties of D. Walk Kit's
Ti.nkoaii Bittkus nro Aperient. Dianhnrniic.
Carminative, Nutritions. Laxative. Diuretic.
Sedative. Counter-1 riitaiit Kutlorilic, Altera
tive, and Anti-Bilious.
Grateful Thousands proclaim Vis.
XRAR Bittkus tho most wonderful In
viguraut that ever sustaiued th sinking
system. t
No Terson can take these Hitters
according to directions, nnd remain long
unwell, provided their bones nro not tie
6troycil by mineral poison or other
menus, nnd vital organs wasted beyond
l.ilious, Remittent nnd Inter
mittent levers, which nro so preva
lent iu tho va'Iloys of our great rivets
throughout tho United States, especially
those of tho Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri,
Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arknn-t
s.os, Red, Colorado, Brazos, Rio Grande,
I'cati, Alabama, Mobilo, .Savannah, Ito
nnoko, James, nnd many others, with
their vast tributaries, throughout otir
entire country durinj the Summer and
Autumn, and remarkably so during sea
sons of unusual heat ami dryness, nro
invariably accompanied by extensive de
rangements of the stomach nnd liver,
and other abdominal viscera. In their
treatment, a purgative, exerting a potv
eiful intlticuco upon theso various or
gnus, is essentially necessary, 'i'liern
is no cathartic for tho purpose equal to
J.'s Yixbuak P.irn::::.,
ns they will speedily remove the
colored viscid ntatter with which tho
bowels nre loaded, at the sattto tin.n
stimulating tho secretions of the liver,
nnd generally restoring tho healthy
functions of tho digestive organ.
ForfTfy the hotly against disease
by purifying till its lluids with '!.n;.::
IllTTKlis. So epidemic can take
of a system thus Ibre-anned.
Dyspepsia or Iniliesf ion, Head
ache, rain in tin; Shoulders, imgh.
Tightness of the Chest, Dizziness. tn:
Kructations of tho Stomach. I'xi.1 Tmi-.
in the Mouth, llillotts Attacks. I'alpita
tation of tho Heart, Itillammation iiftlm
Lungs, Pain in the region of the Kid
noys, and a hundred other painful symp
toms, are tho ullspring.-i of JnspcpMu.
One bottle will provo a 'better guaranir
of Its merits than a lengthy advci'iU-u-nient.
Scrofula, or Kind's Evil, whito
Swellings, I : leers, fn 'niacins, hinelitd Ned.,
Oiiitru, Scrofulous lutl.tiiiiiutioiis, I ii,!c.Yi. -Jndiuiimatiiiiis,
Mercurial All'ccli.urs, i..l
Surua. Lrtipliiiu of the Skin. Sum Kyes. el.-.
In those, us m nil oihc-r I'cuiKiiitiiu.'iml lic
enses, '.M.KKit' Vinkuaii Itrrri:its hat i
shown their great curative powers in tl,,j
most obstinate anil intractable eases.
For lnllainniatory and ( h ionic
llliciimnUsm, Gout, Hrii.cis, i.vtuii
tent and Intermittent reters. I liscasc. of
tlio lllooil. Liver, Kidneys unci I'.lailiie..
these Hitters huvu no eiiual. rituvli l)i.-ia n
are cnuscd by Vitiated illcmil.
Meiliaiiiciil Diseases. rersons en
gaged in I'anits aud .Mineials, such ;n
l'luiubers, Tyiic-sctters, tiohl heaters, an 1
illllcis, as they advance ill lilc, uie sul'j.i :
to paialyKis of tho llciwcls. To gun" 1
against this, take a tluse f Wai.kkk's S in
kuah llrniiiis occasiiuially.
For Skin Diseases, Kt tiptions, Tet
ter, Suit 1 ( I u 1 1 1 1 1 , blotches, Sjiciis, I'iinpl.'s.
Pustules. Iicnls, ('al lium Irs, ltiiis-woi iii ,
ScuUI lio.iil, Sorn Ivyes, Krysipclax. Itch,
iSciirls, Diseuliiralions' of the' Skin. Humors
ami Diseases of tlio Skill uf whatever iiamu
or nature, tiro literally ting up ami carried
out of lliu system in a sluitt I line liy the u
of these Hitters.
Fin, Tajie, ami other Worms,
lurking in llio ,vtoin of so many thoii.uiub.
aro elloctually tlcMmyvil nail leiimveU. .V..
Vateni of uicihcino, no voi'iuilugvs, no an
tiiehuiiiitlcs willlieo tho systcin liuiu wonm
like these Hitters.
For Female Comiilaints, In young
or old, married or single, at thedawu off"
manhood, or tho turn of lii'i), Ihoso Tunic
Hitters display nn iliKiiled an inlluejico thai
improvement i foon percept ild.
Cleanse the Vitiated IMood when-
evor you tiiui id imparities baratiag ilirungh
the akin iu I'uuples, KrnptiouH, or Sureii
cleanso it when you tiinl it olitrtictcU and
slucpish in the veins: cleanse It when it it
foul ; your feelings will loll you u-hou Keep
the blood pure, and tho health ul tlio -teat
will fullotv.
Drup irtsla a,icl (Ii-ii. Acrta.. Sail FraneUcc. ('a ilictuta
aucl cor. ul U'iisIiiikouii tend Cliuiloni St.. .
bold by all la-ugUtN ui4 DhI 4..
- I T I O IXJ N" 1 ) HNT I ST,
ALI.OPKHATIOXS pertaining to Kur
gical or Mechanical Dcntistrv per
formed with cure, and w ai Minted. Igtiai
aiiic" SUCCO-.K or refund the inonev.
Htlico In (iKANDIN Hltlt'K llI.dt'K.
Iti iiii the place.
1.' l v fc'r