The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, September 01, 1875, Image 4

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JiurfftxsJon N It ft'H .
' Utinciimrn (J. V. Robinson, S.
Viirnr, A. Jl. Kelly, N. II. Uaslut, A
'nrirmgc, n. ti. navis, '
fnstiers pftht ereoc D. 8. Knox, (J. A.
f nsttble 11. Swaggart
tivhnot. Hirrrtorsi. S. Unnv, II. O. Da
vis, N. J. Wolcott, N. 11. Haslet, A. II.
K e II v, D. Clark.
I'rrsiaent .fiiilijeJ,. D. "WktMokk.'
.lontt fyc Andrew Cook, Jos,
It. I'M H.
Mierifl'T. .T. Van OikkvTn.
Wrnsii rer S. .1. NKTI.KY.
rrntkonuttu-y, Rrgixtrtr tt Recorder, tf c
j . m. runt, i
(Vnnniuaionrr Joux Thompson, J AS,
IV. I I. AUK, I', I.I IlKtll.tN.
f M?ir.V Superintendent ft. Y. HoniiKn.
JUntriet AttnriwyH, P. Inwiy.
Jury OtiiimisslonersJxi. Ki.ykx,V.M
Pattkiison. ,
. (udt .Vimwor-.S.I. Inwix.
f roHcr M. Ittki.. Ji.
i unti Auditors . 1). Conn, L. Wau-
KK.II, li. J AMIhWS, .
Member ol Lmgretts 10(A District C. B,
Assembly J. B. Aonkw.
Time of ''ruin ,
At TIONRSTA STATION, on ami after
May i;, isa:
' SOt'TII.
Truiii 00
" r.i
" 62
Trnin .W
" ft! I
' "-" fit
10:4(1 n.
3:0 p.
8:40 p.
. . - 8:50 a. tn.
4:40 p. in,
1 - 11:28 a. m.
On (lui River Division i, e. from Oil City
in IriintHii, up tlio river is North j down
tfif r(Ver( siiiil li. ,y' ;
'Key. Lusher will preach in the
M. E. Church on next Sunday niorniDg.
Union 'Sabbath School at 10:00 a. m
Sniiih Foremen is takinsr' ffT tlie
old anii luittifttr oh tlie'iicw .Uai;lc8
of the JVwbyJcriaii chtirchv -
-At a meeting of tlio boro council,
tin Monday 5yenig'13urgcfs Keck was
made he third meinbcr juf thestreefl
I 4-6fm .ip of Dufclrllill is" ro
pbilcuVto, ,bo. lying .'very1, 16,w 'with
noma: Jung trouble.'"' It io not expected
ihjitjid R-ilT liye Very long'.;';; , J-a
.j-rrli. 1 Davy, .Eq.,. isvjjkstcring
his oflice, and ii.ingi it up generally
- Ho will have a comfortable and tasty
vflicc whoa ho gtls'it finished. .
-Chas. Bonner left for rittsbnrgh
nn Monday last, to attend the . West-
-ru University, n we mistake not.
- lie will be absent about six month?.
Win. Lawrence has concluded to
post pono his dunce until' AVeduesday
c-vening of court week, being the 29th
i tibt. Goid musio will be in attend
ance. " '
MM. 11 . O I I. M.
i iu &.oiu iiiuui uj'cii nr .Ttuu-
.day iiuxt, for a ix months' term. The
teachers hre Mr. Gunning and Mifs
Harrington. Tlie ttfinlanee will
i if T.itta "Tin liirtrn '''
A rnan supposed to he Crar.y is now
in j ill for a hearing at noxt court. He
lias been operating nbout Trunkcy-
vit le, ana tna people got ntraiu or mm,
.hence his arrufU ...
Mr. Homer Towner and wife, of
jmij iwnu) iui i .u via . 'Jit v t. j w
six weekit' visit to Judge White, Mrs.
'T.'s father, at Doljjhos, JvuDsas, May
their trip bo' a pleasant 0ne.j jj ! '
-"-AtiiuyNtiiue aftir; to-day dr a
few month .o':cauie' ith-iilAwul to
kill ' Vjujrrc1i jiheiidnuts, deer,'..&c.i
provided you kill tlcnt u the muu--iter
provided, io the etatute.'"
.-Tht Klinstiver house, occupied
h$ Ci W; Dovard, having tklleu-inio
the hau;U of Andrew Weller, vlie has
treated the same to a coat - of paint,
vgry inucii lnyiroving e appeiirauce.
-r Hlackhcrres ore renortcrt; 9carce
nd higii is this section. . , Those that
ripeu nro not more than , half the us-
4ial size, and scarce at that. This has
(been rather u poor year for putting up
fruit. ' ; -
A visit lo Fuguudiis and Truukey
villa revealed a. dull ttatu of business
. ii tlmcn tilanno u-liiftli n ta t i will
j;ivc place to a lively stato of things,
should oil advauce to $2 or 2.50 per
barrel. ' . .
Mr. Kithuids informs us that fish
are getting more numerous in this
section than formerly; probnbly be
cause, at the fiiiggebtion of the Derrick,
the game law has been observed by
Tho Ilccic Salsgivcr-Wilaoii calf
Miit hus been adjourned until next
Saturday, when wo biipposc it will bo
ilisposoif of according to the lictt inter
pretation of'th' law in suehcni-ee mado
iii id provided. Tho cobts will amount
lo a very pretty li'uiu before lio
iron hie js ovt r.
Titusvllle Letter. "
TiTfBVii.LK, Aug. 28th, 75.
W. U. Dunn. Thinking they may
be interesting ft some' t)f llie readers
of your paper, we will write you
word or two iu relation to the new oil
territory lying about 1 1 miles south
of this place.
In May last, Milto'i Stuart pul down
a well, at a venture, on the Iwibinson
Farm, which, to the surprise of every
body, commenced flowing nt the rate
of 2-jO bbls. per day, and is now
pumping 75.
Robinson and Win. Barnsdall im
mediately sunk a well about 200 yds.
from this one which ii doing, by to
day's measurement, 225 bbls. per day.
Stuart put down two wells on the
Thompson Farm, which joins on the
north, which are pumping together
about 75 bbls. per day. Ho la now
drilling two wells on the Robinson
Mr. Fertig put down a well 40
yds. from Robinson's house on the
Ingram tract, which is pumping 25
bbls. per day. Robinson and Barns
dull are putting up two riga, and with
the rigs being put up, and wells being
drilled on tho adjoining farms, one
would scarcely recognize the quiet
place of a short time ago. Of course
there are "dry holea-". in the vicinity.
one just liiiisnea on tlie west; one or
two on the north, and several on the
east and south which were : drilled
some time ago, would lead us to infer
that there is-a ("pocket" righ hore, bi
if a "belt it is very much broken.
Yours rtspectfnlly, S.
Esq. Hill of Fagundus, after . an
absence of nearly a ycar,he most of
which timo has been spent in the
Black Hills, has come home because
of a sorLof a-, preconcerted -arrangement
between Uncle Sam niid the red
skins, for the purpose of making' it
difficult if not impossible for miners
to pursue their ' poiceful avocation
among those celebrated hills. Among
other interesting adventures which be
fell him while ' looking around-out
there, was a chase of himself and a
companion by a small party of aborig
ues. . It appears that he and auother
man from Fagundus Were out pros
pecting about forty or fifty miles from
their party,' when thev discovered
these Iudiaus, six of them, skulking
around, evidently bunting hair. The
bquiro and companion watched their
opportunity, and, under the cover of
darkness sueccded in eluding tho vigi
lance of tho savages, after crawling
some four miles cm their hands and
knees ! If tho other parU of the body,
aud the mind, were as well propared
as the kuees after that, the Squire and
companion wou)d be In "good condi
tion for joining the Methodist Church.
We would respectfully refer their case
to Brother Mechling. A bottle, mr
small via!, was brought homo by Esq.
II il I, filled with gold - mined by him
self in the Black HiJ la.,, .We did not
hear just uliut the 'Scjuiro though ol
the prospect?, but it is said that he in
tend, goiug ;out ,'thoi agaitt just as
soon as government makes it safe, so
that the mining must be tolerably
good. Perhaps wo may give our read
ers something further on this subject,
some time iu tho future. ' ' ' '-'
Blessed be croquet. If it wasn't
for this gauio there would bo number
less men aud boys, beside girls .and
women of our place who wouldn't
know what in this world to do. It is
generally supposed that after two, or
three thousand games, that croquet
ceases to bo interesting but there are
at least fifty good witnesses to th con
trary iu iliis townv The game lias
been brought down to a scieoco, aud a
green hand stands no chance ut all to
win a game.' v- 1 " - '
The aged fnthcr of John Wood
cock, of Keillsbufg, died at tFiQ . resi
dence of tho latter, on Saturday morn
ing last. Ho was ailijUFelfow.and
quite a number yf that fraternjr from
this place'attendel the fifncrKf"-
Sunday.' 'The funeral was very large,'
as ho was highly recpected (uriug!fe,
It is likely lhafc tho Republican
Senatorial Couft-reuce will bo held in
this place at some time soon. We
Jiear of no Republican candidates for
the position in either Elk or Cameron
counties, so, u$ suppose, Clarion and
Forest will have to settle it among
themselves. , , , ......
Remember that the Fleasaulvillo
Comet Band performs "to-night at
Partridgo's Hall. From thoso who
have seen this performance, we under
M;iiiJ that it is an enjoyable enter
tainment. Adumfioii '' cents.
; There Is talk of Messrs. Dingman
Derrickson putting their stave ma
chinery in the old Shriver & Sawyer
planing mill, tho basement part of
which U used by Mr. Lawreot e for
barn. Should this business be started
up, it would be an improvement to
the place.
Some of our citizens complain
that their green corn is being disturb
ed during these cool nights, by parties
who ace evidently "cooning." Soma
of the parties are known, aud will
probably be treated to a load of small
hot if they don't let up on their iper
aiions. ,
; The Bank of California, where
nothing was money but gold and sil
ver, has suffered the fate of some ot
the eastern banks, failure, leaving
liabilities away up among the millions.
The' President, Ralston, committed
suicide shortly after liie failure wag
announced. - ,J
" -Peaches are said fo be a drug in
markets of the Eastern cities, but we
cannot perceive that they are so in
this part. None of" our merchants
bring them on and the few that are
shipped id by private parties cost on
an average $1.25 a' peck.
Yesterday, Mr. E. II. Chase put
a coat of paint on Dale & Partridge's
new barn, in six hours and ' thirty-five
minutes. The surface covered was
235 yards. The paint is well put on.
125 yards is considered a good day's
work for a painter.
i i - i 1
' -Tho engine house of the Superior
Mills is under way, and will be fin
ished this week, "undoubtedly. Ow
ing to the size of the boilers, and the
stouework supporting them, a' large
structure was made necessary, and it
looks almost as large as the mill.
. We hear that a hound killed
sheep belongiug to Commissioner John
Thompson, of Stewart's RuB, one day
last week,- The hound didn't live to
repent of its rashness, dying a violent
death about' two minutes after the
shep was killed.
Messrs. Collins & Nolbrook will
have their mill at Lacytown running
iu about five or six weeks. At prcs
cnt they will put in oulyjono small
saw, but in cast of a better market,
more machinery will be put in, and
the mill run to its fullest capacity.
Wm. Bloom is putting new si Is
under and same new weather-boarding
on the Blum house where be has been
residing for some ( time past. The
house is an old one. but a little fixing
up will make it good for a great many
years yet.
Gillespie's" barn has been covered
with a couple of coats of stripped
paiol, and presents a nobby appear
anoe. Dale and Partridge's barn hat
also been painted, but with a more so
bttrM$olor,.nd Jooks well.
Ben. W. soil of Mr. M. H. May
doparted on ..Monday for . Ahdovor,
Mass., to attend an academy there,
which is well spoken of as a prepara
tory school. He will be absent about
eight months. ' '
. Mr. Carpenter is still absent, at
tending camp-meeting, We believe,
somewhere in Mercer Co. Hope be
will make enough money while he is
gone to make all the improvements he
1 ' -The roads in town are iu good
Condition, at present, owing probably,
to the amouut of work which has been
put on them this summer.
The Republio Magazino for Sep
tember has been received. Its open
ing article "Can the Nation trust the
Deniocratio party T" clearly indicates
that there haa been so ehangein Dem
ocracy ; that what it was prior to the
war, during its , prosecution,-- -end
throughout the period of reconstruc
tion, it is to-day. The evidence sub
mitted, consisting of extracts, from
public papers, votes in Congress on
important measures, Confederate opin
ions cC Pgioacracy, niako'he article
u strong one, invaluable to the private
citizen and especially so to the poli
tiqiun.Jui couteaU are carefully pre
pared, aud oontaiu much of general
Interest. The Republic should be iu
the hauda of every ciiiaen. Ouly 62.00
a year, m Send toReptiblio Publishing
Co., Washington, V. V. .
The property of Dr. Powll, opposite
tho Lawrenca House, together with
his practice, is for sale at reasonable
figures. This is a fine opportunity for
a good physician as there is but one
other in tho place. The . reason fur
selling is that Dr. Powell wishes to
MtlJc tlicwheie. 'JOtf.
' Western Correspondence. ' -
Lone Rock, R.rcHLAin Co., Wis., )
, v August 27, 1875. f j
iUO. 14EPVBL1CAN '. . , J
, After quito a lapse
of time your correspondent of the
North West improve timo andlcisuro
by penning a few items from this lo
cality.' '
"The harvest is past," 'and the farm
era are now etacking, threshing, &c,
Tho yield of wheat is not very heavy
, . . t . . 4 -
out oats is ueuer tnan usual; some
pieces that have been threshed have
yielded ono hundred bushels per acre.
Corn bids fair for a splendid crop, yet
we have been visited with some very
cool weather of late ; in fact, colder
than I have experienced in this State
for sixteen years in the summer. On
the uight of the 21st inst., we were
visited with a frost; something never
known here boforo at this season of
the year.
xocai markets are as . follows
wheat, winter, JJl.Oa per bushel t
wheat; spring, fl.'OO pr bushel ; oatsj
20 ctsVpe1, bushel rye1 60 cts. .pcJ
bushel ; Potatoes 25 cts. per bushel
and other produce iu proportion. Hops
are a splendid crop, and as the pick
ing season has oommenced, the market
has opened at 35 cts. per pound.
Eugiueers have just concluded the
survey of a proposed Rail Road from
Stevens' Poyit north to this place.
The new road is called the Stevens
Point & Pine R'.ver R. R., and makes
a junction at Lone Rock with the
Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway. This
will greatly benefit tho farmers who
fccside some distance north.
Health is good among tho people
here; only two deaths 2xe occurred
here during the sinftmer: one gentle
man of 76 years of age, and another
of 93 years; both cases were of ad
vanced age. We are pot afflicted here
as in the eastern States with conta
gious fevers, and further north it is
reported that they have to kill some
one to Ct'mmence a grave yard.
Excitement runs high here - in the
political circles and as we elect a Gov
ernor the coming fall the Democrats
have become ashamed of; their old
name, and now style themselves "Re
formers;" this is too thin and we can
still see the cloven foot. ' They ' come
out under. this new name here think
ing to draw the voto of the foreign
population, but it trill not work.' J
- Government etill coutiunea work on
the water communication between the
Mississippi and the Lakes, aud half
million dollars ' have been expended
here during the season on the above
works.' i -
I notice with pleasure that the name
of the editor of the Republican is
sed in connection with the ofiicf of
State Senator in ycJGr district. , '"We
hope that the people will vote for the
best man ; iad that you will be elect-
eu to mat nouoraoie position is our
worst wieb for ye editor, '
At present writing the Government
has civil engineers at work examining
our mineral lands; their' white tents
can be seen some five miles east of
this, remiudjig us of some picket post
in the south duriug tlie war. -X"
yjMpro anon, ' N R-.TIoouA
Jury List for Sept. Term, 1875. ;
TionoMta Twp. C." W, ClarW Foreman,
Klcholiis Thompson, .. "
llariiott Jacob Mtn, Wm. ' A. Rayer,
C'hatf. Campbell, AndrenOSKlaugheuhopt,
retor Qailloy. ,!i,tft'.:'r-."Jj ! '
llarmouy, It. T, Copeland, J. J lurch.
field, Jetwie D. Dawson. ' i ;
Howe. Thou. Porter, ' " ,
Oreeii, Wiu.' Cropp, II. Z, Towuer,
Win, Uluui, j .!.-
Kiiiffulev. Wm. Toby, Frank Uuson
bury. Jacob Uct-k, Henlnon Palmar.
Hickory. Jaiiiea ' Heiulcittoii, ,Xewia
Keister.' - ' - " - '
TJouewta Doro. J. A. I16, J. ' A;;Pro
per, G. i, Duttcrliuld, W, J. Roberta.
. ,' ,PKTIT JUROH4L , ,
TloiieNtu Uoro.--Uel. ' Bovnrrt, H.' A;
Adanm, Ferd. Wenk, Jaeob Peas, O, W.
Itobinxon, L. Slieara, J. W. Stroup, Wm.
Butltir, Uuulul Aujrcwa, Smith Foreman.
TioiHwtu Twp. Unnlol Black, Kamuel
Clark, Hr., deo. Whltnmn. .
Burnett. Geo. Maya, Jajnea CuxzenH,
Jfuatia Mbuwkey, Win. Henry, John Kck,
rotor Knight, Joseph Lumliu.
Harnicuiy.--K. P. Clark, Tin. . WilHOfi,
K. lM Walk, Oa. Kerr, 'P. U. Hintt.
It. C. Anderson, Pter Horry, 1). F. Cope
laud, J. II. I'ennt-ll, John Nafoker, A. A.
I lopkina, W. Thompson, W. P, fcif?Kiin,
W. W. Hlat k. i ' .
Kingsley. K.: Ii Miller, Jolm Brecht,
Mort. Heath. Jumea T. Bruiulon. C. F.
Hickorv. X. (I. Ball, Jos. II. Smith,
Goorfte Hibbald, Klins AlbauaU.
IJrtHjn. Henry Weaver, John Woolf,
C!eorno Watnon.
Jeiikn. J, T. Rose, Jucob Mcrciiliott,
Go to Robiut.ou & Bonuer's for
glass fruit jars, jelly glussoa, tiij' cans,
sealing wax, ttc. lOtf
The valuable and beautiful home
stead formerly owned by Hon. JoFeph
G. Dale, and in which he now resides,
is iu my hands for sale at very low
figures. Terms one-third purchase
money down, and the balance in one
and two years. Milks W. Tate.
Those beautiful lots just north of
Mrs. Henry's residenco can bo bought
cheap, on long time, by applying to
the editor of this paper. tf.
The lightest running Machine, in
the ivorld a the G rover ; & Bakor, at
least Baldwiu, of Tidiouto says so,
and he knows. 40 ly
By Robinson, & .Bonner, Dealers in
General Merchandise
Flour $ barrel - ' -Corn
Meal, bolted - - . -Chop
feed - - - -Rye
bushel -Corn,
ears - -Boans
bushel -Ham,
sugar cured -Breakfast
Bacon, sugar cured
Sugar - ....
Syrup .....
N. O. Molasses ...
Roast Rio Coffee No. 1
Rio Coffee, best ...
Java Coffee -Tea:
v . p .;
Butter ' - ' 1 y '
Rice . . : . .
Egfrs, frosli .
Lard - - - r , -Iron,
common bar -Nails,
lOd, V keg -Lime
V bbl. ....
4', (a 50
2.00 S.00
- - 1,
- 10
-' iH20
. 10
2.25 (, 2.3'.
. - 15Ci,20
-' ' - 4.00
- 4.24
Aietff Advertisement.
Register's Notice.
Notice is hereby civen that Win. It-
Coon, Gunrdian of Wm. J. Armstronir.
minor child of Win. Armstrong dotieasod,
has tiletl in tlie Register's oillce in and for
tlio County of Forest, at Tionesta. his final
account as guardian of the said minor,
and that tlie same will bo presented to tho
Orphans' Court of said County for con.
nrmatinn ann allowance on tlio lour til
Moiidny of Sontombor noxt. at tho Court
iionsu at i louesia, in the county aloresaid.
1'. Al. L'LAKK, Roglstor,
Tionesta, Aug. 18, 1875.
WfiEnKAR, The Hon. lj. I. Wetmore.
President Judiie of tho Court of Com-
mini Pleas and Quarter Session in and for
tho county or orest. lias issued his nro-
cept for holding a Court of Coinfhon Plena
Quarter Sessions, ivc. at Tioncsta. for
the County of Forest, to commence en tlie
fourth Monday ol Kent. next, beintr tlie
Z7tn any or sopt. 1H75. A'otiee Is tiioreture
given to tho Coronor, Justices of the Peace
and Constables of said county, that tliov be
then and there in their proper persons ut
ton o'clock, A. M., of said day, with their
records, iiuiuisitions examinations and
other renioiubranuos, to do liuns
wiueii io tiioir oinces appertain to he ctuno,
and to those who bound in reeoiriiixauce
to prosoouto against the prisoners that are
or shall be in tho jail of Forest Coiintv,lliat
they be then and tliero to iroseeute against
tiicm as snail be just. ivcn under my
hand and soul this ISth day of Aug., A. 1),
18(0. x. J. Via Uli.St.iN, Hll II,
Trial J List for e$ept:lf erm, 1875.
A. L. Kelly to uso vs James P. Rlock.
A. Ij. Kelly to use vs James P. Black,
t'has. Murphy vs Thomas Porter.
Wm. W. Ledyard vs J. A. Dale and
J. (. Dale.
Shriver ct Sawyer uso vs George S.
! Huntar,- S t
Klijali ('. Parker vs Joshua R. Jonesy
Forest County use vs J . P. Siggins et al;
Jackson Duncan vs. J. F. Overlandur.
('. I). Ainger endorsee vs Jeremiah
Homier endorser.
10. J. J. Reynolds vs M. Ittel Jr. et al. .
Jacob Maze vs J. T. Dale.
12. B. N. Schaeffor vs. Joseph Grove.
1H. Jacob Shutter vs U. I'. t A. R. Ry. Co,
14. George Barnard vs Joseph (look.
15. Samuel Campbell vs W. J, Roberts et
11 V i
10. Jacob Rhriver's adiiir's. Vs David Hays
17. J. Y. Saul vs W. J. Roberts.
18. M. M. Woodinirton, adm'x. vs Jacob
Shrivor's admr's. ;
10. James A. Ford vs Louis Bickenian.
20. C. F. Gillespie vs George S. Hiiidinaii
ucinrr. -. . : . i r -i , . v ,
21. J. N. Tietsworth Vs John Tliompsoiv
ct al, Cotur's At;. f
22. Triinhlo, BritU.n t Wuinwrlght vi
Georire W. Ditliridiro.
23. Trimble, Brittou Waluwriglit vs
4ooriro W. DithridKe. . : i i
21. II S. Setley vs M. A. Cloland et al.
25. Georgo W.'Deau vs J. 11. Dingniaii et
al. - .
2fl. David Jones vs John D. Fagundus.
27. Griilf, Watkios 4: Co. vh Geo. W. Dith-
ridgo A Co. ,
28. Snyder Bros, vs Geo: W. Ditliridiro A
29.' Fourth National Bank of Pittsburgh
nt ul vs Georue S. Hunter ut al.
30. Herbert Stanley vs Ford A Lacy.
1. Daniel Black vs Geo. S. Lacy.
1. aill llluek vs James Alhaugh.
P. M. CLAKK. Proth'y.
AugURlfiUi;lKT3. ;.i ?v rj
aeyer1 Poull Powder.
wiu-rftiii(tirocd In timo,
tu curs chicken cltuleru aua
fMN. WilhauiM-Jjr xjlllu.
t.wder, kuiI k b.-ttuwal of
orrtinry mlt'itllua tuclci,
llh!M4 bud piuuM fenlljie.
I. IFrlL.mlMi.i'.liftll-fnrii.if,. i.i.i.ri,. I .n. m.,
ua a netHiiui iiinitir oi
p.-vp Pnulti y fer.ji lo ouiiUnriiieiil) for any IrttvUi ut
S --h V"1 pr" fiiMaura. 1 K.'C 33 CI...
r Cur l.oo. Ak vuur diwr. bat Xtm upoa ir
eeipl ol frit. AdOrna,
A. C. MKTKK CO., lUlUmurq.
cm ii it i Kit s i:n i .v.i it v.
IALL TKRM opens Aug. 31st. Scicti-
rvan.l Normal courses. Coiiuuoii brunches
Sciences. Mathematics. Latin, lireek.
French and German. Book-kecpiuu unit
Drawing. Instrumental und Voeul.Muxio
Di partineiit conducted by Miss Mary It.
Jcnkx. 1' in Soienco ol Tcaeliini;.
Imitriietioii Ihoniugli ami
Koantinir hull unit looms ioi
sell -hi a i-i I -
111 ir. Si ml lor L'utalouua to
M. TulI, ivin
Dr. .T. Walker's Calironila Tlu
epar Hitters nro a pmely Vegetable
preparation, mado cliiclly from the na
tive limbs found ou tho lower ranges of
the Sierra Nevada mountains of C'alifor
nla, tlio medicinal properties of which
aro extracted therefrom without tlio
of Alcohol.- Tho question 1i almost
daily asked. 'What is tho cause r the
unparalleled success of Vixkoaii IJw
TF.nst" Our answer ift, that they runinvo
tho cauRe of disease, and the puticlit re
covers his health. They aro tlio exeat
blood purifier and a lllb-g'lving principle,
n perfect Renovator nntl Invigoramt;
of tho eystenij Never bofore in the
history of tlio world lias a iiicdioimi Ihvu
Conipotiiulvil . possessing tlio rninnrkahln
' qtmlitios of Vt5Kua IliTTIiRH in Inralili); thn
sisk of- evory ilisuaso ni.ui is heir to. They
ore a gentle- I'urjrulivo as well a a Tunic.
' rclisving. t'oiipesiion or Inflaniniaiion of
the- Liver and Visceral Organs in Bilious
Disease! .
The properties of Dn. Walkkh's
Yixkoah BtrrKB.iaro Apurimit. Dinivlinroiio
' Carminative, Nutritious. Laxative. l)inrctic,
Sedative, Connter-Irri'aut Sudoriiq, Alteia'
live, and Anti-Iiiiiooa, ,.: ,. - , i -
Grateful Thousands proclaim Vi.
FGAIt Uittebs tho most woiiilei ful In.
vipciraut .tliut crcr sustained th siukiog
No Peraoii can take these Bitters
according to directions, aud remain long
uuwcll, providodthcir bonos aro not de
stroyed by mineral poison or other
means, aud vital organs wasted boypnd
Bilious. Iteniittciit and Inter
mittent levers, which aro so prera
, lent in the valleys of our great rivers
throughout the United States, especially
those of tho Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri,
Illinois, Tenncssco, Cumberland, Aiknn-.
sas. Bed. Colorado, Brazoa, Klo Grande,
Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Ko
nnoke, James, and many others, w ith
their vast tributaries, throughout out
entire country during the Summer and
Autumn, and remarkably so during sea
sons of unusual boat and dryness, nro
invariably accontpaulcd by extensivo d'e
rangoinonts of tho stomach und liver,
and othor abdominal' viscera. ' In thoir
treatment, a purgativo, exciting n pow-
- crful intlueuce upon tlicso various or
gans, is essentially necessary. Thajo
is no cathartic for tho purpose equal .Jo
Dii. J. Walkbu's Yinkuak,
as tlietwill speodlly romovo the Aai U-
- colorod viscid uiatter with wliiuli t.1,9
bowels nro louUud, ut tho auiuo. timo
etimulatipg tho secretions of tlio jivr,
aim generally restoring me oeiuiuy
lunotlons or tlio digestive ornna.
tortny the whit nsniiist tifsea
by puilfjiiig all its lluids with 'im:i;.u
Un-iEits. No epidemic can fake IjuM
of a system thus foro-nriuotl; - '
DyKpepsia or Jiidigestioii, tread
ache. Pain in the .Shonldt-rs, Cou-lis,
Tightness of the C', Dlxjcims Kofir
Krtietatioii8 of the Stomacli, Had T:i'-to
in tho Month, Bilious Attacks, I'Mpit:-..
tat ion of the Heart, Jnllaiimiatinn of tq
Lungs, J'aiu iu tlio ro-ion of tho
noys, and a humlied other pulin'ul nymp ,
toms, aro tho oUkpriiitra o( )poJM.i..
( One bottlu will prove a better gui;nitrn
or Its uiorlts tU.m a lengthy , tulvci ab
luent, -
Scrofula, or KinsV Evil. AVhilo
Saelliups, L lcern, Krysipclas, StlleJ Ni-rU.
Goitro, fccrofuleus Iiillainiiiiltlniis. -Indolt-i.t
Iilllaiiiiiiatiuns, JI ordinal AUccliens,. U!.l
Kores, Erttiliou of iho Hkiri, Roru Kvn. vu:
? in those, us In all otliw ininaiiniiuiMil IW--
. OMvm'a t!rM.ta Hli'vrs liai i
tliuwn thou- pviij. xinuiivc puueu iu 1J
niiiKt uhstinato und nilractahlc ues.
' For Iiitluniniatorj and t'linjnti;
Rheumatism, tjiait, Bilious lien,!;,
tent and Intermittent Fevers, I srasc.-if
tlio Bluud,. Liver, K Linen ami IHml.lf, .
thesu Jiitters huvo ua ooani. ticli l;icat'i.
arc caused by Vitiated lilnod, M ,.j
". Mecliunlcal DisitascK. i-wksr-gaged
in I'nints ami .Miucial.-;, sialics
lliimbcrs, Type-nettnw, QM -bcalvrs. aa.l
llhicra, an t hoy nilratK-u In life,' am tilijv
U paralysis of tho - Uiwei ' 'f.i ui-i.(
paiut tUu, tal.ii adon of U' a-UH'h Vik.
Ioar HMtkhs iKea.iioiially. ,..- .,
For Skin Diseases Ki options, Tctr.
fJtir, tiUt-iiliouin, - JlluUiaos. -iou, rimplen,
. I'u.-itillcs, Hil.-i, C'arbuucla; Lin.uiiul-,
-f rtrlii-iieiul. Sure Ky. Kryslpe,.. Ilofi,
tkrfs. Discolorntiolis of tho' Skin. IJuiiihrs
anil DisoftMS of Ilia Skiu el wlinU'ier inimo
or uuturu, ure litvrally dug; lip ami i-nrni
put vf Uic syttcui iu a iliaH tiuui by iU4 ''
of those Blltei'a. . ' i I ,
Tin, Tnpe,; nnd other Worms
lurking in tho undent of so iiiiiny tli(aisaml.
art eUeoluully tlestroyod utnl rnusired. N'o
M'stiim of iilouH'iiiu, "ua i'vraiil'u(tus.iia nu-
tflclllliHitil'S UlUt.ce tljOiVlU'lll lUlll UltilllS
like thoso Bitters.
For Female Complaints, inyouug
or uM, ninmed or single, at the dawn of wo
manhood, or th turn of lite, these Toiilo
it Uteri displuy so ilceiUeJ an inuiiouto tlmi
iuiproretneiit is food perceptible.
Cleanse the Vitiated Blood when
ever yuu tiud it impurities bursting tbnaigli
tna kkin iu 1'iuijjlua, Lrii)tinu. ur toroi
cleunso it hcu yuu find it tibstiurlod nad
iurgish iii the veins; clfiuiso it when it is
foul ; your feuiHig will toll y'i when Keep
th blooU pure, uud th Lvahb of tlio . -tem
will fallow. ' '
it. ii. Mi mix ami a en..
Vrwgf wts jh,.1 Orn. Airla.. Ksn Krftm-lsro i a-mla,
aud ir. ul WtiMtaiLTLai uiul luiriluti Sit, S 1,
buld by all t-ugt1a uml Dt-ii 1 p.
ALT. OPERATIONS porlaii.ijig to Sur
gical or Mechanical Dentistry per
toruietl with on re, and w arriintiyl. 1 gnar
unleo silci'v'.vs or I'et'und tlio Inontiv. - - .
Hemenibcr Iho place.
U-lv. li. W. KARNKST,