ZTfcc orrsl JJcjraUiran. w. R. oujtx . KDITOU. WEDESDlf 10BSKG, ilG. 1!. ir.i. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET, Foi Governor, JOHN' F. JIARTKANFT. For Htate Treasurer, HENUY V. RAW LB. REPUBLICAN COUNTY TICKET. For State Senator, . W. R. BVXX. (Subject to action of District Conference.) For Associate Judge, EDWARD KERR. For Prothonotarr, Itegistcr, Recorder am l ierk of Courts, T.J. VANOIESE.V. For Sheriff, JL'STIH H1IAWKEY, For Corn mission era, . JOHX RECK, GILBERT JAMIEKON. For AudiU.ru, V. THOMPSON, J. R. NEILL. For Jury Cammlssloner, II. Z. TOWNER. For Cabiity Hurveyor, T. D. COLLINS. Meeting of Return Judges. Pursuant to the primary election rule published in our last issue, the Return Judges of the Republican Primary Elections from the various districts of the county met in the Ar titration Room of the Court House in this place on Tuesday 'afternoon the 10th inst. The following are the names of the return judges : Tioncsta boro., 8. J. Sctley. Tionesta twp., C. W. Clark, Upper Harmony, P. M. Guild. Loner " Jno, Thompson Hickory, James Green. Green, 8. C. Roupo. Kingslcy, Win. B. Heath. Barnett, J. B. Peareall. Jenks, II. S. Brock way. Howe, D. Graham. By virtue of bis office of Chairman of the Couuty Committee, W. P. Mer- cilliott, Esq., took bis seat as Chair man of the meeting, and on motion, Messrs. 8. J. Setley, and II. S. Brock. way were elected Secretaries .Motion, that meeting proceed to business with closed doors. Carried Motion, that the Editor of the Re publican Co. paper And members of the County Committee be admitted. Carried. The Primary Rules were read by the Chairman, after which iho returns were banded in by the various return judges, and read by the chairman. (The returns, as read, are published in the shape of a table in another place.) On motion the return judges pro ceeded to nominate a candidate for Etate Senate. W. R. Dunn was nom inated unanimously. On motion the following gentleman were appointed Benatorial Conferees: Jno. Thompson, D. Graham and S. J. Setley. On motion T. D. Collins, of Hicko ry, was nominated for tho office of Co. Surveyor. On motion, adjourned II. S. Bkockway, ) r, , S. J. Setley, jSe:8- Attest : W. P. Mercilliott, Chairman, Its Mission Not Ended. For fourteen years the Republican party has governed the nation. It record has become the most brilliant chapter iu American history. No cit izen need blush over a single line. Posterity will dwell with admiration over the graud work recorded iu so brief a space of time. Grand as its past achievements are admitted to be, even by its opponents, they will be at luast equalled, if not surpassed, by the vork of the future. It has delivered the nation from the hamla of its enemies ; iu future mis sion will be to conduct it. to the high est possible .plane of nationality. It bus a puUicdebt to pay, pledged faith of the country to niaiutain, a curren cy to redeem iu cuin, an emancipated race to protect, before it 'can retire from a work to which it was called by the voice of tho people. It, id not idle boasting, but a recog nized truth, when we pay that the Re publican party represents the intelli gence, the wisdom, the patriotism, the honor of the natiou, as tbuuiled among all clashes, anion;; men of culture, weal ih,' industry, llie true governing elements of nations. Could the two parlies pass iu review, eo that ihe na tion could contrast tho material of each, thcro would be no hesitation among fair minded citizens us to the parly most entitled to support. Democracy Las' :.oruu jouJ men iu OFFICIAL VOTE or the ICrpukllran Primary r.Icrlloni, held In I'orMt County, Atigntt 7, 1HT.1. At itr lPV-j DISTRICT. Barnett tireen Howe j Hickory 1 Harmony T. Harmony L. KinjTRley lmw Itoro. Tionesta Tp. Total Maloriilp 2.H 2"J 3i MOj its rank, men who desire to do right, and who earnestly seek through their voles and influence to advance the interests of their country. But they are in a hopeless, minority, powerless to control the bad elements which ex crt a controlling influence in the Dem ocratic party. Honor, patriotism, re- spcctibility, intelligence, are the ex ceptions in Democracy, while in the Kepublican party tbey are the rule. Ivascals will creep into the best or gam zed society, ihey will pet into the church, the best protected order, the family circle. They are not in vited, but they come under tbo euise of honor, and are known only when their acts betray them. Such men are discovered from time to time in the Republican party, but as soon as known tbey receive the lash of indig nation, or if criminally guilty, the penalties laid down in the law. They Lave never been sheltered by the par ty, ami they never will be. Whenev er, or wucrever discovered, tbey will have meted out to them the punish ment they deserve. ibis is all that any nunian organiza.' lion can do. we snooid expect no more from a party; we should be sat isfied with no leM. To search out and punish the delinquent, to ignore t()e unworthy, to turn a cold shoulder to those who would nse the party to pro mote tneir own selnen purposes, nhould be the object and aim of truo Repub licans, uur ranks are tilled with no ble characters, men of public and private virtue, whose names have be come household words in the locali ties where tbey reside. To brine tbera to the front, to nominate them for of fice, to select thein as leaders, is to write victory on our party banners. Jjet this important duty be performed. The speech of Senator Thnrman. of Ohio; which was to be the great event of his life, and an oratorio! eT fort which would equal the best pro ductions of Webster or Clay, baa not worked exactly as was anticipated. It bas effectually squelched him. so far as Presidential aspirations are concern ed, and is everywhere denounced as tricky and cowardly. Even the New York Tribune gives him up, as weak- xneed, aua lime-serving. Alas I poor Thurman! Pendleton triumphs at last. Franjcford, Pa., Auk. 7. The terrific explosion at halt-past nine this morning at liadesburg arsenal was caused by the breaking up of con demned metallic ammuuition. There were many reports of the killed aud injured, but only one person, a lad of about eighteen, was killed. About twenty-two others were injured, several of whom cannot survive. The Elk Democrat has the follow ing items: Wilcox is afflicted with millions of army worms. Iu some fields they have almost ruined the grass crop. while in other fields close by it is al most unharmed. They are about an inch in length, and black iu color. One day last week the boss at the Keystone mines, tt. Marys, discharged one ot the workmen named l lrliD Fox for some cause or other, and on Friday, while the aforesaid boss was walking along tho track near the mines with a friend. Fox appeared on the scene armed with a revolver and discharged two shots at him, neither of which took effect. A warrant Hir Fox's arrest was shortly after put in the hands of Constable Weis who took him into custody, brought him to Ridgway and lodged him in jail, where he will await his trial at the Septem ber term of court. BOOK AGENTS 7X? sell "The oi!o a Common Seiico Medical Adviaer." It in the clioap Mt look ever publiahod ; h5 jMUfc, over o liiUHirntions, ri.ou. 1 iioiihitiida buv It at diu'ht who conjd not be imlucod to pur chawi the hi'h-prieed Ijookg treatinx of lJomivaic Modieiue. Uulike other book wild through affonla tliia work is thorough ly adverting! tiiroudhoiit North America. iliiH fact, together w ith the lurL'e ai.e. clo- pant acuranco, and many new tcalurea of tlio look, cannon it to m il more rapidly than any work ever published in lliiw country. Thone of my auenta who have had experience in solium booka, aay that in all their prcvioua c-unvuiiiK they nev- r ii. ( t wun aui'ii hiiccchh or mailo bo Isrgo whkch, aa Mince tioiiiiiieiicin tho aalo of my work. For Uirmx and territory, ad- (il'CMN 1 illclosill'- L it OllMt('. MlMtllliM Ull.l N!allii),'fxiH.rlciico R. V. Pierce. M. !., j ivorui it i:-ihiihhi v. UI1IIUIO. is. X. A'ule. Mark euvulopu "For Pulilixliin l)('liirlliiunl." ii-il a mouth to agents everywhere Address Excelsior Maniifuo , Jim -Italian, Midi. 11 41 liu lu - ' Mi bt 1 W .... d I t Mi SI I 2I A 3oj l.'i irij 2:1 2 41 -t 1- iii i it i:i ( ll ti 21 2 l! 27 '. 2!, V 2.' 2" 3i 257 15W127 2: 67 72l I N; k f tf I f c kn . i e f I c ! i l M n e. Z'- r ? c MLUU. Hi! ifi, 4'V Ml 1 I 2ij 1 21 li b 21 X W5! Xi; id 3, H ! S'll :i7j 14 . Lf 2! 4; 2 1 11 17 131 Z 2! 0i IK'.238 93 l5J,272MS4ii 220' C7 June 16th, 1375. GREAT CM1ICE SALS OF Dry Goods, Motions, BOOTS, SHOES, t-o., Ac, at Panic Prices ii TJAWXO PURCHASED tho ENTIRE .."to'k of (r",1 t the Nuuri.r Htore of Mr. ieorao W. I)illiriBe, we are desir oua and determined to dispose of the prea- frit ntwlr sif DRY GOODS. NOTIONS, BOOTS. SHOKS, Sv., In order to make room for NEW GOODS now on the way, reduction of 10 to 25 per 'ro."L!b,rmer I'riTWill bu mad lor tau a A. V WV UHYR, Now is your Tirn to Purchase, aa audi uarfralna wore never offered In 1 Knot.ta befors. Remember liieae price will continue only for (to days. vi'e aluo keep runxtantly onJpwd a full mj oj ouii'ie aua ruiu-v If ' GROCEEIES, SCHOOL IU)OKS, STATIONERY. , WILLOW, AND QUEENSWARK, all of which we offer at lowcwt figuroa, our UIVI'W KSJ11I Small Profits & Quick Cash Sales.' COUNTRY PRODUCE takn in change for Goods at current rale. ;. " KuiuemOor. Uie place. FREEMAN & CORBET, " Successors to Gkorok W. Dithbidoe, Hf. Tionesta. Pa. CHAUTAUQUA LAKE. ' Neartliia boautiful loralltv m NlijintpA an old, richly-endowed Seminary for both aex oh The Chamberlain Institute. Fall Term opens An jr. 24th. For ata loifue adilreaa Rv. J. T. Edwards, A. M., Principal, Randolph, N. Y. v H-4t BEPOIIE YOU C START INSURE IN THE TRAVELERS OF HARTFORD, CONN. 14l WATERS' NEWSCALE PIANOS are the bet made; The touch elastic, and a lin tsiuging tone, powerful, pure and even. WATERS' CONCERTO ORGANS. cannot be excelled in toneor beauty; thoy defy competition. Tho Concerto Stop la a fine Imitation of the Human Voice. Pricca extremely low for canh during this month. Monthly instalment receiv ed ; Piano and Organs to let, and rent money allowed if pui-chael. Seuond hand Instruments t reat bai).'aiiis. AhiiU wanted. A lileral discount to Teachers, Mi cistern, Cliurchis, McIm1s, I.odjicjt, etc. Illustrated Catalitf lies Mail otl. Horace Waters A Kens, 4ol Broad way, Now York. Bo 3007. H-4t T CT A O Thechoicest in the world wlmjiortera' prices Largest company In America staplo artii-lo pleasus ever. body Trade eoiitinuall v In creasin. Ai?cnts wanted everywhere. Rest inducement. Don't waste time. Kent for Circular to Kobkht Wcliji, 41 Vesoy St., N. Y.. P. O. llux 1H7. II 4t F. I'. 1 WAN T E D. Every bod y to know that Four-Fold Liniment is the lendintr Lini ment for curing all kind of Pains and Sore Throat, and lor Horses, Cattle, d'o., is tho most succesxful Liniment iu the market. Sao circulars around bottles. t'.'!? '? UIr"Hi'th!.' .Ho-ly oom li'-i. rr, 1 1 .-Mj, 3.) eta. pe per yard. i rl'.L,! Kl MM) for rooms in plaiMof Plaater. FFLT ROOFING and KIDlNli For aampluH, addroaa C. J. FAY, Camden. New Jersey. TOR WORK neatly xocuU.rt at thisollioe at reasonublu rata. 3" 12 2') V lit! 2 11 11 24 27 IS I 3 J S2' Kl IV K 6 3.V ) 44: 41 mi 12 27 1H 4:!j 65 B7 S 47 4.'. 12! IU 10 44 9H i'A 2 47 4 1 DRUG STORE ! Jas. II. Foncs, Proprietor, RoiiBur A Agnew's Rlovk, ELM STRETJtT, Tionksta, Pa, Ajrcnt for Dr. Morris' Synipof Tar, Wild Cherry and Horohound. DRUGS PATENT MED1CIKLS, TOBACCO, CIGARS, NOTIONS, &C, LIQUOnS, For Medimluse ONLY White Tead, perfectly pure, sold much uiie(mr uian lorineriy. Also all kinds ot Oils, Keronono, Tur pontine, llcnxino. Toilet Articles, Per fumcries, Ac, for auio cheap. - JAS. II. KONE3. THE SUN. WEEKLY AND DAII,Y FOR is;:,. The approach ol tho Presidential elee tlon Riven unusual importance to the events and developments of 1875. Wo nan endeavor to describe them fully, faithfully, and fearlessly. THE WEEKLY SUN has now attained circulation of ever tteventy thousand copies. Its readers aro found in every Suite and Torritory, and its quality is well known tothepuhllc.TWeHhall notonlycn dcavor to keep it fully nptn the old stand ard, but to Improve and add to its variety and power. THE WEEKLY SUN will continue to be a thorough nowspaper. All the news or the day wiU.be found in it. nondnnsed when unimportant, at full length when of momeni, anu always, we trust, treated in a clear, interesting and instructive uian nor. It is our aim to make the Weekly Sun the best family newspaper la tho world. It will be full of entertaining and appro- yi into rcuuuiK oi everv sort, out wiu print nothing to offend the most scrupu lous and delicate tastoj It will alaavs contain the most intcresunit stories and romances of tho day, carefully selected and lotribly printed. The Agricultural Department is a prom inent fcaturo in the Wookiv Sun. and iu articles will always bo found fresh and usetul to the farmer. Tlie number of men Imlenendent in pol ities ia increasimr. and the Weelrlv their paper espeuiallr. It belongs tn no party, anu oucys no dictation, contending for principle, and for the election of the best men. It ex noses the corruntlon tht disgraces the country and threatens the overthrow of republican institutions. It has no fear of knaves, and seeks no favors irom vneir sunooriers. e'l lie markets of evory kindand the fash ions are reirularly reported in its column The nrico of the Week I v Sun is nna l,.l. lar a year for a sheet of eilit papies, and liny-six columns. As tLla barely pavs the expenses of paper and printing, we are not able to make any discount or allow any premium to friends who mav nrnka uijueiaj uiiuris 10 cuena its circulation. Unner the now law, which requires pay ment at poetairo In advance, one dollar a ywr;-'it)i twenty cents tlie i-ost of pre ptiid postage audod, is the rate of subscrip tion. It is not necessary to Kot up a club in order to have tlie Wockly Snn at this rate. Anyone who sends uiie dollar and twenty qonts will got the paper, post-pasd, fcr a year. wo nave no traveling fluents. THE WEEKL iIJN. Kiirht nnuns ftfty-six columns. Only 1.20a vear. dosU ago prepaid. No discounts from this rate. THKUAILY SUN. A largo four-page nowspaper of twent v-ciirht colums. Duiii culuMon over lO.Ooo. All thn new. for 2 cents. Subscription, postago proiald 55 cents a month, or Jl.5u a year. To clubs of 10 or over, a discount of 0 per cent. Address "THE SUN," New York City. LIHirEHT IODIDE OF AMMONIA Curos Nourulgla, Face Ache, Uhcuuiatism, Oout, Frosted Feet, Cliilliluiiis, Sore Throat, Erysipelas, lti uises and Wounds of every nature in man or animai. Tlie romnrkablo cures this remedy lias effect ed classoa it as one of tho most Imnnrtimt and valuable remedies ever discovered for me cure anu rcl lei ot pain. "Tho sinews of my left hand were con tacted from an old abscess, drawing the fingers into the palm of the hand. I a- 'ucu unes 1.11111111C111 liHiiuooi Ammonia. i relaxed them so that I cnti straighten my fingers and use uiv hands." U. Mu LiernioU, 4U W. 13 St., N. Y. Sold by tioo. W. liilliridgo, Tionesta, Pa. For sale by all Druiruiata. Ii.hm.i 4.i lith Ave., N. Y. I i-4t t"St A WEEK to agents to soil an article w salable as Hour. Prolii li.m..i,u, Package l'rte ; address Buckeye Manufac turing Co., Marion, Ohio. a 4t r. f. Jj. The nbovft ttUru of tlie finet uiedicines in tlie country. ..i.i-i trm i.iuiiiii'uL, uoi exeeiiefl liy any other iu the curing of J-hiii and Sore Ihroat, and is especially adapted to ills ease of Horses, Caiilo Ac. See circulars uround Isittles. Sold by all li ii"j'ists 'Oil WORK of all kindsUono"ttt tTiis"u'f l.ro ou short notice. NEBRASKA GRIST MILL. THE GRIT MILL at Nebraska (Laoy town.) Forext cotintv, has been tlmr ouiililr overhaulod and refitted Iu first class order. and iwnow running and doing all kinds or CUSTOM (JRniH.XJ FTour. KEEP, AND OATS Constantly on hand, and sold at tho very inwvssnaurcs. 4 "Mi m U. W. LET) E 111 'R. DRVC. kemdle, Has bought ou! the store of UOLAIU) BROS rriliou, ln.. And will carry on tho business liereaflor, A full line of all the goods formerly kej will still be found in this store. "Phvsl dsns pnserfptloiis carefully eompoiiMded bv a Competent Pharmacist a Oradmito of 1 lilliulclpiiia Collego of Pharmacy. 32-3ln C. K KM RLE," M. I). M 2 ..a m E fcr -a to TFE MAEVEL0F THE WfjELD-Bo t h esda WATKIl. It has riml.. I i.... i from tho brink of tho gravo ; given health and strength to tho.ao deoiucu lvoud the rea. li of in..,li, nl aclnnco, nud turned tlu path of atlliction to one of happiness in tho .. "? "" ii cures t ie nCH.I Ur lli..l,lu 1 , ' .' . T. ; IN"" "" 1'iniioios; eralicates all di-eases of tho kidneys j. re stores the urinary organs to strenglli anil power in a word, it is a natural restorer or health, and has performed the most wonderful uti.l m...-.,.... i....u , ........u.imih i-iiicn oi any known specitio on tho globe. Address lor ui.i i.iurs, vus., CUU.lt. DUKHAH. " Waukosha, Wis. . OPIUM AND MOIiPIIIA IIIJIT rlmnro for trnatuiont until satisfaction in rtHiiinrnil i-tf imi-i;..,.!....!. ..ii. .... LoytJIIRY, Manor Nlatioii, Westmoro- lanu comity, l a. 11 it er. WirnntM, IfiuMl In time, to cur .-.ht.'ktsi cli(.!irn aikI a.p.n. Wluisnupiilyuiuila Towaar, mil bwlowui of ominirrsUeuUoa i,,, Huoa. and ,r,.i,r fct'iliiitf. ciplulVriii. Adri. Dl u .v.sMi CO, Biltlmora, PSYCHOMANCY, or (Soul Charming. X 1 I (IIV .lit III.!- Ul. V l.lu .r I'.i..; I - ,.. ...j ia,.iiinLuiiui;iHII the lovo and att'ecti.ms of Hiiy jicinoii liiey ....,-, j , siinino inentul m- Uiroment all can possess, froo, bv mail, !V, r-' ,""",i together with a .Nfarriago ouide, Egyptian Orac.o. llrciinis. Hints to Ladles. A (pieer honk. lOU.fwM) Mild. Ad dress T. William iv. Co., Publisliers, Phil aiielphiu. ' 7 M OUHSClilUi: for tho l- It ill pay Forest Ecpublicuti 1875. t it i: riTTsisi'ium jOMr.lERCIAl, A Pol 1TICAL, LITER ARY.COMMER. t I A 1. and tiKN Kit L NEWS PAPER, Pevo!. 1 to tho Best Interests of the People. IN POLITICS, Tho COMMERCIAL will hereafter, a. herel.il.il e, u dev.iled to the support of Repul.li nn priii"ijile, n.niniaiiiiii t JH in (lepenie within (lie l puliie an I'aiiv, and cluin-iiig the ri;;lil nt nil limes to'spenl; Iretlv anil fciirh "sly on (in merits of uirl, and mi .1-uri-i. I'ai i v I'.overnijieitt is es. sent.al l.i n c'iiit.tu!i.i.-n eiiuiitrv. nml Journals claiming t: be linii iiemfent of party are usually Indepi iidcnt crpr inrl j le. Faithful to the gn at convictions and alms iim w lm h tlin Republican Party was lnsvd, it l t.'ie iH'u!hieso of no cli.pio or f:ictiou, supporting the partv solcly liis'illlsii it lielicvcT tliat party i founded on prim Iples of Right and Jus tice. THE EDITORIAL DEPARTiflENT Of the Comnkri'Iai. will contain, from day o day, ceiitrilimions from nble wri ters uii n'l subjects Political, I.fleniry, Sclenlilic I-l-iiI, C.iimiK reiel. Foreign and L's nl in which Us views will be Ht forih plainly and independeiit! v, keeping in view the prime aim of the paper, which is tho advancement of tho best interests ot all sections of tho country. ITS KEWS CEPARTftlENTS Will alunv contain brief but accurate re ports of all the occurrences f tho dav Liherid -xpendit.ires will be made in w ciirimr spis'lal Icli'irrams and isuresuon denco fi cim fho great news ccntcn of tho '.ountry, so that renders of the Cuinnier .viil ran always rely on being servej with iniiy and rcliublo law. In tho defiartinent devoted to tho pub lication of l.o,nl News w ill lie round jomt.leto dnilv liisloi-v of H.u . .. ... i . i ...... .in. i m environs, gailicrct by n eoiim of careful writers and set lorth In altrs. tire stylo. THE MARKETS Will, as heretofi ire. receive .nr..',. I n tloll. f'tlll tclecl-Hiiliie r..twi.t...r .1... u...." of liusiness, with I'i I.s?, Curr. nl, will bo received daily from tho Trndo Cei.turs of this country and Enroi. Tho Pituburvh M;n kol. In nil its lir in. l-.n. ...n i r. ed fully and ws'iiratcl v. As a enmmer clal journal the Ci'inmcrchil ttands sisxind ... .... j'.ip i in uiv ismiury. Tho Financial Column will give dally tho llllillir rnlfMi llir ni..... ....i .i - i . i . .. prut's ol stock and Honds at all the great trad ing nollltH. with inii.'Ii imArA.i: i .' - WCHIIIJ BL.tl ISLl- oal matter. INTERESTING MKrriiiMir i i a w w a abji i ? f , urn, ofwru'iii, incident or Travel etc., will flml a pi in tli col- 11 111 I.B sXMtAA'nli.,..;.! .! 1. 1 ,,,, (BI . Rl)inu.nn of TLJrin-Uoii m aruusauiout ' fur the kmUvniRoI TOOIK nut TUB Daily Coniisicrcinl, Postage Free to Subscribers. Ily mail, lier nmmiin $10 00 6 lio. 2 50 1 Utf Itv mail for ix muntlis Ily mail for throe mmiilis ny mad tor one month We heir to slate that Postii'-o will be nM at this olUce, free, on all Editions of Tun ('oMMKiiciAt, sent to Subscribers, under tho now Ijiw to fake ell'ect on Iho 1st r January, isr.1. Weekly Conniiereial ! A PAPER, FOR. THE FARMER, THE MECHANIC, THE MANUFATURER, Will contain Iu condensed form all the NEWS O ? THE DAY, Including the proceedings of Congress, and of tho Legislatures of Neighboring States. Interesting correspondence, choice selections, and CompIeteWeckly Market Reports fpcchilly Prepared for it. Jt-crTho WKKKLY 11)MMI:I1CIA A will bo sent rostago Frc8 to Subscribers. J 'fr-Eiu h Subscriber, at (J.PO per year,, w ill also be entitled to a copy of our new.' Illustrated Monthly Magazine One of tlie haiidKoii-.est and best publica tions of its kind in existence. TEKMS FOU 1ST5. WEEKLY COMMERCIAL. (Posl:t;,-o Pre-Paid). One copy one year, Includinir Mas.izJno. Two Di.lHus. CLUll KATES: Fivo Copies, per auuuiii, each fi 7 Ten Copies, " fs Twenty Copies, and over " 1 !i And one extra oopy to tho getter tip'of club Achl'dlons may bo made to a Club at any time during the year, at rhclubprice, tho subscriptions continuing a Fi'i.i. Ykak I'nmi the llino tho additions shall ha6 been made. Vi. I'..t masters rcfpiested lo act as agents. Thio prices are invariable. Terms f'nsli In advance, ltcmit in drafts or I'ost olllco Money Orders, il possililo, and where, neither of thesM n()1 ,0 pns'iired send tho money iu registered letter. :;:1 Specimen Copies sent Fit EE. Ad dress ail orders and loltera to "THE COMMERCIAL." PlTTNItl lltal, PA, 1 875. Pntnsrrlml AB.-. Uri.il.is lira. WOMAN in SACRED HISTORY, .Sei ii s of Sketches drawn from, Srrijtlural, Jlinfoi-lrul ,i LvavmUiru Source, ILI.l. vniATl.li liy VODKUN ART IN OIL-COLOR PLATES '.V.t? 'Ir'-;"" -y ,lle Krut Euroin an inas-Icis-ltaplmel, liuioni, Alerio, Iloraco Ver net Lan.lelle, lloulaiigcr.Vernet-Lecoiiite. and oitiers, forming a complete set of riui-SimUes of Celebrated Oil-Paintings, illustrative of the prominent female char tloteis in Sacred 1 1 it.to-y. Oiio agent in Pennsylvania made $li 8fl in tvo weeks Willi this novel and elegant work. I anvassers wanted in every town, ic.'ins very liberal. .1. II. tXKU A CO "'e' w V,"'k- U -It S5 2 '"'r ,!',y ,u '",!"- 'Terms d ( o., P.iiiliu, !, Me. 7 4.