The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, July 28, 1875, Image 3

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TlnrffMt John TUx-h.
ftmci7mrn C. W. Robinson, H. A.
Varner, A. H. Kelly, H. 11. J Unlet, A. II.
rrtilil(-, II. (). lnvix.
Jwitteei of the Pence D. S, Knox, C. A.
(SmtnhtK, .Swnirtmrt
AVAoot iwfoi-.t-l), S. Knur, IT. O. Pa
ris. K. .1. Wohmll, H. 11. Haslet, A. J.
Kelly, I. Chirk.
FrrtMent .TiirlirT,. r. WsTMonr,
Aneiate Judaea A.tDHKW Cook, Jom.
. D.r.K.
fiheriirT. 3. Van Oihxkw.
TrtnHM ,H. .T. Skti.kv.
I'rnthnnntitry, lirrjixtcv t Iteenrdcr, t
V. M. t'l.AHK.
f.timmiMifinr Joux Thompson, Jas.
K. Cl.AltK, F.I.I I!kri.i.
nntii NitprrintenitrntR. F. RoHnKlt.
JtiHtriel Attorney S. I). Irwin.
Jury Hiirimuiiotniu-JAS. Fltnn.Wm.
fVuinO Surveyor K.P. Tnwi2.
rVirnnrr M. Ittkt., Jn.
Oitinfy A urtitnrn't. It. Conn, T,. Wxn
jtKn, 1. Jamikson.
Member nf Vonijrtm l!)(n DtntrietC. B.
AtemMyI. n. Aqskw.
'Vine 0 Trnhin
At TIOXKST.V STATION, on ami allor
May 4, 1ST. l
Train fin ... . 10:4(1 b. til.
" M - - . fl:w p. in.
"hi ... . 8:40 p. in.
Train fcl - - :Tfi a. m.
" Ml .... 4:4(1 p. 111,
ftl - - - - MM a. ni.
On tho River Division 1. r. from Oil City
'to IrvlnoUin, up the river in North down
the rlvor, south. . .
Rev. Elliot will preach in the
I'rosliyterian tlinrch on Sunday next,
morning ami evening. Sabbath School
nt 3 o'clock p. ru.
Nicholas Thompson is to day an
nounccJ as a candidate fur Auditor,
subject to Republican usages.
--J.' II. Wcntworth, of Green town
rhip, is announced in this issue as a
candidate for Jury Commissioner, sub
ject to Republican usages.
Mr. P. O. Conver has let the job
f putting a stone foundation under
Ins house and office to Mr. Joyce, who
is now preparing stone for the work.
Just nt this pyint the river seems
very scarce offish of all kinds. Above
wnd below us, however, we hear that
they arc quite plenty. IVe have too
many experts here to make it healthy
fur fish.
' "Uarty," son of Wm. Lawrence,
is at present lying quite ill with scar
let ftffer. The child is improving
somewhat, but is not yet entirely, out
if danger. It U to be hoped that the
disease will not spread.
Tho decision in the case of Wil
foil vs. Dithridge, was put off wutil
to-morrow. The probabilities arothat
n he decision of the Justice will not be
fiiml , as the case will doubtless be op
ealed. Mr. Geo. Morgan has broken
ground for a residence on the East
fido of Vine St.. directly opposite
huuiucl .Murk's. He proposes to build
n gooil substantial structure, which
will iu uo wise mar the beauty of cur
Mr. Dennett Dobbs, formerly of
ibis county, made us a rail yesterday
morning. He scorns to islam the
hard limes first rate, although he com
plains that business is dull. Ilia pres
ent address is ElairsvilK, Indiana
county, Pa.
The new machinery for Dith
ridge's mill is at the depot, and will
le brought over and put in immediate
ly. The mnchinery is said to be first
class; and the milt, for the business
it is intended to do, will be at least as
perfect as the one which was burned.
Cucumbers and their attendant,
uneasiness in the stomach, have made
their appearance hero. A good dose
of onions tsken with them seems to
(Check their bail effects. It is estimat
ed that there will be nearly a hundred
barrels of cucumbers raised in this
Last week a convention of bank
ers' was held in Saratoga. Among
oilier things they declared that "it
hliould be the effort of every good citi
zeu to baeten tho day when every
promiso of our Government to pay a
(dollar shall be honestly redeemed in
Peters' Household Melodies is
at hand with its usual choice collec
tiuu of songs, duels, choruses, etc.
This monthly is devoted entirely to
vocal music, and has nothing but the
bett se'ectious of prominent composers.
Price SI per year. J. L. Peters, 813
BronJwav, N. V.
A week ago Tuesday, Messrs.
Ilinaldo Toby and Abrara Bean, of
Bob a Croek, got on the track of a
bear and two cubs, and. after a long
chase the old bear was brought down
by Mr. Toby. The cubs treed, on a
large hemlock, and the hunters took
up a position under the tree to wait
for tliein to come down. After -waiting
about thirty-six hours, without
accomplishing their object, they pro
cured an augur, mule some pins, and
constructed a ladder up the side of the
tree, up which one of the men climbed,
carrying a cable with him. With the
rope the cubs wete secured and let
down to the ground. They were about
as large, Mr. Toby informed us, "as a
small dog," from which we infer they
would weigh about ten or fifteen
pounds each. Mr. Toby has one of
them, and Mr. Bean the other. They
are gelling quite tame, and will make
nice pets until they get too old to
manage. Hubert Guyton, of Bear
Creek, however, is the "bote"' bear
hunter iu this county, having killed
and trapped so large a number that if
we were to give the figures, it would
sound like a fish story. We know,
however, that he has killed as many
as eleven bear in one season since we
came to Tioncsla.
Tire Clarion Republican publishes
a call for Wta. P. Finley, Esq., of
Salem twp., Clarion Co., to become a
candidate for State Senator at the com
ing election. This call is signed by
upward of two hundred voters of Clar
ion Co., among them, quite a number
of Democrats. If Mr. Finley can
carry Clarion county ngainet the Dem
ocratic candidate, he's the man we're
after. Forest county, we believe, will
present no Republican candidate, and
we bear of none in cither of the other
counties of the district. Unfortunate
ly Clarion county holds her primaries
after ours, rnd having two Republican
candidates for this office, we could not
take their names into consideration at
our primary meetings; we believe,
however, as the case stands that the
nominee of Clarion county can rely
on the support of Forest, to the full
amount of her Republican vote. By
all means give us a good candidate;
one whose character will bear a strong
light, and we will do our level best
for him at tho general elections.
From this standpoint, it would
seem that Meadville would be a nice
place to live, provided always that a
person had the money and time which
would naturally be required to amuse
himself after the manner of the Mead
villians. Every whip-stitch an excur
sion is gotten up for Chautauqua Lake,
at half-fare or less; an odd fellows'
excursiou went to Lake Erie a few
days ago, and now the Baptist con
gregation of that city propose to visit
Niagara Falls on the 18th of August,
the round trip costing 4.00. Of
course a man would be miserable if he
was there and hadn't the required
We publish this week, as is our
custom at this season, the Rules for
the Republican Primary Meetings. It
is important that officers of the elec
tion boards should have copies of these
rules by which to regulate their deci
sions in the various cases which come
up. These elections should be con
ducted as strictly as the general elec
tions, and we hope they will be so
conducted. No Democrat should be
allowed to voto at these primaries.
Frauds should be carefully guarded
against, theti w hen a man is nominated
he will be the choice of the majority
of the party.
The Republicans of Clarion coun
ty do not believe in letting the Demo
crats have the election all to them
selves, just because tbey happen to
have a large majority. There are an
nounced in the Rejubliean 1 candidate
for State Senate, and an extensively
signed call fur another; 3 for I'rothon
otary; 7 for Treasurer; 15 for Com
missioner; 3 for Auditor, and 1 for
District Attorney. That's a good
many, but it don't approximate the
number of candidates for nomination
on the Democratic side.
Here is a new Presidential ticket.
It is presented by the Wilmington
Commercial of Delaware: "We hear
a new ticket, designed for 1876, talked
of in Pennsylvania. It is : For Pres
ident, Benjamin II. Bristow of Ken
tucky; for Vice President, John F.
Hartrauft, of Pennsylvania. There
would bo life, spirit and young blood
iu that ticket beyond a doubt, and if
the Convention should nominate it,
tho people would give it their ratification."
A swimming match for the cham
pionship of the world, took place at
Chester, Fa., between Johnson and
Coyle. .The!atter gave out, and was
wnconsciius for several hours after the
match. On his return to conscious
ness be claimed to have been drugged,
as he undoubtedly was. Johnson says
Coyle can beet him.
Grove & "Wolcott are putting
down another well on their old stamp:
ing ground, on this side of the river,
opposite Trunkeyville. If they gel a
five hundred barrel well we shall not
feel badly about it. They have great
confidence in this territory, and as
they are old operators, we would not
be ranch surprised if they made a good
Donaldson, kho teronaut, and
Grim wood, the jonrnalist, who made
the ascent with him from Chicago,
have never been heard from, and there
exists no doubt but that both perished
in Lake Michigan. Mr. Barnum, not
stopping to mourn over poor Donald
son, has engaged Prof. King to run
the balloon hereafter, or at least un
til be is killed.
Ohio has a surplus of demagogues.
Allen, a hard money Democrat, is
running on a soft money platform.and
Carey, a temperance lecturer, asks the
whiskey men to make him Lieutenant
Governor. Allen has gone over to
Carey for his money, and Carey has
goue In Allen for his whiskey. The
people propose to spoil the whole job
by electing the entire Republican
Carrier Seminary is fortunate in
securing the services of Miss Mary R.
Jenks of Brookville, as music teacher
for the coming session remaining all
the time at the seminary. Her high
reputation as a performer, and skill
as a teacher will attract the attention
of many who are desirous of securicg
a good musical education. The next
session of the seminary will open
August 31st, and the prospects are
good for a large attendance. Clarion
Judge Coon, of Clarington, For
est county,, while driving along the
road near Black's Corners, in this
county, last week, lost a valuable
horse. The horse trod upon one end
of a stick, or part of a pole, used to
corduroy a wet spot, the other end of
it flew up, striking the horse and pen
etrating the bowels, causing death in
a short time. And now it is said
Judge Coon intends to sue' the road
supervisors of Farmington township
for the value of his horse. Clarion
Judge Williams, in a recent' case
in Elk county, decided that a pur
chaser of land at a tax sale took no
title at the time; that the owner re
tained his legal title, and that the
purchaser had no right under his tax
deed until the expiration of the term
for redemption, and no remedy in law
or equity, although the owner might,
remove all the timber and everything
else of value on the land before the
two years expired, and thus, if the
land was of no value except for tim
ber, compel the unlucky purchaser at
tax salejto lose the money he had paid
the County Treasurer for the lands.
The Detroit Post, after a calm
outlook through the West, remarks
that unless there is a decided change
in the situation within a short time,
the Republicans will be sure to carry
Ohio, Wisconsin and Minnesota. We
think the Post is correct in its opinion,
while at the same time we have the
fullest confidence that instead of a
change iu favor of the Democracy,
the current which has been flowing so
strongly in favor of the Republicans
during the last sixty days will con
tinue to increase in power nntil the
day of election, aud that it will then
overwhelm the Democracy with inev
itable disaster.
Tfce editor of the Pittsburgh
Commercial is a member of the Re
publican State Committee. He says:
"The accounts brought up from all
parts of the Slate at the late meeting
of the Bepublican State Committee
were very encouraging. The members
all felt confident as to the result in
their own counties, such as Lancaster,
Chester, Dauphin, Lebanon, Erie,
Blair, Tioga, and Bradford, old-fasb-ioned
majorities were promised ; and
in the Democratic couuiies, such as
Berks, Schuylkill, and Luzerne, the
prospects were said to be cheering.
The quarrels of the masses of the
Democratic party with the work of
their leaders everywhere, and the con
fidence of Republican voters in assur
ed victory, are likely to make the
campaign of this fall a pleasant one
t eur side of Ilia political house.
Killing Cabbage Worms. A cor
respondent of the New, York Tribune
says: "In July last in going through
my early cabbage, I found one com
pletely covered with the worm. Im
mediately I obtained a handful ' of
bran and sprinkled it over the head.
The worms began to squirm and fall
off the cabbage, . and wherever it
touched tbcm they seemed to be in
pain. The following morning tbey
were all dead. Since that time, on
the first appearance of the worm, I
sow the bran. Borne seasons it may
be necessary to do it a second time.
If the worms are very thick, it is bet
ter to take a handful and sprinkle it
over the cabbage. A hundred weight
is ample, cheap, and easily tried. Pos
sibly it may be the very thing we
have" been looking for." Mittouri
Go to Robinfon & Bonner's for
glass fruit jars, jelly glasses, tin cans,
sealing wax, etc. 15tf
'. Tax-Payers Attention.
- Those paying to Treasurer previous
to. August 1st are entitled . to 5 per
cent, reduction. S. J. Setlet,
July, 1875. Treasurer.
Grain cradles, grass scythes and
snaths, hand rakes, forks &c., at Rob
inson & Bonner's. 11 tf.
The valuable and beautiful home
stead formerly owned by Hon. Joseph
G. Dale, and in which he now resides,
is in my hands for sale at very low
figures. Terms one-third purchase
money down, and the balance in one
and two years. Miles W. Tat.
On Saturday or Sunday last, one
half of a chased gold locket, oval,
about one inch long by one-half inch
wide. The owner was up the Stewart's
Run Road as far as McClintock's on
Saturday. Any one finding it will be
suitably rewarded by leaving it with
Dr. Winans. lltf
For Sale.
The old Holmes House property is
tiered for sale on very reasonable
terms. This property consists of two
acres of land, a barn, suitable for liv
ery, size 105x40 feet. The foundation
of the Holmes House contains a large
amouut of first class building stone.
The land is suitable for gardening.and
with proper care will raise ' superior
vegetables. This properly will be
sold cheap. For terms enquire of the
editor of this paper, or of C. F. Gilles
pie, Whig Hill. 33tf.
The lightest running Machine in
the world is the Grover & Baker, at
least Baldwin, of Tidiouto says so,
and be knows. 46 ly
Landlord and Tenant Leases, the
most approved form, for sale at this
The colored address label on each
paper shows the date to which tho sub
scriber has paid, thus
Thos Turner 1J74,
signifies that Mr. Turner has paid for
his paper nntil March 1st, 1874 The
mail list is corrected weekly. By con
sulting the address label every subscri
ber can tell how his account stands.
Our accounts go back no further
than the 1st of January, 73, the ac
counts previous to that time being
payable to the old firm.
Those beautiful lots just north of
Mrs. Henry's residence can be bought
cheap, on long time, by applying to
the editor of this paper. tf.
By Robinson & Bonner, Dealers in
General Merchandise.
Flour barrel ... 7.007.50
Corn Meal, bolted .... 2.60
Chop feed - - - - $2.002.20
Hye bushel - - . - 1.00
Oat V bushel .... 65 (a, 70
Corn, ears ..... 4550
Beans bushel ... 2.00(3.00
Ham, sugar cured - - t .10
lireaknut Baoon, augar cured - 10
(Sugar lOQ 12t
Syrup 76(a 1.00
N. O. Moltwaes .... 1.00
Roast Rto Coflee No. 1 ... 80
Klo Coffee, boat - ... 28
Java Coffee 871
Tea - - 00(3,1.25
Butter 1K(20
Riue ..10
Eggs, fresh ..... 18
8alt 2.25(X2.85
Lard - 15(5,20
Iron, common bar .... 4.00
NailH, lOd, V keg 4.25
Liuo'rbbl. - - - - 2.00
Kew Advertisement.
Pemonn bavin nnnettled aconnU with
m. Will pleaae rail and Mttla lefore Sept.
loth, 1875. At that dato my books will
be left with attorney for eollortlon.
July 21, 1875.-16 3t S. H. HASLET.
IN THE Court or Common Plmui of For
nt County. No. 1 W-pt. Term, 174,
Breva d partition Tato.
John Cobb . Uilfl F. Filler, TlMKxlnre
Ijircille, J. Philip Krinaor, John F. Tollo,
Hanrr Van Htoddiforrt, II, A. Jmmarv,
Jarob Woodburn, William H. Heid, t.
If. Barrett, Ada 8. Amos, Honry tt. Ainen,
Mary 8. Amen and Edmtr Amw, minor
heir of F.dira'' Ames d'"od, and Lnoy
V. H. Amps, ornnrdian of tho Raid minora,
John A. Heuilder and W. H. Scuddor, ex
ecutor of Honry Ames dweased, Thomas
8nofS and W. H. Drown, Tnwtop.
Notice 1 hereby given to the above
named partiea, that by virtne of the above
mentioned writ of partition, an inquest
will be held and taken upon the premiaea
therein deaoribed on the 6th day of Sep
tember, A. 1). 1N75, at one o'elork In the
afternoon, for the purpose of making par
tition and valuation and appraiaement of
the aaid real extate, aa in the said writ re
quired ; at which time and place said par
tiea can attend if they think proper.
To Uiles F. Filley, Ac.
T. J. VAN UIF.SEN, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, July 28, 1875. IS 6t
We would call the attention of
Teacher, and others Interested In
music, to the following works, as
being the best of their class s
A New Class-Book for Female Vol.
oes. Price to per dozen. Sample
copies, mailed, post-paid, on re
ceipt of ti.
A Class-Book for Children. Used
in all the Principal Schools. Price
taper dozen. Sample copies mall,
ed, post-paid, on receipt of 60 cts.
The Most Popular School Singing
Book ever published. Price 7.r0
per dozen. Sample copies mailed,
postage free, on reoelpt of 75 cts.
Address, J. L.. PETEItS, ,
843 liroadwaj, JV, I",
You can find the Largeat and handsomest
Lot of
Ever brought to Tidioute at
L. L
Also a fine lot of Handkerchief, from
8c. to $1.00. I have the fluent and largest
lot of Ladies' Tiea ever brought to (Ilia
place, in price from 20c. to S1.25. Ladieti'
l.inon (Olara Plain, Embroidered aud
Colored ; alao a lot of Ruchiugs
60c to 13.50 per pair. If you don't like
M'me Foy'a Coraeta yon can get here a
separate Skirt Suporter that can be worn
with any Corset. Shawls, S1.00 and up
wards. Ladies' Uuae. 10. to 75o. i also
the new style Balmoral atrlpea. Parasol
from 35o. to $4.50. PasaauieiiUrles and
Fringes in all Style.
IT you want Drcas Goods
why J UHt call and aoe them for yourself,
ana you cannot fail to be suited.
T"T-p In and look over our atock.
DlVUr You will find it complete in
every respect, both a to style and price.
7-2m. Tidioute, I'a.
Executor's Notice.
Whereas, letters testamentary on the
estate of Lavina Brandon, late of Harnett
township, deceased, having been granted
to the undersigned ail persona indebted to
aid estate, or having claims against the
aame, are requested to call for settlement
with claim dulv authenticated.
A. L. KKKJ WOUTH, Executor.
June 21, 1875. 12 6t
Auditors' Report of Jenks Township.
Marisnvillk, June 19, 1875.
Jacob Mercilliott, School Treasurer, Dr.
Bal. last year settlement $--228.60
State appropriation 3iM)
Unseated order from Co. Com'. 684. 12
Seated tax fur 187:1 70.70
" " 1H74 1H.14
Tuachera' wage
Balunce due District
We the undersigned Auditor of Jenk
Township, mot at No, 1 School House,
and did settle the account of the School
Treasurer, aa found in the t'oreg ing re
port, hereunto we have set our hands and
avals, tins lotn nay ol June, A. I'., 18, a.
C. I). KLDKHKiE. IL.S.1 1
JOHN HEATH, L.S. V Auditor.
Dr. J. Walker's California Tin
ffwr Hitters are o purely Tepotnblo
preparation, made chiefly from tho na
tive herbs found on tlio lower raiiRes of
tte Sierra Nevada mountains of Califor
nia, tho medicinal properties of which
are extracted therefrom without tlio uso
of Alcohol. Tho question is almost
daily asked. "What is tlio cause of the
unparalleled success of Vixegak Hit
TEitsf" Our answer Is, that they rcmovo
the cause of disease, mid the patient re
covers his health. They are tho great
blood purifier and a life-giving principle,
a perfect Renovator and Invij;orator
of the system. Never before in the
history of' the world lias a medicine heen
compounded pwwcasiiifr the reniarkiibls
qualities of Vi.vKr.AR Bittkrs in healin? the
sick of avery riwcaso man in heir to. They
are a gentle' Punraiive a well oi a Tmiir.
relieving Congestion or Inflammation of
the Liver and Visceral Organs iu Ili'ious
The properties of Dn. Walker's
Tixsoah I1ITTKR8 are Aperient. Diaphoretic,
Carminative, Nutrition. Laxative, biiretic,
Sedauve. Cunnter-lrritaut Sudorific, Altera
tiva, and Anti-Bilious.
Grateful Thousands proclaim Xrs.
egar Bitters the most wonderful In
rigorant that ever sustaiaed th sinking"
No Person can take these Bitters
" according to directions, nnd remain loug
unwell, provided their bones are not de
stroyed by mineral poison or other
means, and vital organs wasted bcyoud
Milious. Remittent nnd Inter
mittent I evers, which nre so preva
lent in the valleys of our great rivers
throughout tho United States, especially
those of the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri,
Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkan
sas, lied, Colorado, Brazos, liio Grande,
Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Iln
nnoke, James, nnd many others, wiili
their vast tributaries, throughout our
entire country during the Sumuior mut
Autumn, and romarkably so din ing sea
sons of unusual boat and dryness, :iro
invariably accompanied by extensive de
rangements of the stomach and liver,
and other abdominal viscera. In their
treatment, a purgative, exerting a poa--erful
Influence upon theso various or
gans, is essentially necessary. There .
is no cathartio for tho purpnso equal. to
Dr. J. Wai.keu's Vixegak BrrrKim,
as they trill speedily rcmovo tho dark
colored viscid matter with which tlio
bowels nre loaded, nt tlio smiio tinio
stimulating tho secretions of tho liver,
nnd generally restoring tho healthy
functions of the digestive organ.
Fortify tho hotly ngrninst disonsn
by purifying all its tluitlswith Vinkcah
BiTTEHS. No epidemic c;m tako hol t
of a system thus fore-nrmcd.
Dyspepsia or IiidfcoNlioii,
ache, rain in tho Shoulders, C'miglrt.
Tightness o4 the Chest, 1 Miuiiio, ttoitr
Eructations of the Stomach, Bud Tiisto
in tho Mouth, Bilious Attacks. l'aliiu
tation of tho Heart, liillaiiunatioii ol ll:
Lungs, Tain in the region of the Kid
iicys, nnd a hundred other painful symp
toms, are tho otlsprings of Pyspepsia.
One bottle will provo a better giiiuiiutcj '
of its merits than a lengthy ndvci tWc
mcnt. Scrofula, or Klus's Evil, Whirci
SwelliU(is, Ulcers, Krviielas, Swelled 'e !
Goitre, Scrofulous liillniiiiiiutiona. Iihli'lent
Inflammations, .Almcuritil Alieciioiis, Uul
Sores, Eruptions of tlio Skill, Soru Kyes elr.
In thoo, as in nil other constitutional Ur
eases, WALKKu's Vinkoar Kittkiih line i
shown their great curiitivo power. iu U.o
most okstinnto and iiitnictahlu ruie.
For Inflammatory nml ( hronfc
. Rheumatism, Gout, Bilious, Remit
tent and Intermittent Fevers, I lii-Msrt of
the Blood, Liver, Kidncrs nml liliuldn,
those Bitters hare no equal. Siteli I'iivu.
are caused by Vitiated illood.
Mechanical Diseases. Persons en
gaged in Taints and Minerals, such as
Plumbers, Type-settors, (iold-liuater, uiul "
Minor 8. as tlioV advance in life, are anlip-i t
to paralysis of the Bowels. To guard
against this, tnka a dose of WiUKkii's Vix
KQAt Dittkhs occasionally.
For Skill Diseases,' Eruptions, Tet
ter, Salt-Khcuiti, Klotches, Spots, l'iinp!c.
Pustules, Boils, Carbuncles, Kiiir vonn.
Scold-uead, Sore Eyes, Krysipelas. Itch,
Scurfs, Discoloration of tlio Skin, 1 J union
and Diseases of tlia Skin of Klmtever nuinii
or nature, are literally dug up and ciuricd
out of the system iu a tuoi t liuio by lue
of these Bitters.
Tin, Tape, nml other Wownis,
lurking in tiie svstein of so in iiiv I 'ousamU,
are ellectually destroyed u- removed. Su
system of medicine.,-,;"' vcriniluge, uu an
tiielminitics wi'l' l yteui hum ttrrnu
like these Bitt n i . . '
For Fetiii 'e ou'P'
or old, married "luKlu- ?' thodawii of wo
manhood, or til8 Y"n,0f 1'fe, these Tonic
Bittert display 3 u'dl an Influence that
improvement is0"" nerl"il'l'.
Cleanse the ""ted Wood when.
ever you find its '"Purities bursting thruiitfli
tba skin iu PiiuU)i' t-ruptione, or Sores;
eleausa it wheirf'uu " 'I obstructed acit
sluggish in the ,'tu', ekianse it hen it u
foul ; your feeliiiilwilTTBir 4"1 u'he Keep
the blood pure, and the health oll! -tern
will follow.
it. ii. McDonald it co.. -
Drnggtsts ud Us. AU. boa rsnuisou Cs annul,
aud cor. or-WiiNlmiKtMii snj t'liurltuii St.. '.' V .
Iul4 ! sll Uii(UU ssS Ucal r.
AM. Ol'KRATIONS oerfHiiilnn to Kur
Kical or Mechanical lientistry per
foriuod with cure, and warranted. I guar
antee success or refund the iikoicv.
Omce In (.KANDl.N ilKU'K BLOCK.
Kenieinlier the place.
a-l.v. tl. W. KARKKST.