The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, July 21, 1875, Image 3

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    WEDSEIMT BORSISoTitLT !l7v87i7"
. Jlurge3onx Rkck,
(Vmneitmen . W. llnhinaon, H. A.
Varner, A. H. Kollv, H. II. llaalot, A. II.
PurtriilKO, H. O. Iavi.
Justices of the Peace D. S. Knox. C. A.
Hand all.
(.ititable.M. 8wairnart
.VoAooJ liirtetorsV. H. Knox, IT. O. Pa
vln. H. J. Woleott, 8. II. llanlet, A. 1J.
Koily. I). Clark.
President JndijeJj. I). Wktmoiik.
Associate, Judges Andrew Cook, Jos.
. IUI.K.
.VAerifT T. 3. Van Of fmkn.
Trensurer H. J. Nk.ti.kv.
Prnthnnotnry, Itcgister Recorder, tc
r. M. Clark.
0)iiiraMionfr-Joint Thomphon, Ja.
K. Cl.ARK, Kl.I RkRMN.
County Superintendent S. T. TtOHnF.n.
JHxtrict. Attorney H. I. Irwiw.
Jury Co mm iss itinera J AS. Flynn.Wm.
(iiiii fiurveynr R.TV Trwin,
rbroiier M. Ittri,, Jr.
County Auditors T. U. Conn, Xj. War
jikh, O, Jamirhon.
Member of Congress 10fA District C. D.
Cuiitib. m
Assembly J, B. AuNEW.
3fVe o IVafn
At TIONKHTA STATION, on and aflor
May 24, 1876:
Train 00 - . . - 10:40 a. m.
" M - . - 8:08 p. m.
" 6J - . . 8:48 p. in.
: hortit.
' Train 6.1- - - " - R:fi0 a. m.
" AU .... 4:48 p. m,
I " 61 - - - 8:28 a. m.
On the Ulvcr Division . . from Oil City
to Irvinoton, up the river la North j down
th rivor, south.
Rev. Lusher will preach in the
M. K. Church on next Sunday morning.
Union Sabbath School at 10:00 a, m.
Attention ia called to the card of
II. C. & M. V. Lawson, Barbers and
Hairdressers, which appear in to day's
h. Klein, Jeweler, desires us to
any that, in addition to his other busi
ness he repairs sewing machines of all
kind. . , . ' '
Not a regular game of base ball
lias been played here this summer, and
the old club organizations are among
, the tilings that were.
A. II. Fartridge has put up a
-substantial larn on the east side of
Vino St., in the rear of his new furni
ture rooms and residence.
7 Lawsuits still go on, notwithstand
ing tho hard times. Present appear
ances indicate that the lawyers will
be about the hist class starved out.
; D. W. Clark is erecting a barn
-on the back of his lot on Elm St. He
is improving constantly and will in
time, have a very desirable property.
S. D. Irwin, Esq., County Sur
veyor, bus been getting up a map of
Tioncsta Borough, for the use of the
.Mayor and Select Council of our
Mr. II. S. Bates and family, of
Titusville, are at. present in town,
visiting with Mr. May's family, where
.something like a re-uniou ia taking
.The Sioux Indians are said to be
on thowarpath, and are hastening to
wnrd the Black Hills, where they
aliluk they see surface iudicatious of
"much scalp." '
-Mr. Will S. Whitaker, for some
time one of the local editors of the
Clarion Republican, has severed his
.connection with that paper and gone
to Franklin.
The increase in National bank
.circulation since the preseut law went
into effect is a little more than one
million dollars. The present issue of
legal tenders is 1375,771,580.
The Oil City Grays are in camp
At Chautauqua Lake, and according
to all accounts, enjoying their "Sunday
.Soldiering" splendidly. The real
thing isn't so stylish, nor so easy.
Prof. Rohrbacher, of Pittsburgh,
is in town for a couplo of months. He
Is a professor pf music, and comes
highly recommended. We believe he
.desires a few pupils to fill up the time
while here. - ,
Mr. May Irwin, of Washington,
J). C, is at present in town on a visit
to his brother, S. D. Irwin, Esq. He
is a journalist by profession, and cor
responds with several of tho leading
papers of our land.
Freeman & Corbet nave been fix
ing up their store room iu such a man
ner as to conveniently place their new
ood which they are daily expecting.
The windows have had backs of glass
put in them and the opportunity to
how goods to advautage is perhaps
Letter than iu any storo iu towu. Glad
tu note a 1 1 such improvements.
The day of nominations is draw
ing near, and, if we mistake not, near
ly all our candidates are working,
more or less for their own interests,
which is right. One thing, we believe
we tan depend upon, and that is that
any candidates who may be beaten,
will turn iu and work for tho nomi
nees, after tho nominations are inado;
indeed, we should be very sorry if it
were otherwise. The rules of '68,
which were regularly adopted at the
last primary elections, will control
the primaries to come off on the 7th of
August. It is important that each
election board should have a copy of
those rules by which to regulate their
decisions-and conduct. It ia also, of
the utmost importance that the vote
should bo kept pure, and that none
but Republicans be allowed to vote,
under any circumstances. We heard
an idea advanced a few days ago,
which was entirely errobeous, and, if
it were not, primary electious would
be of no use whatever. The idea was
this: "When an elector voted for a
man for any office at the nominations,
he was simply bound to support that
man at the general elections, if he
were nominated, "and that he was in
no wise bound to support the' nomina
tions of the party, provided the
men be supported at the primary
elections were not nominated." This
is decidedly a wrong view of the ques
tion, and one which if it were general
ly accepted by our party in this coun
ty, would defeat every Republican
candidate before the people. - No man
comes up as a candidate for nomina
tion but carries enough votes, even
though he is not nominated, to defeat
the nominee if they are polled agaicst
him at the general election. This is
not the intention of primary elections,
by any means. On the contrary, they
are held to ascertain who is the choice
of the majority, and any one taking
part in a primary election implies by
his participation his willingness to
stand by the decision of the majority.
Such ia the ouly view to take of this
matter, aud if any considerable part
of our party take any other view of
it, we may as well make no nomina
tions, and turn our county offices and
busiuess over to the Democrats at
once.' It would save the labor attend
ant upon a farce in the shape of Pri
mary Elections.
Prof. Donaldson, aeronaut of
5arnum's Hippodrome, and Mr. New
to'n S. of the staff1 of the
Chicago Journal made an ascension
from Chicago on Thursday last, in
tending to go over Lake Michigan and
make a landing. It is almost certain
that. the men are lost. Yesterday's
papers contained a rumor that Prof.
Donaldsou had landed somewhere on
the Michigan shore, and was in a crit
ical coudition from exposure, &c. The
papers this mo ruing, howavor, contain
the following : .
Chicago, July 20.
Nothing whatever has been learned
to corroborate the story that the Don
aldsou balloon had lauded, iu the vi
cinity of South Haven, Michigan.
The operator at that place knew noth
ing of it last night, aud communica
tion is severed to-day. Rewards
amounting to $700 have been offered
for the recovery of the bodies of the
aeronauts, ami tugs are now bunting
the lake for them.
A suit was tried yesterday before
Esq. Knox, between Mr. Wilson, own
er of the boat "Venture," and G. W
Dithridge. It appears that Wilson
bad due bills, signed by Qithridge
fc Co., per Corbet, book keeper. Wil
son presented bills for payment, and
Dithridge brought in a countercharge
for wharfage for said boat' for fourteen
months. Yesterday afternoon and
evening were consumed exaaaiuing a
great cloud of witnesses, and by the
lawyers' pleas. Decision was reserved
until Saturday next. Much interest
was manifested in the trial.
A petition has been addressed to
President Grant lor the pardon of D,
D. Williams, late Cashier of the Con'
neautville National Bank, who was
convicted last October and sentenced
to five year's imprisonment for rob
bing the bauk of about $50,000. The
pardon is asked for by Senator Camer
oc, Judge Scofield, Judge Vincent,
QoL C. B. 'Curtis, Judge Lowry, Judge
Trunkey, Senator "Wallace, and a
number of others, on the ground of
the doubt of his guilt.
J. Morion Hall has been appoint
ed General Passenger and Ticket
Agent for the Allegheny Valley, Oil
Creek & Allegheny River, aud Buffa
lo, Corry & Pittsburgh Railroads. His
office will be at Pittsburgh, Pa.
Oa Wednesday evening last some
young folks endeavored to get up a
dance on tho platform in tho grove
above the court house. On account
of the non-attendance of the dancers
the dance was declared off.
Mr. S. S.- Robinson and lady, of
Mercer, Pa., have been in town for
some days past, visiting Mr. O. W.
Robinson, his brother. He is a ploas
ant gentleman, and we hope will make
it convenient to visit our place often.
Judge William Biggins, of
Youngsville.died on Thursday evening
last. He was a near relative of the
Biggins' of this "county j was one of
the oldest settlers of Warren Co., and
was highly respected for many vir
tues. The Mutual Base Ball Club of
Meadville, returned from its tour a
day or two ago. It is said they had
a good lime, and are covered with
bruises, but are short on glory, having
been beaten iu a majority of games
Col. Thomas and J. Wcnk have
the best corn ia this neighborhood,
we believe. And we have heard about
twenty-seven men claim the best gar
den. Herman Blum is in town now,
and we'll warrant he will have one of
the best in the corporation. .
Eugene Wright, of Corry, known
as the manufacturer of the Corry
Soap, committed suicide in his office
on Saturday evening, by shooting
himself through the head with a pis
tol. He was about fifty years of age.
It is supposed that financial trouble
caused temporary insanity, during
which the deed was done.
A son of Mr. Alleo, living iu the
Iluddleson settlement, in Tionesta
township, met with an accident on
Friday last, resulting in the fracture
of one of the collar bones. If we are
correctly informed, a team he was
driving ran away, throwing him our
of the wagon. The fracture was re
duced by Dr. Vogel. The patient is
getting along finely.
Once more. We do not publish
correspondence of any kind, unless
the author's name is signed to the let
ter. We wish the name as a guaranty
of good faith, ni.t necessarily for pub
lication. We are led to make the
above remarks on account of having
received a letter for publication with
no one's name at the bottom. This
will be continued when necessary.
E. A. Baldwin, of Tidioute, will
be in town the later part of this week
for the purpose of ascertaining wheth
er any of our citizens are in need of
sewing machines. Should any of our
readers desire any make of machine,
we can recommend "Papa" Baldwin
as the man who will sell them one at
low figures, and whose word can be
relied upon under all circumstances.
Ex-Governor Bigler has consented
to become a candidate for Governor if
the Erie convention . nominates him.
It is not much difference who the con
vention nominates, the same fate, over
whelming defeat, awaits hrai. The Ex
Governor has a. record which will read
well, and'after the convention, if he
is nominated, we will take pains to
lay it before our readers.
' Complaint is made by counsel
that the present suits against Tweed
and the ring thieves are instituted by
malice, and offer this as a "reason why
the cases should be discontinued. This
is about as cool a piece of special
pleading as we ever heard of,' and if
it should prevail, every prisoner might
set up the same preposterous claim.
The Cornell Crew, of Ithica, N.
Y., won the University boat race au
Saratoga on Wednesday last. The
Yale crew was the favorite, and Har
vard second choice, but the former
came in fifth, at the finish, and the
latter third. The supposition is that
these crews trained too hard, and
lacked the endurance to bold out to
the end. The Cornell fellows have
been feasted and toasted ever since.
Twenty-one years ago Rev( S." J.
M. Eaton, D. D. though he was not
a D. D. then began at the first, chap
ter Genesis with a course of lessons
comprising the whole Book in detail.
The faithful parson has closed - his
course among tho concluding verses
of Revelation, and last evening a so
cial re-union was held in the Presby
terian chapel in commemoration of
this long' consecutive discourse on the
Word. Venango Spectator.
Go to Robinson & Bonner's for
glass fruit jars, jelly glasses, tin can?,
scaling wax, etc.
In the McCreary-Park election
contest, which las been going on at
intervals, in Franklin, ever since last
Fall's elections, Mr. Park was declared
elected. All unlawful votes wbre
thrown out, and the rest counted. Mr.
Park's majority was found to be seven.
Randall jC. Butler, of Lawrence
township, was killed by a falling tree,
on Wednesday tnoroiug, July 7th, on
McDonald's log job, in Huston town
ship, where he was engaged in cutting
logs. He was killed by a tree which
was broken by the falling of one
which had been cut. His skull was
fractured, and he lived but about thir
teen hours after the accident happen
ed. His remains were buried at the
Mt. Joy M. E. Church, in Lawrence
township. The deceased was a son-in-law
of Rufns Thompson, also of Law
rence township. Clearfield Journal.
The firm of H dlister, Webb &
Co., insurance agents at Corry, are up
to their ears in trouble, financially.
Hollieter, the financial man of the
company, has been using moneys be
longing to insurance companies en
trusted to him to adjust losses. He
has also forged the names of several
Corry parties, and obtained scrip in
that way. On Saturday he was ar
tested at the instance of .Mason, Hatch
A Co., and placed under $5,000 bonds,
but the bird was too sharp for the offi
cers who had him in charge anJ
"sloped." "'-
The story of wonderful discoveries
of mounntaina of gold in the Black
Hills country have at last been entire
ly exploded, and later reports talk of
the yield being about a half to three
quarters of a eent to the panfull, and
even this .is doubtful. The Chicago
Inter-Ocean has at last yielded to the
bulk of testimony, and states that
hereafter it will publish all the inform
ation received from reliable quarters,
leaving its readers to form their own
conclusions. Hitherto that paper has
been ioremost in sending out the fab
ulous stories.
The Venango Spectator says : One
of our solid and exemplary citizens is
excited over the loss of a twenty-six
inch silk umbrella that he . purchased
in London, and which is a model of
architecture, finish anJ beauty, with
bis full name on the handle thereof.
He laid it down on the counter of the
Savings Bank of Franklin while he
went into the Directors' room to con
verse with a friend. On coming out
that lovely rain-shedder was gone.
The owner wishes us to say that he
will give twenty-five dollars for the
apprehension . of "the infernal, Jow
lived, miserable, thieving skunk who
stole it," but we told hiiu that we nev
er used fcucb adjectives in'the Spectator.
He then requested us to say that the
thief is known, and that if he doesn't
return that umbrealla before the next
shower, he will pursue him with all the
rigors of vengeance from to .
Tax-Payers Attention.
Those paying to Treasurer previous
to August 1st are entitled to 5 per
cent, reduction. S. J. Setlev,
July, 1875. Treasurer.
Grain cradles, grass scythes and
snaths, hand rakes, forks Ac, at Rob
inson & Bonner's. ' . 11 tf.
Fresh cranberries, just received, and
for sale at Freeman & Corbet's. 13ti
The valuable and beautiful home
stead formerly owned by Hon. Joseph
G. Dale, and in which he now resides,
is in my hands for sale at very low
figures. Terms one-third purchase
money down, and the balance in one
aud two years. W. Tate.
' 10tf-
On Saturday or Sunday last, one
half of a chased gold locket, oval,
about one inch long by one-half inch
wide. The owner was up the Stewart's
Run Road aa far as McClintock'a on
Saturday. Any one finding it" will be
suitably rewarded by leaving it with
Dr. Winans. lltf
For Sale.
The old Holmes House property is
cS'ered for Sale on very reasonable
terms. This property consists of two
acres of land, a barn, suitable for liv
ery, size 105x40 feet. The foundation
of the Holmes House contains a large
amount of first class building stone
The laud is suitable for gardcning,and
with proper care will raise superior
vegetables. This property will be
sold cheap. For terms euquiie of the
editor of this paper, or of C. F. Gillea
pie, Whig Hill. 33tf.
The lightest running Machine in
the world is the Grover & Baker, at
least Baldwin, of Tidioute says so,
aud he knows. 46 ly
Landlord and Tenant Leases, the
most approved form, for sale at this
The colored address label on each
paper shows the date to which tho sub
scriber has paid, thus
Thos Turner 1J74,
signifies that Mr. Turner has paid for
his paper until March 1st, 1874 The
mail list is corrected weekly. . By con
sulting the address label every subscri
ber can tell how his account stands.
Our accounts -go back no further
than the 1st of January, '73, the ac
counts previous to that time being
payable to the old firm.
Those beautiful lots just north of
Mrs. Henry's residence can be bought
cheap, on long time, by applying to
the editor of this paper. tf.
By Robinson & Bonuer, Dealers in
General Merchandise,
Flour barrel ' ?7.0O7.50
Corn Meal, bolted - 2.50
Chop food .... f2.002.20
Rye $ bushel ..... 1.00
Oats "p bushel .... 65(S,70
Corn, cars - - - 45G0
Boana buahol ... 2.003.00
Ham, sugar cured .... It
Break fast Bacon, sugar cured 18
Sugar 1012l
Syrup ...... 75(3,1.00
N. O. Molasses .... 1.00
Roast Rio Coffee No. I - - - 30
Rio Coffee, best - - - . - 28
JavaCoffoe . - 871
Tea 4 - - - '- -' .50 1.25
Ilutter 1820
Rice ....... 10
Eggs, fresh ..... 18
Salt - - - - 2.2o2.35
iJtrd - - - - - - - 15(g,20
Iron, common bar ... - - 4.00
Nails, lOd, keg .... 4.25
Lime bid, 2.00
II. . & M. V. LAWSOX,
BARRENS and Hairdraaaora. Smear
baugh building, F,lm St, Switches,
Frir.zes, llraids, Curia, An., made froaa
Combines. Haying settled permanently
in thiB place, they desire the patronage of
tho public. Satisfaction guaranteed. 15 3ra
You can find the Zargeat and handsomest
Ix)t of
Ever brought to Tjdiou'.e at
L I.
Also a fine lot of Handkerchiefs, from
8c. to f 1.00. I have the finest and largest
Ibt of Ladies' Tios ever brought to this
place, in prices from 20c. to $1.25. Ladies'
Linon Cellars Plain, Embroidered and
Colored ; also a lot of Ruehlngs
60a. to $3.50 per pair. If you don't like
M me Foy'a Corsets you can got horo a
separate Skirt Suporter that can be worn
with any Corset. Shawls, fl.OO and up
wards. Ladies' Hose. I0o. to 75e. ; also
the new atyle Balmoral stripes. Parasols
from 35c. to $4.50. Passauieutarles aud
Fringes in all Stylos.
If you want Drex Goods
why just call and see them for yourself,
and you cannot fail to be suited.
T" T J f V) in and look over our stock.
JLflVKjr You will nud it complete in
every res pee tj both as to styles and prices.
7-2m. Tidioute, Pa.
Executor's Notice.
Whereas, lottcra testamentary on the
estate of Lavina Brandon, late of Barnett
township, doeeased, having been granted
to the undersigned all persons indebted to
Baid estate, or having claims against the
sumo, are requested to call for settlement
with claims duly authenticated.
A. L. KKIUWOHT11, Executor.
June 21, 1875. 12-tit
Auditors' Report of Jenka Township.
Marienvillb, June 19, ltS7S.
Jacob Morcllllott, School Treasurer, Dr.
Rsl. last vear settlement
State appropriation
Unseated orders from Co. Corn's.
Seated tax for 17
" " 1K74
Teachers' wages
Total .
Balance duo District
We the undersigned Auditors of Jonks
Township, met at No. 1 School House,
and did settle the iu'iiuiiU of the School
Treasurer, aa found in the foregoing re
port, hereunto we have set our hands and
siuils, this lmh day of June, A. 1)., 1670. .
JDlll llf,AI Il,
j Auditors.
Apply to GEO. G. SICKLES,
7!, Nassau St., New York City.
Dr. J. Walker" Cirilfbrnfii Vin
egar Bitters are a purely VoRCtable
preparation, tnado chiefly from the na
tive borbs found on tho lon er rnnpea ef
the Sierra Nevada mountains of Califor
nia, tho properties of which
aro extracted therefrom without the uso
of Alcohol. Tho question is nlmo.t
daily asked. "What Is tho cause of the
unpnrnllolod success of VixrcoAn Hit
IKitst" Our answer is, that they iiovo
tho cause of disease, and the patient re
covers his health. They aro tlw great
blood purifier and a HCo-giving principle,
a perfect Renovator and Invlgorator
of the systoui. Nercr before in the
history of the world lias a medicine lu
compounded possessing tho rcniarksliio
qualities of Vi.vkoab BittKhs in lieiilinir the
tick of every disenso man ia heir to. They
ar a gentle Parpativo as well oa a Touje.
relieving Congestion or rnSanuuatiou of
tho Liver and Visceral Organs iu Bilious
The properties of Dn. Walker's
YlKKOAR iiiTTKRB uro Aperient. Diaphoretic,
Carminative, N Sinuous, Laxative, Diuretic,
Sedative, Conn ter Irritant Sudorific, A I torn
Si Va, and Anti-liiliotts.
Grateful Thousands proclaim Vr.
eoar Bitters the most wonderfur Tn
vigorant that ever sustained th sinking
No Person can take these Bitters
according to directions, and remain loug
unwell, provided tlieir bonos aro not de
stroyed by mineral poison or other
means, and vital orgnns wasted beyond
Bilious, Remittent and Inter
mittent levers, wuioU are so prsra
lent In the valleys of our great rivers
throughout the United States, especially
those of the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri,
Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkan
sas, Bed, Colorado, Rrazos, Kio Grande,
Pearl, Alabama, Mobilo, Savannah, l(o
anoke, Jatnos, and many .others, with
their vast tributaries, throughout our
entire country during the Summer and
Autumn, and remarkably so during sea
sons of unusual heat and dryness, n
iuvariably accompanied by extensive dc ,
rnngements of tho stomach and liver,
aud other abdominal viscera. In their
treatment, a purgative, exci ting a pow
erful iulluonce upon theso various or-
'cans, is essentially necessary. Thero.
is no cnthnrtio for tho purpose equal to
Do. J. Walker's Vineqau IUttki:,
as they will speedily icmovo tho dai k
cqjored viscid matter with wliish tie
bowols aro loaded, at the Bame time
stimulating tho secretions of the liver,
nnd generally restoring tho healthy
functions of tho digestive organ.
Fortify the body against (Itarasn
by purifying nil its fluids whli Vinkrak
Bitters. No epidemic can take hold
of a system thus lore-nnjicd,
. Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Tluad'
ache, 1'itiu in the Hhoulders, Coiieln,
Tightuesa of tho Chest, Dizziye, flour
Eructations of tho Stomach, Had Tnslo
iu tho Mouth, liilious Attacks, rnlpiia?
Ution of tho Heart, lnllamniatiun of tlie
Lungs, I'ain in tho region of the Kid
neys, aud a hundred other painful symp
toms, ore the offsprings of Dyspepsia.
Oifo bottle will prove a Itettergtiarniiteo
of its merits than a lengthy aU ciiiw
uicnt. -Scrofula,
or King's Evil, -White
Swollinps, L'leers, Erysipelas, Swelled 'ci -I.,
Goitre, bcrofulotn Iiillaiiuiiatinns, Indolent
Inflammations, Uurcuriai A Iteclionn, 0!.(
Soros, Eruptions of tho Skin, Horo Kycs, etc.
Ill theso, as in all other coiistitutiunul
easos, WaLkkii's Vinkoar IIittkks
shown their great curative power, in Umi
most obstinate uuil intructuhlu tnxun.
For Inflammatory nnd Chronic
Rheumatism, Gout, unions, licmii
tent and Intermittent Fevers, I tise.iset ii
the 'ltloed, Liver, Kidneys nA !il:icli!.-,
these liittcrs haro no ennui.- Such DUeoM
are canned by Vitiated illood.
Mechanical Diseases, Tei sons en
gaged iu Taints and .Minerals, such as
i'lumbcrx, Typo-Metlurj. (lolil-bontern, ami
Aliuera, as they udvuuuu iu 1 lie, aio ulj(' t
to paralysis of the Dowel. To gnu .1
BRttiiiBt thia, taka a dose of Wai.kkr's Vi.
euah Uittkrs occasionally.
For Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Ti I-
ter, Salt-JOionin, lilotclnu. Spot, l'luipl?,,
l'ustuled, lioils, Carbuncles, King-wiuii: .
Seald-hciul, Soro Kyoa, Kryipulurf, It; -li
fccurli, Diacolurationi of tlm Hk in. Hum ' Vi
, uud Dicaau8 of the Skiu of nlwitevtir nam i
or uature, aro literally dug up mid i'vi:n;
out of the M'stciH iu a short tmio by the v. -'
uf those Bitten.
l'in, Tape, and other AVorms
lurking ia tho Byttein of io many thousand
are effectually destroyed ami removed. ,
yatuin uf mediums, no veriniluceii, nu mi
tholmiuittc will ilea the iiyUoiu lioiu ims
liko theso Hitters.
For Female Complaints, in yom.j,
or old, married or tingle, ut the duwu of v. j
nianhoud. or the turn of life, thove Tenio
bitten divplay o decided aa iulluanca U.a.
improvement is soon pureoptiblo.
Cleanse the Vitiated Blood wl.n
aver you fiud its impurities hurtling ihnurH
U akin in rimpl, Eruption, or ho-ti;
cleanse it wbuu you fiud it oUtlruclud uii
iluEgisb in the Veins; cleanse it when it i..
foul ; your leelinK will tell you whea K e.
tho blood purs, and tho ucuflb, of the -ten.
will follow.
11. H. McDOK&l.n it CO.,
DrugnUU amlOa. Agu., S t'raitciwo. On : km,
SHU cor. uf Wa&lhi;i;toLi anil Cbuiilim Su
ALL OPERATIONS pertaining to Sur
Kieal or Mechanical Ientitorv per
formed with care, and warranted. 1 nuar
anU aueeeaa or refund the monev.
Olllee in tiKANMN MUCK 1(1 (.!;
Koinoiuhcr tho place.
-'h - CJ. W. KAUN I'.hT.