- . . ... 1MM NTKl.tl, CONDITION OF (iKKMAKY. The delusive prosperitr which Ger many enjoyod while the I rench indem nity was passing into the country has resulted as disastrously as the similar condition of things consequent to our war did with us. At the close of hos tilities there was much to be done, money was plentiful, and wages high. Everybody believed that a new era hnd dawned for Germany, and that tho speedy development of its resour ces could receive no check. A fever ish energy of achievement took the place of sober calculation, and wild extravagance in every form of enter ' prise was mistaken for substantial business growth. The stolid German became as apoculaliro as if bo had boen transported to America, and with 1 precisely the same result, so far as national prosperity went. Describing the industrial and finan cial experience of the past five years in Germany, a Tribune correspondent pictures a condition of things very easily understood in this country : . "Tbe abundance of capital gave rise to a reckless prodigality in all sorts ot private enterprises. New rail ways were undertaken, great manufac turing compacies were established to rival Krupp, and shipyards to compete with the Lairds were organized. Above all, new and costly houses sprang up is all parts of Berlin, and almost every other city. Tho most popular sort of investment was stock compa nies, and tho multiplication of stock companies in 1871 and 1872 was mar velous. Money was plenty, wages were high,' and hod carriers ' drank champagne at their daily .work. But this did not lost. Frst tho stock corn panics began to totter, and at length there was a general crash. Then wages began to fall, while tho necessaries of life wero stationary. Tho fortresses were " completed, and thousands of workiogmen thrown upon the market. People began to leave Berlin on ac cout of high prices until the evil ' spread and distributed itself through out the country. . The stock companies went to pieces one after another in all the chief cities until that sort of or ganization became another name' for everything unstable and troacherou3. The new palaces of Berlin stood unoc cupied, and fewer - new ones were of course begun, in, short, a complete tranformation has taken placet nd in spite of tbe five milliards, it is to day very difficult to raise money, and Still more difficult to realizo it on in vestments. Now it will help no emi grant's fortune lo return to Germany, even if he escape impressment into the military service." - Multitudes of great manufactories are unable to keep up operations, and wholesale discharges of hands are the result. - Tbe reduction in wages Las been twice as severe as in this country, with a proportionally larger number out of employment. As an instance, the fact is mentioned that, in Berlin, in 1873, it was difficult to get street laborers at two dollars a day, while last winter an indefinite number could bo had nt one third that price. A Brooklyn lawyer's foar-year-old daughter is a diplomat iu the future woman's era. Recently her mother, returning from' church, found her marshaling a long array of toy sol diers on the nursery floor. "Are too playing with soldiers on Sunday, Louise?" said mamma. "Oh, these are the army of the Lord," was the quick response of their curly-beaded commando. The girls of Afton, Iowa, resolved to have nothing to do with young men who drink, smoke, chew, swear, or . drive fust horses. But when the fellows began making up to the girls of a neighboring town, they weakened. A subscriber to a South-Western newspaper died recently, leaving four years' subscription unpaid. Tbe editor - appeared at tno grave and deposited in tho coffin a palm leaf fan, a linen coat and a thermometer. A vouoff ladv while out walking . heard, for the first time, her mother's . intention to marry again, and she was ooiigeu to sii rignv uown ana cry about it. She could cot go a step farther. - If there is one lime more than an other when a woman should be entire ly alone it is when a line full of clothes comes down iu the mud. An Irish gentleman lately fought a duel with his intimate friend, because he jocosely asserted that he was born without a shirt on his back. A Top, in company, wanting bis ser vant, called out, "Where is that block head of mine!" "On your shoulders, sir," said a lady. - Tbe way one Cincinnati editor takes to call another a liar is this: "He is prone to impart an unhealthy swell ing to truth." Nature provides no reserved scats for tho rich and dainty. Whei; there is ice on the pavement they sit where they can. Those old Greeks were pretty wise fellows. In their vocabulary maiden is translated nothing, and marriage is gammon. hat is better than a promising young man r A paying one. Spring is ou hand Lettuce have peas. (something ubout dogs lleas. JOB WORK DONE AT THIS 'REPUBLICAN" OFFICE At lha lowest oath prices, neatly, prompt ly, and in etyle equal lo that of any other establishment in the Dittriot. BUSINESS CA.RDS, SHOW CARDS, VISITING CARDfl.' SCHOOL CARDS WEDDING CARDS, PROGRAMMES, INVITATIONS, BALL TICKETS, ADMISSION TICKETS, MONTHLY STATEMENTS, ENVELOPES BILL HEADS, LETTER HEADS, KOTE HEADS, CIRCULARS, BLANKS, POSTERS DODGERS, HANDBILLS, LABELS, 611 IIT1NG TAGS, &c Allegheny Valley Rail Road. Oil Creek & Allegheny River Rail way, and Buffalo, Uorry & Pitts burgh R. R. ON AtfD AFTER Mondnv, February 2, 1874. trains will run as follows : STATIONS. Northward. Southward R. 11 Ha. I Si. I 4 n ill p m a m p in 10:05 p ni p in Pittsburgh 2:20 4:02 4:50 A:4il 6:01) 6:4:1 7:0ft 8:12 9:45 7:20 R:R5 :4:t 3:l0' 1:20 W Pen Juno Kittsnnlng K. H'kJnno Brady liond Parker F.mlonton 8:30 , 7:45 6:20 12:31 10:30 11:40 10:55 6:00 1 125 ! 1:3.1 ft:20IO:3: :00 4:48 10:10 8!.r.2j 9:10 11:0.1 8:25 2:13 7:45 Hern bit rasa 1:10 liftrt 2:33 t ranklin Oil City 7:00 d:00 7:33 7:23 6:50 6:0! 6:20 Oloo polls 8:001 2:40 Srtxii 12:12 11:45 10:57 9:21 7:45 .nu0ltock 8:1 Tionosta 9:05 Tidinute 10;'JS Irvlncfcm 11:45 8:2t 4:15 5:00 Rousevillo 10: OS 11:10 2:M 3:50 6:10 1:5: 7:28 8:25 Tltusville 12:53 Corry 11:15 9:47 Marville Buifalo - 7:00 6:05 p. ill p. ni a. mla. m:n. m Trains rnn bv Pliiladelnhis Time. J. J. Lawrence, ueui sup't. PENNSYLVANIA CEN TRAL RAILROAD ON AND AFTER 11 P. P. Sunday May I, 1370. Trains arrive at and leave tho Union Depot, corner of Wushliiton and Liberty street, as follows: ARRIVK. Mnil Train, 1.30 a m ; Fust Line, 12.12 a m i WcII'b accommodation No. 1, fi.20 a m Brinton accommodation No 1, 7..W a m: W.,11'. ................. 1 i.... xr o u r . r.:.. T f.l. r UIMMIFII V t-j I'lJ l, ,V III cinnati express 920 a in; Johnstown ac commodation a m ; liraddock a ac commodation No 1, 7.00 pm; Pittsburgh express 1.80 p m; Paolfio Piprwn l.fiO p m j Wall's accommodation No 3, 2.85 p in ; Homewood accommodation No 1, 9.5o p in; Wall's accommodation No 4, 6.50 p in; Brinlon accommodation No 2, 1.10 p m; Way Passenger 10.20 p ni. DEPART, Southern exrresa 5.20 a ni t relHo ex- pros 2.40 a ni ; Wall's accommodation No 1, 6.30a m ; Mail Train 8.10 a in ; Itrinton'a accommodation D.UOann liraddock ac commodation No 1,5.10 p m ; Cincinnati express 12.3d p in ; Wall's accommodation N 2. 11.51 a m : Johnstown accoimirodation 4.05 pm; Homewood accommodation No i, n.ou p in ; I'niiadoipnia express a.w p m Wall accommodation No3,3.0op in; all accommodntion No 4, 6.05 p m Fast Line 7.40 p m ; .Wall a no 8, 11.00 p m. Tho Church Trains loave Wall's Station every Sunday at 8.65 a. m., reaching Pitts burgh at 10.05 a. m. Returning leave Pitts burgh at 12.50 p. m.t and arrive at Wall'i Station at 2.10 p. m. Cincinnati express leaves daily. South ern express dail vexcent Monday. All oth ter Trains daily, except Sunday, or rurtuer information npiy to. - W. It. BECKWITII. Agent. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company will not assume any Risk for Baggage ex cept for Wearing Apparel, and limit their rsponaibility to Due Hundred Dollai val ue. All baggage exceeding that a ount in value will be at the risk of tns flier, unions taken by special contract. A. J. CASSAl GenerarSuperintondent. A 1 toons Pa. PITTSBURGH, PV. The following list embraces only a part of our iinmensfl stock : Muzzle-Loading Rifles, full or half stock at f 12, $15, 20, and 25. Double Barrel Rifles, f 20 to $50. Double Rifles and Shot Guns, oillier over and under, orsido by sldo.aud at all prices from ) 10 to .0. Single-Barrel Shot Guns, for men or hoys : cheap ante and durable. All prices 3.60 to $26 each. Double Barrel Shot G uns. Our fifty difforent styles, mado of Iron, London Twist, Laminated Steel or Damas cus Barrels, finished in the best and latest strle, all sixes, for men and bovs, nt prieits rangirg from , $10, $15, $20 $23, $35, $10, $50, $75 to $100. ' PISTOLS, in variety from $1.00 to $8.00. . KEVOLVEES, 4, 5, 6, or 7 shooters, of every kind, ot all prices from $6.00 to $25.00. BREECH-LOADING RIFLES. Winchester Improved 18 shooter. Best long rango gun in the world. Price only $45. Sharp's Celebrated Breech-LoadingJ Ri fles only $10 each. Remington Breech-Loading Rifles at loest factory prices. Wlesson's and Stephen's Pocket Rifles, using motal cartridges, at 112, $15 and $18. Breech-Loading Shot Guns. The Dexter Single Barrel Breech Load ing H hot ( t u n, uhi ng Brass shells price $20, Stephens' li. L. Single (run. $16. Don hie Barrel Breech Loader,of Moore's l)c:in-tj woodlilll , urcenen s, Richards', Hcoot'a and other fine makos, at all prices, from $50 to $300 each. Send for rrice List to J. II. JOIIiYSTO.Y, GREAT western gun works, 238 LIBERTY STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA., and state that saw this advertlsomuut In THR t'ORKST RtPUltl lCAN. Takk Notice I vill buy or trade for Army Kirtes.Carbines, Rovolvors, Ac, i'or IricAs see Catalogue. Orders by mail reouiye prompt attoutlon. Woods sent by express to any point O. O. D., to be examined belure imi tor, when requested. 4i W 12. ICLKIIV, Tidioutb, Pa. . Is selllncr nut hln entire stock of Htlcln 4s Jewelry A T VIU8T COUT All parties In want of Gold anil Hilvor Watches, Gold and Silver Chains. La dies' Opora Chains, me latest stylo lu gold and pluted sets. uraccieis, siudi, Clot' If N j.onunitv. AU good nao tw,-io old trash, 'tld is ro buiubug. 1. hJuia sells ui cost. Go and see. SUISSCRIRKfoi Uie Forest Republican It will pay. mm Immense 'Reduction At the Wholesale and Retail .7 .,mmmm KV S. HAMILTON &:C0.f 77 5T OUR MOTTO IS AND HAS BEEN QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS. Our business is exclusively rIANCM and ORGANS, which enables us to give our whole time and attention to this exclusive trade. Thus wlicro other dealer MlUfroiii Ovo to ten instruments a week, our wiles very often exceed these niimlH rs In a single day, so that we can letter ntl'ord to sell at 10 per cent, profit on cost, than they cau at 20 and 25 pcr.cent. KvaryUnstriiment we sell is as good as an agent for us, as they Invariably lutroduoo ua favorably to all who see them. Wo have sold and iu uso in and almut Pittsburgh nlono. They aro not somo new Organ, the growth of a few months, but are old reliable makes, that are constnnll v adding every meritorious Im provement. The really Grand Simmons dough's Combination Organ have been maniilacturod for Twonty-livo years, whllo the Celobratod Tavlor A 'arlev Celestes Organs have been manufactured over Twenty vears. And now for the nuriwse or In troducing thorn more thoroughly throughout all the country towns of tho Stati-, wo have made new and very heavy contracts for large nunilmr of thorn, which we pro pose to sell on their merits, and without thosssistanceorAOKNTStiR M Il'lli.K MION, giving tho purchaser the benefit of commissions and wholesale discounts, we are thus Mine 10 theS0 's'ln Bt tho f"llw''ig prices, ut which w o shall at 11 for a short " ' CABINET CASES, - Double Reed, 4 Stop Organs, Regular Price, $U5.oo at f sr.oo 5 " . 155.00 at w.oo " 6 " " 105.00 at 05.00 FULL RESONANT CASES, Double Reed, 4 btop Organs, Regular Price, ?iuo.oo at 95.00 " 5 " " 175.00 at 100.00 6 185.00. at 105.00 21 sets Reeds 6 " Vox Humana " 215.00 at 125.00 3 " 8 " Viola " " 275.00 at 100.00 Theso Organs are all Solid Walnut. Van ol ther saw-dust mouldings nor cheap brass trinkets are used ou thoso iiiKtruinentsovery thing is of tho very best, and aro all fully warranted for rive j ears. TZXXS BRADSURT WILL BE SOLD AT THE Tho above are strictly cash prices, but if dosired bv tho purchaser, either quarterly or semiannual payments will be taken at an advance of in por cent, per annum on thu above prices. Persons ordering by lottcr can depend on the ino4t careful solection be ing maile. If the cash price be sent with tho order, the instrument will bo shipped by freight, if not accompanied with tho ciudi, tho Osgan will bo shipped by Kxpress C O I). If time be desired, we require notes with good security, or at least good references' Address for Catalogue, and state where you read this notice. febl7 14m Having complrtetl (he alteration of our itt ore room, ne wmihl re uprctfiilli announce that we hare ve-oieneiL H e have arranged our Store with a view to the con venience of citMtow ere, audio secure ejrjtedition in. all branches of our hustnesH, Our Stock will be new through out, embracing all the latent novel ties in fine Jewelry, Watches, Sil-, vcr lt'are ami fancy (looils. liy attention- to customers, in ducement in prlces,and adherence to a high standard of quality, wo hope to merit a. continuance of the patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed. joiix stkvi:soxs soys, 93 Market Street, rittsburgh, l'a. . 'EXjZROIT &c ZDICZECSOIDT, 54 WOOD ST., - - PITTSBURGH, PA. WnoLBSAI.K , OFFER THEIR STOCK OF DRY COODS AND MOTIONS FOR AUTUMN, 1 874, AT- VEIl Y LOW PRICES m-pUmber Hit A, 1874. viS-Snx TTnivenitr oII'duu' fa aud liter JJj porli;ic fB ,rftwu4 lr. Pltlcr' Vgrtbl ICheunutlt) ByrUp uJ Pitts, union I guu-tntc m infalliltti ur fr fuiu ia Head. I.udjf. bAck.tlcart. Lilinba hi cr run a, Kul ti7, liloift, Aul Ml llUvuiiiMin dia 'Rfot. towrn to, tliit 20 lit Zf -il. l-.l. C F. A. OSDOUHN, rfatarf I'uutiCt tkiia Vt ClfliTrfl Ctre j iy it, t : t m t i-r 5nB.lov.Thoi.IJrirptiy.r.I)l nLukfirlUa'llPT.C.l. :siu,Mdui.l'a- Iviv.1r.i.l'Ui-bcoiitt.CUrjiri,lfra,lU'iw, ).(l:oiU ritUfi-vN-Y.Hev.Ju.Hfsira. allif bar'- hitmr ianthlit Jb imarnntMaretikL t) ix) Hrwarxl fravi i, 7-fy ; ?iia fiboubiican OUlca KEEPS eonstantly on hand a large as. sortmentof lllaiik Deeds, Mortgages &uhMnaH, Warrants, Huuimons, Ac. to bo sold -uuan for cash to Suit the Times! ! Piano and Organ Emporium of ,. ' h. at-: AVE., riTTSBUJ.GH, PA. in it and Carvinc all of Sollil Wnlnnf vi. S DKCXIIiSi PIA.H03 SAME RATES OF DHCOUNT. S. HAMILTON & CO.. 77 fifth Avenue, Vitt.ihuryh; J'a. Tho oldest and most reliable Institution for obtaining a Morcantilo Vii ileal ion. Kor Circulars writoto P. 11TKK SON'S, w22-:im eoin I'ltUburfh, l'a. KKVSTO.NK I.IN1NU U(IH, 203 Liberty 6t., - . Pittsburgh, Pa. Hr. II. SIMriSOX, Proprietor. JIK.tl.HAT Al.l, llOt lt. THANSIENT C'VSTOM SOUt'ITED. v2j-ly TOIl WOP.lv of all Tds'.Uin'atThis". lice mi short notice. -V nv.n. vr. mthimmu:, ir. n. roi.i.ix-j. l'Al't. KIMMT'-.KMAN, KW. W. III.AMI. '9 :F0nTrPITT;GUSiVi0r.KS. II I T Hjlt 1 1) fl B IO., Maniifaclnrcin of every v.iricty of FLINT GUSSraURP CKIMXEYS, AMI SILVEREDIGLASS REFLECTORS, WASIIINUTON l-'ltA N K LIN STS., Pinsntiiiiin, Pa. There is "shoddy" in glnss, as well as In In woolen nilirii'M. 1'onMiiners of kero M'tic arcsoiiic;inie iihuo.sl ilM (itir:u;cd, so frequently do fhiinnevs lireidt, without buv apparent cause, rcuderiu'r the cost of chimney" about piiial tolhal of oil, Chep ness being the order of the day, n great many uianurui'tiirio innko cliliiincys from Milii'Kln of lime, Instead of from lead. The Initiated may toll the different qualities of glass by ringing them t o vibrations of the lead glass have a clear, ringing, bell like, sound, poKsessing the requisite strength to withstand expansion anil eon traction, as well as the general pressure of use, m il will outlast halfn-dor.cn of tho lime glass chimneys. Kilbsn cents in vested in one of the lead chimneys i- money well swnt, even though it injures the "trade" iu tlie i.hengfcr kind, which It most assuredly ought to, and doubtless wilt. Htlck a jiin there, and remember it. The gennhi had glass chimneys may bo had at vvholosiilo or ret:ii of t)KO. V. DI I'llltllHlE I'll., . 2 -If Tmncsta, Ta. WATEP.S CONCERTO & ORCHESTRAL ORGANS i"'"' "'"st btniitiiiii m - J ." ...... .... . ,n .....o evrr nimle. 7 V mini mtfttf.Hm 'I It 4 Ol'KorrfJi. ! vrr lnretl In niifr Or. gntls. IhritarrjirwlHrMtttyam i-lr set reeds, pm ia 1 1 r r volted.'Ar f t- tn i .i.k u itiosr 19 All til M. WM1 l V,Vil 1141111 nj fAi 1 1 1 1 11 A nr VOIt'K U ,! !: It II. ! Iir.. lirmiiu mn ia. imi itintiv i ir i .i.ri-fi wiulos. WATERS' r-r.,' NEW SCALE t h. - .. PIANOS, aniv arrrMl nniv- r umi s flue i litaliiir lone. wa ui i in w u e r n mprovomems. stirf art the bef rinaoN lllful.. 'I'linstt riinnsni.1 IMausc nrrnnti-il 1am yelir. l'rlt'es ttreiuely l.tav r ranli r pttrt 'aili, p4 hnlnnc in nionllllr m tannrtrrtf nnyinvilts. becoiid-l.niKl l.ttelriinirlilN Inkvn m (irhlinch tl II I-. A 'I' I ft . ,:. HKVIS . Ui 'lllllli:. AtiKHTI W AVIi:ili' errr 'lly oimijr ikt i. N. nl t nniiitH, A InrgedlM OUn(o 7M,Ar, Vinu'.r,t hitrhn,chwU,Lt.to. m,c. hi fyiuATrii rATHi:ir.. mn.kfc ' BIIIIAl W. WiSIS'.H.'S K MtJS. 401 Brsadway ass S fiercer htH H. T Testimonials of Waters'Pianos." nI ,' . . Organs. , ... "Walers' f'onccrto Parlor 'Organ pn seses n IsMititiful and peculiarly soft ton. The Concerto Stop Is, without doubt, the best evor placed in liny organ. It is pro duced by an extra pet of reeds, peculiarly voiced, "from which the elici t Is most charming, and its imitation nf tiie human voieo is sumtI). lor sweetness of tone and orchestral elTeuls It has no fqtial." A'. 1". Timet. ' The Concerto Parlor Organla Vmio thinif entirely new j it Is a b autll'ul'parlor ornament, ohmosscs a sw eet and powar f 1 1 1 tone is a most commendable inven tion and holds a high place iu i ubiio at- vor." -V. 1", Jfrcning J "ot. Aw OnniKSTHA in tiik PAni.on. The orchestral organ Is the name of anew rcod organ rei-ently announced by Horace Wa ters A Son. 'Tho IikIi unieut takes this name from ita recently invented on hca tral stip. Tho voicing of this Is peculiar, producing uie eiieci oi a lull sweet con tralto voice. Its ti nest eilis't is produeed when the stops are drawn, ao that un or chestral effect is given. The case is unique and makes a haudwmio article of furni ture." A. 1", b'n. The Waters Pianos nre known asamonr tho very liest. Wo aro enablod to speak of theso instruments with rnuHdence, trera personal kuowlvdgo, JV, r. J-.'iangrtiU. 2-ly Br. J. Walkor's CnliCornlit Viu. Cpar liittPI'S luo n purely Vettubla preparation, mado cliiolly from tlie na tivo herbs found on tho lower rangea o( the Sierra Nevada iiiouiitains of ('alilbr. ula, tho .niediciiKil properties of which ore extractod therefrom without tho use of Alcohol. Tho iicstioti is almost daily asked. ''What is tho cause of tho unparalleled success of Vi.ki.wj Brr TKKSt" Our answer is, that they icmovo tUo cattso of disoaso, mid tho patient ic covors his health. They tuo the "teat blqpd purifier and a lil'o-sivhi! i.rtiu i j!r, a perfect Henovator and 1m isolator of tho system. Never before in the lii.tury of the worUI li.vi n niciiii hm lmni COUIlUlllll'l possessing tllQ ll:lll:l! i.ullo q'laliliet of Vi.vku.4u ltn tkkk in lii'siiiin ti-o nick of orery diseaso man it heir to. Thoy aro a gentle Purgative a well as a T'imo. r o I i c v i i i i CuiigL'siiiin or Ii.ll,ui.i;i:iti"!i it tlia J.ivor' and Viscera) Oryaui in Uilium Discasci The proporltos of Tn. Wm irirn s Vinkoau lliT'i'KBSura .tjioriciit. I).iu.!:ercl;c, Caruiiiiatirc. Nutritiou.-i, Laxative, lmtrelio, Sedalivo. Coiniter lrriUlit buJorilic, Alura tire, uud Anti-Iiilinus. II. II. MrDttltLD it CO.. rrnprlrt. unit lien. Act , 6n hYfinfla.'n C!lf.rnta, sua ir of Wimliminou ui.J ( Imrlu.n SI... S. V. " bold by all Di'iik'gl'ta auU UiaUn. WE WANT YOU To ai t as Agents, and ,i;u.-;l...... v. ... . i i;i,, m.-llliHll-.i llL,r JIW Alio "l'"'"l. ft, 1 I.' . -11 i ..I. I....' u ..."., llll'lllllll , 1.111,.(1 j IIMII, IM'llli; complete Map of tho United Stales. Wo give these Mapsauiy gratis and v. ill allmv you ona dollar for tyoi v Map you distrih- ute iu every county iind state in theVni"". Male and 'Keimile Agents wanted. Ail ilreiss Iinuiediii(ut , enclosing ono dollar forjoutlit ,f lo inips, Terrilorv, Cin "- IUIS, UIKI III 1 1 pal'li'.'l. HIS t i n niii li i .s i jii ,r t-i '., w '.i 1 III i:;i-l Iti tul I', (., Clarion Co., I'm