The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, April 28, 1875, Image 3

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WEDXliSDlY MimV, IPl VsVlsTi.""8
Jhtrpen Jo rue Kick,
Vnei(men O. V. Robinson, N. A.
Vurnor, A. It. Kelly, S. II. Haslet, A. II.
Partridge-, II. ). Davis.
Jttntictr n the Waco D. S. Knox, C. A.
m,rfcf II. Swn;i;(ii-t
Kohaol hh-rrtor 1. H. ICnni, If. O. Pa
. J. Wnlcolt, 8. H. Haslet, A. B.
Kelly, D. Clnrk.
rrMitttnt, D. Wbtmork,
Amoeiata Juiljen Amdukw Cuuk, Jos.
41. Dai. n.
Sheriff?. J. Vas Gif.sks.
yVMK-fr H. J. Kkti.kv.
. iruthnnotari, Artinter it Kecoftcr, rf e.
r. M. CUHK,
CtomHn'.iioTir Jouk Thompson. J A".
K. C'i.aiik, Ui.t Bum. in,
.mity Mitfierintrniitnt H. F. Hon nun.
JHttriel Attorney 8. I). Irwin.
Jury i 'o miaaio ncrt J A a. l''l.YNN, Wm.
- OrHny .S' rceinr H.T). Tkwin,
foroner M. IrTEt., .In.
)uny Auditor 'S. 11. Conn, L. Wn.
kkh, 11. Jamiksok.
Member of Vingre JMntriet C. B.
-Iijffi6y J. n. Aonkw.
7Ywe Train
At TIONKSTA STATIOX, on and.artor
Ootnber 5, 1874 t
sou Til.
Truln (0 .
lfl:45 a. in.
8:H0 p. m,
8:44 p. m.
Train SS -"
W .
R:M a. m.
4:11 p. m,
2:38 a. m.
Ob Uio Rlvor Division i. e. from Oil City
to Irvlnotnu, up the river is North j down
lie river, south.
Bills have been sent out by M.
W. Tats, Ksq., fr subscriptious duo
to the FoiiExr Kkpcblican. Theso
3ilIs are not our, but (lie -company's,
f whom we bought this office on Jan
ojiry lit, 1873. We collect our. own
fe.i'i. t
Rev. Lusher will preach in the
VI. E. Church on ntxt Sunday morning.
Union Sabbath School at 10:00 a. ra.
Win. Lawrence, of Tionesta Boro.
i this week announced ns a candidate
for Sheriff, subject to Hepublican
t-IIod. J. A. Fioper of this place
a this week announced aa a candidate
for Associate Judge, subject to Hepub
lican usages.
T. J. Van Giestn, of Tionesta
. poro., announce himself as a candi
date fur rrothonolary, Ac, subject to
Republican usages, in this issno.
. John Reck, of this place is this
week announced as a candidate for
County Commissioner, subject to Re
publican usages. '
. Tho old miners of California!
Montana nnd Idaho believe thero is
rather uioro speculation thai) gold in
tho Hluck Hills. -
Too late fi.r publication in this
issue we received a correspondence
from rittsburgh, describing a trip
from Pittsburgh to Meadyillo.
Mrs. C. M. Heath contemplates
bringing on a stock and starting a
Ladies' Trimming Store, We hope
her effort will bo properly encour
aged. --Tho new license- law does not
Rcem to diminish the number of appli
cants for license, as will bo noticed in
our. "List of Applications" published
in this issue. .
-' A ttoruey General Williams ten.
idered his resignation of that office to
.take effect on the 15th of May. It is
Lelieved that Secretary liiistbw will
Le appointed to the vacancy.
Chas. Iliutou, not discouraged by
iiavi::g his early plants frozen, is at it
ugaiu, ar.d will shortly have another
line lot on hand, which lie will sell in
quantities to suit purchasers.
John, seuior member of the firm
of Ilarpor Bros., publishers, Frank
lin Square, N. Y., died at his resideneo
f4u Thursday last. lie is highly spo
ken of by the Jcv York papers.
Col. Thomas has luid a neat brick
walk from the sijewalk to the Presby
terian church steps, and leveled up
about the same iu a luauner which
does credit to his taste and judgmeut.
Mr. C. E. Bishop, founder of tho
Oil City Derrick, and for two or three
years editor of that paper, is now ed
ited of tho Buffalo Expreti, and, wo
believe, owns part of tho stock in that
Win, Lawrence has our thanks
for a fine mess of fish, bass aud sal-
niou, which ho and some others caught week. Among tho fih caught
was a pike weighing nineteen and one-,
half pounds, ami two which weighed
about twelve puundj each.
On Monday last, Mr. We9t, our
harness maker captured a bird iu the
water near TUun Island, which has
given rise to somo controversy, some
of our ornithologists claiming it is an
englo, whilo others, among whom is S.
II. Haslet, tnaiutniu that it is & fish
hawk. It is quite a largo bird, dark
brown, with white head, neck and
breast, and measures about five feet
across the wings, from tip to tip. Its
beak is hooked, and its legs and claws
large and strong. It had boon wound
ed on oue wing and could not fly,
which accounts for its capture. Davy
IIilatu!s at tho Central, has the bird
on exhibition.
We invito tho attention of our
readers to an article on the first page
of this paper, entitled "A NewMetal."
Gen. Clover showed us a specimen of
the oro a few days ago, which from
tho glauce we bestowed upon it, looked
very much like Iron ore. Tho Gener
al seems to think there may be depos
its of this metal iu our county, and
will probably, during the season give
a little atteution to the subject. It is
our ardent hope that ha will, succeed
in finding a large vein of this precious
Such sensons as these innke poor
men rejoice that they have no "garden
spot," ns nearly all those who took ad
vantage of tho mild weather a few
weeks ngo to put in their feeds aud
sets for early vegetables, garden eats,
&c, merely have the samo formula to
go through again, with tho exception
of spading tho garden. We don't
wish to be considered a prophet, but
wo sincerely believe that spring has
now come to abido with us, and that
there will not be another foot of suow
before next October.
The Cheyenncs have dug up their
littlo hatcheta and ure diligently seek
iug tho gore and hair of their whito
brother. Two companies of U. S.
Troops under Lieut. Houly met a par
ty of the noble red men on the north
fork of Sapper Creek, Kansas, on
Friday last, and twenty-seven of them
were sent to the happy hunting grounds
by the short route. A sergeant and
one private were killed in the engage
ment. Intense cseitenien prevails
along the border.
On Thursday last throo steam
boats, the "John Kyle," tho "Bod
innuu" and the "Exporter," were
burned to the water's edge, at New
Orleans ; tho fire started on the "Kyle."
A great many persons were drowucd,
and several burned. It is impossible
to learn the exact number of persons
lost. The "Exporter" was owned iu
Pittsburgh, and the "Bodmann" in
Ciucinnati. The threo boats were
worth nearly $200,000. Partially in
sured, .
Herman Blum, who was one of
the Grst settlers of this town, aud win
has bcon for some years past residuig
with -his -grandson Fred. Glassner,
moved back to his old homestead last
week, and as Wm.-Blum is oocupyiug
tho house, an addition was built to
the back of the house for the old gen
tleman's accommodation. Ho is about
81 years of age, and bids fair to live
and enjoy his labors for many years to
The miners are still ou the strike,
eudeavoring to obtain by iutimida
tiou that w hich tho proprietors of the
mines refuse to pay i. ., higher
wages. Strikes conducted on 'this
priuciplo should be put down at all
hazards, even if tho lives of half the
strikers are sacrificed. There is as a
geueral thiug, neither justice nor judg
ment iu theso strikes, aud this one
seems to be uo exception to tho rule.
Oue of our attorneys went away
a few duys ago, and left a card on his
door to the effect that if any one call
ed to pay him money during his ab
sence, they could just throw it through
the window. This reminds our old
citizens of the first oil excitemeut,
vhu men used to carry around small
valises filled with green-backs, and
would pay any prico asked for wild
The pigeon furore is over, none of
theso birds having been seen for about
a week. .By some individuals it is
stated that they are nesting near Will
iarnsport, in this State; others aver
that the main body is making its home
near Newmauville, gorno nine miles
from this pluee. ,
Tho "Gre vsers" are still raiding
in Texas, uud a deep indignation bus
tukeu possession of tho Texans. Yet
i', won't be safe for Grant to take any
sejis iu tho matter, or it will bo laid
to liis ambition for a third term.
The declaration is officially made
by the Washington Republican that
at the proper time tho President will
settle the Third Term question. It is
intimated that he will repudiate all
desire or expectation of a third term,
John Reck, Collector of school
tax settled up with tho School Board
ou Monday evening, and was highly
complimented ou his efficiency iu that
troublesome office. He wjll doubtless
have more of the same kiud of work
in tho future.
Mayor Fcrtig, of Tituaville, has
turned over to the sinking fnnd of
that city the five hundred dollars voted
to him by the Council for his salary
last year, coupled with a recommenda
tion that the practice of voting an an
nual salary to the Mayor be discontin
ued. The frame for the new addition
to the Forest House was raised yester
day. Tho work will be pushed to
completion as rapidly as possible, and
when finished, the landlord will have
room to swing himself, and accommo
date more individuals during court
weeks, rafting, fcc.
la the call for a meeting of the
Republican County Committee, pub
lished last week, wo unintentionally
omitted the name of Judge Cook, who
is the member from BaruettTwp. The
mistake was ours, as the name was on
the "call" handed us by the chairman.
The name will be fouud in its proper
place in this Issue.
' The Presbyterian Society of Tid-
ioute has accepted tho resignation of
Rev. Edwards as Pastor of the Church
iu that place, and have extended a
call to Rev. Theo. Crowll, to fill the
vacancy. If we are rightly informed
the last named gentleman has been
supplying tho pulpit of that church
for some time past.
R?cks have lauded quite an
amount of lumber in the back chan
nel, which is mostly, being hauled to
Knox's mill, whero it will be dressed
and made ready for tale tn lots to 6uit
purchaseis. Mr. Partridge, we believe
has purchased a large amount of this
lumber for his new buildiug, which is
going up as rapidly S3 possible.
The Clarion Democrat says, Mr.
A. Bonnet of this place had his collar
bono broken, and was otherwise hurt,
by the kick of a horso ho was leading,
on Thursday of last week. He mada
a narrow escape from instant death.
His injuries are painful, aud will con
fine him in the house for some time.
He has tho sympathy of his many
Next Tuesday decides tho mo
mentous questiou as to who shall be
our County Superiutcudont of Schools
for the next three years. None of the
candidates are working very hard, but
suppose none will be seriously disap
pointed if they aro the choice of the
canvention. We, iu common with all
our neighbors, hope tho best man will
be elected.
From the Meadvillo Republican
we learn of the rnurriage of tho wid
ow of tho late Hon. D. A. Finney to
Governor Carsteusen, of Denmark.
They sail for Copenhagen, their fu
tre residence, to-day. Mr. Finney, it
will be rcmombered died in Europo
several years ago, and was at the lime
of his decease Member of Congress
from tho old Twentieth District.
A correspondent of the Pittsburgh
Telegraph quotes from the diary of
the "oldest inhabitant" of Franklin,
to the effect that April, twenty-one
years ago, was worse thau the present
month. We quote the following fiual
"April 29 Cold and wet, snowing
all day.
"April 30 Still cold with suow and
rain. This day closes tho mouth . of
April, and a more disagreeable month
I have never passed through. Cold,
suow and rain almost every day."
A new Btock of Spring hats aud
caps just opened ut tho Hat Store, two
doors below tho Post-offlce, Tidioutej
very stylish. Cull and see them. 2tf
Clover and Timothy, seed and a
full ling of garden seeds at Robinson
& Conner's. . 50tf
Just opening a new Spring stock,
consisting of meu's, women's aud chil
dren's underwear; Balbriggan, Iron
Frame and other choico makes of
white and funcy cotton hosiery. Also,
gloves, corsets, embroideries, standard
trimmings, liueii collars aud cuffs,
neckties, Ac,, Ac., at the Jlat Store ;
Sign of the Big Rod Hat, two doors
below the Post oflicc, Tidioute. 2tf
William R. Hurst, a book-keeper,
for several years ia the employ of-Jonathan
Watson,, committed suicide by
taking laudanum on Tuesday afler
noon last, at his residence in Titusville.
The Courier says Mr. Hur6t came to
Titusville in 1871 and went into the
employ of Jonathan. Watson, as biok
keepr, which situation h filled up to
the time of his death. He has in all
that time bceu the confidential agent
of Mr. -Watson, knowing all the de
tails of his very large business. In
this position bo always discharged his
dutius with the greatest fidelity and
evinced capacity of the Uiirhost order.
There is no doubL that the cause of
.1 iT:. it- .
iuu buiciuu was insanity, ins intimate
friends had noticed for some duys past
that he had behaved in a peculiar
manner, at times giving way to fits of
deep melancholy, when everything
would look gloomy to him., lie leaves
a wife and four daughters.
To the School Directors, of Forest
Gentlemen: In pursuance of the
forty-third section of the act of 8th
May, 1854, you are hereby notified to
meet in the Court House,
in Tionesta, on the first Tuesday in
May, A. D. 1875, being the fourth day
of the month, at 1 o'clock in the after
noon, and select, viva voce, by a major
ity of the whole number of directors
present, one person of literary and
scientific acquirements, aud of -skill
and experience iu the art of teaching,
as Couu'y Superintendent, for the
three succeeding years; determine the
amount of compensation for tho same,
aud certify the result to the State
Superintendent, at Ilarrisburg, as ro
quired by the thirty-ninth and fortieth
sectious of said act.
S. F. Roil R Kit,
Co. Sup't of Forest County.
April 5, 1875. '
TAXES MAY 1, 1875, TO AFUIL 30,
1876. '
The Revised Statutes of U. S., Sec
tions 3232, 3237, 3238, and 3230, re
quire every person engaged iu any
business, avocttioo, or employment
which renders hiui liable to a Special
Tax, to procure and place conspicu
ously iu his establishment or place of
business a Stamp denoting the pay
ment of said Special Tax for the Spe
cial Tax Year beginning May 1, 1875,
before commencing or continuing
business after April 30, 1875.
Tho Taxes embraced within the
provisions of the law above cjuoted. are
the following, vi?;
Rectifiers f-iOOOC
Doalers, retail liquor 2 " 00
Doalera, wliolmnle liquor lOOOO
Iteulurs in mult liquors, wholesale... f0 00
Dealers in mult liquors, retail 20 00
Henlers in lonf tolmceo 25 00
Ketuil dealers in leaf tobaeeo 600 00
And on sales of over $1,000, fifty
cent for every dollar iu excess
of f 1,000.-
Iealers in manufactured tobacco 5 00
Manufacturers ol stills 50 00
And for each Ktill manufactured... 20 00
And fur each worm manufactured HO 00
Manufacturers of tobacco 10 00
Manufacturers of cigars. .i 10 00
Peddlers of tobacco, lirst c1r."s( muro
than 2 horses or other animals) 50 00
Poddlers of tolmceo. second olass (2
horses or other animals) , 500
Pcddlyrs of tflliacco, third class (1
horse or oilier animal) 15 00
Peddlers of tobaoco, fourth class,
(on foot or publicum vevanco)... ; 10 00
Brewwrs of less than .WO barrels - 50 00
IJrewors of 600 barrels or uioro 100 00
Any person, so liable, who shall fail
to comply with the foregoing require
ments will be subject to severe penal
ties. . '
Persons or Firms liable to pay any
of the Special Taxes named abovo
must apply to James C. Brown, Col
lector of Internal Rovenue at Green
ville, Mercer, Co., and pay for and
procure the Special-Tax Stamp or
Stamps they need, prior to. May 1,
1875, and without further notice.
J. W. Douglass,
Comissioner of Internal Rovouuo.
Oflico of Internal Revenue, Washing
ton, D. C February 1st, 1875.. . .
For Sale.
The old Holmes Houso property is
cS'ered for sale on very reasouablo
terms. This property consists of two
acres of land, a barn, suitable lor liv
ery, size 105x40 foet. The foundation
of tho Holmes Houso contains a large
amount of first class buildiug stone.
The land is suitablo for gardening, and
with proper caro will raise superior
vegetables. This property will be
sold cheap. For terms enquire of tho
editor of this paper, or of C. F. Gilles
pie, Whig Hill. 33tf.
i- 1 i
Wh'Toas, my wife, Caroline, has left my
bed and board' without just cause or provf
ration I hereby warn all persons iuaiiist
trusting her on my account, as I will pay
uo doLila ut her contracting,
Truukeyville, March 2J, 1075. -tt
By Robinson & Bonner, Dealers in
General Merchandise.
Flour lmrrel ...
Corn Meal, bolted, -
Chop feed - -
Rye $ bushel
Oats biiHhol -
Corn, emu ....
Potatoes ....
Li mo 1 bbl. ....
llcaiis f bushel ...
I lam, suuar cured .. . .
BreakGist Bacon, kugnrourcd
Sugar .....
Syrup - - - -
N, O. Molasses ...
Koast Itlo Coffee No. 1
Itio ColTeo, best ...
Tea .....
Dried Iloef ....
Uice ... .
Butter - ... ...
Eprs, fresh ' ... . .
Lard .---. . .
Dried apple ....
Nails, lOd, keg -Iron,
common bar
. i
i 6570
- 45((j.50
- WKalOO
2.00 (a3.00
- 15
i lorijiii
- 7fi((il.00
- 28
- 2022
- 25(5,30
- 15(J$20
- 4.00
Xeiv Advertisements.
Applications for "License at May
Sessions, 187$.
Win. Lawrence, Hotel, Tionesta Boro.
S. A. Varnor, " " '
Michael Ittol, Jr., ' " "
U. W. llovard, Wholesalo License, . Tio
nesta Boro.
John Woodcock, Hotel, Ncillsburtc, Ilar
uiony Twp.
P. M. Clark, Clerk.
April 21, 1875.
Administrator' IVolIre.
ed. Notieo is hereby given that Let
tins of Administration "on tho Kstalo of
the alsive named Peter Sibhel, late of the
Township of Kingslcy, in the County of
Korost, deceased, have been granted to
Nancy A. Hibbe), and
tlohn Zents, resiling in Tionesta township,
Brtid coiuitji AU persons, therefore, hav
ing claims or demands BKaiust tho estato
of the said deoedont, are requested to
make tlio same known to tho said Nancy
A. Hibbel md John Zents without delay.
April 2lith, 1875. 4 Gt
Corner of Church and Elm St-roets,
This firm Is prepared to do all work in
Its lino, and will warrant everything done
at their shops .to nive satisfaction. Par
ticular attention given to
Give them a trial, and you will not re
gret it. 13-ly.
Apply toGEO. G. SICKLES, .
70, Nassau St., New York City.
Yon Can Save 'Money
By buying your PIANOS and OHUANS
from the undersigned Manufacturers'
Agent, foi the best brands in tho market.
Instruments shipped direct from the Fac
tory. . CHAM. A. KHL LTZ, Tuner,
3 ly Lock box 1740, Oil City, Pa.
Hats oponcd a
la his
ad in connection with his other business
he has constantly In storo the
; ' BLKKd,
and will
any Hewing Machino In tho market, ntlist
prices, w ith all tho
which the Companies jjive, and will
la any part of Foreat County, and givo all
necessary instructions to learners.
McBiilra nr all .llurUiues, MI1U uail TUrH4
always iu fctore.
TiDIOL'Ti:, PA., June,lS71.
Dr. 3. Walker's California Tlu
Ogar Bitters arb a purely Vee;ablo
preparation, made chieily from tho na
tivo herbs found on tho lower ranges at
the Sien a Nevada mountains of Ctilifor
tlla, tho medicinal properties of which
aro extracted thorcfrom without. the tiw
of Alcohol. Tho question is almost
daily aRltcd. "What is tho cause or thn
unparalleled success of Vixeoak Bit
ters t" Our answer Is, that they rcwou
tho catiRO of disease, and tho patient r
covors his health. They aro the groaO
blood purifier and a life-giving principle,
a perfect ltenovator aud Invigorate
of the system. Never beforo iu the
history of the world ha a inotliciiio Wh
compounded posseting tho rcntarkuMo
qualities of Yinkoar Uittkks in lieulm j tlw
Sick of every disease innii i heir tn. They
are a pcutlo l'urKa'.ivo as well n a Tuaic.
rolieviiif Congestion or Inflammation t(
lh Liver aad Visceral Orgaut ui Bilieni
The properties of Dr. Walkku's
YiXko ak Bin Kits are A paricnt, Dianliorotio,
Carminative, Nutritious, Laxative, Uiurotic,
Sedative. Counter-Irritant Sudorific, Altora
tivt, audAnli-Uilioua.
Grateful Thousands proclaim Vr
egau Bitters the roost wonderful In
Tiguraut that ever sustaiacd th sinking
No Person can take these Bitters
according to directions, aud remain long
unwell, provided their bones are not de
stroyed by mineral poison or other
means, aud vital organs wastod borMi
JJilions. Remittent and Inter
mittent 1 erers, which are so preva
lent in the valleys of our great rivers
throughout tho United States, especially
. those of tho Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri,
Illinois, Tennessee, Cumhorlitnd, Arka.,
sas, lted, Colorado, Brazos, Itio Grande,
Poarl, Alabama, Mobilo, Savauuau, Ito
auoke, James, and many others, with .
their vast tributaries, throughout our
cutiro country during the Suuinusr an
Autumn, aud remarkably so daring ea
SotiS v unusual heat and dryness, tut
Invariably accompanied by extensive do
rangomcnts of tho stomach and Urcy,
and other abdominal viscera. In tlio-tf
treatment, a purgative, exerting a row-,
erful influence upon theso various cr-.
gans, is essentially necessary. Tbr,
is uo cathartic for tho purpose oqnttl k
Dit. J. Walk Kit's Vixkgak, ltru-rxs,
as they will speedily romovo Uio Uaiki
colored viscid matter with whisk Uva
bowels aro loaded, at tho samo tin;. -stimulating
tho secretions of the lirer
nnd generally restoring tho hcnliliy
functions of tho digontivo organs.
Fortify tho hotly against Hna
by purify in p all Its tluids with Vixnru k
Biri'jiits. No epidemic. ctiu tr.ko hoU
of a system thus forc-arnied.
Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Heart
ache, f'uiu in the hhoulders, .,nnnlt,
Tightness of tho Chest, Dizziness, fM:ir
Eructations of tho Stomach. Bad ' uno
iu tho Mouth, Bilious Attacks. Pnlplu
t.ttion of the Heart, Iiitlaiiiinmiuti of t!-.
Dungs, Pain in tho region of the ki
uoys, and a hundred other painful ) mp
toms, aro tho offsprings of DjSpepai.",.
One bottle will provo a better guainntii
of its merits tbau r lengthy n-. s: .:;-.
Scrofula, or Kinir's Evil, yc::
Srolliii).', Ulcers, Krt ipula, Swclluil X V -(initio,
8crofuluu, l:,i;!nr
Influmniatiuns, Alcrctuinl Atluclina. (.
Bui us, Kniplions of tho hkin, Suru i.i
In theso, as iu all oilier cmulitutiiian'. I'n- .
easel, Wai.hku'h Viskoak lin fKn, lmj
huwu thuir great curative iuwwi ui U
west ob.stiuulo and intractaliiv --n.
For liiltaimuatory um tiuouk
lillClItlltltisill, Gout, Bilious, Hvw.A
tent and Intermittent Fevers, Disenaei. uf
tho Blood, Liver, Kiiliuys uml tU;i'l'.f .
these Bittern have no euiul. imU .
are cumcd hy Vitiated illovd,
Mechanical Diseases. revsons'ss- - "
gaged iu Paints and Minerals, such .
l'luinbors, Type-ietlurs, Culd buulurs, .
iiiners, as the' advance in hie, aro l.ct
to paralysis of the Bowels. To gwl
against Uns, Uiko a dune of Waleku V i BriTKits occaio:ially.
For Skin Diseases, Krupiioos, Tes
ter, Salt-ltlieiun, P.lotuhes, Kpis, piiup: ,,
Pustules, Boils, Carbuncles, liiiiR vian.i.
Scald-head, Sure Kye.. Krysipdns. Il-'v.
Scurfs, lliscolorutions of tlie'Kkin. Jluniiu.
and Diseases of the Shin uf whatnrer iiur.o
or nature, are literally dug up and oanki
out of the aysteiu iu a sburt liino Ly the u' 4
of those Bitters.
Tin, Tape, and other Worms,
lurking in the svkteiu of so many thmuaui..-,
ate clloctually destroyed ami rumoved. ti
srstcin of medicine, nu vermijues, lie a.-.
thelminitlcs willhcu the system hum eim
like these Bitters.
For Feinalo Complaints, iu ynm
or old, uuirried or siiiRlu, at tho iluwu uf
manhood, or the turn of life, those Tui:;
Bitter display so dociuYd an inUneuoe tint -iuipruvoiueul
toon purceptilile. -
CI cause the Vitiated Blood whc-
ereryuutiiid its impurities burstiug through .
the kkin iu Pimples, Erupliout, or Setu.
eloanse it when yon tiud it obslruuted tiA
hiepith in the vuiiis; cleanse it wiieu ii
foul ; yonr feelings will tell yoa wliuu
the blood pure, uud the Iwullb, ol the -tu.u
will follow.
I)niift;iNUi nnd Or. A i;ts., Saa Kr4telMio. (, 41414.4,
Oud cur uf Wu.iilliirloil tuxl riuuUiMi Sis..
kuld by all lruttK' "( Ural -..
ALL OPKItATION.S pertaining to Hu
irical or Mc-ehaniL-ul lk.miMirv , .j ..
furiuoil with caie. and warruntcd. I uu.u--
anti'e auccc-Hs or refund tho moiiev.
Olll.o 111 lilt.V.NMN HKlCIv BL()( K.
lli'iiieiubi'i' the place.
I'w-i.. j
; -r 'J