The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, April 21, 1875, Image 3

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    3ht forest glcjniMta.
w. R. DUNN
U..JI...! ... . u i
x Announcements.
tTerms for Announcements will he a
follow i Associate .111. lire. 810; Prothon
otarv $10; etherirt' ( AYimmimloner A;
Auditor $3. No announcements will ap
pear unions acoompunied 6 Me cat A.)
Tiowesta, Pa.', March, 2t, 1875..
Ma. 'EmToK Having been solicited bv
friends of education, I hare consented to
become a candidate lot the ofllee of Coun
ty Superintendent. If plotted I shall en
deavor to give entire satisfaction.
We are authorized to announce Ihcnamo
of 8. V. RCHRKK, of Jenk Township a
candidate fur the olllcc of County 8upcr
iiUondent, . .
Wo are authorised to announce the
unmeof II. 8. RliOCKWAY, of Jenks
Township, as candrdsto for the Office ol
Vounty Superintendent. . , ...
It the School Director of Fowwt pan lit
to elect Rev. O. B. CLARK, Buperinten-.
dent, he will cheerfully servo (o the boat
e( his ability. ,
- i i . ;
. VnnTimvnTAnv ... '
wkf.h r nnruHi.icAN ? I icnw an
tionuee Die mime of P. M. CLARK, of
Tionesta Boro., aa a candidate for the of
flees of ProthonoUiry, Register, Recorder
sub.loot to the usages of the Republi
can party.. . ... P. A1.,J.LARK.
'' SHERIFF. ! I-
Wo are authorised to anuonnc the
liamo of E. C. M AYS, of Bariiott Tow n
ehtp as a candidato for Sheritl',. Buhioct to
Republican usages.' ,
Er. ItErrni.TCA'. Please announce the
fhet that JUSTIS SHAWKKY, of Rarnetl
Township, will be a candidate lor Sheriff,
at the ensuing Primary meetings, subject
to Republican usages. ,
Republican County Committee. ;
There will be a meeting of the Re
publican County Committee, Monday
evening of court week, May 17, 1875,
at 7:30 o'clock, at my office, in Tiones
ta.. A full aUendanco is desired, as
matters of importance will be considered.-
The following named persons
are members of the Committee; i
T. J. Van Giesen, Tionesta Boro.
W. A. Dusenbury, Kiugsley twp. .. '
x. xerry, uarmony '.wp., upper., , , ,
-F. Connelly, ' , , " .lower. '. ; .'
L. Arner, Green twp. "
L. Keister, Hickory twp. ",'.' :
W. S. Cole; Howe twp.
J. Mercilliott, Jenks twp."
C: Wj Clark, Tionesta twp. , " '
w. r. merciluott, chairman.
Republican State Convention.
. The; Republicans of the State of
Ponngolr.n!. , 1, l, J . 1
nraciuuio uy-ineir delegates in estate
convention,' at noon on Wednesday,
the 26th day' of May, 1875, in the
1 1 - I .1 ' . l i . rt. .
Fulton Opera House, at the city of
Lancaster, for the purpose of nomi
nating candidates for Governor and
State Treasurer. . Each Representa
tive and Senatorial District will be
entitled to the same representation as
it has under " the present- apportion
ment for Senators and Representatives
in the Legislature. ,
IlCSSKU. EHRETT, i :'. ;
A. Wilson Nomtia, : Chairman.
u ,, , .,, secretary. ' . ,
' The LouUiana muddlo has been
settled,1 by the' unseating of several
members to give room to their oppo
nents. ' A conservative Speaker has
been elected, and everything bids fair
to run tmootblv hereafter. Now the
next thing we notice the Democrats
complaining about is, that our Gov
mec$ won't let Mexicans come across
the border into Texas and burn, de
stroy and murder to suit their own
good pleasure; and because measures
are being taken to stop these outrages
Graut is said to be trying to get up a
war with Mexico io secure a third
term. Is there anything that the
the Democratic papers won't turo in
to a "third terra" scare?
Wo find the following in the
"Cooksburg correspondence of the Clar
ion Republican j
One of our citizens, Thomas B.
Maze, met with a serious accident, to
day, it Hon. A. Cook's grist mill. The
regular miller, John Cock, Exq., not
being at homo, Mr. Maze undertook to
grind some for a customer when one of
the belts broke and caught the rope
fastened to the lever which raises the
gate of a small wheel which rung the
baiter and some oincT machinery Rnd
the ropo caught and wrapped around
the shaft and threw the gate out of
pluoe so the wheel could not be stopped.
Mr. Maze called Mr, J. W. Cook to
assist him in replacing the gate, nml
ivhile engaged in bo doing Mr. Maze's
i-liirt sleeve came in contact and was
caught by the shaft of the wheel aud
in an instant his pants caught also,
iiixl ho was whirled 'around at a foarful
rate., rom some causa llw wheel
stopped aud he was released fj'om his
perilous position,. It is supposed that
Home of his ribs weru broken, aud ho
js considerably bruiatd otherwise.
Co!. Butler was killed . by one
La.itndesburg, In Clearfield couuty, In
1864, while endeavoring lo arrest the
lntter as a deserter.. The murderer
was arrested a few weeks ago, and is
now awaiting a trial. In the mean
time several Dcmocratio exchanges
are trying to make the murderer out
an injured man, and at the same time
blacken the memory of the murdered
oflicur by such malicious inventions as
the following: .
Only a short time before Butler was
killed bv T.amulctliiinr lu ltntlnrl
ei i j
shot a woman named Smith, iu Jeffer
son county, through the nerk, for re-
rusing to ten mm where her husband
Was. The Door woman wn. iiiKtmiilu
killed, and Butler allowed to go un-
This Blander was first publishad in the
Bcllefonte W'atefiman, and shortly af
ter it first appeared the editor of that
paper received the followiue. which
explains itself. . The names signed to
lha pa pur are a guarantee of its entire
truthfulness: r '".
-Tho article in ynnr paper character
izing Col. Butler, who was murdered
by Loundcsbury, as a sneaking man,
and stating that he killed a woman, is
falM! in every particular, aud the mat)
who wrote it is a dofamer of the dead,
a liar and a villain. ' '
',", fSigncd Datid Easqn,' ..
;i -i . J t. . A. P. IlttcHOkD, I :
John S. Barr, i
!.'.'. . Sweeney, ' , I
v Silas J. Mauun. '
. i :.
Governor Curtin sar Hint, fbnro
nre fifteen thousand Liberal Republi
cans in I'ennsylvania, and that it was
their VOtcS nhil ll lleoillorl ll unlcl
in favor of the Democrats last fall. If
the Governor will drop a cipher from
his figures he will co jio much nearer
to the truth, and aa to big little band
using the balance of power, last year,
where, let us ask, were Ihcso votes in
1872 and 1873? , Did they not vote
with the Democracy thei., just as they
did in 1874 f The Democracy got all
the advantnga which LiberaU Repub
licanism could give it, in 1872, and it
did them mighty littlo good then, ac
cording to oor recol lection. Pittt
burgh Commercial. , ., .., ,
' Just opening a new Spring stock,
consisting of men's, women's aud chil
dren's underwear; Balbriggan, Iron
Frame and other , choice makes!, pf
white and fancy cotton hosiery., , Also,
gloves, corsets, embroideries, standard
trimmings, 'linen collars and cuffs,
neckties, Sc'.; &c.', at tho Hat Store;
Sign of the Big Rod Ilati two doors
below the Post-office, Tidioute.. , 2tf
Teachers' Examinations. '
The regular Spring Examinations
of Teachers for Forest county,'w:ll be
hold as followst '
Marienville, Thursday April 22.
. Clarington, Saturday ' 24.
Nebraska, Monday . " , . 26.
... Tionesta, Tuesday 27.
Newtown; Thursday ' " ' 29.
- East Hickory, Friday " '' SO.
.i H'eillsburg, Saturday May 1,
Examinations commence at nine
o'clock, a. m. Directors and frionds
of education are respectfully " invited
to attend. - S. F. Rohreh,1 J
March 29, 1875. ' i Co. Sup't.
Corner of Church and Elm Streota, .
This firm Is prepared to do. all work- In
its line, and will warrant everything Uouo
at their shops to give natiiifaction., l'ar
ticulnr attention given to
. , IXOlSSIillOIIlXf., ;
ve them a trial, himJ you will not 1
tfret it. 18-Xy.
Apply to GEO. G. SICKLES,
79, Nansan St., New York City.
,yas selnctod, 4 years ago, and put to work
in the V. ft. I'tfut Oilico, 1. (., auA has
proved to be the tjei't. 1!' sizM made.
Prices lower .than any other Sr3'r('ls''
Wlioul. Pamphlet fm. .Addruw N.
ISui uham, Yvrk, Pa. 8 it
C.1C A WEEK to utini U. to soli an articlo
fl I w (salable as Hour. l' iiiinmiHo.
Package free,- address liurkye Ianiila
turing Co., Marion, Ohio. 8 4t
- Arlii le to boold puyssjHou
tlitl I y. vicisussity in every family.
Ladles niuko targecomniis-oons in Blliiig.
Agei.u report ' wiles. Aftiulu
liglit, ulecaully put up; eirrulars mvcn
IVi e to In Ip milt-ft. Wi itu at nin e Ut J:t-;,
M. Sli-waii, i'litnkliii, M:i's. z it
tfriL GILDS'
Cures NeuralKin, FacoAehe, Rhemnntlsm,
Oout, Krrmtrd Feet, 1'hilhlnins, oro
Tliront. lOrVMlmlnj. t
of every nature in man or animal. The
iviiini nninii Hum nils n'nHHIT IMS ellllet-
od cla.Mes it itn oiro of the hhwt lmporuuit
and valuable remedies ever discovered for
the cure and rnlinf of pain. -
"Tho sinowa of my Ion hand were con
tracted from an old alwiws, drawiiv- the
flneix Into the palm of the hand. ? ho-
riliml Ijllrm' . u r
1 : "...i.iiuin ii'iiuir iti AIIIIIinoiH.
t relaxed them so that 1 can stmiirhlou
. win. ,i7.n hit iiuiiUB. 1. IUC-
Dermolt, 40 W. 1.1 at., pf. Y.
Pa. roraalehynU brUfrgiHts, ' Depot 461
6th Ave., N. Y. " a-4t
kK 9 tfl Vrr rt"y " home. 'Terms
.w c- vu ireo. Address
tioO. fetlnson
Co., Portland, Me.
3 t
l;77A WKEK ntuarantel U Male and
V I I Kenialo anents, In their looalitv.
I ts notliinif to try it. Particulars Free.
I . O. Vk-kery ct Co., Aunula, Me. -4t
Moat KxtrnordliiMrv
Terhis of Adrortlslnit are ' ofTerinu for
.- i-i('r...'i a in mtJ nonu oi
Sond lor list of papers rh1 ftcbtnlulo of
rEo. p. itowmx & cc,
Refer to Editor of this Paper. 3 4t ,
1 T JllES U N:
VEEK U AND DAI WjH . lffffiT
The if'roRenorYho Presidential ofe'e..
tlmt Rive nunsnal Importanro to the
events and dovelopmejiU of -IWDi. Ya
shall endeavor to descrlbo thorn full v.
faithful I v, and fearlessly. ' "
THW WKlfiYSUN baa no-.v aftnlned
a tiirenlatlon of- nr seventy thoirsanj
eoptes. It renlers are fhiiu'd lo evorv
State and Territnrv, and Its (inality Iswoil
known totliemihlle. Weikhnli .ni.......
denvor to keep it fully up t theold stand-
,Ji iiniJruTu niui nua io its variety
and power. - '
.TIlK WEEKLY HUN will contlnur!' to
be a thorough newspaper. - All thn news
or the dav will )m fniim! in' if Mnn.i..A.i
when unlmportanrret full rcn-rHi when of
iiimiieni, nnn always, wo trnst, treated In
a clear, interesting and instructive man
ner. - -
. It Is our aim to make the Weekly Sim
I It will be fulfof entortaiuing and appro-
priato readimr of nverv nrf tmt win
lit iit--ic r niwminTinp in rna wnv .1
Orlnt tlOtlliflfr fn oOVli.l thn mn.1 aM.,An.
tous and delicate taste. It will always
.1... .... . .
iibiiifi inu muni, iiiwirewiuis Riones and
romances of the day, carefully selected
and legibly-printed.
- The Atrrienltursl nnturimnnH. nwim.
tnent featuro in the Weekly Sun, and its
nriK'ie win always uo lound rrcsh and
iit'iiii vo uiu lannur. .
The number of men indonendent In pol
their paper espociall-. I belongs to no
imnj, ana oneys no aietatlon, contending
for principle, and for the election of the
beHt men. It exposes the corruption that
disirraees the countrv mid thi.ifinti tk.
overthrow of republican Institutions. It
una no irnr lI KI1HVOS, na SeoKS UO taYOrS
from Uieir auporters. ' '
'1 ho markets or every kind mid the fash
ionH are regularly reported in columns.
The price or the Weoklv Sun Is one dol
lar a year for a sheet of eight pajrea, and
tiltV-KiX eolllintlM. Ah fl la lmrnlv nava
the expense of paper and printing, we
are not able to makn anv dlueonnt i,r .iinw
any premium to friends who may make
npecini uuorui j exiena it circulation.
Li nder the new law, which-requires pay
ment of postage in ad vance, one dollar a
Vpnr with tuiiinlu iui.ii t. 1 1 . n .
-i ' '' ..hi- . o. vi J'l I'-
paid poNtaire added, is the rate or subscrip
tion. It is not nciessary to get up a club
in uiunr w, imve me vveeaiy nun at this
rnlA. Anmn.whi.Anilj ... n .1 ..1 1 . 1
twenty centa -will get tho paper, nostpasd,
for a year. - ,
we have no traveling a-rents.
TUB WEEKLY RUN. Eight pages,
fifty'-Blx columns. Only l.20a year, iiost
age prepaid. No discounts from this rate,
THE DAILY SUN. A largo four-page
newspaper of twonty-eight olums. DaiS
circufiLtinn nvop 19.n iumi a ii ih. nn...'.
for 2 cents. 1 Subscription, pontage prepaid
PA CAntu M m aa AA .iu 'r .
clubs of 10 or over, a discount of 20 per
win.. .......
Address f'THE SUN,? New York City.
F. F. Ij. -
The above letters are the Initials of one
of the "tlnest medicines In the rountrv.
PlUlP.Wolfl nn .....111 1 . '
- - - - .......... v, u w l uAvmimi I i.Y mi j
other in the curing of Pains and Sore
an.l 1. n 1 .. 11 1 ... . i .
- " ' i v-ijri lnly KjiiiiMjii wi ais-
ease of Horses, Cattle Ac. Hue circulars
around Isittles. Sold by all Druffgisl.
wao-lyeom " .
1875. - WHERE HOW?. 1876.
To Michigan, one of Uiu foremost, lour
laliiug and Leaithy Suitoa I , . , , ,
To buy a Farm out of tlio .
One Million leres
of fine fanning lands for sale by the
Htrong soils. Ready markets. Snre crops.
Oood schools, Railroad runs through cen
tre of grant. Settlements all along. AH
kinds of products raised. Plenty of wator
tiinherand building materials. Price from
ft toflO per acre; ono-lourth down, bal
vnce on time.
ito-s-iend for illustrated pamphlet, full
of facts aud figures, and be convinced.
Address W; a. lloward, Comm'r, Grand
Rapids, Mich. P. R. L. Pierce, fcee'y
Land Dcp't. ' .
WAitH rii ha rtsilorcU thoiiKaii.U
from the brink of tho grave; riveu hulU
and Klreiigth to thone deomeu Imvoml tho
reach of medical science, and turned tho
iiatu of aillit'tion to one of happinutig iu Hut
blowings within it virtue. Jtcurea the
petidiy JiiiglUa disease and Diabetes;
eradicates uli liiwabi s of the kidneys I re
stores the urinary organs to strength ami
jiowcr in a word, it is a natural restorer
tf health, and lias performed the most
womlortut and niarfumlous cures of any
known spes'inu on 1 1 1 friobe, Addross lor
ciri'Ul.lfk, eti.-., Col., It. l)V $1 it A K.
Ulit . WuhUcsLu, Wis.
. ' r. i u .; ...
WANTrci:-KV(rylH.dv to kornv tlmt
Pour-KolJ I.iiiiiiint fs (he ladiu? l.tnl
iiifciM fur D'irinK nil I in, I i,f rHiiii jind
Hore ThrihitM, -,ind for Uorit w fittiln, iH1.,
Is Ibo ntoM sticcestrtil liinimerit in thu
market. Mea circulars around Uittles.
fsjld .y n!) l-.;rt:is;s, W-l.v coin
WANTED A Few Good . Men
To represent Fountain Hill Nurseries, Or
villo, (ihki, in tho saliof 1'ruit Trees and
Uonrral Nursery Stock, Canvass lo Iwgln
in April or May for October dcllwrv, tn
iy those iHht apply who uin glveseconty,
as important suuis ofiionoy. must be
iniiuieii uuring uenvery. Appijcanis
will be visited by our traveling agent, and
arramreinenra f-oiimlnteil. .1. iJurilim .f-
SVin, Alliance, Ohio. 4Mt
Mannftictnreis of Talent Rrwch-loadlng,
Military, Sporting and Crecdnioi K Ulll.-'s.
The Host in tho world. . Winner at Jntcr
nalional and nenrly alf other principal
lusli hes at Creeiiinoor, See tMlinial lloc
ordO Sporting Rides, J3'l to t.3. Creed
nioorltilles, with Elevations for 1300 vds,
?:0and125. Send for Illustrated Cttta
Iokuo. K. O, WESTCoTT, '
Ahmory and Orrii R,' ' president,
llAnwou, Cons. '' 40 4t
STtTTEniN-Cl.-tl. S. Stimimertng In
stitute, ( Dr. White,) 417 Fourth Ave.,
N. Y. Hi st rcl'erciii'oa. No par per
fectly ourod. Call or send lor circular. 4it 4
We olTen for sale throe hundred Im
prove! and unimproved farms in the mild
and salubrious climate of Virginia. Also,
tracts of Iron, Coal and Timber , lands,
Send for Va. lioal Estate Journal, .Map
of Virginia, 50 eet. Challln,. Stuplos .
Co-, Rictuuoiid,. Virginia, ; ., 4V4I
ADVERHSINUi Cheap: Uood:. Sys
tomatio. All rafrsona whocon tern pliiJe
niakiug contrait with newspupur tiir ths
Insortion of advei tiseuienta, hliould siii
S3 cents to Geo. T. iiowoll A Co., 41 arM
Row, Now York, for thoir Pamphlet -Ikmih:
(nicety-seventh ediliou), coiilainlng lists
of over 2000. .Newspapers aud estimates
showing the cost.. AdvertisemonU takoii
for leading papnrs in mauy States at a tre
meudous leilucUunfrom publishers' rates;
Get tli 9 book. r. ... , . , ,... 4
PSYCfrOMANCY, or Soul Charming.
How eitlior sex may fascinate anil gain
the love and affbctlous qf anv person they
ehoose, Instiintly. This simple mental nci
cjnlrement all can possei, fi e, by mail,
tor '6 cents ; togelher . with a Marriage
Ouide, Egyptian Oracie, Drrnnis. Hints to
Ladies. Aonoorbook. 10Voonseld. Ad
dress T. William A Co.. Pnbllihers, Phil
aoVlphia, 4U 4t
rOPYINR Componsatiou Libernl. Pro.
WW! I UIU. ferencetooue willing toearu
part of linreTpensesnt school. Rcvd. W.
H. KINUSUIIR Y, LndieW Bemiuarv, Tar.
rytown, N..Y',.,, ,. 1 ,. '. , .. 1 .. 'y4t ;
An oloenhtly liotind" Canvaussing IlKik for
tho best and cheapest Eainilv rtiblu ever
published, will be sent freo" of charge to
any book agent' It contains over TOO line
Scripturo Illustrations, and agents are
meeting with unprecedented success. Ad
dress, htatinj experience, otc, and we will
show vou what our agents are doing Na
tional Publishing Co., Philadelphia, Pa.',
Cnicngo, LI., or St. Louis, Mo. 3J 41
Most lOxtraordltinry ' i
Terms of advert Istng are offered for Newai
, 1 papers jn io slate of . ,
i WEST PA. ;
Send for lit of papers and schedule of
linos. . Aouros. Ij JvO. IVlvllWKLL at CO,
Advei-tiniug,AgenU, No. 41. Park liow,
New York. . . , iB . .
,. iWier to .ditor of Nun Paper. . 85-lt
1 . - . i.
Jas. H. Fpncs, Proprietor, ,
. .!..'.' I . ! . 1 1 V.I 1.. : '
Bonner A Agnew'fl Block, !' I
ELM STP.K1CT, - .Tiokbsta; Ym
i. i 1 ''I -,l I 1 ' i' - . ' , '
. : . AgWUt or 1 ,
Dr. Morris' Syrup of Tar.WJlcJ
Cherry and : Horehound. ' ;
.D RU G S ;
U :;.,! I
. ' ) J - -M'
V tobacco, -
r ' CIGARS, ;
UQUOltS, Fr Medical we ONLY
Whito Lead, perfect ly pare, sold niueli
cheaper Uiau formerly. .,
Also all kinds ol' Oil's, kerosene, Tur
pentine, Densiiuo, Toilet ArtiUea, Pov
fiuneiios, iiu,, lor sale cheap.
A V aluable lscvcry.
Dr. C. W. Benson, a Prat;ticing Physician
at 10i North Eutaw St., Baltimore, Md.
(who has paid much attention to nervous
Uiseiiscs,) iiajj (iiscovereil tlmt oxUa.;t of
celery and ctiauiomilu combined in a cer
tain prj.poj-iion invariably cure Headache,
ciliicr bilious, dyhpeptic, 1101 vouj or bick
headiu lie, neuralgia unj norvousncss.
Tins is : triumph, iu medical cliujnitiUy,
and aulluriu aJl over the country aro or
Uoriug by mail, lis-proparus it iu 41la,
nt M iiiils ijuj bm, TI10 ikictor ia largely
known und highly reapoctuU in Baltimore.
EjiUcujial Melliuiliil, 4tfj(
T'ELT Ok RPHTiNOH, 3 U. per rnr.l
f KKL OWI F.I N(i for rs.ins inr&.-of
j'lastr. KI'liT lHSll us,l HlDl NT.,
rir samnlos. nHHviA r i,av f 1...
1 ' " v " - ) "iiim'ii,
j JVW, '
THE (3RTST.M1LL at Nebruska
town, 1 I'oreet ooiiuty, baa been thor
oughly overhauled and refilled In llrst
class order, and is now running and doing
all kinds of 1 -..
Constmitlyon hand, mid sold at tho very
lowest llgures.
43-(im ; K ; H. W. LUDRBt'R.
1 1 1
1 s
.' 1 las bought bul tlio sUir of '.
Tlrtlonte, ln.,
.1 " j ' : , . ' ..'If . "I
And Will carrr hi the business hereafter.
A full line gl' all the goods formerly kept
win etui nn iounii in tins store, l'livst
cians prescriptions carefully comnonn'ded
a tvimpetent Pharninilst a Oraduate of
rnnaiiolpuia College or riiarmacy.
2-m '' -; 0. KEMRLE, M. I;
5- 1
0 S O "
f U. 0 a-
ti m r- a s
es C s
2. 5
w . 1. h a
' eri .
"S - -
St c u
3 S
m - -3
w -sr
- ' tei
Incorporated lir 1S40 with authority to con
fer degrees, and endowed bv tho 'statu of
Maryland in lnoJ.Tuo Coiiepo is beauti
fully situated in a grovo, within the city
limits, on a lofty eminence that command
a view of tho country, the cltv, and river
and bay for many mile. The College hau
a good library, cliKiiiUal and philosophi
cal appuratua, ilinota of minerals, med
als, coins, gems, 4a, and the course of in
struction is thoBough. lloaidand tuition
per N. V, BROOK'S J L. D.,
PiaJiient. .U . w. .,J4l-4t .
fPA O -The choicest in the world
Importers' prices Largest
company In America slapk. article
pleases everi bislyTrade continuaij v in
creasing Agents wanted everywhere.
Best inducwnenlH..., Don't wasto tiiuc.
tent for (Vcnlar -to ltoireirr Wklis 4 t
tsy N. Y., P. O. Box 1W. 1 1 4t
Good Meals at ' Reasonatle ' Rates.
ltl'U3:JFl'Y 1havlK.reeetil!y opon-
- -niiiK iioom lor ijauiiM and
.on Icmen, is prepared to furnish Vood
meals at all times and at low rates
No. 10 SIXTII STREET. I.ato bt. Clair,
i 1 rsmJiiuif, pa. wm 3m
fo havegoTdIieIlth"
1'he Liver must be kest in order
has become a staph, family medicine
Pure v vegetable-Cathartic ind Tin, J!l
tor all derangements of Liver KtoimnoT
and Bowels. Will clear the eiunp'ex o,
cure ., heailadie, Ac. . shun l .Ml,tmion.'
Try Maurra's l.lvcr Invluraior.
lln'EKTISER.Sked iTi;.
f P. Jt i o 1 1 it-po., 41 P:irk Row v v
.r their Eigh. .;,,,',--"..
"Al ol mlvcuMin;, l;i 4t
r'!" t i f e . ' 1875..
-. . iiTfl'wni:iu.u . . .t
a political. HTPRATtY.mMMiiH.
CI A L and o K X E H AI, N 1 s
1'AI'KH. IHivotOil to the '" ' v ' .
Best Interests of tho Feoplo.
. . . . . liTcTmcsr . i:
The COM M Fill 'I A i will horrBftcr, a
lnuSlofu.i', boilnvoU'd to tlio of
Republican principles, maintaining its in
depenep ifW'n Iho Republican Parlv, aud
obiiir.iuj I'm right at all times to 'apeak
freely and leavlcssly on the merit ol nn
and measures. Party 'pivBrtiment 1 es
sriitial An;n uonslitaiionai eonnlrv, and
journals claiming; lo be lndcuontient of
parly are iisunHy lidepeiidnt of priueK
pie. Ealthl'iiUo the great convictions ami
aims upon whu li the Republican Party
WIW llilMlill It WVIln iiiiiiiII..,!..,..
. , .i,,, ,,1111,1,, ,IUi-F Ul liW
rliquo or faction, supporting tho party
solaly bnonusn it belioves that partv in
fouudoU on prlncipliM of Right and iua
tlce. .
Of the CovMnrtAl. will conbiln, froi
day to dav, uontrthuthms froni able wri
ters upon alt subjects Political, Llterarv,
Sciciitilio, Leiral, tioiuinerciol Koraigi,
and L al In which lis views will be sot
fonh plainly and independently, keepiu
in view Hie prima Kiiu-of the paper, WMleh
is II. a s.lvsiu i uicnt of the best iuluisjt et
all section, of thu country. . . . ..
WiJI always tontaln Iwtef bnt accurate f.
prtits of all tho occurrences of the ilur,
iJberal bxpeiidituiTs will Is, made Id s's
curing sjxH'ial telegrams and iwrresuon
ilenco from the great news center of th
country, so that readers of the Cominor
seal can always rely on being served with
rai ty and reltahlo ut wh. . n f
Iu the ilepartmont-de voted to the pub
llcstion ol' Local News will bo fouud
omplele-dally hlslorv or the city and its'
environs, Kiiiherctt by a corps of cai-efui.
writers and fcet forth in attractive style.
VVilH ns hcrntiifoio, receive careful attou
tion. full teiegraidiio reporlsol' the Slate
ot Business, Willi Prices (hirront, il be
received daily from tho Trnrls CmWra of
this eon utry and Europe. .The PiUsburrh
M.itket, In nil Its brsu-hes. will be report,
cd fully slid neeuralelv. As a rovilnus
clnl Journal the Commercial stands sseoad
to mi p.iper iu the country, -..
Tin, l-'innneiui Column will give daily
tho riibng rate li r lOoaev. and the p.l.s4
ot Stocks and Bonds at all the grt trad
ing Kini. v. ith uiu'h iiaorexinit Ut:s
ciJ mailer.
iiaTcnEsnhc raiscELuVr.-;f
Vinbracing Poemfl, Skotches, IneMeuU it
Travel etc., will find h placo in the rol
uinns of thn 'oinrner lal, furnlshlna
abimdsiieo of liwtrui tion aud ausussoit"
for the laiiiiiyclnUow
Daily Minicrc!al."
Postage ; Free to , Subscribers.
Hy oiail, per amhiiin '. '. ' fie u
Hy wuul lor six in. milis . . i j w
By mall tor throo months - ' J m
By mat fir one nioirtu ' i aj
.We bog to htuto that Poslauo will be paid
at thbi ollice, free, un all Editions ofl ua
Commkiu iai., wnt tu Subscribers, under
tho now JjmV to lako eflVict on til lt of
January, 1M75. . . - ... j
.VP XX Ti' ': "' '.
Weekly ComnECfCsiAll
c y?ill contain In eondented form nl' the
iDeluding the procoertin of Congrsss
ami of tlwi legisiatiiiTs of NclghlKirlnK
butes. IntcrcsUii ixurospondcnce. choicu
suH'ctiopv, and ., , -
CompIcteVVeekly Market Reports
Specially Premre for it." ' " l
bo sent
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will ttUo ie uiuitltHl to a copy of our now!
Illustrated Monthly.llagaziae,
One of tho handsomest and public,
lions of it kind in exiutcneo.
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Vivo j'oiiis, porminum, oach ' ', Si T"
Ion t opH.N - . .. , "JW
1 wenty Ci.pio,., "and over "' "1 XV
And on j utra copy t,, u,u K,..(u.r t,p of olub
Additions may lie mado to a Club atanv
time during tho yeajr, at Uio club price, the
subscriptions coininiiiurf a J.'vi i. Ykau
Irom the time "tho udihtions Khali hava
bcs-'ii nnule. ,
i;. l'ostniasU'rs requested to act a agenU.
Those prices uro ihvariiil.lo. Terms
aclv"noe- nemit in drafts or Post
o tti'll .Mnnni'llirlnm ir. hi. . .
.. I i i i'"tsiuo, aim wnero
ncuhorot til, oiu, i: piH-ured nd tlio
f;in-iiii iciiiir.
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