The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, April 21, 1875, Image 1

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    Rates of Advertising.
One Square (1 Inch,) one Inrrtlon fl 60
One Square " one month 3 00
One Square " three months - 6 (JO
One Square " one year - 10 00
Two Squares, one year - - is Off
QnartorCoI. - - - - - 80 00
Half . " , " - . . ISO 00
One " . . - . 109 CO
I gal notices at established rstes.
Marriage snd desth notice, gratis.
All bills for yearly advertisements col
leeted quarterly. Temporary advertise-'
ments must be paid for in advance
Job work. Cash on Delivery.
18 MJBLienED EVERY wedsbbdat, by
W. R. DUNN."
fticb nr Mnmisnv 4 bohuer-s Bomrsa
TERMS, $2.00 A TEAR.
V Subscriptions received for a shorter
period than three months.
Correspondence solicited from all pe.rU
at country. No notice will be taken of
smonymous communications.
Ad. 56.9,
SI. O. of O.F.
MEETS every Friday evening, at 7
o'clock, In the Hall formerly-occupied
by the Uood Templar.
A. a KELLY, N. O.
C. A. RANDALL, Seo'y. 27-tf.
O. TJ. -A.. M.
GETS at Odd Fellows' Lodge Room,
every Tuesday evening, at 7 o clock.
J. 1. UALC. J.
P. M. CLARK, R. 8.
Dr. W. W. Powell, .
OFFICE and residence opposite the
Law renoe I louse. URloe days Wednes
days and Hatardays. 2-tf.
VT. r. HEhtlLLIOTT. - t. B. AO NEW.
Attorney at Law, - Tlonesta, Pa.
April 0, lS75.-tf '
K. L. Davis.
ATTORNEY AT LAW, Tlonesta, Pa.
Collections hiade in this and adjoin.
log counties. 40-1 y
T, W.Hays,
PnsLlo, Reynolds Hukill A Co.'s
Klcsk, Bsasoa St., OU City, fa. W-ly
eVteermeys at Law, - Franklin, Pa.
PRACTIC In the seTeral Coarts of Vs
aaaro, Crawford, Forest, aad adjoin-i-
u. ..i -
Acnaw, Proprietor. This is a new
iioase, and has just been fitted up for the
esontmodation of the public A portion
f the patronage of the nubile is solicited.
Lawrence House,
REHCR, PaoraisToa, This konss
is centrally lecated. - Everything new and
well faraiaked Superior accommoda
tions and striet attention given to guest.
Vegetables and Fruit of all kinds served
an their season. Sample room for Com
aaereial Ageuts. '
SA. VARNKR PaoriUBToa. Opposite
-Court House, Tlonesta, Pa. Just
aeasd. Everything now and clean and
fresh. The best of liquors kept constantly
a hand. A portion of the publio patron
Age is reapeotfully solicited. 4-17 -IT
Tlonesta House.
MrTTKLT Proprietor, Elm St. Tle
. aesta. Pa., at the mouth of theereek,
Mr. Ittsl has thoroughly renovated the
Vieassts House, and re-furnlehed it com
luly. All who patronise him will be
well entertalued at reasonable rates. 87-ly
Knptro Hotel. ' ''
Tvs. This house Is centrally located,
has been thoroughly j-arnted and now
boasts as good a table and beds as any Ho
tel in the oil reglous. Transient only $2.00
Mr day. 2.4-6 in
. C B. Weber's Hotel,
has possession of the new brick hotel
ad will lie happy to entertain all hia old
customers, aud any namber of new ones.
Uood accommodations for guests, and ex
cellent stabling. 10-Sm.
Dr. J. L. Acomb,
had fifteen v ears' experience in a large
and suooesafuf practice, will attend all
Professional Calls. Oftloe in his Drug and
Urooory Store, located lu Tidioute, near
Tidioute House.
A full assortment of Medicines, Liquors
Tobacco, Cigars, Stationery. Glass, Paints,
Oils, Cutlery, all of the best quality, aud
will le sold at reasonable rates.
DR. C1IA8. O. DAY, an experienced
Physician and Druggist from New York,
has charge of the Mtuae. All prescriptions
put up accurately.
at a. hit. mo. r. rut a. a sat.
- St A Y, PARK B CO,,
Corner or Jim; walnut sis. Ttonesut,
Bank of Discount and Deposit.
Interest allowed on Time Deposit.
CoUeeMoas mads on all the Principal points
of the U. 8.
Colleotlena solicited.
OU8ES and Lots for Sale and RENrp
Wild Lands for Bale. -
I have superior facilities for ascertaining
he condition of taxesand tax deeds, Ac,
and am therefore qualified to art intelli-
?ently as agent of those living at a dis
ance, owning lands in the Cosnty.
Ollioe in Commiesiouers Hoomi Court
llme, Tloneeta, Pa.
4-ll-ly. D. W. CLARK,
IELT CARPETINGS, S5 cts. por yard
FKLT CKIMNG for rooms In piano of
For sMinplHi, iwl(ie.,s C. J. FAY, Camden,
Now Jci.ej v
SC. JOHNSTON has opened a rnstan-
rant in the Davis Itulldlng. between
Mable's house and the Unlversalistchurch.
Oysters served up In all styles, or for sale
by the can. Confections, Cigars, Tobacco
Ac, for aalo. A share of the public pat
ronage is solicited. , 40tf
THE undnratKned have opened a Arst
class Diacksmlth and Wagon Shop, In
the Roberts shop, opposite the Rural
House. All work in either line promptly
attended to, and satisfaction guaranteed.
IXorasesjlionlnir n NpeclcLlty
JUST opmed In the Roberta Building op
posite the Rural House. The under
signed is prepared to do all kinds of work
in his line in the best style and on abort
A Specialty. Keep on hand a Ane assort
ment of L'urry Combs, Brushes, Harness
Oil, Whips and Saddles. Harness of all
kinds nisde to order and cheap as the
cheapest. Remember the name and plau
W. WEST, Roberts Building,
12-ly ' Opposite Rural House, Tlonesta.
n. o. nARLiN,
Merchant Tailor,
IN The Lawrenca Building, over Super
ior Lumber Co. (Store. The best stock
kept constantly on hand, and mado np in
the beat manner and newest styles. 19-ly heath,
DRESSMAKER, Tionesta, Fa.
MR8. HEATH has reoently moved to
this place for the purpose of meeting
a want which the ladies of tho town ana
county have for a long time known, that
of having a drossmakcr. of experience
among thf m. I am nrcfTsred to make all
kinds of dresses in the latent styles, and
f guarantee sstis faction. Stamping for braid
ng and embroidsry done in the best man
ner, with the newest patterns. All I ask
is a (air trial. Residence on Water Street,
in the house formerly occupied by Jacob
Bhriver. , I4tf
ASSETS Dec 81, 1873,
MILES W. TATE, Sua Agent,
44 Tkweeta, Pa.
Frank Ilobblna,
Pictures in every atyleof the art. Ytews
of the oil regions for sale or taken to or
der, - i .
CENTRE STREET, near R, R. crossing.
pot, Oil City, Ta. . , 80-tf
, . Ti-onegia, Fa.,
H. CARPENTER, . - - Proprietor.
Pictures taken in all the latest styles
the art. . 2S-tf
In TloxaMtK.
A Lasge and Superior Btaek of
and Jewelry,
RTR. SMITH has fine machinery for
liL making all parts of a watch or plonk
that may be misxiiig or broken, lit) war
rants ail hia work. The patronage of the
cillacua of Forest County is moat reniect
fully solicited. All he auks is a fair trial.
TOR WORK neatly executed at thiseffiot
at reasonable rK.
BY VIRTUE of a writofVen. Kx. esse to
Forest County, issued out of the Court
of Common Plena of Phliadnlphla County
and to me directed, there will be exposed
to sale by publio vendue or outcry, at the
Court House, in the borough of Tionesta,
THURSDAY, MAY 6th, A. D.,1875,
at II o'clock.a. m.,the following described
real estate, to-wit i
George Brooks vs. Henry J. Brooks and
Alfred Brooks, trading as H. J. Brooks
A Co., Vend. Ex. Case to Forest County,
481 Dee. Term, 1874. Dickson. All that
certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate
In Tionesta, (formerly) now Howe Town
ship, Forest Connty, State of Pennsylva
nia, being one-half of a tract patented to
Wilhclm Willink, November 27th, A. D.,
1802, upon warrant in the same name num
bered two thonssnd four hundred and fif-tv-three,
said naif containing Ave nun
dred (500) acres more or less. Being the
parcel of land which Samuel Winn, Alex
ander McAndrew, Alexander R. McHen
ry, Edward W. Warner and their wives
by deed dated May 29th, 1871, conveyed to
J. K. Palmer, and the sama which the
said J. K. Palmer and wife conveyed to
Samuel Willets by deed dated June 12th,
1871, and recorded In the efOce for record
ing deeds Aa., in Forest County, In Deed
Book No. a, pages VI aad 92, Nov. 1st 1871.
Subject to the reservations and restric
tions contained in the last mentioned deed,
and to the payment of all taxes assessed
upon said land since I860.
Also All that certain tract or parcel of
land situate in Howe Township, Forest
County, Pennsylvania, being seven hun
dred and fitly (750) acres of land, part of
tract known on the map of the said Coun
ty as nuninor two thousand three hun
dred and sixty-six (23(io). and being the
whole of the tract, except two hundred
and fifty (250) acres In the northwest cor
ner thereof. Said 790 acres bounded east
by Elk County line, south by tract No,
2485 west by No. 2s0, subdivisions Nos.
8 and 6 and the 250 acres in the northeast
corner of stid tract, and north by said 260
acres and tract No. 2458, and are the sama
premises deeedd to J. K. Palmer by Alex
ander V. Mnrphy and wife by deod dated
May 20th, 1871, aud by said J. K Palmer
and wifs to Knmuol Willets by deed dated
May 29th, 1871. and recorded in the Re
corder's office in Forest County, in Deed
Book No. 9, pages 05, 96 and 07 Nov. 1, 1871.
BUDjdci to tne payment or all taxes as
ed upon said land siiiee the year 1.S6U.
Also All those two certain tracts of
land situate In Howe Township, Forest
County, and State of Pennsylvania, to-wit:
number two thousand eight hundred aud
twelve (2812), containing one thousand
and sixty-three (1063) acres and part of
tract number two thousand nine hundred
and sixty (xHflO). containing about seven
hundred (700) acres, or so much thereof as
lies in Forest County, more or less. The
same having been conveyed to J. K. Pal
mer by Charles B. Wright and Sue J. his
wife, Caftper H. Duhring and Jane T. his
wife by deed dated September loth, 1871.
Also All those certain warraut num
bers two thousand and twenty-one (2021)
and two thousand and twenty-two (202J).
each containing UveHiundred (aOO)acres,and
together one thousand (1000) acres, situate
in Howe Township, Forest County, Stats
of Pennsylvania.
Also All that certain tract or parcel of
land situate in the township of bueftiold,
(formerly Kenxua,) in the County of War
ren, and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
being part of lot number seven (7) in said
township, and bounded as follows, to-wit t
Beginning at the northeast corner of said
lot, running theuee south along the east
bounds of said lot to the southeast corner
thereof, thence west along the south line
of said lot so far that a north line parallel
to the east bounds of said lot from the
south bounds to the north bounds thereof,
and thence cast to the place of beginning
shall eon tain three hundred and forty (840)
acres of land more or less ; which premi
ses were conveyed to Leonard D. Crandall
by deed from Maria H. Waldo and other
heirs of John H. Hardenburg, June 1st.
187L and by said Leonard D. Crandall and
wife conveyed to Samuel Willets by deed
dated June 12th, 1871, and recorded in Uia
Recorder's office of Warren County, in
deed book 84, page 255, November 1st,
1871. Subject, nevertheless, to the reser
vations and restrictions contained in the
last mentioned deed.
Also All that certain tract of land sit
uate 4n Sheflielu Township, Warren Coun
ty, Pennsylvania, known and designated
on the general map of said county, as tract
number nine (9), containing Ave buudred
(500) acres of laud, be the same more or
less ; three hundred and Afty (850) acres
of which is the same land deeded to J. K.
Palmer, by Andrew Johnson, by deed
dated May 19th, 1871, recorded in deed
book 84, page 27. And one hundred and
fifty (1S0J acres of which is the same land
deeded to J. K. Palmer, by James O.
M arsh and wife by deed dated May 29th,
1871, recorded in deed book 84. page 26 ;
ai 'be whole of which five hundred acres
eon veyed by said J. K. Palmer and
wile to Samuol Willets by deed dated May
29, 1871 and recorded in deed book 84,
page 254, November 1st, 1871. Subject to
the payment of all taxes assessed, upon
said land since 1H0U.
Also All that certain tract of land sit
uate in Highland Township, Elk County,
Pennsylvania, bounded and described as
follows: Beginning at a small birch,
tbeaoe by land of John Nicholson num
ber 8753 east five hundred and thirty per
ches to a sugar tree, thence by land of
John Nicholson number 8777 north three
hundred and twenty perches to a hemlock,
thence by land of John Nicholson num
ber 8778 west Ave hundred and thirty per
ches to a birch, tlienoe by Holland Land
Company three hundred and twenty per
ches to place of beginning. Containing one
thousand acres and usual allowance.
Also All that certain tract of land sit
uate in Highland Township, Elk County,
Pennsylvania, described as follows: Num
ber three thousand seven hundred and
fifty-three (3753), containing one thousaud
acres and allowance. The two tracts of
land last described being the same two
tracts conveyed to J. K. Palmer, by
Charles C. Dunn and wife aud Thomas
Ktruthera and wife, by deed dated June
2nd, 1871, and by the said J. K. Palmer
and wile conveyed to Samuel Willets, by
doed dated June 12th, 1871, and recorded
in the Recorder's oihce of Elk County, iu
deed book "O," page 48, dtc, November
sili, 1871. Said two tracts being subjoct to
the reservatioua and restrit-tions contained
in the last mentioned deed, aud to the pay
ment of all taxes assessed upon said laud
since th year 1869. -
Auw All that certain piece, parcel or
tract of land situate in Highland Town
ship, County of fclk aud fcUXo of Pennsyl
vania, surveyed ou a warraut granted "to
John Nicholson, number two thousand
sud twenty CJyjJ), aud bouuded mid de
scribed as follows, to-wit I Beginning at
a Beech, the northwmit corner thereof,
thence by lands warranted to John Nich
olson A Company number 2025 south four
hundred and forty (440) rods to a post,
thence by lands warranted to Thomas
Willing east four hundred and eighty-six
(486) rods to a post, thence by warrant
number 2026 north one hundred and sixty
eight (168) rods to a post; thence by war
rant number 2027; west one hundred (100)
rods to a beech; thence by the last men
tioned warrant north two hundred aud
seventy-two (27.2 rods to a post; and
thence by lands warranted to John Nich
olson it Compsny; went three hundred and
eightr 380 rods to the place of begining.
Containing one thousand and ninty-nlne
and three-fourths 10U9j acres, with the
usual allowance as surveyed on the origi
nal warrant on the eleventh day of July,
A. D. 17113, and returned to the land office
by William P. Brady, D. S. Being the
same premises which were conveyed by
J. K. Palmer and wife, to Samuel Willots,
by deed da tod July 2Jnd, 1871, and record
ed in the Recorder's office of Elk county,
in Ded Book "O" page 420 Ac, Novem
ber 6th, 1871. Subject to the restrictions
and reservations contained in the last
mentioned deed and also to all taxes as
sessed upon the said land since tho year
Also AU that certain pleee or parcel
of land situate in Highland township, in
the county of Elk, and State of Pennsyl
vania,known and designated on the gener
al map or draft of lands in said township
as Warrant number two thousand four
hundred and sixty -three. Bounded north
by Warrant number two thousand four
hundred and sixty-four; east by Warrant
number three thousand seven hundred
aud sixty-one, 37611; south by warrant
number two thousand and nineteen; and
west by the line of Forest county. Being
the same premises convoved by Erastus
Barnes and wife to Samuel Willets by deed
dated July 18th, 1871, and recorded In Elk
countv Recorders office in deed book "'O"
page 419 Ac, November 6th, 1871.
Also All that certain piece or parcel of
laud situate iu the township cf Highland,
county of Elki and state of Pennsylvania,
bounded and described as follows: Being
part of tract of land surveyed in pursu
ance of Warrant number 2456, on the 12th
day of December, A. D. 17M2, and bound
ed on the north by Warrant number 2366;
on the east by Warrant number 8781; on
the south by Warrant number 2464, and
on the west by the Purest county line, ooni
taining two hundred and eighty-nine 289
acres be the same more or less. Being
the same piece of land conveyed by ass
H. Barnes and wile to Samui Willets, by
deed dated June 9tb, 1871, and recorded in
the Recorder's office of Elk county in
deed book "O" page 422 c, November
6th, 1871.
Also All that cor tain pleon or parcel of
land situate in the township ol Highland,
county of Elk. and state of Pennsylvania,
being Warrant number two thousand and
twenty-five 2025, Three hundred and
eleven acres more or less, in the name of
John Nicholson. Being the same land
conveyed to David F. Anderson by Orris
Hall and wifo, by doed dated October 2flth,
1868, and recorded in Elk county in doed
book "N" page 26.
Also All that part of the lot or warrant
numbered thirty-seveu hundred and sixty-one
13761 in the county of Elk and
State of Pennsylvania, which is bounded
and described as follows: Beginnimr
in the east line of said warrant or tract of
land and in the middle of Spring Creek,
and running thence south three degrees
west along Uia east liounds of said tract
three cluuus to the southeast corner there
of, thence north eighty-seven degrees snd
thirty-six1 minutes west along the south
bounds of said tract one hundred aud
thirty-two chains to the southwost corner
thereof, thence north three degrees east
along the west bounds of sal.1 tract fifty
two chains and sixty-five links to the mid
dle of the beforementioued Spring Creek,
thence up along the middle of said creek
as it winds and turns to the place of be
ginning: and also twenty rods in length
up and down said stream to high water
mark on the,northei)y bank of said stresm,
opposite or with the center of said twenty
rods, opposite to the mill of David K. An
derson, which was erected ou or about the
22d day of May, 186U, and with the right to
attach the northerly end of a dam lor a
mill to the said north bank of said stream.
Containing five hundred and forty-seven
acres and three rods of land including the
allowance, so called, as the same was sur
veyed iu the summer of 186U, by Orville
Combs. The two tracts of land last above
described being the same two tracts con
veyed bv David F. Anderson and wife to
Samuel Willets, by deed dated June 2tith,
1871, and recorded in Klkcounty Recor
der's office, in deed book "O," page 417,
Ac, November 6th, 1871. Subject to the
reservations a:id restrictions contained in
the last mentioned deed.
Also All the undivided one-half part
of all that certain tract of land situate In
Highland township, Elk county, State of
Pennsylvania, known as warrant or tract
numbered three thousand seven hundred
and sixty-six 8766, and bounded and de
scribed as foil a ws i On the north by war
rant numbered three thousand seveu hun
dred and eighty-two 3782, on the east by
warrant numbered three thousand seven
hundred and sixty 3T60, on the south by
warrant numbered three thousand seven
hundred seventy-seven 8777, and on the
west by warrant numbered three thousand
soven hundred and seveiitv-eight 3778.
Containing one thousaud lOOOj acres of
laud, be the ssme more or less. Being the
same premises which were oonveved by
J. K. Palmer and wife to Samuel Willets,
by deed dsid September 15th, 1871, and
recorded in Elk county Reoorder's oflioo
in deed book "O," page 404, c, October
31st, 1871. Subject to the reservations and
restrictions contained in the said deed.
Also All that part of warrant number
three thousand seven hundred and sixty
one 3761, in the county of Elk. State of
Pennsylvania, which lies north of the
east fork of Spring Creek, bounded as fol
lows, vis: Southerly by the center of said
east fork of Spring Creek, and northerly,
easterly and westerly by the northeast and
west lines or bounds of said warrant num
ber 8761. Containing fiva hundred aud
fifty-four 554 acres, three 3J roods and
twenty-two 22 rods of laud, more or less.
Said warrants numbers 2021 and 2022,
above mentioned, in Howe township, For
est oounty, ami said part of warrant num
ber 3T61 in Klk couoty being the same
premises which were conveyed by J. K.
Palmer and wife to Samuel Willets bv
deed dated June 20th, 1871, and recorded
in the Recorder's otllue in Forest county,
in deed book No. 9, pages 93 Ac, Noveiu
V ember 1st, 1871, and in Klk county Re
oorder's ollii-e in deed book "O," page 408,
ito., October 81st, 1871, sud were convoyed
subject to the reservations and restrictions
mentioned iu said deed and to all taxes
usHeased upon said land and premses since
N. B. On warVant number 2!W0, above
mentioned. In Forest Connty, there are
erected twelve two-story frame dwelling
houses, six frame barns, frame boarding
bonne and frame store house, frame saw
mill, boiler, engine and machinery, frame
store and office, frame feed store, frame
tannery, frame engine house, engine and
machinery, frame beam house, frame
sweat pits, frame leach house and bark
house, hide mill and bark mills, frame
boiler house, boiler and fixtures, stone
hide bouse, frame dry house and engine,
ah house, bark shanties, Ao.
On warrant nnmber458, in Forest coun
ty, above described, there arc erected,
frame blacksmith shop, four two-story
dwelling houses, three frame barns, and
seven bark shanties.
On warrant number 236(1, in Forest
connty above described, there arc erected
frame dwelling house, frame barn, and
bark shanties.
On warrant nnmber 2466, in Elk connty
above described there are erected two
frame dwelling houses, one frame barn,
and one log house.
On warrant number 3025, In Elk county
above described there are erected two
frame barns, snd three bark shanties, and
on warrant number 3781 in Elk county
there is one log bark shantv. '
On lot number 7, in Warren connty,
above doscribod, there arc erected thre
two-story frame dwelling houses, and two
frame barns.
The whole of the above described tracts
of land are subjoct to a Mortgage of Sixty
Thousand Dollars (100,000.)
All the abave tracts of land Ac, are to
be sold together as one property.
Taken in exdcutlon and to be sold as the
property of Henry J. Brooks and Alfred
Brooks, trading as H. J. Brooks A Co., at
the suit of George Brooks. . -
The following must be strictly compiled
with when property is stricken Tiown :
1st, When the plaintiff or other lien
creditors become the purchaser, the costs
on the writs must be paid, and a list of
liens including mortgage searches on the
properly sold, together with such lien cred
itor s receipt for the amount of the pro
ceeds of the sale or such oortion theresfas
he mav claim must be furnished by the
See Purdon's Digest, 9th Ed., pago'416.
Smith's forms, page 884.
, 2d. All bids must be paid in full.
All sales not settled Immediately will be
continued until 2 o'clock p. m., of the day
of sale, at which time all property not set
tled for will again be put up and sold at
the expense and risk of the person to
whom first sold.
1. T. VAN G IE9EN, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, Tionesta, Pa., April 15th,
The "seven-days' ght" was ended
The battered remnants of the Array of
the rotomac were encamped at Harri
son's Landing, waiting for transports
to take them back to Washington.
It was "after taps," a sultry, South
ern summer night.- Dn the extreme
edge of the encampment, on the side
nearest the enemy, a sentinel paused
in his walk, and peered cautiously out
into the darkness. - "Psbaw I" he said :
"It's nothing but a dog." He was re
suming his walk, when the supposed
quadruped rose suddenly, and walked
along on two feet, in a manner so un
mistakably human that the sentinel
lowered his musket once more and
shouted "Haiti Advance, and give
the countersign!" A faint, childish
voice said, "Ain't got none, massa."
"Well there now," said the sentinel,
"if it ain't just a little darkey, and I
guess I've frightened him -half to
death. Come here, Snowball."
The child crept up, and said tremb
ling, '"Deed massa, I ain't got nuffin
to gib yer." ' '
"Well, who asked you to give me
anything T"
"Yer done ax me for to gib yer suf
finjes' now; and I ain't got nuffin
'cept my close what I got on."
"Well, you needn't fret; I don't
want 'em. Corporal of guard I 'Post
The corporal hastened to "post two"
and found the sentinel with his hand
on the shoulder of a little black boy,
who, between fear, fat'gue and hunger,
was unable to give an account of him
self. "I'll take him to Capt. Leigh,"
the corporal said ; "he's otlicer of the
day. Maybe he'll be able to get some
thing out of him." r
The captain stood ta front of his
tent, looking out into the night, when
the corporal and hia charge approach
ed. "Captain," be said, "here's a bey
just come into the liues."
"Very well, you can leave him
At the first sound of the captain's
voice, the boy drew nearer to him, as
knowing instinctively tlmt he had
found a friend.
"You can go into that tent and sleep
till morning. ' said the captain.
"What is your uaiuef was Captain
Leigh's first question in the morning.
"Name Tobe."
"Is that all r
"Dat's all, Massa Cap'n."
"How old are you V
"Dunno, Massa Cup'n. Nobvrdy
nebber done tola me dat."
"Where have you come from?"
"Com fum de back o' Kicbmon',
Massa Cap'n."
"What did you come here fort"
"All de res' ob deiu rucned away ;
an' old mass be wor so road, I wor jss'
feared ob my life. . Hides I fought I
rooueht fin' my mammy ef I got 'raong
der Unions."
' Where ii your mother?"
"Dunno, Massa Cap'n. Ole mass
done sol' her down in Georgy las' corn
shuckin', and I ain't nebber heard ob
her sence. But I t'ought melby aha
mought ha' runned 'way too, an' I'd
fin her wid der Unions."
"Well, now, what are you going to"
"Dunno, Massa Cap'n. I'd like, to
stay 'long wid you."
"What can you do?"
"Kin wait on yer, Massa Cap'n ; kin
shine up boots, an'" brightening up
as his eyes went- wandering round,
cougbt eight of the horses "kin clean
de bosses right smart'
"Yoa are not big enough to take
care of a horse." . .
"'Deed I is, Massa Cap'n; an' I
ain't Yraid o' no hoss. Ole rhas alios
sent me ter tend de bosses dat nobody
else'couldn't manage. Dey alius lets'
me handle 'em ef dey's ebber so deb
blesomo. Jes' yer try tne, Massa
Cap'n, an' seo ef I tell de troot."
"If I keep you with me you must
be a good boy, and do as I tell yon."'
"'Deed I will. Mass Cap'n. I'so do
eberywork yer say, sho's yer born."
So when the troops left Harrison's
Landing, Tobe went too in charge of
the oeptain's horse and baggage ; and,
when the steamer was fairly under
way, he brightened Into a new creature
as every revolutien ef the wheel placed
a greater distance between himself and
and "ole mass."
"Massa Cap'n," he asked, one clay,
"whar is we gwiue at?"
I'Either to Washinton or Alexan
dria ; I don't know exactly which."
"Will dar be onesto' up dar, cap'n."
"Yes, there are plenty of mures.
What do ycu want from one?"
"Please, Massa Cap'n please jess" 1
and he stammered, and caught hia
breath, apparently overwhelmed with
the magnitude of his desires.
" Well, out with it. What wonder
ful thing do you want V
"Please, MaBsa Cap'n, jess buy me
one banjo."
"A banjo t What on earth do you
want of that?"
"Kin play de banjo right smart, an'
dance, too. Kin, Massa Cap'n, I plays'
for yer nil de time."
fhere'd be rather too much of a
good thing about that."
ao jci gmiio tcr ib icr it me I
"I don't know. I'll see when wo
get there."
Pay-day came. Everybody got fix
ed up; aud Tobe full heir to an old
cavalry uniform. It didn't fit, to be
sure. The pantaloons came up to ' his
shoulders, and were rolled up in great
bunches around his ankles ; the jacket
came auwn to nis snees; and the
sleeves hung like yawning caverns in
which his hands disappeared so far,
that it seemed doubtful if he would
ever find them again. But there wore
the gilt buttoms and cavalry stripes ;
and lobe's inmobt soul rejoiced over
He was so absorbed in his clothes
that he seemed to have forgotten the
banjo; when, one day, tbe captain
suddenly held np one before him. His
eyes dilated till they seemed to cover
balf the face ; and he gasped out,
"Yer gwine ter gib me dat ar, Massa
Cap'n ?"
"You said you wanted a banjo,
didn't you ?" J
I knows I axed yer for ter buy me
; but I t'oucht mebbe ver wouldn't
gi' me de clo's an' de banjo too."
"Well, which will you have the
banjo or the clothes?"
lobe answered not a word, but pull
ed off bis jacket andiaid it at the cap
tain's feet. Capt. Leigh laughed.
"Well," ho said, "if you want a banjo
as bad as that, you s'uall have it. Here,
take it."
"Wbar mus" I put de clo's at, Massa
Cap'n ?"
"You needn't put them anywhere.
Kceji them on."
"Does yer mean to gi' me de clo's
an' de banjo too?" And understand
ing at last that it was really so, Tobe
gave vent to bis fuel ings iu a prolonged
"Ktyi !"' and walked oif carrying tbe
banjo as if it were a baby.
At'.er that there was ne lack of mu
sic. Tobe played all day, and only
stopped at night, when the captain
sent him to bed.
It proved that Tube had told the
truth about his skill iu taking care of
horses. Capt. Leigh's horses had nev
er looked so well as now, and the cap
tain was delighted. Tobe turned out
moreover to be a very good boy. But
tbe army is not a very good place for
boys, bo one day Capt. Leigh said,
"Tobe, how would you like to go
"Whar'e it at, Massa Cap'n ?"
"I mean my home at the north. "
"Wheu is yer gwine, Massa C'ap'u ?'
"I'm not going at all now."
"Does yer menu to Fen' uie away
rora yer, Massa Cap'n ?"
"Yes, I want to send you away from
me, uow, because it will be better for
you. But, when the war is over I
shall go homo; and then you rah