The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, April 14, 1875, Image 2

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Terms for Announcements will he ns
follows; Asscs-intc Judge, f 10 ; Prothnn
otarv ): Sheriff Commissioner f,"i
Anditor $.1. No announcements will ap
pear unless (tiYomxinW fry tht cask.)
Tioi8TA, Pa., March, 20, I8T8.
Mr. F.niToBi Having been solicited by
friends of education, I have consented to
become a candidate for the oflleo of Coun
ty Siierlntondpnt. If elected I shall en
deavor to give entire satisfaction.
We are authorised to announce the name
or ti. F. KOH KICK, of Jonks Township a
candidate for the otllce of County Super
intendent. We are authorized to announce the
name of II. 8. BKOCKWAY, of Jenks
TownMp, as a candidate for tho oflioe ol
County (Superintendent.
Ed. Forst RitpcnLiCANi Plcaso an
nounce the name of P. M. CLARK, of
Tionosta Horo., as a candidnte for the of
fice of Prothonotnry, Register, Recorder
Ac, anhlect to the usages of the Republi
can party. P. M. CLARK.
Kn. Reptthmoaw .Please announce the
ftict that JUSTIS SHAWKEY, of Barnett
Township, will be a candidate for Sheriff,
at the ensuing Primary meeting, subject
to Republican usages.
A World's Peace Coxounsg. In
ft carefully prepared statistical" paper
on the Errors of Modern Civilization,
the Republic Magazine for April, pub
lish el at Washington, sbowa that the
Great Powers are carrying larger ar
mies to-day, than at ny former pert
tod in the world's history. It is also
shown that as a direct result of war
and standing armies national indebt
edness has increased for beyond that
of any former period. Ten govern
ments, namely s France, Great Britain,
United States, Italy, Spain, Austria,
Russia, Germany, Turkey, and India,
owe twenty thousand million dollars,
an atnotint which, to be transported in
gold from New York to London.would
require a vessel to make over thirty
voyages across. the Atlantic, carrying
one thousand tons of gold, at each
trip. And this enormous debt-burden
Las been increased ten per cent, in the
last two years.
" With these national precedents, bo
tore thctn, sub-governmentr colonies,
Btates, cities counties, and towns have
adopted the pernicious practice of bor.
rowing money, especially in the United
Elates, and often for purposes of ques
tionable propriety, until government
and municipal tax burdens have be
come matters of the gravest import.
In view of these facts, and in order
to reach and strike at tho fountain
head, The Republic urges a general
movement among the nations for the
suppression of the war spirit and the
inauguration of an Internatational
Peace Policy, and suggests the assemb
ling of a World's Peace Congress in
Washington in June, 1876. There ap
pears to be no insuprable barrier to
such a movement, and if once inaugu
rated and carried out in good faith,
the result could not fail of permanent
benefit to the entire world, in the ad
vancement toward a higher and hap
pier civilization.
Twelve Senators retire at the close
of the present session of the Legisla
ture, eleven by expiration of time, and
William A, Wallace promoted to the
United States Senate. These are,
James S. Alexander, of the first Dis
trict, Philadelphia; John B. Warfel,
Lancaster; Jacob' G. Ileilman, Leba
non; John Lemon, Blair, David Ma
clay, Clarion; James 8. Rutan, Beav
er; Samuel McKinley, Lawrence; Geo.
II. Cutler, Erie; Goorge II. Rowland,
Pike; Thomas Chnlfant, Montour, and
William II. Playford, of Fayette.
The following is taken from the Der
rick of this mornicg. The "prospect
ors" bave our best wishes for complete
success, but we cannot Bay conscien
tiously that their prospecting has our
entire confidence:
A party of men, numbering five of
nix among whom are several old Cali
fornians, are prospectiug fur gold
through the wilds of Forest county.
They coufideutially expect to find
some large deposits of this precious
metal, basing their opinions thereto on
surface indications. What if they
should discover gold? The Rlack Hills
excitement would be lost sight of aud
Western Pennsylvania rich in oil, coal
and gold, would be the paradise, of
wealth. Ihe Indians Imd legends to
the effect that silver was abuudant,
one of the places where it could be
found being Charley Run, near this
city. They also spoke of tho golden
deput-ils; but we advise the citizens
uut t'J bo cxtmviiguut iu hopes thut
they are living over a gold mine, or
that .our streets are paved with silver
a few feet beneath the surface.
The Anual meeting of stockholders
of the Allegheny Valley Railroad
Company was held fn Pittsburg yester
day. The President's report shnwes
the earnings fur 1874 to be $2,389,
472, expenses. $1,470,884.73; net earn
ing, $918,687.27. The receipts for
1873 were $2,097,238.24; expenses,
tl.931.912.94; net earnings, f 765,325.
20. The net earnings of 1874 show
an increase of 6152,801,97 over 1873.
The decrease in receipts for 1874 lias
resulted from the general depression
of business, which has been most seve
rely felt by the iron, coal and oil int
erests, upon which the road i largely
dependent for its traffic; and also from
a general reduction of rate of freight.
Tho following Board of Directors
were elected for the ensuing year:
Thomas A. Scott, George b. Roberts,
Willinm M. Lyou, F. R. Brunot, J. P.
Lyon, B. F. Jones, W. K. Kimick,
James Park, Jr., and John Scott.
Received, Tidioute, Pa., March 24,
1875, from the Etna Insurance Com
pany of Hartford, Conn., the full
amount of our losses by the fire which
occurred on tho 22d inst. We can
not recommend this company too
A. J. Thompson.
Johjt Siooins,
R. L. Bates,
Supt. T. A T. II. O. & W. Co.
The following are the amounts of
the insurance and the amounts paid,
the losses being total :
A. J. Thompson, $1,200
John Siggins, 1,000
R. L. Bates, 200
The above speaks for itself. The
losses occurred March 22, 1875, and
in two days were paid. Parties con
templating Insurance would do well
to secure a policy at once in this
staunch old Company, with assets of
upwards of six and one-half millions
of dollars. The agent of this Com
pany at Tionesta, Pa., is M. W. Tate,
who will ba glad to give any informa
tion desired. 1 2t
For Sale.
The old Holmes House property is
offered for sale on very reasonable
terms. This property consists of two
acres of land, a barn, suitable for liv
ery, size 105x40 feet. The foundation
of the Holmes House contains a large
amount of first class building stone.
The land is suitable for gardening.and
with proper care will raise superior
vegetables. This property will be
sold cheap. For terras enquire of the
editor of this paper, or of C. F. Gilles
ria, Whig Hill. 33tf.
The colored address label on each
paper shows the date to which the sub
scriber has paid, thus
Thos Turner If 74,
signifies that Mr. Turner has paid for
his pa'per until March 1st, 1874 The
mail list is corrected weekly. By con
sulting the address label every subscri
ber can tell how his aocount stands.
Our accounts go back no . further
than the 1st of January, '73, the ac
counts previous to that time being
payable to the old firm.
a Special Notice. We call atten
tion of our readers to the advertise
ment of tho well known, business firm
of John Stevenson's Sons. Those con
templating the purchase "of goods in
their line will find this to be an oppor
tunity rarely offered. The firm is an
old and reliable one, and their repre
sentations may be relied upon. 31 3m
B L .A. OICSE I T 131
Corner of Church and Elm Streets,
This Arm in prepared to do all work In
Ita line, and will warrant everything done
t. Hiuir nn.w K'VV MUSiaCUOU, i'ar-
tiuular attention given to
Give them a trial, and you will not re-
B" u 13-Jy.
Apply to GEO. G. SICKLES,
70, Nassau St., New York City.
FELT CARPETING8, 85 eta. per Yard
FKLT OKI LI Nil for room fn plaoof
for ftfuiiplnw, addie C. J, FAY. Ournlen.
Jc.sH'y. 1
JVKli KI.Y AND DA 1 LY V ) RTffffi.
The approach ol the Presidential elec
tion give unusual importance to the
events and developments of 1875. We
shall endeavor to describe them fully,
faithfully, and fearlessly
THE WEEKLY SUN has now attained
a circulation of over seventy thousand
copies. Its renders are found In every
State and Territory, anil Ita quality Is weil
known to the public. Weshall notonlVen
deavor to keep It fully up to the old stand
ard, hut to improve and add to ita variety
and power. -
Til K WEEKLY SUN will continue to
ho a thorough newspnier. All tho news
or the day wlU be found in It, condensed
when unimportant, at full length when of
moment, and always, wo trust, treated in
a eloar, interesting and Instructive man
ner. It Is our aim to make the Weekly Sun
the lest family newspaper In the world.
It will bo ftiU'of entertaining and appro
priate reading of every aort, but will
rint nothing to offend the most acrupu
ous ami dolirato taste. It will always
contain the most interesting stories and
romances of the day, carefully selected
and leKihly printed.
The Aurieultural Department la anrom-
lnent feature in the Wookly 8un, and Ita
articles will always be found freah and
useful to the farmer.
The number of men Independent In pol
Itlca la increasing, and the Weekly Hun la
their paper especially. It belongs to no
party, and obeys no dictation, contending
for principle, and for tho election of the
best men. It ox poses the corruption that
disgraces the country and threatens the
overthrow of republican iastltntiona. It
has no fonr of knavoa, and seeks no favors
irom tiieir supporters.
The markets of every kind and tho fash
ions are regularly reported in its columns.
The prioe of the Weekly Hun ia one dol
lar year for a shoot of eight paves, and
lifly-six columns. As tl-ls barely pava
the expenses of paper and printing, wo
are not able to make any discount or allow
any premium to friends who may make
special efforts to extend Its circulation.
Under tho new law. which renuircs pay
ment of postngo in advance, one dollar a
year, with twenty eonta the cost of pre
paid postago aitded, ia the rato of subscrip
tion. It is not necessary to get up a dub
in ordor to havo the Weekly Sun at this
rate. Anyone who sends one dollar aud
twenty ecu Is will get tho paper, post-pasd,
lor a year.
Wo have no traveling anrout.
TIIH WEEKLY SUN. Eight pages,
fifty-six columns. Only 1.20ayear, post
ago prepaid. No discounts from this rate,
THE DAILY SUN A largo four-paac
newspaper oi iwemy-eigtit coiums. Daily
circulation, over rAi.ouu. All the news
for 2 cents. Subscription, postage prepaid
55 cents a mouth, or M,5o a year. To
clubs of 10 or ovor, a discount of -0 per
Address "THE SUX," Now York City.
Xotlce to Creditors).
Notice is horoby given to all persons
having claims against the estate of Philip
Waltors, late of Forest County, Pa., de
ceased, Intestate, that they are required to
preent the samo, with the vouchers there
of to the undersigned, solo administrators
of the estate of said deceased, at tho resi
dence of D. 8. Knox, in the 1 So rough of
rionesia, forest t'ounty, I'a., on or be-
ioro uie nrsi uay oi sepiomDcr, lifia.
P. S. KNOX, Administrator.
Dated December 81st, 1874.
. F. F. I.
The above letters are the initials of one
or the nnest medicines- in the country.
Four-Fold Liniment, not exoelled by aiiy
other in the curing of Fains and" Sore
'jnroai, anu la especially adapted to dia
ease of Horses, Cuttle Ac. See circulars
around bottles. Sold by all Druggists.
w30-ly eoin
miMMAyiK ssssssl
Cures Neuralgia, Face Ache Rhoumatism,
Oout, Frosted Feet, Chilblains, Sore
Throat, Erysipelas, Bruises aud Wpunds
of every nature in man or animal. The
remarkable cures this remedy I ma effect
ed classes it as one of the most important
aud valuable remedies ever discovered fur
the cure and relief of pain.
"The sinews of my left hand were con
tacted from an old abscesa, drawing tho
tingers into the palm of the hand. I ap-
iiliod Uiles' Liniment Iodide of Ammonia,
t relaxed them so that I can straightou
my lingers and use my hands." b. Mc
Dermott, 40 W. 13 at, N. Y.
Sold by Goo. W. Dithridgo, Tionesta,
Pa. For sale by all Druggists, Depot 451
6tU Ave., N. Y. 1 4U-4t
1875. WHERE NOW? 1876.
To Michigan, one of the foremost, flour
ishing and healthy States 1
Touy a Farm out of the
One Million lores
of fine farming lands for sale by the
Strong soils. Ready markets. Sure crops.
Good schools, Itailroad runs through cen
tre of grant. Settlements all along. All
kinds of products raised. Plenty of water
timber and building materials. Pricofrom
$4 to $10 per acre; one-fourth down, bal
nce on Mine.
iN!tSend for illustrated pamphlet, full
of facts and figures, and be convinced.
Address W. a. Howard, Coinm'r, Urand
Rapids, Mich. P. It. L. Piorco, Sou'y
Land Dep't. 4j 4
Watjck. It has restored thousands
from the brink of the grave) given health
and strongth to those deemeu beyond the
reach of medical science, and turned the
Cath of alliiction to one of happiness in the
lOMsiugs within its virtues. It cures the
pvadly Hright's disease aud Diabetes;
eradicates all diseases of tho kidneys ; re
stores tho urinary organs to strength and
power in a word, it is a natural restorer
of health, and has performed the most
wonderful and meraculous cures of any
known specific on tlio globe. Address for
circulars, etc., COL. It. DUNBA H.
' t Wuakoslia, Wis.
A Yul liable Discovery.
Dr. C. W. Ilcnson, a Practicing Physician,
at lutt North Eutaw St., Haltiir.ore, Md
(who has paid much attention to nervous
diseases,) has discovered that extract of
ccUtry and chamomile combined in a cer
tain proortion invariably cures headache,
cither bilious, dyspeptic, nervous or sick
headache, neuralgia and nervousness.
Tins is a triumph iu medical chemistry,
and sull'orers all over the country are or.
dering by mail, lie prepares it in pills,
at 60 cents tier box. The Doctor is largely
known and highly respected in llallliiiore.
J'j'iDaijml MtfUudwt, jy n
WANTED A Few Good Men
To represent Fountain Hill Nurseries, Or-
vlllo, Ohio, in tlie sale oi r nut trees ami
Oeneral Nursery Ntock. Canvass to liegin
In April or May for tetober delivery, on
ly those need apply who can giveseciirlty,
as Important sunis of money must le
handled during delivery. Applicants
will lie visited bv our traveling agent, and
arrangements completed. J. Oiirdncr ,t
Son, Alliance, Ohio. 4(1 4t
Maniifactuteis of Tatent Hroech-londing,
Military. Sporting and Crcodnioor Kitlcs.
The Host in the world. Winner af Inter
national and nearly all other prinrlnul
matches at Creodmcr. See Ofllcial Kec-
ord.i sporting Kitlos, f.m to :ki. i reoi-
moor llillos with Elovations for 1300 yds,
$10 and f 135. Send fbr Illustrated Cata
logue. K. U. W KSTt ' T T.
Ahmohy Ann OrvifU, President.
lURTKon. cons. 4'.Mt
STl'TTERIN(l.-U. S. Stammering In
stitute, ( Hr. White,) 417 Fourth Ave.
N. Y. Hest re'erences. No pav until per
fectly cured. Call or send fbr circular. 4! 4
We offer for aalo throe hundred lm
proved and unlinnrovod farms in the mild
kann asltim-tous cltmateof Virginia. Also,
iracis oi iron, t.oal ana Timber lands,
Send for Va. Heal Estate Journal. Mar
of Virginia, 50 cets. ChalTiu, Staples ,
Co., Kichinond, A irginia. 41) 4t
tt"lC A WEEK to agents to sell an ai tide
9 1 w salable as flour. Profits I Minimise.
Paekaua frees address Ruckcve Manufac
turing Co., Marion, Ohio. ' 40 4t
ADVERTISING i Choaps Good: Sy
tematle. All persons wlincontcnirihi
making contracts with newspapers for the
iiibvi uun ui mi veriinciiienis, siiouiu send
25 cents to (Jeo. P. Howell A Co.. 41 Psrk
Row, New York, for their Pamphlet-book
(ninety-seventh edition), containing lists
of over 2000 newspapers and estimates
showing the cost. Advertisements taken
for loading papers In many States at a tre
mendous reduction from publishers' rates,
Get the book, - 4l 4
0 t9fl l'er at homo. ITerms
4l H HIV free. Address Geo. fstinson
dt Co., Poitlaud, Me. 4ii t
QryryA WEEK guaranteed to Male and
V I j-emalo agents, in their locality.
Costs nothing to try It. Psrticiilars Free,
I . O. Vickery d Co., Augusta, Me. 49-4t
PSYCIIOMANCV, or Soul Charming.
How either sex may fasciunto and train
the love and affections of any person they
c noose, instantly. 4 111s simple mental ac
quirement all can possess, free, bv mail,
for 25 cents ; togot bor with a Marriage
mime, r.gvpnau uraoie. Dreams, units to
Ladies. A queer book. 100,000 sold. Ad
dress T. William & Co., Publishers, l'hil
idelplna. 49 4t
CO P Y I N R ("on"P0,l,tIon Liberal. Pro-
- - - iwruiiue lotiue wiuinginearn
pan 01 ncr expenses ai school Kovu. W
II. KINGSBURY, Ladles' Seminary, Tar
IJ WlVtU, il, la Oil "tb
An oleirnntl v hound Cnnvassing Book for
the best ami cheapest Family Bible over
published, will be sent froe"-of charge to
any book agent. It contains over Too fine
Scripture Illustrations, and agents are
meeting with unprecedented success. Ad
dress, stating experience, etc., and wewill
show vou what our agents aro doing, Na
tional Publishing Co., Philadelphia, Pa.,
Cnicago, 111., or St. Louis, Mo. 81 4t
Most Extraordinary
Terms of advoi-tising aro offered for News
papers iu tho Stato of
Send for list of papers and schedule of
rates. AdUross GEO. P. ltOWKLL A CO,
Advertising AgoiiU, No. 41 Park Row,
New York.
lleter to Editor of this Paper. 5-4t
J as. IL Fones, Proprietor,
Bonner Jt Agaew's Bleok,
ELM STREET, . .' TiomwTA, Pa.
Agent for
Dr. Morris' Syrup of Tarrild
Cherry and Horehound.
LIQUORS, For Utditalvto ONLY
White Lead, perfectly pure, sold much
cheaper than formerly.
Also all kinds ot Oils, Keroseno, Tur
pentine, liunxine, Toilet Artiules, Pur
fuiuerius, dc., for sale cheap.
F. I Ia.
WANTED. Evorvbodv to- know that
Four-Fold Liniment is tho leading Liui
Uient for curing all kind of Pains mid
Horo Throats, and for Horses, Cattle, dtc,
is the most successful Liniment in tho
market. Soo circulars around bottles.
Sold by all Druggihts, au-lv eoin
TUB W1MMT MILL at Nchnmka (Lney
town,) Forest county, hns been thor
oughly overhauled and relltled In llrst-
clnss onter.anu is now i uiuukh " h
all kinds of
Constwntly on hand, ami sold nt tho very
lowest figures.
43-iltu H. V. LEDKIifH.
X'.Sl lA V.a fy
4V Mi-sc-
Hits bought outthestoroof
And will carry on the business liprpiifter.
A full line of all the goods formerly kept
will still be found in this storo. Physi-
ians proscriptions carptullv compounded
by a Compctcnt'I'hariuacist a GiBiluato ol
Philadelphia College of Pharmacy.
&2-3ui f. K EMIiLE, M. .
c -0
B a-
o 0
Incorporated in 18-40 with snthorif v in
fer degrees, and endowed bv tho State of
Maryianu in lNOO. Tho College is beauti
iuiiy situateii In a grove, within the citv
limiU, on a lolly eminence that comnfind's
a view of tho country, the city, and river
mm ony ior iiiuny miles, i no lotlpgetias
a good library, chemical and philosophi
cal apparatus, cabinets of minerals, med
als, coins, gems, Ac., and the course of in
struction is thoruugh. iiosidaud tuition
1250 per annum. N. C. BROOKS, LL. D
TFA 2 The choicest in the world
"Importers' prices Largest
company In Amorica staple article
pleases evor.vbsly Trade continually in
creasing. Agents wanted everywhere.
Best inducements. Don't wuste time.
Sent for Circular lo HoBKnr Wjcmt, 43
Vosey &t., N. Y., P. O. Box L:k7. 11 4t
Good Meals at Reasonable Rates.
MRS. II IN ELY', having roeently open
ed a Now Dining Room for Ladies and
Gcntlcmon, is prepared to fui nish good
meals at all times and at low rates.
No. Id SIXTH STREET, Lato St. Clair,
Tho Liver must be kest in order.
has become a stsplo family medicine.
Purely vegetable Cat hurt iu and Tonio
lor ull derangements of liver, Stomach
and Bowels. Will clear tho complexion,
cure sick headache, Ac. Shun Imitations.
Try Suufurd's Liver luvluoraiur,
ADVKllTISKRHsend 23 cents to GeZ
P. Rowell a"- Co., 41 Park Row, N. Y.,
for their Eighty-page Paiiijihlct, showing
cost of udvorising. la 4t
1875; the 187f. .
ClAl. mill GUN r l--.HA I. NKW.S
. . PAPER,
Dcvolod to the
Best Interests of tho PcodIo.'
1 -
The COMMERCIAL will h.iicnflcr ..
beietol'orc, Imi devolisl to the siniiMirt f
Repiibllcsii principles, mninlainliw lis l.
depem-c iriih the Republican 1'iiily, sn
'Isiinui-f tlie l ejlit nt sll limps to spenk
'i-eul v and I'c uli sslv on the nicrlis i,r m.,.
and measnr-w. Parly gnvei niiicnt Is es
sential to n CiinxtitiUionui country, and
Journals claiming to In, Independent of
party aro iisuinly imicpi ndent of princi
jile. l-'nitlihil to tho gn at convictions and
aims upon vbieli the llopulilicnii Party
was based, it Is the mouthpiece of uu
Kiue or taction, sunporttmr the iarlv
solely because II believes tlmt nsrtv is
foutuh-d on principles of Hl(;lit and ins
Of the (''f Ai. will conlsln. from
day to day, conn ibutions lioin able wri
ters upon all subjects- Political, I.itorsry,
Sricntitle, Legal, ('omiiicn-icl, Foreign
aud 1,(k nl in w bieh its views will be sh
forth plainly and independent! v, Kecpiuf
In view the prime aim of Iho paper, willed
Is llm advanci uient of tho best inturu ot
all wctions of tho country.
Will alwavs contain brief but accurate re
ports of all tho H-cui rcnces of the day.
Liberal frxpcnditim-a will be mude In
curing special telegrams vnil isirrespon-
drncs ti-ont II10 grciit news centers of the
-.onntry, so tbat reaileM of tho Cohimor. '
eal caii always nly on being served with
"iirly and reliable m-ws.
1 li the depart ment devilled to tho pub
llcstion of Ixical News will l round a
omplcte daily history of the city and Its
environs, gathered bv n coips of careful
writers and set fovlh in attiactlve style.
Will, as heretofore, receive cnr-ful atte.
tlon. Fllll telcc-ranliie rre.ortu .r I h. U1.1.
of Iliisincss, w ith Prices f'ui icnt. will be
received daily front the Trado I'enturs of
this i-ounlry ami Ktirnpn. Tim Pittsburrk
Market, in all Its brmielu-s Wilt III) l-atu.rl.
ed fully and ws'tiratcly. As a rinunr
cial Journal the Commercial stunds aseead
to no paper In the country.
Tho Finnncial Column will give dally
the ruling rates lor nioiiev, aud the price
of Stocks and liomls at all lbs great trad
ing points, with mucHiterclini statisti
cal matter. .
Embracing Poems, Pkub-hcs, IncidenU af
IV111...I u.:n - ..1.. ...... .
. . . v. , ,. ., n ,,,, ,,n(V nl ins eou
iiiiuis 01 11m oninuircial.
abundnnco of lnsti u--tlou and
for the family circle.
TI'.il.H.S rilUTIIB ;
Daily Cuminm-hil,
Postage Free to Subscribers.
Ry mail, per aminun
By mail lorix months
By mail for three months
By mail fbr one month -
- 1 0
We Wg to stato that Postagn will bssi4
at this otllce, free, on all Editions of Til
CoMMKnciAt,, sent to Subscribers, under
the new Low to tako oll'oct on the 1st
January, 1875. ''.''
T a 2S
Weekly ( (unntrrml ?
AVI1I contain In condensed form al! Ihe
Including tho proceedings of Congress
and of tlio lietrislaliires of Neighboring- "
States. Interesting ooi-renioudenee, choice
elections, and
CompleteWcekly Market Reports
Specially Prepared for it.
ho sent
Postage Free to Subscribers. ' ' , :
Jf -Each Subscriber, at?2.()0 lr rear,
will also bo entitled to a copy of our new.
Illustrated Monthly Magazine,
Ono of tho handsomest and boat public
tious of its kind in existence.
(Postage Pro-Paid).
Ono copy.'ono year, including M agnsla
1 wo Dollars. .
Five Copies, per aniiuin, each $1 T
I cn t opi an, " ,. 1 60
Twenty Copios, " and over " 125
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