EDITOR. WEDSESD1T I (IRK HQ, 1.1ft. t, 187. Hon. Angus Cameron, Senator Carpenter' successor in the United Sum Senate from Wisconsin, denies utterly thetUtcraenU lately attributed to him by Democratic journal, that he would not act with the Republican party. He says he "has always been Republican, and always intends to be; will go into a Republican caucus, and will not act with the independents or Democrats." The Civil Right Bill pawed the Senate on 8atarday last, as it came from the House. It only awaits the signature of the President to become a law. The Republican Congress goes out to-morrow, to give place to the party of "Retrenchment and Re form." Look out then for statesman ship in iU simplicity and patriotism in its purity. Liter. The Bill bas received the signature of the President. i " - John MorrisserT the .immaculate gentleman of sportive procliyfUes, they say has more influence tlbany with Governor Tilden than any other man, or for that matter, half a dosen. I I ? 11, I tie inumpnea sienauv lasi week in se- I curing for a chum the appointment of t, . r .I.- rv, .:.! -1.1, W .n x i o the "best society" and aristocracy of the place were opposed to him. There vt. R. DUNN - was a social furore over the matter, but "best society" had to succumb, al though it squirms under the snub. The Senate having passed the ' House bill for the admission of Colo rado and New Mexico as States, with some immaterial amendments, it is almost certain that the anxious peo ple of those Territories will have their wishes gratified. Colorado has a pop ulation of 140,000, with 735 miles of completed Tailroads constructed, at a cost of $30,000,000. New Mexico bas ' also grown rapidly in wealth and pop ulation since 1870. lbe conditions ' 'annexed to the privilege are that -the proposed State Constitutions are not ' to be voted on until July, 1876, and ' that those instrument shall secure r' perfect political and civil equality to all the people of the new Common wealths. These conditions are just to ' the people of t he United States as well ' aa to the petitioners. Baltimokx, February 26. A letter .from Annapolis says that another cadet bas been dismissed, from tbe Na val Academy, on account of a color ed cadet, during this week. Gordon viauae, ot Annapolis, a cadet engi neer, was ordered to fence aith a ne gro midshipman, which be refused to do. lie was then told to resicn. lie would not do that, though be disliked to dis obey orders. lie waa then informed that he should consult with his parents. This be did, When bis father. Dr. Abram Claude, said he would not ad vise bim, leaviog ii to the young man's judgment. DrL'lautle, however, went to tbe SuperitHeudoufT and told him that his son was raffed as a Southern er and not on a social equality witb the negro, and he -would not advise him to do what he would not do him- e! On this Claude was expelled on IV ednesday. The passage of the Force bill by the House, in the form in which it comes.wilt prove an agreeable surprise to the quiet-loving people. The suspension of. the writ of habecueomu is confined to four Southern States that have been most turbulent, and to a period of two years of time. It sim ply means that Congress intends that order shall be observed, and that it is Tilling to entrust tbe I reeideut with the power to enforce it. It is really a 1'eace bill, and will lead to a prompt suspension or tbe turbulence and trou ble at ine boutn. ibis, too, is pre cisely why the Democracy opposed it. To keep tbe South in a disorganized, turbulent and warlike condition is part of the deliberate policy of the . Democratio party. Their hopes in tbe next Presidential electiou depend up on it, and these are blasted by the enactment of a bill, wise, just, and restricted la its scope, but which will effectually stop the abuses that have reigned at the oouto since the K-i- Klux laws expired by limitation. , iiuourgn uazene. -That address of the Democratic members of (Jnugreiia from the South ern. States to the people of that sec tion, counseling justice to tha colored race and general good behaviour ' throughout tho South, simply means ' that they are fearful lest the animuls should break loose too soon. Nam's cartoon in Hunter' Weekly, iu which John ouug Urown, of Kentucky, ap pears as a lunuiis young tiger in a rampant attitude about to spriug upon . lieu. Butler, who stand a beoeaih his fore paws holding a scroll upou which M iDscribel, "Very Civil Kielita in the House of Representatives," while Fernando Wood, bunsot Co, Ham. Randall nnd others hate hold of the infuriated beast by the tail, fend are sweating and tugging at. him to re strain In in from rieTourinjf his prey, and upo ker Blaine, pounding upon his rlefk with his gavel, cries nut in consternation, "Gentlemen,' you must not let your wild animals loot till the neit session," tells -the whole story, and the address in question is simply an acknowledgement offt jntrphetic character at well as it satrfnal power and force. ltlbvrgk LommerexaL For Sale. Tha nli! TTnlm IIitDM property is offered for sale on very reasonable terms. This property consists of two acres of land, a barn, suitable for liv ery, size 105x40 feet. The foundation of the Holmes House contains a large amount of Grst class building stone. The land is suitable for gardening.and with proper care will raise superior vegetables. , Thii property will be sold cheap. For terms enquire of the editor of this paper, or of C. F. Gilles pie, Whig Hill. . 33tf. Fa pa Baldwin, at Tidioute, has the most extensive and best selected lot of Fishing Tackle that we have ever seen in a country rtore, and at astonishingly low prices. 4 Cm Go to tb Ilat Store sign of the Big Red Hat Tidioute, for best as sortraent bets, cap and furs. Also 1 3 t necawear, unaerwear, nnsiery ana troves for men, women and children u iuni iau oncw. Those beautiful lots just north of Mrs. Henry's residence can be bough cheap, on long time, by applying to the editor of this paper. If. -The eolored address label on each paper shows the date to which tbe sub' scriber has paid, thus Thos Turner lf74, signifies that Mr. Turner has paid for his paper until March 1st, 1874 1 The mail list is corrected weekly. By con suiting the address label every aubscri ber can tell how his aocount stands. Our accounts go back no further than the 1st cf January," '73, the ac counts previous to that time be! payable to the old firm. Go to tbe Ilat Store for nicest S2tf ' furnishing goon. ' '' Nice assortment Ladies' Neck Ties and Ruffles at the Hat Rtore. 32tf The lightest running Machine in the troWd is the G rover & Baker, at least Baldwin, of Tidioute says so, and be knows. . 46 ly -r-Landlord and Tenant Leases) the most approved form, for sale at this office. Mercantile Appraiser's List for For est County for the Year 1875. CLASS. TAX. BARKBTT TWOHSHIP. Andrew Cook 14 TOO J a. Fearsail 14 7 00 ORCEO TOWNSHIP. Ford A Lacy.T 13 , 10 00 BlItKONT TOWNbUIP. A. 81tr 14 7W Jno, Peterson. 14 7 00 J. I. Range 14 7 00 W. O. NeUl... 14 7 00 B1CKOBT TOWNSHIP, T. D. Collins 14 7 00 T. .1. Bowman 11 . 12 SO Wheeler A Dunenbury 14 7 00 BOWB TOWNSHIP. D. Oraham 14 7 00 KIN09LBT TOWNSHIP. Wheeler, Dnaenbury A Co 14 7 00 TIOHUTA. MO ROUGH. S.C. Johnston 14 7 00 Robinson A Bonner 10 30 00 Goo. W. Dithridtte 4 Co 12 12 50 Geo. W. Bovard A Co IS 10 00 M. Einstein 13 10 00 8.11. Hat let 14 7 00 M. Smith 14 7 00 A. II. Partridge 14 7 00 II. O. Davi 14 7 00 John Reck 14 7 00 Billiard Saloon. Jo. E. Zuvsr, 2 table 40 00 M. Iltel Jr., 2 tabic 40 00 Restaurant and Eating Ifovs. Rudolph Strttaken S 8 00 A Court of Appeal will ba held at tbe office of the County Treasurer, at Ihe Court House, in Tionesta on Saturday the W. M. 11AKLAM, Mercantile Appraiser Forest County, WM. F. BLUM, BLACKSMITH AND WAG ON-MAKER. - Corner of Charon aud Elm Streets, TIONESTA 3? A. Thl Arm I prepared to do all work in lis line, and will warrant evervthlnir. done si tnsir ups 10 kiv sausutuuou. par ticular attention given to IIOUSIUMIIOEING, Oiv them a trial, and yon gret iu , HI not re. U-ly. V OB WORK neatly axeeutad tt this office at reasonable rai. THE SIIN, WKKKI.Y A NO JIAIlA' FiiRllHTft. The approach ol the Presidential el Mo tion givs nnnsnal Importation to the vent and development of ItffS. Wo shall endeavor to describe them fully, faithfiillv, nnd airlessly. T1IK WKKKI.Y NUN ha now attained circulation of ever seventy thousand copies. It reader are found In everv White and Territory, and It quality 1m well nown to me pnniic. wesnaii not onlv en deavor to keep It fully op to tlmelrt xtand ard. Imt to Improve and add lo It variety sunt powee, ' i-!.. TDK WKF.KLY SUN will continue to be a thnromrh newspaper. All the new the lv will be round in It. conricnel when unimportant, at full length when of moment, aim mwnys, wo trust, troatetl in a clear, interesting and- instructive man ner. It is our aim to make the Weekly Sun lie best family newspaper In the world. It will be full of entertaining and appro uriate road in of every sort, tmt will irint Homing to oiieiia tne most acmpiv ous and dolleato Uwto. It will alwava contain tua inoal Interesting stone and romance of tli day, carefully solocted and legibly printed. The Agricultural iwparimont l prom inent frslnro In lira Weekly Hun, and it articles. will always le found fresh and uiHnil lo me farmer. The nil mix-r of men Independent In pol ities i Increasing, and the Weekly Sun I (hir usncr MtnraiB tr. it imlonirs tn no party, and obey no dictation, contending for prlnoiple, and for the election of the heat men. It xposea the corruption that disiiraoos the country and threaten tha overthrow of republican laHtituuoiia. It has no fear of knaves, and seek uo favor from inetr supporter. The market or every kind and thetash- ions ar reirularly reported In it columns. The price or tne weekly Nun is ono dol lar a year for a sheet of eight page, aud n uy-sut columns. . a ti:in uareiy navs the expense of paper and printing, we are not aoio to make any aisoount or allow any premium to friend who may make pet-iai ennna to exiena it circulation, Ijndor the new law. which jauirMi iwv mont of postage in advance, ono dollar a year, with twenty cent the cost of pre paid postage added, is the rato of subscrip 1 " tion. It i not necessary to get up a club in order to have tbe Weekly Sun at this rate. . Anyone who sends one dollar and twenty cents will get the papor, post-pud, lor a year. Wo have no traveling ageuts. , THK WKKK.LY HUN. Eight pages, fifty-six columns. Only $1.90 a roar, post age p"enia. no discount rroui tins rata. THE DAILY BUN. A large four-pag newHpaporoi twenty-eignt coiuma. uaiij circulation over IW.OOO. All tbe new tor 2 cents. Subscription, ptags prepaid 5i cent a mouth, or ftl.&O a year. To clubs of 10 or over, a discount of 20 per cent. Address "THE SUN," New York City. .Notice to Crrditora. Notloe I horctiy given to all person havio claim airainsi the entate or Philip Walters, late of Korest County, Pa,, die ceased, intostnte, that they are required to proent the same, with the vouchors there of to the undrsirned, sole administrators of the estate of said deoeaied. at the real' dent of I. S, Knox, in tho Borough of Tionesta, J-orcst county, 1'a., on or be- furoth first day of rieptember, 1X78. i DORCAS D. WALTERS,, Administratrix, D. 8. KNOX. Administrator. Dattnl Decoinber 31st, l?4. CREAT OFFER I f Ten Steel Reproductions ef famous pic tures, oriental ens-ravlnm worm no. A Woman In Armor, a tunning story of American home liie; price In book rorm, i.as. w Ten short atorea. a rich variety of mis cellaneous reading, and over 76 page of rare pictures. All the abovo Included In the tier or Hearth and Home two month on trial. Sent post-paid for only tidy cent. Tke Krcat nmmraifMi weeaiy maacine. rrice reduced to Sl.so per year, alnarte nuinunr six cents. At news atsnds or by mail. treat inducement to atrenU and clubs. The Graphic Company, Publishers. I'ark Place. New York. 46 4t TC A WEI-.K to SR. ut to soli an article t aalanlo a Hour, ITohLs immense. Po4aae free; address Buckeye Manufac turing t-'o., Marion, Ohio. 44 4t $5 CASH and the N. Y.Hulurday Jour mil. the ureat literary week. Iy of America, for one year for the Kcir- ulur Kubscription Price, 1:1, Postage Paid. UI7' -Manic entered impartially as ro ll ccivoii. aud Five Dollar Cash sent at once to every fifth uubuscriber. Club of live tut $3 each) may retain tbe 6 1 Thi is our "chrnmo" a Cash premium cf 95 to every fltth aubaurlber I The lirui namo Is a sufucieiit i;uaranty of fairness snd ful fillment. Send money order or registered letter to IWdle A Adams, Publisher, VS William Street, New York. 45 4t THEMAEVXLOFTHEWORLD-Bethesda AWaH.-It has mitored thousands from the brink of the grave; given health and strength to tboes deemeu beyond the reach of medical science, and turned the path of attiiction to on of happiness in the blessings within it virtue. It cure th peamy urignr disease ana Dlabelw; eradicates all diseases of the kidney re stores Die urinary organs to trngth and powerin a word, it l a natural restorer of health, and has performed the most wonderful snd meracuious onre of any known ipecitic on the globe. Address tot circular, etc.. COL.lt. DUNBAR. Ill 4t Waukesha, Wi. CC COn )'er day at home. Terms 43 H 4U free. Addr Geo. fetinson t Co., Portiaud, Me. . 31 t C7T A WEEK guaranteed to Male and VII female airents. In their locality. Costs nnthinn to try it. Particular Free. P. O. Vickery Co., Augusta, Me. 81-4t F. F. It, Th above letter are the Initial or on of tb finest medicine in th sountry, Four-Fold Liniment, not excelled by any other in the curing of Pain and Sor Throat, and is especially adapted to dis ease of Horse, Cattle Ae. Hae circular arnunr bottles. Hold by all Druggist. wjo-iy eom Most Extraordinary Term of advertising are offered for News paper in tbe stale or WEST PA. Send for list of paper and schedule of rate. Addrea G KO. P. ROW KLL A CO. Advertising Agent, No. 41 Park Row, New York. Refer to Editor of this Paper. S5-4t P fl P Y I H P t'"ln pensation U beral. Pre vUi I Hill, feruueetoona willing to cam fercu, toon williiig Uearu part of her expense at school. Herd. V. 11. KIN081U;RY, Ladles' Seminary, Tr. rvtcAvn, N. Y. 8" 4t PITTSnutlG II, PAT The following Hut embrace only a part of our immense stock i MuBKle-Loadlng Rtfls. full or half stock at $12, $15, $l, and $iS. Double Barrel Rtflns, $20 to $.i0. Donbl- Rifle and Shot Oun. either over and under, or side by side, and at all price from tTO tl $,"pO.- - . - Blna-le-Barrnl Shot Ouna, for men or bov: cleHi safe aud durable. All nrioe i 3.i0 to $a each. ' Double Barrel Shot Guns. Our fifty different atvlo. made of Iron. Iondon Twist, 1mlnntnd Steel or Pauias- ens llarrels, rinisliel In tlio best and latest style, all ates, for men and !vs, at price raujii-.g irom f iu, f 1J, fw i. $o, klU, 0, 75 to $'00. , PISTOLS. In variety from $1 .00 to $8.00. REVOLVERS. i 4, 5, 6, or 7 shooters, of every kind, at all price from $6.00 to $2fl.0. BREECH-LOADING RIFLES. w inctieaier improved in snorter. iKt long range gun iu the world. Frioo only $44. Sharp's Celebrated liroe!h-Loading Ki- flcs Oiily $10 each. Remington Itreech-Loadlnz Uiflo at loet fct4)rv prles. T1TI . at .1 ... Tt 1 1 tl I M using tuuuu cartrltiges, at tli, fia and f 18. Breech-Loading Shot Guns. ' The IVxter Single Barrel Broecli Tosd. lugtthot Uun, using Brassslicl Is price $M, HiepnsiiH- n. binirutuun. am. Double llarrel Itrceoh Loadar.of Moor' iean woodinii . tarcenon a. Klnnnrd . Hooot'a and other line inakos, at all prices, irom fs hi ow enon. , . . - i - Sendr iVie Ja.1 lo .,, j. ii. jonsro, GREAT WESTERN GUN WORKS, ; 885 LIBERTY STREET. ',; PITTSBURGH, Ia!m and tsts that saw this advertisement In Tua ORET ItKPFHLlCAN. Takr NoTira I will buy or trodu fbr Army Klfles.Carbinea, Kevolvers, tc. for priosa sea Catalogue. uruor ny mall receive prompt attention, Good cnt by exprom to any point O. O, D , to lie examined bolbre paid ror, when reqaestcd. 40 if ADYERTISINO: Cheap : , Good : By tematle. All person whocontemplat making contract with newspaper for the Insertion of advertisements, should send V cents to Geo. P. Rowell A Co., 41 Prk Row. New York, fbr their Pamphlet-book (nirsty-seventh edition), containing list of over UO0Q newspaper and i estimates showing the cost. Advertisement la-en fir mailing wprrB in insuy ctiaies m a tre mendous reduction from publisher' rate. Get th book. . .... . WANTED AGENTS tor th "lift and Explorations t Mr. Living stone." Complete, authsntio: frah book. Price sulied to the tiiuns. Address a B. Russell, Publisher, Boston, Maw. i 4t.4t Q ,)C( a month to awnts everywhere 3CvJU Address Excelsior Manufac turing Co., Buchanan, Mich. 41 41 i PSYCUOMANCY, or Soul Charminp. flow either sx mav fascinate and train the love and affection of any person they choose, instantly. This simple menial u- ?uirement all can possess, free, by mail, r 25 cents : toctuher with a Marriage Guide, Egyptian Oracre, Dreams. Hints to ladle. A queer bock. 100,000 sold. Ad drsss T. William A Co, Publisher, Phil adelphia. . 36 41 STOfc HAVE YOU- A COUGH OR COLD, or ars you afflicted with Asthmaf If so, us Myrup ot Tar, Wild Cherry snd Horshound, pre pared by McCiarrau A McKennan, and re- net win ne immeiuaie aim a cur certain. Bold by MsClarran t McKennan, Pitts burgh, i'a., and all druggist. . wl Sm EoUidaystmrg Seminary. "FOR YOUNG LADIES. BOLLIDATSBUBO, PA. . Her. J06EPII WAUQU, wll-o Principal. 0OO PIANOS OROAN9 Nw and seeond-band, of First-olasa Mak era, will be sold at Lower Price for cash, or on Installments, or for rent, in City or country, during the Mard Times and tb lloimay by UOKACK IVATKKHtaON. tlii1!- 7i1h wr.0,i. 2f"r1k-T,A,I!ent- "2" to T 11 Wter rn oriiiB nniiuv, nii,t . . ' 1 1 t:w rsj vi jans. lliusiratetl catalorue mailao. Ureal in ducoinant to the Trade. A large discount to Teachers, Minister, Churches, Lodge, ocuouia, blc. sv ts TO HAVE GOOD HEALTH The Liver mui.t bo kest in ordor. SANFORO'S LIVER INVIOORATOR ha become a atspls lamllv medicine. Purely vegntable Cathariio and Tonio for all dersutft'ineiits of liver. Stomach and BowbIs. Will clear the complexion, our sick bead -be, Ac, 8hun Imitallona. Try Mufard's Uvar Ivlarmtar. . MANTELS AND FCKXITUIIK 8I4 A II B , t A SPECIALTY. , t . Ae.t Ac. JAMES OLD, 193 Liberty Strset, w4-3m PITTSBURGH, PA CELT CA RPETING8, 35 eta. per yard A FELT CKI LINU for room in plaoool Tlaster. FFLT ROOKING aad KIDINO. For aamples, addr C. J. FAY, Camden Kw Jersey. 108 VIRGINIA . FARMS; Descriptive list and Interustiug infurma I bargains. Mild winters and many induoe ' inenls. Crowing suasona long, eonsuml i.i.. i.i.u, ul....-t A .1,1 r.i.u W" ... u XI A Hmiolk. Va. ' 35-4t I TtB WORK neatly executed at the RE I ! lUMir.ICAN Office. 3 . jriDiociT:, Pa. 1 I selling out lils nriro s(ock of n'ntofcc X: Jewelry UT FIRST CfWiT All parlies in want if Hold and Hilvcr tViiU-hes, Mold and Silver t'haiiis, li lies' Opera Chains, the lntcut alvlo in iid and luaied sets, itraovlot. Studs, ot-HH, .vo., w-iii niid tnma nrst ciass op. xirtunllv. . All gtiods nra now. no i.ld trash. Tills T t hfllnt)u('., K. Kloin scllk at ooU Oo and aee. NEBRASKAJiRIST HULL THK OHIST MUX at Nebraska (Iac.v town,) Korest county, has been tlmr onirhly ovoruauled and rentted in nn.t class order, aud is now running and doing all kinds of .".! i'. ' CITHTOJt OItt!fDIXO. FLOUR. ' S FEED, AND OATS, Contttmtly on hand, and old at the yory lowest figure. 43-flm ' H. W. LF.DKI1UR. .-a 1 1 ea rn PITnOLE VAIXEY R'Y. rW AND AFTER Monday, June 6, 1371, Train will run aa follow ; TRAINS NORTUWARD. TTATIOSH. No.Z 10.26 m 10.S " J0.S0 " 10.S4 " 11.0 No. 4. iMeopolts, . ADO p ru iwnnmc, Woods s.s S.lrt 8.10 Prnthera Mill PitholeClty .il TRAINS SOUTUWARP. STATIONS. No. 1. 8.40 a m 8.4 " H.SII " 6.0J 9.1(1 1" No. K Pi thole City. Prsther Mill Wood 1.2(1 p 111 Bennett 2.0i Oleopelis " A14 All Train make do ennnectlnns at OleoiMili with trains on the Oil Creek A Allegheny Kivor liailway, North and Month. Two Lines of Btages run dally between Pitholo City. Milittr Farm and Plcasaut- ville, inaklngoonneotion witharrivingaud aeparting 1 rains. J. 1. ul,a 1 tt. iJLWICKUAM, Hup't ncxet Atmt, fttho! city, Pa. TT C A O The choicest In th world I r J ni porters' price largest I enuipany iu America staple article olsaMM evervbodv Trade continua'lv in. creaatng. Agent wsnted everywhere. Kest iiulueemcut. lHMi't waste time. Sent for Circular to Robert Wells, 4S Veey St., N. Y., P. O. Box 1287. It 41 BALTIMORE FEMALE COLLEGE. Incorporated in 1H49 with authority to con fer dus-reea, and endowed by the Htate of Maryland in I800. The Colleire i beauti fully situated in a grove, within the city, liuiiu, on a lolly eminence thatooiitmands a view of the country, the dty, und river and Iwy lor many miles. The College has a gtKHi library, chemical and philosophi cal apparatus, ebiuet of minerals, md als, coins, gems, Ac, and tlie course of lu. struction is thoroiiKh. Iloaidand tuition iio0 per annum. N. C. HROOKS, LL. U., rrmmeui, 41-11 SUHSCRinK forth It will pay. Forert lUipubliuita 1875. ttik 1875.- riTTSIiUEKJII (Jorl MERCJA J, A I'DUTrCAI rtTF.KAItY. D iMMKH- . CI Au aud (. K Kit At Mr.M ' 1APKU, - ' ' DovDtoti to tlis Best Interests of the PCOpIOr J.1 PDLITICS, The COMMERCIAL will horeafer, as hcretoRirtt,-b dorot, t. th p)ort of Republican pi iiH i.!fi, maiotnlnlnn lis in donpnee fc?YA:' thu HiMitibliL'sn 1'urtv. nod elaiminir the right nt nil limns toswak Irei'ly and luarlcasiv on the ninrits ei men and UK'SHimw. l'urty guvurnment is e- sentiid U a CQiiHtituitoimi ixnintry, aud Juii mills claimiuic to b- inilependciit of puny are tummy liiucpiiiiiieui 01 prinn il. Faithful to tho grvat convlctious aud aim upon which tho Republican Party was basetl, It 1 the tnouihpieoe of l cliUe or taction, iiiporting the prty oliily bucAiise. it believes that party 1 founded ou priuol pie of Rli;ht aud Jos- Uoe. . . THH EDITORIAL DEP&RTMEKT Of tho COMMRnciAb will eontniu, frooLt clay to day, oorli-ibutloii i from alii wrl- - 1 ter nixin .-.i sul.im-ts Political. Literary, Soicntlllo, Lenal, Coiniiicrciel, Furelgu aud Ijocul iu which it vlow will be forth plainly and lndnpondeutly, keeping m now tne prune aim or ihe paper, wiuoa. 1 tho ailvauucuicnt nf the lut iatrits 01. all section of tbe oountry. ITS KEWS DEPARTMENTS Will nlway contain brlof but accural f p.)rta of all tho occurrence of tha dy. Liberal expenditure will bo made In -ouriug special tologram and eorrcsuoM unnce irom tne great news cenwr ef lb country, so mat roaders or tha Cuinsr. jcareah alwavs relv 011 Imlnsf usrv.l witit iurly and relUhle news, Iu tho dciartnient devoted to th pu I'.cation of Ixwal New will be fouud a complete ditily history of thu oity and lu environs, gathered by a corps of earefsl , wruurs aud set forth iu attrautiv style. THEfWRRETS " Will, ss heretofore, receive carcTal t'leej titm. Full Ujlcgraphlo reports of the Mimte of Hnslns, with IVicc Current, will be rcceivea uauy irom tho Trade Center uf this country and Europe. The Pittsburgh Miirket, in all its branches, will be report ed fully and accurately. Aa a ooiuiaen. clsl Journal the Commercial sUud aeeuu to no pnitor iu the country. the ruling ratc for money, and the price of titocks aud lVnxla at ail tho great trad ing point, with much iulreatinj sUtlsU calmattor. . I8TERESTIXG IfilSCELUNY," Kmliracinit Poems. Sketches. lucldonta nf Trawl cto will 'ind a place iu the eol umn of tho tVmtnercial, furnishing at. lindane nf insiru -tion aud amuseusat for the tainily circle. - TEK.llt VOVL TUB . . Daily C'omnieicial. Postage Free to Subscribers. lty amil, iier ammun 1 i we oe - " t M 10 iy mail tor six month riy mail ror three month lty mail for ono month We beg to state that Postage will be paid at thisoillce, fre, on all Kditlon of Tua Com mxhcial, sent to Hubkcriber, under tlio new Law to tako effuct on th let of I January, 1875. - j Weekly !ieicial ! a PArr.nFoit . THE FARMER, THE MECHANIC, THE MANUFATUREf!. Will contain In oondeused form al' the NEWS O 7 THE DAY. Including the proooedbig of Corgrass, and of the lcmlniums of Noighlsirlng StaUis. Iiiterwiling Oorraspondeiu'e, choice eoleulloiis, and CompleteWeekly Market Reports Hpe-.Ully Prepared for it. tar-Th WEEKLY COMifXBCfALwtil ue wnt Postage Free to Subscrlliers. . ' I rKob8nbcTil)er, at$Z00 pr yr, wiUalae be entitled to a copy of our uw. iuustrated llontlily Magazine, I One of tho handsomest and best tiub'los--r ... 1 !..., 1 J1 11 IWAtlU Ui CAiJHWICl', TKRMS FOR 1875. WEEKLY COMMERCIAL. (Postage Pro-Paid i. Ono copy, one year, mcludlncr M,,ir. Two D,Uar. " CTjCB RATES: FlveCopio, per annum, each- . t V Ten Copies, " " 1 'J'wenty Copies, " and over . . ' 15 Auu oue extra copy to tho getter uj-f slub Addition may bo made to a Club at an time during tho year, nt theclubpri, tlio subscription continuing a FriL Ybah lioiu uie time tue audiuoua MbaU hav. been made. VHIuPoHtxnasier requested to act as agetiU. 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