The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, February 24, 1875, Image 3

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JfaT77 M. iTTRt., Jit. ' '
bsMMrmrn H. J.-Woleolt, T. J. Viiu
ilao:i, J. F.. Bl.iliie, I,-b. lino j, J. !.
ll'tori, J. A. Proper.
Jmitict.ihf lh 'MCiiV, P. Mcrcllliott,
I. H, Knot.
yn.hoj It. Swnc;;ait
Hchnnl IHn-tlunl. S. Kiini, II. O. In
VU, . J. Wol.-ott, . II. Urtslot, a. n.
Kelly, I). Clark.
tm i. . i
Pmhltnt Jn'it L. T. Wrntowr,'
A minimis JWyf jAndwuw Uook, Jos.
. Dale. ;
. AWifT-T. J. TS Oikmrx. '" .
i Trtnuurer S. J. fcKTLEY.
Pmlhtntiurv. Kfiitttrdt Recariicr,4e.
T. M. Ct-AitK. Pr. Dept.
(Aimmi.m'tnr Jowl THOMPSON, Jas.
K. Cl.AftK, Fi.T IlHRMK.
Oun'v HiijrrintrntlefitH. F. RonREa.
)itlriet Uforae.i S. D. Ibwijc.
Jury (.Wimitsiuner Ja. FLTN!,Wji.
rvur nvyorS.D. Trwiw.
fi)-onr M.lTTBr., J. ' '
Counfy A uiUort"V. It. Conn, L. vV'Aa-
HKK, (!.' J A M ! KSOIt.
Member tf CoajreM 19(A Dirit C. B.
Auemby J. B. Abkbw,
. 2(me itf Tralnt
At TIOXKSTA SXA l'IOX, on and.aftar
OoWbir 5, 1S74.1
Trin W
" M
" S3
' Train St
" tl
IS:45 a. m.
J:. TO pi m,
8:41 p. in.
fl:.V) a. m.
4:11 p. m,
1:38 A. in.
f the River Dlvieton i. . from Oil City
o Irvluolsn, up the river U North; down
tbe river, south.
Billa have ben sent out by M.
W. Tate, Esq., fir itibscriptionii due
ta the FoREr .Ktpvbi.ican. These
bills are not our, but the company',
f whom we bought thii office on Jan
nary lit, 1873. ' We collect our own
U!.: -. ' it.
Rev. .Elliot .will preach iu the
Presbyterian church on Suuday next,
Moruiug aud evomng. -...
fiRev. ISlilor, of Clarion, is bold
ina nrotractcd meetings atTylersburg.
Ortwein.the Pittsburgh murderer.
u'ut linmni in tlin !nil r.r.l ! fliut
. MW ...... U-. ... ..... JHI. J Wl 'M . ......
jilaca yesterday atuoou.
. Admiral AViUon' of ibe eliip
"Venture," snys ihut tbin winter cor
rctjioiiils with thut of 1343, which was
jU'rriMj coM.
"A oriicrn:tn on me uimicirK'tt-i
I t . t m I
"Wanen 11. K. was frozen (lend at bis
pout, a week ago Monday night. It in
.rumored that another, on the T. & E
road, aharcd the same fate.
Mr. Iithi4idge think of procur
ing an ice plow to break up the ico iu
Ma mill-pond. It ii works well, per
imp it wjll bo used to 'break the ice
atov lb river bridgo. . ,;,
Look out for freh rggn and - ua-
jile sugar pretty toon. Ham nnfre.-g
will b a tkvoilto dish iu ft few weeks,
nnd sugar parties are eagerly looted
ibe by th joung folk. ' ' ' '
Kov, L. II. Euglee, D. D.', Tresi-
Jont of tbo Wesleyau College, of Ciu--j
ciuuati,. iu, on . Monday, the 15th
iujsU, unauiraoubly elected President of
Ailfghony College, Meadville, Pa.
wi.. J'lLL.-'t iiLtu
fishermen du somo fishing through-ibe
ict? This is practiced iu other places
uitQ extensively, und yet we" do "not
licar of a tisli having been captured
here this witter. . .' ,".
A meeting of the - Republican
tate Coruruitteo has been called by
tha Chairman, Hon. Husscll Errett, at
the Lochicl House, iu Ilarrioburg, on
Thursday, March 4th. All members
ahould attend.
t The dance at the Lawrence Ilouce,
oq tlio evening of Washington's birth
day, is said to have been well attend
ed, aud enjoyed immensely by all who
were there. Several couples from a
distance attended.
Many buebeli of potatoes have
been frozen this winter in cellars hith
erto cousidtrcd frost-proof. Scarcely
a family iu this neighborhood but have
lost from two to one hundred .bushels
of this useful tubor.
'iThe barrel works at Titusville are
closed tut the present, there being no
demand for barrels. Should that busi
nois come to a stand-still, it will prob
b!y have the effect of closing some of
the stave-mills iu this couuty.
It id said that the indemnity to
be paid by Spain to the relatives of
American victims of tit Virginius af
fair has been fixed at (84,000, and
tl ut tho convention will be signed im
mediately upau Mr. Cuehirg present
ing bis rr(drr.ti,:!s to tho new CoTern-
Roll of Honor. . t; -
Mil. Kditor: I'lcnso print the fol
lowing Ilrport of thp High School for
tho mouth cmling 17th:
Number of pupils enrolled 62. A
cioge attendance 42.
Iu the roll of honor this month are
Jnmes 1'easc, Anna Pease, Hattie Ittel,
Emma i-loan, Sallio Knox, CharJsy
Davis, Ida Paup, Floyd Proper, Ella
Davis, Eva Knox, Clm.i. 1'rouka, Lucy
Swales, Cora Knox, Belle fchoup,
Clara Heath, nnd James Haslet.
Ilobert Haslet, Js. Haslet, 'Alex.
Dale, Clias. Davis, D Uy Horn, and
Eva Knox have not been absent a
day during the terj). .. , j. '
J. K. Shadman, Teacher.
Court Proceedings.
Courts met on Mtndsy, 22d lust-,
President Judgrt Wctmorc, and Asso
ciato Judges Cook uud Dale present.
Constables sworn an J Graud Jury
charged. No Quarter ScsBiJiS buji
ncss before the court. S.'P. Brlgfiijra,
Esq., of Frauklin, admitted to prac
tico iu the several court of Forest
county, aud sworn. .
In the case of Jacob 6., Hood vs.
Aquilla Mong, Jury found for defend
ant. " "" . - .
The case of Jas. Baptie vs. J. L.
Acoiub et a), is on trial as we go to
Court week for which we have all
looked, aud longed, and sighed, is here,
bringing the familiar faces of lawyers,
jurors, clients and witnesses. ' It is
curious to note, that year after year,
about the. same individuals attend
court, and almost in the same capaci
ty. There is one individual in parti
who has had a suit before nearly every
court during the seven years we have
made 'Tionesta our home. So it is
with some other partier, who are al
ways present as witnesses to suits, aud
are sure to be subpeenaed whether they
know anything about the case or. not.
Tho Justices of the Peace, and con
stables, who are always cited to appear,-remain
nearly tho same. 8o in
the course of time, ono acquainted
here can name over half the attend
ants before court week comes. The
Trial List being small this week,' the
court will probably adjourn to-day, to
meet again on the Third Monday of
May next. Until which time numbers
of our citizen", (not excepting ourself )
expect to live on credit,
i A new expression, or an old word
with a new meaning, is valuable, in
these days of progress, and we feel it
our duty, as a journalist, to repeat au
expreesiou we heard yesterday , morn
ing: 'A couple of phaps, ueithpr of
thsin citizens of (iur tow nl. were say
ing uncomplimentary tMrtgs' of one
another, in front jq the Drug Store,
yesterday morning, when one of them
broke out in an excited manner, "You
are as abscond as any one I khow of!'!
The other fellow stopped to think, aud
Bob Iluddleson stepping betweeu the
parties undoubtedly prevented a row.
TJe man who majsr die remark bad
evidently said just what he tueaut to
Buy, as ho lepeated it several times.
, t-rIra. Jrwin,' who has been stop
ping with her daughter, Mrs. Ilenage,
this winter, met with a painful s acci
dent on 'Monday evening last. ; She
was hanging out some clothes,, and
tho ground being iy she slipped and
fell, fracturing her left wrist badly.
The accident happened at 5:45" p. m.
aud Dr. Blaine was called in and had
the facture reduced at 6:15 p. ro. The
patient is doing well.
A citizen of Clarion county in
formed us, on Monday last, that near
ly all the towuship and borough offi
cers in that county, were filled by Re
publican candidates at the late flec
tions. How's that for the "Berks of
the West ?". We venture to prophecy
that affairs will be administered iu
better shape for the year to come than
heretofbre. "A new broom sweeps
x Now that the auow has disappear
ed sufficiently to, lay, bare the aide-,
walks of our town, we notice that a
great many repairs and, some new
walks are needed. It is hoped that
our new Couneial will take immedi
ate action in this direction, and that
the rough places may be made smooth
and the crooked places be made
. Mr. MoCrny, who runs Cobbs
lumber on tho Clarion River, informs
us :hat this Srni will run about 3,000,
OQO feet of lumbor on the firi water.
This beildo about 5,000,000 they will
rutfout cf Timc-la CrcoV. Not !of
' dull tirno-.
JoNKS.Tn Heaver Valloj-, 1. to. 18T.',
Nancy K. ilnntrlit'-r ot M. II. mid K.
O. oiie, aged 14 year and 9 month.
' How terrible at all limns is death.
But when (he remorseless tyrant comes
claiming the young and fair, bow in
finitely more terrible seems his fatal
touch that withers wheaesoe'er it falls.
On the present occasion we sorrow for
one -of our fairest and best, gone from
among us; a fond father's pride; a
loving iimlher's joy ; an idolized sister,
sleeps the sleep that knows no waking.
Her illness was but brief, and of such
a nature a to occasion her friends no
alarm, until an. unexpected change
occurred, ' that all too soon carried
her beyond all human aid and worldly
care. The sad event has cast a gloom
over the entire community.
.. bt w. c. sr.
Tearfully we folded ber ebld white hands
Lovingly over Iter ;
Sorrowfully kissed ber olay cold lips
And laid ber down gently to rest.
Wtf laid br to rest with a void in our
And wept Sttor tears o'er her tomb,
Yet we ktiow sbV at peace where death
never part,. " '-
Nor sorrow and care can! their gloom.
Oh, when I thlnkof all that mlde ihe paat
Like a mystical dream of joy; aud .'be
Were golden bars, spaodinpt swiftly along.
With th whispered sweetness of an orient
From hearts too happy to do aright but
' praise. ' :
And my heart has chanted dirges ever
Her fingers slipped through mine; and
. quickly o'er
Her face the diaad hadow fell; at tbe
MlKht ' ' ' ' " ':;' ' "'
My ooul drew back with horror and af
fright, . .
"My Ood t no more," X shrieked, "my
darling's no more."
- f
No more for me Indeed, the' voice nd
Minilo . i
And sweet comroings; ' but for her the
best; ,
No more of pain or angulnh ; no more
. tears ;
Nor agonizing doubts ; nor distressing
fear j '" -
She is dune with ail llfo'i troubles and at
rest. . .
.-, A great thaw has been iu progress
for the last few days, which makes tlic
sleighing in town look a little thin.
We, underJtand that there is, lots of
snow on the roods outside of town yet,
and ooal is as low as it generally gets,
ranging from fourteen to sixteen cents
a bushel. "
Monday being a legal holiday
sohool was closed for the day. May,
Park & Co.'s Bank' did no business,
and Some other establishments observ
ed the day. ' Court was in session,
however, all the sau.e as if it were not
a legal holiday, and we worked bard
all day.. -
Protracted meetings are' still held
at the M. E. Church in this place, and
although the metings are well attend
ed, and good attention given to the ex
ercises, no converts have yet' been
made, or at least, no professions. How
much longer the meetings will last we
are not informed. """"
' ftT n t a
- Hard coal is bcefsminf scarce, as
it always is at this season of the year,
especially in this' place. It would be
a good idea for somo one to start a
coal yard here, to supply those who
have been iiojirovideut. It always
happens wITeu you want to borrow
that everybody else is "just out," too.
Mr. C. L. Haona, formerly of
West Hickory, now of Greeley, ; Colo
rado, has our thanks for lato files of
tjireeley" and Denver papers. By re
ferring to them we learn that business
Lis almost, if not entirely as lively as
it Jay L-ooketiau never failed. We
hope to hear from Mr. Hanna by let
ter soon.
TJto address to he Southern peo
plo, Usued by the Democratic mem
bers of Congress from the South, urg
ing them to behave themselves,. to
treut the black man kiudly and en
deavor Cbt show them that the interests
of the two races are identical, is ex
cellent id tone, generally, though there
are some phases ia it so vague that it
is difficult to know whether or not the
spirit that prompted it is in full sym
pathy with the ostensiblo purpose, of
promulgation. The fact that it
will be considered as designed to keep
the White Leaguers from interfering
with the Democratic chances in the
next Presidential election, however,
doe not alter the fact that tbe advice
is good. Among the names of those
who thus counsel forbearance we ob
servo that of MrJJohn, Voting Brown,
! of Kentucky,
McAdnaU Teybnr,t a prominent
citizen tC fiuioute and t.Wtf opera
tor in the Oil Region, died a. San
Diego, California,' "Wednesday, Feb.
18th. He had for some years been in
failing health and went to California
for bis health. He went there over a
year ago and was reported as improv
ing until lately. . He was born in
Tompkins Couuty, N. Y., and came to
the Oil Regions iu 18G4. lie com
menced operations early and amused
a large fortune. He was a man of
high character, greet energy, and will
be sadly missed by the whole commu
nity. Peterson's Magn ' for March
more than maintains supremacy.
The principal steel ving repre
sents a little Italian shepherd, asleep
in the woods, with one of his own
sheep watching over him, aud U the
most cunning picture imaginable. The
double size colored steel fashion plate
is of rare beauty, the ladies pretty,
the dresses tho very latest, the whole
unrivalled. As to the literary con
tents they get better and better. No
other lady's book has such a brilliant
corps of coutrihutiors as ''Peterson."
Tke it all in all, it is, as the publish
er claims, the best for its money iu the
world. If you have not already sub
scribed for 1875, clofo t once. 'The
pried is but two dollars a year, postage
free. Or !hreo cop'ea for $4.80, post
age free, with a magnificent, large
sized engraving, 27 inches by 20,
"Washington's First Interview With
His Wife," as a premium to the per
son getting up the club. ' For large
clubs an extra copy tf the magazine
in addition is given. Specimens sent,
gratis, if written for, to persons wish
ing to get lip clubs. Address, Charles
J. Peterson, 30G Chestnut Street, Phil
adelphia. Special Notice. We call atten
tion of our readers to the advertise
ment of tho well known business firm
of John Stevenson's Sons. Those con
templating tho purchase of goods in
their line will Cod this to be an oppor
tunity rarely offered. The firm is an
old and reliable one, ami their repre-'j
sentations may be relied upon. 31 3m
By Robinson' & Bonner,'" Dealers in
General Merchandise.
Fl ur ft lmrrel - - - SC507.:5
Corn Meal, bolted - 2.25
Chop feed - ...':'. . $2.000215
Itye IS bushol .... - - 1.00
Oatn buaiicl .... C' G65
Corn, ours .....
Potatoes - - - ,. r . . ,,70(390
Green apples ' - ' ' ' - - 75($1.00
Beans $1 bushel ... 2.033.00
Ham, sugsr cured .... 15
Brekk fast naeo.i. u?ar cured - 15
Sugar - - - '- - - 10 12J
Syrup 75, 1.00
N. O. Molasses - 1-00
Roast Bi Coffse KeX t S C I s
Rio CotTee, best 29
Tea ' .E01.40
Dried Bocf ..... 20lSi
Rico . 10
ButUr - . - . . 25 32
Eggs, fresh ..... 5
Bait -.'. . - . 2.50(3,2.75
Lard .... . . ... 15(5,18
Dried apples - ' - - . - 8I0
Nails, lOd, keg .... 4.50
Iron, common bar. . . . . 4.00
BuckwtH-at flour - . . - - 8.00
Xew Advertisements.
Mercantile Appraiser's List for For
est County for tho Year 1875.
Andrew Cook 14 $ 7 00
Jas. l'carfcall 14 7 00
Ford & Lacy 13 10 00
A. Slrjiy 14 TOO
Jno, 4? jirmtn : 14 7 00
J. I. ltne 14 7 00
W. C. eill 14 7 00
T. D. Collinn ...!. 14 7 00
T.J. Bowman . 12 12 50
Wheeler AiTuNunbury 14 7 00
D. Oi ahum 14 7 00
Wheeler, IluHuubury & Co 14 7 00
S. C. Johnston. ..-..... -.i. ... 14 v TOO
RiiiiiiHOn.r.oniH.r ...... 10 20 00
Oeo. W. Hithri.lifo A Co 12 12 50
oo. W. ttovard A Co IS 10 00
M. Kinstuin 13 10 00
S. II. IJuj let 14 7 IK)
M. Smith 14 7 00
A. II. I'Ki trulue 14 7 00
II. I J. Davis 14 7 00
John Keek It 7 00
Jlillmrrt SuIoohs.
Jos. E. Zuver, 2 tables 40 00
M. Ittel Jr., 2 tables 40 00
IlestauraHt and Eating Ifouxt.
Rudolph Ktrucku 8 5 00
A Court of Appeals will lis held at the
ofnee of the County Traui-r, at the
Court Hons, in Tionsta on Saturday the
27lb dy of Feb., 1875.
V. 11. HARLAN,
Moreantiio Appraiser Forest County.
PflDVINf! Compensation Liberal. Pre-
wUI IIMU. Jori'iiuetoona willing touaru
part otber expeniiHS at srhool. liovd. vv.
II. KINttHKl K Y, Ls HM' Seminsrv, Tar-rvl-wn,
N. V. 0 4t
. f .Administratrixs', Noticq. r ,
Letter" of n loiittlHt-stion on thn estate nl
Tir Wesley V Huritr, "In'ft of TioneMS
Hontnph, ioioooil, ivln lrci ttranted
to tlifl umlTsiKiieil, notice Is lnreby pivrn
tlit persons knowing tlie'rtselve milr-bt-ed
U said (wtnto nr required to innke ini
mst'iRtn pnynipnt ol tho Mme, and those
having elnims siminst said eslnts will pro
sent thrm.prpM-!y antheiitii-nted lor set
tlement. KLTZABKTIT ni'NTKR, Adm's.
CLARA F. 11 1'NTl'.R, AiIid'i.
Tionesta, Pa.. Feb. lit. 175. 44 6t
In his
And In connection with bis other bflilasss
ha lis constantly in store Iks
r- .WIUTKBy,
' ' j -, ' , iiowe,
" " - " BLEK3, " ,
( andwill
any Sewing Maehlne In the market, at list
-, prices, with all tbe .
... which th C4nfanies give, and will
In say part of Forest Comity, and give all
, flscesnry instructions to learners.
Nesillrs for U MsohlOM, Slilli as 4 Tbwl
always In Jitors.
TXDIOUTE, PA., June, 1874.
11 st
, Jas. H. Fortes, Proprietor,
" Banner A AgneWs Blesk, "r ' '
Ageat for
Dr. Horria' Syrup of Tar, Wild
Cherry and Ilorohound.
. tobacco, ' .: ;:
White Lead, perfectly pare, sold mssmSi
cheaper than formerly.
Also all kinds At Oils, Kerossns, Ter
pentine, iieiiEine, Toilet ArHstss, ttr
fumertos, Ao., for sale cheap.
. . ' JAS. H. roitis.
wrvi. F. BLU1,
33 J, . OICS.3VE IT H
Corner of Chureh and Elm Streets,
This firm is prepared to do all work In
Its linr,And will warrant evsrythiitg done
st their sli- ps to give satisfaetinn. Par
ticular altsntion givan to
Oivs them atrial, and you will not re
gret it. lS-ly.
tC O fflfl i'r dsv st lniiia. T ma
J tlU Address t;eo. Still on
it Co., Portland, Mo. 31 n
OryncA WF.l .K guaranteed to Male and
3? I I Female airents, in tlielr liH-alitv.
Costa notion to try it. Partieulars 1'iee,
P. tl. Vu-ksry fc Co., Augusta, Me, 81-41
' The above letters are tbe Initials of one
of the tinpvt medicines In tlie ennntiy.
Four-Fold Liniment, not ix:elled by aiiv
other In the curing of I'ains and More
Throat, and especially axlsptml to diM
esse ot liorNet, t utile Ac, Ken circulars
around bottlss. bold by all Druggists,
w jO-ly eoin
ADVi:UTISi:RSenl 25 cents to"7ji.
P. Kowell A- Co., 41 Park Row, N. Y..
for their Kighty-pao Pamphlet, showing
ooHtot advui 'isiug. 13 4i
loll WORK noatly excciits-l at tlilsslBe
I st ronsonaUs rn'tn,
"Vx-,.. ,..'"
tlir.Tnr .iaTiT."
Dr. .T. "Walkor's Cnlilbmln Via
epnr ISitlcra aio a purely Vegetable
picp.'ilalioti, ni.ulo cbiolly f;oni tho na
tive herbs found on the lower ranges oi
tie Sierra Nevada mountains of Ciiiifor
ilia, tlio medicinal properties of whicl
ore extracted tlietelioili withmit the ust
of Alcohol. Tho question is almot.
daily asked. "What is tho caHo of lite
unparalleled success of YtXKCAlt Hit
TK.usf" Our nn.swei' is. that they rumova
the caima of (lisearfl;, and tlio patient ia
covets his health. They are the cent
blood put ilicrmid a lifo-Kivinj; pi inripic,
a petfect Kenovator mid l:iioiaor
of-the system. Never befote iu lb
lii.tnry uf ilia world 1iis a na-dieinc Ixsia
cutnHnnild pof(iini; the rciimi kis
suaiuiHii uf Vi.vko.xh Itri'TKUs in keuiinir lla
sick of every i'u-i-.u.-n mu:i in heir f . TS)
sre a Irsittlu Pursativa as well a a Toaie.
relivi::)t Coiif-iniii or lufliuiuuaUna mt
ths l.ivsr and Yiacsrui Organ iu ilillss
The jiroppi tios of Dp.. Walkek's
Ti.xkbaSi Ilr.Tin.t .tie Aperient. Distiliorolia,
Canijui.itne. Xtiiritimn. l.atatire. Umrsticv
6tlatrV. Coiuiiv-Irritant Diiilorific, Altera
live, aad.aAi-.titiflkas. .
Oaleful Tliousnnd3 proclaim Vrsr.
xoak UilTU8 the most wonderful I.a
Tiguraut 'jhst trur sustaiaod tk siaku4
syrtcm. w '
No Person enn tale tlit?se Bitten
according to directions, nnd remain long
unwell, provided their bones me not de
stroyed by mineral poison or other
mentis, and vital organs wasted beyeutt
Bilious, Remittent nnd Inter
i ni ft tout level's, which are so preva
lent in the vtttleys of out- great rivers
throughout tho United States, especially
those of tho Mlflsisxippi, Ohio, Misaouii,
Illinois, Tennessee, Cttmbcrlnmf. Arkan
sas, Red, Colorado, Urazos, ltio Grande,
Pearl, Alabama, Mobllo, Snvnnnnk, ltd
anokc, James, mid many ethers, with
their vast' tributaries, tiu'ouxhout ottr
cntiro country during the Suimncr and
Autuinn, and remarkably so dui !ui;eu
roiis of umiHual hciit and dmigM, t;
Invariably accomtianicd by eMCL'-'ivs-dsi-r.iiiROmeiits
of tho stomach mid- Uvcr,
ami other abdominal viscera. Iu their
trcnC'iiont, a purgative, exerting a pow
erful luriucnce upon theso various ev
Rnns, Is essentially necessary.' -Thsre
is no cathmtic :r tbo pin ios.e equal
Uit. J. WAt-KKit't Vixkgar llmr.;:
as they will speedily rcmovo the d..r
coloiud vUuItl mutter with wbish t'.ve
bnwols nt'O loadvd, nt the anms ti-.t'A
etimulntins tlio secretions of the )irtr,
nml Reneially restoring tlio he;;!: 14
functions tif tho digestive orgni!.v
Fortify tho body ncalnst (Ii.fn
by purifying nil Its Huids with Vi.vuoak
liirrKus. No ejiiilomic can t kwnt
of a system thus foi e-ai incil.
i Dysiicpsiii or Indigestion, Tlr.
nche, Pain in tho Miou'iiifs, ('oikv
'J'i(,rhtness of tlio Chest, Pj;:
Eructations of tlio Stomach, I'm, I Ts
in the Mouth, Uilious .Mtarl;, rn!tit -tatioti
of tho Heart, Intlaimiiatioi) of
Lungs, l'nin in the region of the V:A
licys, und a bundled othur n i i : Tti I
tonis, are the till'sprins cf Iip'.-pii.
One bnttlu will prove a lirtteiiir.i-.j.iu
of iu merits. tUttu a h:i;;....
uient. , . ,
Si'ioriiin, or Kins'n 3'vii, v;,:
Bwcllinp, UIi'Si'n, Knviji,:;,!.-. -V; "J.
Onitre, ScrcifiiluiH liillumumiiMi, Imtu'.. i
J ii (lull in i a li iuK. ilcrcininl All ii', IH-,
Sorst, KitiiitHiis of the tihin. rieru Kj. -In
liiuu. an ni nil ptlier i". iiKtilir.ii.' .ii !!
eoj-en. Vjskeiis . V ini;j a it I'.n rx !,-.
sliuwu tlieb; friuat' eesuvn )n.':r i.
Hinst uli.liimVs'' itr:iLtst!u (u r.
For Intiufrtri'iivtoi-" tviul CIi:;vi..'
IUicuiniitisiii, (lout, I5;;:..i!, Koi :
tent and lntermittont revet s. I
the lllmid, I.iVMr, Krilnevs ar.d K'ilitr.
these Hitter havo no eijtud. b ich L'ia
arc csncU ly Vitiuttiil llluuij.
Mechanical Discuses. Tt tToiit (
jngeil iu paints and 11 it. era!'', such i
l'luiubur.1,"-i;tl()i.j (inlil LuuUV'. j k'
Vliuer. as tLcy advance IiiT:fu, .n m.!.-tr
to pnrulysis' of Ilia ihiwvls. T (rtnl
SL'uiii.t iJii, tiil.o-u dtMii ut' Walkimi's i
liii u Hm mis neciiior,ttlly. .
.., For Skin Diwusesj Eiitptlots, Ti t-
ter, Snlt lfhiiiiui, Hlntchc-i, S 'l.-, I'iui', .
I'UHtules, lloili, (.'arlimieln'. Itiit); ..
BeaUt-hcftd, Knre Kye. Kryiicla". ItcS.
Scuif-.'iiloriitiniH of tint, lLiii(t
Slid Dim'.1"0h of thu Skin ol' wliiiunvr usias
ur nation, am literally up nml can id
cut nl the HV teni in a iburt tiuio ly tLe cm
of llioo Jiiitvm.
l'in, Titpe, und other YVin;,
lurliiii)! iu lint stein of o liiiiny l!."iiui:i).',
sis oill'ctmilly t1er,tiiyvd and nonuvcil. V
svuluui of iiivtlit-uie, uu YurimlUL','. nu
tiielininitic will lice thu -y.ltim liuui s ois.i
like thine Hitter.
For Feintilo Coniplalnls, Iu yw;-
or old, in.irnril or riu:lu, at the Ja ii i f
' ninnhouil. or the turn of life, thci-e TxuU
Hitter diaplsr so ilneidrd an infl'icucs U l
improvement i soon parceptihln.
Cleanse the Vitiated. Blood whu-
rer vim tint! itn iiiipnnries burnlin' ttiruus
the tkiu ill I'nnp.a.. K:'Uitinli, ur turn :
clcuniu it lieu yuu find it olistiuuled tui
slu-i.-h iu the vuiin; cioitnis it wlicu it is
foul . yuur leclllliK will tell vuu vt heu
ths lil'noil pui-a, ud Ibe hrsllll of tlio -tlu
will MJow.
II. II. MrllOMAI.n A CO..
PrutrUta! atiii Ah'tt .S.iu I'rjniMm .Aibis,
Aul vuT. tif Wu.'.iiil'UiU uli I ( 1 .U i N ..
SuU by ll l)i-ttl( mill al
ALL tPK RAT ION'S pertsli,ln to Sur
gical or Mechanics! leiiLitiy per
formed with rare. Bint warranted. I guar-
ante,' success or refund the money.
otneo in tUt.VMDJ.N hltLCK BLOCK.
Reiiiciuoer the ijl:ie.
i ly, U, W. E AltVKST,
' A
it i r