The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, February 17, 1875, Image 3

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    , VEONESnAT KORNTxo7FtBT 17, ',KS.
BurgfiM. Irrat., Jr.
UouHOitmen S. J. Woloott, T. J. Van
(Hearn, J. K. Hlaine, I. H. Knox, J. H.
lloui. .1. A. Proper.
mlxmolAi iVac-W. T. Mercilllott,
U. M. Knox.
Cofi6f 11. Swagft-art
AbAeol birtrfora 1. M. KnnT, IT. O. In
Tie, H. J. Woloott, S. H. Uaslet, A. B,
Kelly, U. Clark.
Prtnident .7u7 L. D. Wirvnir.
iincil Mjti-AiigKW Cooc, Jos,
O. Uai.r.
AAeriTT. J. Vaw Oif.sbw.
Vtasurer 8. J. Hetlkt.
Prothonotaty, ttrmnttr t ItecorHtr, etc.
r. m.i lauk, fr. Dept.
CViiimimionfi j Jouk THoxrsoit, Jab,
K. Clark, Km IIrrmh.
Ownrv HuprinttnlrntH. F. Ron.
Mtlrict Attorney H. D. Irwiw.
Jury Commissioners J as. FlykK.Wm ,
Cvanty irvyor S.T). iRwm.
t.Vonf M. Ittei., Jr. .
CVuH(y A rfi(or T. H. Cobb, L. War
VSR, Q. JAMtr.aOH.
Mtmbiro Oengrtu 19ih DutrittG. B,
Curtis. ' -
UsirmMy J. B. Aoxaw.
7YrM o Train
At TIOF.STA 8TATION, en and after
Qetontr , lo7i 1
Train 1:45 a. m.
" M S:-tO p. m.
" 63 8; p. m.
Train 51 . . R:.0 a. m.
69 . . . . 4:11 p. m,
"SI ..... 2:8 a. m.
Or lbs River Division i. . from OH City
a Irvlneten, up lb rlror la North down
te river, south.
Bills have beta sent out bv M.
W. Tate, Esq., fur aubacriptioui due
t tbe Forwt Rr.ruBi.iCAK. These
kills are not oura, but the company's,
f whom wo bought thU office ou Jan
uary lit, 1873. We collect our own
ill!., tf.
Rev. Lusher will preach in the
VI. E. Church on nextSundity morning.
Uoiun Sabbath School at 10:00 a. m. ,
Kev. KHint i holding; meetings
ui sreek t hia church At Kerr's Hill,
i". hi. . t
7 The SI. K. Church at Tylcrsburg
-caught fire from a defective flue, a week
ago Sunday and was considerably
GnlJ in New York is up to 1141
at present writing, but that wou't put
hack specie payments, which are
bound to come in 1879.
.-"-Allegheny desires to be divorced
from Pittsburgh, and pray the Legis
lature to dissolve the relation. Pitts
burgh doesuy seem to car much.
. The mtircury yesterday morning
indicated 24 degrees below zero; this
miming 18 degrees above. And . yet
re some very healthy people amongst
u.- ''. i- .' . ! '.
, Invitations have been sent out For
iin Anivetsary Dnncc at the LawrcHce
House on tho 22d iust. McCray's
siring ban J, of Fagundus will furnish
music or the occasion.
The tract of hod advertised in
the Sheriff's Sales tliir week, in which
Henry Swaggart is prosecutor, he tie
aires us to say is well timbered witb
oak and uherry. ' -
-VCapt. Gray of Tiiusviile, who
-once lectured here on "Gleanings from
the 'Wayside of Life," was stricken
with apoplexy recently, and it is very
.doubtful if be ever fully recovers.
A slight runaway occurred on
ttuitday lost, which resulted in- the
breaking of the shafts of the cutter;
nothing else was hurt except the ft el
jjigs of the sleJghriders.
' The Venango Spectator comes to
us in a complete new dress, and is now
one -f the neatest and best printed
papers we have on our list. AVe are
glad to see this evidenco of Sir. Whit
akcr'a prosperity.
Kelden Whitman lost a horse by
death list week. Mr. W. has had
rttj bad luck with bis horses within
the past few years. We hope his for
tune in this rerpect will soon change
for the better.
The Beechar trial is still on, and
bus become almost as stslo as the
church trial was. The daily papers
Are bp u ml to give the whole proceed
ings" to their readers, however, if it
ruins their busiuees.
Plummer, Assemblyman from
Tilusrille, seems to be quite a favorite
among the Democracy of this State,
Some papers have even gone so far as
to recommend him for Governor lieit
Rummer. Wa don't anticipate tbat
lie will be the choice of the Democrat
n S-tnt C Vitivcnllrn frr 1 f at r-lrire.
Hie borough elections yesterday
passed off quietly, very little excite
ment being manifested by candidates
or voters. OT course there was the usual
uneasiness in regard to the result,
among tho candidate, but all con
cealed beneath a placid exterior. No
fire-water being dispensed the atmos
phere was pure, and as the weather
was cold buttonholing was limited.
Taken altogether the day was favor
able for the repression of excitement,
hence,' as we said before, the election
passed off quclly. Tho 'following is
the result: , ' '
For Burgess
. John Hock '
Fur Council
8 A Varner
U W Robinaon
A II Purtridtfo
H O Davla
A B Kelly
H II Hafllet
High Constable
Henry SwaKKrt
Justice of the Peace ' ,
OA Randall
School Directors
T J Von Oicscn . ,
ii V Roblniwn
E L Davia, 1 year
Hoary Swagijart '
Samuel Clark
. , Overseers of the Poor
D W Clark :
J T Dale
J E niaine
' . ' Judge of Elcctiou
J T Dal
' Inspectors of Election
; John D Uulings
C A UamluU
- There is no doubt whatever that
there is au amount of suffering
in Kansas and Nebraska,' on account
of the grasshopper plague last sum
mer. The people of this town, gen
erally so benevolent, have, this season,
about as much as they can do among
our own people. There is a fund of
some $65.00 in the hand of the treas
urer of the literary society, (which has
not met this winter) for the purpose
of purchasing a library. It does uot
now look as if th library would be a
success. Under the circumstances,
would it not be well for the society to
get together once more, aud vote that
money to those who are perishing of
starvation and cold J It occurs to us
that this would be a noble and gen
erous use of this fund which may nev
er be called iuto requisition ' for the
purpose fur which it wasaccumulated.
How well could this society spare this
fund, and to Low many poor starving!
freezing mortals may it prove the
breath of life. Members of the Tio
nesta Literary society, please thiuk
the matter over. ' " ' V -
. A week ago Saturday, Mr. W. C.
Marvin, who teaches the Beaver Val
ley school, was returning from town ia
a sleigh, accompanied by Miss "Nancy
Jones, daughter of Boyd Jones, of
Beaver Valley, and in paming the
"Narrows," on this aide of Hickory,
the horse, sleigh and occupants left
the road, aud fell and rolled a long
distance to the bauk of tho river. The
young lady received such serious in
ternal injuries that she died on Satur
day last, urftwilhbtundiug she bad the
best of care and attention. The afflict
ed family have tbe sympathy of tbe
whole neighborhood.
The Amcrieau Newspaper Adver
tising Ageucy of Geo. P. liowell Si
Co., New York, is the only establish
ment of the kind in the United States
which keeps itself persistently before
the people by advertising in newspa
pers. They evidently receive their
reward, for we have it from a reliable
source that advertising orders issued
by them for their customers have ex
ceeded three thousand dollars a day
since the commencement of the year,
and this is uot a very good year for
advertising either.
A jail was built in Clariou last
year, which was a large aud expensive
structure. It was built according to
contract, except that a marble slab
was put in the front, giving the date
of the building. The commissioners
and aud:tors allowed the contractor
for the slab, but the late Grand Jury
atkrd that the item be stricken from
tho report, and that it be not allowed
a a debt of the county. They must
have had n stresk of bard times over
i her. I
Our citizens are a little disposed
to be nervous regarding the ice. which
has become very thick, aud is perfect
ly solid. If the ic goe ouf 'wiih'a
sudden rain, there is danger that our
bridge will go off again, a there , is
nothing strong enough to withstand
this thick, solid Ice, if it goes out with
a sudden heavy flood. If the ice were
cleared out,' above the bridge, aud
broken up to the riffle above Judge
Dais's, the Hanger might Dot lie so
great. .We would recommend a strong
dose of nitro glycerine.
We have been riven to
i. i i
stand that Some gentPt-nieu having
jlil lands in this county, contemplate
moving to liouesta, and erecting
flouring mill, for the accommodation
of thrt citizens of the county, and vi
cinity. If it were a sure thing we
would give the names of the gentle
men, but as some other tonality may
yet be decided upon, we do not wish
to compromise them. If they come
they may be assured of a warm wel
come. 1
Local option is a question which
the Legislature will probably have to
dispose of in one way or another dor
ing mo present session. Petitions as
long as the moral law are sent in, pray
ing for its repeal, and remonstrances
almost, if not entirely as long, against
its repeal, are daily received. It re
mains an open question, but the pre
vailing opinion is that tbe law will not
be repealed.
Somebody bns charged Mr. Brown,
of the Clarion Democrat, with' being
opposed to the election of Jeiiks to
to Congress. This is . a mistake, be
cause that was one of our brightest
hopes that he would be defeated ; and
the fact that he was elected notwith
standing Sir. Brown's support, proves
him to have been a very strong candi
date. A bill has been reported from a
committee in Congress to it. crease tbe
duty on sugar, molasses, tobacco and
whiskey. We are rather opposed to
the increase on the last nuraed article,
because so mauy people are so anxious
to get the National debt paid off that
the v may hereafter drink more than is
for the good of their health or their
pockets. i . .
This is' tbe way an exchange puts
it: "When you want a notice of some
enterprise iu which you are interested
'sponge' on )our local paper; but if
you want any printing done, give your
order to some drummer out of town,
or some job office which cannot aid
your enterprise by giving it a notice."
Sfiss Kate Cobb is uj about the
houe, and bids fair to recover entire
ly in a short, time. We have heard
of no spread of the malady, and fer
vently hope there may be none. We
believe there are no bad cases of sick
ness in town at present. 1
Valentine Day has come and
gone,, and yet we have heard of no one
who has been favored with his photo
graph done up in c.iricature. It looks
as if people of all ages and sexes were
bound to retrench and reform these
times. "
A new paper called the Warren
County. Press, is lieing issued weekly,
at Yonngsville, by Mr. Hoag. We
have not yet received a specimen of
this paper, but understand that it is a
well-printed and lively little sheet.
Oil is advancing steadily, aud we
hope it won't stop until jt gets up to
$5; then we will see some more wild
catting, goin on about here, among
other ventures, a well in town, which
Jos. Grove proposes to put dowu.
We have received the Search
number of Ballou' Magazice, and
find it as interesting, as instructive
and useful as ever. For the price
Ballou's Magazine is the best in the
country, as it has something to suit
every taste. Love stir ies, sea yarns,
adventures, at:d poetry, engraving of
merit, and thote of a comic nature.
Published by Thomcs & Tubot, 3G
Bromtittld street, Boston, and for sale
at all the periodical depots in tbe
Among the valuable publications
of the day we clas the The Republic
a monthly published at Washington,
J). C, aud devoted U the dissemina
tion of political Information. It em
bodies each iuouth a very caieful syn
opsis of political events, is ably edi'.ud,
aud of great value to all who wUh to
follow intelligently the course of pub
lic events. It tlcserves, aud apparent
ly receives, a liberal support
. Nice assortment Ladies' Neck
Ties and Knffles at th Hat Stir. S2tf
1 1! COtlftKCTlb EVERT TUEabAT,
By Robinson A Bonner, Dealers in
General Merchandise.
Flour ft harrel ... f6.50$7.23
Corn Meal, bolted .... 2.50
Chop feed ,,.,!,.,-,. , 2 00225
Rye bushel - . . ' . 1.00
ata bUfthel - - - 60fcfct5
Corn, ears ..... 45(50
Potatoes 70&90
Green apple .... ?51.00
Beans bushel ... 8.00(3.00
Hani, aufrnr cured .... IS
nitkkfaat Bacon, siu;rci)rrd. . .. 15
il0 - K'Ai,10
Syrup . . . .
N. O. Molamea
Roast Rio Coffee No. t
Rio Coffee, beat -Rice
Butter ...
VVgA, fresh
Halt - ' -
Lard -
Dried apploa
Nails, 10.1, keg -Iron,
eommon bar '
Buckwheat flour .-
. 31
. 34
15(Vt 18
- 4.S0
. 4.00
yew Advertisement.
Mercantile Appraiser' List for For
est County for the Year 1875.
Andrew Cook 14
Jaa. I'earaall
Ford ft Lacy...:
' " " ' uarmonV rowsinr,
A. Slater
J no, Peterson
J. I. Range
W. V. JSuill
T. D. Collins
T. -I. Uowman
14 7 00
13 10 0
14 7 00
14 7 00
14 7 00
14 7 00
14 7 00
12 12 50
14 7 00
14 7 00
14 7 00
14 7 00
10 20 00
12 12 50
13 10 00
15 10 00
14 7 00
14 7 00
14 7 00
14 7 00
14 7 00
40 00
40 00
S. C. Jolmaton 1
Robinson Homier
'ieo. W. Dithri.lMre & lo
eo. XV. Hovard A Co
M. Kinalein
S. II. Hni let ,
M. Smith
A II. Partridge
II. O. Davia
John Rock
liilharil Haloon.
Joh, E. Zuver, 2 table.....
M. lttl Jr., a laules
Hettaiirant und Eutiiig IlottM,
Rudolph Strucken , 8
A Court of Appcala will be held at the
office of the County Tr-3asiirr, at the
Court Houae, in Ti'ineita on (Saturday the
27tU dy of Feb., 1875.
W. 1J. HAKliA.,
Mercantile Appraiser Forest County,
Administratrix!' Notice.
letter of ailminixt ation on the oetateol
Dr. William F Hunter, late of Tiouesla
K'inmuli, ilei-eaxed, having liet-u granted
to tho undoraignvd, notice ia hereby given
that peraona knowing tlieinwIvoH indebt
ed f Raid esuJTare required lo mako im-
loei'iato payment ol tho name, and thoi-c
having claimM againat raid cxtate will ore
wnt thorn properly authenticated for set
tlement. 1
CLARA K. HOTI.R. Adin x.
TinncHta, Pa.. Feb. Hi. IM75. 41 fit
Applications for License at February
tf ; . r T rr
sessions, loa.
Leonard Agnew. Hotel License. Tlonea-
ta Ikiroueh. ...- .
II. A. Burt, Hotel, Neillsbur;, Harmo
ny twp.
John Peterson, Hotel, Trunkeyville,
Harmony twp.
vvuaon nutn, Hotel, ooutu ragundaa.
Harmony t wutlip,
.Samuel Wiglna. Hotel. Kouth Fauiin.
tlas, Harmony twp.
P. f. Clakk, Pr. Peputy Clerk.
Jan'y 2fi, 1N76.
Whkbias. The Hon. L. D. Wet mora.
President Judica of the Court of Com
mon Ploas and Quarter Nenhioin in and for
the county of Forest, has iaauod hia ore.
eept for holding a Court of Common Pleas
Quarter Session, dec., at 'liouesta, for
the County of Forest, to commence en the
tourtn Monday ol Feb. next, being the
22d day of Feb. 1875. Notice is therefore
given to the .Coroner, JuMtit-eaof the Peace
and Coimtahles ol maid county, that they bu
then and there in their propur persons at
ten o'clock, A. M., of said day, with their
records, inquiaitiona exaininationa and
oilier remembrances, to do thotnj thinga
which to their oltleoa appertain to be done,
and to those who bound in recognizance
to proaeeiiteanaiuat the priaoneru that are
or aliall be in the jail of Forest County, that
they be then and there to proaeeuteagainat
them aa shall 1x3 just, (iivcu under my
hand and seal this 27th dav of Jan. A. 1,
l7o. T. J. VAN UIF.HF.N, Sh'lf.
BY" VIRTUE of sundry writaof Ven. Ex.
ami aliaa Veil. Kx. 'issued out of the
Court of Common Pleaa of Forest County
and to mo directed, there will ln expoacd
to nale by public vendue or outcry, at the
Court House, iu the borough of 'i'ioueala,
M ON DAY, F K BUUAR Y 22d, 1875.
at 11 o'clock,, in., the followingileaeribod
real efclatp.lo-witt'
John lleaaon for use of Charles Weaver
vb Leopold llilbroner Ven. Kx. No. H3,
Feb. Tr. IH76 C. D. No. 14, May Tr. 1872.
Meroilliott. All defendant's rilit. title.
tniereat ana claim in anil to all that certain
piece or parcel of luml aituuted in Harm tt
township, Foreat county, Pennsylvania,
eoutaiinng one hundred auroa of iiniin
proved lt.ii-1, bounded on the south by
McAiiuaaiiil Kuhua, ou the east by t'ook,
j.acKuer auu Aenta; on ma norm by A.
black, and on the wwt bv Didaou.
Taken iu execulion and to be aold aa the
piOerly nf Leopold Hllbronerat the suit
of John Ueaaou ue of Charles Weaver.
J. L. Hhauk va David Ball. Al. Vcndi.
Kx. No. 34 Feb. Tr. 1875 K. l. No. 4 Soot.
Tr. lo71. Muicllliolt. All dufcndaiit's
nubt, title. inu reKi and claim of iu and to
all thoao two (2)eerlaiu lra u of land ait-
tiate in Harmony J p., toreat Co., Pa. lot,
JWiniiiugat a poai, thein-e by land of Ka
v id Ball, south ei2lity-uight degrees east
1 18 perches to a post, thence by land of O.
L-b. Biggins norlh 2 -e,il M perches to a
1 white oak, thence br land of Dale and M it-
ford north 88 weet lit perches to atones
and thence by land ot Neill south 2
went 20 perclMw to the beginning. Con
taining 2.5 at-rea and 125 po liosand allow
n. being aaine land granted unto David
Ball by Petent ilatetT May l.Mh, 1805.
A I ao One other pieve ol land, bounded
and described as iollewa, to-wit: Itoi li
ning at a i-heatnut, tiience by land of Wm.
Allen north 88 west 131 perches to a post,
thonc by laud now Thompson north
2 eaat 0 7-10 nerehes to a rx-at. thanno hv
other lauds south 88" east 11 8 pen-hea to "a
poet, Uience by land or ueorgc riggina
south 2" 48 perches, south 32 east 25 er
ehes to the place of beginnim. Containing
48 acres CO perclies aud allowance; bring
same land granted unto David Ball by
Patent dated Aoril 18th. 1805.
Taken in execution and to ho aold aa Uia
Srnpertv or llevid Dall at the suit of J. U
Usual Terms. T. J. VAN GIESF.N.
Sheriff's Ulllce. Feb 8, 1875. , Sheriff.
Has opened a
In bis
And Id connection with bis other baaiaeas
be baa constantly In store lb
, , HOWE, -
aad wIU
any Sewing Machlno In the market, at 1M
prices, with all the
which the Companies give, and will
In any part of Forest County, and give all
, necessary Instructions to learnera.
Nee.llra for all Slaehlaea, Silk mmt TWea
always in htore.
TXDIOUTK, PA., June, 1874.
The "AmcTicaa"
, Jas. H. Fortes, Proprietor,
Bonner A Agnew's Bleek, f ,
ELM STREET, TieHaarrA, fa.
A (eat for
Dr. Morris Syrup of Tar, Wild
Cherry and Horehound.
r n tj a s
Whit Lead, perfectly par, seld aaaeii
cheaper than formerly.
Also all kinds ot Oils, Keroaen, Tar
pentine, Itontlne, Toilet Araelee, Per
fumeries, Ac., for sale cheap.
Corner of Church and Elm Streets,
Thia Ann ia prepared to do all work in
lla line, and will warrant everything done
at their ah pa to give satisfaction. Par
ticular attention given to
Dive them a trial, and yoa will not re
gret it. IS-ly.
tfOrt per day at home. Terms
9iJ fr,e. Address Geo. Stlnson
it Co., l'ortlund, alt.
11 t
slTT WEKK guara:ileel to Male and
3 I I Female agents, in their lia-ality.
Costa nothing to try it. Particulars Free.
P. U. Viekery t Co., A. giiaia, Me. 3I-4t
r. f. i
Th above letl.-a are the initials of one
nf the linehl medicines in the .xuntry.
Four-Fold Liniment, uot excelled by any
other iu the curing of I'ains ami Hor
Throat, and is especially adapted to dis
ease of Horses, Cattle Ac. See circulars
around bottles, hold by all Druggists.
Pr. J. Walker's Ciilirondit Vl
ffCttr llitUT ato a tiiiicly Vcuetnbrs
prciuu ation, ni.ulo ehietly fiom the na
tive licrbs funnel on the lower ntties (
the Sierra Nevada uioiiiitaitis of CiiUfui'-
Ittfl tlm lltltil i 1 T 1 ; t tt1'r(t,-Ti.,ti tt hf.i..l.
nre extriii-tcU tiii'ielVom without tlm u'
of Alcohol. ')lie niestion is n'Miost
daily linked. " is tho ciihho of tM
unpanilielcil success of 'i.Vk;ai; Itti
Tkkk f Our iiiiHci is. that thuv luimivi
llie causa of disease, and tho pitticut l o
covcrs liis health. They ara Ilia Kiewt
blood il!'ille-alxl a liro-givln ii inci;e,
a perfect .Itenovator iiml liivijur.tror,
nf tliA acutf.m Vfti'fil- luifdi-A In tl-
history uf the wurlil lias a ini-dicitia Imuii '
cuuiMiumli-il ) the rumaikalirit
qualm uf Vi.vKiiAii P.ittkrs ill healing Uii
. sick nf every ili-c;i- 111:111 in licir. to. Thst'
art a priitls 1'iirrative a well as a Tonm.
relieviiic C'un rusiion or larUimnaiinu ui
the l.xt ami Vucoral Grgau in ili..uas
liase.V; ,
TkCL. prgpciUes of Dr.. '.Wai.keu'h
Yt.vt.esii !itt:hs are Aperient. Diniilimetto.
Cafiai.uie! Jiiitritiiiiiji. Laxative. Iiiiretie.
BeJaiire. Counter-Irritant SuUonfic, Alla.a
Mve, ainuMiti liiiiiius.
Grateful Tliousands proelaim Vra.
10 a It Uitteks the most wondei ful In
Tifurant tliat srer suntaiudd th siukiag
No Person can take these Bitter
accord inj to directions, ami remain Ion j '
unwell, provided their bones are not de
stroyed by ininoral poison or other
means, und vital organs wastod bejoud
rojiair. ' . 1 ;
Jiilioiin. Rfiitiltcnt mid Inter
mittent Fevers, which are so preva
lent in tho valleys or our great rivers
throughout tho United .States, especially
those of the .Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri
Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland. Arkan
sas. Kod. Colorado. Hruzos, liio Qramla,
Pearl, Alabama, Mobilff, Savannah. Ko
anoke, Junius, and many othois, vitt
their vast tributaries, thrnuxliimt our
entire country din inn the Summer and
Autniim, and remarkably so tliu liij! sea
sons of ttliusual heat nnd dryness,' tiro'
invariably aecimtpatiiud hy extensive l.
mufremeiits of the stomach and liver,
and other abdominal viscera. In- their
treatment, a imitative, exci ting a m.
erful inlluciice upon tlieso tariou or
gans, is eRsentially ucccfisaiy. TLer
is no catliaitio for the jitirpose civml t
Vn. J. Walk Kit's Vis hi; a it lliifUKJ,
as tlicj will speedily remove the ihu---colored
viscid utattcr with wliielt the
bowels are londvd, at the nur.o tliu
Btiiiuilatiii tho Kocrotiotis -f t!u liver,
nnd generally rostoifiiB tho l.e.lll.
functions of tho digestive
Fortify tlio liotlj npnhixt tlisfsa
liy piiril'yin all its lluids a ith 'i.m-.i u
llriTKiis. No epidemic can Uk hH
of a system thus fore-armed. . .
1j sifislii or lntli);estio:i, iriJ
aehe, rain in the .Shoulders, t.'uux'i.
Tightness of the Chest, l)iu.s, h.r,,
Ertictatioits of tho Stoinavii. Dad Tn.n
in the Month, Hilious .ttae!.. I'alj.'.u.
tatiuu of tlio Heart, Inmimin.-ition i;f It.s
I.udks, I'm n in the region of the
iieys, nnd a Imndied other )iuint'ul ;;.;
toing, are the ollspiins of llysiep',.
One bottle will prove a better j;iia) .thU
of Its nioiita than a lir.wrt!:y ;u!v:.;!;v;
merit. '
Scrofula, or Kinir's Ft 11, .U
fi'clllll(.'. I.IIeera, i:riipi.-la. Swvhnt' Ni-e.'
Goitre, .Sriofiilotis Iii1lanuimiiii. IiuIvUm'
liillaiiiinatioa-i. A ilsiiii. i..L
Koruii, Kriipluxui of the Sjkin, Kur-j Kyc
In these, as in HHatneY eiiimtitiiliu'i.ul lil.
eiiKes,'s Vinkiiak ltirr;:s I. ,
flo.uii tiioir (riritt riuative puweu i:. V
ait oWiuale anil intrattlalil it.e..
For Inflammatory nnd Cliio;i!
lUlPlllllnlisill, (iout, llilious, r!iin::t-i
tent and Intermit tent Kevins, IHcat.x-if
the llliiml, Liver, Kiitneis mul Wlr.ihi,
tiitoe Hitters lutvn mi tuu lii tun
nre cnuxvd ly Vitiated (lined. , 1
Median lia I Disciiscs. -forsont m
pased iu Paints nir.l .MiiifirJs, such :'A
I'luinburs, T) 'pit-nettnr'. iol;l buulcin. and
Miners, as thuv ailvancr iu lift-, urn stivjci't
to paralysis of the llowuL. T.i f n-4
ajrniiKt Uiis.Aake a dui of V jLLUiitt'a V:J
KUAH llriTKiis uccaio:ailh'.
For Skin Dist'use, Krupiions. 'IVr-
tcr. Salt Itiieiiin, llltilt-lit-s, rmtK, 1'iui.c,
1'iii.tnlux. Iluils. Cai'liiiiicle.. l;n,f w.ii ui,
Bi-ulil lieinl. Kore'. Ki viiulu. lull,
8c-ui ('-. iiciihrslioii. of tho Slin, Iluiuors
aial liseascs uf thu Skin ul w luiuoui lima
or nature, nru literally ilu ii nml coiikj
cut of thu syslcia iu u short titiiti by tho uw
nf these lliltura.
riii, Tape, anil other Vt'onns,
lurking in the M -U-in of so many liumiuiJ-,
are eiluctiially ilusiruycil aud rununnl. - j
srxteiu uf iiiuilililie, li' vet iiiil'tixua. i.u ajt
tlii'liiiiiiilics ailltitu tht.yiteiu liuui uiu
like tliete llitturs.
For Female Coiuiilaiuts, in young
er uhl. inarrii-il or al the t!ii u of u ,j.
liuiiiliiMiil. or Die turn of life, thuxt Tm;;.i
Hitters ili.-p!y ilecided uu iurluance tbat
iuiliroveineiil i roou ierceplihle.
C'leuiise the Vitiated lilooil when
ever vim uml iu iiuiu itius liuistiiiK UiiuukU
tilt .kill in I'iiiijuu.. Kiiiiliuiu. in Siim;
cleane ittw1i.ii you liuU it oLi-ti nvti-4 uul
shrtrpi'.h in the r'ciu-i: iu-himc it wseu It :i
fuul : Tour teluia "'ill tell von u hcu Kwef
Uia blood pure, and Ihv Uailt of the Utu
will fulluu-.
M. II. SlrlMKAI.I A ()..
Drufiruui ui.i tire. Airt... Jvm rruin-i.oo i; .ki.
asii cr. ul WnL.nirl.-ii nul t'liuill'-ii .-.I.
I4 b all ! ual i4 !
ALL OPKKATIONS perlalniiiK to 8ur
Kical or Mi-clmnii-ai I'eoiistry - per
fornieil ith care, and wai runted. I guar.
an lee mnwiw or refund the uioiiev.
Ulllce in liU ANWN Itltll'K ULOCb.'.
Item. .1.1 tier .1 ..i
j . - r t r a.