The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, February 03, 1875, Image 4

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    I " ' - ' . -
Jhtrg M---M. ITTL, Jr.
Cliaaen. J. R Hl.lna It u lr-J. 'to
,o.ei'men H. j. w i T t
U'Kd, J. a. Prop.r. .
n'iT r' "-W. p- MarclUlott,
aoxool Urtor--l 8. Knox, II. O. Da
J.;, wmoott, 8. H. Haslet, A. B.
v. viarx.
Pridtnl JudaeI. TV Vi
Aitociitl Judge Amokbw Cooa," Joa.
.Ar(r T. J. Vaw C!imki.
7VfM4rr 8. .1. Ni-tiiv
iVoJononry. Ilraitr&
r. M. Ci.aric, Pr. Dopt.
tmmuiorir Jouw Taoxraow, Jab,
Cbunry '9iiprififnrfrnf S. F. Ttnnaca.
JKttriet AtlnrneuS. n Ir
Jury CmmiMioiiri-Jaji. FltK.Wm
Omtfy AVrtx'yor S.T. tltwiw.
IJorontr M. Ittkf., Jr.
County A uditortT. H. Co8, L. Wa
kh, O. Jamikkok.
Mrmotrof Vongrn 19th DittrUlC. B.
AitnnblyJ. B. Aansw.
CTmtt o 7Vain
At TIOXnSTA BTAflOX, on and after
v viovvr v, 4.01.1
Train M . . .
10:44 a. m
M . -
Train SI - ....
9 . . . .
" M ...
Km p. tn.
8.44 p. in,
a:-w a. tn.
4:11 p.
2:38 a. m.
u m mver Divialon 1. .
from Oil City
Irvinotsn, no th river i North ( down
Sb rWar, null). '
" " Announcement.
We are authorized to announce the
name of Henry Swaggart aa a candi
date for Constable of Tioaesta lioro,
' Billa have been aent out bv M,
7, Tate, Etq , for subscription due
to Iba FoRMr RrruBtiCAfi. Thene
bills are not oura, but the company's,
if whom we bought tliia office on Jan
tiary 1st, 1873. We Collect our own
bills.- . tf.
. itov. Ijuslier will preach iu the
M. E. Church on nextSundny morning.
Union babbath School at 10:00 a. m
' A n. M.II....I- . .t I J
. t utciunuiQk vuurcii was acu
icated in Iliilgway on Sunday last.
.-?X8; this week present to the view
ol our readers "the Auditors' Report
or AO, ii win uear inspection.
A. U. Steele, Vice Preaideut t
lha Pennsjlvunia Petroleum Iioad, has
ur thanks for favors received.
1. Davis has commenced build
ing a law oflice north of the one occu
pied by Mercilliott, where be will dis
pense law wheu it is finished
T ... . a i it ..
uireuugn are neia in.tue
Presbyterian Church on Wednesday
eveuing, and iu the M. E. Church "on
Thursday evening. . : -; ,
The river being frozen oyer , and
fti Ice bridge, spanning it, Hunter's
bridge is not patronized to that extent
vc&lch a stockholder could wish.
f -The New Bethlehem Press has
been revived, and is now published
. regularly. The place U said to be
growing rapidly. ;, '
The spring elections arejeing talk
d np, but it is impossible to get the
programme for our place at present.
Wj suppose there will be two tickets,
. Col. Thomas is out among the
people again, and will soon he as
tout as ever. Judge Dale iss'ill con
fined to the house, but is improving
-The American flag is "to be rahed
on the Capitol at Harrishurg during
the hours or session of the Legislature,
mud to 'be taken ,.duvn Immediately
upon too cioso thereof.
F. W. Hemlock, Music Publisher,
278 West Sixth St., Cincinnati Ohio
end us n new piece of music, for
which he has our thanks. All orders
aeut to hiui will recti va prompt atten
tion. - . ' 1 '
Other ' places are , complaining
Joudly about "tramps," who infest
their neighborhoods. Thua far aa
have been comparatively free from
them, and are perfectly willing to re
main so.
The Superior Mills aro turning
out a great quantity of boxing for
wholesale houses in Pittsburgh. Tie
boxes are sawed, fitted and marked
and shippsd by rail and are put -to.
gather after arriving tlere. This 'es
tablishment employs about twenty
five men this winter, and will proba
b'y emptor more as ioii as spring
rThe roan wio tpritklci a shea oq
hia sidewalk now, may ' W written
down at ooo who loves lis, fellow men; may be sure of(the everlaiting
enmity of the boya who iwo sleds.'
Andy Johnson was ejected U S.
Senator from Tenneaace lieentlv. The
' ex-ivesideiit has a passiok for office-
r-i refiueni nas a passiok lor office
T . i . I . "
holding, wSich hat pursuit him re
. . . .
lentienly ever aioca he waa an. alder
roau. ' ' "
The river is used as a -highway
at present, the Ice being ivery '. thick.
Teaming is dona from.twi mi lea tp
the river, the river being the road
used. It has been several years since
such performances wero practicable. ;
-A gentleman in Warren recently
received a letter from a lawyer of this
place, which claimed that Tiouesta
had "more legal talent to the square
acre than any town in Western Penn
sylvania 1" That's a pretty big claim.
The 14th iust. is St. Valentine'a
day. In this section the day baa be
come almost entirely devoted to send
ing caricatures, instead of the aoul-
stirnng poetry which used to be lent
to fair wumeu and brave men. .. ,
We have received fro,ra J. B. Ag
new, our Representative at Harria-
burg, a copy of the Report of the
Auditor General for 1874; also other
documents, which he Ims from time to
lime sent us, for all of which we ex
tend thanks.
The Kansas snflerors aro being
provided for by relief societies in the
cities round about us. We have ll a
names of a committee authorized to
receive contributions and will furnish
their names to any who wish to give to
the cause.'
Lumber is being rafted in on the
ice at Uear Creek and Lacytown. This
has only been done within ;he last
five or six years, as it was before con
sidered impracticable. When proper
care is taken, however, it is now deem
ed perfectly safe. -
Yesterday was "ground-hoe day."
and the shadow could have been dis
tinctly seen had his hogship taken the
trouble to look for it,ticordiiig to
tbe old prophecy, we are to have six
weeks more of cold weather. We
calculate to watch that this year.
Sleighing parlies aie now in or
ler. There was one party went to Ty
lemburg one evening recently, and an
other is talked of. to Co to Neillshurrr
j u'
The old style of long sled boxes filled
with straw and lots of robe to cover
the sleighriders, prevails.
A shooting affray occurred at Tr.
lersburg about two weeks ago, in
which ou Coiiser was shot' in the
head by a rauu named Catts" Whis
key and carda were responsible fojr the
affair. There have - been no arrests
made as yet, we believe. ,1
w The Court Proclamation and
Trial List for February Court appear
iuthis Utio. The list 14 the smallest
o have ever published. - Whether thin
argues better or worse times, we don't
preieud to prophecy, but are iuclined
to take, the bright view of the matter.
No one has said "Military Com
pany here for some time. There was
a time wheu we considered the forma
tion of a company a sura thing, but
the subject has gone to rest for the
time being, but we expect it to break
out anew iu the spring.
The 22d inst. is a legal holiday,
on account ..f Washms'ton havinir
7 O
been born on that day.' If it waeu't
fr our attention being called to. the
fact, we would forget almost all the
holidays which our Legislature has
from time to time niad legal.
Some party or parties are poison
ing dog, about town. This looks as
if preparations a ere being made for a
graud steal. We would advise all
who have any articles of value iu tho
house to procure fire arms, and he
prepared to give night larks a warm
The Tiltou-Beecher case still oc
cunipi the attsntifin of il,o mill. -
' fi"Huu
Judge Neilsou'a court,. The prevail-
ing opinion is that Mr. Tilton will
mo coveieu aamaeea. t
but the question of Beecher'a guilt or
innocence will probably still remain
an open question with a great many.
Next wook a Market Report, em
bracing all articles of produce bought
aud sold iu the provibiou and grain
line, will appear iu this paper, and
will be corrected from week to week
byG. W. Robinson, of the firm ot
Robinson fc l.onuor. We had intend
ed to publish it this week, but on ac
count of a pres ol advettiting and job
woik, arj ui at!e '0 do so.
, J , .
Several loads of 'staves a day
cam in rrom towards Tvlersburg last
week. They are piled at the depot,
awaiting transportation by rail. Geo.
Morgan has been hauling ' in some
heading for barrela, which we Wlieve
re to be aeot to the same nani.
. " "
- 1 receive the staves.
-A .1 . . ..
a. gouneinan goi on tne wrong
portn tne other night, and theinmaloa
of the house procured all their (ire
arms and with beating hearts awaited
the attack of a burglar. It was ex
plaiued the next morning by a neigh
br whete house the stranger win Irv
ing to f3od.
We are sorry to learn that Kale,
a daughter of T. EL Cobb, is lying
quite sick with scarlet fever. It is to
be hoped that she will soon recover
her usual health. She is having the
best of t-aro, and the prospect are
good for her recovery. It is a terrible
disease, and we hope will not spread.
The following directions are civ
en for detecting counterfeit fifty tent
notes now in circulation: On the
counterfeit the lock of hair in the
corner of Deiter's forehead touches
the hair at each end, while in the gen
uine it is a "C" ahaned Jock, and
touchea ouly at the lower eud.
The law protecting sheep and lay
ing a tax on dogs, the petition fr
which we have published, for four
week, seems like'y to be passed. We
hear of no opposition to the law, and
our Representative will unhnuhtedly
Conform to the wishes of the majority
of his coiiHtitueuts and advocate the
passage of the bill. -
During the three weeks of g'eigh-
previous to the rain, on Thursday last,
there were hauled to the bank of the
creek, at Lacytown, 10.000,000 feet
of boards. Most of this lumber came
from Cobb's and Lucy's mills, whil
several others contributed comparative.
ly small amounts. All tho lumber-
men have moat 1 of their rafting
- au
rtnning c ntracUil, and we will h
lively. times when the spring floods
come. '
The Government detectives have
been visiting the banks iu Pittsburgh
for tbe last two or three days for the
purpose of looking up all unstamped
cheebs. it la said considerable inter
est has been felt upon the part
some who have neglected to comply
with the "stamp act" and in the future
there will be no more omissions
comply with Uiic'e Sam'a demands in
this particular. The fine for each
offense is $50. y '
Sliding down hill, resulted in one
of our citizens getting hurl one even
ing last week. We understand that
he was stauding entirely out of the
regular sl.ding track; and the running
oi a siet against him partook very
much of cofd-blooded maliciousness.
1 he unfortunate gentleman was trip
ped up and thrown ou his face, receiv
mg some severe contusions. There
was nothing done about it. .We are
In hopes, however that we will not
hear of another such case.
A, II. Partridge, at hia ware
rooms, opposite EiuuUio's store, has a
full assortment of furniture, plain and
fancy, constantly on hand, which he
sella at hard-time prices. Everything
usually found at a good furniture store,
will be found here. lie also repairs
nrokeu furniture, and repaints and
vanish's those articles which need re
touching. He has recently added un
dertaking to his business, and keeps
f..ll r ic... .. i
.-.i. dujjjjij ui vuvoua amu casaeia on
hauds. .
Uraad MaalnU KcValM.
The twenty-seventh day of Februa
ry will be a memorial day .in Louis
ville in more ways than one; on that
day we shall have not only the great
drawing of the last Library Concert,
b.K alio the great musical treat of Gi
niore'r renowned orchestra. Gilmore
is the ieer. if not the aonerinr of Tho.
.1 m . t , . .
uuore 4 uomaa r 01 uuuau. in is is
bis first visit to the West, and except
fir the gift concert there is little prob-
ahi itv int mi 1 .1
have heard hia wonderful perform
ance. In the East poopld travel a
hundred miles or more to attend one
of bis concerts. Remember that only
thoM who hold at, leajt a coupon tick
et in the drawing cau gaiu admiMion
to the hall.
, 2000 pouuda fresh buckwheat
flour, at Robinson & Bonner's, three
dollars per hundred. 42tf
Go to the Hat Store for nicest
furnishing goo:ls. , 32tf 1
A note drawn in favor of R. 8hotts.
signed by Geo. T. Latimer, and en
dorsed by R. Shotts, for f 119.60, dated
sometime ia October, 1874. baa been
lost. AU persons are hereby warned
not to buy or negotiate said note. Tb
finder will please leave it with G. T.
Latiaier, Tionesta, Pa. . ' 39tf
x For Sale.
The old Hoi mes House property is
offered for, sale oii very reasonablo
terms. This properly consists of two
acres of land, a barn, suitable for liv
ery, size 10-5x40 feet. The foundation
of the Holmes Houe contains a large
amount of first class building stone.
l ite land i suitable forgardening.and
.in mper care win ra w superior
vegeiaoies. ihis oronertv will hp
eold cheap. For terms enquiie of the
euiior ot tins paper, or of V. t . Gilles
pie. Whig Hill. 33tf.
x nan oucawueai uur anrt raw
L I I. . I . n .
Crop New Orleans Molasses, at Robin
sou t Bonner's. 35tf.
T.. T I I . . m- .
iP uaiwiij, ai iinioute. has
the most extensive and best selected
lot of Fishing Tacklo that we have
ever seen in a country store, and at
astonishingly low prict-s. 4 6m
Speciai, Notick. We call atten.
tion of our readers t the advertise
ment of the well known hiisinena firm
of John Stevenson's Sons. '1 hne con-
emulating the puri-hase of mda in
their line will find this to bean opp. r
tuiiity rarely offered. The firm ia n
old aud reliable one, ami their repre-
seuta.ious may bej relied upon. 31 3m
Go to the Hat Store sijrs of the
Big Red Hat Tidioute, for best as
jvitmrui, nam, caps ana iiirs. Also
neckwear, underwear, hosiery and
gloves for men, women aud children,
at lowest cash prices. 32tf
Nice assortment 'Ladies' Neck
Ties and at the Hat Store. 32tf
New Advertitemeut.
Application for Licence at February
T '
oe.siuns, loa.
Leonard Agnew, Hotel License, Tionea
ta Korouch.
H. A. Burt, Ilntelt Neillaburg, Hanutv-
John Peterson, Hotel, Trunkeyvilla,
Harmony twp. .
Wilnon mith, Hotel, Sooth Farundaa
Harmony townudip. - .
Samuel WigiruiK, Hotel, South Fagun-
t . JH-'CLAK,t' Pr deputy Clerk.
Jan'y 28, 1875.
v berk ah. The Hon. L. D. Wetmore,
rresiouut Jiiilire of the Court of Com
mon Pleas and Quarter Setthioini in and for
tiie county of Forest, haa Issued hia pre-
cepi mr noiainga court of Common PKh
(Quarter Somnioiih, Ac, at Tioueata, for
" VUUM1..Y ui roresi, to comuieuce on the
fourth Monday of Feb. next, beinir tbe
2d day of Feb. 1875. Notice i. therefore
Riven to the Coroner. Justir-naortiia
and Coustalile. ol said couuty, that thuv be
then aud there in their propor persons at
ten o'clock, A. M., of .aid dav. with their
recoruH. llimiisuions einiiilnnfion !
other remembratieea, to do thiwo thing,
which to their otlleea appertain to be done,
aud to those who bound in recognizance
to prosecute against the primmer, that aro
or .hall be in the jail of Forest County,that
they be then and there to prosecute again.t
ouii oe just, wiven under inv
nmiu anu aeai inia 27 tn dav ol Jan. A. U.
oaf. . 1. il, V UlhSCH. HQ I.
ri Y VIRTUEofaundry wriUof Ven. Ex.
ami alias Ven. Ki. iiuii I nm nr ti.o
uiun oi ;oiiihioii fieaa or Kornst fniito
and to nie directed, there will be exposed
to Mtie by public vendue or outcry, at the
vuunr uuuae, iu toe noroun oi xionettta
on '
at 11 o'clock,, m., the following doecribed
real esUte.lo-wit:
John Heaaon for use of Ch.rle. W... .r
v. Leopold Hilbroner Ven. Ex. No. 83
Feb. 1 r. IMa-C. U. No. 14, May Tr. 187!
Mercilliott All defendant's ritrtit. litle,
luterost and olaim m and to all that certain
piece or pan-el of land aituuted in Harnett
township. Forest county, Penn.vlvania.
containing one hum
urwu i
acre, of umui-
proveu lau i, Douuded on the south bv
MoAuua and Kuhnn, on the east by Cook'
Idw-kuer and Zeuts: on the north hv a'
lilac, and ou tiie west by Dodnou.
Taken iu execution and to be .old aa the
properly of Luouold Hilbroner at tli .(
of John Ueasoii use of Charles Weaver.
J. L. Shank va David Ball A I. Vandl
Ex. No. Si Feb. Tr. 1875-E. D. No. 4 Sept.
'Ir. 1874. Meiuillaolt. All defendant',
riitht. title, intei-ont and ciuiui m in a.w i.
all those I wo (ii) certain traubt of land sit
uate in Harmony Tp., Forest Co., Pa. l.t,
t-uiiiiiiijij at a puai, munce Dy laua Ol 1 li
vid Boll, Douth eighty-eight degree, east
118 percuea to a ot, thauua by uiud of U.
S. Siicgins iM.riU ,tibl M Darchea to a
white oak, tbeuua by Undo Daiaand Mil
ford nortli 68" we.t 118 nerciies to .ton. -a
and thence oy laud ol Neill south
wet M percue. to tbe beginning. Con
taining Zo acre, and lz. perche. and allow-am-e,
u-iiig .aiuu laud grant d uiiio David
uaii ny 1-eieiu uuteu Ai.y l.itli, lstio.
Alo One other niece ol land. ikuiiiiImI
and described a. lollowa, to-wlt: Resin
ning at a chestnut, thenoe by land of Win.
Alien north 88" west litl peiolitM to a pwi,
thence liy land now Thompson norm
f eutit 6V 7-10 liercbea to a Doat. thenae bv
other laud, south 6 eust 118 percue. to a
put, tlience by laud of Geoiu Siggma
aoutb 2 48 pel-cue., south S1Q east 'i is r.
che. to the place ol tieginuiug. Containing
48 acre. Mt percbe. aud allowance; oeiug
aaine land graulad unto David ii.ll by
; -uiBiu ualea April I8tii, IfVib. .
luKcn in execution aud to be aoldaa the
roiierty of li.vid Rail at Ine suit of J. L.
Usual Terms. T. j. VAV Q1EHEV.
Sheriit 'a Utlloe, Feb. S, 1875. khurilf.
OB WORK aaatly executed at this office
at reasonable rata.
1875.-- t n k 1875.J
Devoted to the '
Best Interests of the People.
The COMMERCIAL will hereaflar, M
heretomre, be devuu-d to the support ot
ltep"h'iaii principlon, nialntaininVlu In-dopem-e
tr;M.i tho Ropubliran Party, and
elniintna; the r.Kht at all time, to "apeak
freely and rarli-ly on the nipriu of m, n
and ineH-Moroa. Party Koveni!utnt ia e
aentml to n onHtitntionai ,
Jonrnala claiminff to be lndfDenfe'nt of
ple. Kaithfo to th i-i ...i.i '
aims upon, wi.i.-h the Republican Party
waa biwed it U tho ni.mthp.o,,, of no
y.lely becauae It believe, that party li
founded on rrincinlM nt ir...i., J..., i.. .
. i.,-Villn minn- ninir lha nn
tice. u-
THE EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT',","(:,A, wiI1 ontain. from
oay to day. contribution fr... .1.1- ,
trs up,,n all ubje. tal'.,l1tie, JJtararv.
and LocliB wlih-.b its viewa will be set
ia the advanctm,iit r n,. irilT;. . ...
all aectlona of the country. "
WJi! "lwy8 "t'n brief but accural rt
. me m-curren.-ea or ilia d.r.
liberal tzoenditurxa will i m.,i.. 1- '
coririK K--lal telegram, and i-orrenpon-aenee
rrom the irreat newn
-..v. llln reanern or the C nimer
cea can alwaya rely on being eerved with
early and r iahla ? u lla
In the dopartmenl dovoted to Uia nub.
nplete daily history or the city and iu.
viroiiH, gathered by a cup of creiul
iter and net forth 111 attrajiive atyla
Will k.rt..r.. . .
ir"i'.'.,.f Uil tei!'' report of tb.'suiu
-:. "iiii rrn, current, will ba
e'v ' d"y 'V''" the Trade Center. l
ibia country and Knrm ri.-. r.... J
ed fully and ax-eurate y. A. a conmier.
end Journal tUvVununJ, .u,u"iTnd
to no pier in the country. wuu
The KinanHaJ Column will Kiy daily
the ruling rales tor in. ...At.
oi Stock. ad Bod8 4t a,-,
XSfc W"h U'UCh ia& atatSS.
tobracinit Poem a. Skcu-hea T.i.i..,,. r
Travel etc., will dnd a place hi the oo.
iinin of the ti?.mmercial, furnikhing;
ai unilHiice of iniru tion a"d auiuk.ui.ut
for the fondly circle. .
Daily Cumnierchi
Postage Free to Subscribers.
By mail, imr aimnnn
Bv mail for six month.
By mail for three months
By mail for ono month
$10 liO
'. 4 00
- 2 0
- We beg to atate that Postage will be paid
at this office, free, on all Kdiliona of Tu
C-OXMKROIAI., vent to Subserilmra n.,..
tho new Law to take eflect on the 1st of
January, i75.
Weekly Commercial!
Will oontain in condensed form al' the
l!nll"oVn.?-'hie IrJ,ceed'(" or Congreaa,
t . '"'at'i'-ea of Neighu.ring
tion.; .ml""8 PM-, ehoto.
fAmnlnt.U !.!.. I ,n
uwnipicic eew y iviarKeineports
npeciauy j-rejiared for it.
be aeut . I
Postage Free to Subscribers.
Each Hubacrihar. at an r. -
will alae be entitled to a copy of our new'
Illustrated Monthly Magazine,
tnie or the handson.eit and best publica
tion, of it. kind in existence. """"
. (Postage Pre-paid).
Two "dX?" 'e"r, l,,cludl,,K
Ten Coplea, " ' .. J
rive copies, urninuiii. uh I
.roij vupiex, - and over " 1 25
And one extra copy to the getter up of club
- Aanitiona mav ha imulu to a ci..k .....
time durlnir the ve.r. at the cloi. r.ri. ,i.'.
.uinoriptioiia c.iitinuliig a Full Yba m nine me auclitiou. ahall have
Postniasters reqawited t0 art aa agent.
--- -- i- - '.in,-, i orini
I SNh in advance. Remit in lrait. ... i.,-.
orllce Money Order., if iKwsible. nmi h.
neither of thoMi can ba procured .end the
the I
uiuot-y in rrgiHiercil letter,
dreas all order, and lettera to
ar-r)oecimen inoina urn rnt-L
ci rn p io t ?
Cnexoalled by anv Weekly Literary Pub
lication,' ICaat orWee.
iii i'iWJH) XTA TJuH.
ine moai noeral pri mltim. and Club
jaw ever ouereu uv anv new.iper.
W rite for a Circular contaiionr full inior.
nation, etc. iei lin.ii copiu. fUrni.hed
on application. Addrc.
r, Chleao, nUnoia.
Pr. J. Wallior's Cnlirornla Yin
fpir irillcra aro a pnrelv Ve;etabHi
piepaiiitioii, tiuilo chiellv fi-mn tlm ni.
r live liei I loiind on tiie lower ranircs al
tie Mi'iia .ev;idilinouiitiimauf fnlifor
liiii. the medicinal juopci tica of which
are cxtiiu-ied ilnMcfioui w itliout the usa
of Alrohol. Tito qiiestioii is aimnsi
daily nsked. "Wlmt is the cimae of tUe
iiMnnillciil mioccaa of Vixkiiak Hit
TKitsf (mr ii 1 1.- wit is. tliut they remove
the cmiHS of iliKt-asc. mill tiie paiicut re
covers hi lit-aUh. They aro the greu
bliMid nnilici- ami a lil'c-x'ivhii; pi iiu-iple,
a .-ili-i-t Ileum ator mid Invioiittor
of the svHieiu. ' Xcvcr beforo In lira
hintnrt uf the world li.-w a imilicin. Iwrpa
i-oinioiuiiilnl ,i.-w.iii)f the : reiiiarkalii
.naiiiiiM uf liirrKM in healina tha
.ick of every iii-cii. man in lieir to. Th.y'
are a irriiii. I'urifaiivo a well an a Torn,
ralieri:: InnrcMiim or Inllmninalinn ti
the l.ivr ami iKtrl Orfau. ia UiUaaa
Ij )!.
The iirojiPi Ups cf Dr.. Wai.KKa'a
Vi.vkoak IliTi lilt are Aperient, lli.iilinrotic. 1
Carmiiiative.'XuniiiimA. I.n-jntir. lliuretle,
iiedalive. t'oiinrer Irritant siiihirilic Altar.
wre. ami .in-
- Gratefal Tliminntli preclalm Tr
xoR Hitters the most wonderful liv
Tijt ir.iit tiat ever suataiuod. lb sinkiag
ayntem. "
No Person ran take these Bitters
according to directions, and rctnnin long
unwell, provided their bones are not de
stroyed by mineral poison or othev i
means, and vital organ wasted Lera4
llilions. Remittent and Inter
rtiittent I event, Iiieli are so preva
lent in the valleys of our jrrcnt rivers
throughout tho United Stntos, especially
those of the Mississippi, Ohio, Nlissourl,
Illinois, Tenneaee, Cumberland. Arkna
sus. Red, Coloiiido, llrazoe, Uio Ontnde.
J'enrl, Alulmiini, Mobil o, Sitvnnmih, Ite
anoke, James, and many others, with
tlieir vital tiiliytaiie.i throiiRlioiit our
entire country diirini; the Hummer ai;4
Autuiiin, mid remarkably so during sea
sons of unusual heat mid dryness, .'are -iiivnriuly
'iccouipanicil by extcmiivt da-
raiijiomeiits of tho stoniitcli and lire.-', '
and other abdominal riscera. In their "
trentmont, a piirpitlvo, exerting a pow
erful iiilliicnce upon tliese various er- -
Bans, ia cKKciitiiilly iicccMnrjv- There -is
no catlmi tic for tho purpoNe eqnal
Dn. J. VYalkkii'm Vinkuak Rinitna,
as they will speedily retunvo the dari- .
colored viscid nntter with widen t!:e v
bowels are loaded, at tiie same tlm .'
stimulating the secretions of the-Uvtr.
nnd Konernlly restoring the heulliTf5
functions of the digestive organs. -, -
Fori ify the lioily auhiKt Ue
by purifying all its fluids with Vi.aiA
RiTTKiia. No eiiidumlc can Ukt lui4
cf a system thus lore-iirniird. ,
Dysiiejisia or IiMlieNtioir. Ts
aclie, Pain in the Shoulders, Conjck.
Tightness of tho Chest, Dimness, ttur
Kructations of the Stomach. !mI 'l aare
in the Mouth, llilious Att.-icl.s, Pa'pita
tatlou of the Heart, lufliimmaliuii of tit
l.ungs, Tuiii in the region of ihe kia
noya, and a hundred other jmijiful syiii.
toms, nro tlm orl'spiings of Dynprpj....
One Imttlii will prove it lieiter gu.-ti-uuite
of its uioiiu Ihiiii a lc:i.-t)iy ai!v;'.U.
incnt. .
Stioriila, or li lilt's. Evil, We
Rwellingx. i;icM, Rryaiie:a. H-r!il Km k.
(ioitra, Scrol'iilnii. luililuiiliaii tu. Imi.leal
Iidlaiuihiiiionit, ilin cin iul A ll'ut-liiiiK, V.i
Kuriw. Ki iiii..!iol lliupliii. Kure Kr..
In the:., ax'atj nlT iWliiB-ruKKtitmiural I'ij
eaMM, IIittsii. k.r.
fliuwii tlieir (treat viirative ur. ia u
aiuKt uUtiuatu and inlr.ctaiil. i Ht-.
For Iiilluiuniatoiy miil l'liro:;U .
UllPllllllltitilll. Gout. Ililioi!.. KVmit.
tent mid Intel mittent Kevera. Dioeane. -f
the HIihnI, l.iver, Kidurva ami ll'miile;, liittem have no iu,d. tjum Di.ini
are canned by Vitiiite.Mllood. . -
Merliiiiiit iil Disc iikcs. rYrsoii Mt. ,
yaged iu Paints nnd 'Mineral, siftli m
I'lioubeni, Tyie-netiuii. Uohl-liaalern, aiii
ilinem. a tlmy uilvauc. in life, are n.i.jna
to paralyaia nf the ltnw-n!. To g-n.irU-aaiiit
Uiw. take a iIum f Wai.kku'i Vi.
Ku.a IIittkii. mca.-iiiii.lly.
For Skin Diseases,' Ki -uption, Ttt.
tcr. Sall-ltiH-iiiii, l(liitclii-. Sni. Tmi.iti.
1'UKtuleii. Il.ul., I'ai'liuiicliK. Iting-vui'ui,.
rjfttlU heiul. Kore t'ye-i. Krvinela. Iirfc,
8curl. IhMriiliirulioim nf the' St ilt. INawM
ami iiraeii uf ilin Skin nf . iuitnv;:' kii-.
r iiuiure, are lilcrully tltiar uj) nnd rurnej
out !' tlm aivluiH iu a Khurl thuu I y il.t fc
of then. Ilittpi.
1'iH, Tape, nntl other AVorms,
lllrkuiK in the si rtuiu ol i inmir tliaii;uuuii,
art elliclully iWlinvi'il and n-iiinirJ. X.
v.U-ni 4 iiiwliciiiv. liu vei'iiiiriifn,, u. H'A-lln-!lliiliitii
lie the yai.ia U-JU muu
like tlirxe Hitters.
For Female Complaluf s. tHyoc:
' or old. iiiarru-it or iiic.. nt ilirl. u ..f u
nmnhouil. or the turn nf life. tb... Turn.
Ilitt.M diapiay mi dw iilpil an hiliuaiii.. Uiat
iuiprm viubui is toon pi-rititililv.
(I. -aiis the i I liiteil Itlooil
sr.r ymi lind iu iiupurni.a liuriiug il:wuf. .
tha ok in in l'iiii(,. Kruptiiui. ur em u ;
clean, it aben yuu and it uWlrnut.4 aoi
Iul'ki-Ii iu th. nun: i-li.
MUi ; yuur :eeliug., will lell yuu lu-u
tiie blood pure, and 111. iicullh ol tii
will follow.
DnifirUu auil li.-n. Air)'..Hiiu Kraii'.-Ii t:n
aa4 wr. of Wtuthinirluu ami (bitiHuii St.
oia by all Ui u auit l .
h AU UPRKATltlNS peruiidnic to 8ur
' t 'Vul or Meelmiiicai lienti.ti y Wir.
. W.V( .u ..iiHinKi, j Buar-
aiiio. uece or rcliiud the iiion.v,
Utliie in Oll.i.Si4A falUCk iiLOCK.
KeiiK UiOar tii place.