" ' Hill RATTLESNAKE. " ' 5 . One da? last week fouror five tin. trohcrs weut into, Macomb county to shoot squirrels ami kick . thelc shins npftinst logs ami fence rails. The? liarl just eaten a cold lunch in tlie woods one noon wheu ono of tho party, a young man named Dougherty, stretch ed out on his back, pulled hisliatover his eyes, and pave his mind up to the work of assisting his body to catah n little rest." The remainder of the par ty having an tnidersinnding before hand, quietly withdrew, one by one. Ono of them passed around to a bush, near Dougherty's aud took tin rattle-box from his pocket. Another stood close to the j-oun man's les, and, in a suppressed voice, when the signal waff given, whispered: "For Heaven's sake I Dougherty, don't move as much as a finder! A iig rattlesnake is right under your leg!" Dougherty was flat on his back, eyes covered, arms sprawled out. and his voice trembled as replied: . "My God! what shall I do? "Keep perfectly quiet 1 It is your only hope! If you even raiao a finder he will dart his fangs into you!"' ' Tho man with the rattle box gave it a shake, aud reached out and laid a club across Dougherty's legs, 'wliilo the qther man moved off about twenty feet and exclaimed : ' "Heavens, what can wo do ?. If we shoot we may kill Dougherty." The club was rolled oh" on the ground und the victim whispered : . "For mercy sake kill ir' The club was rolled nVer his legs again, the box shaken, And the uiau whispered back : y "Be quiet or :t is instant death! I think the Inake wants to go to sleep, and if you will keep stilL you will be all right" . ; The box was shaken) the club moved around, and finally tj.e "snake" ttcta ed to Dougherty to settle down on his breast, lie dared not whisper for fear of rousing it, but one of the men called out: ' ' . "There it is aalcep. We'l Imove away and wait for it to glide off!" ' ' The whole crowd moved off behind a bank and laughed and rolled and tore np the dirt Amtil they were ex hausted, while pdor Dotigherty lay there like a log, not eveu daring to draw 6n ordinary breath. Tho sweat rati down his face, aud started out. from bi body until his shirt was wringing wet. The fellows took their guns and tramped away, leaving him thus, and ware gone for an 'hour and a half. When they returnel Dough erty was kitting up, having discovered the joke about five minutes previously, lie did: not have a word to say, but there' was a whole unabridged diction aij iu his eyes. Tbey spoke to him-, , but for answer he rose up, shouldered his gun, made a bee-line for the high way, and none of the party has met dum since. Allegheny Valley Rail Road. Oil Creek & Allegheny River Rail way, and Buffalo, Corry & Pitts burgh R. R. OX AND AFTKR Monttnv, February 2, 174, trains will run as follows: STATIONS. Northward. Southward . M J . Xi. 1 X. I X 4 Ho. tl p in a in p in p in Pittsbunrh V Pen one Kittanninit R. IV k Juno Hm.1v Rend Parker I'.llllotiton Neruhsrrsss Franklin Oil Citv Olaouoli .. &O11I KM Rock M7 Tionexta 0:0", Tiilionto Mil's Irrinetoii 11:4." Roiiscvlllo Titnsvillo Corrv M.-iyvllle Jluilalo . a. in 2:20! 4:0: 4:n 6:4'lj :rtt fl:t 7:. !i:U.- !':t 7:a R: t:4S tt):. 10: ll:ii 12:00 1:10 l:.r'l J twill ;t:(Kl 7:4AlliJ:3V :ao 1 1:40 il:i ll:2.-i 6:20 IO.-H.il 4:4s 10:10 p in :i:.v. ::()' 11:1. 2:4M. 1:12 8:UOll:4 3:11! 4:15 S:(K 10; -2 7:T thlP ft: 7:l." KWVi 2:VI 1:.V! 7r.'S 11:10 3:.V)!I'J:.kI C:" 5:10.11:15 7:0 h 0:4 fc.Vi U:0" ni.p. mla. mla. niip. m 8:00 7 11 7::1 lilOil 6:-1 T Train run liy Philadelphia Time. J. J. u.WVRENCK, (Jonl Hup't. PENNS YLVANIaT" CTZN TRAL ' RAILROAD ON AMI A FT F. It II P. P. Sundav Mav 1. 1870. Train arrive at and leave iho 1'iiion Depot, ivinier of Waali'tutou and Liberty street, as follows; . ARK1VK. -Mali Train. l.:to a n ; Vast Line, 12.12 a m : WoU'sacfninmodation No. 1, .20 in Ilrinton aeenmnnNlntion No 1, 7.50 a in; Wall' nccoliltlinihit ion Vo '2 H .V. a m -Pin- cliinati express naitraj Johnstown ac commodation 1u."h) a ni ; riraddock's ae eoinniod:ition Xo1,7."0 pm; PitUlmrpli express l.-'WB p in; Pacific express 1.50 p m ; an areoinn'Uiiion iso .1, .:io p ni ; Ttomownnd srf.mtifnniluttnii n 1 O n.,.. Wall's aecnnimnilatimi No 4, i.M p in; HHnlon aoeoinmndiuion Xo 2, 1.10 p m; ay x assouger lu.zv p m. DEPART. ' Southern Ynris X 90 m Tairti - prevw 2.4 a m ; Wall's aeeommodntlon No 1, 6.30a in ; Mail Train K.10 a til : Itrinton's accommodation 1 .20 a m : Braddock' ae- commolntton No 1,5.10 p in; Cincinnati express 2.'.. p m; VVall's aeeoiiintodntion m .-. . . ... i, n.oi s m; jaiinnown iteeotnn'oiiRttnn 4.5pm; Hnniewnod aeconimmlution No 1. 8.50 p ill ;PhilnrMpliia express a.50rm; Wall aceOlllTllodiltlnil NnS.St.IHn n; Wnll'a acooiiunodiition No 4, fl.0J p m t Font Line 7.40 p m ; Wall' No 5, 1 1.00 p m. Tho Church Tmlns lor Wntl'i Ntnllnn every Snndnv at O.O.i a. m., renchintt Pitts bnruli at 10.05 a. m. Rclurniiifr leave Pitts hura:li at 12.50 j. ni., and arrive at Wa!l'a Station at 2. 10 p. in. .... .. t : i .1 . : 1 c. .1 mi ciuifw ifnvrn u (ill. CMjuiu- env express d:uly except Moi. in)-. All otb cr Trains daily, exeipt Siindny. . r or iucincr lniormatton apty lo - W. 11. BF.CKW1TII, Agent. The Pennsvl 1-A.nla liAilrnnd Pnninnnv will notHsnunie any Risk for Jtajtsap; ex cept for AVeai iiiK Apparel, and lin'iit thoir rsponsihility to One tlunilred Oolla 'val ue. All bnwre xonoding that a onnt in value will be at the risk of tn ... ,nur, unioas lakeu by ape'ial eontntcU A. J. CASSAl General Superintendent, Altooaa Pa. Governor Bradley, of Nevada, got on the train at J.lko, Iaet week, to tro to Palisade. , The enr was crowded, and he was compelled to 'perambulate the eutire length of the car to obtain a seat. . v . . . v "Good morning, ray son J how-d'ye do to-day, sir ?" said the Goveinor m his good-natured way, lo a big Wis eouriao, wha had generously given up balf his sent to the etraugur who had thus accoutcd him." ' . "That's all tight, my friend," said the stranger, "but dou"t make your self so familiar with me, I have beer'd of yoo J before you're ' one of them three card fellows but you can't come it over me, cot much. I've been thar myself, I have!" The Governor assured the stranger that he was mistaken in the man, that his mission was of a different charac ter altogether; but it was of no use, the more the Governor protested his iuuoccuce the more the man became convinced he had "dropped on oue of them fellers." A practical writer says he' admires plump girls, because, iu addition to other attractions, as a general thing they eat little, and like Byron, he dis likes to see a woman eat. "Thin, pale, tautimental girls," he objerves, "will consume more corned beef than a blacksmith when uo one is looking at them. At table, when gentlemen are present, one preserved strawberry 4pparently answers their needs., Fas tidious young man, don't trust to ap pearances. Because you find your fragile Dulcinea languidly playing the piano in the parlor, it is no sign that her mother is not at a corner grocery running in duht for a peck of potatoes, that she may satisfy the hearty appe tite of her dtlicate child." , . The Turks have calculated that within two huttdied years more they will have, conquered the world. The statement ia made iu all seriousness in . at) Arabic newspaper which is publish ed under Turkish surveillance. A good many persons who couldn't be hired, for love or money to saw four sticks of wood twice in two, will ' sit down and write all day ou the "la mental le wholesale ' destruction of American forests." A party of Sioux Indians stole a pat eut ice cream freezer last week thiuk ing it was a hand organ, and all the bi'' medicine men turned the crank a week befuro they concluded there was no muMi" in it. ' Allegheny Valley Rail Road. ON AXD after Monday June 1. Trains will run as follows (Philadelphia Time): TrainR leave Oil City for "Pittsburch at 2:15 p. to. H:20p. ni. and 8:3j a.m. arriving at Pittsburgh at 10:00. 3:10 p. ni. and 0:10 a. ni. Trains leave Pittsburgh for Oil C'.tv at 7:20 a. m., 1:00 and 8;:S0 p. m., arriving in Oil City at 2:3:1 a: in;, S:ln and 8:05 p. m. Trains leave Oil Citv for Buffalo at 2:45 p. m. 8:20 p. m. arriving In Buftatlo at 8:55 p. ill. 1:10 v. in. T ains leave Buffalo for Oil Cltv at 0:05 a. m. and 12:25 p. in. arriving at Oil Citv at 2:00 p. in. and 8:05 p. in. All trains (riven Hlrfivewm through from Fittxbnreh to Bull'alo and return, without change of ears. Tr.ina run on Phihvlel T'hia time, wliK.il la L'O minutes faster than Pittsburgh time. The time at Kulfalo is L. S. it M. S H'y time which ia 2S minute slower than Philadelphia time. Oil City aroiin inodation leaven Bradvg Bond at 0:40 a. m. arriving in Oil City' at 11:50 p.m. Leaves Oil Citv at 5:05 n. m.. arriving at Brady's B.md at (:15. p. in. At una uunlc Junction this rad con with the Eastern Extcusiou which, runs to Reynoldsville. J. J. LAWREXCR, T. M. KIXG, Oen'l. Kup't. Ass't. Sup't. THE i:ST SAPERV o THY IT III" The SciKNTiFio Amkkhan is I ho cheap est and best illustrated weekl v ,iaer pub lished. Kvery number conlains from 10 to 15 original einrraviiics of new machinery, novel invention. brllgrs, f nrineerlhg works, architecture, improved tarin iinplc nientM, and every new discovery in chem istry. A ycnr'a immbers contain 812 inure and several hundred engravimrs. Thous ands in volumes are preserved for binding and reference. -The practical receipts aro well worth ten time tho aulmt-ription price. Terms.- $3 a year by mail. Sjci ments. siit-free. 'A now vofuuie com mences January .3, 1874. May bo had of all news dealers. PATTMTC "btalned in the lies', terms. HI L.I1 I O Mofiela of new inventions and sketches examined mid advice free. All patents are published in the Scientific American the week they issuo. Send for pamphlet, 110 pages, rontainl-ig laws and full directions for obtaining Patents. Ad dress for the Paper or eoncerninir Patents, MUNN A CO., 87 Park Row, New York. Branch Office, cor. F and 7th ata., Wash ington D. . . w40 lni NEEBASKAJIRIST BULL. TH K'URIT UlUU at Nebraska Ijicv toVli,1 Fort (Kiunty, has bnfeu thu'r oiighly. overhnnled aurf refltto4 Iu tlrt-clft-s pnler. am) is now running auJ diing allkiiuUfrf ...... .T , ... CUSTOM 4 It I X 1 I X C. - - !,: : pt.OVR, " . FEED; ,i . . ' AND OATS. ConsWntly ou Jiand, nd ol4 at the very lowtwt liguro. i ' - 43-0411 n. W.' LEDEIUTB. DR. J N. BOI.ARD, of Tldioute, haa re'.;rnsd to his .practice alter an ab sence of four months, spent In tha Hospi tals oi new York, wiiure will altenu clls in hn prtifoHsioiu Otlice in.Kureka Drug Stare, 3d floor iKve me oaiuc, isaiouiv, fa. iKl JOB WORK DOE AT THIS -. 'REPUBLICAN"; OFFICE ; li. . l. At the lowrst oiuk prtWw, neat!ij, prompt ly, and it' tiyle tqual io tha of a!vi othtr tslnhlUhmtnt in tha Dintriel. .I I. ! i'..i; i... 1 BUSINESS CAR DS , ' 'i KHOW.jCARDS, . , -. . . - ,. :. t . '. . VBITIXO CaR14,: SCHOOL CARDS -t :! ,:ii v i: . . CARDS, . : . PROGRAMMES, INVITATIONS, ' ' (' LI.', t ...,. BALL TICKETS, I i . "Ti ADMISSION TICKETS, , , OUBSCRIBEfortlie Forcat RepuWloan ENVELOPE!? BILLEADS, LETTER HEADS, KOTE HEADS, CIRCULARS, ' ; . -.. i. . ,i! BLANKS, P OS TE R S . .:',.T,riE!s:'iil.Ni. WEEKLY, SKMI-WEKKI.Y, A llAII.V. "TltE AVl?ElC1Ys7tX U too "w'idMv known to reqnirn any 'x(inii-d rceoni uicnd it Ion but he rc-uon- whicli have already crlvon It tin v thotmaiifl sttlwcribeiT. and which will, wii hofte, giv it. niiiiiv thonsaiuls more, are brieflv ai follows : " It ta it tlrsi-rale 'rawrti'iapnr. All the news of tlin day will be toiiml In It, con (lennnil when Unimportant, nt full lctmth when of moment, niul mIwiivm iiiiuinitiui In a clcitr, intelligent ami iiilt'rcKtiuit iiiaii- it tsa Hi-st-rnto fmnilc jmper, full of en tei'iiinlirr nnd Inst nlH! vt rcnillnr of c e r.v kind, iut vmitamiiiK nothlnu llml p.n oiicnd Hie nioht ilciit-uio u ii I Hi i u unions mtn. . . ' - i - ... i. ., .. ) .. It is a first-r.ilo sUiry paper, 'Tlifl lumt tales ami roinunces of eoi-int lite rat ore are carefully scartefl and 1 fiilil vlirtnbiil in i!s puce. It is a lirxl-mte agricultural pln. The most fresh and iustructivoarticlcumi aiiii eultural tobies roiruhirlv anneur in ihiVile. rpai-tment. . -.-ii.,": ., . .,t . ,,, . ;l, It ts nn indepetidrnt roliUi M paper, lie longintt to nrt pnWy ami wenHnif inicnllai-. It lijls lor liiw eli.H!lioii of tliebetJ men to efiice. It espceially .levoten it encruics to tho ejciwisnio if the irrcnt rnrrupilons Hint new wenkrn and (lisvr:io oiirciiiitrv,:md tlne:ien to tinleriiinie npubllnii ln'st:tu. tioiis allogeiluir. It tiai no fear l knaviit, niul asks no favors from their summit. 'ii ' It reporm the fisbinri for the ln-l''- n uie inarKct.s lor the men, fspecMilly tho ciiuie-niarucis, lo wiilcli it Javn I articular attention. l .. " . Finally, It 1s the cheapest paper publish ed. ne (Iniliir n .tuir ill miiire it tor any suliseriljcr. It is not nef-aiy lo yet upa eluli In iii-dcr to liavo TMII' WFl'K- . S X -utJiia rate. , Any olie yhi send.- a miii;io oonur win get tnepajier hiraycar. . TUU.WKEICLY SUX.I-Eight, tmges, lllly-yix volitinn. Only fcl.yu a vein-. ' 'o dlscrtutits from this' i-Ate, TH K SK.M HVHKKI.Y ' SP NiSivno aieas thn Huii,v..Sun. iinlmwj A.fl.s ci.iintot 20 iier cent, to otubsof lOorovor. TIIEIi.Vir.V M'X.-A la rum f.uir-page newspaperof twentVMlght cfiluins. liailv ciixulaiion over lio.oou. , All tho news for 2 cents. Subscription prii:e 50 cents a month, or fn.tK) a year. To clubs of 10 or yr, a discount of 20 per cent. Addresa " I I IE SUN," New York City. DODGERS. HANDBILLS, LABELS, SHIPPING TAGS, Ac. . ... i. W, , . s' G si- t i -Mi s an U a. cS 3 - . . m QJ O O 3 o i rl,.,c0 &nZM .if n: ri i 03 0 H 0 0 to o M H 0 . 'fc ' 'rf' ei H y u Es I? - O & o xi a- i -i d " VI . PM o .a - H., 2 ' c 3 a. ': '".3 3E - aJ - 4s V c - in ' ? 2 3 Cm 13 8 U " O 0 03 o 4) ' E3 Of m , rt O o : E 5 c S c 5 ; - i u s " a 1-1-3 , .5 ", 5.B t. ' "3 3 v J ' 'W. oj a. PITIIOIE VALLEY R'Y. ON AMD AFTEK Monday, Juno 5," 1871, Trains will run as follows: TRAINS NORTHWARD. . STATtojea. dieopoiia, Xennett, ' Woofla . Vrathers Mill Pltholo City No. 2. ' , 10.25 a m I0.SH ' . 10.HO " lO.'.'l - ll.ts) I . : J)r. 4. nnlkrr'H Cnlil'onih Mil- rsiar lJittt ls mo. ti puicly, Vejrctabln prepiiiiitioll. Iihiilo tliicllv fi-iiiu tho n;t- ' tive tterbs I'otmd mi the lower rnutres ef tl.o Sivifu Nijviula h.iuhiihIiih of 'ulifir- , uii, tho medicinal properties f ;uo exlinctcJ tliriTfrnlii wiitiuttt tlie tivo or'Alctihnl. " "J'lio fjne.itlou .1a nllunr.t . t!lli!- iinUeil. liat is Ilia enure of llio lliiji:iliille!ci success nf V x p.n it ln-. ' 1 Kits!" Oiir answer is, t!i:it they rcmovo tlio ciiiiao of iliseiuo, timl llio paiiont rc coycis hiii health. They are the jrrpat blood puvilici and a lilo-'ivii j'l iiu iple, tf 'perfect . Ketinvntor niul lin locatur of, Uio . jyweni. Never before j;i tho . liiitury er tliu wurhl h.'i a lnciln ine been einiiioiliili.il pcicHinir the viinirKiili!i qMiiisin' Vi.tKoAU I'.i iTKlis hi himlinir llio nick of every tliscUMi 111:1:1 in heir to. 1 hey 'are r pentle I'ltnrniive as Well a. n Tmiie. rolicving 1Cm.rC"tiiiil nr .l':ll!iiniuiioii nf the l.iver and Visceral Oifmu iu iJi!io;i. l):4'Mi! , I ::' ( -. The jrrportift! of. lr.k Walkku's Yixkuaii I'llTKKs lire Apepc'it. lliiiiihuicijc. CiirtnlnrtiiVe. NntTltiniH. t.iiaiivn. Iiiiiiftic;, Svtlauv('iiuiitr-r.rritiiiit fcJitj'itic, Jir tiv, aud .Vuh-liiliiiiiK. J 1 ' n. rr. jrcnowlT.-f f-. r-..' - Irnff.t, and Q"n. Arm.. H in FT--iciin tiVf.l. and fr. ofWmsbiniriiiil itnil (1i(kltnii Via. N. V. . K:1 llf adncugl.ituj Usliu, "" H : '5 t . Ii E I O V JL . . TYa will remoYo onr H"ck of liAittbtvAnK, btoVek. v I ,', ' 4S.. TIX WARE, JROX, XA&S, . It. .1,0 ,T(t Till? MILL SUIILTldB, ' bxirun first dat or aprii?, , . 1 '' eKNKCA STlhCiiT, ' ! " .,tt until whiiHtimo we will sell at i C0 H T ' F O ZX 'C A H II . - ill, O. TINKER t CO., Of CITY. ' ; TRAINS SOUTIlWAItn, No. 1. No. S, S.o ".. " I:,1?" 1 rioi kh. .. H.fill " 1..V1 ' 11. ii " a.M " close connections BTATIONS. PithoU ( itv, Prathem Mi IT" "" Wnnfta ' llennett , . Olenpelis All Train make at OluopolU Willi ti uins on tho oil Crock Y A i.eir nfcjiy uivcr liaiiway, rorui end South. ; 1 Two Lines of Slaves run daily between Pitliole City, Miller barm mihi IMeasant ville, making connoction wiihsrriviimand departinif Trains. J. T. 15LAIK, II. WICKHAM, tup t. Ticket Aifi ut, Pltholo City, I'a. lOB WORK neatlveeoiittd at thiaefflee h'l at reasonable ratox. flKO. W. lllTll IllO'lK, " 11. 11. C'OI.MNM. fAl'L r.lMMKK.MAN, IIKII. W. RLAIH. FOP.T'PITT CLASStlYORXS.'" i) 1 t tc 1 1) n c: v v o. . Manufaoturers of every variety of , ,,!t !. .: --..Z&L. '2C .: 1 FLINT GLRSS LRMP H liiiriEYS.1 AND .1 I SILVEKEDJGLASS jREFLCCTORS, WASIIIStlTOX A I'RANKlJN STS.. . l'n iSBimrtu, J -; , : j -There Is "MioddV in class, as We'l as hi in Vooicii , fabrics. CoiiNiininr nf Jenir sene iu'e Noiiielime- almost (llsiiura'.'ed, i0 fiuiioutly tlo iihiiiinc,vs break, without mi v apparent cuiise, reuderiiu; ihe cost of cbliniieysabr iit equal totlmt ol oil. Che:ip- no bu:iin tlio. older ol tliu iluy, a ''luat iiiany niaiiufiifturiea make chiinneyji in ni silicate of liuio. Instead of from lcii.i. The inilialril may tell the dill'ureut quufitica of triads by rinnlii them : t e vibinons 01 tho lenil (tliiHS have u clear, riniriu. bell like Moiinil, powsessun the Requisite strength t withstand expansion and con- tiaolion, as weil ns the ueueraJ ic-w-uifi of use, 111:0 win oiiuasi nun a .1.... 11 01 11, e limicubisa chUnnevs. Kiltecn oents In voifted 111 one of tlio lead chimneys i. money well apent, even though it iii.iui'cs tUu "t'railo", in tho clieapur kind,, which it most assuredly ouuht til, and douinless will. Htick a pin (here, and remember It. The Kcnuine load jii.u-s cliiiuncyi may be hud at wholosiile or retail of U EO. W. DI T M HI UU K A CO., . 2 tf , Tionesta, I'a. hi. i - . . : ' t TiniorrK, Pa. Is' sel'.liii out his iiiliro stiK-k of , Vulcbr 4? Jrwctr. .1 V vimv ixttii' All pnrJTes In want f (lold und Sliver A'. tube, fiolij and s.lver A liiiins, I.a- liea' fpera Chain, he hHest stylo in eld and plato.1 seta, .Iracvleto, . Studa. fc'i.i u.,o Ibis a flrt-t class nil- poituniiv. All iriMxIs are new. no old tra-sii. '1 his is 10 liumbuj. K. Klein Hc-llj, at cost, (to and bee. N-o.4.1 W'JVC 8 yo p in ' , f&XJcrh 8.14 " Ii e3t2Sr--)l 8.10 ffHCJ TIME TRIED AND FIRE TESTED ! 'TUK OKlOlNAt. ETNA INSURANCE COMPANY . OF IIARTl''ORI, CONN. ASSETS Dee. 81, 1873, ' h n , v it n , t a r . 'v t. MII-EH W. TATE, Sub As;ent, V - - T!r.ot, Pa,- 'A FATIILY AUYICLI;. . Agents mn'e Sli.Vt per ilny, f?S per wek. AN ENTIRELY' NEW - for Doinestlo Ui. " Wiih tho NewTanteiit BUTTON HOLE 'WORKER1, .. PntenfcKl luuerth, la71, v A AV A T ! n K 1 1 T 1 1 1'. I-1 H NT I 1 ! K M IV it AT J liUAMKHICAIS INSIlTt'TMt ' ' - ' AMi i m.vuvLaxh inmhtute rAir:.i, ii. A lll'isf Woll.Jel iVI ami "eic2fti't 'con-" mr ue ,1 Senliw M.iehinp i',.r fmnitV woik.' ( niplMe b.a'l is I,ii1, IVes thefMniKlu I'.ye Poviied NceiMe. f.eif Irendin;', illrec ui.rlrhl IVsUlvr Motion, new trn-i, m self lee l aii l cto.h 4ni.1er, locrntiii br wheel an. I on a table. . I.l-ht. ruiinlni. iiootli ami tioiseliiNM, II : all 'irnoil - lilKh-prlcod ' ' niachinesj Ibis- Patent. Check 10 prevent lb when! Iielmr tnreel th wronr wav. Tses the thrend diiis t from the spotil.. Makes tho final ie bs-k atitcli. iinest ami' sir in-CHt stick Known ( lirni.ilii.ahls, ehwa x amr rapid. ( Wjll d , uu tjmi f XVora. tniA nn.l eenn-o, nm cambric to betivv -eloili or I.Aiiher, 10111 11 es nil le.-riplioii'-of thread, 'hl M ichino is linnvilv eon slructe.l tofnvoiii ..neniftlu all the parta -ot each Mai liiiiii beinir ueide alikH bv ma chinerr, and beautifully lloili'il iinil'orna IniMite I. 1 1 is very envy to b arn. Kapld... ' Hiiooth iiud t-ilftit In opfi.ilLoii l!,.li,,,U- . at nil ilincs, m,i a Pi-neiical, Scientirte, .A.eehaiilciJ liivctition, ut unatl v. induced, price. ' A k ;o.1 :ii.irp f ioilv M.wlnjr machine a- . last. I lie Ilrvi n,i. rilT -ailccesa In prot iluelnu a va imhl. Mibsi.tmui ami relia. ' hie low prieed New mr Miu-kluo. Its e tieine low price rciiehes n'feoiidittnin. 1m " Hiitiplicitv and strenc'Ii adipts it to all cnp:u-ities,wli:e its inaiiv merits inailo It a linivnixnl lnvoiiie wherevtr m-ed, aud ciates a rapid tleiiininl. v ' . . IT Is Al.l. IT s r-KfOMSlKNUKn.' . I can cliiVM lullv unil e.,mi,l..i,il w..' mend Us use to those wli am wantinii a really good Ncwlmr Miichlne, ni a low I'rice. Mrs. II. H.J A ,l KSftM, Peotone, Will Conniy, III. Price of each machine. ' "Ctasa A." "One." (wiuriuited fortivevears hvspeei4 ecriilleate. with nil the tixiiuea, and ev-r.vlliiua-cfiinpl -te belonylmr to tt, Inrlud Ina self thiea.llntr needle, packed In a utrmiK wntMlen Iiom, nnd delivered to any part of the country, bv express frea further char-res, on receipt of pi icd, only Kivn Isiliars. Safti deliverv fruarauteed. With each Mm liino we wlll Hend, ou ra ' cipt nf f I ex'ra, the new patent . ni i'iox imi.k V(ii;ki:r. - One of the most important aint useful ta ventioiis of the n.je. Sij simple and rar tain. that a child ean work the finest but ton hola-with regularity and eaao. Nlraruj " and beautiful. Siieclui terms, and extra Inducement ia MultlnmJ l-'eiuiilo Airenls, B(oro keener. Ac., who will estahllsh awenclos throuaa the country nnd keep our new machine 011 exhibition and sale. County lliulita (riven to sniwrt auTiits tree. - Aenf o tn )lete outlit. furnihhe l without anv extra -charire. Samples of Kewin, desoripUva eirciilars coniuinlni terms, tostlmoniala, ' enirraviiifrs, do., Ac, nent free. Wa l upplv : AiiltlCl.I.TI, rai, impi.emkns. latest I'nlents and infproveineata far' thn l-nruiMinKisrilen. Mowem, liwpVi, Cultivat' rs, l-rd Culters, Harrows, Farm Jlills, rianters. Jlarvcsteisi 'l'lirauhpr and all artlcU neisjeil for l'srm .work. '"'. ltai-e seisls jIt targ- variety. All Mnner sent In PustOflica Munuv ilr.lrra. lianii Iiratls, or hv H:.x press, will bo nt our rik. ' Knd aro perfectly secure. Safo delivery fcf . all ur (.kmIs iruainnieed. , " 11 " lit and rmiwiiMibl firm that ell tho best H'Kals at tlM lowest price, and ra bo relied upon bynurresidcra." (.I'ai'iuer'a Journal. New York.- . .' - Not Respousibie for KetrVstnrcd Letter. "' Address, J KttOM K It. II LMkSi rN .t CO., Corner Urenwicli fc Cuftiaiult Sta., Niw ' York. y&-fiuai 1 ORCAN3" " bcwuitiui HIT mKl 1' I'ONa . l.lt'i O .m l llllt lll.il. I II I. H l'l.s,.. bi.kt wr ilncctf In aarorl if llllMrly volf.-vi, 11.1 1 . rinvr ' I 13 II1II1MSIII I. .VI I II H I X.,irAiV. m l'lllll.llrlll IAf( ' I hin,a tlraratua - t WATERS NEW SCALE PIANOS. .. amrarreitl utv . r .om! it I i u fctiaainz ln ia an luoavtn iiHprvciint.a, ' mwl Mh mm IMnam hihi. llrynni .in'I I'lanuv n. warmmcd fw M ynar Hrarew csfremely lur ft , rush "r purl vnsh, 'nn-i bulMica la miMlttlV imi Irrlf payment '. hi tmii-hniift iHiiunivnis 1 a K 1' 11 ta rxrhnna. li II I.AT llllt'K. MhMs . lie ' It III:. sUKKTI A1'I fa veri Citr 4'nMijr ' im ihr t'. N. awl 4 ItllutlH. A laryv d la COUIII IV..I. col.UiriM.o...Mnl., rk' nif,tsxt m,m. II 1 1 M' I' l ATM.t VI ks MAII.HO, KIUAI'K WA S IHS A. Ml.t, Ol linM.uwjr uua 4& Jlvrowr Cit X Testimonials of Waters' PianoB tad . , .. Organs. .. - "Waters' Concerto Parlor 'drsan pos seilHes ii beniiritul and peculiarly soft tone. The L'onueito Stop is, without doubt, tha bot-t ever placed in any ortan. Jt is pre diiced by an extra n-t of rtteda, peculiarly voiced, from . whieh the cfiect is ijiol charmina. and its imitation of the human yolcfi ki aupclU. l-'or aweuliieaa often and orchcBtral elUtts it haa no equal." 4V. 1'. V'tnict. . . . . - ' ' The Cniif ert t Parlor Orjiiin is" somo thhiL' entirely new it is a btautilul parlor ornament, piiHsessea a sweet and power ful tonn is a most cniiim.mdabto inveo lion mid liolds a bi'h phu e iu public fa vor." A'. )", hftHivg J'unl. m it -v I - A N Oie 11 fTUA in thk PABi.on. Tha orchestral nriran is tlie name of a new reeil un rci-ently miiiouiiced by Horace Wa ters .vl..n. Tho iii-triimt'iit tiikta thia name fioiii lis rwently invented orches tral ntji, Tho voicing of this is .peculiar, produciii' the etlei-t o! a full sweet en tisltn viiii n. Its tinest ellect Js pitducet when the stops aro ilrawo. bo that an nr. eheMral eirect Is plven. The care Is iiniqtni andmacaa bunJ.oinp inliclo (if. tui'ui.-., tore.' A'. V. su... The Waters Planus aro known as amnnff the very best. We are enabled toi-peak of these iiisti umeiila wUh vtuuideiuii, iroiu personal kuowledue. w.V. Y. AVan7fUt, i-lY V R W ANT YOt' To art a AoenU, and distribute our New Advrrtiains Maps, mounted on Knirlinh Cloth, beinir a complete Map of the Vailed Slales. V pve Ihcao Mapsaway itntti aj wni allow you 0110 dollar for overv Map vou ilistrib ute In every county und state In the Union. Male and Remain Audits wanted. Ad. dress I inniediaiel v, ein liinu una dollar fori hi 1 tit rf live Msps, Territory, lUrcu lars, and full pnriicn nra ADVKUIISIN"! MAP CO., w-M lm Kst Brady p. O., Ctarieu tV . J', V