IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMT. In 1871 I Invented unci secured loltors-pat-cnt for an Improvement in Wash Boilers, A simple, arrangement bv which steam was applied to the washing of dothtiifr. I have heretofore gold this under tlio namo of Ntcnni lVashor, or, "V oman's IT r i o n. d, For suoli it in in fact. I have advertised It in nearly every liellirlous Newspaper In the United (States and Canada, also in tlio leading Secular papers, using double-col umn advertisements. The readers of thin paper may remember seeing my card In the various papers of the county during the past year. Extracts from letters re. reived from mv customers, In another column, will Indicato how It has been re ceived by tho people throughout tho country, 3 0 0,000 Have been sold aMt-adv. It isstimciont for my purpose to say thai I am satisliod tlint nothing heretofore advertised ever render- et so general satifactlnn. Yet Tins, my first Invention, was not quite perfect, and for the last two years I Invt applied mv self to tho study of constructing and pcr- iccung a JOB WORK DONE AT THE 'REPUBLICAN" OFFICE Allegheny Valley Rail Road Oil Creek & Allegheny River Rail way, and Buffalo, Corry & Pitts burgh R. R. ON AND AFTER Monday, February 2, 1874, trains will run as follows 1 STATIONS. Northward. N. U No. t Nil. I a 111 11 in n m i-utsnnrgn XVAV STEAM WASHER And as tho result of my efforts I feel every vmiifliitn initb iiitve ueen cnurciy sue-. cessful. My now Steam Washer, pateiit- ea in inr.i, is absolutely faultless ; so much so that I never knew a single person, who had seen it work, fail to be delighted with it. It has rendered, thus far, per fect and Universal satisfaction, and such inusi do me result, lor it works lite a won dernever fnilimr to do all claimed for it. In conclusion, let 1110 say, that should ny one say that ho has seen a Steam Washer, ask him if he has seen tho now Blcam WASHER - Of 1873, now being advertised so nrton ively in whole and double-naire adver tisements. If he answer in the nejjntive, request him to suspend judgment until a sample can be procured aud fully tested. I will send one as just half tho retail price, and I fully arram iu &nor a pecson buys a sample w t- vucili VI IUU at COSW $60 Profit can be Made on a Single Dozen. And I have known agents to take orders A DOZEN IN AN HOUR. TllPTO IB tin U'flV tA mnl-A ... r t bend for a sample and secure yourterrito- .. jiiiiKo money wnue you can. Reader, please calculate tho cost of my two paire advertisement in tho "CHRIS TIAN UNION." It consists of 1,480 lines at regular rates amounted to $1,750 Each Insertion. I repeated this "Card" four times because iny first insertion (Oct. 8) paid mo 500 ZPl!:R, cfeLTT. During tlio last eighteen months I have in serted my advertisement, occupy ing one to two pages, in HIWDSEDS OF lstCLASS PATERS, ti11 ?.r..'n'h,t'h rnia W0I for 4,18 outly; buj thO "Christian ITnlnn'l 1 .i.'M ,ntl,!n,',f ny religious newspuper in the world ) pays 1110 bettor thun any, and the INTER-OCEAN PAYS BETTER THAN Any Other Secular Xaper. I mention this fact, for all can seo how extensively I advertise my invention ; and i.'V.Kj"1? ciii'-tion the fact that I sell it Entirely on its Merits, and must concede that it sells well, for nouriide will beli well enough to pay for so expensive advertising without real merits. If I get "tnin st!lisr0dUCCd 'Ut uciKhbrhood AN HUNDRED MORE. Such a splendid chanco to make money selling this invention may never occur strain. On the receipt or Five Dollars. I will shipyou a complete Washor asasam plo copy of the chromo, together with a Certificate of Agency, with full Instruc tions how to conduct the business. And npon the receipt of tho Washer you may have time to test it, and If you find it not !i8.reUrT,td 1 ym refund y'" money. Hie Washer retails at 10. After I send you a sami)le I will hold your county a reasonable time for you to docida whether you wish to purchase or not. I will fur nish blank deeds also blanks for takinir ordors, and will do all I can to enablo you to succeed in the business. Let me hear from you soon, o your choioe of territory IIIHV Iia luLnn l.ii aii J J " "J wmoviifleiwi, AUUrOSS, J". C. TILTON, 10 Sixth St., Pittsburgh, Pa. P. N. Cut this card out and preserve it for future reference. Persons writing mo fium seeing this card will please say they suw it in the Foutsr KJij'UBUcAN. wlt)-it At the lowest cash price, neatly, prompt ly, and in tyl equal to that of any other e-itablUhment in the DUtrict. K BUSINESS CARDS SHOW CAUDS, VISITING CARDS, SCHOOL CARDS WEDDING CARDS, PROGRAMMES, INVITATIONS, BALL TICKETS, ADMISSION TICKETS, 5I03TTIII.Y STATJGMEXTS, ENVELOPES BILL HEADS, LETTER HEADS, NOTE HEADS, CIRCULARS, BLANKS, (POSTERS. DODGERS, HANDBILLS, LABELS, SIIIFPING TAGS, &c. W Ten J una Kiltnnuing R. It k Juno lirndy llcud Parker Einlonton Koruhgi-ass Franklin Oil City : :W, Oleopolis 8:0H KngloKock 8:17 Tionesla li:()."i Tidiouto IiirJs Irvinoton 11:4." 2:2il 4:0J 4:"i 6:4ti fl:iH( 8:4:t 7:o: 8:1'. H:4." Rouseville Titusvlllo Corry Mnvvillo Iluilalo 10:0:i 11:10 p. m 7:'.' 8:iVii 0: 10;:t: 10:5. ll::i. 12:(X) 1:10 1 :5(l fi:)! 4:4nj :i:WI a:().', 2:1 2:4!M'J:r.! :i:(0 4:i: 5:(H) 2: .V.I! 6:10 7:00 8:5:. p. in 11:4 I:fi' D:2i 7:4.- Un-2 ia:M ll:lr, D:47 :(): a. ni I::w 10:10 0:1!" 8:'2" 7:4." 7:s 6:i p m Southward Kiv i Kn. , tin. Sf pin pin 10:lV 3:0() 8::!0 1:20 7:4.". 1'2:.1J K:20 11:40 11:00 11: 8:00 7:: fr.m 5:'-"0 a. in p. in Trains run bv Time. J. J. LAWKENCK, (icn'l Sup' PENNSYLVANIA CEH Til. All v RAILKOAD ON AM) AFTER 11 P. P. Sunday Mv 1, 1870, Trains nrr4 ti and leave tho I nion I)cxit, corner of W ashiivtou and Lilberty street, as follows: ARRIVE. Mail Train, 1.30 a m ; Fast Line, 12.12 mj eirsa(H'omniod!Uion o. 1,11.20 a m Itrinton a. commodation No 1, 7.50 a m Wall's accommodation No 2, S.5oa m ;Cin ciiiiutii i..o a ni ; .lonnsiown ac- conimoiiation 10.50 a in ; Rraddivk's at commoiliition No 1, 7.00 pmj Pittsburgh cypress p mj i iiciuo express i.flo p in; ail s accomiD-v.lation No 3, 2.35 pn j iioiiii-ivoou ni-coiiimiKiiuion xo pmj Wall's accommodiition Jin 4, 5.50 p m; Hrinlon accommodiition No 2, 1.10 p m j i uviigcr iu.u p 111. DEPART. Southern express 5.20 a ui: Pacific, pt rress 2.40 a m ; Wall's aicommodiition No , 6.30a m : Mail Train IS.10 a ni : llrintnii'. accMmiiKxiiition l).20a ;n: llraildH-k'a ac poinnioliition No 1,5.1.) p in; Cincinnati express 12..35 n in : Wall's accommodation J.. 11.61 a m : Johnstown acconiiutKlntion 4.0.i p m ; llomewootl accomniodHtioii No 1, .n0 p in; l'hilnilclphia express 3.."i) p in; Wall aocomniodation No 3.3.05 n m: Wall's accominodiition No 4. 6.05 p ni ; Fast Line t.w p in; uttii s isno, tt.uu p in. The Church Trains leave Wall's Station every Sunday at !).0.i a. in., reaching Pitta- Inirijll at 10.05 a. m. llrlurnimr leave Pitts. burgh at 12.50 o. m.. and arrive at Ws'l's CUIUUIl Hi A.1U t 111. Cincinnati exnress leaves d tilv. South. em express daily except Mon.l.iv. All oth er trains daily, except Sunday. ror iunner iniormation nplyo W. II. RECKWITH, A-ent. The Pennsvlvania Railroad Comnnnv will not nssuiiie any Risk for rtaa-jieo ex cept for Wearing Apparel, and limit their rsponsibility to One Hundred Dollai val ue. All bairimire exceeliiiir tlfiit a mmt in vaiue win ie at tho risk of too ziior, unless taken by special contract. A. J. t'ASSAl Goneral Superintendent, Altoona Pa. Allegheny Valley Rail Road. ON AND afteT Monday June 1. Trains will run as follows!ni,i Time): 1 Trains leave Oil City for Pittsburgh at : P. in. 8:20n. m. and 8:3S at Pittsburgh at 10:00. 3:40 n. in. and 0:10 a. m. Trains leave Pittsburgh for Oil Citv at :20 a. in.. I:o0 aud K:,io n. i.i arrivin. !,. Oil City at 2:33 a. m., 8:15 and 8:05 D. m. Trains leave Oil City for lSuflalo at 2: H m. 6:20 p. in. arrivincr in lindiiilo n 8:55 p. in. 1:10 v. m. l.-ains leave liullalo for Oil Citv at 6:05 a. in. and 12:25 p. m. arriviniz at Oil City at 2:00 p. m. and 8:05 p. m. All trains triven above run thrni,rrl fmm PittsliurKh to JJutliilo and return, without chaiifro of cars. Trains run on Philndcl- nia iime, wniun is lo minutes raster than 'ittsburirh time. Tho time nt ItnOuli . I. 8. A M. S. K' v tinin u-hi.-l, ii 9k: ,:,...i,. slower than Philadelphia time. k n.v accommouation leaves nrady s Rend at 6:40 a. m. nrrivinir in Oil City at 11:50 p.m. Leaves Oil Citv at .r,:05 n m arriving at llrady s Hand ut 0:15. p. in. lira juiik juuciion tins road con with tlie Eastern Extension which runs to Reynoldsvillo. J. J. LAWRENCE, T.M.KING. Oen'l. Knn't. Ass t. Kup't. THE HEST PAPER. , TRY IT ! ! ! The SCIKNTIFIC AMKKIIAV is Mm rlinnn. est and best illustrutod weekly paper pub lished. Every number contains from 10 to 15 original enuraviiiirs of new iiijicliiiiiti'v novel inventions, bridges, enjrineorinjt works, architecture, improved farm imple ments, and every now discovery in chem istry. A year's numbers cniiijii'n m iimnn and several hundred engravings. Tiious ands of volumes are preserved for binding and reference. Tlio practical receipts aro well worth ten times tho subscription price. Terms, J a yoar bv mail. Snoci. incuts sent free. A now volume com mences January 3, 1874. May bo had of ii liens (li-lllul'S. D A T F N T C obtained on the best terms. n 1 1 w Models of new invention nnd sketches examined and advico free. ah patonts are putilished in the Scientitlo American tlio week they issue, Kend for pamphlet, 110 pages, conlaininjt laws and full directions for ol liniin? 1'iitnniu ai. dress fur tho Paper or coni-ernini; Patents. MIIK'N'lll T Tu.l, IJ... K-... -v. . . - - . . . , , ... iiun, CIT 1 UI K , liranch OUlue, cor. F and 7th sts., Wash ington D. .. w401m NEBRASKA GRIST MILL. rpiIE GRIST MILL at Nebraska (Laoy--I- town,) Forest county, has been thor oughly overhauled and refitted in first class order, and is now running and doiiiir all kinds of CUSTOM (JUIMHXJ FLOTIll FEED AND OATS. Consttmtly on hand, and sold at the very H. W. LEDEBUR. lowest figures. UHjin Frank llobbliisi, PHOTOGRAPHER , (SUCCKSSOR TO DEXIxa.) Pictures inevervstvlnnfthaari tri.... of the oil regions for sale or taken to or der. CENTRE STREET, near R, R. crossing. SYCAMORE STREET. iir tw fJt, Oil City, Pa. u-tr THE SUN. WEEKLY, SEMI-WEEKLY, .t DAILY, THE WEEKLY SUN Is widely Known to rciiilre any extrndo, recnni incntiiiiion i out ipo roswms which Imv nlreadv (rlvun it lifly thonsiind subscrilicr nun which win, we nope, nive It iimnv inoiisaiKis more, are liricllv as follows it is a llrst-rnte newspaper. All tho news oi me iihv will tin found in it, con iienscu wncn uniiuportiiivl, at full lctiiith when of moment, and always presented in n en-Hi, niiciiipciu aim imcrestini; limn ii-1 . It Isa flrst-rnte fainllv nnner full nfnn tcrtainlnir and instructive read intr of pvii rv kind, hut coiitainiiiir nothing thnt can oiiennino most (tcliciito and scrupulous It Is a first-rate storv linimr 1-1ia l.nul laics lyid romnnccs of current literature nie ciin niiiy selected and Icglhiy printed It Is a tirst-rn!o narrlcuKiiral nnrwir. Tl.o inusi n csii aim instructive articles on arl cuiinrni topics regularly appear in thi de partment. It Is an liidcncmleKt i. Iiinirlllir to no i.iirlv nn,l -,.r-i,,,. .... .'.n.... It h(iliU for tho el.s-tioii of the best men to olllce. It rsicciiilly devotes it encririis to the exposuie of the prent corruptions that in. nciiKi-ii nun (iisraco ourcountrv.and iiirciucii in iiiKicriniiui republican institu tions ultopether. It has no fear of knaves and asks no favors from tlinlr It reports tho fashions for tho ladies ami me niai'Kcis lor the men. pstu-lnliv n. cattle-markets, to which it pays particular Finally, it Is thneheanpst IlkHAr 1111 ill iul. 1 .... 1 ii 1 I " - "no uonar a vear will s-curo It lor any suoscriocr. it is not nei-essary to u,. npa club in order to have Till-: vVl.'i.-k- LY SUN this rate. Any ono who semis single uoiinr.wiu fret urejiapor ror a year, THE WEEk'LY-VtlN Etnl.t i, llfty-six columns. Only fL00 a yoar, . No disiiounts from this rate. '.'"v THE SEMI-WEEK I.Y Rf JW J...,i sir.eas me naiiy mm. y.oo a vear. A dis count of 20 tier cent, to dubs of lOorover, iiir. i'Aii, tili.X. A large four-paire I ii .vi ii iiiciuv-cigni coiiims. liiul ciictiiniioii over i-o,mio. All tho news ior i. ccius. rMioscription price 50 cents jiiiniiii, hi C'l.t.o a year, j oc ulisoi ill nr over, a discount of 20 per cent. Aiturcss "THE SUN," New York Citv u CD CO 2 2 7k H K w v. e 9 rt. m C! K H C s r C rm H O cs a Q "c3 CO fl 00 o o CO CJ E o a r2 rt ft rf o to a- O o vy a o i P4 e a fs to to o o a fi o 9 Si a a 0 0 Eh W 0 h EH 0 5 S u a . to 5 J? 2 i Q.3 i a s 1,3 I! g -"S a u. . u a St . -3 5 1 a . c 3 4 u ,2 ; s -Z!Z 2 -j -3 a a Hi,' Ss2 -E -S C- w ta ' m c 03 B t, 3 S.2 -S t. 09 tt-a a . tc w tJO j v S s (A liECJgTtEi Dr. 3. lViilkor's Cnliroriiln Vlu. rsrnrlittcra nra n purely Vrctabla prcimrntlon, inado cliielly from tho n,i tivo herbs found on tlio lower ran hps ot the Sierra Nevada mountains of Califor nia, tlio medicinal properties of which nro extracted llioicri om without tlio uso of Alcohol. Tho question n almost daily asueil. "What is tho cause of tho unparalleled success of Vixkii Ait' ltrr TKitst" Our answer la, that they romovo tho cause of tlieeasc, nnd tho patient re covers hia health. They aro tlio jrreat blood purifier and a lil'o-KivhiR principle, ft perfect Renovator and Inviorater of tho system. Never before- in tlio history of tlio world has a mcilicino ln-c:i ecminniiiulcil peiisosNini; tlio rcinnrkalilu qiiahtie. of Vixkoar HnTRiis in henliiifr tlio tick of every U.hpsso man Is heir to. Tlirv nro a pentlo Piirpaliro as well an a Tmiic. relieving Congestion or Inlhuniiiation of the Liver aud Vi.iccral Organs In lliliotii Disease Tho proportion of Dn. w.vt.ici-ii's TlXKOAR llirrKKS aro Aperient. Dinnlioretie, Carminative, Nntritinns, l.sxntivp. Ihinetic, ScdMivcCouiiter-Imtant Kutlorilic, Aluna tire, aud Anli-Llilioui. n. ii. Mro5Ai.n & cr.. TmfTrit. nnd (Jn. Art... Ban !-niieliii l'n!lfnml u-tu rwr. IH 11 nsilllir ull SIHI I AiiriMll St.. . V, hold by ail UrugglM. .nd llcaK-n. PITIIOLE VALLEY R'Y. ON AND AFTER Monday, June 5, 1871, Trains will run as follows: Trains will run as follows: TRAINS NORTHWARD. STATIONS. Oleopolis, Itnnuett, Woods Prattler Mill Pilholo City No. 2. 10.25 a in" 10. SH " " 10.21 11.0U No. 4. 3.IS0 p m 3.2H " 8.18 3.10 " 2.W " TRAINS HOUT1IWARD. No. 3. 1.20 p m 1.4 ' 1.56 " 2Mi " 2.U " eonnectioiis STATIONS. No. 1. Pitholu City, 8.40 a Pratliois MiU .4S ' Woods 8,5(1 ' Rennett Q.ou ' Olenpulis 1 All Trains mako close at Oleopolis with trains on thotiil Creek A Allegheny River liailway, North aud Isoiith. .'''? Mnoii of Stanos run daily between I ituola City, Miller Farm ami Pleasant, villo, niakniuconnoction wilharrivin-'aud departing Trains. J. T. 11LAIR U. WICK II AM, Vup' t. Iickut Afont, Pitholo City, Pu. A.TTicsrrnoisr REMOVAL. We will remove our stock of IIAHDAIli; 8TOTKN, TINWARE, IRON, NAILS, FILES, DELTINQ, AND -MILL SXJlLIIi ONrrni:; must day o apiul, TO THE o . ReynoldsHukill Co. Block, SENECA STREET, until which timo wo will sell h$ C'ONT roit (JAN IT. II. a. TINKER A CO., OIL CITY. ,r. ir. ii. colli va. HUO.'.W. BL41R. .TCIJm.Vi0,?.KvViUI' executed at tho RE- X'LllLICAM Ollico. oko. w. inTiiiiindi-:, Al'L y.l.M.M,-;u.M is, F0STEPin.GLftSS2W0RXS.s i i a if i: 1 14 1; cz ;o.. Maiuifucturcrs of every vurictyvf LifiT GLRSSiUHP CHI.1ISETS, AND SILVER EDJGLASSREFLEOTOnS, WASIIINtiTON ,t FRANKLIN STS.. Pn-tsniTncur, Pa. 4; There Is "shoddy" in ttlnss. as well as In In woolen fabrics. Consumer of kero sene nro soiiicliiiies almost iliMcoaruire.t, so lieoueiiiiy do chilunevs lirciilf. without any up parent cause, rendciin ;r the cost of iiiiuiic.vs aijoiii ciiuui to mat ot oil. Cheat- ss iiein the order ot the dav, a urcnt any insniifaciiirics mako cliliniicvs i'loni silii-nte of lime, instead of from Intnl. The initiated may tell tho dilfciaut qualities of ass by i iimimr them : to vibrations of tho lead c,!as have It clciir.v riiiKimr. liWI liko soiiiid, poKscssin t tho rctiuisita Klrcni'tli to witlishmd expansion and con 1 1 nil ii .ii , as weil ns the ueueral iiroHsuri'- of use, aril will outlast halfa-dozen of tho liiuo ulass ihiinucvH. Fifteen cents in vehtcd in ono of iho lend chimneys i-t money well spent, even though it injures the "trade" in the eheapor kind, which it most assuredly ought to, and doubtless ill. Ktii-k a pin there, and remember it. Tho ircnuine lend glass chinuievs mav bo imi I ut wliolusiile or rct:dl of tiEO. W. D1TI1RIDUB A CO., 2-U' Tionosta, Ia. 1 llUOl'TK, i'A. M Is solliinrout Ids Bl entire stock, of kl WotfUi-s & Jewelry A T riliST COST All parties In want of tiold and Silver Watches, (fold and riilver Chuins, La dies' Opora Chains, the latest style in void and plated sots, Bracelets, Studs, Clocks, Ac, will nnd this a first class op portunity. All K'xnla are new, no old trash. This is no humbug. E. Klein soils at cost, Uo and see. , A FAMILY AUTIC A "11 Is make $1.50 per dnv, ?75 per t AN ENTIHELY NEW SS':WB(,1 JVIACEIIi( For riomoatio Uaw. OHXYSFIVE OLLARK, Willi tho New Pnntcnt BUTTON HOLT WORKER. Patented June 27th, A WW RUED THE FIRST PI! KM I UM AT 1' 1 1 !: AJIWtlt 'A N 1 NS T I TUT H MARYLAND INSTITUTE 1- A1K.S, lt71. A most wonderful anil chvuotly rrHi, struct, d Se Inir Mn. liiin. f,,r lhmilv work Complete in nil Its' Part Uses tlio Sti ululit l-.yo Pointed Nee'l,, s"lf lrc;i,lln, iii-Cit uprifd l'ositiv Motion; nmv Icu-.lnn self feed nnd eluili Uiiidcr, Oncrntes by wheel nii'l on a t.ible. I.i.xiit rutinm:-. Sniootli nnd noiseless, lilio all frond hih-pricei" nmehines. llav Pnleut Check to prevent the wheel bein turned the wroiiir wnv. I'ses Hie thrend direct from the spool Makes the el.istic lock stitch, finest and stninirpst stick l.uown : (inn 1 mid rapid. Will do all kinds of work . lino and course, from cnmln-ln in l,.vJ cloth or Leather, nnd uses all of thread. This Machine is heavily t-on-Ntruete.l to nive It strength: all tho pat-la ot t-acii Maehine helnir made alike by inn clunei r, unil beaiitifiillv linislicd snil'orna- lllelltcil. It is vel v Cllsv to leill-n. llm.l.l smooth oud silent in opcrnllon. ItellnbluJ nt all times, am) n Praeiicnl. Keientiiic Mcehiiiiical Invention, at iti-i-iuIt r,.,li, ,.,,.( price. " A pl ehenp family sewlinr machino a-In-t. I he II 1st nnd inilv mi i.. ...... diieiiur a valuable, snlistiniihil mi. I i-ii,. bio low pri I Mewimr Mnchino. 11. ... treine low price reaches ull conditions. Its simplicity and strength inhipts it to all (iip:ii itics, hile ils miiiiv inr-iits uiado it a universal favmiie wherovtr used, and ei cities a l-npid demand. ir is all it js iu:co.MMKNni:n. ' I can cheerfully and confidently recom mend its use to those who nro wanting a really (,-ood Sewing Mnchiuc, at a low I'l'leo. Mrs. II. Il..lAIKSON Peotone, Will County, 111. Price" of each machine. "Clnss A." One." (wnri-aiite lor live years by special certificate,) wiih all thefixhiies, and ere rytliinn coinil,-to boloinrlnir to it, includ but self threading needle, packed iu a' strong wiTodcn Ikix, and delivered to any part of the country, by express freo o further charges, on reeeipl of prlco, only I ivo Iiollms. Sale delivery Kuarnuteotl. itli eiieh Maehino we will send, on re ceipt of Si extra, the new patent - MUTTON HOLE WORKER, Ono of the most important au useful In ventions of the nitti. So simple and cer tain, that a eliild can work tho finest but ton hole with regularity and caso. btronu and beautiful. " Siiecial terms, and extra tiiiliiccinouts to Male and Fi nuilo Au-cnts, storo keepers,. Ac., who will establish agencies througU tho country and keep our now machine on exhibition and sale. County ltiirliU L-ivcii to smart aircnta fVee. Aleut's coni pleteloultit, furnished without any extra chariTO. Samnles of niuimr 1,w',.il,.ii circulars coiitaininir terms, testimonials, eiiBritvinKs, Ac, Ac, sent Ireo. Wo also npply aijUH ULTURAL IMPLEMENE. TlltCSt l'lltCIlt.S Mllil ltiiiipnviii.inu the l arm and Harden. Mowers, Reapers, Cultivators, Feed Cutters, Harrows, Farm Mills, Hunters. Harvesters. Thi-islior. and all articles needed for Farm work. Rare Seeds in lai!io variety. All Mnnev sent In PostOflleo Munev Orders, Itank lrafts. or bv Exnress. will be t'nnr i-i-l. end are perfectly secure, fciafo delivory of all our (roods Kuarnnteed. "An old and rcsismsible firm that (ell tho best jroods at tho lowest price, and rim be relied upon bv our readers." Farmer's Journal, New York. Not Responsible for Registered Letters. Address .1 l-'lll iM 1.' rt IlI'liwiiNT .r.w-i Corner Uiecnwich A Cortlandt Sts., Now oi SMiui WATERS CONCERTO & ORCHESTRAL ORGANS"""" "' btiHutifui i. J .vi. na. ,., 111 .....V vcr iitittto. Tke Cittm It'l tt ami OIICIIKIS. '1 U ll, Si ll I'Hurttkr beat over lnrea ill tin y Or- ITHII.. J hey art prvUuftd lip tm etlrs set ot rerd, pea t-iiltnrr veli'i)il,ik' f i ll A ft wirs U HIOST II A II l I SU ami KOI 1 1, vi 111 u i ti- I t IOM olV HI T1 4 V VOK'll U M li:illl. 'I'ltrse llriiana mrt Iht best inttdt in tke I ttlf..,l Kiute.. WATERS' NEW SCALE PIANOS. hart jrreal pow er uik( a fine alniriilc lone. wva hii iiiottrrn liliprAveltirnta, and art lha bent I'lnuoa matte. Tlicaa Oraanaaml I'innus art wnrranivd far S ura. l"ric- rilrriui l) low far ran It in- par, ami balance in luutitltly or quarterly pa y inenta. heroiitl-hantf I tt strii litems inkrn ut rliinilii, Id Hi: AT l.UII(K. HI K I S l. IA. 'HI i i:. AI1KNTI HM l ll, ei-rf 1 It y on.1 1 otinty a ikt II. K. and l annda. A large dla COUIIIfu Tnulvrl, MmMcr,1 'hurchftifikhonts .lAtp , OW. Il.l.l STHArt ll CATAUHIIKS UAILKD, IIOIIAt K W.4 I i:iN A- sON, 481 Broadway ami 4H Aluroer St., N. r. TcstimoBials of .Waters' riano3 and" Organs. Waters' c'oncertol Parlor Orcun pos- seises a beautiful nnd peculiarly soil tone. The ('unci ito Slop is, without i!imht, tlio t ever placed in mi v ortran. It is pro- dnei (1 bv an extra M l of reeds, peculiarly nieiil, from which the clleet is most harming, unil its imitation of the human viiico is Mipi-rb.11-or sweetness ol lono ' and oi'chestral eliccts it, has no equal." AT. lr. T tinea. TIME TRIED AND FIEE TESTED ! THK OUKlINAL ETHiHNSURANCE COMPANY OF HARTFORD, CONN. ASSETS Dee. 31, 1873, n , v ;, fj . 1. MILES W. TATE, Sub AKout, T'oiicla, Pa, Tho Concerto Parlor! Oman Is some thing entirely new ; it is a beautiful parlor ornament, possesses a sweet and power ful tono is u most coiiiiii?udahlo inven tion and holds a hic,h place in publio fu yor." JV'. lJJtrninj JWf, An Om-HKM'iitA in Tim Pahlor.-TIi orchestral or(.'iiii is Hie iiuino of a new reed oriran recently auiiouiiced by Horaeo VV'a ters it SS..H. 'Jim iiistruiiicnt takes this; namo from its rcis-ntly invented orchos tral step. Tho voiciiu; of this is peculiar )rodu(-m tho etlect of a full sweet con Irnko voice. Us finest effect is produced! when tlio stops are drawn, so that an or cliestral cll'cct Is irivon. Tlie caso is uniqiio aud maiii-s a handnomo urticlo of furnU turo." .V. Y. in. ho Waters Pianos are known asitmonir the very best. We are enabled to speak of these iiistruinents with coiilidem-o, from, personal knowledge. A y. Ucanyeliat. 2-1 y VIyVA,X':, YO,J To ot M Aconts, and distnbuto our New Advertising Maps mounted on English Cloth, bmnir a complete M.i of tho United States Wo Kive these Maps away Krn is and willallow you one dollar ior every Map vou distrib ute in every county ami st.tte iu u, Union. Male and Female Agents wanted. Ad dress, ei.elosinir o dollar oit-tithtot nve Maps, Tenitorv, Ciieu bus, and lull paiiieiilin-s AHVEK1 isl.Vj MAIM'd. w .1 liti Fait li.ady p. u., Clarion Co., Pa