The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, September 16, 1874, Image 3

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l )
TlwrfffM M. Tttki., .In.
OiNncHmcn H. .1. Woleolt, T. J. Van
Oloacn, J. 10. IShiinc, I). H. Knox, J. SS.
Ilond, .1. A. Proper.
Jaxtieen of the l'cucoW. V. Morellllott,
I). H. Knox.
ftmxtnblr II. Hwnirjrnrt
Kehool I)ircetorsM. H. Knox, II. O. Pa
vis, S. .1. Wole.olt, H. II. Haslet, A. Jl.
Kolly, 1). (.'lark.
Atuneinta Jai1tjc3, A. Propkti, As
pni;w (Viok,
Sheriff t. J. Van Oikskn.
I'ren Kure r V li !: i . ( 1 1, A s N K II .
Prothnnotiiry, Ueginter it- Jtrcordcr, cff.
J. 11. AdNKW.
0 jriHiM.i ioncr P. P. Colli nh, Joitx
HOMl'MoX, .IAS. K. Cl.AllK.
Omtitu Superintendent H. V. UonnKn.
IHxt.rirt AttnrnenH. P. linviN.
Jnry CSnminxiuncra J As. 1''lvk,VVm.
unty Murveinr S.T. InwiN.
Ciironcr M. Ittici., .In.
Ctmnti A viator T. U. Conn, li. WAn
wl-u 1 ' J A M I l-'HON.
Memhcro Vongrct 107 ft District 0. 11.
j4 Mflll fi-MARTlX WlM.IAMS,
Time of Trains
At TIONKSTA STATION, on and after
. Juno 1, 1K4 :
eotmt 1st CLASS.
Train 22 - 7:12 p. in.
Train r.n .... 11:05 a. m.
" 54 .... 3:'.s p. in,
ironTir 1st clash.
Train 21 - - - - 3:2S p. in.
2d class.
.Train .11 - - - - ffi.W a. in.
" Ml - - - (5:05 p. in.
On tho River Division t. c. from Oil City
- to Iryinetn, up tho rlvor 1 North ; down
thn rlvr. rmut i.
. . . I
There will bo a meeting of tbo Re
publican County Committeo at my of
fice oil Tuesday evening, Sept. 29.
. - V. P. M run i.moit, Chairman.
-Rev. Elliott will preach in the
! ."Presbyterian church on Sunday next,
morning and evening.
-Mr. Jan. T. Cartin has taken the
position of Assistnnt Local Editor on
un the Clarion Jit-publican. Ho has
our best wishes.
-Oct. 2,1 is the last dav nnon which
iho payment of Slato and county taxes
will allow tho person so raying to
voto. AUend to it.
Tbo "Roekots" of this place arc
to play the "Potato Bugs," of Bean
Farm, at Stewart's Run, on Saturday
ucxt. A good game is anticipated
The bop at tho Lawrence House,
on Wednesday evening last is said to
have been a very pleasant ono; all
who attended having cnj-iyed them
selves hugely.
- We are requested to state that the
concert ot Jas. G. Clark, tbo phet-vo
enlist will tako place on the evening
of the 23d inst, instead of the 22.1, as
heretofore announced.
- Khcriti an Giesen was suddenly
..... . . . .
called to Petersburg last week, on ac-
ronnt of tlio scvoro illness or lus little
daughter. He found her better, but
brought Ins family home with lmu on
Some of tho boys went over to
Plcasaiitvillo on Saturday last, to see
a horse lair. - 1 no norso lair man i
4 .i rr 11 I.
exhibit, so tho boys watched a poor
game ' of base bull, and camo home
wretched and strapped. will be noticed,
has been sont back to this circuit for
tiiint'mr vinrr nn armno-ompnt which,
wo believe, gives satisfaction to tho
members genci ally. lie will proba
bly take up his residence in Tiuucstn
They aro making it hot in Louis
iana. Tho other day two conflicting
forces camo together in New Orleans,
and fonio fifty individuals were killed
and wounded. '"Tho White Leaguo
against tho Kellogg government," this
war is styled.
Tho festive cabbage worm is rcu
-deling this useful fruit a deadly pois
on. The worms aro green, nnd are
Wtid to be a compound of arsenic,
jdryclmitio and Paris Green. The
:ubbago on which they linger nro to
i-ay the least risky, if not dangerous.
Hour Krout nnd cold blanch must bo
-dispensed with this season.
Had wo the space we would like
o ro-produco tho editorials of tho last
'larion Jucksoniun. The ono on "The
Riso and Fall of Radicalism," beats
anything Mark Twain ever produced.
While the other one, occupying about
two columns supports "State Suver
iegnly," a doctrine which was whipped
out of the Southern States ten year
ago. Truly tho Jkmocrat has a terri
ble opposition in Clarion.
We can givo our views of llio Con
gressional campaign ns it nTW stands
in no better form (linn tlio following
conversation which occurred between
a prominent Republican nnd oursclf
upon tho news of the nominaiion of
Goo. A. Jenki", Esti., of JSrookvillc, by
tbo Democracy of tbe District. Vo
bad nlmopt forgotten the circumstan
ce of tlie conversation, when, one day
last week tbo gentleman came in with
tlio substance of it all jotted down,
Bavin" to us that bo thought wo bud-
better publish it when wo published tbo
fact of .Mr. Jenk'a nomination. After
looking it over und striking out jiart of
it wo concluded to save tbo labor of an
editorial on the subject by publishing
. ,. , ,, .i
it. Die following la tho conversation :
llF.ruBMCAN. Well, Jcnks is nom
Editor. So I understand.
It. I supposo you will give biiu
"fits" next week ?
K. No, fir, I don't think I shall.
Why should I?
11, Oh, that appears to be all there
is in it now-a-dnys. Look, for inslanco,
at the mud ibe Clarion Democrat has
thrown at White, our nominee, a man
whoso private character is above sus
picion, and whoso publiq acta' have
only to be known to bo approved.
E. True ; but that's the way Brown
fights. It is only, necessary fur a
man tcbe a llcpiiblicau and a candi
date in bis district, though bo be tbe
, t . ( h t, Vla,8
rF Ti.f.iiii'd utut1i' n nnAnnil mill
theueeforth the man is falsified, ma
ligncd and besmeared in a score- of
items in every Clarion Democrat issued,
from the time bis name is befurc the
pcoplo until after the tdection ; and
even then be don't cease, but, if the
man is elected, "Which he generally is,
the Democrat's spits forth thunder,
lightning and fifth at Lim for a mouth
or six weeks afterward. Aud what
docs ho gain by n?. .Nothing; on the
contrary his cpurso often disgusts dem-
ats to such an eminent degree that
oneu jiiukcs voies ior mo very pur
t.v b0 18 Working against.
. JutIr thu"' lr3m your remark8
fliat you Li tend to say nothing at all
against Jeuks.
E. Ai to his private character, anil
his abilities, nothing. Mr. Jcnks is a
gentleman of ability, and a man
ugains whose private character
An oio nothing. Should I then, imitate
"Biowu, nnd manufacture evidence
against him, as Brown lias against
White? Why, sir, Mr. Jeuks will be
here on court week, nnd hi actions
aud conduct would give the lie to my
accusations, just ns Mr. White's pres
ence in Clarion gave tho lie to all Mr,
Brown's personal statements. Where
in, then would the Republican party
of myself be the gainer t I believe I
ha5 a renutalion for political fairness
among both Republicans und Demo
c,-ats, aud shall I war that reputation.
by misrepresenting Jcnk3 to a people
who have every facility of detecting
am exposing tho fraud? Even were
it in my power to keep the truth from
them, I thould not do so, as I should
think little of a political battle won
It JV..l Tl .ll .. 1 1 1
oy irauu. i snan, as is my uuiy, noiu
up Mr. Jinkb' political record to tho
people of, tho District. Ho has been
identified with the Democratic party
ever Blllco hV1,lJ a voto aJ did ho
g t0- Congress womd bo among the
most bitter partisans there. Ilia ac
tiocs, his spetchea and bis votea would
be Democratic clear through. Is that
not enough for any thinking Republi
can ? Look at the issues. The negroes
of the South are experiencing a reign
of terror. Tho Kit Klux, which seems
to embrace nearly tho whole Demo
cratio party South, are determined tho
negro shall not exercise thoso rights
guaranteed him by the Fifteeutl
Amendment, and to this end aro ere
ating a reigu of terror among them
This must be acted upon by Congress
How wuuld Geo. Jeuks vote on this
question wcro bo there? With tho
Democratic side of tho House. How
would the Democratic sido of the
IIouso vote? To please the Detuocra
cy and Ku Klux of tho South. Sup
poso tho Democracy of tbe South are
supported in their terrorism;' their
murders and their oppressions of the
negro? Only this: wo shall have tbe
luto war to fight over again, with much
more opposition in tho North than wo
bad in tbo last. What is the uso of
more argument against Geo. A. Jenks
for Congress? Does any Republican
want to know more against him ? Now
why should I pollute my garments by
crvi" out tiL-ainst Mr. Jenks' private
character. N, sir, I don't proposo to I
do it, and believe that tho course 1 1
intend to pursuo is the honest one,
ami therefore tlio bos I for tho parly.
U. I believe you are right, and that
your course will be best ono.
Tbe corner stono of tho North
western Insane Hospital was laid on
the 10th inst., ns announced in last
week's issue. Governor II artranft was
there ami made a short speech at the
opening, which was 'well received, lie
then laid tho corner stone, in the holi
est stylo of tho art. Hon. G. V. Seo-
field then mado au address, vhich we
believo to have been ono of bis best
efforts; wo couldn't swear to it, how
ever, as we couldn't get closo enough
Id hear
I li n v ii'flrn finnlirr I U' in Hill 1
, .. 1.11 i ... .ii
n-.v. y. b"
near u, anu ioiu us buoui li, so inai wo
....... . lit
Knlmi.a it 1 n Imtro Ik.oii nil nvnnllotlf. I
.... ,
', i, ,-i
cnt, and tho special train, which was
bartered for that day by the citizens
of Warren, was kept running busily
all day from that place to tbo hospital
grounds. Thcro were four passenger
cars, and they were crowded going to
the grounds in the morning, and in the
eveninst by Jhe returning tido of bu-
manily. lhejtmifdation for tho asy- i
Jum is twelve hundred feet long and
varionrWidths. The sun was so hot
that wo didn't stop to measure it.
When completed it will bo capable of
accommodating from 4000 to 5000 in
mates. The plan of tho building is a
model of beauty, and if tho structure
is finiftlied in accordance with tbe
drawings, it will be tho finest build
ing in this part of tho State. Tho
grounds arc just what they should bo,
and beautifully situated ; we must con-
fuss that we were disappointed in
them ; we did not know that there was
as pretty a farm in Ibis corner of the
State. It is without exaggeration, ns
pretty a farm as ever lay on the
ground. In addition to the looks of I
it, the ground has furnished all the
stone, several thousand perches, for
tbe foundation of the building and
has plenty of good water to supply its
wants. There are good substantial
cut stono building on tho grounds
now, the principal one of which is oc
cupied by the superintendent of con-.
stiuclion. Wo wero well pleased with
our visit after we coifta to think of it,
but whilo we were there, it was too
hot for anything save a salamander to
enjoy good health. Ono thing we al
most neglected to mention, was the
soul-charming music of the 20th Di
vision Band, of Meadvillo, under the
leadership of Prof. Boynton, who is
well known as the "boss" band teach
er in this section of tho Stata. We
have heard several celebrated bands,
but never ono which seemed to us to
be composed entirely of masters of the
p:eces performed upon. We hope to
hear that band several times before wo
bhuille off this mortal coil. Taken al
together the laying of the corner stono
was a success, and the mighty multi
tude camo away tired, but happy.
The review at Franklin, on Sat
urday last was attended by all the
companies in the 20th division. The
display was said to have been grand,
and the exercises impressive. The
division was reviewed by Gov. Hart
ranft, who pronounced it good. After
tho review two flags were presented
to the division by tho Governor with
appropriate remarks. Each company
nresent nt tho review is to reeei v fir,nO
..... , ,
i - ........
IjCt US have a company lor tho next
Tho boroiich schools commenced
nr i... i., ' ...i.i. n. oi..i
v.. iaDl, mm in., ouuumuu
ana miss Harrington as teacuers. IhQ
school is well attended, and will prob-
ably be well couductod, as the teach
ers are experienced, aud have been so
looted from a largo number of appli
cants by the directors. It would bo
a irood idea to mako a nlank walk
from tho street to the door of the
school houso, as in muddy weather the
teachers and pupils generally have a
sea of mud to float over from, the side
walk to the school house.
On Saturday last, J. W. Stroup's
boy, aged about scvou years, fell off a
lumber wagon on which be was riding
and one of the wheels pased over bis
left leg- near tho kuee,
There was
quite an excitement for a few momeuts.
everybody who saw the accident being
sure that the boy's leg was broken.
This, however, proved to be a mistake,
as tho leg was only bruised pretty
K.ii.. ,i i i : ...... 1-.
x.uVl.i.uilnU .a .iow .ncuuinjj
school regularly,
XT . -,,. ii
ISeW II1VO1C0 ljOotS iV. Shoes, all
kinds, Uylea and prices, just received
at Itobiuson & Uonners. 22tf
They had an election in Maino
on Monday last. Tbo Republicans
swept tho board, ns usual. As regards
iho Vermont election where tbe oppo
sition bad such largo gains, according
to their own papers, tlio Republicans
have a majority of one hundred and
fifty-six in tho Assembly. 'Jflvcre is
but ono Democrat in the Senate
Tho best number we have seen for
many days is Ballou's Magazine for
October. Its engravings nrs season
able, tho Btorits of thu most interest
ing kind, the poetry better than tbo
average, and all thing considered we
must regard the Magazine as the best
in the country when we consider the
price. Tho October number has some
!-,;..(,. o.lloUl: nil nf (l,,.l, ..,..,,1 tin.l
' a '
.. . :. . i-,r I -i -11
not one luuiiiercui. rut buiu ni mi
, .... . ,
the periodical stores in tho country,
Published by Thomcs & Talbot, 86
BromCold Street, Boston, Mass,
' m
Tho Annual sessbu. 6f the Erie
Conference of ilia M. E. Church wis
held in jE;ie, commencing on Tuesday
Sept 1, and closing Monday, Sept. 7
This attendance was large, and the pro
Vccedings very interesting. The follow
ing are ths appointments of the Frauk-
ia dntnet
J. Leslie, Presiding Elder.
Franklin; O. L. Meade.
Oil City,,J. C. Scofield.
South Oil City, W. Ilollister.
Plumer and Pithole, L. F. Merritt.
Rousevillo' and Petroleum Centre
P. P. Piunev and Thomas Graham.
Fagundus alid Hickory, J. L. Mech
Fairview, D. C. Plannett.
Millcrstown, R, M. Gwinn.
Petrolia, A. L. Kellogg.
Parker, R. NStubbs.
Brady's Bend, J. Groves.
Emlentou, Georgo W. Moore.
Rockland, E. 51. Kerniek.
St. Petersburg, B. F. Delo.
President, A. Wilder.
Tionesta, J. Lusher.
Monterey, John Clark.
In addition to the above, the follow
ing appointments in other Districts
have been mado in Venango county:
Clinton ville, 'CV Peters.
Pleasantville, F. A. Archbold.
Cooperstown, t). Babcock. .
Sunville, J. K. Adams.
Waterloo, S. E. Winger.
Jury List for Sept. Term, 1374.
Barnott twp. Justice Shoekcy, Fore
man, John Eek, P. J. Black, Solonian
Oreen. Daniel Jlohnoy, Lyman Cook,
Fred. Wine;,'ard, C. F. Cropp.
Kinirslev. Daniol Hudgins, Judson
Catlin, John llalllday.
Jonks. John Dodgo, Jas. T. Rose, Geo.
Rose. ' '
Hickory. O. J. Allison, Win. Vrennan,
Win. Connelly.
Tionosta. Jan. Fitzgerald, Goo. Mealy,
John Shelhouso, Samuel MeClintoek.
Tionosta ltoro. John Wyant, Samuel
C. Riddle, D. Idaclr.
Tionosta Xloro. J. A. Pale, O. W. Rob
inson, A. H. Kelly, W. R. Dunn, G. G,
Putterllold, Henry Swaggart, II. W. Rob-
oris, J. W. btroui
Tionesta Twp. Jacob Zonts, J. D. Hud
d'.eson, P. G. Huntor, Potor Wolf, Moses
Mualy, Eli Iloleinan, Samuel Clark, W,
A. Gilford.
Harnett. John Barton, Charles Travis,
S. Cook, A. Black, Geo. Braden Michael
Kingslcy. Ell Berlin, Goo. Morgan,
Andrew Baxter, Nicholas Arnold, Henry
Thicker, Jacob Bock
"iokory -Thos. Allendor, Charles Al-
baugh, J. P. Burris, Joseph Coburn,
narmony, C. 1j. tlanna, A. J. big'ns.
Hiram Fleming, W.C. Bromley, Walter
Dawson, John Snyder, Geo, N. Maiuoss,
I " '" S-ott,
Jenks. R. J. Sallada,
Groon.-Jno. Pickrager, Fred. Lodabur,
Rudolph Kanian, T. P. Flynn, Jus. John
sou.auos. Saniord, Win. Cropp,
Papa Baldwin, at Tidiouto, has
the most extensive and best selected
lot of Fishing Tacklo that we bavo
ever seen in a country store, and at
-"''"igly low prices,
4 Cm
' New Clothing, and marked very
low, at Hobiuson &, Bonneis. 21tf
Landlord and Tenant Leases, the
most approved form, for salo nt this
Glass jars, tin cans, sealing wax,
&o., for putting up berries and fruit,
at Robinson & Bonner's. 16tf
Neu Advertisements.
IIIK undorsiguod bavo opened i
x class llliicksiuitU and Wuon Shop, in
'I'0 Roberts shopj opposito tho Rural
Houso. All work in either lino promptly
utlondod to, and satisfaction guaranteed.
J Eot'M-..Iiliiir u KoIsill.v
22 lv l SPKARS V It. W- noljf.UT.s.
UST op -'lied In the Kohorts Piiihlinirop
nosito the Hural House. Tho under-
signed is prrpnreil to do all kinds of work
In his line in uio Dtsi wyio una on sunn
A Hpoelalty. Keep nn hand ft lino assort
ment ot i tirry ' oniiis, jirusiips, iinrucss
Oil, Whips aiid Saddles. Harness of nil
kinds mado to order nnd eheap ns the
cheapest. Kenipinbcr thn name and plavX!
W. WKST, Koberts JSuildimr,
22-ly Opposito Hural House, Tionestn.
BYVlItTUF, of nwrit of lr. Facias
issued out of tlio I'nlirt of Common
Pleas of Forest County nnd to mo di
rected, there will bo exposed to sale hy
mono vendue or outcry, ni ino i ourt,
IIouso, in tlio lioroiurh of Tionesta, on
at 4 o'clock, p. m., tho following deserihod
real csiate,to-wit :
Marcus Itrawnson vs. Kreotnnn II. Ells
worth and Hophin Ellsworth, No. 44 Sept,
Term, 1H74. C. 1)., No. "It Peer. Term 1K73,
Tate. All that certain piece of land sit
uate in tho Townshipof Kinjrslev, County
of Forest and Htato of Pennsylvania.
Hounded and described as follows, to-wlt:
Hojiinniiift nt tho northeasterly corner of
tract ro. wiv, as me ssmo is Jam out ana
desinnated on a map of saiil Eorest Coun
ty made by 8. P. Irwin, adioiniim the lino
of Hickory Twp., anil running tlionce
sonthcastorly along tho dividing lino of
lots Not, 6212 and 0217, and adjoining lots
to tlio southeast corner of lot number 5213,
tlienco alone? the line or dividing line be
tween lots Nos. 52 1U and o214 two-thirds
(Hi of a mile, tlicnco'. northwesterly and
parallel with snid line of lot No. 5214 to a
point in tho Township lino of Iliek'ory
Township aforesaid, distant two-thfrds o(
a mile from tho plaeo of beginning, and
thence northeasterly along hn'ui tSwnship
lino two-thirds of a niilo to tho place of
beginning. Excepting out of tho samo n
certain tract of land heretofore conveyed
to Oeorgo and Edward Ellsworth, consist
ing of fifty (50) acres situate in tho north"
east corner of lot number 5213, containing
about SOU acres and being a. part of (he
saino premises conveyed to tho party of
tlio by J. li. Agncw, sneriii oi i-orost
Conntv aloi esaid.
Also All that cntial undivided ono-liall
( i) part ot a certain pieco or parcel oi land
situate in Kingsley Township, known, laid
down aud designated on said Irwin's map
as lot No. 5217, bounded northwesterly by
lot No. 021H, northeast uriy lv lot JNo. 52.11,
southeasterly by lot No. 5210, and south
westerly by lo; No, 5212. Containing 1160
acres, liioro or less, with all and singular
the appurtenances.
laken in execution ana t no sola as tno
propeity of Freeman 11. Ellsworth and
Mopma i-.UBWoriu at tno suit oi juarcus
Terms cash.
T. J. VAN GIESEN, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Oillee, Tionosta, l'a., Sept. 8, 1874,
81 Bcr Cent, (xiiaraiitceil
li. F. BDRNIIAM'S 1874
Tho best In tho market, nnd sold at less
price tnan any other tirst-class wlieol.
Send for pamnliolt and bo convinced.
23-4t N. F. BURN HAM, York, Pa,
Most lOxIraordinnr.v
Terms of advertising are offered for Nows-
papers in the btato ot
Send for list of papers and sehodulo of
rates. Address (HiU. 1'. itowELlj t CO,
Advertising Agents, Nj. 41 Park Row
New York.
Refer to Editor of this Paper. 3-4t
CC O tOfl per day at home. Terms
43 H free. Address Geo. fetinson
it Co., Portland, Mo. 15 4t
QjryryA WEEK guaranteed to Male and
i I I reunite agents, in their locality,
Costs nothing to try it. Particulars Free,
P. O. Vickery it Co., Augusta, Mo. 23-4t
MONDAY, Nov. 30th, 1874.
One grand cash gift
One grand cash gilt
Ono grand cash gilt
Ono grand cash gift '
Ono grand cash irilt
f cash gifts, $i'0,000 each,
10 cash gilts, 14,000 each,
1" cash gilts, 10, (Hill each,
20 cash gilts, 6,000 each,
25 cash giftn, 4,000 each,
30 cash gilts, 3,000 oach,
80 cash gilts, 2,000 each,
li 0 cavh gifts, 1,000 each,
21(1 cash gil'U), 600 each,
500 cash gilts, 100 each,
111,000 cash gilts, 50 each,
Grand total 20,000 Gifts, all cash, f 2,500,000
Wliolo Tickets
Halves ...
Tenths, or each Coupon
11 whofo tickets for
22 1-2 tickets for - -
For Tickets or information,
50 00
25 00
6 (HI
5IKI 00
1,000 00
TlU'M. rj. itiiAJlLl'.n n, Agent am
Manager, Public Library Building, Louis-
vine, iy., or
THOS. li. II AYS CO., Eastern Agents
GO'J Broadway, Now York, 2f4t
Tho Grand Rapids nnd Indiana Railroad
has been finished ; is 3:10 miles long, und
lis entire land grant earned 1
In Farming Lands to Actual Sellers, for
Individuals or Colonics,
100,000 uerei have been told already. The
lands aro well tiinrwred, making th bust
kind of farms, (strong soils of great pro
ducing pow or. Kasily reached by rail or
water. Good Markets. Railroad rui.H
through the grant. Michigan is one of tlio
least indebted and most prosperous States
in tlio West. Its schools aro umHiiallcd,
Its liiiaueial standing is No. 1. Nodillicnl
ty in transportation. Peace ami prosperi
ty aro in ils borders. Lands bum (I to pi
pcracru. 'lime siillicient. Interest 7 per
cent. WM. A. HOWAltl),
Land CoiMinr', Grand Itapids, Mich.
P. It. Pll-atl'i:, See'y Land J lepai liiiont.
-"".A 1
v' AtS'rSS ' A' re
I1 f
Dr. J. Walker's Calirorniu Yin
Cgnr Uiltors nro a purely Ye.sctabi!!
preparation, mado chiefly from tlio na
tive herbs fomid on tlio low er ranges of
tto Sierra Nevada mountains of (Califor
nia, tho medicinal properties of which
are extracted therefrom without tho uso
of Alcohol. Tlio question is almost
daily asked. ''What is tho cause of tlio
unparalleled success of Vikkuak 15rr
TF.ust" Our answer is, that they icniovo
tho cause of disease, and iho patient re
covers his health. They aro tlio great
blood purifier and a lil'o-giviii principle.
a nciiect lioiiovator mill innir
of tho svstcm. Never before in Uio
history of tlio woW has a niciHciao iia
cuiiiiiuiiiuh-d poiisoAsiiig tlio ionia:Kiilil(i
qualiUcs of Vixkoau Hitikiis in healing tlio
sick of every ihscaxo Hum i heir to. Tlmy
aro a pernio I'uriralivo a. weil an a Tonic
relieving Congestion or Inflammation of
the Liver ana Visceral Organs ia Bilious
The properties of Dr.. WAi.icr.n's
Yinkoar Bm-KKS mo Aperient. Piaiilioretic.
Carminative, Nutritions. Laxative, hiurclin.
Sedative, Counter-irritant Sudorilie, Allara
tdve, and Anti-Bilious.
Grateful Thousands proclaim Vis.
eg Ait liiTTEiis the most wonderful In
vigorant that ever eustaiaod th siukiug
system- .
No Person can take these Bitters
according to directions, and remain long
unwell, provided their bones aro not de
stroyed by mineral poison or other
nicar.s, aud vital organs wasted beyond
Ililions. Remittent nnd Inter
mittent 1 evers, which aro 60 preva
lent iu tho valleys of our great rivers
throughout tho United States, especially
thoso of tbo Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri,
Illinois, Touncssoo, Cumberland, Arkan
sas, Red, Colorado, Brazos, Uio Grande,
l'oai l, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Ro
anoke, James, aud many others, with
their vast tributaries, throughout our
cntiro country during tho Summer and
Autumn, and "remarkably so during sea
sons of unusual beat and diyuasa, mo
Invariably accompanied by extensive de
rangements of tho stomach nnd liver,
and other abdominal viscera. In their
treatment, a purgative, exci ting a pow
erful inllucnco upon thoso various or
gans, Is essentially necessary, 'i'liero
is no cathartic for tho purpose cqiud to .
Dit. J. Wat.kek'8 Yixkgah Srin:::s,
ns they will speedily romovo tho dark
colorcd viscid matter With whloU tho
bowels are loaded, at tho samo limn
stimulating tho secretions of the liver,
and generally restoring tho bealihy
functions of tho digestive organs.
Forlil'y tho body aaiiis! disease
by purifying all its fluids with Vixkuah
lSm'Kits. No epidemic can title huU
of a system thus forc-nnncd.
Dyspepsia or Iiirtteoslion, Head
ache, I'ain in the Shoulders, Coughs,
Tightness of tho Chest, Dizzine.-.B. t-o"r
Eructations of the Stomach, Had 'l'a; to
in tho Month, liilious Attacks, l'alpiia
tatiou of the Heart, Inflammation r :!
Lungs, Pain in the region of thn Kid
noys, and a hundred other painful e inj-
toius, are tho offsprings of Dyspcu T .
Ono bottlo will provo a bettorgvuranlr i
of its merits than n lengthy iiUvcMii---ment.
Scrofula, or Kind's whir..
SvrolliugA, Uitors, Krysipislas, Sim lied Ni il..
(luitru, tk'lcifiiluUii ul!aiiiiiuUi"Us. l:idni...
Iiilluiiniialious, Morc-iniid A lli'tiioas, I'M
Euros, Kitioim of tlio SKin, K,rn Kyi-, el .
In tUosu, an in all other ceiistiiiui;ii'.-i! '!! -cases,
Valuku's Vinhoaii J!rrri-::is l av i
sliowa their proat curalivo pnv.. r.i ia l!. i
uitist ubstinato nnd intnietalilo ee.
For Inllaiuniatory r.nd ( hi oni.'.
Ivlioiiinaf isiti, Gout, liilious, lln ii;
tentnndlnteriuittcnt l-'evcis, li:;ease;. of
tlio Hlood, Liver, Kidneys and l;!.n! I.i-.
theso Hitters have no ofjuu!. tii.-a VI nm
nro caused hy Vitiated lllnud. .
Met'hanienl Diseases. IVn'mis v:.-
gaged ill Paints anil Mineral.-., aueh as
l'huubcrs, Tyiic-sctterj, i n 1 I - Li-ji t r aa-i
Miners, as they iidiiuico in life, uro nil.j -it
to paralyxis of tlio RowcK-. ''u ea r I
against this, tako a dono of W'Ai.ui.u'a Vi:.-
liOAB UlTTKRH UPeasiilllillly.
For Sliia Discuses, Eruptions, T.-:-
ter, Salt-Hlieiun, Hlotclics, Snow. l'iai:!i-.,
l'lHittiles, Hails, Caihuneleri, Piag v oi -a,
Scald-ln-ad, Soro liyes. i:rysipda. It-.-li.
Bcui'f, Disculoratiinis of tliu Shin, !Ja;a,,:
and Diseasos of tho SKin of u li.iluvcr a, in:
or nature, are literally dug up iia-.l earn.:. I
out of the tij-stcm iu a bhuil liiiio hy luo ujj
of thoso Iiitturs.
Tin, Tape, nnd otlier Vorui i,
lurking in tho nvstcin of so maay tliansuiul'-.
ait elluutually uustroyod and removed. .'
BVKtein of medicine, no vciuiihn.'"-!, lai an
tiiulinuiitlcs willlieo tbe system IVoui worcij
like theso Hitters.
For Female Coinplaiuis, inyoun
or old, Illumed or niuglc, lit Hie (Lava el' wo
manhood, or tlio turn of life, ll.dO Tnain
Hitters display so decided un inlliuuco Dan,
iiuproveiueut li soon puieeptihlo.
Cleanse tho Vitiated lilood wIimi-
ever you hud iu impurities buratiiii? tlireuU
til skiu iu I'implus, Kriiptioii.-', or Hiti-m
cleauso it when you find it obstructed a-j.l
sluggish in tho veins; cleauso it when it i.i
foul ; your feelings will lull vou when. Keep
the blood pare, and tho hiaiilh of tUu ayUem
will follow.
11. II. M DON tMJ A CO.,
Dru);lata aiitl Hon. Airts., Sun Krieirhc . Cil fe-iiiiu
Mid uur. of WunlattL-tuu mal (-mlUH Si ei . X. Y.
bulU by ttli UrumilBtit Mutl Ikultr..
Madame Foy's Corset Skirt Sup
porter. For lleallh. Comfort 'and
Ntyle, in aeknowledKcd tlho
bent artielmd tho kind ever
made. Nunieroui Testi
iiioiiialx in ill favor aro lc
inii rei-olved from all uarts
of thn L'nltivl .States.
I.ady Agents Wanted.
Foy it I1AK.MON, Solo
Maniifacturei-M, Now Ha
ven, Conn. Arnold ,V. Han.
Hint:, N, Y. AgeiilN lim
1 '
-a rf i