The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, September 02, 1874, Image 4

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, tJrAn,iM) Tttbu JuT : VJV,
ViiHrmiftH. J Wnloatt, T. J. Vim
J. K. Itlnlno,. 1). S, Knox, . J. H,
Hood, J. A. ProMr.' '
. Jutdrci of the reaee W. P. Mercllllott
Jf. . Khox.
CbMtttile II. Snggart' '
iHfhnol tfirrrtoriW H. Knox, H. O. In-
to, n. J. woinoii, . n. Haslet, A. If.
nkll, I). Murk.
..(,,.,.. -
I Aimtiatm Jmlyct J. A. Phopkr, ' A.f-
i vniiw . ook. . , ,
' MitrifT T. J. Van Oieskn. :.
tfYnNi-r Fftftu. (1 umnkr,
T- I'rothonotnri, litginttrit Recorder, rfc.
v. n. aon aw,
(bmiiii.Miiiim-T. D. Col.l.tKs, Jonit
t i nonrmn, ja, k.i i.aiik,
OnUiify Hitfitrmtemirnt S. F. Ron nun.
' ' i JM-tMrt AttornryH. P. Irwin,
yrv fommuMionr Ja. KuiH,Wm
' f)nfy Nurvrynr S.T). Irwin.
' " Oronr M. iTTKt., Jr.
(V)nry urfirmvi T. It. Conn, L. Wah-
Fin, . jAniKMi.
Mnnbnro VongrcM) Vlh DitrietC ll,
Attembty Martin Williams.
t II
Tims of Trains
AtTIONESTA STATION', on and ftor
;junu i, i, i
; J . ', , SOUTH 1ST CLAMS.
7 Train &! r - -' 7:12 p. ui.
"' 2o i.ass.
Train fiO .... ll:0!i. m.
v 8'f.'" ' ' ' 8:28 P. .
''.,'KOtTHlMTC'f.A!W. , ,
Train lit - f 3:28 p. ill.
, , ' ' ' class.
' Train M - . ft.Vi n. in.
' ISO - - - d:05 1. in,
' Oh thl River Division f. e. from Oil Cltv
. to Irvlnetnn, up the rlvor Is North; down
me river, aomii.
A. B. Ivel!y, Kso.. Cashier of
May, Park fe Co., is at present absent
on buaiufEs at lirookville
,. The hymn books for Presbyterian
services have arrived, and are at this
, olfico. ..Those who waut litem can get
j them by calling.
. -'-Sand hill cranes abound on the
ialauJ !u the river between this place
nnd Tidioute; woodcock are also said
to exist tin the inlands to some extent.
-We uotice Beiij. Jlay, Esq., of
' Norristown, is in town on a visit to his
"- friends. II is looking hale and heart v.
' and ,is , apparently, enjoying himself
' first rate. .' - - ;.
... .-. There are a number of our enter
prising fur in era who own and operate
i t .
mowers unci reapers, out as yet we
have heard of one who. Lag been in
jured by them, i .. -
; 'Hon. C. B. Curtis, of Erie, was
' yes.terday nomiunteil for Congress by
tho Republican district cenference com
posed of dulegates from Wnrron, Erie
Bd Vonango counties. " 1 "k J '' K
'Yesterday ushered iu the squir
rel shooting season; ; It will be lawful
to lny fbem by fair means oroul un
til January 1st. , They are not very
.plenty in this section yet we believe. .'
!"..T-Ltcst returns show that Ohio
voted Sgaiust license, by about 7,000
J"joritjv .It ia supposed tbat'tWe
"M ill be lew whisky nnd more "hard"
cider drank iu that State hereaftea. '
1 Mr. Brown had a inn kille on
A logging job tear Jug Handle one
day last week, and C. P.Qillespiehad
e-ne hoof taken off one of Tiis horses
on the same job by a rolling log.'
" -The Becchcr investigating coui-
luittee find Mr. Beccher not uily of
tlie charges upou, which he was ar
laignod. ' Popular opinion, as far as
. we can learn, also acquits him.
Grangers, attention. The meet
mg iiigni oi me iioneeia urange is
changed to Saturday evening. The
first meeting under tho new rule will
take place ou Saturday evening next.
rrora our exchanges we learn that
' regular organized band of burglars
' ure infesting Northwestern l'ennsylva
tjua. It might be well for our citi
zone to provide means for their rccep-
i lion should they come here,
' I. O. O. F. Robecia Degree. D.
, V, U. M., II. O. Smith, of Union will
lie in town on Monday evening next.
-7th lust., for the purpose of conferring
tbe Kebecca Degree. Members will
lease take notice. '
We invito ottention to the card
'of the Empire Hotel, of Tidioute.
This is a good place to stop, and guests
are always sure of good rooms and
good treatment. We have tried it,
nd know whereof we speak. .
"Cant Knox, in addition to put
ting au extra elory ou his sitting raom,
is putting a Veranda across1 the whole'
front of IjL bouse, uud putting on
block siJing. The change fyr the
belter i remarkable.. . .
' Wf Uppcnd extracts rrora !wotf the
Clnriori papers 1 a regard to the open
ing speech of the' campaign by Gen.
Harry .White,' delivered in the Court
I loose, in Clarion, on Tuesday even
ing last. .
Heneral White then came forward
and addressed the meeting in his usual
rloqnent stylo.' The speaker, during
his discourse, dweardfld all tho 'dead
issues of the past, nnd in, a careful
manner statod and discussed at length
the issues of the dny. at the same time
endeavoring to enforce upou the audi
ence the importance of carefully study
ing those issues so that they might be
enabled to gi to the polls and cast
their ballots In a manner truly becom
ing American citizens. The speaker
then defined his position as a Republi
can lie did uot beg for the voles of
me Republican party, as politicians
are geuerally wout io do, but ho frank
ly nslced the voters of Clarion county,
irrespective of parties, to carefully con
sider the issues of this campaign, and
to more carefully censider what action
wojild be best and safest for the welfare
of this great Republic. The speaker
continued throughout his discourse to
discuss the live Issues in a true states
manlike manner, always appealing to
the intelligence of hoarers. In closing
he hopoJ that every man present and,
in fact, every voter in the district,
would study the issues and vote hon
estly and intelligently, and by so do
ing he assured them that the State,
district and county tickets of the Re
publican party would be unanimously
elected in November next. In conclu
sion General .White hanked the intel
ligent and oppreeialive audience for
their kind attention, and then retired
amidst the most profound and enthusi
astic applause, i ;
G. W. Arnold introduced General
Harry White, who entertained the au
dience with a Speech nn hour and a
half long. Wo intended giving tho
points of his remarks, but could dis
cover none. For a pluasible, smooth
and sophistical talker when bun
combe fcpeecb i needed to kill time.
White is the idlin to wind up aud set
ruuuing, but In closo logical argument
nna vigorous Uebnte he tails, llisaudi
uiiub knew mm ny reputation as au
orator, bnt few Jiad ever heard him
and many have been the expressions of
uisappoiuimeut, lor he really seemed
laboring with dimculty, ami did not
even do average justice to himself.
We ask all people of any , party
whatsoever, if it is possible lor two
honest men of good common sense to
attend a meetiug, and differ honestly
to such ari extent ns the above extracts
would have us believe.. The first ex
tract is from the Republican, and the
second from the Democrat, both pub
hshed in the moral town of Clarion
The first makes out that Gen.. White
sustained his reputation as an elequent
and forcible political speaker. The
second would have us believe that
Harry White, a man known and ao
knowledgod all o?er the State as an
able statesman, a rapid thiuker, and a
profound speaker, made a speech, the
opening speech of his campaign, too,
which, would disgrace a school-bov!
M( Brown, we wish to impress on
your mind a commandment, which, if
you have ever learned, you seem, to
have forgotten, viz: "Thou shalt not
bear false witness against thy neigh
bor. , Do you ever think," Mr. Browc
that your zeal for Democracy exceeds
your luri of the truth, and has made
you, time and again, violate the niutu
commandment of Godf Reflect on
your sins, and retract your false wit
ness against your neighbor, and you
may in time be within reach of mercy
and pardon., jj Recollect that
"While yes the lamp holds out to burn,
The vllost lunor may return."
1 he Democratic Convention of
Forest oounty, met yesterday in the
Court House. S. II. Haslet was elect
ed Chairman of the convention, and
Messrs. Biggins and Flynn, Secretaries.
The following ticket was then nomina
ted: t
Assembly J. Wiuaus.
Associate Judge G. S. Siggius.
Treasurer J. D. Hunt.
Commissioner EH Berlin.
' Auditor J. P. Albaugh.
On motiou P. O. Conver was elected
Chairman of the Democratic County
Committee for the ensuiug year. ,
On. motion, the Crawford Conntv
System was adopted - as the . mod of
nominating candidates in the future.
The convention appointed Peter
Heasly, Isaac Long and Michael Dun
kle as delegates to the Congressional
Conference, to be held at Brookville,
on the 3d inst., instructed to support
Nev invoice Boots & Shoes, all
kinds, ttyles aud prices, just received
at Rubinson tt Bonners. " tf
Rev. Vm. Elliott will preach in
the rresbytcriaU'Churab ib Eh i'sl place
next Sunday, morning and evening.
He will also preach iu the Presbyter
ian Church in Neillsburg, on next
Sunday at 3 o'clock, p. ro.
The "Rocket" Base Ball Club of
this place, and the Neilltown club will
play a match game on the grounds in
this place to-morrow (Thursday) be
ginning at 1:30 p. m. An interesting
game is anticipated.
Mr. Jas. G. Clark, the Poet-Vocalist,
is announced to sing in the
Tresbytcrian church of this place on
Tuesday, the 22d inst Mr. Clark has
given entertainments here before, and
tbey have always been well patronized.
W. West, Harness Maker, adver
tises with us to-day, for the first time.
He is located in the Roberts Building
opposite the Rural House, and is pre
pared to do everything in his line that
may be called for. He keeps every
thing in stock that his liue oils for.
Give him a call.
Mr. J. L. Craig, Agent at Tiones
ta station, informs ua that more freight
Is being shipped frorahis Jmint now,
than at any time since the road was
constructed. This is owning, to 'a
great extent to Dithrldge's Mill, which
ships an average of one and one-half
cars per day of box boards. ' 1 ' 1
Attention is called to the new
advertisement of L.. Spears, Black
smith, and H. W. Roberts, Wagon
Maker, in this issue. Mr. Roberts is
known to all who are liable to be cus
tomers of his. Mr. Spears comes
among us well recommended, and will
undoubtedly secure afairshnreof pub
lio patronage.
On Saturday last while riding to
ward Newmanville, with S. C. Sloan,
he killed a large black rattlesnake
just beyond S. II. Haslet's farm; and
ou Monday, coming back over the
same route he killed another similar
one about forty rods from where the
first oue passed in his checks. Both
were lying across tbe road.
The Democracy have nominated
a State Ticket as follows : Woven J.
Woodward for Supremo Judge; John
Latta for Lieutenant Governor; Jus
tus F. Temple for Auditor General,
nnd William McCandless for Secreta
ry of Internal Affairs. The nomination
of Judge Trunkey for Supreme Jui'ge
would hare been more satisfactory to
the Democracy of , this part of the
State. With the exception of the
candidate for that 'office the; above
nominees will take an excursion to
Salt River on the 4th of. November,
This is how the special correspon
,lnn r .1. fp?. ... .
uciiw ui inu iiiusviue jieraid was
smitten with Tionesta: MTh:s is ouo
of the finest little towns in the sura
mer time to be found in seven States
lhe streets are wide and well kept,
and are liued on either side with large
uuue trees, wuicu anord the visitor
cool shelter aud retreat from tbe over
allectionate rays of old Sol. Every
noma is surrounded by beautifully
laid out lawns the capacious - grounds
dotted aud enlivened with shrubbery
.i a i
biiu : nowers oi almost every species
known to this climate,
The following in relation to the
new pastor of the Presbyterian church,
is taken from .the special correspon
dence of the Vemek of yesterday :
vu duuusjt loreuoon, itev. Wm.
Elliott preached his farewell sermon
before the congregation of the Kuenr.
creek Presbyterian church, having ac
cepted a call to Tionesta. He deliv
ered an affecting discourse from the
"Apostolic Benediction," his remarks
melting not a few of his hearers to
tears. During a pastorate of three
years Mr. .Elliott has labored with
marked success to build up this inter
eating cnarge, - and his removal to
another held is deeply regretted by
his attached people both atSuirarcreek
and Cherrytree. Tfc congregation,
however, with characteristic enterprise,
will lose no time in securing a compe
tent pastor, meanwhile eueuelnc such
supply as the Presbytery can furnish
tin the vacancy is again filled.
We are requested to announce that
tbe New Methodist Episcipal Church
of Tidioute will be dedicated on Sun
day, bept 13th. Dr. B. J. Ives, of
AuburB N. IT., wni officiate. This is
a Cue brick church, which has . beeu
built at considerable expeuse to the
congregation, and their neighbors are
iuvited to be present to witness its ded
ication to the worship of God. , , .
22t J. N. B.
Papa Baldwin, at Tidioute, has
the most extensive and best selected
lot of Fishing Tackln that wo have
ever sccu in a eountry store, and at
agonisingly low prices. 1 Giu
List for Sepl. Te r7n7 WTT
Tlarnfttt twp.Wastlee "rlhoey, C Fore
man, ; Joint Eck,' V. J ftliiek, Bolomnn
Fitzgerald. ..; .. ,. . )
JSropn. Daniel Mohnny, layman Cook,
od. Wlnogard, C. F. Cropp.
Klngsley. Danlol lludgins, ' Judson
Cntlln, John HullhUy.
Jenks. John Bodge, Jus. T. Rose, Geo.
Roso. . .'
Hlekory. O. J. Allison, Wm. Srennnn,
Win. Connelly.
.Tionesta Jan. Fitzgerald, Ooo. Meafy,
John Slml house, Humiiel M;t'lliitouk.-
Tlonosta Itoro. John' Wyant, Hamu'el
C. Riddle, D. THm k.
Tlonosta Boro. J. A. Dale, (1. W". Rob
inson, A. R. Kolly, W. R. Dunn, . O.
Rutterflold, Honry Swaggart, II.' W. Rob
erts, J. W. Btroup.
TiimetiU Twp. Jacob Zouts, J. D. II ud
dlcson, P. O. Hunter, Potor Wolf, Moses
Mealy, Ell llolenian, Samuel Clark, W.
A. Gifford.
liarnett.-John Barton, Charles Travis
8. Cook, A. niack, Geo. Braden Michael
Dunklo. ' y .'...
Kingsloy. EU Berlin, Goo Morgan)
Andrew Bailer; Sliholas Arnold,- Henry
Thiok&v Jacob Bock. ' V '
Hickory Tltf. Ailonder, Charlos Al
bmigh, J. P. Burrin, Joseph Coliuru.
Harmony. C. L. Ilanna, A. J. 8l,rgjns,
Hiram Fleming, W. C. Bromley, Walter
Dawson, John Hnyder, Goo. N. Munross,
YVin. B30tt,
Jenks. R. J. Kallado.
Green. J no. Dlekrager, Frod. Loilabur,
ituuoipu banian, r. I'. Flynn, Jan. John
son, Thos. Sanford, Wm. Cropp.
Best Mixed..
Best Japan. ' '
Best Oolong.
Best Imperial.
Best Gun Powder. .
Best Young Hyson.
21 -2t at Robinson & Bonners.
Those beautiful lots just north of
Mrs. Henry's residenco can be bought
cheap, on loug time, by applying to
the-editor of this paper. if.
' New Clothing, nnd marked Very
low, at Robinson & Bonnets. , 21 tf
On or about the 2oth day of May I
lost a Judgmont note, against t. C.
Sloan, in favor of Geo. S. Hunter,
dated about the 12th of April, with
Hunters name ou the back, made pay
able on or before the 4th Monday of
Alay. lhe amount of the note was
$475-00. 'All persons are warned
against ncgotiatiug the above note. A
liberal reward will be paid to the per
ron who delivers the above described
note to me. T. J. Van Giesem.
Ladies wanting a warranted shoe
gc to Robinson fc Bonner'3 and see A.
J. Johnston's custom work. 21-2t
Landlord and -Tenant Leases, the
most approved form, for sale at this
Glass jars, tin cans, sealing wax,
&c, for putting up borries and fruit,
at Robinson & Bonner s. 16tf
Horses and Cows for sale. Orders
from a distance solicited.
3tf D. G. Hunter, Tionesta, To.
Pittsburgh Female College, j
T only -Eight Teachers.
Thomueh instruction In all Om hrmw lii.
of a solid and ornamental education. (
Employed in the
, Conuoetod with tho College. , 1
"The luricest slid beat Grand O
educational purposes in America." Ku
perior advantavwt iu Elocution, Drawing,
Painting, Needlework and Waxwork.
Kreneh and Gorman by native t.cherK.
Charges loss than any institution in the
United States. aU'ordinur en mil ml
and fuscomuiodationa. Fall term un
menoes Sept. !. Send to tho Prosi lent,
Rov. i. C. Pershing, D. D., I'ittobu rl ,
i'a., for cai aloe ue. wlU-41
f CURES Gravel. Dia
I betim, DiopHv. PalDltn-
ion of tho Heart, In
laniation of Kidneys
om iiiauoer, laissolv
Kldnay Cure.
ng calculous gravel,
iirickdust, or stone In
ho hladdor), Nervons
Debility, Pern ale
Woakneiw. Luoorrhcea
?ru4 Mar. "JW, U1SUUHUS OI
th HMiai glands and oselditv of the
Huniiacn. I'or elulit veara 1 have Kohl tlix
Harosina over our "countries with great
benefit to the sl.-k nnd mlli,.f..,l , T,,..
ing had twenty-uric years experience as a
"no v nen 1st, 1 feel justified in
wariantiug cverv bottle to licnclif ih
aillictc-4 with tlie ahoveliseases, or I will
refund the money. 11. K. Thoiupsou A
Co., TilusvillK, Pa., and lor salo by Drug
gists. Price tl; hotlliw for 85. lJ-4t
$5 g $20
9 trill nor ilav at kiiino 'I
K- inu. A!( ri'MM HtHi. Stinauin
e. T I t L w " v
it Co., Portland, Me.
15 4t
l'ersons aofTerlnir with Nervous lluhlll.
ly, Insipteiit 1 'nnsuinption, Asthma, ilrou-
cnuis, laiarrn, or any lorm of Nervous r
1'ulnniijarv Coinnlaiuts. will receive a
prompt and radlciU egutublu Rtiuied
Ireo ol cliaige, by giving symptoms
full, and addressing,
lr. I HAM. r. MAItSIIAI.L,
If ;ii an Ml., Bull In, N.
- m All) OKTHK-" J ,
Masonic Relief Association
THURSDAY, September 3d, 1874.
This enterprise is conducted 1V tlio Ma
sonic Relief Assoi-iatioii, of Nnrlolk, Va
under nullioritv ol tho Virginia Legisla
ture, (Act pHsspd, March Hth, IK7.1,) Cor tho
JmrpoHo ol raising iuiuls to complcto tho
ilasonin Tennr now In course nl erec
tion of Norfolk.
$0,000 TICKETS 60,000 HSU GIFTS.
- 1 ' To bo given ivl i .:
A noM' Kealuie, To-wlt: A Gift Is
anloc'1 to one of eve.iy ten con
secutive Numbers.
One grand cash gift
One grand cash gilt
One grand cash gilt
One grand cash gift
One grand rash gilt "
One grand raah gill
One grand cash gift
i.t ;asii gilts of fl,ooo each
2H i:anh gifts of
43 Cash gills of
7! Cash gilts of
2A0 Cash girts of
- 678 Cash gilts of
5,000 Cash gills of
Cm each
"jO each
l.iO each
100 each
W each
10 each
6,000 Cash gifts, aggregating 2")0,0'i0
Whole TickeU, 10. Half Tickets, $.
Quartor Tickets, fl.50. Eleyen whole
tickets, or 22 half ticket ft)r?100. Mo dis
count on less aniuiiiit. , j
So Iiulivldual Ileiicntsi. !
This eonceitis ttriotlv for MasonWi puri
poses, and will lo conductel with, tlie
some liberality, honesty, and fairness
which characterized the lirst enterprise; I
JOHN li, ROI'KR, Pres'ti.
Fr Tickets and Cireulnrs giving full in
formation, address, HENRY V. MOOUl
Secretary, Masonic Relief Association,
Norfolk, Va., or Itianch Olllco Room 2j,
Nos. 78 A SO R road way, N. Y. wl!l-
WANTED. reliablo men to tlistribiite
packages of tho "Wonder of the
World," and make collections. .To good
Ition I will furnish all the gom Is necessary
to conduct the business. Address, M. At.
Tilton, Pittsburgh, I'a. wlJ-4t
';,. AND A
Nov. 30th, 1874.
A postponement of thd Fifth Concert of
the Public Library of Kentucky has beon
so generally anticipated, and is so mani
festly lor . tho interest of nil concerned,
that it must meet tho approval of all. The
day is now absolutely lixed and there will
be no variation from the programme how
announced. A suxlicient number of tick
ets wore sold to enahlod us to have had a
largo drawing on tho 31st July, but a short
postponement was considered preferable
to a partial drawing. lt it bo horny In
mind that
Is the last which will ever bo given under
this Charter nnd by tho present niaiiago
That it will positively and unequivocal
ly take placo as announced 011
MOXDAY, SOlIi Xoreiubrr.
That tho musio will be the' best thn
country affords, nnd that
20,000 CASH GIFTS,
will be distributed by lot among the tick
et holdors.
One grand cash gift
Ono grand cash gill
One grand cash gift
Ouo grand cash ulft '
One grand cash irift
6 cash gills, SJO.OOO each,
10 cash gilts, 14,000 each,
15 cash gilts, 10,000 each,
20 cash gifts, 5,000 each,
25 cash gilts, 4,000 each,
: cash gifts, 8,0IX each, '
50 cash gifts, 2,0(MI each,
ll O ah gifts, 1,000 each,
210 cash gills, alio each,
500 cash Kills. 100 oach.
50,1 KIO
. 050,000
10,'tO cash gilts, 50 each,
Grand total 20,000 Gifts, all cash, $2,500,000
Whole Tickets ... ft ;,o 00
Halves - tut
Tenths, or each Coupon i - . 5 01
11 whole tickets for ... rwxi on
22 1-2 tickets for - . 1.000 00
Persons wishing to invest should order
promptly, either of tho homo oliico or our
n H-l
H-al aiiunts,
Liberal commissions will bo allowed
satisfactory agents.
For Tickets or information, address
THOS. E. UK AM LET TK, Agent and
Manager, Public Library Huihling, liuis
ville, Ky., or .
THOS. II. HAYSrf-ro.,i:1UittruAgents
000 llroadway, New York. IU 4t
The Grand Ranids and Indiana Ifni 1 ., I
has Uieu liuislicd ; is 310 miles long and
I'm entire land grant earned I
111 JMIUItig lJinils to Actual Sellers, lor
Iniiivnluals or Colonic,
100,000 acrrs have been sold already. The
lauds are well timbered, making the besi
kind of laruis. Stromr soils ol iicat om.
(luclngpowi'r. ' Easily reached by rail or
water. (iisal Markets. Railroad rui a
through lhe grant. Michigan is one of tbu
least indebted and most prosperous Stale
in the West, lis schools are unrounded,
lis linancial Klamling is No, 1. No ililliciU-
ty in transportation, i'cuce and prosperi
ty are in its bordeis. Lauds limn H In H
periu'ie. I'ime Hiillicii nr. Inti n I 7 i r
cent. WM. A. HOW A III),
Land C"iiuiir', Oraud Itapids, MicbT
P. R. PI ERCE, Sis-'y Land Depai luient.
l)r. J. W nlkcr'n Ciiliforiiia Vin
egar Hitlers aro .1 imrely YoKctablo
, picp.iiiitioii, iiii'ule chiclly from tUo na
tive heibs fotiml on the lower run cos of
the Sierra mountains of f.'
tiia, t!;r; niedicin;il properties of wliiirh
are cxtnicted therefrom without the tmn
of Alcohol. Thar question is nl:nn
daily asked. "What is the cause of to
unparalleled success of Vinkgau 15n
'J Ki;Sf ' Our ainrtver is, that they rcmoro
tlio cause of disease, aud tlie patient re
covers his health. They aro the groat
, Wood pin ifier and a lil'o-givln pi inciple,
' if perfect Renovator and Invlorafor
of the system. Never before in tfie
hUtmr of the world lias a nietliclne bee :i
, coitijiuumled piwi-cwing the remnrValilo
. qualities of VixKo.iu Hin'Kii.s in licalnip 1I10
sick of every disease man is licir to. Thr
' are a penile Pnriativo a well s a Tmilc.
relicvinc l'imiretiiii or Inflmnination sf
,. tlio Liver and Visceral Organ iu iili
Dl-ase ....
The iiroportics of Dr.. 'wamcish's
VI.vKgar IIittkrs arc Aperient. Uinnhorntic,
' Carminative. Nutritions. Lsxativ. llinrctic,
eeaativci Conntcr -Irritant Sudoriuc, Alttra
. live, ami Auti-llilioitti . , . . . .
.-. (iiiitclKl ThoiiNiuids proclaim Vts.
xgak Uitteus the most wonderful In
Yittorant that crcr suslaiucd tU" inking
system. '
' No Person can tafcc those IJittcrs
according to directions, mid remain long
unwell, provided their bones nre notdo
stroyed ' by mineral poison or other
menus, aud vital organs wasted beyond
repair..,'; . j ,
.Bilious. Item ittcnt nnd Inter
mittent I evers, which aro so preva
lent in tho valleys of our groat rivers
throughout tho United States, especially
tlioso of tho Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri,
Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkan
sas, lied, Colorado, Hiazos, Rio Grande,
Pear, Alalmmn, Mobile, Savannah, Ro
anoke, James, and many others, with
their vast tributaries, throughout otr
entire country .during the Summer uud
Autumn, and remarkably-so during sua--bods
of unusual heat and dryness,, ajo
Invariably accompanied by extensive iic
rangomciits of ilio Ftoiniich and li ver,
and other abdominal' visccVa.M,l:i 't:;eu
tieatinetit, a purgative, exerting a Jio--erftil
Intluonco uiow theao iailotiaoi -
pans, is essentially sUccessary. Thero
is no ratharUu for the purpose equal to
Pit. J. Walk uit's Vinkoaii Hitikus,
as they will speedily remove tlie dai K
colorcd viscid matter with whicU tli
bowels are. loaded, at tlie "er.:,-.c tli-,a"
Bfiinulntl;;j thi Srcrrti.mS ofilio'Kve:-,
nnd , generally restoring tuci'.livaltli
functions of the digestivo orsniw.-' "
Fortify 1 lie hotly nti iiiit ilftKK"
by purilyiiiR all its Iluiihi wiilt Vixbuh
UrriKiis. No oplilemio can take hold
of n system llms loic-ai iiicl. :.;
' Dj siiejisia or Intliin'sliif, Hcad
nehc, Pain in tho Shoulders; t'ouv..-;.
Tightness of tho C'lie.t.. D' .vs, H.,:
Eiuctatioiis of the Stomach. Had Ta.i:r
iu the Mouth, liilinus Atiacl.s, J ( 1 j i : ; t -tation
of tlio Heart, Inllaniniaiiun of Tl. 1
Lungs, rain in the region of t!;c K;,:
neys, ami a hundred other pniidul :iv:nv
toins, are tho oll'spi Imts of l)ys opM .
One bottle will prove a lictiej-gum-ante 1
of itsinciits than a Iciigiln ndvuriiij
niont. - , . j
Sfrofiila or Kiim's T.i, whin
Swellings, Ulecis, Kryipii:.. Hwvia-d S.v'.,
(ioltro, SiToliiliiiH li'ill,uini,.i!l )ii.. li. !..!.' -.
Iii(laiiiii:atii.ns, .Mcn-nriid AII'i'i-lieiH' U i
Horej, liniiitiuns of llin SUin, Sdiv lavi. ir .
JulLusu, at III llll lllll.-' C.lllnllliaie' i. .-
Vanui, Vrnnr.ll'H Yl.i:ii.i Hi i.-i ';k.s' l.a j
tlinwir tlii'ir great eiirnlivi iv;;t . -!:i Va s
Hiost ubsliiiato iiml iiitiiictiihlii cam-s.
; For Iiillmiiiiialorv nml Chrojiic
lillOUlliatlMII. (iout,;. Koiuil
. tent and Intermittent Ft' vera, lii.-easci'if
tlio, Liver, Kiilneii iui.1 illinl,-.
tliciu Hitlers have nu ti.cli I1: .-. s
. are i-ansi'il by Vi'.iiitcil ;ik,.I.
' Sleclianical Disuses. -Kensotis !
gaged in Paints nnd Minerals, ntu-A
riiuubcr, Tvue-si'licir, (lli-lM.ia,e' ,
Minnin, as they hiIvhiicii in Jnc, a,v sui.s-. :
. to iai-,-:i.-,:.i ef tlio Iliiwcl.-. T-j i;;'j"i
ngninst tins, taliu a ilnse of IV.ui.i.ii' Vb
Khar HrrrKiis occasionally. : . .
For Skin Diseases Krnption, 1t-
tcr, Sall-Kliuiun, Hlotclies. HimU, I'iinj li -.
I'untilliM, Ilnils, tai-liiuiilcs, l.'iii-njn in ..
Scald-lu-ad, fioro Kyes. l.'rv. ;pn::i . I L. li.
HuiMts, Uiscoloratioiis or tlio' .skin. II ni.ii.i s
and Discuses of ir ,Skin of wluluvi-.i.inj' i
or iiBluw, aro literally ilujr up and i.ujj.a
out of tlio system iu a Muni timo In" t!:; ,u
of tlioso Hitters. "...
Tin, Tap,' and ollior Worms,
lurking iu tlio system of W many tlumsaiul.
: are. ellucttially ilustruyeil and r.i
6vsttui of medicine, tin vcriiiwiies, i,t an
tiicliniiiitle i ill frcu the rymcin iVem wi-.rmj
like llicfo liiUut'd. . ;
. For Female Coiiipliiints, in. Mnvi'
dr old, married nr singlu, atthcilauu el'vi.
liianhdml. or tlio tn.111 of hie; tlnwn Toniu
liittcrK display so ilm idoil an inllinuita tl,,.t
iniprovuuwut is (ni peici'iitiWe. ,. ,
Cleanse tlio Vitiated Hood wUa
ever jou lind us inipuiiiicj biu.-tm Uu,l;;i
the sluu in rinijili-s, l-;riii!inii, or Sorti :
' elfiuise it when you- tiuil it oistiiuliU' itiM
-lupf in tlio veins; clitaunt lirii-U u
foul , your feelings, will tell von when. Kci-p
tlie blood pure, uud tho lic.ihh of lhe svlcai
wUl lollnw. - ' ,
11. 11. M. novvi.n Co..
DmnthtenilUia. At., S,in Kraneim rullH.-i.iii. ir. nf WuUnii.-iiii mill t b.iriiofl si., ,,
Soltl by all ti-u(gUla Mini l)t uli-i .
MAdame Foy's Corset Skirt Sup-
. pui ICI 1 ., ,
Vnr Health. Comfort and
sty I is Is acknon IcJiKkt tho
I inst article, of tho Mml ever
made. Niiuksihis Testi
monials In Its favor arc be
ing reelvd fVoui all, uts
or ibn Lutttai r-t'- ;
l.adv Atri-ms AVantcd.
KOY A: : UAUM'K, Sulo
lajiiifaetimi(-.i, New Jla
ven, Ciiin.. AriioMA Ran
ninir, N. Y. Au-enls h-im