-.uljiM 1 V.. R. T)tTXK EDITOR. JKDSESDAT MORMXQ, SEPT. !. 1874. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET For Jndge or flnpreme Court, Y.Tvr a nt M. r a xson, of Phiiadnlphia. . '' For Lieutenant Governor, ' A. O. OLMSTED, of Potter County. r 1 For Auditor Ocneral, ., HARRISON ALLEN, of Warren County. Eor'Secretary of Internnl Affairs, ROBERT R. HEATH, ' --1 of Schuylkill County. REPUBLICAN COUNTY TICKET. For Congress, ; ' Gen. HARRY WHITE, ' ' -1 of Indiana County. i v .... . ;; For Assembly, J. B. AO NEW. For Associate Judge, . , JOS. G. DALE, . For County Troas'uror, , . S. J, SETLEY. ., ! , , ... ' ' . ' - ; i ' Vot County Commissioner,' , ' WM. B. HEATH.. . i i For Oountv Auditor," t. b. c6bb. .' . ; : I Announcements. ASSEMBLY, '.We are authorised to announce the name of DANIEL HARRINGTON, of Kings j ley, as an Independent candidate for As sembly. If elected he, promises to repre sent the tV'hole people, and not any party !.'.."' ' Voting Requisites..' ' ; The electron, on the '3d of Novem ber next, wilt be the first general elec ,tion unrforthe new Constitution. The change from the old to'tho new system ; is important and will require careful eiuuy, iu uruer lo avoiii lulStaKOs. j . The new duties of election officer catinofbe committed to memory, or be r.!t ..-T J . . ..... .. 'l , on uuuimuuii uv a oner siuuy on election ; morning. Time should bo given to the subject beforehand. Per eons who may bo" members of the .Hoard of Election, in the several dis-i . , . , irmis wuere jney ueioog, snoiild give ; attention y the subject tiqw. For their benefit we insert the following carefully prepared summary of voting requisites from the Pittsburgh Gazette fiesMuus may tinge not emoraced in this article but its clearness and com prehensiveness as well as its importance commend it to the careful attention of every voter: -1.' Two months residence In an elec tion district is required, in place often "lujBu uereioiore. z. i.ue State or county tax must bo assessed at least . two months, and paid at least one month before election. 3. Every bal lot thall be numbered, aud the num. ,' ber recorded on the list of voters 'op- posite the name of the person voting , it, and the voter may write, or cause to . be written, his name on the ballot. 4. In fhe trial of contested elections, a ' witness must testify even though- his evidence criminate himself. 5. No . person can be an officer of election who holds, or who for two months prior to the election has held a nation al, or State office, or in a municipal board, commission. or trust in any city. 6. Two overseers may be appointed by the Court of Common Pleas on the ap plication of five citizens, and have the rigbt to supervise proceedings.may report to Court, and where election i officers differ, may decide .the difleren'r " ces. 7; Foreign, born citizens must have been naturalized" a month prior ' to the electiou. ... 1 To these merely personal items may ...be added others that refer to the laws, under the aut of 1874. These are ufujiently important to deserve , specific mention: 1; One Assessor '.elected by the people in each district takes the place of three canvassers. . 2. Thia Assessor revises the transcript t of .the preceding year, and rectifies the votiug Jist. Fr.un the first Mon , day iu August till tho sixty-first day before the election, all persons are en titled to inspect this list free of charge, and during this time rectification may ' bo made. 3. There is a penalty for assessing a persoi. not a voter, or for not assessing one who is a voter. Any person can bring an Assessor before the Court of Common Pleas for the - nou-perforroanca or wrong performance ; of duty; and have the list corrected or penalty enforced. 4. The election 1 officersouo Judge and two Inspectors are elected by the people. 5. The . polls are to be pened at 7 a. in. and ; closed at 7 p. m. , ,6. Iu case a person's name i not pq the assessor's list, he uiny. vete provided one qualified voter . ,of the district, is a witness of his resi . deuce. 7.' Elect'ou officers must re . gard a ehallenge and proof of right ,t to vote must Ue made before theb-llot can be received, 8.' Jieetloii officers are to be sworn or affirmed nut to dis " close haw any doctor alutll have voted. O.i Intimidation! whether against aq :' eiectioa oiticer, ehalleogaB or voter,: is .1 iiiude a miidoiueanor. ,10. .Votes are to be counted only nt the closo of eloc- tion, not licurly. 11. A ioon i the votes ere counted the result is .to ibe promptly ana particularly declared 12. The returns are to be made to trio licate, with, iu addition, a return sheet. one to be placed in the box, and . the uwier two in envelopes, anc sealed nr, one of which is to be given to the mi nority inspector to keep, and the other with the return sheet is to be taken to the prothonotaTy of the Court of Com mon i lea. , ia. The returns are to be made to the Court of Common Tleas, tne second day alter the election, and the result determined by the Court. 14. To give receipts for taxes not paid, or to ante date a receipt are forbidden under penally of fine or imprisonment; and to present a tax receipt that mis states the time or fact of payment is ranue an indictable ottence. ino tollowing are the dates at which the various fairs in this section of the country will be held this year: Erie, Sept. 15, 1G, 17 aud 18. , IlarlaoRburg, Lawrence county .Sep tember 22, 23 and 24. : ; Corry, Sept. 29, 80 and Oct 1 and 2. Franklin,Sept. 30 and Oct 1 and 2. Stoneboro, Sept 9, JO and 11. Conneautville, Sept 30 and Oct 1 Greenville, ept 22, 23 and 24! ; Cleveland.' Bept 14 to 19. Mercer, Sept, 15, 16 and 17. Jamestown, Sept. 28, 29 and 30. Warren, O., Sept. 9, 10 and 11. 1 1 Brookfield, O., Sept.16, 17 and. 18. Beaver, Sept. 29, 30 aud0ct 1 and 2.. . ,.' ; ;. . . Meadville, Sept 16, 17 and 18. : The following items are from the Vehango Spectator : T. D. Cutcball, of Canal township, threshed a small field of oats on his farm last Monday which yielded fifty four bushels to the acre. Can the Poor House farm beat that? ' Kev. A. B. Putnam, of Hudson, O., has accepted the call to the Factorship of St. John's Church, this city, and will enter upon his ministerial duties on Suuday, September 13th. The Brush Factory building !s. ap proaching completion. The workmen are now putting the finishing touches ....... u .r i .i i r ... uiuu inn ruui nuii mo mucnincry will i - i . - , . J booh oe iu piacov une month more ought to give us a brush factory in tun operation.' .. t ' . . , . : A man who gives his name as Ed ward Wiunet, one of the three burg lars who broke Juto Horton & Crary's store in Sheffield about a month ago was arrested in Buffalo last Wednes day by two detectives and Mr. Crary. no was urougut to Warren, plead guilty to the robbery, and put iu the lock-up last Thursday and taken to Erie jail on Friday morning. Anoth er man had subsequently been arrested bnt proved to be the wrong fellow, as Mr. Crary went on from Sheffield to identify him. The detectivos had a photograph of Winnet and fouud him on the street wearing some of the clothes stolen from the store. Warren Mall. . . ;. A Democrat who don't believe in being blinded by a party prejudice, writes to the Harrishurg Patriot com mending Auditor General Allen's ofli cial course. He savs that "since No vember 1, 1872, to November 1, 1873, he has collected the revenue of the State with such sigual ability as to show a clear . increase of income amounting to $600,000; and ibis, too, aiier paying an tne expenses of the Constitutional Convention, amounting in round numbers to $430,000. thus exceeding the receipts of General llartranft s last fiscal year the sum of over $1,000,000. Hon. Simeon B. Chase, the nomi- nee of the Prohibitiocists for Judge of the Supreme Court, peremptorily re fuses to accept the "honor," and says : "I regard it as vital to the enforce ment, aud maintenance ofour present law that oar Republican ticket should be elected this Fall, aud no honorable effort of mine shall bo spared to secure this end." . , New Advertisement. '.).. Empire Hotel. TIDOUTK, PA. H. EWALD, Pbopuib tor. -Thia Jiou.se in centrally located, has been thorouuhlv refuted and now boaxtM as cood a tablo and bods a unv Ho tol in tho oil regions. Transient only per day. zi-tim BUCKSffllTH AUD WACOH SHOPT THE undersigned liaro opened a first elaw Blacknuiitl) and Wagon Shop, in the Roberta shop, opposite tho Rural Houso. All work in cither line promptly attonded to, aud satisfaotion guaranteed. 22 ly L. SPEARS & II. W. ROBERTS. NEW HARNESS SHOP. JCST opened in the Roberta ISuilduiifop Mwittlie Rural House. The under siKnml in prepared to du ail kinda of work in hi line ill luo huat bti le aud ou abort notti'o. , EWHAU5fKS j A Specially. Keep on hand a Hue aasort iiieiitor Curry Comlw, hrualies,' Harnetis Oil. Wlipk and Saddles. Ilarnosa of all. kinds mad to order and cheap aa the Cliaupeirt.. ltameuibor tho name and plate :t W- WWt, Robert iJuildiuK, -y tijipoaile Rurid IIouso, Tionenta. TOU WORK neatly oxeuuLed at thUottio at re:iMmabIe ratef. Administrator's Notioe. Altera of admlnistrnt! i (Cat ttera of administration fhavhior heon ftrsnted toilmnHcrslvriixl, oit the wtatel oi i-Bui iiornn, laieor l ores! Cmmtv. do- eeaaod. nil pprwns indebted to nald folate are requested toninke immediate payment, and all liriim hflvhni ebiima aaiiist the same win present uiem duly authenticated ii ooiueiiiuw, id V . RERLIN, Adm r. Klngsley, Rept 1, 1S74. .Register's Notics. I'ublle notice Is hereby clven that Jo seph r. Hale, Guardian of Uertrude Itas- Kin, miiy uaskin and Olis Riley If ask in minor children of Robert C. Ku'rL I,, h eewwl, lias tiled in tho Reuister's Oftice In and ior llie iwinly or oreat, at Tioiiosta ins uuai account aa frardian of tho aaU minors, and that the siuno will l niv. santmt to the Orphans Oonrt of sidd County for continuation and allowance, on tho 2Sth day of September next, at tho Court limine, at xioncsta. in the County afore -am. 1 J. . AKW,R(.ihtcr, . Americnn Hi)ortMiniui. A llaudsome Sixteon-pafre Shoot, IssikhI terests of the Shootinn and J-'ishlnir Fra 'ii-vrviv. Hlltl I1MVIIIIH1 Pill nilV tit tl.A I., wrniry. . kmcIi number ia replete wltli valuable information. i.Uu...i b.,t..i. of huutinK, eta,, all highly Inlereslinir to the tpnrtsmnu. 1 4 a year, in advaneosln flm aopiea lo eta. Sand for aiHwilmen enp-r. AUdreas, The AmorWaaatpurUnuuiv West Meridian, Conn. 2-3m II. C. IIARLIN,-- Morcliant Tailor, Pf The Lawrence Rnildlne, over rtnner lor Lumber Co. Store. The biwt atai kept cousluiiUv on hand, nn.l mu.l.. .... i. the beat manner and newest styles, lft-lr MiW. C SI. 1IIL1TII, DRESSMAKER, Tionesta, Pa. MRS. HEATH lm-3 rocontly moved to this place for the nurnosn nt mni.tin. wantwhioh the ladies of the town- and county have for a lonw lim. L,.n,., .i... ... .nr...K o uirssmnKer ot experiem among tliem. I am prepared to make all Kinils or dresses in the latest atvles, and iriinrantoe satisfaction, stn inn and embniidcry doue in the best man ner, wun tne newest patterns. All I ask is a fair trial J Resirlnmw nn Wa. u, in the houso formerly ooeupied by Jaoob Trial List for September Term, 1874 Elizabeth flwr ts It. C. Scott et al. ' .11. Ellsworth ct yx for uso y Jno. U I'UKK ri HI. L. It. llotrman va John Easundas et nl. ' H. H. May ya. .lamea T. Wliisner et al. II. II. May v John Miller et al. fiernian Hill et al for uso vs Georiro S, Huntor. Eliaaboth Raffertv va Miehnrl RatTcrtv Sr, Elizabeth Railerty va Mic hael IUIlorty Sr, Chaa. Murphy vs Thomas Porter. Joseph Zouver vs John Cooper. ' Kamuol Dnlf va Ij, C. Wvnkoop et Owston 4 Sowers vs A. V. K. It. Co. , W. W. Ledyard vs John A. A J. (1. Dale. Chns. Hinton va !). It. Walter. iMiriver Sawyer for use va a. S. Hunter. vcpicr v viox. vvailiicn. S. Q. McClintock va Win. Gitlord. ' ' Edward Jonea vs P. S. Richardson. ' A. lleon va Wm; Howe etal. ' . 1 v Win. tolwell va James Hlnck. : Elijah C. Parker va Joshua R. Jones. J. (iarHeld v(. H. Hunter. Rul'ua M. Brown et nl va The West Hook ' ory Mining Association et al. Harmony Township vs Tho Oil Creek A Aiieeneuy niver unuwny. J. A. Prop and Goo. W.Walters vs Win Fellows. . J. R. AOXEW, Proth'y. Tionesta, August 17th, 1H74. PROCLAMATION. WiiBBKAi.' The Hon. L. I). Wetmore, President Judue of the Court of r... iium Pleas and Quarter Seasions in and for tlie county of Forest, has issued his pro. ci'pt for holding a Court of Common Plena Quarter Sessions, Ac., at Tioncstu, for the County of Forest, to ooiiimcuoo on the inuriii junnuiiy or sept, next, being the IWth day of Sept. 1874. Notice Is therefore given to the Coroner, J list Ires of (ho Peace and Constables of said county, that they be then and there in their proper persons at tou o'clock, A. M., of said day, with tlieir records, inquisitions examinations and othor remembrance, to do thoau things which to thoir olHces appertain to be done, and to those who bound in recognizance to prosecute against the nrisonerw that a- or shall be in the (ail of Forest County, Unit limy men uimtnore io proaocuteagumst them aa shall be just. Given under my hand and seal thia 19th day of Aug., A. li. 174. T. J. VAN GIESEN. Sh'rf. ' In the Court of Common Pleaa of For est County. John Cobb vs. Giles F, Fil ley, Theodore Larclllo, J. Philip Kricger, John F. Tollo, Henry Van Stoddiford, 1. A. January, Jaoob Woodburn. William If. Reid. R. If. Barrett. Ada S. Ames, ilenrv S. Ames, Mary H. Ames and Edgar Amea. minor heirs of Edgar Amea deceased, and l.ucy V, S. Ames miardian of said minnru John A. Scuddor and W. II. Seudder ex ecutors of Henry Ames deceased, Thomim Scott, and W. H. Itrown, Trustee. No. 1 Sept. Torin, 1X74. Summons in Partition. May Jtith, , 1WT4 atUdavit of John Cobb, riHintill', liled setting forth that one undi vided twenty-fourth part of tho premises mentioned in above writ of Partition was owned by Thomas Scott, who is now dead, and tho names and residences .r liiu lwii-a devisees or alienees are undnown to him ; that one undivided twenty-fourth part of said premises ia lield by V. 11. lirowa In trust lir his daughter, and that her nume and residence are unknown to him. May 3Uth, 1874. motion tor publication iu iOHNfcT ItKl'liBMCAN. May 2!lth, 1874, notice orderod to bo giv en to the heirs at law, devisees or alienees of Thomas Soott, and W. It, Rrown.Trus toe.by publicatiou in the Fokust Rei-ub-LU an only, once a week for six successive weeks before the next term of this Court. 1 Jyr Chc Coin Silver Watch FPEeT AgenU Wanted to act for nie, in tho sale of an article of value in ever house hold. $M Coin Silver Watch FREE. Ad dress F. ROHINSON, Pittsbuigh. l'a. will 4t v- IN NEIJRASKA, , NOW FOR SALEVERY CHEAP. TEN YEARS CRRMT, INTEREST ON LY SIX PERCENT. SEND FOR J THE PIONEER A handsome Illustrated Paper, containing the "Homestead Luw," mailed free to all nana of tiu) wold. Address O. F. DAVIS, Liuid Couuuissiuiier V. I', It. It., Omaha, Nth. li It IMPORTANT AiMNnilNP.FM'T . va In 1KTI T 1. .,,,1 .... 1. rm lor an Improvement in Wash Boilers, A simple arrangement by which tcnm jas applied to um washing or clothing, have heretofore sold thia under the inn Sionm Wnnlirr, or, Woman s 1 r i o n d, l-or a-uch It is in fnet. I have advertised it in nearly overy Religious Newspaper in tne United States and Canada, also in tho leading Secular papers, using dnuhln-col-ninn advertisements. Tho renders of this paper may rememlior seeing mv curd in tho various papers of the couniv during the past year. Extracts from letters rc fcled from m v -iiMfiinwi. 1 column, will indicate how it has bien re- ooiveii uy the peoplo throughout tho country. . . ; 3 00,000, Have been Bold already. It iaaufflclent fur uiyjjurpoao to say that I am satisfied ,thab noining noreuiiore advertised ever render ei o ircncrai saiiiaciion. vet this, mv Hrst Inventlortxois nntvptlte iiorfoct. anil ior uie ishi iwo years i nave applied my solf to the study of constructing mid pur lectlnga - -' NEW STRAW W.tNIIF.It, .'.-. ...".,,'.) And aa tho result of mvefliirta r r.jj .. nsHiirnnce that I bnve been entirely ttne-. ecssiui. iy now Steam Washer, piitont- "i ihi.i, is ansoiuiciy jnilltiess ; so much -so that I never kneir nsingle person, who had seen it work, fail to be dellghtol ..nil iv. 11 mis l-emicrcii, tnus lar, per fwt and Fnjvcrsal satisriiclinn. nml must lie tho result, for it works lite a won -j nor ivaver lulling to do all claimed for it in conclusion, let me say, that should any ono say that lie hns 'scon a Steam Washer, ask him ir he lias ft 00 it lh iiitu SHER ir now Doing advertised so extcn. aively iu whole and doublo-i mire nilvor- lisnincnts. If he answer iu tho .negative, 41, 1,, -ummmiii jiuigiuoiu until sampli can Imj prK-ired and fully teatod. I will Mend one aa .;.. just half tho retail price. nnd 1 fully warrant it. ' Alter a nerson l.n vm bu...,.i.. M. MV. 4JVIII Ul UlU Nfr C(St.w !. , - M $60 Profit caa be Made on a Single Dozen. And I have known agents to take ordort or -, A DOZEN IN ' AN HOUR. There is no wav to make mimnv . fnuln Send for a sample and secure your territo ry. imrko money white you can. ' Roader, please ca'eulale the oo-t of my two page advertisement in tin. " M I n ik. i'- ' it oonsists of 1.4S0 lilies at regular rules amounted to , 1,750 Each Insortioii. I repeated this "Card" four tlinoa lswausc lay nrst Insertion tt iut. 8) paid ine 500 IFJbJIR, . CENT. During tho last elghtoen months I have in. sorted my advertisement, occupy- ' ing one to two poges, iu " ; ITVXDIIKDS OF MCLASS PAPERS, All of which paid woll for tho outlv; but the "Christian Union" ("thn liirgesicircu- i"n oi any religious newspaper in the rid") paya me better than any, and the INTER-OCEAN: , ' 1 PAYS RETTER THAN ' ilny Other Nccular, Iaior. I mention this fuel, for all can see how extensively I advertise my Invention ; and taking into consideration the fact that I sell it Entirely on its Morits, and must eo iccde that it sells well, fur uourticle will sell well enough to pay for so expensive advertising uiithout real mnrita. Ii I .rot a sample introUuced uito a ueighborhoiHl it oitcu self ... . -' AN' HUNDRED MO HE. Such a splendid chance to nmkn -mnnm. selling this iuventiou nuiy never oociir again. On tho receipt of Five Dollars. I will ship you a complete Washer as a sam ple, copy of the ehroiuo. together ivith Certilieate of Agency, with full instruc tions how to conduct the business. Ainl upon the receipt of tlie Washer you may have timo to test it. and if von ilnd it n.,1 a represented I will refund your m.jiiey. The Washer retails at 10. After send you a xnilipie i will Holll vour countv a reusonuble timo for ymi to'ilecido wlintlmr you wish to tiurchasfl si not. . I .win iiish bi:iuk deeds, ulso blanks for taking Nirdei-H, am! will do all 1 cun to eunbie vou wj sueiHieu in ttia DiiKincSK. It .mo. h. sr from you sisiii, or your iiiiti of torrilory uiay; bo iitKcii by aouieone else. Address, J. c: ' 101 Sixth St.,' Pittsburgh, Pa. ' I , 1. H.,llt this fflril mil nnrt If for luiure reference. I'eraujua writing nio Iroui seeing this card will nlensn mar il,a- saw it in the FohknT Hkitjimcas. win-it FOREST COVIN f Y, as. The CnnitibmweallU. Alt Pcnnsvlva I,.S. nia to tho jNiciin' fid County,! Greeting: k . vv;, jv. If John C'l'K ) frit s ere of pre senting hi i ehilni, then Wo i ninm.iiicl vou tlint you summon by, trrsxl ,nnd lnwl'iil suminortera, illen.r., Killur, Theodore T nreille, J. Philip K ric-rcr, .lolm I'. Tulle, Henry Van Slatldifnrd, 1. A. .l.iinmrv, Jacob Woodliiii ii, Willmui II. Rciil, It. t'l. 1 turret t, Ada S. Ames. Ilenrv S. Ames, Mary S. Ames, and Edgar Auii-x, minor heirs of Edgar Ames dcrt-aspd, anil l.uev V. S. Ames, guiudiim of thn said minors, John A. Souddor and W J 1 f. Scuddor ex enitorsof Ilenrv Ames deiynssd. 'I honnw Heott, and W. it: llrnwn. Trfr-P,' tutu of your con uly. .vc.onieii, so that tU...y l.e nnd appear bere our ,fiiefifiu at Te'int:i nt our County Court of Common Pleas, then to l held the -t It Monday of S pt. tietl, to show wherefore whereas thev, the sii( Jno.Cobh iindaile-i F. Killev et'id.t.igetber nnd nnriivlttts1dhohl nit thiit certain trni-tof land situate In Tiniiestii Township, Eore.it County. 1 'it.. Iioundcd nd devcvi'.ivl ns follows: On the north bv tract No. eh7 on tlie east by tract No. xk2, on the south by thn luw tictwewu Veimngiv and - Foi est ' countitM, anl on the east by traut Ko. 'jsj:t ' being warrant No. tweutv-etght hiindreti end fwenty-twrt I22). 'Containing nine hundred mid ninety ac res nioi or 1cs with the Hppiirten.inis-s; the same Giles 1. Hiloy et al, petition t Invent betwe(n (henrto he nm.lo fnoi-o'rding o thn tliW an.I tlift cnstonis r this ConinionWeidth In such ise made and provided) do untnsnv and the same to be done do not peimit very milusily and avail- th snuie laws atl'l cnstonis tas it Is snhW, ef i. i Ann nuve you then an there the uauies of thoso sunimotu rs and thia writ Witness the Hon. I;, n. Wehnore, Presl dent Judge of our said Court at Ttniiiwin tliis TMl day of Mnv. A.. ,i. isti- " ' yI.,R. AUNE.W, PruJUiuiotary. The olde.f and mimfri-Ylalite institution roromaiuitiga MercanUlo dnciitlon. For Circulars write to .; P. lH'FK it SONS, w!-:im eoin X Pittsburgh, pa .. -u ,i.-Avri T- FARMERS Monfcy Saved ia Money Earned 4 iu! iinuursmncu aro ni'ipt inirodiieing in tTestorn Pennsylvania the oolehrated luinuuii riiuniug ,miu, iiralli Mepaintor and Urader Combined, which hns attracted marked attention in the Western States wherever exhibited aaiong the farmers. As a Fanning Mill It-eannot bo surpass. . "" " i uie oniy rcui sepnrat!)r and (Tinner in tlio v. s. it is simple,' inild and enniplote, And givm y.ni periect control in chaining, sep- .of thu tnndell MIIK will lin. (rove HiownditioiiHjityHuif gmiif, enhance .ii., '.i, lorin ine IIIICCII CCIllS uiisiiei ; ami i mi.il's Will larirelv inercaso the yield per acre, bv tho hiirho'r crnilfi of bocd "! nre cnnbleil tp pVtain. A Villi the Hen, loll .nmlor'MiUf'.Hfl.i i i w " I. eieau .vour own urnss rtet'it, tmis Vtvln a large annual expense lor grass seeds. This mill works on an en Li re new nrln ciplo as applied to Funning Mills, and aiMis rta work to Tierrxn-tiom, irnnii Canvassers will oxlifl.it '"It Tlhrlnar the season, when you will bo able to judge f. yiHiiwiYm oi lis rneriisj'i f.ililiij-; n; Do not liuy until yon sotHit work. For iuforniation, addrws McCLINTOOK J: CO.. Nfendville- rn. One or two oood agents Wanted In everv county. : . ,.: II..1,,, mm ' !, J, P, FtTLBa. liAinff Iwrti-n, irl I urbtutlad at th4 TJiiivclitT .f r.nnT l-i ISSJ. ftM'l aftc- ily.:ir' cwrimoii', f-rfeetbd lr. Itlur's Vrgctalilfi I; lie umal 1I fiyrnpinil Illln, li!ch 1 larkuut 11 inuLiU ctir l r 1 am, in llr i.i, i.ti-ir, rare, nrart, i.iuii t i" rroiw, s.'i U'.ii ..1. cud all Uti ni!l!i!!- iki. htvufT. la. thi 21 :1 AorlLLv.l. J'. A. USItGL'llN. ,'olum i'mliim, llul fims.r. )v.'t'h,.i'i'.i7il,,,l).l muLfn- !,l'hila.l:v.(!.lu J ;v.lTiT,F.tfHiia,l'a. l','VI.I.i'ntLanan.CLiroinsi,l. wa-Itr l.i.bmiUi, rilfiurl.N.V.l'.uTtuf.lluwrvl ahjChurr'w 1 hn.,o.Af'.'rthoalilwrlt,ii1.l'l!l.r.lihUf.rir!l-p.-.'or, l'amplikt A ircnintMvrtftlit.l'frlltowiinffiiran l-v ,7-ly S ' r - a- r-ij--4t ,1 MAX Ol' A TIIl..iXI; hen (lealh -was hour v exoiieled fiotn LUNSUM PT1QN,. , roiiiijiUul .havhig flllloiL and f)t 11. Janics Wiis.ei n. lliiM r.r- nig, no accidentally niiiile a prparation of Iudiiui llemii. wluuh cured his oi.lv elol.l and now glvs this rcclpo fn-e ' on receipt of two stamps to pay expeiines. Hemp ram lliglll sweats, llllllsoa III till1 MtomiiiMi, ii nl will breuk n nesU cld ui "4 Hours. Ail.lress CRADIHIOK if- CO.. 10.11! Knee St., I'hiladolplua, Naming this pa- per. portable! SODA FOUNTAINS; 810, IJ.iO, $T5 A (11 (HI. OOOD, 1)LMIA!.EC1IEAP Shipped Iteady for Use. ! MHiiufuctureil by J. W. Cha nian A- ( Madison, Ind. tO- Scnd tbr Catalogiio.-ft-T. NII. 5ISaiAS3'X. 'kffik YPiwiiIes r.lack"liedr. TSJnlii- tonis: Hard, small piiniiles. viih black loints, most numerous in the cheeks, foro icad ami notx!. . . o - v-i e Pnt'inoo, (Infonso ltiilirWY Milrfeh bo- gins when tlie clotliing is removed; in creased by the warmth of the bod. No eruption except that produced by scratch ing. ) The ubuv and all Skiji diaoitses paroia n on tly cured. Entire eost of treatment, ci.. i per wock, or f.i.nu per moiitli. Ail- ilress )r. .1. M. Vaildykc, 1 lti WainiilSU, Philadelphia. w.ill 3ni Til 15 WONDKUIX'L PET CANARY BIRD! (Patent just Prornrnd.) WIU, SI Ml FOit 1H I' Its CAN I!E managed l.v any eald. '11 hi httcfct and tiuwt iviiiidiii Jul .inieiition of tiio age. Tlie very thing for either parlor or out door amusement. SEND FOH SAMPLE AT ONCE. Dig pay to agents and to tho trado. Sat itfaciion guaranteed or money promptly returned. Sent pre-paid by mull to any aililrun, on receipt of i i . i .ii OO Vlm.mr V lor WI.(K). .,. Addrese i M. It. HdltKHTS A CO., , , W40lin 170 ilroadway, New York, ANTED.. s TS'oi-tli lYfi-i(lc-:i;i! ttls, Call on oruddness ' ;' : ' "' ' LUTllElt K..KAUFFMAN7 liEOJiEl!, " ' Pi) Fol KTH A VltfiVIS, ' H3m. , PlTISlil Hiill, P.V. 'Ti! VJTI V A . . i tm mm TlUMiil-A, l; i,i i 1 A I'nil Stoi-k of . WATCH223, JEWtXttV ''I '' v.f .i ,-y ,;v t-t?' 'i . . .. - .'AND , t:j.t m . .:; .-'o i , -N T- . -n' s, r J J, i o ii m t ti ii i 1 yWt 1 1 l ii (J. J": !'" f. i-' - 1 ' rt !" HAVING Nowlwou y 'I'loiiesta for the rloinf tinsinemrti list Hi w inimtlis I 1 .'. am Wi H suited with the phwuisnd psH-ou- ' ' age, and have etmclndoil visetle hern pea- -Haiieiiilv. All persona wishing tinvlliiag ' in mv linn will do Weil In cull and see tne heloro purrhssing olscwlierevut I atrtwl H - termiiied In do business on as rcasonablo terms as can Ijfe had niUwIirril. "' ' 1"' . ' It. W. MY ICRS. . i . , bai - . i --, -Ur-.. K.. DRUG STORE ! Ja-j. IL Foncs, Prppriotor, rt- EI.M STRICUT, TlONMTA, Vm. ' . " n 1 Agent for rr i ., U- A Dr. llorria' Eyru jiof Tar, Wil2l Cherry and Ilorehound. ' Iltll T I.I iv;'X.-K :'u. e.s.:; FATEHT MEDICINES at t c: "to weed: "s '1 , CIGARS. ( .:t .! ""HOTICRSiC, : ' - : S:- 't lwg TT " I J 1 . r if i ., ,-, (; Whibi Eivid'pcrrei-lly Bnf?,:s'ul:t" IllllCIl cheaper tliail Jyi ilierly, . f : Also all kinds p Oils, Ki-iwih, 'l ivr pentine, lieiirine, Toilet Aviklau.,-' ier fuiuorivs, Ac, lor miIu cheap, .i , s GncctnY.AKD;pnovisic:rsTOBE VT- ix. Ti6xi:s tx-::i:', t A GE0:W.B0lARD5V0s TTAVE. ust fn'otigliffifi n ci:nW'e Vhil :-I 1 J- carefully seloeted stock of ;-) : i cjcuciriiiiy,-; and everything poeessarv to the complete stock ofa tirst-elaas iroiVirr IIouso. which thuy have oponed out at their eslaliliah nient on Elm St., first door north of M.E. Church. i - " TEAS, COKFKKS, SUU AltS "SYKVPS. Eltl'ITA, " . ' ' . . SPICES, ' 1 A - HAMS, axi pi;o vis loss op - ... . I at the lowest cash ju iees. floods Warrant ed Jo be of thu tio.-it quality. Call and ex amine, and wo believe we can suit von. UEO. W. BOVAUD itCO. . . , .... , LOTS FOR SALE! - IN XJiJi " BOROUGH .OFjjiONESJA. y , .'. . A Ajtjiiy to (iKO. O. WK KLl-.s,' "-' . 7U, Nassau St., New York-Cifv. A D VKItTISFHS send J.1 ients to ieo. r P. Jiiiuoll u; Co., 41 Park ltow,- .f Y for llieir Lighty-p: Putuphlet, lii-iii( cost ol adwiiMiijr. . J.i Jt