The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, August 19, 1874, Image 2

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- r.niTon,
hedsesmt aotima, Ate. 19, is? 1.
For Congress,
of Indiana County.
Tor Assembly,
J. B. AliNKW.
' For Associate Judtfp,
For County Trenfnirer,
For County Commissioner,
For County Auditor,
We are authorized to announce the uamp
loy, as an Independent candidate for A
Bcniblv. If elected he promises to repre
sent the whole people, and not any party
ur lacuon.
Tho following items are taken
from Inst week's Cl.-irinn Rrnuhli'mn.
In Highland township, on Thursday
last, a little son of John Moore, agtd
three years, fell near tho mill in some
manner ana broke his arm. lie is
getting along as well as could be ex
pected. i.f
A little daughter 0 F. Shillingcr 01
Knox township, fell from a porch on
Thursday last and broke her arm. Dr.
ivoss was sent tor ana at last accounts
she was getting along finely. .
Prof. A. C. Porter, formerly editor
of the Jacksonum, iu this place, is now
rusticating in the neighborhood of St.
Petersburg, this county. The Profes
sor must have plenty of cheek.
Ou Saturday evening last, Mrs. Fug
ley, wife of Geo. Fagley of Paint
township, undertook the task so uiauy
have undertaken before nnd met with
the same terrible fate. This task was
that of filling a lamp while burning,
the oil caught fire , and followed the
stream into the enn which exploded,
throwing the burning flumes all over
Mrs. Fagley aud her little daughter
aged five years who was with her. The
screams of the' little child and her
mother attracted the attention of Mr.
Fagley who was near the house und
ruu in to their assistance. When bo
reached them their clothes were all in
flames and ft was almost impossible for
him to do anything, but he wont to
work at the risk of his life and by
burning his hands considprably be
succeeded in putting out the flames;
but the little girl had inhaled the fire
from which effects she died before day
light. Had Mr. Fagley not been
about, at the time, the house and all
its contents would have been burned.
At the time of the accident there were
children playing near the bouse und a
little babe- iu bed in the house.
Mrs. Fagley is in a very critical con
dition nnd it is feared that she will
' not recover. j
Ve take the followinz items from I
the Clearfield Journal:
Mr. David Leach, was drowned in
the-pond at the shingle mill(Vingart's
saw mill), Brady township, on Monday
August 8d. Mr. Leach was engnged
in shoving logs for making shingles.
The first intimation as to his probable
drowning, was the discovry of Ids hat
floating upon the water. How the
accident occurred is not known, but it
is supposed he slipped and fell in be
tween some logs and being unable to
extricate himself, was drowned before
bis situation was discovered.. The
water was let out of the pond, and the
body found. The deceased was be
tween 30 and 40 years of age, and
leaves a wife and one child to mourn
liis sudden and unexpected death.
Andrew G. Groe, son of Mr. Henry
Groe of Morris township, met with a
fatal accident July 29th. Young Groe
with several others, was engaged in
"breaking a log landing" near Swartz'a
mill, on tho Moshannon, when a num
ber of logs suddenly started and roll
d over Lira, injuring him to such an
extent that he died on tho followiug
day. The deceased was in the 18th
year of his age, and was a lad of much
promise His sudden death is deeply
mourned by his family aud friends.
The Meadville Republican eays:
United States Commissioner Force on
Tuesday issued a warrant for the ar
rest of c:ie W. W. Ingram, of New
York, charged by Postmaster Vincent,
of Waterl'urd, with depositing a postal
card at that oflicc addressed to a young
lady at Meadville, containing scurri
lous and indecent language. Deputy
Marshal Roue avrcftcd Ingram in
this city on Tuesday evening, and on
Wednesday morning a hearing was had
before Commissioner Force, at the
flioe -f District Attorney Henderson,
iu this city, F. It. Blackniarr, Esq.,
appearing in behalf of the Govern
ment, and P. Church, Esq., for the
defense. The evidence wag so positive
that the Cotnmisuioner felt warrantod
in holding Ingram iu $3,000 bail fi.r
his appearance at Pittsburgh at the
session of the United States Court in
October. Ingram gave bail in the
amount specified and was released.
v n. duns .,
Of the llepnMienn Frlmnry IHocf IoiiIicI1 j
- . v , AUGUST 15, 1874i V . ) t
BisTntrrs. -i'.S "V
TioneslaRor. 32 i S7 4 7S 0 IS S I (1 21 ft 7(1 8'! 1 "
Tionesta To. 3! 1:1 42 10 4- f 2 K7 : (i y 8.1 .11 . . ,
Harmony 11 34 4 (1 iI7 17 Its .1 12 t . ' ' is '' '
Harmony 2d l:t 2 p in fi n i jj - .,, '
Kinjrsley 21 6 2"t 4 K 11 1 1 1 'p " ,-'.,.
Hickory 1:1 li 2: 2i 2J 1:1 21 . 7 2 2".. IS 3 1 4(j "s .
Harnett H " 41 St 7 4."i 1 14 11.1 "s 'A'
lenks S3 1 10 II 2 ! . .' "4 i i
Howe ' 2S ; 7 ' 32 22 0 SI ; I
l.reen 12 7 X 111 7 2.1 ,2 17 . (t. 'l 1 2, j,..
mi ,V 24.M7!' 321 73I:V,J 72 M 21 HW 5-242 43
, - . .m itoJ .w i2o,. ,j -m .j, ... ,
Moritlrs 57 .; ,00 250 ' : ,ls. : . - 114 1 ij.j ' '' ,
The following items we clip from
the Prook villa HrpubHrxrn: '
Saturday morning last some un
known person took some $60 br. $70
from tho safo of Mr. K. Ij. ' Ulooil, in
his Drug Store. 1 Mr. Jl, had theraouev
in readiness to take to bank, and iu
his absence at breakfast, Rofne" mrstou
opeued tho door of the safe pod helped
himself. We have ntt lsarned of sus
picions resting on any party or par
The race between Indians and horses
came, oil yesterday afternoon,,, at
Mountain Park, and as predicted, the
Indians came out ahead. The condi
tions the race were that four horses,
runuing mile heats, should run ten
miles, whila three .Iudiaus, running
half mile heats, run fiva . miles. : Tim
horsesof Fdleblute, Burns, Doublc3
and Eaiery entered for tho raco,' and
were beaton ; badly. Quite a large
number of people witnessed tho novel
race, but not near so large- a number
as would, had the race took, place as
advertisod, on Saturday last. .
The outsriviucs from the Fourth
Senatorial District of Philadelphia
are to tho effect that McClure has the
nomination in his own bands, and will
be accepted, at least by the Liberals
and regular Republicans, without dif
ficulty, and bo elected., Of course
such' a nomination will preclude tho
necessity fur a contest, as there are
4,000 Republican majority, . nnd with
the general support McClure will'have,
his etrength will be too great for a
contest to be successful. Thus he will
bo assured a return to the Senate.
Thero is another motive for this courso
the desire to avoid a general and ex
citing struggle Thus we shall proba
bly see the redoubtablo Colonel return
ed to the Senate far another term.
The Prohibitionists of this State
ha)o nominated their State ticket. It
comprises a list of very respectable
nanies.and as such, deserves kiudlv con
sideration. . Of course, it does not
stand any chance of election, but is
presented as au expression of senti
ment on lemperence, and as a protest
against the other parties. Were our
temperance friends to turn their
strength toward the maintenance of lo
cal option, aud the educatiou of the
people in favor of availius themselves
of ftie benefits of that law, they would
eventually have all that prohibition
can sonfer, without the stigma of the
name. Gazette. . . .
Landlord and Teuant Lease.?, fhe
most approved form, for sale at, this
offico.- t
Xew Advertisement.
Merchant Tailor,
IX The T.nwreneo Buildinjr, over Super
ior Luuiljer Co. Store. The bent utoek
kept coiiMUmtly on bund, and mado up in
tho best manner and newest styles. lH-ly
MUS. t. 51. IIJEATW,
DRESSMAKER, Tioncsta, Pa.
MRS. HEATH hai recently moved io
this place for tho purpoxo of meeting
a want which tho ladius of tho town nnd
county have for a long timo known, thut
of having a dressmaker of experirnoo
amonir them. I am prepared to make all
kinda of dresse in tho latest atylen, and
Kiiurantoe satiMl'mttion. Ktampiii'ior braid
ing and embroidery done in the best man
ner, with tho newest paltonm. All I ask
in a lair trial, ltosiduiico on Water Street,
In tho house formerly oceuiiiod by Jacob
isbriver. m(
Trial List for September Term, 1874
Elizabeth Geer vs It C. Scott et al.
F. II. Ullaworth ( t ux for Uho vs Jno,
in K et ai.
Jj. II. llotlnian va John Katrundan et al.
It. H. May va. James T. Whisner ot al.
H. II. May vs John Miller ot ul.
(iorinaii Hill ct al for use vs Georiro S.
II unler.
Kliwilielh Iiall'erty vs Michael Hafferty Sr.
I. lizabeth Itall'erty vs Michael Katlorty Hr.
( has. Murphy va Thomas I'orier.
Joseph Zouver vs John Cooper.
Samuel Unit vs L, C Wvnkoop et al.
Ownlon k .Sower vs A. V. It. It. Co.
W. W. Idyunl vs John A.& J. Q. Dale.
Chas. Hinton vs I). It. Walter.
Rhrivcr ik fSawyor for use va U.S. Hunter,
J. M. Kepler va Alex. Wallace. ,
H. il. M.Cliiitock va Wm. Uillord.
Edward Jones va C. S. Itichardson.
A. Bean vs Win. Howo etal.
Win. Colwoll vs James Black. '
Elijah C. l'arker va JokIiuu it. Jones.
J. Garlield voU. . Hunter.
Kufua M. Brown et al vs Tho West Hock-
ory Miiiinu AHMociation at al.
Harmony Township vs Tho Oil C'roek t
AUeKlieny ltiver llailwav.
J. A". Proper und Ueo. V. Vi
. Walters vs Wm.
J. I!. AGNi;w, Froth y,
lioneala, August 17th, lK7i.
WimnwA. Tlie Hon. T.. ti.'AVotmore
Proshleiit Judua of tlia Court of fU.,J
nion J'leaa and Quarter f)estUui iu and lor'
tlid eonfily of Forest, i,Bs issued his pro-
erpt utf imlilinra C ourt, of Comtnnn I'lean
tjuarter Sessions'. Ac, at ' TUmentn,' for
th tvmntyof Foi'cst.-looiiiniciice nn tho
Kxirth Monday pf Sept. beinir tho
zm (toy orMept., IS74. Notieo is therefore U
civen to tho Coroner. .Tustinpaitfki.a 1..... I
mild Constables ol said eoimtv. tJmt tl,,v,-l,
then and thure In their proper jiei-sona at
n-uu rnp-i, r. hi., or snniuav, with lluMr
reeoraa. iiirpiixiimn oamlnntiorrs mid
other remerubraiieeo, to do tliosci thinsrs
men 01 meir oiueoH npprrtaui to lie done.
anutoiiKno wno nomul In recognizance
j piun.uiuni-xiiisi mo prwonem tlint are
or shall bo In the jail of J opbhI Count v.lhnt
lliey bo then and there tq prosoeutontuihst
them ns shnll m jnst. tiiven niidou mr
hand and aeal this 19th rlny of An;r., A. L,
I'lVlVTOll'VUV .... i ... f . !
; Tho Commonwealth of Pennsylvn
L.. ijia to the tihe,riiV of raid County,
If John Colib make yoii secure of pro
aenunir nia einim, men we eoniinanil vim
that yoit au in moil by Rood nnd lawful
summoners, iiies 1'. 1-iilev, Tbo..tie
i.iircnu-, .i. i niim i rieirer, .lotin I'. Twllo,
llonrv Vnn Stndrlifonf. IV . 'tnnr.-
JatHili Woodburn, William If. Keid, It. il!
mo rcLi. iui rs. ..vines, iicnrv . Am.
iiry ivuivs, nun r.iiiar Ames, minor
neirsot l'.trar Ames deceased, and l.iiey
V. K. Ames, ituiirdian of tho said minors,
John A. Sclidder and W. 11. fScudder ex-
eeutorsof Henrv Ames iIccjim...! 'ri,,.ii...u
Scott, and W. If. Brown, Trustee, Into of
your county, yeomen, so that thev be and
appear before our Judaea at U'iuiicstn tit
our County Court of Common l'le:ie, then
to be held the 4lli Monday of Sept, next,
to show wheieforo whereas tliev. the audi
J.Cobb luidMles F. FilK-y et'al.tojrether
and undiviueiKlo holdall that certain tractof
mint situate in nonesta rown-Jlitp, I'nm,)
County, ,1'a., hounded and deavrfbed ih
follows : On tho north by trai t No. ' liSJT,'
on tho east by tract No. isl, ou tho iRoiith
by the line between Yeuanjro nnrt i'orent
counties, nnd on the oast by. tract No. WJIt,
beiii): warrant No. twentveinht bundrdd
and twenty-two (iSii). Conluiniiifr nine
hundred and ninety acres more or less,
with the. appurtonanees; tho atno Oilea
F. Fit ley et al, petition tliereof between
them to lio maJo ai'cordinj; to tho laws
and tho customs of this Commonwealth in
Such eae made, nudirovidedj do (rainsay
and the sumo to bo done do not permit
very nnjusllyimd against ,the Hume lawn
nnd eiiHtmns (as It Usniilli Ae. ' - i
And have yon-then mil there tho nfltnos
of thoso suuunnncrs and thia writ. .
Witness the Hon. L. p. Wetmoro, Piasl
dent Judso of our said Court at Tlonosta,
this -3d day of Mav, A. i. 171.
i. J. B. AUSKW, I'rothonotary.
In the Court of Conimoii Pteai nf For
est Cuiinty, John Ctbl vn. UiU F. Fil
ley, Theodore I.aicillo, J. l'hiiii) Ki imrer,
John K. Tolle, Henrv Van Storldirord,' II.
A. January, Jacob Woodhiirn, William H.
Keid, It. II. Barrett, Ada h. Amea, Henrv
S. Ames, Mary S. Ames and KiU,-ar Anu.4,
minor heirs of Eilprur Ames deceased, and
l.uey V. S. Ames guardian of said minors,
Joliu A. (Scudder ami W. II. ricuddor ox
eeutors of Henry Amos deeca-smi. UUiomiu,
Scott, and W. H. Krown, Trustee. .' No. 1
Kept. Term, 174, Summons in- Partition.
May i"th, 171 ailldavit of John Cobb,
r;u'.ntilf, tiled setting forth that oo undi
vided ioCitr-fourth part of the premixoH
luvntioiied In above V'rit of t'artition was
owned by Thomaa Scott. w.'!0 ia now doail,
and the names and robldoncoa of hit heirs,
deviseesi or alieneoaro undnow; to ;
that one undivided twentv-l'oiirth part ol
aaid premises is held by W. ii. Brown In
trust for Ids daughter, imd that her iiuui
nnd residence me unknown to him.
r. May Uuli, JN74. motion for publication in
May 20th, 1S74, notioo ordered to bo iv
en to ihu heirs at law, ilevlsei- or alienees
of 'J'homns fcieott, and W. H, Brown, TViin
toe, by publication iu tho Fokbst 1Upi;h
l.trAN only, once a week for six successive
weckB belbro tho next term of this Court,
. ' . ...-.! J'er (Vr.
Coin Silver Watch FREE! ;
Agents Wanted to act for mo, in tlio
Kiile of au artluleof value in rver house
hold. :0 Coin Silver Watch FREE. Ad
drcsH F. UOHINSOX, lUttsburiili, i'a.
wl!) 4t
0NA'D ArTEU Womlay, Jiiiibj; t.l,
Trains will run as foliows:
Prathers Mill
Pithole City
No. 2. .
lo.i.T) u m
10.38 "
ltltiii "
No. 4. .
3 ;:0 p m
3.2S "
8.10 "
Pitholo City, H.liiam
Prathers Mill HAH '
Woods , h.Cii "
No. 3;
l.a) p m
1.4H '
1MI "
.16 - iJ.l t "
I'losa nnnnu.1 t.itiu
All Trains make
at Oleopolis with trains on the IH1 Vtuik k
iiciiiiy. iiivcr ( iiaiiway, North and
Two Lines of Stages run dailv between
Pithole City, Miller Farm and I'la.siit
ville, niiikiiiKconnection wilhurriviiiuuud
tleparlimr Trains. J. T. BE MR
H. WiCKHAM, Sup' t.
Ticket Aijwit, Pithole City, fa.
I No Tar used), for outsido work and in
aide, instead of plaster. Foil Curimtinuri,
Ac., Send two 3-eent stjimpa for circular
andsaipio. C.J. FAV, Camden, N.J.
In ISH.lnv"eiilelt'aii(1 wnoured IcIters-iMit-j
' v " : ent for nu ,
Improvement in - Wash Eoileiv,' )
A aimplo arrninrenient bv which Bteinn
wasHiiplied to the washing of clolhluir. I
Imvti huruU'Ruv Mild this under tho name
,S(muii IVnshrr, or.
W oman ' IP r i o n
. I , . ( -
'.. f : j :.; i , v ; ; . i "'
FiifNiich it Is in fact. T have ntveHIl it
in nearly overy ltoHclniw Newspaper in
the I mteii Mates and Camilla, lUso in the
learlincf Menhir papers, usifur duublo-Oril-limn
advertisement. Tho render of thta
jMipor may rei iilwr aeoimr mr can I h
tlia various papers, of the eountv diu lnit
tlitf past year. Extracts from li-Hei-M .
eived from' my ensMnrr, In another
O liuniu. wll indicate how It hi been re-H
1-civi.d, br tli pcojilo Uuiiiwhout tho
300 , O O Q,
Jtnvo hdn nhfalrelKlv. It Iff'snmi-ient f,ir
mjp.nurpoiw ar tirottJ wrn satlstlrd ihat
nothina: licretofore ailvuvtined uver.romlcr
ed so i-cnentt, fntifnctihii. "Yet inns, niv
lirat lnviittouj,)wm not quite flerc anil
for tin) hid two yrars T htlvoi annllod mv.
self ltl,oBtuilyor iviitiTieyuH ftujLiitJ
. . I
j:tM ;. : j "
.i-r .... ii i-.j' . .1 1.,.. .. '
!!tr;i I
;1 aM IlioYesiPt orruVt'mirts I feci evriry
UKaiirauno thi.rl Iirvb linen entliolv Rile.
qesslul. My new uao, Waalier, iiateot
ed In ISTa. is nlwolulely. faiiltleasj ho
Tn.i so that I never knewnstnirle person,
who hfi'lfMen iow-ork, liiil to bo deliirhU'd
with it. It has nmileiiil, thus Jar, per
fect nnd Cnivorsal wi:is:aetion o..i m..i.
must bp the result, tor H works lite a won-
(ler iiwverthilinj (,r do alt clftlnv d for it.
In cuncluhV'ii, let me wiy, thjit should
anyMiosay that ho has seen a (steam
Washer, nsk him if ho has seen tho new
Steam . 1 . . .
Of l7.1, nr.w bpln-r HdveHised ro rxten
aively in .whole' nnd doublo-pnire adver
tisomeiiU. If he answer in thu neitath'e,
in-ni mill n suspenii iiinirmcTiL nniii it
iwimpio ran lie pi-oeured and IHilv Icstinl
i win boiui one as ; .... .-.i ......
'.Iiiktrialf Hie t. tall priep. htid l fnliv
WIUTiult it. " Alter a iieraon l.nva n m.i'..
iio een Kut lliuin of luo al oont." 4 t ,
$60 Profit C4IU ,be Mado on a
Single Dozen. ' i
. . j . . - .1
And I. have known ncciits to tako orders
lor . . . . -.'iii
.-. : . i . ' 1. i . .. I
Tlioro is tin wav to nmkft nmiun' r,uir
Send for a saiiipl; and secure vuni- turrilo-
ry.' Mako nionov while vou luni.
Ueailcj-. pliinso (vi'eulatothp cost nf niv
two paun advenisumeiU in tho "CHKI.-t.
TI AN t'NION." It UOllsisLsi Ol' I 4.l llllMM
at regular rates amounted to .
. ' . 1 ii,
1,750 Kn Hi Inxcrllou. ;
I repeated tluti "Card'-four times hpeausf.
my tirst inseitiou (Oct, 8) paid mo . .
500 IP-hie OEisra?.
Durii);,' tha last eighteen nioritlis I iiavc in-
toi'led my advertiseiuent, occupy
ing one to two imgca, III ',
All of which paid woll for tho outlyi but
the "Christian Union" ("thu lurgwit circus
lation of anv reliLrioiis iiiw.-i,ai,cr in 1 1 if.
world'') rays me letter tlmn any, and the
., , PAYS BETTER TUAh's. -!
Any J Giber Ncriiiiu 1'uper.
I mention thia fact, for all cmii sen Jmwi
extensively I adveitiseinv invention ; and
taking Into consideration' the, fact that I
aell it Entirely on its Merits, and must
eoniDilii that it sells well, for noni'liclo will
aeli well enough to pay for fo expensive
aiivortismn without real merits. If I iretl
,,,,,,c iiiirociuceu lino a neigliliorhooil
it often sella
11 X U U X D RED. ,M 0 R E .
Such n splendid ehaiuio to mill
selling tins invention mav never occur
airain. tho rooeipt. of Five loilars. I
will slnpyou a conipluto Wiwshor asasam
pie, copy of tho chroiiiii, together Willi a
Cerlilicate of Agency, wltli full instiue
tions how to oonduot tho biisineas. jm
upon tho receipt of iho Washer von may
havo time to test it, and if you Iiud it mit
as repreMcmed 1 will rotund vour immev.
'I ho Washer retails at OKI. .. 'After I send
you a samjile 1 wilt, hold your county a
reahomibli! time for you to decide whether
you wish to purchase or not. I will fiir
nisli blank deeds also blmikH for takini;
ordom, and will do all 1 can to citable vou
to Kiicceed iu the busiiKss, Eet inn liear
from ym noon, or your choice of territory
may bu taken by some one else. Address,
ll'l KiJtth Kt., Pittsburgh, Pn. ,
' S. Cut this lard out and prosirs'o it
for future reference. Persons writing mo
from sieiiin thi.s card will please nay thev
oaw it iu the Fohkht Riii i blican.! wl'.i-ii.
Money SiireA in Llqixcy Earnod
. -f ... i
Tn uiidorsipned uro .ibobt Intniijn.iiicr
in Wv-lorn IVtiastfvanirt the celebrate
ltatiiVU' Fntiitfn:? Millr Grniii Scpnriior
and Grader Cntnhiiu',1, v hich hits atlra-tcil
iniu ked nttonlioii in the Weslci n Malc.i
wherever oxtiHiileil nmnmx tlU) farmers.
As a Faiinini- Mill it eanunt bo surp.
ed, mid it i'i the only real separator and
prnder In tho IT. s.
It is pimple, iw pi, J -arid iTiT,ptn.c, iiud
pives ymi pitriopt emttrol in ehiiulinu, wp
' :" ' "U or Kradinir your Kr.iin.
Tho tcso of the P,n,d,'!l Mitt ,
prove th" coiidilioivof your urnin, enhatiee
tin- prtM 1' five t-i flltrril rent) per
bushel ; unit I eslilos will hutrcJv jii,-ri.i;e
the vidd per acre, by the higher urwhi of
xc yon are rn.l,., i,, olitain.
Willi (ho Kandell s,-n;irator ymi i mi also
clean your own Grass Seed, thus sal ini;
hire;!' expense for grass sends, , -
This mill works oh tin entire new prin
ciple as npiMled to Fniinlnir Mills, and
itooi iti work tr iierlj-ett'in.
Cunr:iiH,y will exhibit tl MtHrioi; (he
a)!!! hn rou V iU ltihlc to Jnd-o for
yourselves of )u murium .
Io mit buy unlU you iioa It work, -
For inf, ritiut i n , address
iMuCI.I.M'lTcK ,f cn
Meadville, pn.
I .'ifV Soo'lKCUl wSuU'f ill evarv
eountv. u.3m
T" .-Hf- y ..,,, i 1,, ,..4
4 4
r 7
. IUillLTO&(pC).'S
A- ' ':' -:- I n. a!.'
. , . i. ri t rr
ht ,1 "'
The bnl.v 1ioTlsr hm-lns more thlin' one
strictly lirst-elnss instrument.
a W U. J A X N T P A I ff
to ffnt a irooil I:isii uiucht,1.9caiiMe we keep
n. cheap ahodtly piod-. We are manutiv-
turviV exclusive wholesale nnd. retail ir. n-
eial ojrentsfor tho cjlcbratod .
Estey Cottatro (.iriran, . .
TaVlor A Farlev Celentiw.
Siiiimonarf; Chiuirh ,!oinbinatlon Organs.
Hecker.t Barnes Pianos,
Bradbury Pianos, . , . '- !
llallut, Davis ,V Co.' Pianos. ..-''
Bradford it Co.'s Parlor Gems.
Wo niiiUe any of lUesocclobiated Instru.
men (a at CtpdiuirlvJ.)ii Virr.t fin-1 t.ii
o- mo. niLy va '
GOOD, reliablu aoiita, w anted in cverv
county and town. Also to tho trade lit
wliojcsale, .we Buaraut,e9 lcss tluui Eastern
prices... -, i , . v T' $ , -
t'e a ailf.'fii' SVHfe iTif ciViurars' to
w!3 4t CI Filth Aveiiuo, Pitlsburgh, Piu
r. J. P. Fm, I).lnc .vprn, nya t nmUtuiM 41 lis
Tr.iivcriltr r f IVim'. In I it. 4flrf .fi-p.lOy.t-' rSjr4:n4'i.
1 rr.ct.ii llr. I''ll Irr's VrKBW Kti.llmatlo
Fyrnp Plll.t, vhieh 1 giianutio u lnf:Ulill aurt
f. rlViiaiii Hon. I, I un-4. Il4rk. lirt,l.iir.W M.rma, K d-
vr, til "-i, Mlit 141 Kt".imn.idii.ii, tnvra 3. Uila Xota
Ji,r:. 1:71. ' V. A. OsttOlmX, A'.i.iry fttbUe. fMom
l-Tns."v.'l,nr4.j.t'iiTili.D.ll ranl:frpl,l'fciK4.UoT.0.1U
l.i i:i,l.lncii.r t. i:vi.s.i.iicnaniin.i lar.m,low.llPT.
ll.L'-tilth, l'itt4'prl,N.Y.Hv..l,w.lOTrvl4ll4(.itJUrr
1 V!Ao. Ar-itM.hmilrtWTiu.llr.l'iilrr.Clilik.forexl-v.
f Hny C-.ri'jMel A pnrn.ntMi.rrftti. fil 1 ;ril foriin i".
' 7-ly v i
A .fJ AJ OF A TnolA.I.
H'li. ii ileakli ihotirl-. oxiioctod fiom
-tNKf.MPriONV all rcmodles having
iu, n. i, mum nr. ii. James was experiinont
inir, he m'cidentally madn a preparation of
Indian Hemp, which cured his only child,
and -w uives ftiis recipo fiisi, on 'receipt
oft stamp to- pay cxpeusp...- .Hpu,p
alKi .oji UK-lit .w.its, J-imuwiHt.' at tho
ston,;i, ;, and will break a fresh iyld ill 21
hoius. AdilruMa CUAllUCrt 0 CO., 10:12
Race SI., Philadelphia INainiiiR this pa
ptr.l, u , ., .., ,. s Sin ,
8l, 5SO, STj IOil. . :
8hipied Ready for Use.
Manufactured by J,V. Chap
. man te Co. M.adlson, lad.
J ii" .Send for titalogue.-C
Acne (Pi-nples Bliu:khcils). Svmp.
toms: Iiar.l, small pimples, with lilack
points, most liumeroua In tho cheeks, fore.
IiPild and nose.
Piiruioo, (lnlenso ItcUinjr,) which be
pins when tlm clothiiiu. la rooioved; in
creased by tho xyiilliilS if the lied. No
eruption except that picjduced by nciateh
ior. .
t '1 1 ?live und all tkln iin atej, pjnna
nenUv oiiiml, EniJrj cut. of in luiieni,
M.ikp it-r wecK, or 5.1.1)11 per iiionlh. Ad
dress Dr. .1. M. Vandyke.. U-ti Wninutst.,
Iress Dr. .1. M. Vandyke.. U-o
.'hiladelpluu. I i t liii vl'j
aWOO oiu
, , (J'ljtent just Pfocnred.) , . .
W iiiauaiiOil bv any child. Tho latest
nnd most w onderful iniention of tho time.
The very tiling for cither parlor or out
door amusement.
Biu pay to auenth and to tho trade. Sat
itl'acliuii guaranteed or ii)uiiey, jiMniipUy
Sent pre-paid by mail to any address, on
receipt of
50 t in. i t 3 for 1. OO.
Adil4 . i . 1 .M. R. ROBERTS t CO.,
wlo inn 170 Broadway, Now York.
Sf-A ( U C D C Henri 'JS cts., for tho now
III U A L nO elf-aiijustiiu? eiaretto and
clirar Iml, lor. 3 for M els. M. it. Roberta
& Co., 178 Broadway, Now York. wlutSm
terrilorv. lilUili.s-r
M.lsAflU ItAhOTV
Norlli In-tn-;i Joints.
Call on or addreski ' 1
(i Fut'nrH' Avi'.Nru,
rfSfS A DAY'-
l' mm u:!.Ti.iioii.iI.S 1
4SJ?ri 'V"J'WA.AKKAf
i' vj J tioiiiafc w.
W A T C I i ?.l A K E R ,J E V E Li i
.' ,. .- -.1 w- . .. ... 1 :
', ., .r , '.,'.t I0NE.Mr, I'A.I 'i,
A I III! Slosiiof
J i ' -.. S '
- , AND ' . f r
C o n M t ii ii t I y on IIiiiul
HAVING Npn recti doimr Ihisiiions n
Tlooestn for the past hi.x mouths, I
am well suited with tho placn and patron-
Ko, uini nave coueinucM lose'lle lieie pcr
laauentlv. All persoiiH wiahinir niiytliiiiK
in m v Hue will do w ell to call and a'cn mo
iMtlore uumluisinit el-mwhoro, ru 1 mn. de
tei'iniiicd to flu business on as reasoiiabla
terms aa ctn bo bad anvwlicre.
4tf It. W. MYERS.
If A. '. A r.? s 1 4.' Wi
' , i. -4 .
- '?.j
Ja3. II. Foacs, Proprietor,
Bonner ,t A gupw'a Block, . .
KX.M STREET, - - Tionrhta, Pa.
A Rent for
Dr. Morris' Syrup of Tar, Wild
Cherry and Horchound."
i) n u a s ,
f .- . 'i
; V: . V CIGSRS, . , ' '
Whllil Lend, pi rfe -tly pure, solj much
cheaper tliau foi uieiiy,
'AIko all kinds of Dil., Kerosene, Tur
pentinn, Beiminn, Toilet Article, Per
I'litiiories, Ac., for snla rhenp.
"', -IX TI OX ES TA . .
nAVEJust bronvlit on a cmnlete and
iirc!u!ly Keketoit atiick of
FLOUR. im ,
- mo visions,
and eveiythin necessary to tho completo
stock ol'a llist-elassi.'rociirv llousu, which
they have opened out ut iliuir waUihli.u
mcnt mi Elm .St., Cist door north of M. E.
. . TEAS," .
-lVi; niu 'JSIO.X OF ALL KISD&,
at Iho lowest cash priive.. OikkIs warrant
mi b Iw of i lie be.-a quality. Call and ex
amine, and we believe wiieun unit you.
Jan. 9. '72. .
Apply to GEO. G. SICKLEg,
. 7D, Nivssau St., Jfew York City.
DVFRTISKKS send : cents to .
X P. Rowell ct- Co., 41 Park Row. V. Y..
lor their Eiirhty-pane I'liiuphlel, HliowiiiLf
eostol uilveriNiini. . :i 4t