tyt fyxtti jTlfpuMIran. w. n, DUNN EDITOR. moivelurn Judjres nt tbcir nir.M!., 1,111 mo Paid Friinary, to bo tho thereafter covern - - - Rules which shall WEDNESDAY BORSISB, AIG. II, 1S74. ! thi notion of tho pnrly at its Prin.r. Mcctintrg. Carried. On motion Mourned. REPUBLICAN COUNTY TICKET. tho commitlo then Mit.es W. Tatb. Chairman n.l- For Omitrpss, Oon. HARRY WHITE, of Tmlinn County. Tho colored nUrcs3 label on each paper shows tho date to which tho sub scriber has paid, thus Thos Tiiruer 174, signifies that Mr. Turner has naiil for The follow! tier rrnr .t1. t.-. i his for announcement., t AssociateJndiroain. moil li0 :,, . V ., .. Aimoiiiirrmmts. nwiuuir, iu treasurer. SIS; rw..;.. "n""'l! A,,it1' No announce- IT"1 "ppo",r nnlpS!' 11,0 cn" "com panies tho nauio. ASSEMBLY. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMT. I' JS7I I Invented ,,nd secured lcttvrs-rmt Olll. fill no 1 Improvement in Wash Boilers, K nlmiilrt . ... .-..., til t I lli t'lll nil I, llV 11' lii.il ..J hv i:.,.,i!S:!!l:.,i-,;7,;,n ; '"'"". i . ....... u um mi ,,,. ,ho lmmo FARMERS Money Saved iVrionoy Earned .1 i . . - anting me address label every subseri bcr can tell how his account tnnds. n... . . . . . uaUIIIIIS CO DnCfc llO' fllri inr rr SI on in Washer, or, oman's Frio n d, n I. ftf nr "w viu (iccu 11 11 1 trn inii .. , i . n i - . ... ...... ...uui, i . i - fa- 'I'.a. no lunuor I ror such Ills h, fiel tlm-n.i,. . , .. Editor FortR.iT Hrm-m t, than f , l.t f.t. In n.nl - J" lu.h....LI.,?. ""'VWlmci it paynblo to the old firm. TIio old sub scription book is yet in our hands, and !',e varioiw papers of tho ' ""'"iiu'iiim. i no ivndi'tw nf tl,.- turn : Tii l ... nici iiv.-L vi'iir. viioi.iiu i . wu. oc recognuc.i by the ecivod ,ii,m nZ' 'r, m limn ...111 l.r: . .... .. - . j . uuio now it nns been old firm. tf. coived by youniry. Job Printing. Do you. want posters T , l)o you want haud bilh" ? Vo you want business cards J I)o you van a neat bill head J Ua you want a tasty letter head ? - f yo,u wa,U nic8 visiting card ? 1 !). leavo your orders at tho Ke-1 j.uui cau onice whero they will be cxe cylod in tho neatest style and on most I reasonable terms. Thns 1 uluu, iuia jupi norm ol iurs. Jicnry s rcsidenco can ha. bought the fwnjilo throughout v ... ,. 3 o o , o o"5. m,-"?I,i "!V " li.m.-l,t tor nytliin homtof. w iwliT o w m.drr lor tho last two your I l,nvo , ,,,, 'f STEAM" WAHIIEK, tf.l cry M?n.ri nnLY "J"- ' 1110 S of tl c licpuliliunn party. JiicKonT HKrrnLicANs. Enrron Fork.it RKrrni.TrAit :-rioaio nnonnoe the name of J. n. AONEW n.i tJ- " iluuuian party, nmloliligt) Hta FniKNDs. EriTon RErrrt.irA v: Announce the SEmWORTII, Ksq., of Bubjoct to Republican uiasroi. Mast Citizeits. or DAMIKL HARRINGTON, of Kinm iiu? Jn1rPn'ot randidato for Aa- rafaction;hOl0rOO1l0,and not ftny l1"' ASSOCIATE JUDGE. Wo nrn authorized to nnnounca tVin date for the nomination for Aaaocintc J udgo, subject to Republican usngeaTT . Kp. Rfpiiht tci v . i . - fit).....- ,. , , "U HUB 4) H "KlitN, Kin., of II nfcnn- n ..ii.i... nCM,ciBt0 J"(,Sp'8u,j',ttlPhiican o editor of this paper, TREASURER. En. RErt Tir.icAN : Flcaso ' announce 1.0 name of WHIT. S. DAVIS. ofTloncR U i borough, ri a candidate i,r Countv Treasurer, subject to Republican nsapc, rt Manx Citizens. in. RKrunr.TCtT,:-Ploaie announce mv T, r.andil,nte for t'ounty Treasure ubje,,tto the usages of tho Republican rar,i- S. J. SETLEY. OOMMISSIOXI3R. ItErrni.TCAl! Tln.ei. m TN The T,nvi-n.n T..n.n. ... RON 'WOHOLAg THOMP- tl tlr Store. Th K5 d01?Vni0nr"T0W1,Nl,iP' "- hP1f7's,al,,Iy""nnd, and made (f in nn,,bn"nty Com'"i'"'ioncr, subject to best luanuer and newest styles? 1 . y Kepublican nsases. M r. Thompson scrveil - 'y Lurs? W8r nnd l0St uhiP f .Gptty"- C M. HILiTII MmwK'Tfi DRESSMAKER, Tioncsta, Pa. Township, as a candidnto fi,,,n.LnSl.y mlS8ionor. anbloo tu,i.u. ' -I.""1 1"-. HEATH lin-j ro.il , tiHomnnlu ley TownipV - -V-- n noZthcm TZ'kt"- f exped,M.e Commissioner, subject to RopSK fflMr vyris- ' fob Township, . eandidatoK.VfcountvcTnw j a tair trial" RcVdo t i. i i i. i j. " ' uivi o mnr. The ..nderii.rned n.o l,f, mrl(.in,r ed. ,i it la : , ' " '"'u.-iusm. JJ'-a-lcr in the l s " ' ",m"r 1 1 ... . . i . . i.-i miii lie, iiirti :m. I .....,.,.i..i.. P1VBS y.ni ywlr, 1 ,..,tr,, in , I,.,,,!.,,,,' nraMn!torKrn,lhl.,yolI. ,,;;f,;i;""'"-! imi ,. ii, j;:,,jciJ prove tin' cniiilitini. f th" price f,-,,,,, iiv,. ti I-,,-,, ii-in-l : Mini .l,.j i I . .. . "'ii I nm viei i per nere, 1 v the h m'vi vou are en i . 1....1.1.1 Willi till! It ,.M w ' elenn v, . ' ' '"I "U ' rseni . iiw I ian;o iininin oym.iiu.i r., . ' '"b " . Hiis mill workH on an entire new 'ni hi wile as inn. ii.i 1.. i.- ' ...:T r"" II ' ," " "Ullllil .Mill. ,,l ..... m,i lv ID .r tl ,tn Cnnviisxets avIII exhibit' if fell. . i ri ;-t SOLE AOtKT rcn THr. tvvinzoxi HTB " . j? SAM 0 S-t mill Hill!', HCp- M HI wiij . :i iln, eiih.-iitiv I'll rent "iteiy mcreavc hvr i;ia,e 01' in also v ' irr.-tsH nioihi( ro- tho MilV, and 1....; season, when vol, will 1 1. . V"1 J'.V..rclvesf its Inei-ili l" '""'"" ;n 101 nuy until yon nee it work i or information, :ul,i k a ... wO-orlWoEoolli.WnUwI.:,r.V1vir?; Tli U BEST? S. HAMILTON tfcCO.'s' U G I C HOUSE 1 1 ...jBvifiti&'-eooDMn1' 0E6ANS;. Saul for lUmtraicit CttalvUHc, .'':. v-oittnlln evrry County. U . I V ' .? ... '-, 1 J, II. V. Tl X I ii N, VfiTCHiHKER a JEWELEIL 4 cneap onlong ttme, by applying to Aml ns thoresuM of mven'orts I feclcv M'-. y V-w Sm WaheZr r.oM.lU,i..,iT.. . ,- . IT... J'7.'..w aiwolutelv IhuHLwm . AV;ua,iL jjuases. ii)e V 1 m' 1,1111 1 with it ,t llHS rendered .I s faKZ. fee and Universal natiifactio,,, d' nViVh dere'rtlllh."! ) 1 .v- IlftVtt L-.irt.. i . most approved form, for sale at thi. lul u T.Ti' tojrt.-n,,,-,,.',! m - I -". ii iinn ri'iiiorni time ..- -.. . oinc e. I I, Att Advertisements. H. C. HARLIN, Merchant Tailor a,r:irl;pL''V-x:i:-v;;oui!i ,.. j hi I ills KCU Stcani01"' " ho bas tiue" is team uio nuw WASHER Of 1S7S, now l,oinK advertised o nvi,. sieiyn, whole nnd il..i.i,i.... ... " . . If lie aiiRwer in tlio' n, El.on.l I...1 . " . ..' "- oussioncr, subject to Republican usages, :RE?r;TfAN : - r,onso announce the name of C. II. CHURCH, of Hickory VOWIlShlll. OS B Cnilllillnlo fiir ' Ir'??-01"' 8U,,Ject to Kepublican usages' una olilicn xr t. i . . in tho hou - " pr sirt, . Shrivor J. o.v Jacob dltf Many Republicans. Republican Primaries. The Republican voters of Forest County will meet at tho usual places' for holding tho primary elections, SATURDAY. AUGUST 15, 1874. at 2 o'clock P. M., to nominate as fol lows : Ono person for Assembly. One person for Associate Judtro. Ono person for County Treasurer. One person for Co. Commissfoner. One person for Co. Auditor. The Polls will remain open until 7 o'clock P. M. Each township will elect and return the name of one person as a member ot the County Committee for tho uing year, FOREST COUNTY. s. rr c , T!,e1c''n"i"iiwealth of Fennsylva X.S. nia to tho sheriff of said County If John Cobb rnako you 'secure of uro 'iitinsr his claim, then w0 command Vm, on a .i v " "i nu command vou tliat you stinimon bv pood iL?..'..! oiiiiiinoiiers. lilies 1'. K i,r 'ii,.i... Ijv..ilTo I tk:i:.. - . I " """j m oiuiii Hon . I). A Jacob- Woodburn, William Il'.Vtchl iT' lieii'; r v ..,'. "Kar Ames, miner v " ul(c;lS011. mid Lucy . S. Amos, puardian of the said minors John A. Ncmlderand V. H. Seudder 1 ceutors ot I renry Aines deceased, Thomas , , I'viiii'u, BO null UiPV lift ntiil appear lieroro our.Ju'dws at 'Honesta at our County Curt of Common Mcas, ien to bo held the 4th Monday of Sej "mm" to show wherpforo whereas thev the i sti A Jno.Cobb anclOllea V. Killcv rt .il tocher and undi vidol do hold all t hit ccr tair nruZ land situate In Tiope.sta Township K County. Fa., bounde.1 and doseHbcd s follows : (.n tho north lv tract No 28 '7 on tho out hy tract No. ska, 0 the soiml by tho Info bawcen YenanK, and F?rest counties, and on tho east l.y tract No "S-t bems warrant No. twentv-ei'dit luit'T?.l liuiulrcd and n huxv n, lkMM 0 I with tl. n. ....... ' ui- H'BS, The meeting of i n t.,.. RviZiKi " !" u 11 u l , " " "u'u " uuges '- J '7 '"i iinoreol betwoen 7. 1 1 .1 n.-ixiro.iiif 10 the laws Mid tho customs of this CoiimiouweaUhTu such ease made and provided) do painsay and the same to bo done do not I'ei mil very un ustly and aKainst tho same." C an.r customs (as it is said), Ac. Alld hnvn vit i lltn.. .1 ii .. r ii.71 " .. 1'ioro me names Tollo. January. cn- uo iiaa at the Uourt House on the Tuesday folbwing, lo-wit: tho 18th, day of August, 1874, at 2 P. M. Miles W. Tate, Chairman. County Committee Meeting. In pursuance of (he call of the Chairman, tho Ropublican County Committee met at tho office of M. W. Tate, in Tioncsta, Saturday, August the first. i ue oojcci oi the meeting was Btated John f to be, tho propriety of submitting the R;.i,ru'l!7' ;'"c'ob ; w?,ihuin. William lli Rules of 18G8 and 1870 as nubLcl zXift'l""" minor I,,.! ,.i' l.l . ..." ; . ' . quit's, Of those BUIiiliionei-M .....1 . this 23d diiv of Mav i . 1 1 "" J. R. AUNKV, Fio'thonotary. xotice. In the Court of Common Pleas of For. Joim L- l-biliji Krie-er. in uiy van Ntodd ford. Henry Illbl l.nlr !.- ...... . ho con set lheiii !r1,.n ni . llys $60 Profit can bo Slado Single Dozen.' And I have kllown ng01tg to (ako A DOZEN IN AN hour - WWII! There is no way to make money fa tor ry. Mnko money while you ,Mln. ,.""'"" I """"ii-ulale the cost of mv tian'-Iov1. s''V:,,,lt in ,ho "'iii:i. lj?I,T50 Each Insertion. 1 "mv nlVV "f','!,'a" r"'"' my lust insertion ,Oct. b) mid mo 500 jpjuie, oehntt. DUri!? i. Iafit pi,itocn 'ths I have In. scuod my advertisement, occui.y- ' ins one to two paaUs, in IICXDXEDS OFUWLA&S PAI'Mts, tlo oriTri';'1' l"H''.we" the outly; but V.'R nsHan Union- ("tho larirestY .v wor 'M i?.: K1""1' nfWHipor In the rj mo uuuer iiiuii any, una tin The only house bnvin.r .;,,. strictly tirHt-clnsM Inv......... ', X T - - Win. tj ; a T r to i.ef r...j. . . '"sirnnicnt, because we keei u . v. ap snou.iy KOO(h. w ,,. iiiriii'u vi.i.i..:. i i . . ..... ,,,,,, no esaie and n t ul,-,.n cial nuents for the celcbiato'l ,t'tl"", .....,-v nuiiifo iir;n, Taylor A Farley Celestes Simmons .c t i,iu-h Combination Ortj.ms OKTIIKUXKIV.VI.IiD' Derker .t Rarncs Fianos, liiadliiiry i'iiinos, Mullet, I-avis.tt'o.'.irianos, Rradlord A Cai.'h I'uilor Ucnls. menfJ";' !l.n-."r "'cs-ctvlobraUM instru. cminlv .Vllol prices, oive us a call or writo fr circulars Ui M. II A M II Tnv n i . . WI3 it 51 Fifth AOe ine .Y,..,': ... "-""ii(jii, II. tv-' li,,,1S'n s wanted in ove Vv l.v and town. Also to the trado lit -.i!e, wo Kuarantoo less than Exste, Pa. J. P. FrtiH. lleiiiT wma, isrl I cra.1 n ttu st ()a .r:'i.iwV L ?. in, ' Ktolil HUcumntlo J.r I V .'! -;? 11 lck.,lrt.Ui;,U. Kvrin.K..- y. yiL IK, I. f K. A. W Ul.UliN. .."oi,, ..uit i. sr 'twwir'N-ii.ii . ... . -. I 'Ti-ir. v , h.Kri:.l.IJiJlKii,lft.lii.V-r.TO 7-Iy DRUG STORE ! ..IJVoucs,Troijribto'r, Jas, ;new's 'Rloel;, Bonhcr it A ELM StRUBT, ! i . J f trioNw.tA, pA. A;ont for ' 1 Dr. Morrlii; Syrup of Tar, Wild .orry jw Horchovaul. PflTEJIT MEDICINES, TOBACCO, j: V cjgJrs, ' 5 ROflONSj SC., LI QUO IIS, For Ml(iieulue OSLT : ; io'i . .1 ' Pu,'"",'Iy puw, sold much .v...v. limn IUIIUU11. I ' " r . f ' A 1.... ..II I. . . ... ? . i ""j mi kiiiiii or ti. i. ;m,n n.. Jw'11.iiio, 'loiit'l Articlii. Ullinrins .4',. I . i 1, . at Tin POST i iu.i:si'A, A I'lllf t:)c Of WATC2IE3, JEWELRY' AND O H, O C 1: m t ii ii I . on I fit n, I. ITAVINi Tl imt.i f N'.iw been iloln-r r the nasi nix , i w , liimillrn ,t am v..li ... ii. .1 "inns, a - .......... ,., ,;, ,,.,eo B,i patron- ll'iinl I J'" 1 A ,V "'l,,J H,'U1 l",,' PT- !um? , e,i:r:r. v''y'"- Lei,.,. i.. ..... . " V'-'" "f" rii" lei'n i . V .''"" nure, a 1 am : "' " " " i "I'-iucH on as turnii as ean bo had any whom, ' It W f VVUJ ... . ... . H, II O rcasonahlu- I'. II. COLLIBS tiKO. W. BUAIII JAS. II. FONKS. A Wh"n (hvi'li m o . I,..,...!-. . . . PliXiil'MpV , v .ii esp'cioii nom ' . , L ' "N, all ri nioil cs liavliiL' laded, and Hr. H. ....... ..'V '"h i.iie?ridou.:ii,y,;;;,,e.p, unlf Indian Hemp, which ,.,.,,,, Ids only cl id and now sivcs tins re. ipe free, 'Voce J ot two stamps to pay' expenses Hen alio cures iu;f:,t sweids, ,mS(, ,' stomach, and will break k fiv,:, rol.J i , '. AiMre.s Cl A li I (!( '(v ,f fl m :, ...i.Livniiiia L'annnjr this p:i w i ain noui s. Race Kt. I'd'. n A A r rm nuotni AHU FKOV S 0S STORF GEO.W.BOVARD&CO. T TAVK innl broiicht on n coiimi x L eaivlully wlwtuii stock of FLOUR, A ' ' u i and v. fix, m PORTABLE SODA FOUNTAINS, Silli), K0, i !B(,o. OOOn, iL'HAi;i,EiCH KAp hlnppcd Ready for l'e Man u fact mod bv'.I. Y. Chai niiiii ,V Co. Midison, in.l. j. i .-ciui ior l ;ualOiiu."- ., ,!... I.' ; . . V. , ..u 4.BUf RucAw of the KKS&bl '."..7:,,!lillL'r .''J W. II. ScKlder ox- primary meeting, on Saturday, the loth Kctt, ami w.Tr! vuT iC.r,!"' Bun.imons in Fartitiom Sen May 2,ilh, 174 Illllllavit of Join, Cobb. day of August, to determino by ballot which set of Rules shall govern the party thereafter. The Townships present were Har mony, Hickory, Jenks, Green, Tiones ta and Tionesta Borough. Tl .1 I i'.b.iu. ,14 ,Jem hv y If II,.., It was thereupon moved by James tn,"t .lor "i iuuKhtcr. iind that hor ureen, lsq., that this committPAcBi.ai Vr i .. rJ-l.u """'n tH him. tickets to bo printed for distribution at the polls on Saturday, August the 15th ext, said tickets headed as follow!!. For Rules of 18G8, For Rules of 1870, and that upon vtote being had thereon-, tho returns thereof be made in the usual manner of making returns, and that the Rules obtaining tho majority of the vote casit, shall. bo declared bv lM-imnv n"i ;? '"?" " , "'"''""W imtli that ono undi- Vlded twcntv-ioiirili i..t r.i. ' . " --" ". 'imiiias ncou, who in now de-nl a . the . and residences of hhj heirs devisees or alienees are il,,nu. that ono undivide.1 twontv-lonr h part of and leshlcnee arC u.Vknown to hbn en t, 'h:18,4 ordered to bo Kiv ? -el"'1 ,,L"' ut luwJ rtevisees or alienees ot Thorny Hcott, and1 W. H, llro T v toe, by publication in tho Fouest Rei-iJi, UCAN only, olK.0 a wwk f , Hu'cessivo weeks before tho ucM ten,, of thii Couit YVr Ci Coin Silver Watch PBEE! Agents Wanted to act for mo, in tho salo ot an article of value in ever houso liold. SJOt'oiu Silver Watch FREE. Ad- L" wi'j'r('i'1nsox' '''"""fi''. PO INTER -OCEAN FAYS RETTER THAN illv fcJ . ox e, sVve v I ,. ,aPt-'"r aI l'an s" SSlS "vention ; and seilitl, ri. ' "'J' 11,0 """t that a samiilo intro,lii,.,i .., ' , , it olteli sells w " "'a'i"i'liood JV HUNDRED MODE. scflinl' "thisT'"'1 P'mnco to lak0 muiov a' i? o, .1 nVr0ntl,,V "mv "v'p will !i.i, "MH'M't ' 1'ivo lioihirs I w ill ship yo n complete Washer ,,W Pie copy of ,ho L.llr'0 trSr w, (ert.hcale of ARency, with lull instruc tion,, l,w to condui t the. I.im .J, ' n i upon the receipt of tho Washer vmi may as Z resenbiM1 ",,J ,f Vu" "! U S Thl lv 7 ,Ua 1 WU r,'"i'J your monov Ihesher retail, at lo. After I k o, .vou a sample 1 will hold your co.i.dv a E H'i "h tn' 'I'" J't,U t0 'H Mo wheiTie? i , ! , ,1 hase or not. I will i'ur msh blank deeds ! blanks for UinJ orders, and will do all I can to enable von to succeed in tho busino. I., t " lu ar mZ'iye 1' f""t r yUr '"lor erritory may bo taken by some ono else. Add ress C. TILTON, Sixth St., FittshurBli, Ia. r f'ut thin card out and niei i.n o Miw It the i.,lto,,. Ri.el.m.KAX Vlt. jl uji. ii i.rpios i:iackhcads. Svnuv loins; Hard, small i.iniDlos. ubi. I i... l. points, most numerous in tlu cheeks. foto. head and nose. ' 1'Kl IIIU. I ll.Illsin II.. I, ...l.t .i. i . ni..u..t ,. .1 ... ,4"Mll HillCIl ,111' (,"n,io,i urn noTiiiii'x is removed -ie;t-ii:,, iiv inn warmth of the bed r"Ptlon except that prodiuted by ii-aleh- Tbo above and all Shin discuses norma. i, " ;' i-osi urircaluicnt tUH)pfrw;eek,rt ,.() per month. A.h dress r. J Jl. Vandy ko, J WainutM., I luladelphia. M TIIK WONDERFUL PST CASTAR-ST BIRD! (Patent jiiit I'ruiiircd.) 1ji.ii.m, j uil HOURS CNF.F manured by aiiy child. Tin, 'latest ..Mu u.nv . on, ii. run i,i,entioii of tho a"o I he very thin- for either ..ai lor or ouu niiiunviiiVill, 8EXD FOIV SAMl'LK AT ONCE .i ji.iv wi agents ami to ,n i, o... ill'.. J, .. . - - - - - .V .. t-t)W ......juoii guaraiik't'U or money promptly ceipt Vi"'1"1''1 by mail to y addi css, on ,. 30 ( or 3 r.,r is I Address M. R. UultKll'i'si a- f,i U Wroadway, N0iv Vorlv. se nil 5 w Jo lini SMOKERS, (.. I'oi tint nnvar Clf-&ti i list ii ur Ai.ri..t i .... .1 ciirar holder. 3 for 6u cl. , M. I! i:', ' x 1 lru Uroadway, New York, wtitsm $25 A " DAY CUARANTEfeO SlILL ELf- AUCER A"d VnvAHKANSAS AN1 UAKori! toguMb. w.cuu:a,b.Xx,UiTiii ANTED. Call on or address EUTUtJU H, IKAUFFMAN, WiuUKIt, iHiKotHUll AVKNt'K, Vii'lU PiritiBURtUl, FA. CRoci:nriv; rpvoyisio ,T.i';'V 'c '"." '"Kl'ai'.v io e ' comiilc!,. H w i '"-''lHClrocery UoU,a, which .A .... , , ' 1. . ' J " V ?l ""'f establish. :', ,"' hi oi,, ni-si utior lrth of 5f. l; Clmrcii. , t ( TEAS, - jr , ... COFFKKS, . f BViiAM HAMS, EAR I). at the lowest cash price. Goods warrant ed to be ot tho ,t.t ,i!inlit. i .'l i .... amine, and we bc.lievo v.-cun suit vou. ' "i:o. w. hi i n iniKui, I'Al'l. IIMJliUJiAX, FOilT PITT GUSS WORKS. ITHKII)K cV OO., Manuracluivrs of every varloty of ' FLIfiT CLRS3 LAMP CHIflltNETS, AND SILVERED GLASS REFLECTORS, WASHINGTON ,t FKANKMN am! I'irisiuiitoit, p.. la e.lass. a wnl! m I.. Consumers of korn- Hene arc sum, tin n ,,t discoracWl fie tmrntly ,l ehiumevs break, viu i any apparent cause, rendering ill. Uil't A C AHJ16. Forsons sullerivi? wlth Nf rvrms 1 bili ..J'i,V,S '. V"' V""K,lml'tlon, Aslhnil, lirou i hills, ( atarrh, or any form of Nervous or 1 ulinoiiary Complaints, - will receive A prompt mid tree of ehartrc a, leal ffjetHblo Remedy, full .,,,1 ,.,i.i,' . i'i. .ii.:i. i . in r.Rnr r.T. Swan St., Hullalo, N. Y TIME TRIED AND FIRE TESTED ! TIIH olilulNAIi ETNA INSURANCE COMPANY OF HARTFORD, CONN. A.S.SF.'J'.S Dec. SI. 1S7.1. M"5,rtin,o,-,,yl(. MILi:s V. TA'l'i;, Sub A pent, T'nuesia, I'a. LOTS FOR SALE! IN THE BOROUGH OF TIONESTA. Apply to tWO. 0. HICK LI'S, 70, Nassau St., New York Cily. IJVi'HTIMilW I". KoHeli a i ,. lor their Kk'lity-.,i-iv t ol adu Ibijir. 'lid y." i enis lo i ;. ,i , -O I'aik How, V. , Pnuiphlel, showing l!4t- There Is ..lui.ldv' In woolen fabrics. mi. HO Ihout eld,.,. , v. ,i.. .... . .. ..V. ' nr . ....... . ...,...,,,,,, iiiiiik, Chean- nes l..nuH,o order or the .la,', siiMMte ot lime, ins en,) r iv,.... i.:.i lunialed may tell the dill'erent qualities 'f o lead , lass ha, e a , hlar. , iKi,,t. i;... . , , . "iiwi'll. ill UIO .' ""s hi.inicy. Kiitw n cnU in vested in , ,o oi'iho had chimneya H i o,',:;e' ii,;i,il'Vw,,il,vu-uu w.il. su.'iL a uii ,i ,,,,.1 M'l,,. ,r I ".'I .! IIU,UIWI m a if l'- i v i I x k'it"' cI,i"ey may jo U.l at v. hi.l.,..ale or retail of ' . n.iv.'. w. Diviu:iDUi:i co.. Tionesta, Fa. Dm a nnmTFKTPii. u. lei'lierlrrt m tons 7 . f .a li-:it'in -.. A....... , ..... . 7 ' r.is- tTV. 'J l l,S I ,IVSn,,,Vl,, I ever ,iinccu In nuy Dr. '-i nns, y ,,,,, ,,.i,-.;i, I; lottrii Met oc r.rds, .o- i ,'. - i'. ''""'' voUetl.O. I'.i.-. .' V ,i".-.!i'Ji'i:i'i' , u jnovr w'v '4?-M!;.ic,j,''"'-'' :. :.:' 1 "'4'n.ifiA ! 1-l.liII. TilF.n Oraun ai..uw i . ,,,(.(, MtttCtt. WATERS' NEW SCALE PIANOS. m!riat pow er at a (in i, ftiUKiatr icno. CIA UII lllllilnri, i..n- Ortrnnsaud l-iauu .e M a. ,uni".l3 J. j.urk. I'r, , K,lu,., low ftr co? " V? ?' or'"'T' iw,, V ziSZ O, (Jc. .. SIHA1KK C.lr.U.MirKH 4aT H1 liruudwiiy Kinl sUiirci!r St., . r. Testimonials cr Waters' Pianos and Ci'aiis. "Wains' Cdi.vrli Farlor Oryaii pn jscs a lic-auillul uiul ;,H-uliar'ly'bOft Uina. ihe Concerto M,,p h,, without iloubt. tho best ever placi d ,M any or;.,,,, -u is pro, ilaccd by an extra set of reeds, peculiarly voK.,h, j,-,,,,, which Uio eiluct is Vu,Ht cliarmiiiH, and iu, iniiiatiou of the hiimaiv Voice is hupcrb. I'or swuuiuustt of tono, and orclitntialiUcitB it has uo kiu1." jS. J , Tunis, 'The Concerto farlor Oruan i some, Hiiii entirely new ; it is a bcauiilul parlor ornaiiiLiit. i.os.-cxsc.-i a sw..i. n.i lid tone is a t coiuin.'iulablo inven, Hon unit la, I, Is a hivh ulaco hi i,ul,l, r. Vor." -V. 1'. l.muu i'o.s. m Otioin:si ha im tub FAnrori. Th heslial oi can is the name of a new reed oi'H an recently iiniriuiieci (,y Horace Wa ins A Son. The instrument takes thift inline from ils reecnily invented orches tral map. Tim voicing ot Ihisis ricenliar pi'odticim; the eileet o: a full sweet , Icallo voice. I is tine.,1 , tied H produced when tho stops are drawn, co that an or- iii-tnii cue, t is hhcii. TlioCiHwiHuiiinua and unisex a hauil.,.11111-m ii,.i .,1 i,,, ..; tine." ,V. I . ,Vi,a. 1' The U'.i Ilie , r- I Hies i,i.,r, titn. I'di'-oiiHl know , i,i'e I, in, v n as iiinenir N 1 i,re enabled to pi ak of in- wiih eoiillileneo, froi.i . (Ii,c ,V. K. tivuprhgt