TIIR I1IRI.M OF TIIK lAY. The young ladies who hud their com mencement at Andover, the other day, began life well. By mutual agreement the wearing of bracelets, pins, rings nod other trinkets was discarded by the graduates, and the example was followed by mauy ladies prefeut. That graduating class will get on well in life. The girl who possesses the moral courage to abstain from the wearing of hnery on so capital an opportunity for display as commencement day, is a girl to be respected. Fortunately, in fash ionable life, the present style inclines toward the wearing of but little jewel ry, and it is but the ignorant of the . nouv&iux riches who flaunt trinkets. The Andover girls, therefore, may Lave been only ultra fashionable after all ; but yet they titnuld receive all credit possible for having resisted temptation and displayed common sense. Hudson Register. Now this is quite foolish. If there is ft duty which is imperatively neces sary to a young lady it is to look as pretty as she can on any and every occasion, and if she carries this duty to the period of gray hairs and grand children so much the better. Jewelry, moreover, is a necessity to young la dies it is made of things of beauty which are joys forever. It may cost twenty-five cents, and perhaps these figures carried into the thousands; but it is invariably worn gracefully, it is always placed where it belongs, acd it never fails to "set off" its wearer so as to make ber prettier, more graceiul, well satisfied with herself and more satisfactory to others. And the harm of jewelry, so one can afford it always supposing that? There is nothing in it, whatever the venerable preacher and the dried apples principally men tioned as eld maids may say. There kave been times when it was sinful for ft girl to grace her head with what was known, we believe, as ft spit-curl. There have been others when it rose on the breast of a young lady was regard ed as indicative of false pride. There are places to-day which hold that a girl doesn't dance with ft hole in her stocking is aristocratic and puts on airs. There are others which sneer at the young lady who follows the fash ions and the dictates of her own soul sufficiently to appear in public with her stockings gracefully gartered and her whole appearance indicating neat ness and beauty, not to say happiness. It is all nonsense, ladies and gentle men. Girls will be girls, and the Lord made them they ought to be. They like trinkets and what the puritan fathers and mothers were .wont to call gew gaws, and tbey have a right to them. They yearu for curls and rib bons, and bits of lace, a watch and chain, and above everything else for rings with diamonds in them. They ought to have them. They want to be beautiful, and they like to be attired gracefully; and when these yearnings cease we know of several gentlemen who will bid the world adieu because it is full of dirt and slatterns, women whose chief ambition it is to talk and to work their way through life with arms akimbo. Girls, we expect, must continue to bo girls. This is necessary .to the marriage state, not to mention a sweet peace. They must have their jewelry to the full extent of their means. They must have curls if they wish them, and they must not be ex pected to comb their hairsoberlv back and become old women at the age of sixteen, ine supposition, brethren and sisters, is preposterous. If we had a girl who was an old woman at that age, we should tell her to go up to the nineties with exceeding haste, and come down to youth in the wrong way and be somebody. After all, if Were is a premature angel in this world it is ft romping girl. One of those girls who like tun iu any Inno cent shape and neither ape dignity nor are afraid of it. The girl whose hair is torever floating about her eyes who runs off somewhere and everywhere with her shawl half off; who hooks ner mother s sunbouuet. or when press d for time adopts Brother Bob's straw hat ; who has not the thought for the morrow that she has for a new string ui ueaas; wno is always in ft nurry, and who never thinks of walking be cause it is so much better to bound and time it so limited. In other words, a fig for the Andover girla.and a whole box of raisins for the other and the better class. Rochester Democrat and Chronicle. "Dear George." said an Indianapo lis young woman, "I am willing to marry you lr we have to live on bread and water." "Well," said the enthu siastic George, "you furnish the bread and I'll skirmiuh round and find the water." Salt Lake has been victimized bv showman, who announced that he would cause a "human body to appear and disappear before the aadience." lie appeared got their money, and dis appeared, lie filled the programme. Among the candidates of admission to West Point is "one named Bauer- milch, from Pennsylvania. Should he graduate he may do for frontier ser vice, but he can never, represent the ?reaw ot tns army. Let us all strive to live so that the local paper may say of s as of Philip Burns, of Delaware: "His hat wasn't always cocked over his left ear, but he yiuii it una a uuicner, iq vpwsu How long did Cain hate his brcth er? As long us he was Abel. JOB WORK DONE AT TTIB 'REPUBLICAN" OFFICE At he lowest cash prices, neatly, prompt ly, and in style equal to that of any other establishment tn the District. -tot- BUSINESS CARDS, J SHOW CARDS, VISITING CARDS, SCHOOL CARDS WEDDING CARDS, PROGRAMMES, INVITATIONS, BALL TICKETS, ADMISSION TICKETS, " MONTIIIiY STATK3I12NTS, ENVELOPES BILLHEADS, : LETTER HEADS, NOTE HEADS, CIRCULARS, BLANKS, POSTERS. DODGERS, HANDBILLS, LABELS, SHIPPING TAGS, &o. Allegheny i Valley Rail .Road. Oil Creek & Allegheny River Rail way, and Buffalo, Corry & Pitts burgh R. R. " J OX AND AFTEH Monday, February 2, 1874, train will run as follow t STATIONS. Northward. Southward Ka. AS K. I ft. I Na. f N. 4 Niv ft m p m i m p in p in p in Pittsburgh !i:20 7:i!0 lltelKI 3:00 W Pen June ' 4: H:M 8:a)l l:i.H) Kittannlng 4:50 0:4.1 7:4.V13J It. HkJuno :4l 10:30 fl:LOl 1 1:40 Uradv Rend fcno I0:5."i rt:00 1 l:2S Parker 0:4:1 11:.V. ft:i IO::V Kmlonton 7:0" l'ijim 4:n 10:10 Hern bit rax t:lli . 1:10 8:5'.' (:1W Franklin t:0" V.M .1:0. B:iVi Oil City 7:00 :4.' 2:3'i 2:1.1 7:". 8:00 Oleopolis 8:00 2:41" 111! 7:! Eagle Rock 8:17 8:00 lt:4A 7:l!:t Tionosto IW ' 8:211 U;7 flNtfl Ttdioiito 10:28 4:1ft 0:21 6:011 Irvincton ll:4.r 5:00 7:4. 5:20 Rousnvlila 10:05 2:.1ft 1:52 7:2 Titusvtllo 11:10 8:50 12:5:1 6:25 Corry A: 1011:1.1 , MnvvlUe . 7:00 0:47 ItuiFslo 8:551 (1:05 i. ,' a. m p. m p. mla. ni a, in p. in Trains run bv Philadelphia Time. J. J. LAWRENCE, en'l Sup1 PENNSYLVANIA CEN- TIIAL RAILUOAD OX AND AFTER 11 P. P. SunrtT May 1, 1870, Trains arrive at anil leara tho Union Depot, corner of Washlnton and Liberty street, as follow: ARRIVE. Mall Train, 1.80 a m t Knit Line, 12.1S a m s Well's accommodation No, 1, 6.20 a m Hrinton accommodation No 1, 7.50 a m; Wall' aooommodHtton No 2. 8.65a m .-Cin cinnati express 0.20 a in: Johnstown ne- commodntion 10.50 amj Rrmldnck's ao comnioilntion No I, 7.00 p ni Pittsburgh express 1.80 p ru; Pacific express 1.50 p m ; Wall's accommodation No 8, 2,35 p m j iiomowoou accommodation iso J.w.tfo pmj Wall's accommodation No 4, 6.50 p in; Hrinton accommodation No 2, 1.10 p m; Way Passenger 10.20 p in. DEPART. ' Southern' express 5.20 a m i Pacific ex press 2.40 a in ; Wall's accommodation No' 1, 6.30a in : Mail Train 8.10 a in ; ilrinton's scconimodation l).20ann liraddock's nc- eommodation No 1,5.10 p in; Cincinnati express 12.35 p in Wall's accommodation - z, li.oi a m ; Johnstown accomn:olation 4.05 p in ; llomewood accommodation No 1, 8.50 p m; Philadelphia express 3.50 p ru; Wall accommodation N'o3.3.05n nit W all's accommodation No 4, 6.0.5 n m ; Fast Line 7.40 p in j Wall's No 6, 11.00 p in. The Church Trains leave Wall's Station every Sunday at fl.05 a. m., reaching Pltts- nururn at Ki.ooa. in. iCclnrnlnir leave rata luirirh at 12.50 n. in., and arrive at Wall's Station at 2.10 p. ni. Cincinnati express leaves dailr. South ern express daily except Mou lay. All oth er Trains dally, except Sunday." for lurtner lnlormntion nply to W. II. UECKWrm, Afrent. Tho Pennsylvania Jlnilroad Coinpanv will not assume anv Kisk for nasrimKO ex. cept.for Wearing; Apparel, and limit tholr rsponsiDiiuy to uno Hundred lKillai val ue. All baiisnRO exceeding that a ount in value will be at the rink, of tut inn, uiuuss uiKun oy special contract. A. J. CA-SSAl General Superintendent. Altoons Pa. Allegheny ' Valley Rail ' Road, ON AND after Monday Juno 1, Trains will run as follows (Philadelphia Time): Trains leave Oil Citv for Pittsburgh at 2:15 p. m. 8: 20 p. m. and 8:35 a.m. arriving at Pittsburgh at 10:00, 3:40 p. in. and 6:10 a. Trains leave PittMbursU for Oil City at 7:20 a. m., l-.oo and 8;:J0 p. m., nrriviny in Oil City at 2:3:1 a. in.. 8:15 and 8:05 p. in. Trains leave Oil Citr for Iluflalo at 2:45 p.m. 6:20 p. ni, arriving in Dufl'atlo at 8:55 p. in. 1:10 . m. Trains leave Buffalo for Oil Cit v at 6:05 a. m. and 12:25 p. ni. arriving at Oil City at 2:00 p. ni. and 8:05 p. in. All trains Kiven above run through from Fittwburgh to Buffalo and return, without change of cars. Trains run on Philadel phia time, which is 20 roinutos faster than Pittsburgh time. The ti'mo at lliill'alo is U. H. A M. 8. R'y time which is 28 minutes slowor than Philadelphia lime. '; Oil City accommodation leaves nrady's Bond at 6:40 a. in. arriving in Oil City at 11:50 p.m. Leaves Oil City at 6:05 p. m., arriving at Brady's Bnnd ut 0:15. p. in. At Rod Bunk Junction this rood con with tho Eastern Extension which runs to Reynoldsvillo. - J. J. LAWRENCE, T.M.KING, , Geul. Sni't. : Ass't. Sup't. . TIIK IIEST PAPER. TRY IT ! ! ! The Sctkntific Ahkkican is the cheap est and host illustrated weekly paper pub lished. Every number oonUiins from 10 to 15 original engravings of new machinery, novel inventions, bridges, engineering works, architecture, Improved farm imple ments, and every new discovery in chem istry. A year's numbers contain W2 pages and several hundred engravings. Thous ands of volumes are preserved for binding and reference. The practical recoipts aro woll worth ten times the subscription price. Torms, $3 a year by mail. Kpeci ments sent free, A new volume com mences Jannary 3, 1874. May be had of sll news dealers. DATPNTC obtained an the bost terms. a I Lll l l Models of new inventions and sketches examined and advice free. All patents are published in tho Scientific American the week they Issue. Send for pamphlet, 110 pages, containing laws and full directions for obtaining Patents. Ad dress for tho Paper or concerning Patents. MUNN A CO., 37 Park How, New York! Branch Ottloe, cor. V and 7 111 sts., Wash ington 1. ., W40 iM NEBRASKA GRIST MILL THE GRIST MILL at Nebraska (Icy town,) Forest county, has bocn thor oughly overhauled and refittod in lirst olas order, and is now runuing and doing all kinds of CUSTOM KI2VIIXCI. FLOUR, FEED, ..... AND OATS, Constantly on hand, and sold at the very lowest iigures. 43-6m n. W. LEDEBTJR. Frank llobbluv, PHOTOGRAPHER , (SUCCESSOR TO DKMIMU.) Pictures in evcryfetyleof tho art. Views of the oil regions for solo or tukon to or der. CENTRE STREET, near R, R crossing aiYCAMOREslTREJiT, near Union Da, pjt, oil city, i'a, . uo-tf WEEKLY, SEM I-WEF.KLY, A DAILY TUK WEEKLY SUX Is too widely known to require anv extended rninn mendatlont bnt tho ronsons which have already given It 11 fly thousand Hiibscrilsra ami winch win, wo nope, give It many uiousamis more, ar oncnr as tollnwst It is a Hrst-rato newspaper. All (ha hew of the dav will be found in It. con doused wheu tininipprtAnt,' at foil length when of moment, and always presented m a clear, intelligent anu interesting man ner. It Isa flrst-ralo fainilv paer, full of en tertaining and instructive reading of eve ry kind, but (sintainlnir noth nir that can offend tlio most delicato and scrupulous taste. It Is a first-rate story paper. The best tales and romances of current literature are carefully selected and legibly printed In Its pssms. ' It In a lirst-rate agricultural papor. The most iresn aim instructive articles on agri cultural topics regularly appear in this de partment. It is mi Independent political paper, be longing to no party and wearing no collar. It tights for the clis'lion of the best men to ottlce. It especially devotes it enericles to the exposuio of tho great corruptions that now weaken and disgrace ourcouutrv.aud threaten to undermine republican institu tions altogether. It has no fear of knaves, and asks no favors from their supporters. It reports tho fashions for the ladies and tlio markets for tho men, especially the cBme-inaritci, to which u pays particular attention. . Finally, it Is theclicancst nnner publish. ciU One dollar a year will secure it for any 8obseTil)er. It is not iioeessarv to get up a club in Order to have TIIK WEKK LY Ni;N t thlnrolo. Anyone who semis a singio ooiiiir will Rft tbepnpcr for a year. THE WEEKLY KUN. Eight us -res, fl ft y-slx columns. Only I.OO a vanr. No discounts from this rate. THE SEMI-WEEKLY SUN Samo stress the Unity Nun. f2.00 a vear. A (lis ts unt of 20 Per cent, to chilis (if Klorovcr. THE DAILY SUN. A large four-page newspaper oi iwent v-eigtit eoliims. l)ail circulation over ii'o.uoo. All tlio news ror 2 cents. Suliscrlption price 50 cents a month, or $0.00 a year. To clubs of 10 or over, a discount of 20 per cent. Address "TIIK RUN," New York City. p-i 03 PITIIOLE VALLEY R'Y. OV AND AFTER Monday, June 5, 1871, ' KOllIB WUI run H illUUWIi TRAINS NORTHWARD. STATIONS. Oleopolis, Bennett, Woods I'rathers Mill l'itiiolo City No. 2. " 10.25 a m 10.8 10.30 " 10.24 " ll.(M No. 4. 3 . 30 p m u.zs , 3.18 " 3.10 8.60 TRAINS 80UTI1WARD. STATIONS. 1 Plthols City, I'rathers Mill Woods Bennett -No-1. No. S.. 8.4o a in 1.20 ptin 8.4S " US ' , .56 " l.m " 6.02 " 2.0i " u in it a I t 44 Oleopelis 1' - 4,11 All ..i .1, llll4f (I IM IVt3 I'lUVU IMIIlfH.'lJ(nS at Oleopolis with trains on the Oil Creek A Alleghony River Builway, North and South. Two Linos of Stages run daily between Pitholo City, Miller Farm and Pleasant vllle, makiugconnoetion witharrivingaud departing Trains. J. '1 BLAIR, 11. WH K11AM, Sup t. Ticket Agent, Pithole City, Pa. OB WORK of all kinds donp at this of t lk'O uu aliort notice, .4vV 4 A. 70 Firm tivEirva, PITTSBURGH, PA. ORDERS BY MAIL PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. THE AMERICAN MANUFACTURER, WKIIKLY JOtTitX i . OF TIIU ,' IRON, COAL, METAL AND GLASS TRADES. Tills Journal, now in Its Twelfth Year, is recognized as the Leading ltoprcxentatlno of Its class in the United States. Published at Pittshurgh, flic center of the heaty Iron, .Steel and Glass (ndustrias of Mio country, It has facilities lor catering inl'ormatinn of Ihcso Trade such ns no other paN-r possesses. In addition It has nearly Ono Hundred Correspondents in all parts of tho country, from whom it is constantly in receipt of News. A mnng its Specialties may lie inrulioninl ; Its Page of C.indonsed MiinutUctliring Notes: Its Able English liotlor ( Its Short Editorials j '' Its Pittshurgh Iron A Metal Price Lists and Review of American Iron Markets: Its Thorouph and Reliable Statistical Tables; ' Its Monthly Reports from Blast Furnaces ; lis Iron Workers' Wages Tahlcs. No person engaged the Manufacture or S ilo of Iron, Sleet, Ore, Coal. Glass. Hard ware or Metals, can do without it. . SUBSCRIPTION, - . - 81.00 PHt YEAR. 4-9.. Sample Copies yout rreo on applicatlnn. .AMERICAN iMANTRAt TlIl'K?, M S' i' 7 Wood Ktrcol, lMHbiir?h, Va. J)r. J. AVulUi's California Via- Cgnr It i tiers mo a purely Vpgctablo prepaiation, mailo chiclly from tlio na tivo herbs I'oninl on tlio lower ranges cf the Sierra Nevada mountains of Califor nia, tlio medicinal propcitics of which nro extracted therefrom without tho uso of Alcohol. Tho" question 1.1 llhlinft dally askod. " What is tho eausc of tho unparallolcil cucccts of Vinkcau HtT TKKSf" Our answer is, that they reinovo tho causo of disease, and tlio patient re covers his health. They nro tho great blood purifier and a lifc-i inn pi iiu-iplc, a perfect Ucnovator aiid In isol ator of tho mtcin. Never licfmo in tho liiMory ef" tlio world lias a invUiciuo liecn cuiiimiiui(1ci1 jHnsossin tho remarkable qnaliliei of Vinkoas llrrrvais in limlin? tho ick of every riiieaso man U heir to. They aro a pernio Purgaiivo an well a a Tonic, relieving Coiiinstioll er Iuflaininalinn nf tha Liver and Yiai-crul OrgAix iu liiliuu Uiscaflus 'The properties or rr.: v.w.kkii's Yixitniu lim kbs sro Aperient. Diaphoretic, Carminative, Kutriiious, Laxative, liiurotio, Ecdatire, Counter-Irritant Sudurilic, Aluirs . tivs, and Auti-lliliou. n. it. McDonald a co.. 1 ThTipi-lrt and lm. A rt.. 8nn Franeiirs. L'nTlforsl.i, nsd cur. of W'aalitDctes Anrl Chiirlttut Sis.. X. Y. Ksid by all UraagUK siul Dcalon. ATTENTION ! ) REMOVIL. We will remove oiijr stock of IIAltnWA KF, ST O V K H, TIX WARE, JR0N, HAILS, FILES, BELTING, AND MILL SUPPLIES, . r ON TIIK FIRST DAY OF APRIL, TO THE Reynolds, ,HuMll & Co. Block, SENECA STREET, : until which lime we will sell at CONT FOB OANII. II. O. TINKER & CO., OIL CITY. buildincIfelt" (No Tar used), for outride work and in sido, instead of pluitcr. Felt I'arnctiuijii, ito., Send two 3-ecnt htiuiiia for circular and sni" pies, C.J. i'AY, Cumdcn, N.J. 'i "I A FAMILY ARTICLE. Aircnts nmkef ll.M per dnv, $7S per week. AN ENTIRELY NEW SSWIM, ?IACIIIiE For Domestic Use. 0 NLY riVE OLLAR3, With the Now Pimteut BUTTON HOLE JWORKER, Patented June 27tli, 1H71, AWAUnnilTlIK l'llSMTPRKMIlTM AT T1II0 AMERICAN IX.STITL'TB 11 AMD MARYLAND INSTITUTE l'AIRS, 1W1. A most wonderful and elo-anlly eon-Htructi-d Sewing Miichino for latnilv work. Comnicto in all its Part. I'ses tho Strltht Eye Pointud Needle, Keif treading, direet upright Positive Motion, now tension self fowl and cloth (iuldcr, Oncrutca liv wheol ntid on n tnhlo. Lij-ht runnini:. Smooth and noixclcfH, liko nllju-ood hinh-prieed machines, lias Patent t'hoek to' prevent tho whocl heiiiK turned tho wronir wsv. Uses the thread direct from tho spool. Makes the claxtic lack stitch, finest and slroiiKost slick Known j firm, dm nolo, cloke Hiid rapid. Will do all kinds of work, lino and coarse, from cainl.rie to heavy cloth or Leather, mid uses all descriptions of thread. This Machine Is licsvilv eon strneted to Kive it strcnirth; all the purM 01 each Mnchine lieiuir made alike ly mn ohincry, and Leaiilifullv linislied snd'oriia menleil. It Is vcrwiwv to learn. Rapid, smooth and silent in operation. I!,.jh!o at all limes, and n Practical, Scientific, .Mechanical Invention, at greatly leducud price. A (fiod ehenp family sewing ninchino a last. The first and only success In prot ducing a valuable, suhstantial and relia Mo low priced Sewing Mnchine. Its ex treme low price reaches nil conditions. Iu simplicity and strength adapts it to all cnpacitics.whilo Iu many merits made it a univeixal favorite wherever used, and creates a rapid demand. IT IS Al.f. IT IS RKroXMENIiKn, I can cheerfully and cniifidenll v recom mend its use to those who aro Wanting a really good Sewing Mnchine, at a low price. . Mrs. II. H.JAMESON, Peotonc, Will County, 111. Prlco of each mnchine. "Class A." 'One," (warranted for live years hv special eortitlcsto,) Willi all thoiixtuies, n'ud eve rything complete belonging to it, includ ing self threading needle, packed in a strong wooden lo., and delivered to any part o,fttho .country, by express free o further charges, on receipt of price, only live Dollars. Safe delivery gnnriuiWed. With each Machino wo will send, on re ceipt of $1 extra, the new patent IIUTTON HOLE WORKER. Ono of tho most important ana useful In- vcnlicns of the nge. So simple nud cer tain, that n child can work tho liuest but ton hole, with regularity and enso. Strong and beautiful. Special terms, and extra inducements to Male and Female Agents, store keepers, Ac, who will establish ageunius through the country and keep our new machines on exhibition and salo. Count v Right given to smart agents free. Agent's coin plctu.outlil, furnished without any extra chargo. Samples of sewing, dosurjptivtt cirenlnrs containing terms, testimonials, engravings, do., 4c, sent free. We also supply AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENS. Latest Patents and improvements foi theharm and tianhn. Mowers, Reapers Cultivators, Feed Cutters, Harrows, Farm Mills, Planters, Harvesters, Threshers, and all articles needed for Farm work. Rare Seeds in large variety. All Money sent in Post Office Money Orders, Uank Drafts, or by Express, will be afour, risk, and aro perfectly secure. Sale delivery of. all our goods guaranteed. - "An old and resiioiisiblo firm that ecll' tho best goods at tho low est price, and can bo relied upon by our readers." II minor's Journal, Now York. Not Responsible for Registered Letters Address, JEROME It. IiUHSON 4 CO." Corner Greenwich Cortluudt Sts., New York. :3-uuv WE-WANT YOU To nctns Agents, mu distribute our New Advertising Maps, mounted on English Cloth, being a complete Map of tho Lulled States. Wo give these Mapsaway gratis and will allow you one dollar for every Map you distrib ute in every county and slate in tho Lnion. Male and Konmle Agents wanted. Ad dress Immediately, enclosing one dollar lor outfit of live Maps, Territory, Circu liirs, and full imrlicuhirs AliVlilfllslMI MAP CO., wM liu Last lirady P, b , Clarion Co., li