The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, August 05, 1874, Image 4

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    .ht ctt gtpilMttim.
llfi. 5, .874.
Jlm-acMM. Tttkl, Jr. ,
UaMtlmn-S. J. Woleott T. J. Van
folescn. J. K. 11'aino. D. S. Knox, J. S.
flood, J. A. Proper.
SiufieM A .We-W. P. Mercllllutt,
p. S. Knox.
- CfcvtifoJ H. Swsggart
. J IHrectnr D. H. Knor, H. ). Da
VIs, H. J. Woleott, N. H. Haslel, A. II.
Jtelly 1. Clark.,
; Prnri!e nt JajfleVf. T Junks.
t siri'af JmtgeJ. A. Pnorni, Am-
PKKW Cook.
Mirrff'T. J. Vat tlifcsitr.
Trtnuurrr Fikii. Mi.Asswitn.
I'rothonutnry, llcyMcr 4 Ki-iIi, it'r.
J. U. Aonbw.
(bwimui.toiicr T. D. CoLt.iss, Joll
Thompson, Jab. K. Ci.auk.
Oitfnfy NiiptrinttniU'nt H. F. TloiinKU.
Jitrict AdornrtfS. P. Ik win.
..try f )mmiJMi'oner J as. Flyh,Vic.
(bunt Nnrvryor S.T. Inwis. .
f jjroni-r M. Ittki,, Jr.
Coinif.i f ifor T. n. Conn, L. a
kn, a." Jamiksok.
Mmbro Congremt UKA Difric-C. I.
i.'1'IITlN. J.
AtucmS v-Marti William,
Time of Train
At TIONESTA STATION, on and aflor
June 1,1X74:
south 1st CLASS.
Train jU
' Train fiO
" 51
- 7:12 p. in.
. 1I:0,' a. in.
- ' 8:23 p. in.
Train 21
Train 51
3:28 p. in.
S:.V. a. in.
5:05 p. in.
On Hie Kivor Division i. r. from Oil City
tu Irvinntmi, up tlie river is North ; ilown
tlio river, south.
Church Meeting.
Thcso persons who nro interested in
Jmving regular service., once in two
-week, in iho Presbyterian Chureh.are
requested to meet there, on Thursday
evening next, at 8 o'clock, when the
Question will bo brought up Tor their
Get Registered.
Republicans should remember that
mnder the new Constitution all voters
must be registered bixty days before
-the election. As the election is to
take place on the third day of Novem-
ber, it U tho duty of every voter to
jjet registered on or before September
. . mi . I
The Literary Society will meet on
j&. C. Slouu.
Mr. J. T. Dale is at present re
-cupertitiog at Chautauqua Lake. May
Jie return flush with health and spirits.
J. B. Aguew has moved up to bis
new houso on the lyll ; which, by the
way, is a very pretty piece of property.
Mr. Win. Hulings, of Louisville,
js at present iu town on a visit to hie
friends. Ho reports business very
quiet iu that market.
. G. G. Buttcrfield is agcut for the
' Protection Life Insurance Co., of Chi
cago. Those wiehing life insurauce at
low figures, will consult their interests
jy giving him a call
Jas. Stroup started fur Minnesota,
yesterday, to seek his everlasting for
tune. Ho has evidently beard the ad
vice of the lamented Sage of Chappaqua,
"Go West, young man ; Go West."
Charley Bonner and some friends
arrived iu town on Monday afternoon.
Charles is looking well, and is wel
comed generally. We believe ho only
calculates to stay a couplo of weeks.
Sheffield bad a, burglary a week
igo Sunday morning. An exciting
chase was had, which resulted in tke
capture of one of tho burglars, who is
now pickling for court iu the Warren
It is rumored that J. A. Paine, of
flie Cony Jtlath, is to succeod W. H.
j-ihortt, as Consul el Cardiff, Wales.
If this compasses another stoppage of
jhe Blade, we protest agaiust
mo an-
j The Venango Co. Agricultural
fiociety will hold a fair iu Franklin
u Sept.. ?0th and Oct. 1st and 2d.
'The Northwestern ditto will exhibit at
Corry, on Sept. 29th ami 3Qtb, and
.Oct. 1st and 2d.
. The Republicans of Pennsylvania
must remember that the coming No
vember election is an important one.
To bo successful beyond a duuLt, a
thorough orgauizatiiai iuut be effected
,ut ay early day. Full local tickets
should be nominated in every county,
and only the very best men selected.
JvCl all bear these facts hi uiiud, and
In- governed accordingly.
C.t C.nmm.. M...I.J
In ntirsuanca of the call of thn
Chairman, the Ropublican County
Committee met at the office of M. W.
Tate, iu Tionesta, Saturday, August
the firat. -
The object of the meeting was stated
to be, the propriety of submitting the
Kulcs of 18G8 and 1870 as published
in the Forest Itm.wi.KAN of the
29th July, to the people at the next
primary meeting, on Saturday, the 15th
day of August, to determine by ballot
which set of Ilules shall covern the
party thereafter.
The Towushipsprescnt were liar
mony, Hickory, Jcuks, Green, Tiones
ta and Tioncsta Borough.
It was thereupon moved by James
Green, Kna., that this committee causo
tickets to be printed for distribution at
the poll on Saturday, August the 15ih
next, said tickets headed as follows
For Kule of 1868,
For Kules of 1870,
and that upon vtote being had thereon
the returns thereof be made in the
usual manner of making returns, and
that the Rules obtfiinit-'g the majority
of the votes cast, shall be declared by
tho Return Judges at their meeting
next after the said Primary, to bethe
Rule which shall thereafter. govern
tin actiou of tho party at its Primary
Meetings. Carried.
On motion tho commitle then ad
journcd. Mni W. Tatb.
J Chairman
Tho utteutiou of thono who may
constitute our primary election board
is particularly called to that section of
our rules which provides that the re
turns of any district, where there
eviilenco of three or more persons
voting who are tiot Republicans, shall
bo thrown out. Inhere is no provision
made in these rules to let democrats
vote who promiee to support the nomi
nees of the party; there is absolutely
nothing to bo. done about it but to re
fuse to receive any vote which is offer
ed by any oue save n republicac. It
is suggested that if the board have any
doubts about the voter being a Repub
lican, tliey-should tako tho evidence of
those who have opportunities for kuow-
ing their iiolitical status. The throw-
ing out of the vole of any district or
towushin' in the county might nominate
1U1 BTfl J Wilier;, niiu iidO nui
, . - ,, ' . '., -
..,i. ...
I tv linna if hn inuvAB lift Ia llAofi I tin
ballot of the Primaries
strictly pure.
The deficites in six Democratic
counties in Ohio are put down as fol
lows: Holmes county, $30,000; Hen
ry county, f 100,000; Wayue county,
$23,000;" Fuii field county, $100,000;
Drake county, $37,000 ; Butler coun
ty, $ 150,000. Now, although there
was never an instance of any dishon
esty of "radical" (lice-holders, but
that you might be thoroughly posted
upon, by reading the Clarion Demo
erat, we, have over searched that paper
in vain for an expose of the dishonesty
0f democratic office holders. Why. is
this tbusr Does the Democrat believe
that it is Vlght for democrats to steal,
while it ia a crime for republicans? If
you pretend to keep track of the steal
ing. Brown, give us both sides, and
see if they don't balance pretty even
One of our candidates entertained
us yesterday .with an account of
strange freak rt nature : he had sceu
a crow with oue wing! We asked
it had lost tho other one, and he
solemnly replied that it never had but
ono ! wo begau to feel interested, and
to reach for our pencil, when he sud
deuly dampened our ardor by explain
ing that the "freak" was a man named
Crow, who had promised to "love.
cheiibb and protect" a lady named
Wing. Now we just want to warn
caudidaUs not to trille with our pro
filings in this manner, be
1 t,
Cool nights and warm days are
the latest changes noticablcV These
uights, however, ure just rigl for
man with clear conscience to rest.
sweetly and refreshingly. We cannot,
of course, answer fur those who
lengthen their uights and shorten their
days by keeping late lipurs, we only
tliuk that these aro the particula
nighu that "He givelh His beloved
sleep." foung man, improve these
nights as nature intended, and it will
do more to jnako you grow up hale;
robust and cheerful than seventeen
barrels of Viucgar Bitters in later
Hunter is, in his own tninj, un
doubtedly sure of the Democratic
nomination for Commissioner, and
just as sure that he will get the elec
tion if he gets the nomination, lie
believes, however in a fair fight, and
says, when interrogated, that "Barleen
is a (jcvod man, but then it would be a
bigjoko if he didn't carry his own
township, you know." We believe
Berlin uses the same fairness toward
Hunter, and gives him credit for all
he is, and probably believes it would
be a joke on George if he don't get
any more votes than he usually docs.
Politics at this time is "not loud
but deep ;" hi other words there is not
much angry discussion and yiolont
comparison ; but the leaven is none
the less working. There may be a few
candidates who are keeping perfectly
quiet, but to the best our knowledge
and belief, the most to them are doing
the very best they know how to eotne
out of the fight with flying colors,
That some must suffer defeat, is evi
dent even at this early day, but just
who they are will be made more maul
fest after the votes are codnt'crj.''
Since Dithridnc.Vdara lias been
built the back water has made the
back channel of the river, and a con
siderable portion of the creek, boiow
the bridge, good boating. Owing en
tirely to tho fact of this new boating
district, boat building lms become
quite a busiucss la our place. Big
boats, little boats, john-boats, flat
boats, and skiffs, Hue the shore from
the river bridge to the creek bridge
Some very nice skiflk are now afloat,
but it is said that Ross Freeman's will
be the boss when launched.
dipt. Knox has built a new fence
on two sides of the Cemetery, at an
expense of SCO to the association
There is talk of enlarging the limits
of the cemetery, by purchasing land
south and east of ft. Until the que:
tiou, to buy, or not to buy is settled,
the balance of the fence will not be
built. It is undoubtedly a fact that
the cemetry is too small, and if it can
be enlarged at reasonable figures, the
bargaiu shoDld be made, and the fence
.. v..:-.; n,.. f
Gen. Harrison Allen, Auditor General
of this Commonwealth, that his office
has been administered in an honest
and business like manner, that doubt
ful claims against the State have been
resisted, that appointments to office
have been fairly made, and that he
has been courteous and kind to all
who have had occasion to call on him,
The green corn market is not yet
fully opened. Only occasionally we
bear some one, who either belongs to
the grangers or else thinks he is a good
cardencr. boasting of having: had "a
nice mess of roasting-cars for dinner,
all the while picking his teeth as if the
corn was quite firm and gave him a
rrood deal of trouble to get it out of
LSs teeth.
" On Saturday evening last, Floyd,
son of Judge Proper, caught a pike
which weighed twenty pounds, and
was three feet uine inches iu length
This is the largest pike that has been
caueht-in the river about here in the
recollection of the oldest inhabitant
Those cautrht avcrace generally from
four to ten pounds.
Davis' buildiutr just above Ma-
bie's, is still in an unfinished coodi
tion. Thero will in all probability
come a time when that building will
be braced up aud beautified so that
those who see it now will then be puz
xled to recoEume it. Ave suppose it
will be made into a store-building.
Blackberries now. The first of
tho season appeared yesterday, in
quantities. There will iu all proba
bility bo from 50,000 to 100,000 cans
of tbem put up in Forest county this
season. This estimate may be a little
lame, but if we find out the exact
number we will inform our readers.
A slight pond flood was let ofl'ou
Saturday last, but owing to there not
being a proper understanding, or else
owing to some parties not living up to
their agreements, there was only about
half as much as was expected, aud
hence nearly everything that started
bluck. .'
Judgo Proper cut, cured aud
stored upward of forty tons of hay on
his Dutch Hill farm this season with
out getting any of ii wet. He also
expects to have from four to five hun
drcd bushels of prime oata if he has
good weathsr.
Glass jars, tin cans, sealing wax,
Ac, for putting up berries and fruit,
at Robinson & Bonner's. ICtf
.' Jirainle and ToodY Riddle' killed
a rattlesnake, at the mouth of Em
met's Run, yesterday, which was four
feet in length, and sported soventeen
rattles. We believe this is tho largest
one thnt has. been, killed about bore
this season.
Rev. Elliott, of Cherrytrree, ocpu-
pied the pulpit of the Presbyterian
Church, according to appointment, on
Sunday last, morning and evening.
His sermons appeared to be highly ap
preciated by the large congregations
who listened to him.
Some of the young men have, at
this late hour, conceived the idea of
organizing a base ball club. There
would have been an organization
effected early in the spring, only that
the ground was uot available.
W. A. Huddart of the firm of
Huddart & Rigdon, Scale Macufac
turers, Cincinnati, Ohio, and family,
are at present in town, visiting at Dr,
Blaine's. Mrs. LVStow, i also 'visit
ing at lha J :cior's. v
't --'A new postal card will soon be
out. It will be lighter iu color than
the old. probably almost white. The
printing and engraving will be exe
cuted In black ink and the border will
be narrower and neater in appcarauce,
Mr. Dithridge brings his freight
across from the depot on a large flat
which he has had in use iu the con
struction of the dam. There is a good
deal of money saved by the operation
On or about the 25th day of May
lost a Judgment note, against &,
Sloan, in favor of Geo. S. Hunter,
dated about the 12th of April, with
Hunter's name on the back, made pay
able on or before the 4lh Monday of
May. The amount of the note was
$475.00. All persons are warned
against negotiating the above note, A
liberal reward will be paid to tlio per
rou who delivers the above described
note to me. T. J. Van Giesejj.
Papa Baldwin, at Tidioute, has
the most extensive and best selected
lot or t ishing lacklo that we nave
ever seen in a country store, and at
astonishingly low prices. 4 Cm
Over two thousand acres of fiuo
Heralook Timber Lands situated on
Maple Crack, near Clarington, this
county, are for sale at a baigain. Part
of the lands are situated within four
miles of Clarington, on the Clarion
River, and would be a fine site for an
extensive tauuery and saw mills. Map
and particulars can be sepn by apply
ing to tba editor of tins paper.
-Horses and Cows for sale. Or ders
- . - .
from a distance solicited.
3tf D. Q. Hunter, Tioncsta, Pa.
-TV Township, for the year ending April
13, li7.
C. W. CLARK. Treasurer f said Town
ship, in account for the year ending April
13, 1H74.
To bal last settlement So'i 'M
" Unseated road orders '73 33 1 08
" . " special road ordors ' 331 08
By payment on Tubbs Run
road 2o0 00
" rtarmont on . bridco
Tubbs Run road 00 00
" 2i per cent, on 1,903.22
reoeivod and paid out
for the years 1871-72-73 47 5
" racoipt orders Aa 1 773 04
"SJ Hetloy's reooipt 1 1 1 20
" balance 2H3 64
l.niU 1 ,51 12
To bulanco 'J83 04
Wo tho undersigned
Auditors of Tioncsta Township do hareby
cert if v that liaviuu mot at tho Court House
in Tioncsta Borough, on tlio 2d Moiuluy of
Aiml. it boinii tho 13tli ot the month, 174
and did audit, settle and adjust tho ac
counts of C. W. Clark, Township Trwutur
er, ujid find thorn as sot lorth iu the above
and lorcgouig report.
Witiuiwij our hands this 13th day of Apri I
A, v. IB.
JAS. MiMILLEN, Auditors.
1). U. UU.MXB, )
Attest !
ELI IIOLEty AN, Clerk.
STATEMENT of tho Tioncsta Township
School Hoard, for tho year ending June
1st, 1874.
ELI 1IOLEMAN, Treasurer of Tioiies
ta Township Schools, for the your ending
June 1st, 184.
Tu bal due at last settle
ment 278 75
" roo't from (1 W Zonts
Collector 807 33
By school orders red' nid Oil? 42
'' 2 ier cent, on $t)J7.42 II) V4
" balance 08 72
' ' ' 1,086 08 l,08i 08
Juno 1. 1874 bal iu hands of Trous. 08 72
" " duo from unseated
lux for 1872 A 1873 1,264 20
; 1.322.U2
To orders out-slandiui; $ H3.00
Balance Cr. I79 22
C. W. CLARK, President.
G . J A M I ESON, Secretary .
Tt Republican Office
KEEPS constantly on hand a large as
sortment cf Hlank Deeds, Mortgages,
Bubptenas, Warranto, Suniinsus, ic. to
be suld ( heap lor cash. tf.
1 Tiniourrf, Pa.
I Milling out hiH
entire stock of
Wntrhru 4k Jrwrlrr
All vmrtio In want
of Uokl anil Silver
WntelieH, Holil nuil
Silver rliain, La
dies' Opnra 'liaitiH,
llm latest Mtyle in
iilil Hurt platea setH,
llrarolotH, Minn h,
Clock, Vc., will lincl t
lock. Ac, will lincl thin n lirfst elan op
portunity. All kooiIm nro now. no old
tranh. This in i-o liumlmg, K. Klein soils
at coHt. Uo Una soo,
J KTITUTK. Now Haven. Conn. For
tioth vpnr. I'reparatorv to Oollojro, tho
Sciontilie Schools or lliininmm, with ys-
tomatie and thoroiiKh ph.VKicnl training ly
military drilliiiR, gymnastics, rowinir, c
Cataloirtic sent on application. Win, H
Russell, l'rincmal. "-ai
The Grand Kaplds and Indiana Railroad
has boon finished ; is 3 )0 miles long, and
1 m ntilA Inml frrnilt parnnd t
In Farm 1 in Iiiicls to Actual hollers, lor
Individuals or Colonics,
100,000 acros have boon sold olready. Tim
lands aro well timbered, making tho best
kind of furms. Strontr soils of irroat pro
ducing power. Kasilv roacltod by rail or
water. Jood Market. Railroad rur.s
through tho grant. Michigan is one of the
least indobtod and most prosperous States
In tlio West. Its schools aro unequalled,
Its financial sbinding Is No. 1. NoilMtionl
ly in transportation. Veaco and prosperi
ty aro in its borders. I jmds from 4 to $8
per acre. Time sutHcient. Interest 7 per
cent. WM. A. HOWARD,
Land Commr', Grand Rapids, Mich.
P. R. PIEHCK, Soo'y Land Department.
A handsomo Illustrated Paper, containing
tho "Homestead Law," mailed froo to all
parts of tho wold. Address u. r'. DAVIS,
Land Commissioner I'. I'. R. R., Omaha,
Neb. 13 it
arc tho most beautiful in stylo and perfect
in tono evor made. Tho Conceito stop is
tho best over placed in any Organ. It is
firouucod hy an extra sot or reels, pecu
iarly voiced, tho EEKECT of which is
Most Charming and Soul-Stirring, whilo
its imitation of the human voice is superb,
Tonus Liboral '
WATERS' Philharmonic, Vesper &
Orchestral ORGANS
in unlquo French Coses, aro among the
Iwst made, and combine Purity of Voicing
with great volumo ot tono. tsuilaulo lor
I'arior, (.liurcii or anisic nail.
Water' new s-al Piuuos
have great powor and a line singing tone.
with all modern improvements, and aro
tho Rest l'iunos Made. Those Organs anil
Pianos are warranted for 0 years. Prices
Extremely Low for cash or part cash and
in mouthly orijuartorly payments. Second
hand intrumens taken in ox mango.
rents wanted in cvorv County in tho U.
and Canada. A liberal discount to
Teachers, Ministers, Churches, Schools,
Ijodgos ere. Illustrated atalogcs Mailed.
Horace Wators A Son. 481 Uruudwav, N,
I., i . u. uox aoo.
f.AH WARF A "l'lomlld paying
yf ivi i oi iwi.u,UHlm ir vour leis
lire hourji or vour en
UU I r II I" nLLtiro Ul110' 8t uomo or
traveling, young or
old of either sox. A splendid and com
ulcto outlit sent free to those who will act
as our agents. No capital required. We
must havo an auonl in every town. Write
.at once, and bcciiro the agency. Address
Aklen, Hall Co., 0 itowaru ai. naiu-
moro, Md., 15-4t
are doing inoro good than tonguo can tell
or peu write in relieving children and
aouus oi inioKunui parasites or woriiii,
Children seven months old have dis.
eharirod larice worms after a few doses,
Not injurious in the leu-st i pleasant to take
coniaiuing no usfomol, t'lit up in glass
vials, with name of uroprleto blown in
glass. Inquire of your iirugist, and take
nothing else; or send to E. K. Thompson
A Co,, Titusvillo, J'., Box 1185. Price, 25
Titusvillk, Pa November 8, 1S71.
E. K. Thompson's Dandelion and Man
druka Pills have actod liko a charm iu
curinur sick headncho. pain in tho bones
cold and constipation of tlio bowels and
induced a well regulated action of tho liv
er. l iiAiu.Ls KrsT.
Pills sent bv mail mi n-.oii of 25 cents,
Druggists and dealers sliouid scud for
list and prices. 15-4t
tfC O CQft per day at homo. Tonus
4)3 H 4ZU n-co. Address Ueo. Stiuson
it Co., Portland, Mo. 13 t
J Homo, Male or Femitlo, fclO to li'i
week warranted. No capital required. Kull
particulars aud a valuable samplo son
free. Address, with 0 ct., return dump,
V. HUBS, Uliuuisburgh, JN. 1. lo U
HollidayslDurj Seminary.
ltcv. JOSEPH Wb'iH,
wlu-4t Principal
Madame Foy's Corset Skirt Sup
For Health. Comfort am
stylo, is ackiiowlodgod ths
best article oi inukimi avei
mado. Numerous lost!
monials ill its favor are be.
ing roctiived from all part
ot tlio L lilted guiles.
Ildy Agiiiits Wanted.
Manufacturers. New llu
veil. Conn. Arnold A Han
liililf. N. Y. Agents 162ui
OK WORK of all kiud dons St this of-
I lice on s4is t Holiec,
ytW.. ''ill
Dr. .1. AViilkor's California Yin.
Cir llitlcis aro a purely Yretablo
preparation, mado chiclly IVom tho na
tive licibs foiuiil on tlic loner ranges of
tj:o Sien a Nevada mountains of Califor
nia, tlio medicinal properties of which
nro extracted therefrom without the nan
of Alcohol. Tho quosiion ia aitno
daily asUcil. ' What is tlio ciumo of tho
unparallulod success of Vl.NK'iAlt ljl'
i KKst" Our answer is, that llioy icmov
the cause of disease, and the patient re?
covers his health. They aro tlin icat
Wood purifier and a lifu-giviii',' pvinciplfl, v
a pnl'cct UtMiovator and lnvli;oraror
of the system. Never before in the
liitnry nf' the wnrlil has n lmidicinu liens
, coiiiiKMiiiili il powesning llie lelia.kal)li
qxliilieii of Vinkii.ui 1;iiti:i:s iu lit-alin ihe
fick f evert- ilUcii-e man U Jieir to. They
are a penile" Parealivo n wull a Tmiir.
rclicvinit Cuiigostiini or liifluuiiualinn nf
t!,o Liver a;. J Viittvul Organ iu IiUions
U.f iia.'s
The propcilii's of Dr.- WAr ui-ii's
. ViSKfi.ui lli n rus nre Ai"'i'ieiit. Diniilioretio.
Carminative. Nutritions. Laxative. Iliuratio.
Sedative. Cuiintuv lriiUiit .SuUoriliti Altura
Mve, aud Auli-lliliuu.
v Gratefal Tliousiunls proclaim Vis.
t:uaii Ui ticks tlio must wonderful Iu
vjgurnid tluit .wit" sustoiiicil tU sinkiug
nvtein. -- . '
: No Person can faliO these Hitlers
flccordinx to ilircctious, and remain long
unwell, provided tboir bones are not de
6tiocd by mineral poison or other
nicunsfluu viuu organs oitcu dcjouu
repairs . ... . ...
liiliouK, Kciiulteut ami luler-
lliilk'llt. l evers, vliicli nro so ptovit-
leut in tho valleya of ouf great rivers
throughout tho United States, especially
those of thh M', Ohio, Mis.iom-i,
Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkan
sas, lied, Colorado, nnmos, liio uruniio,
rwn l, Alalmnia, .Mobilo, Savaiimili, ld
nnolic, James,. and nuitiy otiict-d, Villa
their vast ti-ibui;ivics, uij'ojisuont ouf
entire country um iny; thu .Silnniu v ;;::d
Ailhinm, and l-enuu Uably so ilunns sear
sons or unusual heat nml ili-ynus, a:
Iny.nialily itecompitnieil by exten'H' e d"
ramictiu'i'itN of the ntomtieh ttnd liM.
nml ollKi' abdu:nili;fl viscera,. In thoiv
troa' luii'ativc, taci-liiu u pon,
erful inlltlcnce upon vtueao vavio.W cr-
gaiw, U csr-cntia'.ly ucccisiii y. H ere
is no cathartic lor Uic purpose cqn i.
Dis.-J. Wai.kku's Vi.vkoak r;r; i:,:'
as thev will speedily remove '' il i"'.' .
colored vi.seid ntnttcr with. avIi1i,-'i t!'o
bowel nro loaded, nt tliiv snnw ft!!!i
stimuUitin!? Iho sccieliolis of the Uv..
md ceiieiallv lchtormaf tlio Mi"-,,-'!
functioiiii of tlio dii'btb o cretin.' u; .
Fortify the l;oy 1 d.seits-
by piirilyin.u' nil itM Hu'.iUwitli inl ia:'
llllTKl-'S. No epidemic call l.Uvi; .niil
of jt svtitciii llnw lo?-:mii,i'i. . .
Itysitepsiii or Indiijt sli.iti,
ache, rain in tlie Stioultli- t'onj;!.-;.
Tightness of t!u Clie. t. i tizzlnc. i.
Knictatiolis of the .-'tunaieh. Tr.-'-in
tho Mouth, IliliolM Alt.u U. I'aVf :
tation of tlio Heart, liiilaiutn.tiiM I of i'
. tings, I'ain in Ibo region oi the K:4
nrys, and a hundred other piiinl'ol i;.
turns, arc the ull' of lysiep:.j.
0110 llolUc Will pl'iaoa bele ,!,,!'.'.,'
of its merits than a lcir;tly :;il.;:!..J;
' Scrofnln. or liinri's I'vil. wiiifi
Swellings, I'heix. Krylicln. .- ui-t.-il ii-.
lliiilre, bernlaii.tu lall.i.iiia.aii.tis. 1...-..:..
1 iilluiiiinalioiis, i'irn .l!'e ', .i . I '.
for, lCitll'tioi-.s of tlie Sl-i'i. S-r ' j . "' '
111 tlifc, us 111 (ill c'.lj'T finvli'ii'ioii J l-'-cascs
'alki:hs Vl.MNIAU 111 I ri .n l .
sliw it tl'cir givat eiuii'.i'.e ; tlu
Hieit ul). tl'inli! anil iiilraelali'.o rw'i,.
For Iniluiiiiiintor.v iiud lii'tKi!-
IUlfjiiiiatisiu, (;out, llihoiis. l.i;,,,..
teiilaud liiteriuittent l-V .'
tllU lllooil, I.lVt I-. K'htr.I'V i HI. I I'!:!.' '. ',,
tlicMf HilliTK have ii" e'l'inV ' Sui!i I'i- 'ev.
aruviuiscii by Viliattd Kliieil.
.Mi'cliaiiical Diseitses.-Ver mis en-
Faged in. I'aiiils iind Minerals, sie li s
Pliuiiliers,' Tvp(-et'.ui. tmiil I jalri -., u..i
lliners, a tln-y advance in life, am ul..j ul
to paral.VMis ef llm Itowc!. Tu fu-l
agaiii't tliis, tuUo a ijiimi "1 U ALU. ii i.
MiAR lii rri.Ks s-ti.doii.Hy.
For Skit) Discuses, l'.n.pi'.ii.,
ter, t.ill llie-Hin, I'.lt.u li- -. Si-.. . I';;,,m
Pii-itulcs, l!,.il!. C.ivli ur .'!-. K't'.;- er.
Pialil liiail. S"l Hie. I:ry4.el,i'. Ilii .
tUcurls. )i.-i'iiloiiilimn ul th r Kia, il r.n.ii
uj.iI l)i.-i-a.-c of lliu , i I ii.l i..t..v'
or nature, are liti-i' illy dug up 1 ' -u : : -.1
out of Hi n. stem in u'.iliurt time ty tli u
of tlioiio llitteii.
Pin, Tape., nml oUrr Voit.h,
l'likiug in tlic .ivti-iu of so in i: y ilntu-it;i-,
aro elU'ctuully ili.-ljuyiiil Mul p i
ny(CIII 'f UlCllil illl'. IHI I 1 llli.Uv'.., I,U .III
tiiehniiiities will lite the Mleui ik.u i,i'....j
l.Uo lliii.m 1 lilli-r j. .
For Fenialo Comphiiits inym i.,:
ur ol,l. nnu'iie'l r l iiic, the l iv. n . i n
ieaii! er tfiu tarn el' I. IV, lUu-u Tm;!i
Hitters (lirfolav ( dcviO'd an " fl iuire t'.im
inifroviuiieut n seen pureopiil le
(leiinsetlie Vitiated IM'ind i!h-
cvrr yen liuJ ii.i iaijninlio lr.i(,iilisn tl:in;.i
the tT k in in Pimples, Knijiiiuns or S.nv.
iieane it ulicu you find it c!i-tixvtd mil
siiifgiidi in tho veins.! cleanse it iie:i it n
feUl; your luuliiigM iwil loll i on v. Ii uci. Um
tl;t l.fiiej pure, u;:d tlie lic-au!. uf the l-f
will fellow.
tl. II. MIMI.VA1,L .V CD..
Prtlfffi.Utc'iHIrtl Aviv Mill r'ra. .!! .! "l,
AiiU c'r. ol' W,ln:'i:iili l.'Uarlt'.ri si... .
toulil hy ull Ikrutfsi'.U and 1i tt.ur.
WE WANT YOU To act as Asmits, and
dii-U-ibutu our Nuw Advertising
Mai. mounted on English Cloth, being a
complete .Map of tho I'niteil Statist. We
give these Maps away gratis and will allow
you ono dollar for every Map you distrib
ute 111 every county and suite in the l iiion.
Male and Ecmale Agetiis wanted. Ad
dress Immediately, eiicloMiur olio dollar
tlir,mtrlt of tivn Maps, Territory, Circu
lars, and full particulars
ADVkltl lMMi MAP CO.,
wJ4 1m East lira ly I'. O., Clarion Co., Pa,
OK WORK niiatlv executed at the HE
1't'Kl.lCAN OMice.