"W ' ' 1' urn '''I I r mt forest JSfpuMiran. W. ft. DONX - - EDITOR. MDE8DAY M0RMG, Al'G. 5, 1871. REPUBLICAN COUNTY TICKET. For Congress, Tien. TIARHY WHITE, of Indiana County. Announcement.. Tho following prices will ho charged for announcement : Associate Judge $10; Assembly, IO; Treasurer, $,s; Commis sioner, $5; Auditor. M. No nn noun ce ments will appear unless tho cash aocom pauios tho name ASSEMBLY. Kditob For'kst RspnuuriS s Please announce tho nnme of Pr. F. B. AM.I HON, of Hickorr, as a CANDIDATK for ASSKMBLY, aubjoct to the usage of the Kopublican party. litCKORY Rsri'DLlOANS. Editob FonraT RKPuni.icAN : Please announce tho nanio of J. B. AO NEW, as a candidate for Assembly, subject to tho linages of the Republican party, and ohligo His Fbikwds. Epitor Republican! Announoo the name of A. I SEKJWOBT1I, Ksq.. of Conkshnrg, as a enndidato fur Assembly, subject to Republican usages. Mast Citmetis, . We are atitliori zed toannonnoethenatne nf DANIEL II ARTUNOTON, of Kings ley, as an Independent randidato fbr As Ronibly. If elected be promises to repre sent the whole peoi)lc, and not any party or faction. ASSOCIATE JUDGE. We are authorized to announce the name of JOSEPH . DALE as a candi date for the nomination fbr Associate J udgo, subject to Republican usage. . Eo. REPiiBUicAif : Announce JAMES fSUEEN, Esq., of Hickory, aa a candidate fbr Associate Judge, subiect to Republican usajjos. . Mast Citc.kns TREASURER. J We are authorised to announce tho nanto ol SOLOMON FITZUKAKLUS, or Uar nett Township, as a candidate for County Treasurer, subject to Republican usages. En. RurvBi.TrAw: Please announce the name of WHIT. S. DAVIS, otTiones t borough, as a candidate for County Treasurer, subjoct to Republican usages. Maby Citizens. "Ed. RKPrrTii,irAx: Please announce my nanio as a candidate for County Treasurer, subject to the usages of the Republican Tarty. S. J. SETLEY. , . 1 ' COMMISSIONER. Id. RErfiitiCA : Pear Sir Please an nounce the name of NICHOLAS THOMP SON, of TioneaUi Township, as a candi date for County Commissioner, subject to Republican usages. Mr. Thompson servod in the war and lost his left arm at Gettys burg. - .1 . . His Friends. I En. Rkpvbi.icam : Please announce tho name of WM. K. HEATH, of Kingsley Township, as a candidate for County Com missioner, subject to Republican usajes. Many i'ltiKNDS. We aro authorise! to announce the, nanio of WILLIAM PATTERSON, of Kings ley Township, as a candidal 3 for County Commissioner, subject to Republican HXftgOM. .1 We aro authorized to announce tho name of DAVID HUNTER, of Tionosta Township, as a candidate for County Com missioner, subject to Itopuhlicau usages. ' Ed. Republican t Please announce tho uamo of C. H. CHURCH, of Hickory township, as a candidate for County Com missioner, subject to Republican usages, and oblige Many Rkpculicans. Republlonn Primaries. TLo Republican voters of Forest County will meet at the usual places for holding the primary elections, SATURDAY, AUGUST 15, 1874. at 2 o'clock P, M,, to nominate as fal lows; One jiersou for Assembly. One person for Associate Judge. One person for County Treasurer. One persoa for Co. Commissioner. One person for Co. Auditor. '. The PolU will remain open until 7 o'clock P.M. Each township will elect and return the name of one person as a member of the County Committee for the en suing year. . The meeting of the Return Judges wiTI bo had at the Court House on the Tuesday following, to-wit: the 18th, day of August, 1874, at 2 P. M. . Mii.es W. Tate, Chairman. On Sunday morning last three men broke into the store of Ilorton, Crary & Co., Shclliield, robbing it of about $300. One of the men, McFar land by name, was arrested, examined before a Justice, and committed to jail. He was brought to Warren on Monday aud placed in the new lock up. The other two escaped, though it is said one is badly wounded, having , beeu shot at in the woods uear Shef field. Warren Ledger. The Pittsburgh Commercial speak , ing of the terrible devastation caused by the flood in Allegheny City on Sunday night, fays "the saddest rase seems to us to be that of Mrs. Leopold, whose home was on Church alloy, in tho rear of the houses fronting- on Ceutro street. The husband of the drowned woman is night watchman in ono of the establishments of Pitts burgh. During the earlier portion of me noou, while the water was coming - in, as we iudge, from Butchers' Run, . four children had beeu sent in from : localities considered more "dangerous and placed in Mrs. Leopold's care. Wheu the flood came down bprm Garden Run the house was floodet and raised from its foundation, and in settling back tho houso was thrown completely ever on ita side. When the waters had subsided help was, seat to the house, and in a corner of an up. per room in the iiousft she was found sitting with Tier own children and the four neighbor's children, clinging around her. The father of the family when ho returned to his homo this morning, and found wifo and childien taken from him, was well-nigh driven crazy." "A few days ngo Miss Ida Y. Dale, of Trout Run, started out on a fishing excursion about four o'clock in tho afternoon, walked half a mile, and after fishing over no hour returned at six o'clock in tho evening with a string of twelve of the "speckled beauties," which measured fourteen feet, seven inches, and weighed four teen bounds. The nest dey, in less time, she caught seven, measuring rev en feet, eleven inches, and weighing seven pounds three ounces. Ou the third day she caught fifteen, which measured sixteen feet, and weighed fif teen pounds, eleven ounces. Miss Dale is an accomplished lady, and evident ly knows how to catch trout. If there are any of our lady readers who can mnko a better report in the Gshiog line, we would be glad to hear tufra them." Witliamtport Bulletin. Last week the officers and Direc tors of the Venafrgo County Agricul tural Association met in this city, and completed arrangements for holding a Fair in thiscity.on Wednesday, Thurs day, -and Friday, September 30th, Oc tober 1st, and 2nd. Tho premium list will bo published in pamplet formnnd circulated largely throughout the county. The coming exhibition will be devoted largely to the agricultural and manufacturing interests of the county, and we trust our farmers and citizens generally will labor to make it a success. Venango Citiicn. From the Mercer JV we learn that at a meeting of tho Directors of the New Castle & Franklin railroad held lust weelc tlin T")irectnr nf lliom. sel ves agreed to furnish ' the funds necessary to put the road through to Sandy Lake from Mercer each one taking about f7,000 of the bonds issued for that purpose. It is intend ed to commence the laying of the iron at this end, before the close of the present month and it is hoped that oioneooru win ne reached by me Mia or 11th of September. On Friday the 17th inst., in Far mincton township, Mr. McCluno Dot son killed a wilf that measured three foet in heishth. and seven feet in length. Ho brought the scalp to tho office of J. H. Sweny, Esq., of this place a few days ago "for tho purpose of getting a bounty, but there has been no bounty on wolves in this county since 1855, previous to this time there was ' a bounty of twelve dollars ou wolves. Clarion Republi can. 1 -V Rules for the Forest County Repub lican rrimary ejection. 1. The voters belonsintr to the Re publican party in each township or borough, shall meet ou a day to be designated by the County Committee, at the usual place of holding spring elections, at 2 o'clock, P. M., and pro ceed to elect one person for Judge,and two persons for Clerks, who shall form a Board of Ejection to receive votes and determine who are the proper per sons to vote, and who shall hold the polls open until 6 o'clock P. M. Af ter the polls are opened, the candidates announced shall be ballotted for; the name of each person voting shall be written on a list at the time of voting, no person being allowed to vote more than once for each office. 2. After the polls are closed the board Bhall proceed to count the votes that each candidate has received, and make out the returns accordingly, to be certified by the Judge and attested by the Clerks. 3. The Judge (or one of the Clerks appointed by the Judge) of the respec tive election districts, shall meet at the Court House, in Tioncsta, on the Tues day following the Primary Meetings at 2 o'clock P. M., having tho returns and a list of voters, and the . person having the highest number of votes for any office, shall be declared the regular nominee of the Republican party. 4. Any two or more persons having an equal number of votes for the same office the Judges shall proceed to bal lot for a choice, the person having the highest number to be the nominee. 5. The Return Judges shall be com petent to reject by a majority, the re turns from any district where there is evidence of fraud, either in the returns or otherwise, and shall reject them where there is evidence of throo or more persons voting at the primary meetings who are not Republicans. 6. The Return Judges may at any time change the mode and niauncr of selecting candidates as they may be instructed by tee people at tbeir pri mary meetings, due notice being given by the County Committee. 7. The Chairman of the County Committee shall be required to isua call in pursuauce of tho action of the T-Tho colored address label pneivch paper shows the date to which the sub scriber has paid, "thus' " : ', Thos Turner If 74, signifies that Mr. Turner has paid for his paper until March 1st, 1874 The mail list is corrected weekly. By con sulting the address label every subscri ber can tell how his account stands. Our accounts 'go back uo further than the 1st of January, '73, the ' ac counts previous to that time being payable to the old firm. The old sub scription book is yet in our hands, and our receipts will bo recognized by the old firm. . tf. . Job Printing. ... Do you want poster T Do you want hand-bills f Do you want business cards f Do you want a neat bill head t Do you want a tasty letter head f Do you want a nice visiting card T If so, leave your orders tit tho Re publicau office where they will be exe cuted in the neatest style and on most reasonable terms. .-"-.. fi Those beautiful lots just north, ef, Mrs. Henry's residenco can bo bought cheap, on long time, by applying to the oditor of this paper.- , tf. Landlord and Tenant Leases, the most approved form, for sale at this office. FOREST C'OUN fY, as. Tho Common wealth of Ponnsvlva US. nia to the SlirritT of said County, Greeting: If John Cobb make you aecuro of pre senting his claim, then we command you that you aunmion by pond and lawful aufumoners, flilea E". Filley, Theodora Tjircille, J. Philip Krloger, John V. Tollo,. Henry Van Rtuddiford, 1). A. Jnnnarv, Jacob Woodburn, William H. Retil, R. ll, llarrptt, Ada S. Auioa, Homy 8. Ainos, Mary S. Ames, and Bdtfar Amos, minor heirs of Edgar Amca diseased, and Lucv V. 8. Ames, guardian of thn wald minora, John A. Souddcr and V. H.Scudder ex ecutors of lienrv Ames deceased. Thomas Scott, and W. H". llrown, Trustee, lute of your county, yeomen, o that they 1k and appear bo lore our Judge at Tiouesto at our County Court of Common Pleas, then to bo held tho 4th Monday of Sept, next, to show wherefore whereas they, the said Jno.Cobb and Giles V, Filley el ill. together and undivided tin holdall that certain tractor land situate in Tlonesta Township, Foro-.t County, Pa., bounded and descriled as follows : On the north bv tract No. 1!8J7, 1 on tho cast by tract No. 1!J1, on the south by the lino between Venango and Forest counties, and on the east by tract No. 253, being warrant No. tnenty-eight hundred and twenty-two Containing nine hundred and ninety acres more or less, with the appurtenances the Banie Oiles F. Fblwy t al, petition thereof betwoeu them to be miuio (according to tho laws and the customs of this Commonwealth in " audi ease made and provided) do gainsay and tho same to bo done do not permiu very unjustly and aguiust tho kuiio law s and customs (as it is said), Ac And Iiuto you thou an 4 there tho names of those aumuionon and this writ. : Witness the Hon. I.. D. Wetmorc, Presi dent Judge of our said Court at Tionosta,1 this 2:!d day of Muv, A. it. 174. J. II. AUNEW, Prothonotary, XOTICE. In the Court of Common Pleas of For est County. John Cobb v. Uilcs F. Fil lev, Theodore I.arcillo, J. Philip Kricgcr, John F. Tolle, Henry Van Htod.liford, I). A. January, Jacob Woodburn, William 11. Keid. it, Jl. liarrett. Ada i. Auioa. Henrv S. Amos, Mary S. Aines and Kdgar Ames, minor lieirso: cngar Ames deceascil, and liiicy V. S. Ames guardian of said minora. John A. Kcudder and W. H. Scudder ex ecutors of Henry Ames deceased, Thomas Scott, and W. If. Urown, Trustee. No. 1 Sept. Term, 1874, Bnminons in Partition. May 2atb; lt74 allldavlt of John Cobb, I'laintiil, hied sotting forth that one undi vided twen'-fourth part of tho preniiKos mentioned in above writ of Partition was owned by Thomas Boott, who is now dead, and the name and rosidoncoa of his heirs, devisees or alienees aro undnown to him ; that one undivided twentv-fniirth part of aid pi em it-os is held by W. 1J. brown in trust for Ids daughter, and that her name and residence are unknown to him. May 3'Jth, 1X74, motion fur publication in FOBCST ltKPI'BLK'AH. May 2t'tl, 1874, notice ordered to be giv en to the heirs at law, devisees or alienees of Thomas Hcott, and W. II, Rrown, Trus tee, by publication in the Foil its T Refdb. lu ah only, once a week for nix successive weeks bol'oro tho next term of this Court. MIS. V. 91, Hi: AT1I, , DRESSMAKER, Tionesta, Pa. MRS. HEATH Imv recently moved to thia ntaco for the uurnoso of inectimr want which the ladioa of the town and eounty have for a long time known, that of having a dressmaker of experience mem. x am prepared to make nil kinds of drosses in the latest styles, ami guarantee ttatiul'aetion. titainpiug'for braid ing aud embroidery done in the best man ner, with the newest patterns. All I ask is a talr trial. Residence on Water Htreet, in tho hoiute formerly ocoupied by Jacob Shrivcr. I4tf 1 'IVJ. This Sewing Machine gives tho best snt islUcilon to the user, is paid for mwt readi ly, and is tho best of all to sell. If there is no "Domestic agent in vour town, up ply to DOMESTIC W. M. CO., N. V. 13 4t I.AIIILS SIC Ml fur elegant PiuhWu nook. - SAVE FIFTY DOLLARS ! THE HEW FLORENCE. PRICK, f 20 below I any other tint-class VAI..UE, tJU above Kewint; Machine, HAVED, V0 by, buying tho Florecc. Every machine warranted. Spociil terms to clubs and dealers. Send for circulars to the Florence 8. M. Co., Florouce, Mass., or S. M. Cain it Co., No. 8 tith Street, Pitt.-hui '-'h, Pa. 1311. . . FARMERS v Money Savod is Money Earned The uiidmaiirncd aro about introdiming In Wi-stem PY-nnaylvsnlil the celebrated Han. I. 'II Fanning Mill, I rain Separator and deader Combined, which has nit rnctcil marked attention in tho Western States wherever exhibited among thn farmers. As a Funning Mill It cannot bo surpass ed, and it is the only real separator and grader in the IT. S. It is simple, rapid ami complete, and gives you perfect eontrok in uhalliing, ac arating or grading vour grain. The ns or the Rnndell Mill will Im prove the condition of vour grain, enhance tho price from live to A I icon cents per bushel t and besides will largely increase tho viold per acre, by the higher grade of seed you are enabled to obtain. With tho Itaridell Separator von ran also loan yonr own Urana Soed, th'ua saving a large annual cxnenso for grass soeds. This mill works on an entiro new prin ciple as applied to Fanning Mills and does'its work to perfection. . Canvassers will exhibit it during the season, when you will be able to judge for yourselves of Its merits. Io not huy until you aeo it work, 1'or information, addrcsn Mi CLlNTOCIv iC CO. . Meadvlllc. Pa. One or two Rood agouti wantod in ovorv oounty. ll-3m ' 4 T il'lS .BEST.'' S. HAMILTON iVv CO.'S MUSIC HOUSE. V-' 1503 Tho only house having more than one strictly tirsb-clnss instrument. YOl t'ANJfOT F A 1 1. to get u good Instrument, lKsrausAve koep no cheap shoddy goods. Wo aro manufac turers' exclusive wholesale and retail gen eral agenta fbr the celebrated Kstey Cottage Organ, Taylor A Farley Celestes, Simmons it Chiugh Combination Organs. OR THE UNRIVALED Ileeker A Panics Pianos, Ih-adbliry Pinnos, , Hiillut, Oavisit Co.'s Pianos, liradford A Co.'a Parlor Oems, ' We make any nf these celebrated instrti ments atexcctoilnglv Imw I'rin-n orCViA, or MOSlllL 1 ll YilKSTH. OOOD, reliable agents wanted in ovorv eounty and town. Also to tho trade lit wholesale, wo gtuirantvo less tiiiui Eusteru prices. CJive us a call, or write for circulars to S. HAMILTON A CO.. wJ3 4t ' Dl Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. BIS? Dn. J. F. ima.-Blac twfrtt tvi I fnhdtisrvl at ih tJnirtrfitjruf 1'cnti'ft ia l.SJT. siftri- A j-arV Trimful prfectesi Dr. KlUcr'si Vegetable Hlkeitmaclo Syrup s-nJ l'lllsi, vrhick 1 CMAruitet -i ltitAiUbt cmr 1 1 l'ai ti in Il9r.il. T.-.tnn. Uk,11rt, Limhsi NPfeit. Kid nr, aad nisi Kb- unttaeM. Swora to, iUU KOk Zprif, I D. F. A. OSltOUUM, A'ohiiy Ptblu, lAu. Va Clrrya Mrs CaA Vii, ii w. mti-fv ny om mi. J . .nr. l oci.t, t jivd ,.1 at Minn.i miDcm.iowLittt, ihil,a.AnirtlBhimldwrltIV.stl,rhilXtf taUwy j'sunph lt A rrnArmntATt ti. tU) RemsrUf nr&n in. .1 T ..ntim .. n " .-. r -,-i.m v- ill. I.I ,(.,,,,,. 7iy A MAX. OF A TII1 N VM. When 1eath was liourlv expectod fioni CONSUMPTION, all r'omotlios imviug failed, and Pr. H. Jamos was oxperinicnt Ing, ho accidentally mado a preparatlun of Indian Hemp, which cured his only child, and now gives this recipe free, on receipt of two stamps to pay expenses. Hemp also cures night sweats, nausea .at tho xtomach, and will break a fresh cold in t4 hours. Address CRADDOCK it Ci ., UUi Race St., I'hlladelphlu Nikiuing this pa per. vr4 3m PORTABLE SODA FOUNTAINS, 40, 30, 873 d. $100. GOOD, DURAItLK CHEAP 4 Shipped Ready fbr I'se. MaiiulUctnred by J. W. Cliap- man A Co, Miidlson, Ind. jCO-Sond for Catalogue.-tt- . siiiy iisi: amis. Acne (Pimples lilackhcads). Svinp toms: Hard, small pimplos, ulth black Eoints, most numerous in the cheeks, fore oad and noso. . . . Pki'kiuo, (Intense Itching,) which ici giuswhontho clothing Is removed; in creased by the warmth of tho bed. No eruption except that produced by scratch ing. The above aud all Skin diseases perma nently cured. Entire cost of treatment, $1.50 per week, or V.IH per month. Ad dress Dr. J. M. Vandyke, llliG Waimit St., Philadelphia. wC9 3ui TUB WONDERFUL PET CANARY BIRD ! (Patent just Procnrcd.) WILL SIM! FOR 1IOCRS CAN RE managed by any child. Tho latest and most wondcrt'al incinntion of the age. The very thing lor either pallor or out door amusciiivnt. SEND FOR SAMPLE AT ONCE. .' Rig pay to ngenU, and to the trade. Sat itt'aclion guaranteed or money promptly returned, i . . . Sout pre-paid by mail to any address, on receipt of 50 Cis. mr S fr 1 .0Ol Addrons M. R. RORERTS A CO., w40 Um 179 liroudway, Now York. CMfltfCDe send 2.S cts., for the new V III U f U ItU aelf-udjusting uigarctti! and cigar lioider. 3 lor 50 cts. , At. It. RulierW A Co., litf IJroadway, Now York. ' w WUin A ' DAY CUARAMTEED ?fu'1' WELt AUGER AND UKILL U gooj twritorjr. IIIOIIKHI' H.R1IMOK1AI.1I rilO.M OOVEHNOItS OV IOWA. AKKANSA8 ANU DAKOTA. CUl(iiM(tM. W.UiUS. 8l.LeulJ.il ANTED. IVo.'lU I'noIfU-JItoiiclw. Call on or address ' . ' ' LCTHER S. IKAUFFM.VN, RROKER, within fllTSjUCRUH, PA. S25 t. Pi. fjfeB-S: SOLE AQiNT TOll THE t VMwb&!T" I " "LIGHTS" ANIi JEWETT' &-600DMAH- - OKGAI'JS - 118 SMITIiriELD STKEUT, PittbburKli, Pa. n 3?n.ICI3S LOV. Send for lUuatmtctl Culitloffite. jgiMs iitinted iu ciVrj County, " . 1 F n." s tf v x . DRUGSTORE! ' ' ' ' ' ' I ' ' i ' - ' if i . Jas, II. Foncs, Pi'oprietor, t . ,. Bonnbr ,t Agnow's llloi'k, . , ELM STRFI'T, V 'TlOrtR-rA,' '. Agent ftir Dr. Morris' Syrup of Tar, Wild . Cherry and Ilorohound. r c:'h, ' ; . r PATENT MEDICINES, TOBACCO. C . CIGARS, '"'""'' ; Xkotionssi;., UQUOKS, tlidiealutt QXLl ' " ) White Lead, purfectly pin, sold much cneapor tuaii toiiueiiy. r-rf - Also all k Inds ot Oils, Ktyrosonn, Tur pentina, lleuzine. Toilet rticlo.i, Per i'uinurios, Ac,, for salt) cheap, J AS. It. FONES. NEW GROCERY AND PROVISION .STORE .v rroy EST A 'GEO.W.BOVARD&CO. ' ' - . . HAVEJnat bi-ougbt on a complete, and carefully selected stock of , FLOUR, r CKOCKRIKS,' ' i ' ' PRO VISIONS, t . , and everything ueroskary to lbs oomplclo stork ofa tirst-clasaiirocory Housu, which they liave opened out at thcijr establish msnt on Elm St.," first door north of M. L, i uurcn. TEAS, ' i j. mi, COFFEES, t SUUARS tJ PICKS, HAMS, ..-,.,,.,, LARD, and mo rjsw.xs or allkixvs, at tho lowest cash prices.' Onofjs warrant ed lo bo of tho bust quality. Cull ami ex amine, aud wo believe we run suit you. GEO. W. BO YARD & CO. . Jan. H, '74., -. A l'Altl. Persons sullerlin Wtth'Ndrvoon labili ty, Insipient Consumption, Asthma, Bron chitis, Catarrh, or any form of Nervous or Pulmonary Complaints, will receive a prompt and radical Yegetable Remedy, free of charge, by giving symptoms in full, and addressing, r"" ' . t)r. CUAS.V. MARSHALL," 8 tf 3S Swan Ht., Hullalo, N. Y. TIME TRIED ANd11IRETESTEDI ' TIIM OIUl.INAL ETNA INSURANCE COMPANY OF HARTFORD. CONN. ASSETS Dec. 31, 1873, ' .,n,r'i,in3.yi. MILES W. TAT IS, Sub Agonl, 4S . . i T'onesta, Pa. LOTS FOR SALE I IN THE I BOROUGH OF TIONESTA. Apply to GEO. G. SICKLES, 70, Nassau bt., New York City. J KHTlSKRScnd !! iwnls lo tii o. I". ltou'cli it' Co., 41 1'nrk Row. S. Y., lor ihcir i-ligjity-pagc l'iiiuplili't, sh' in, com ol ' m urv-'.uy. 1.1 It .-BlfflOSl II. IV. 31 Kit : WATCHMAKER & JEWELER1, AT THE POST OFFICE,. TIDXKsT , P . A Full Siosk of , ; r - -ft , WATCII123, JEWELRY AND CLOCKS,".' Conxttuitly on Kn l. n.WINti Now been doing liuslness tv Tioncsta f.ir the past six mouths, 1 am well suited with the place anil patron age, and have concluded IgnMlli. lyi c por II4.IUI iltlv. All persons wishing Hiivtliing in mv line will do wcil t.) call and see. mo b.'tore piirchrciliig cUcwhei'e, as I nm do Icrminuil to do business on us rcasonablu terms as enn bo had nnvwhem. . . 4tf ' R. W. M YEHH. (IH(. W. DITURIIKIK, I'.vi l. ni.y.wMni , 11. -II. COLLINS. Ul.ll, W. ilUAlM. FORT PIT.T CLASS WORKS. : ni 'rii i;iiM4i a cu., . Maiiu.'a.'turi-rs o every variety of . FLINT ' GUS5 LfliyiP CHIMNETS, : ' '-I, AND . ... SILVERED GLASS REFLECTORS, WASHINGTON it FRANKLIN HTH., ' Pn tstifitnii, Pa. ', . There is "i-luuhly" In g!.s, as well as li in woolen' fabric..;. Consumers of kero seim arc sometime iilniot disrouriigecl, ao. frequently do ehliunevH brcsk, without ' any nppai'tml cause, rendering tlia ejat of chimneys .Mrf.nt eiinal lot hat of oil-. Chap ness bcim; tho order of the day, a great many maniilaulurles make chimney from silicate of lime. Instead of from lead, Tho initiated msy tell the illfVoivnt riialitics of . glass by ringing llicm ; t: o vibrations of tlw lead glas ha c u nlcui', ringing, bell like sound, poMv-siiig ilio icouisila strenl h to itbstau i v. isuisit.n mid eon tiantion, u" well us I lio policial picsKuro nf use. ai d will u.iil..u. halt ' u-doxou of thu linio l.iss iliiiniH.vs, Filtein cents in vested ill ono of tho li'ilif i biniiievs nioiivy well kpent, even llioiigli it iujuroH .9 thu "tiailii" In the cheaper kind, w Inch it most iix ni dly oti,d,t to, au.l doubtless will. Stick u jiiu there, and r inombur il. Tho genuine lo.id (;iass chimney may bj hutl at wlioloMile or retail of tilJO. W. DITIIKID'iK eo,; " 2-tf . Tionesta, Tu. WATER? CONCERTO & ORCHESTRAL ORGANS u""" uioki iiouuiiiui m rvrr untile, r. 'ost. . :ii l ,n.l Ollt'llliS. 'J'UAI.N'l'tl'NunllMWC . rar plneed iu luiy Or. . a HUM. 'J hry are ftroilucrii bj an 'ciiliarly oicvd.'A F.F H I T itf ... u movr . llAII.llUauISOI I Kf I It II I -llr Ihr I M 1'kirs or re4iB. nr. '.' IU1 AST ' i'UICK it MHM:i(lt. 'I'lie.n Orill an tk4 beat luutlo is ihe I iiii.-rt Slut om. ' WATERS' - ri r PIANOS, aaat gfval IHIM'. r ami a l i ftlurlnff liio. miA ull lliwdrril linprvviiieaiia. Mat art l4S. Hssut. UIOll. 'J'lieM OrgnMaaii.l rtaniw art vvurruniefl for fi ycn.ra. I'rit'ta evlrtn.ly Jov Jtw ravsli nr J.arl iiii.Ii, ohU buluuv. a moitlhly or inarlcrl' ui)iiiul pici'ouil-linuil ftiiairiniifiiis inkvn m rxrlimtge. J II r. A T llll( K. ciimk (.. 'j' ii tin:. A;i:'i's WAK I'KII fr every ( lly ua. CuuiKy in thr I'. ft. and t'aiuidn, A lurge Uisa C4UUC'locAArf,Alifiulr'l,'arraM,Si'ai.il. Lutljt. m, dc. 1 1.I.IS I HAT t.l ATA I (K! I US MA1I.HO. IIOIIAI i: Wt'l KIIS & hUl, 481 llrvuuwny aud 4M itlvrucr bt., N. Y. Testimoiiiidd of Waters' Pianos an . Organs. "Waters' Concert.. Parlor Organ prm. rieses a beautilul mid pix ubiu ly solt j Tho Concerto Slop is, witlioiil noui I best ever placed ui iinv organ. It is duced bv an extra m1 ot' reeds, pcculiaiTy voicisl, J'l'oin which thu elleet is most charming, uud its iiuitulion of tiic huiiuui voice, is superb. For swixtuuhs of tona and orchestrul vtlecls il has no equal." .. -V. 1', 2 tiius. , . ' Tho Concerto Parlor Organ Is soinoi thing entirely new ; it is a beautiful Jmilot nrniiiuciit, ihiscsm'& a sweet and power till topu is'a niot i oiiiuijudalile Invon tiou and holds a high place iu public fa-, vor." .V. 1', t.cuiiiiy Vuit. An Ouciiksi ha I Till-: I'aiii.om. Th orchestral organ is tho name of anew reed oi'gaii voooiilly uuuouuocd by Horace Wa ters A Sou. 'Tho 1nsti iiinent tnkea this . name Iroin its rucntly invented orches tral sli p. The voicing of thi t is peculiar, producing tho i lteet ol u lull nutet con- . iralLo. vuico. Us tincst cli'cct is produccv whuu Ibt) Htop.i tiro drawn, so that an or chcMnii ctieel i.-igisio, '1 ho t use is uuiipio and Inures a l aiuUoiuu artklu of tui iiH lure' -V. 1'. iuit. The Waters Pianos are known as among I ho very bvsl. We am enabled to speak of thc.-o inMl lllueul.-t u ilh eontideueu, fr in pcisoiial i.uoH k.!". .V. 1. l i'iw hit. 1A mm mm . ur.