SfJt' ff oust $cjwMtam. 9. R lltTW - - - . KDITOU, Ti EDNESDlf IBOIIMC, JUT 15, Aniiotinrrmnit. . Tli following price w ill 1x charged for announcement: Associate Judge SHI; Assembly, 110; Treasurer, $S; ComniiH aioner, t-"; Auditor, 1. No announce ment will appear unless the rash aecom panic tli name. ASSEMBLY. F.ntTon FoitKsT llEPrni.irA.v : Please annnunce.lhe nnmn of Ir. V. K. A 1.1.1 HON, of Hickory, .1 a CANDIBATK for ASS KM Bl.Y, mibjet'l to the uagea of the llopubllean party. ittcKoRV llKrrni.tcAX. Em'toR Forrst RKrnnt.irAie : Plcaae announce the nnine of .1. H. A(iNKW, a . candidate, for Awmmbly, subject to tlie usages of tbc Republican party,' and oblige His Flu ENDS. ftiToR RFrrni.trA : Announce tho name of A. I HEIOWORTll, Kxq., of t:okinrg. a candidate for Assembly, uliject to Republican usage. Mant Cjti.kks. TVo are authorized to nnnnnmvlhrnaino of PANIFL HARKINflTON. of Kings ley, an an Independent candidal for A Kemblr. If elected ho promises to repre sent the w hole people, and not any party or faction. ASSOCIATE JUDGE. Wt are authorized to announce the name of JOSEPH O. HALE as candi date for the nomination for Asaociato Judge, subject to Republican usages. Kr. Rkpitblicax : Announce JAM Km rtltEEN, ICsq of Hickory, as a can d Mate for Associate Judge, subject to RepubUkn usafroa. Maxt Pitixhn). TREASURER, J Wo are authorized toannounce the natno ol SOLOMON FITZGF.ARLns, of Bar nett Township, as a candidate for Countr Treasurer, subject to Republican usages. Ed. Rkftrlioan : Blease announce the name of WHIT. 8. DAVIS of Tionea ta borough, as a candidate for County Treasurer, subject to Republican usages, Mant Citizens. Ed. Rur-unr-iCA: Please announce my namo as a candidate for County Treasurer, subject to tho usages of the 'Republican party. S." J. SETLUY. COMMISSIONER. unit nuun.T , i rri cmi i nil- nounce the name of NICHOLAS THOM P KON, of Tionesta Tow nship, as n canili date for County Commissioner, siibiect to Republican usages. Mr, Thomson served in the war and lost his left arm at Gettys burg. ' His Kriknds. " Ed. REPrm.tCAN : riease announce the lUniW pf WM. B. HEATH,, of Kimrslcv ToWnship, as a candidate for County Com missioner, subject to Republican nsagca. r . .... L' ....... as n irumvinvisiawa Itn. . E: Til We are authorized to announce the name of WILUAM PATTERSON, of Kings ley Township, as a candidal 3 for County Commissioner, mibject to Republican usages. ) Wo -are authorized to announce the namo of DAVID HUNTER, of Tionesta Township, as a candidate forCouhtv Com missioner, subject to Republican usages. . En. Repvbi.ican: Please annoiinee trie nnmooi J, n. i-tiuitcti-, i mcKory t!nwnsb!fr; fth a"roiididate for Cmnity Coin lntaatriher, subject to Republican iVsnrgcs, and oblige Many Reitumcans. . Republican Primaries. Tlie Republican voters of Fore9t L'ouuty will meet at tho usual places for holding tho primary elections, Saturday, august is, 1874. nt 2 o'clock V. M., to uomiunte ns fol lows : One person for Assembly. Ouo person for Associate Judge. One icrson for County Treasurer. One perso'i for Co. Cummissioiicr. One person for Co. Auditor. The Polls will remain open until 7 o'clock P. M. Each touuship will elect and return tbc name of one person as a member of the County Committee for the en 8uingyear. The meetingof tho Return Judges will be had at the Court House on the Tuesday following, to-wit: 'the 18ih, jay of August, 1S74, at 2 P. M. Mii.es Y. Tate, Chairman. To the Republicans of Forest County You are once more summoned to tho Primary, fur Saturday August tho fif teenth next. There are three duties Jycry Republican in this County owes hw party : First, To attend tho nominations. Second, To attend the nominations. Third, To atiekd tue nomina tions. Happily the hazard of selection is quite OTercome by the worthiness of the candidates who have announced. Yet out of these, however worthy ouo only for each position can be chosen. Political parties now are taki'ug good heed to bring out only tho best tueu for pofciiiou, Tho demand ot the hour is fur purity, honor and integrity in politics. Jjci oui choice full upon tw uorthiest. This year our nominations assume a a new utemtt iu virtue of our tight to a member from this county to tha Assembly. Tlio opposition have their ive.upou the content, ami wail to profit by any errors wo may make. A mistake iu August may La a Jiiuicr ?u November. Dou't fail therefore-to iifteud the nominations. JUi.n, W. Tai i:, L'hitini4u JU'publicau Co. Cum. Rules for the Forest County Repub lican Primary Election.. 1. The voters belonging to the Re publican parly in each township or borough, shall meet on a day to be designated by tho County Committee, at the usual place of holding spring election?, nt 2 o'clock, P. M., and pro ceed to elect one person for Judge, and two persons for Clerks, who shall form a Board of Election to receive votes and determine who are the proper per rons to vote, and who shall holi! the polls open until C o'clock P. M. Af ter the polls are opened, the candidates nnnouncexHhall be ballottcd for; the namo of each persou voting shall be written on a list at the time of voting, no person being allowed to vote more than once for each office. 2. After the polls are closed the board shall proceed to count tho votes that each candidate has received, and mako out the returns accordingly, to be certified by the Judge and attested by the Clerks. , 3. The Judge (or one of the Clerks appointed by the Judge) of the respec tive election districts, shall meet at the Court House, In Tionestn.on the Tues day following the Primary Meetings at 2 o'clock P.'M., having the returns and a list of voters, and tho person having the Inchest number of votes for any office, shall be declared the regular nominee of the Republican party. 4. Any two or more persons having an equal number of votes for the same office the Judges shall proceed to bal lot for a choice, the person having the highest number to be tho nominee. 5. Tho Retuan Judges shall be com- pelcnt to reject by a majority, the re turns from nny district where there is evidence of fraud, cither iu the returns or otherwise, and shall reject them where there is evidence of three or more persons voting at the primary meetings who are not Republicans. 0. The Return Jtes mny at any time change the mode and manner of selecting candidates as ttoey may be instructed by the people at their pri mary meetings, duo notice being given by the County Committee. 7. The Chairman of the County Committee shall bo required to issue a call in pursuance of the action of the County Committer. ' T ZEE IE BEST.''' S. llAMlITOS'ifcCO.-S MUSIC HOUSE- Tho only lioune lmvln mora than ouo niuciiv iirPi-riuMfi iiiHiruiiirar. YOU C A N X O T FAIL to fret u irnorl Instrument, lumnuva Iron. 110 cheap shoddy (roods. We areinanufac- I'AI-HISIVO WllOIPMJMO HUU rCUill tfl'U- eral nents for tho eclebrutod rjtey foliage Organ, Simmons C dough Combinatiun Organs. ' OR THE t'NRIVALEI) Decker A Ilai nen Fianos, Hradbury I'iitnos, Halltt, Davis & Co.'m Tiunos, Dradl'ord ,t Co.'s l'arlor tiems. We make any of these celebrated iimlru- YIAdtu nt lkiinniliit.p)if f ..... J,...'...- .. . I. . .. . . or HAS Y MO.STllL Y PA YilKXTS. HOOD, reliable agenttj wanted in every county ami town. AImo to the trado lit w hoUisale. we iriiurnuLen Inns tlni.ii Kiuiiern jirices. Olive us a call, or writo for circulars to H. HAMlr.TdV I'll wl3 4t 51 Fifth Aveuuo, Pittsburgh, Ta. UfUi-tion to ij.C usert is paid for mont rpatli ly, and in tlio bont of ail to c!l. If there H IHl 1 Wtlltnofit' airoiir In ns.tiw 1U-n an ply to DOMESTIC . M. CO., N. V. 'l3 it I.AlHli.S SK.VD for elrnnl Fuhioa Buak. NEBRASKA GRIST MILL. rvTFl 1.1 fi n is'p tin r . v.i.r-.i . it town,) Forest county, haa been tho'r- miKiu,v uv t rimuieu anil reuueu tn lirht cliws order, and Is now runniiiK nncl doing all kinds of C USTOM J It I X I I J. rr.oi'R,' FEKD, AND OATS, I'niiHltiiitly on hand, and &ht at the very lowest ligmet. , 3-6m IT. W. I.KD'EBtR. BUILDING FELT (No Tar imwl), for outside work and in iiit". instead ol rlaster. Kelt ( si i.i lmir Hnd two .Wviit Ktuinjm fur circular and han.ple. C.J. KAY, Camden, N.J. 41- U IOIS woitK ncailvexecuted at tUiiofboe al rta.iiiiablo iuiu. fwmit iff ix4 twi IMPORTANT TO INVALIDS JUST rUBLISUKli, Essays on Chronic Diseases, RY DR. J. W. SYKES, For yenra Kxc'iisiva rraclitioiicr in Chnmlo Diseases, sml tor IX years Im-atcil at ' ' m PKXXSTREKT, , PITTSBURGH, TA. rriee, liy mail 10 cents, Aldress DR. J. W. NYKF.S. Rittsburgh, Ta. Essays on Chronic Diseases, A )nrgo rainphlul of 48 pages. Tablo of Contents: On tlit Nature of Cutarrh, Nasal Catarrh, I U! 1 runic More Throt TtTjrUls.) llronchial AlVcctious. Treatment of t'atarrlis. Curability of Catarrh. . Tubercular Consumption, Nature of Consumption. , Curability of Consumption. I Treatment of Consumption, Asthma, or Phthisic. .' f 'urnlUlit. ..r mil, ... . Heart Diseases. DvsHplli! Disorders, Diseases of tho l.iver. Disea.se of tho Uowels. I'rninary Disorders. Female Complalntu. Scrofula and Skin Diseases. Invalids .desiring truthful information concerning the aliove, and other t'h runic Atl'cctiens, should send for this book, mid Waste No Moro time on Patent MiHlieinos, or Inhalations, nr "Water Dis-tors," or on any parliul or in efficient treatment. that while you are 'trying' some "(Golden Discovery'1 or 'l.unjCurc," or Ircatmint based on Inha'ations, yovaki: J.osixa rovn time of CVRADtUTY. 1K. SYKES' IIodo of Trcahiiciit, Is the fruit of over twentv venrs of exclu sive attention to Chronic affections, and an exK?rienoe embracing maiiv tliousauds of cases, and has been blessed in tho recove ry of hundreds who were deemed past hope. It consist In selecting for each case the remedial means best adapted to its cure. His patients have the benefit of e -cry new lUst-ovvry. ana theory or ralue. His remedial resources include medical inhalations Isith of vapor anil of atomized fluids, together with tonic, cleansing and regulating medicines or unsurpassed olll eacy, ami hygienic and mechanical reme dies of great value. RESULTS OF Dr, Sykes' Mode of Treatment, Case of & IL Sitler, Esq., Or I-rloula, Ohio, Kirk Firirrn Vmrs -lU. cue uf Ikr l.auaa and llrart, Ki tqucul llt-uiorrhiMK-s, rn Ac. i I.ektonia, Ohio, Dee., 22, 1S70. Da. J. W. SrKKs itcar.Sir: I feel it niv iltitv t.t II.I.L-A n l j -- j-io, in,n ICIIKIIieill to you of tlio benclit 1 reel veil of your irciiiiiiciiiirom April to !SeptcnilH-r, l?-o. w hen I resorted to you I Iml bat littlo hrtiK- uf a rnivivitpv 11 I I .... 1 1 1 01 tho lungs almost dailv during ;j ........t.u ... .1 iiiumuniiiBiiiiu., K'cuiur mm Hn aitev- i"i uto ., w uuuiii not on my left side during a period of Uftcun years, 'ilio cough, pain, and constant op. pression of the breast mado life a burden. After taking your treatment for three months,! felt a decided improvement ; tho hemorrhage of the lungs had ceased nlto- lrr.tlil.r- tlit nltrimyiii.... 1 . r-. , ' 11 "i iiiu ui rii.il, cough. Ac, weie much betu-r, with a do- . .... .. ....... u . v . u, tuy Kcncriti neailll , - - - - .v ..,.v.a ,uv iKinim t:oiirpo in three mouths' treatment w ith more hope. "'"-i "iiiiihiiii(5 iiiu vrcaimeni (aiK''i uier five niiidtMl 1 rr.lt .....ii . . .... .ii-n-ii niiiiriv wen, eoiild lie on eiilier aide and breathe' freely. i ei i ooum nuiiiiy iietievc tho euro a per manent one. J tut now, litleen month hnvn ttiWMu.l rxi.l nn 1 u . .. , ,,u . ,.y ,,, , ,1,,, iii-iii rhuges, or cough, and I have regained my mi in,-. niKiii, o initL x now ieci inaiiKlui to (lod and to 'you for rour invaluable trullt IllOllt 111 ,i..r. .nua .....I u I ... 1 1 ... ....... ... .,. .. i . . . (.nnil 1 1 1 1 r(HM to recoinmeiid other. siinilurly alllictcd to uiu iieatiueiii. i ours respectfully, u 1 1 u t-i.'i n i. 13. IX, HI 1 Home Estimation of Dr. Sykes. Among others received by us, we take pleasure in trum-fcrring to our c-olums the lollowing testiinonials from the editors of tiio Pittsburgh Vhrinlian Ad to cute and I'nitcti lrenttiteriaii : PlTTsm nn, May pi, 4S07. rubltuhera Jicliiiou Tcteseojie : Dear Rrother : I take pleasure in slaU illg, lor your information, that Dr. J. W, tSykes, of this city, is a reliubln and skill ful medical practitiener, and justlv dis UnguisluHl in his specialty the treatment of the lungs. Ho wi'l riot dishonor nnv wonU of commendation vou mav niuk in his iuteio.l in tlio Jt.liijiou 'J'ttiseofie. ltuMpei-tfull v, H. II. S usurp. Kditor Pittsburgh Ctrilian AJioralr. Officeothc ITnitkii PaisnYTKni.ts, ) No, 74 Tliliui .Srni. ji.T. . . Ptrrsiiumiu, May SOlh, lsti7.'J tr. Rclirjioim mexenpe liKNTI.KMFSI : Dr. J. W. Sykes having anplieil to us for a letter ol recommendation, ve take pleasure in stating that he has the reputa tion hereof laing at the head of tlui med Ical si-howl in the treatment of the lungs and other kindred disease. And further, we are gra iiied ut being aide to my tliul he is a t hristiun gcutleiiiun, and in every a woitliy of any commendation that you may give him in your inlluciiti.il and lil. li - iri uliiteil 1 .11 per. With in mil rcpi-ct, f are Your nlieilieiit m-i- ants D. I!. Kl ltl! .V .. Vtlttoi ami J')"j is I ittltil l'rt.shiii, FARMERS Money Saved is Money Earnod The undersigned are about introducing in Western Pi-iitwlvania the i-elclirnteit Kandell Fanning Mill, Urain Neparnlor and Urader t'mnbined, which ImmUin ted marked nllention iu the Western Stales wherever exhibited aininig the fanners. As a Fanning Mill it cannot be surpass ed, and It Is the only real separator and grader in the U. S. It is simple, rapid and complete, and gives you perfect control In chaining, srp arnling nr grading vour grain. : The use of the Itamlell Mill will im prove the condition of your grain, enhance tho price from live to liltis-n cents per bushel j and besides will largely Increase the vlcl-l per acre, by tho higher giido of seed yon are en.-ibleil to obtain. With the llh.nli'll Separator vu can also clean your own Hrn.ss Seed, thus saving a large annual expense for grass seeds. This mill works on an euliro new prin clple as applied to Fanning Mills, and does Its work to perfection. Canvassers will exhibit It during the season, when you will be alilo tojudgu for yourselves of its merits. Do not buy until you see it work. For information, address MiCUN 'i'Ot'K f m Meadvillc, Pa. One or two good agent wanted In every county. ll-3m ' LAST CHANCE FOH AH EASY F OR TUNE! FIFTH AND LAST GIFT CONCERT 1TtIIOF T1IK PUBLIC LIBRARY cKENTUpKY JULY 31st, 1874' LIST OF HI ITS. One grand cash gin f !;,0(X) tine grand cash gill Mti.iinu One grand cash gilt 7.",000 Cue grand cash gilt ,'i(),noo One grand cash iri II ii'i.rtN) 5 cash gitls, SJO.OOO em-li, UM),ono 10 cash gilts, U.IXIOeaeh, 1 lo,(M0 15 cash gilts, 10,00(1 each, I.iO.Otxl M cash gifts, &,(MKt ouch,. lDO.eiKl i.'.") cah gifts, 4,000 each, 100,000 . 110 cash gilts, 11.000 each, Ml.iKio to cash gills, 2.000 each, PKI.000 H0 ea'li gifts, 1,(100 each, liK),(Kip "10 cash gifts, .'SHI each, lr".0"0 ftoo cash gifts, 100 each, i"o,0(iO 10,0(K) ciush gifts, 0 eaeh, IL'iO.OOO Urand total 0,00 lifts, all cash, jy.riOU.IKiO PUICKOFTICKKTS: Whole Tickets Halves ... Tenths, or each Coupon II w hole tickets for ! i-2 tickets for - . For Tickets or iiifurniation. 5 IK) l,(tK) (K) T1IOS. F. IU1AM I.K'ITK, Agent ami Mamiger, Public Library lluildin-.', Louis ville, Kv. or TIRW. If. HAYS.f-CO., Kasttrn Agents OOiUlroadway, New York. 1.1 4t r.'. P. rnxm, Btng item, iin I ffrJqKtM at th TTi.tfrttT ! rni'ft Ivl "J ffr nrKfptmrit f rf-id "Dr. KM lcr' Vrctabie Ilhruinntlo hj-rnp an J PllliUlch I jtrast at inUUiW ear cr, Ll xi'l. Autl Ail H.-umstiu di--it, "oru U, tlit t'i irll, I VI. r. A. UMIUUttN, Wf -llM J : .r1n'Mndiifc.l'a. r.PT .K.rnihann.rUiw.Iow.i;cT. C i.ttttimiUu I-itrfrnl, N.Y. lttnrrfl(.ltnns. rllaCbun ' k'Vi!,Ao.Ar.ir'ti.liouItwrit Pr.Fitlrr.iniilft.-firtPxr ' t r.t-'TT iRnirhkt ArtirnntrfV'Tttt. 6U Itewnnllrra'i ii 7-1 v A MAN OF A T IIO USA X I, Wh n deal h was hourly cx period fioni CONSl'MI'TIOV, all remiHlicM having failisl, and Dr. II. James was expel iiuent ing, he aisMdentall v made a prepiiratiun of Indian Hemp, which cured his onlvchiid, and now gives this recipe frt on 'receipt of two stamps to pay expenses. Hemp also cures night sweats, nausea at the stomach, and will break a fresh cold in St hours. Address CH.DD(H'K it CO., 10.12 Ilaeo St., Philadelphia (Naming this pa per. wi 3m PORTABLE SODA FOUNTAINS, CIO, S3, f75 A tfKX). (JOOD, DUKAIILE A CH KA P Nhippod Heady for I'se. Atanufactured by J. W. Chap man .V (.'41, Madison, I ml. Semi for t'utiilotuei-iin nki iimimsi:s. A-NR (PiJaples r.laekheads). Symp toms: Hard, small pimples, with iilaek iioints, most niiineroiis iu tlio checks, fore head and iiose, PliriiKio, I Inlcnse Itching,) which be gins when the clothing is removed; in creased by tlio warmth of the laid. No eruption except that produced by aeruU-h-ing. The alaivo ami all Skin diseases perma nently cured. Km ire cost of treatment, Ul.i'iO per week, or '.00 por iimnlli. Ad dress Dr. J. M. Vandyke, 1120 Walnut St., Philadelphia. w. ;tm THE WOSDKlinii PET CANARY BIRD! (Patent just Procured.) rir'l".SINO FOH HOCKS-CAV ltl W managed by any child. The latest and most wonderful iimontion of the age. The very thing for either parlor or out door amusement. SEND FOH SAMPLE AT ONCE. Ilig pay lo ageuus and to the trade. Sat itfaetiou guaranteed or money promptly returned. Sent pre-paid by mail to any address, nu receipt of 50 'l. or 8 for (i I Addross M. K. HOltKKTS A. CO., wWOiii 17(1 lirn.ulwHV, New York. CMnKPRC "c,1(l 2f eta., for the new O III U l L no n-ll-adjusting t-igarclte and ciijar holder. 3 for. 'lUcts. M. 1!. Huberts ii Co., 170 Hroadway, New York. i'ldiu $2i A' DAY - CUARANTrtTO 'XourWWril lltecn Ann DRILL I" r-fd trrr-tory. lllUllfT it.iiuu31.IJ( itlOM tiOVEIIXOHS UK loVA.AKkANAHAMI 1ii:i1T4. CsUlugiualtn. w. OlLta. M. Luua. tin I'niuL Kobkiuw, (PHOTOGRAPHER, (SI l.'1'KSSOIt III liKMINO.) Pictures in every klyleof the art. 'ics of tho oil regions lor wile or taken to or der. CKSTliE STIIFF.T, near 1!, K. crossing. SYCAMoliK STP.KKT, near fnion Po i'.il, oil Cny, i'a. M L.R.NORTON, SOLS AOf NT FJK THE tTJPlRIOU "LI6HTE" PIANOS! ANT) it JEWETT & GOODMAN " ORGANS, 118 SMlTHriELD STRJET, Ptttsliurgli, Pa. PHICES LOW. TliSlTLiyCJS EASY, Send fur Illustrated VuUtlttgue, Jyintit uint(t tmtMfj Vniiuly,- DRUG STORE ! Jas. II. Fori os, Proprietor, Ttounsr fc Agnow's Illock, KLV STREET, Tiok is ita, Pa. A sent for Dr. Morris' (Syrup of Tar, Wild Chorry and Ilorehound. DRUGS, PATENT KEDICINS, TOBACCO, j CIGAflS, nOT!ONS, C. LIQUORS, For iijinl tt 0XJA' . M hlto Lead, perfectly pur, !d Uliloll cheaper than lurmerly. - Almt all kind ol iil, Kvouerie, Tr pentina, Itcnxiiie, Toilet Articlcii, l'r 1'uinerien, Ac., lor kale rhea, JAS. W. FON RA. GROCERY AND PR0VISI0HST0RE IX TI ox HS TA GEO. W. BOVARD&CO. II A VR jiirt Vtroueht on a mmpJoU nut) FLOl'K, - !' CKOCKRICS, ' . , - - riioviioNs, , . ' t " and rvtrylning neeeary to l! complete atock ofa tlrMt-elaaairoenrr llmiw, which they hare opened out at their catahliah ment on Kim St., Aral door north of ii. 1;.. t'h arch. f ... TEAS, COFFEES. f SlUAKS BYiti.-rs. mvni, HAMS, L.vr.D, A A7 PRO VISIOSS Of ALL KtXV'S, at tho lnwct eah prieea. nno4 warrant ed to he of tho linot quality. Call and ex amine, and w believe w e can unit you. GEO. W. nuYAKU A CO. Jan. 0, "It. t . T ANTE D. t rs'ortu iiioin-;iioiii. Call ou or aildreka V ' LUTHER 8,'KAUFFMAJl, IsRoUEIt, ttFouTH A V SKI' ft, wlISm n n'SHUIUiH, PA. A 'AItl. Peron auflei ing w ith Nervous Ni hili ty, liiNipient Coiixuinption, Asthma, llron cliitia, Calarrh, or any form of Nervoua or Pulmonary Complaints, will receive a prompt and radical Yrgclilblo Itemed v, free of charge, lv giving nyinptoruii in lull, and addrcaMing. Dr. CliAH. P. MARSHALL, S tf 3S Swan St., llutlalo, N. Y. TIME TRIED AND f IRE TESTED ! TIIK ORIGINAL ETNA INSURANCE COMPANY OF 1IARTFORO, CONN. ASSETS Dec. 31, 187:1, n , v :i " . t . t i. MILES W. TATE, tSuh Agent, 5 Thiiieatit, Pa. DIU N. ItOLAItl). (if 'fidioute, liaa it M-l'iikil to Iiiu practice alter uu al Kenee i four moiitliK, hpcut in tlio Ho. pi taN of New York, where. will alti ml call" In his profession. oiilee ill Eureka IM iig tstoic, ud door iljuvt: the bank, Tidioulc, Pa. V.ni .. It . w . n K K H , WATCHMAKER & JEWELER, AT Tin: POST OFFICE, TIONESTA, P.V. A Pull Stiwkuf WATCHES, JEWELRY AND CLOCICS C' O It IM l 11 t 1 ' Oil It II II 1. II I.WINtf Now la-en dnlng IuikIiicw in II Tionesta for the pat hix montlm, I am well united with the place and patren a;c, and have coueludi-d toi-ettle here per manently. All perionN wixhing anvthiuic in inv line will do well to call and ace mo hrMore piircliimiiig el.sewlmre, a I am de termined to do luislueMM on an rcidonalilo term-a ax can ho had anywhere. Itf . ' It. W. M YKISH. mo. v. nrrniiiiKii:, i'Al l. IIMMNKMAN, ii. it. roi.i.i. OKU. W. BtAIM. FORT PITT GLASS WORKS. i I T II it I 1 ii i: A CO. I MaHuraeturera of every varhtyof FLIItT GLASS LAMP CHIMJIETS; AND SILVERED GLASS REFLECTORS,. WAHIUNUTON A FRANK LIN 8TH.k ri TtafAiRhn, P.. There is Vli iddy'1 iu glas, ai well a li. in wiwilcn lahrics. ColiHiiniers of kero sene arc miiiii'tiiiiix almiiM discouraired, ao freiiiiintly do chimney hrcak, without any apparent cause, rendering the coal of i-liininev.ilH.uteciiiil to thai ol oil. t'huap nesa lieing the order of the day, it great many uiiiiiiUacluriea make ehiiniicTH linin Milicaie of lime, iiislead of I'roiii leiid. Tha initiated may tell the different (imli(ien of glass hy ringing Ihcui ; t e vilualiona of Hie le.i.l glass lnu e a ele.ir, ringing, hell like aouud, oKMiioiing the iriiiisil nlrength to ithsliMid expiiiiMiou and ron IracliiMi. ax wed nu the uencral pi i siiul of use, n-d w ill outlast hall' a-doaion of tho lime ghiKu chimneys, l'iltciu cents in vesteil in one of the lead chimney i money well ajeiil, even though it. injured tliu "trade'' in the cheaper kind, which It most ass.iredly ought to, and douhtliiw. will. Stick a pin there, and remember ii.' The genuine lead glass chiiuiieyn may bo hud at w holosnln or retail of (HCO. XV. IilTIIKIIKjE A CO., 2 tf Tionesta, Pa. WATERS' CONCERTO & ORCHESTRAL ' QHQnnlJu mo! bt-aulllul in I ' " ..... ' J in nil 7 Kt f-t i. TU tl.KKIPNanhknl irr lncetl Iu nuy Or ciirn art m rrrda, je lillurlv velcrri.' tf-. t i l l of ui'k u JdlT ' A II .! I i an. SOI 1 , S'I'I II ltl(..i,,l-:, ,n- I I 1 I IU nit),. III Jl l.f VOIt'l: U M I'l llll. ' ! Orirnn ri tk beat niiule in I nKrt Miatva WATERS' NEW SCALE PIANOS. hat ft real Jov r sd a fine ftlnHlusr 1WII. wk nil modrrii lmrveiiieiii. iul mrt the I'iaNH iunl. 'I'll. (Irnm and Hlwittt art warranlfil . 0 year, lrit-e -xlrt.uicly lotv ur CKteU or purl ri.h, n4 tuilanr m hoiiiIiI) m quurlerlr M hihhIi, H cNi uil-baill InklriimeHli Inkin m exrlimigo. I; II I' A I lll l:. m : s to t -i ii a in :, a : ki t m VA 1 1 I) . c-trry Illy iit..l ( lr im tke I'. M. ami C'auiMtft. A larHtfdiM evil HI to Jrarkfil.MtttiMm, 'AmitAi, VAi ,i.iil- m, iutsiha rf.it r ,i ta i.'wm ha ri ko. iioiuct: W i l l IIH A NON, 481 Uraailway aad illircrr hi., N. r. Testimonials of Waters' Pianos an4 Orgar.B. ''alers' Coiieerti Parlor Orirati pon, vmHcs a licautiliil and peciiliiirly noil tone. The Concerto .Stop la, w ithout doubt, Uiu hi-st e er placed in any organ. It is pro duced by an extra i-ft of reeds, peculiarly voiced, from which the elicit is uiotit charming, and its imitation of the liuniaii voice ia superb. For sweetness of tonu and orehrstrul ellccla it hai no Kiunl," A. Y, 'i'lHiM. . Tho Concerto Parlor Organ ia aome. thing entirely new ; it is a beiiiiiil'ul parlor oruaiiieut, possesses a mveet nod power, fill tune is a most coiuin.-mlahlc inven tion and holds a hili place iu public his vor." X, Y. lA t niinj Pint. An Oiii iikstiia in tiik I'An.or. -Tim orchestral organ is the name of a new reed organ risi-ntly niiuoiiiifcd hy Horace Wa ters X r'll. ' Tho instrument takea llus nilMH' froiii jl recently invented on hes ll'id stp. The voicing of this is peculuir, priMlucing the efleet ui a lull inirl eon Iriitlo oii-i. Its tincst elleet is prodtui'd hen tlui slops are drawn, so that an or chestral t-llcel is given. The case is iiiiiipHi ami inal.es a luiiiilsoiue article, of luriii. lure,' -V. )'. .Viir, Tlie Wiilei s Piiinos are k nm n as nmoiig tliexcry bi sl, Vn are I'liablcd lo i-pi ak ot ' lliese inslruiiirnts ctith eon lidein e, Iri'lil pel sonal know It ilp, - .V. 1, A.'i iiny Int. .'-Iv mm