3Iu m$t $puMtam.. W. U. nUXN KDITOR. WEDNESDAY XflRMNC, JILT 1, 1871. Announcement. (The (V-l lo wiiiir prices will ls charircd f'r announcements : Associate Judire ltl; Assfs-nltlv, tMO; Treasurer, S Commis sioner, Vi; Auditor, f.t. No announce ments will appear unless the cash accom panies tho name. AWEMBU". Kditoh 1'onnsT KurTni.it'AN ! Plcno announce the name of Dr. K. K. ALLI 80N, of Hirkorv. as a CANDI DATK for ASSEMBLY, snhjectto tho usages of the Republican party, HICKORY RKlTni.K'ANS. Fnrron Korkmt HEiM'BMrAW : -Please announce tho iminn of J. ), AUNKW, as a candidate for Assembly, subject to tlx) usurps of tho Republican party, and oblige. Ills' FfUEXtlS. EpiTon IlRPrw.teAN : Announce tho mmo of A, L. SKIUWOHTIl, Kan... of Cookshiirg, as a candidate for Assembly, subject to Pciuiblienn usages. Mast Citizkxx, ASSOCIATE JUDGE. We urn authorized to announce t!io nnineof JOKKPH . HAM! as a candi date for tho nomination for Associate J nrtxo, subject to Republican usages. Kn. RKrrm.irAX : Announce JAM1CS CiRliKN, Ksq., of Hickory, as a candidate lor Associate J udge, subject to Ropulilican usages. Many Citihuss TREASURER En. RErrm.n-Aw Please announce the name of WHIT. S, DAVIS, ol Tlones- ts borough, as a candidate for County Treasurer, subject to Repulilican usages. Many Citizkns. En. Rurrni.tCAif : Pirate announar my name ns a candidate for County TrwtMiref, stibjoU to the usages. of tho Republican party. S. .1. SKI'LLY. COMMISSIONER. ' En. RKrrmirAj : Dear Sir Please an nounce the name of NICHOLAS TIIOM P ON, of Tionesta Township, as; a candi date for County Coniinissionor.subjoct to Republican usages. Mr. Thompson served In the war and lost his left arm at Gottvs J'urjr. His I'uiKxns. En. RutTm-tCAX Please nnnonnce the liMne of WM. B. HEATH, of Kinuslev Township, as a candidate for Count v Coni ln maimer, subject to Republican usages. . . Many Fiiiknds. We aie authorised to announce thenaino or WILLIAM PATTERSON, of Kings ley T wnship, as a candidal ) for County Commissioner, subject to Republican usages, Wo ar authorized to announce, the naino of DAVID Ji l.'XTKP, of Tionosta Township, ns a candidate for Countv Com missioner, subject to Republican usage. En. RKrrni.icAN : Please announce the name of C. II. CD 17KOH, of Hickory township, as a candidate for County Com mission or, subject to Republican usages, and oblige . i Many Rkim'iii.k axs. ., RapLblioan State Convention. Tlie Ilepulilicixus of Pennsylvania will liolil Slate Convention at Ilar I'Uburv, at noon, on Wednesday, Au gust 19, 1874, for (lie purpose of nom inating cuudidutes fur- Lieutenant Governor, Auditor General, Secretary f Internal Affairs nud Judge of tlie Supreme Court. The represent aticn of. the severa counties in this Convention will bo based on the .apportionment of Sena tors nud representatives mado by the present Legislature, each Senatorial and Representative district being en titled to delegates equal in number to its representation in the Legislature under said apportionment. raTs.ELL L'rketc, Chairman. J.itA Lckess, Jonx M'Ctj.LOLatt, Secretaries. The- following items are taken from the -Clearfield Journal: Warren Coon, son of Joseph Coon, formerly of this place, now of Bloom ington, this county, was killed on Thursday afternoon last, June 18th, near Morrisdale, this county, under the following circumstances: lie had 'gone thore but a few days before and taken charge of a log job for David Hult. On the afternoon in question iie and another workman were engaged In sawing-logs iu the usual way, with crosscut snw, when a beech tree at Uoon'a back 'was blown out of root, and before the unfortunate man could get cut of its way he was crushed be Jieath its irrcsislable weight. His companion ba it iu time to escape, he bcinjj with bis face toward the tree, and warned Coon, but too late. It struik the latter just as he straighten, ed himself up. to look around. Ha lived about three hours after tho acci dent occurred. His remains were in terred near Kloomington on Saturday, lie held a life insurance policy for f 1,000 in favor tf hit mother, which va taken out some time in 1871. - Ou Monday uigbt, June 22d, some scoundrels broke into the store of Mr. K. Mimsop, in this place, for the pur pose of robbery. The thieves affected tin entrf nee from the rear of the build- J ing, by boring through three doors and then shoving buck' the bolts. Upon reacbiug tho store-room they bruke : open two alarm money drawers, but heir only reward was, perhaps, a few - dollars in fickle coin. Some tobacco and several pairs of shoes were found in Hie rear or the building, on lues Wnv moruiuif, iudiuntiii" that they car t'iud tfl' some goods, but no great tfiuanliiy, so fur ai could bo discovered an u casual ei'aininutioi). Wo hops the thieves may be disuovd'od nud ji'jui.-lj.'il fir their crime. In thifcoti- nection we tuny mention that two at tempts have recently boon (inula to pet into another establishment in this place, but the thicv were deterred from doing so by aiousing some of the inmates. Our merchants should take aotno precautionary measures t.) pre vent such raids iiwn their premises, ns tlie present hard times are calculat ed to superinduce petty thieving in our midst. On Monday of Inst week some articles were stolen from a couple of workmen in tlie woods iu Pleasant township, among which were i coat and a number of baps. The follow ing day an ox belonging to James II. King was stolen from tho pasture, tho loss was not discovered until two days later. Search was iflade in nil directions, and at last suspicion was directed to one John Coleman who was traced to the premises of Iievi Akely in Pino Grove township, where tho nbovo mentioned coat Itnd bagr were found. Tho man Coleman was arrested, brought t? Warren and lodged in jail on Saturday last. The ox was then traced to the Pendergftst ' farm in Chautauqua county, where it had- been sold by Coleman to one Fox. Coleman had an examination before Esquire Hodges 6ii Mondav, and was committed to jail in default of $300 bail. Warren I -ihje.r. . f Millcrstown has out-phcenixed the t'luvnix in rising from her nshes. nine houses were destroyed by the fire on the first day of April last, and one hundred and twenty-three have sinrc been erected. Among these are twenty-nine consecrated to the needs of the thirsty. As a precaution against future visitations by fire the citizens are building a brick reservoir to hold seven thousand barrels of wa ter, which will bo supplied by artesian wells. Spectator. In the Saw mill of Andrew Kaul, situated one mile east of this place, the carriage which carries the logs to the saw, jumped the track while the saw was running, hich broke every tooth out of live saw, it having come in con tact with the head block. No further damage was done although for an in stant steel snw teeth were Hying through tho air rather promiscuously. St. Mnvtg Gazette A man iu this city, was standing ing liis yard holding a fine horse when an acquaintance came along and in quired who owned him, when he re ceived tlie following reply: "Well, the fact is, I don't know, tho boys are up stair3 playing 'seven out' and if Vou come around after tliov ra dono I'll tell you. Fine bruts ain't he?" Venango Citheu. ' ' T 131 ZEU JE3 EST." S. HAMILTON- CO.'S MUSIC HOUSE. Tho only house Imvinu: more than one strictly first-class instrument. YOU CM Jf S O T FAIL to (jot a pixxl Instrument, because we keep no cheap shialdy kihhIs. Wis arc inanui'ai--tureis' excluaive wholesale and retail gen eral aironts for tho celebrated Estey CotliiKo Orffan, Taylor A Kui ley Cetcste.i, bininions cC Cloiiuli Ci;niljiiiuJun Organs. OR THE UNRIVALED Pecker it Ihirnos I'ianos, Jtradlmry Pianos, Hallet, Ilavisit Co.'s Pianos, Itradl'ord fc Co.'.s I'urlovliems. We make any of theso celebrated instru. ments at exceedingly -w 1'rirr fur Vnxli, or :', I . 1' MONTH L V J'A VMKXTI. tiOOI), reliable agents wanted In ovcrv county and town. Also to tho trade tit wholesale, wc K'uirauteo less than Eastern prices. Give usaeailfOr write for elrciilant to S. HAMILTON tVc CO., wl 4t .11 Fi.'tU Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa, K. ic. Tiiojkrsox's SWEET WORM POWDERS, ,ao doinjj moro good than tongue can tell or )on write In relieving children and adulW t.t intestinal parasites or worms. Children seven months old have ilis. charged larjte worms after a few doses. Not injurious in the least; tdcasant totake ooiuuiLin-r no wdomel. Put up in glas vinls. wiui nnin Ol nrotirlcror lilou-n til KlasM. IiUiiiro of your Drunlst, and take nothing else; or send to K. K. Thoinpstjn A Co., Titusvbio, Ph., IJox 1 IS"). Price, U5 Tcrusvfi.t.n, P. Novemla-r 8, 1.ST1. K. K. Thompson's Dandelion and Man drake Pills havo acted like a charm iu curing sick hcudacho, pain in tlie bones, cold and constipation of the bowels, and induced a well regulated acion of the liv er. I'n aui.ks Kvs'r. Pills sent by mail on reel) it of 3.1 eenlt. flrnpijists ami dealeru should send for list and prices. I3-4t riaarvJiLJt'-'s.x ! rnT?. .:T.r 1 1 his SowiiiH Miu'liino nives tlie best sat-istiu-tion Ui the user, is paid for most rciwli y, aul is tliu best or all to sell. If tlieru is no "Domestic" a-?ent In vour town, ap ply to DO.MJCSTIC H. M. CO.. N. Y. 13 4t I.ADIL.-i KliMI 'ur clcnul l ulil..u; llt,k, St'HWHIftKforthe Koret.1 Hepiihli-iui JJ will j.jy. 1 fay ?r&KvV ; IMPORTANT TO INVALIDS! ; JUST TUBLISIIED, Essays on Chronic Diseases, DR. J. W. SYKES," For tti yewra 1 '..xc'usive Practitioner in Chronic Discuses, ami for 18 years located at ' lill PKNN STUKKT, riTTSBURGU, - - PA. Priee, by lyail M ecnls, Addresa DK. J. W. SVKKS. . .. Pittsburgh, l'iu Essays on Chronic Diseases, . A larye Pamphlet of 4S pages, Table of Contents: On the Xiilure of Cntmrlir'' '"' Nasal Catarrh. II Chronic Sore Throat ( I jo y l.Tis.l Hionchial AllW'tlous, Ti'.'atment of Catarrhs. Curability of Catarrh. 1 Tubercular Consumption. Nature ol Consumption. Curablliiyof Consumption. Treatment of Consumption. Asthma, or Phthisic, Curability of Asthma. . . Ueart Diseases. ' , Dvspeplle Disorders. Diseases of tlio Liver. Disease of t!io Uowels, ; V' miliary Dordci's, l-eina'C 'Complaints. Scrofula and iSkin Diseases. Invalids dosiriufr truthful inl'ui ination concerning tlio above, and other Chronic Affections, should send for this book, and Waste No More time on Patent Medicines, or Inhalations, or "Water Doctors," or on anv partial er in efficient treatment. that w hile Vou are "trying" soiuo "Golden Discovery" or " Lnn'Curc," or treatment based on lnha'ations, yocahj: lo.sjxu rorit time of ' criA);u.jry. Ml. HYHZW ZNIode of Treatment, Is the fruit of over twTnty yeain of exclu sive attention to Chronic alleoiiona, ami an experience embracing many thousands of cases, and has leen blessed In the recove ry of hundreds w ho were deemed paat hope. It eonsista iu selecting foreacUcase the remedial means best adapted to its cure. His patients huvo'tfcn beuetit t' ev ery new discovery and theory of value. Ilia remedial resources include medical inhalations both i f vapor and of r.toinizud fluids, together with tonic, cleansing and roKiilatin medtclnoMof uiisiirp;-.ssed olll-ciu-y, 111111 hygienic and mechanical icino dics of great v.Une. , . RESULTS OF Dr. Sykes' Mode-of Treatment. Case cf S. II. Sitlcr, Esq., (r Lcctouiit, Ubio, Sick I'il'irrn Yrm-s Itis. enc of llic l.unsa ami Iff arl, l'ri'MUi-nl f Ii'iiinrrliaiiiH, &r.( At-. Lkktonia, Ohio, Dee., 2.', 1S70. Dlt.'J. V, Kvkks He Sii ! I fed it my duty to make a just ackiiowlodKiuunt to you of Mia benclit 1 ns-ived of your treatment from April to Nciitcnibcr, lNid. 111 11 l rcsoiieci 10 you I full but, little hope of a recovery, as I had lieiiiwiThir.'e of tho lunjfs 11) most daily during iij niontlis breviotis, toother with an infec tion of the heart, so that I could not lie 011 my lelt side during a period of liiticu years. The eolith, pain, and constant op pression of tlie breast made life a burden. Atler taking your treatment for three months, I felt a decided improvement) the licmori liage of tlio lunas had ceased alto gether ; t:.e oppression of the breast, eouh, A.-., weio niucli better, with a dc ehlcd imi'ruveuieiit, of my general health ; so that 1 commenced the second courso of tliree uionths' treatment with moi-e hope. Alter coutluuiiiK tlio treatment (altietlier five nionts), I felt niysulf entireiv wvJl, could lie on eiiher side and breathe fieclv. Yet 1 could hardly believe the cure a pe'r niunont onu. Hut now, tub en mniitlis have passed, and no rccurrencu of licuior lliacs, or coiij;li, and I have renamed my iiirmcr weinht so that I now feel thankful to (iod and to you lor vour invaluable treatment in my case, and MJmll not ceasu to .recommend other., similarly atillctcd to your treatment. Yours, respectfully, S. 11.. si TI.KIt. Home Estimation of Dr. Sykes. A ijr others rcccivud by us, we lake pleasure iu transferring to our Vilnius tlie lollow in tcstiinonUils from the editors of the Pittsburgh Cluintinu .idriunlf sml I'uitnlJ'retbiterifiM : j PlTTsBimiiii, : lay Id, t"H7. VuUixhtr Itrlijiou Tt Ifxcojic : Dear Drotlier : I take pleasure in slat. iiiK, for your inforniation, that Dr. .1. YV. Sykes, ot this city, is a rciiahlo and skili lul iuedieal prin titicner, und justly dis tinguished In his specially the tn a'ttiient of the lunns. lie wi'l not dishonor any words of ooiuinendation vou inav make In bis interest iu the J!vt itmux Tcli:.sroin: Itespeett'nll v, K II. NRslttT. 'ilitor PittsliurKh rhriMiau Atlrtmtle. U(iire of the ITkituii PKt.siiVTKiiiAX, ) No. 74 'I'm 111 11 sjrH' kt. PiTTsBfBou. May liutli, ISU7. ) Jitf. JletitiviM Tvlrroje IH.m i.kmks : Dr. J. W. Nvkcs having applied to us for a leiier of recomiiienilalion, wo Uike pleasure in suiting mat lie lias the reputa tion here of being at the head of the med ical school In tlio treatment ol'lh.. how and other kindred disuiises. And further, we iu' (fi-atitlcU at Is-iiin able l say that he is a Christian gentleman, and iu every way worthy or any commendation tlm't yon may nivo him in your iulUientlal mid Widely-circulated pit air. With much recpi-i t, wo uie Your obedient scrvnuN, i. it. K i:hii ,v Co.. .'hi',,., ,,',. I ,l,;l ,,,,,, ,,.,,,. -FARMERS Money Savod is Mono Eamot't The utuioislnnnd are about tntrodie-lmr in Western Pennsylvania the enlebrnted Kaudell l'tmnimr Mill, Oraiii Ni'parntor and Hinder Combined, which has at tin ted marked attention iu the Western States wherever exhibited anions the farmers. As a l'niiulnir Mill It cannot be surpass ed, iind it is the only real separator and Kinder in the U. 8., It is simple, rapid it ml complete, and Rlres yon portVct control In ehaHliiiir, ep aratliiK or gradinjj your grain. The use, of the ltnir'-11 Mill wlil Im prove the condition o "yur irinin, enliaiiet Llin prion from live to lilteeu cenu per bushel; and besides will laiely increase the yield per acre, by the hlirher jrnide or swd yon are enaliled to obtain. . Willi the Itaudell Separator von can also rlean your own Wraas Seed, thus saving n larso annual exnciise for (trass seods. This mill works on an entire new prtn eiple Ht applied to fanning Mills, and does its work to perfection. Canvassers will exhibit it dilrlntr the season, w hen you w ill lie able to judge for your- elves of its merits. Do not buy until you see It work, " l'or information, address MiCLlNToriC.c CO., MeadvilliN I'n, One or two good agents wanted in every county, ' ll-;lm r-V ' t'Dlt 1 AN.EAStJTOIlTUKE! FIFTH AMO LASTIFT CONCERT I M A I IM)" Til W, ' PUBLIC LIBRARY IKERTUCKY JULY' 31st, 1871. ' LIST OrUMKTH. One ci and cash pi ft " m riti,onn One grand cash gilt ' Ino,0(t(i Ono grand cash gift 7 ),i 0'i One grand cash gilt 1 '.Vi.tmu One prand eah trtfl. "' JA.tHiti " cash gifts, $ JtMKK) eu -h, J.m,n.Ki IDeash nil'ts, . 1 t.ucU eneli, . ,' J4U,t'tKl 1" cash mils, M,n"ii each, ' I.VJ.ikiii ' "20 cash gi its, fi.mio each, HHl.iiHi l-i cash gilts, '. J.ivtJ eia li, 1H),(KKI lit) cash gills, :i,(Kjo each, t'li.imo SO easli gills, ;.(i:lii each,' I i;,0i0 bl cvh ;rilts, 1,0110 ea-h. IMl.tilri -10 cash uifis, .nKi each; : . lpo.il'tn MH cui.h gilt.:, lOOcaeii. .-.0,1)1 11 l!),0(KI ash gills, .Aleacli, 'ti,nij Grand total 1K),HI (Jilts, all cash, J,m,llrti PIUCKOKTICKKTS: Whole Tickets - -.. st .",0 (rt Halves - ... - tf.s 0 1 Tenths or each Coupon , - - S imi 11 whole tickets for - - - IkiO tNi W 1-a tickets tor - - -i IU Kor Tickets or Inroiinatio.i, tioiirux TIIOS. i:. UnAMLK'iTK, .V;rciil anu Miina-fer, Public Library Ituildiii i, Louis ville, Kv..or - T HON. II. HAYS.t 'CO., Cistern Agents Ou" Uroad way, New York. la 11 T-ll. J. f. Fm.M. Blnf tvTm, .yl f Frw)iMttl M th t?nivrltTtifi'iiil'a i. 111. kiiii Bftcr A) rein' rtinnt, r rfB3i.nl Or. t.'lttcr VrgotaUio It heumallo tj'rt.pKnd I'lllK, t!eIoH I gurjtn InUlllU. ur lr Jsini ia lltil, I.nnr. B .rk. Ilrart. lUmba NorToui. K:4 tn. C1fwa. uut jOi lthcnaintio dl.ruCL SKarn ttt. tlxt. Suth .pnl, H.l. F. A. OSIIOU1M. rMmrj fmlilit, PlHla. .' ClayTg ? OcwA ty it, nH will mH.f . nuy en 91 1 I V.'i,o.lrt1i.honMwi1toIr.I.ll-r.l;lilt.rerrli Xnrr l'ororlil''. t- imintxTstl. IT Ml ilvward fcran ir.. CUIllWll.t'l)WC'Cat.twUtf4MUl.'7Urucls', 7-1 y ' ' Coxstant" Tom tloym i':xt At Home, fale or l'eimde, () lo ; week wai riinted. X'o capital nspii red. V'ull particulars and a Valuable sample so .t fiee. Address, with 11 el., nil 11 111 s'uiup, A. D. Vouii-, fifth St. William ibiii-ili, N. Y, wit :lnt A JLIS F A T J 1 0 t'HA X 1; M'h 11 ilea' h wa. houii v extici te l f.oiii COXNVMPTIOX, all fcinodies liavlnvf ! failed, and Dr. 11. James was experiment imr. ho accidentally nia lo a preparntion i, 1 Indian Hemp, w liieli cured liis only child, and now gives thisrwipe free, ou r-i Ipt I of two slanips to pay expenses. Hemp j stomach, and will break a fresh eld in ; l lioprs. Address . UADDOCK d I.M., lu;;2 ltat'o Wt., Philadelphia Naming this pa per. . w am PORTABLE SODA FOUNTAINS,1 JOOD, DL'ltAItLL CIllvAl' KhipM'd Iteiidy for I'm-, M-ininiictured by .1. W. Ch 'p mnii V Co. Madison, l:id. .f.'l' Mend for Catalogue,- i Kiiix iiki:assis. ArK Pi'r.pies lihiekhead '). N..'nie toius: Hani, siu.ill pimplos, ii'U i.U. !( oint.-i, most niiuK'i'oua iu Ibi chet-ks, fo.c 1 liei'.d ami nose. . I I'm limo, ( Intense 1 tchiug,) Whie'i Is - j' giys w lieu the clotlilug i.s remove. I; lu cieiiHcd by the warmtli of (lis bed. No eruption except that produced by ser.itc',: ing. Ti.o above and all Skill diseunu e;i;ia nently cured. Kntire cost of trcatnient, s..")0 per w-ck, or (ci.im per mouth. Ad dress Dr. .1. il. Vandyke, lUtf VVuinutSt., l'liiludulpliia. . u.Vi oin. THK WOXDEKITL . . PET CANARY BIRD ! (Patent just Vro.-nred.) WILLSIXO Vt.lt lllinW-fAXIlE liiauauod by any child. : The latest and most wonderful ili(ontion nf tho au". 'I ie very thing fur either pallor or out door nmiiseiuuiit. 8KXD VOU 8AMPLK AT OXCK. lllg pay lo agents and to the trade. Sal Itfaeilon giuiranleed or money promptly returuod. . Sent pru-paid by mail to uny mldruss, on receipt uf Stl I 'is. or 3 for i.0. Address M. K.' itUUKKTH ,t CO., -. w4Ulim J7U Urisidway, JStur York. flDVFRQ HOII(l -'"'els., for the new OiMtJALnO nelf-m'.juitiug ciguicttc and clgiir holder. H for So cts. M. It. llobei ls A Co., 170 llroadny, New York, w liulm A DAY.- GUARANTEED "'",' WELL AUCER AND PRILL to txi tcrrilory. 1IIOII..ST 1'.&'1'I1UK1A14I FI.OM OOVKItN'oaa IP 1IIIH, ARK AN AS AN O DAKOTA. IDII WOIIK ucally exemitid at this office at reasonable rates. ' iU WOIIK (leiifly exe.-nlcM ut the !t '- I I III It A.N A.N nf.b'o M :S25 1 nil itm li. 1 miii 1 w 1' ir "1 1 iiii n ti t.nin. i... 1:1 MOHT ' ' 80J.15 AO! NT FJK LIGHT E" AI0 Scmlfvr Jtliixtivttcil t'titftliifjiir. C," , ' ' V- -' - -Av,-!!--' .-.S' DRUGSTORE! v ; Ja's.' II. Poucs,' ?roijrietcv, N" v , ( , S ; . " - , V ' XJ!ojner Aanew's JUoek, , KLM JJTltKKT, - - Tioxksta, Pa. t' -Vent for Dr. MoiTis!yriipof Tar, Wild Ch3rry atKt.IIorcliouEd. - i : I ' ......... ., PATEKT HEDICIfiES, - TOBACCO, : h . ' ! CIGAM, , ; J ' v ' UOTICKS. LIQUORS, For' 1W'm)V 03 IA i i1: ..' c zj4 ') . j White Load, parfeetly piin-y sold much cheaper than formerly. X AWtll kii'uls 1 f;t1 ..ff-iete, T:tr pmiilne. Den-.-' 1 TniK't Art,ol, Hr luiueries, Ac, lor m .-heap. JASt. II. OXJCH. V- GfisCEPiY a;;d pnovis.'cri STcni ix t 1 o x i:s TA . GEO. W. B0VARD&C0, ' v I i HA 'K j.is; ln-otijlil o'n a cneilij and iir.'tullv vied stock "f f , rixL'i!, r (.iKOCKlIIi:;-, , r t : . ' ,; .:: . ,rr,oTsioxs, ( and evervl-ldiig n'-psary to tin; entplclo slock of a liisl-cla 1 1 iroi'iuy I Iousd, wlibh thoy have opened out -m tbiroi.'jiblinli muiit on Llin M., Hi-t door iK'i'tll ofM, 1., Church. i ' :;..'.;.. : ' TICAS, f :ovjri,v.... .... ) txv.vx KYUCI'S, n.vrrs, H'lCIW' HAMS, - . . -c. LAUD, AKU VJioyjslO.SS OlAALI.JslXUS, at the low'ct ens'i prices, '-floras wni'i'iint cd lo be ot i,.e l,u-A i'lslllyt tidl M .d ex. amine, and v. e bclievs weyau suit on. ' tal.o. . ii)VAIll) A CO. .bin. II. "I. .' XV AN r,': rsoi-tn iji-in-;uiiiiw. Cajl on or ad lres t ' ' f V " LL TII f.K h! lv A I' FVM A , llKOKKIt, r , '.Hi I'OI'J'.I'U A VfjNUK, , wt'i :.iu v prrrsiluiifiir, pa. A'c.'.ntr. . Pui'mnii suiioiing Willi XcrvoDs Jitlijli ty, I iislpiout CensiiiiipUon, Anilinia, ilisui ehitis, Catarrh, or any form of Nervous or I'lilnioiiary Complaints, will leceivo a proniit and radii , d Yegi table Itemed v, free of charge, by glviuj f3-uptoms 111 full, und uiUln:ii '. Dr. CIIAS.P. MA11SHALL, A tf Swan tSt., Dullido, X. Y. TIME TRIED AND FIRE . TESTED ! Tit K OlIKllNAt. ETNA INSURANCE COMPANY -' OK 11 AliTfOP.D, COXX. AS.SKTS Dee. 31, l7:l, W .T , 7 JI , S) "J .T . T D. ... MILLS XV. TATK, KuU Agent, J... . T'onesla, Pu. xotic:;. DP.. J N. Pof.AIID. of Tidloiite,: lias re'., rnsd to his practice alter an ab sence ol four months, spent ill the llo. pi talsofXew York, w here will utti ml -ails in his profession. Oll'.ie in I In 11U : Ding Ktorc, :til door lli.o. e II. e bunk, Tidi-mte, Pa. Il'tf t'U-.'A'!J-5 J. '- 1 TUB f UP; IIOK " . PIAHO.S! Jfii.tn vttntd in (vrry County.' ' tt. IV.- : Y K IS H , WATftiiWaKER .& JEViELEff-, at Tin: POSr? OFFICE, TiW.MOsJTA. PA. " - 4 ----- - 1 : v ' ' A I'all StoVlVef " '' WATCHES, JEWELRY AND : ' '' 1 '',''.' -i 'ti-.TT ' OLOO T:C S ,T- !.'. t t ti . Jit Mi. I . , UA IN(i Now been do'ic: biisiiif". in Tioiiesln for t!e past six monthi, I mil well suitil with the place and patrSin-a-ro, and have coiii'J'ide.l bj.-cjtje here per i';meiltly. All pi is m4 w Islihnr miything in iiiv line w ill d.j well to c:ill and see mo hetore piirehnslng I'lseufljmin a. I'wn dn. termiucd to do luisinr.s 011 as reii-oiuibbi terms as cr.u be. had iiovwhere ' ' it( ' H. W. MYHS.' ..ko. w . i(f. iriiiiMii., , rt. it. 1-oi.i.iNs. l,Ai li'iM.'a;1:HlAN, . v . , 11 in, -.v. tu.Ain. ' ,' rORT Pin GLASS IVORR). i i t 11 11 1 1 t: (!.', "Mniiiua tiiicis of every aiiety ut am CH!M'!EYS, A X D aiLVSnCO CLAS r.ErLCCTOfiS, wv.r.x.sYor t Kit A N K LIN H'ff., r. . . 1 1 Pil is.ii't;mi. Pa. ' " " ' , . '...' rt T'.icr is "t-lHaMy" iu '", a well ;i Iti in we.. ion fib-: Co'isuiiu'i-s of kero sene arc ut. -lime . almost d!srouni;.tef. 11 . fi'ef..ieii;ly i! 1 chimney bie.iV, wifiioMt inn sippai cut cause, reuderijv.r tl;e: e.'t of "chilli uey.s ut Cu'lid to t lei! of oil.' I liOnp 111 js sMll' the order nf tle.i day,- A great itiitny iieiiiuiaetui ies iriAke clitniiicx-n iw.m silicate of 11111., InsYn.l "f from lead. Th iniii.i'cd lufy tell ti dilV'-n'Ot qu:vl tics of 11 s tv riiii iu Hiciii ; t e vlbiatl n oi' tso lead irlass have eisti'. riugiinr. Js'll III. ic Arrtiml, pocses'!iin ln iei;i.iat'i iiticii-t . h lo wit h iiitnit eApMiisi'ii inut eon lr:iet!nin as ved 11s the leia! 1 ''..wnn i-f use, arH tlll outlast tii.lt n-dnwn -of tto 'tine I'.litss cliiiituev-. Cilif.-n cents ii.-v.-stej in one of ;'io h ud i hliiiiie- i money well spent, ten tlnui;.li it ii jurrs the "trade" in t!i.. eiic ioer ki 'ol, win", li n iiio-t itss.ii-cdl.v oil 'lit t'i, 1.1..I )!tuid(4 lt'l. I'-UkU a pin lii'.i.e, and. etui. did tr'i'. - 'i bn ueiitiiiiii lend ulcs ciinuiicj s. :,y Ih- had ai. wholoiiplc ..j' ,i''t.i.l ol " in."', w. nr. ii :. in-.M co... S If "I ;..:;e-.ta, I'a. ' WATERS' CONCERTO & CRCUETRAL .' Q be A UQ avrtl.r lllONl lUi.6ft' I l . w a lylim.J erlcrkvs ina oflNs, '. rr nmilr, 7 k 0. , ' K'stTX iiuiii "i iiiu iit v. llttl.MOI'Sinh. b. t-vt-'r tlitrcl In Hny 4.r Pi? fl'tra ;" "' moht ti i '- I M IIOII(liiIMII'l. ' III S I It H.i."'!-'' I - t." I I VIKI .!. Ill 9t M , VVICIv u kl I'l ull. Tliiw oriiaua V. lit UVftl .1.1411 U KI ,nr 1 II I (I SIUIOS. WATERS' NEW SCALE , PIANOS. ' Ann-yrt'M.1 jn.'. rr usfl a 1 1 blnulnir It.a.c. mmja nn ..a fix 11 a.ii.rv.........K, ami mi Ac Im-i l'iiiu I.....I.', 'I Iii.m. flritna.s ui'i liaaa ut a.rrn..lt As li jrurn, I'riu'w vxlrv.t.clf luiv it -H.I. "' url cni.l., ant ii.-lii.ace la aaaoi.ttili' w f.i.rli'rl V ...tiaals. l.c.rieilI.Hni1 If. sir. ...... is litkisi tit t-l linilLe. ii EC 11 AT IMII I C. jii;'iK 1. a, tin :. aukhtii VA VI 111! 'r a-wry il uml I'uu.aly m ih. i. Mi and I'aaaaa.d.u A lr U coaaaali' 7i.n hm, .lltHi..fo.t7iiiiy A.-, h'lt, l.ttt. a, tie. ii.i.rsiHArm fArMAn.rs mau.iU, IIOII44 11 W.t l llllN .' Sl-, 4S1 llroaUway and 4M Sli rrrr nt.( N. V. Testimonials of Vators' FLtnos anil O'.'gFdlS. ' "Waters' Conceit" Parlor CrgHii po- . sckscs a beautiful and pei ulinrly sort tone. The Concerto (Slop is, w ithout doubt, tin. best ever placed 111 uny ergiiii. It is pro duced by an extra sel'of n eds, piruliarly voiced, fiom which the erfei.t Is inosl charming, and lis imitation of the liuniiiu voii-e is superli. l'or pweetne:-s of tomv and orchestral effects it lias no equal." V. 1. 'J'iien , ' Tliu Coui.ei to l!irlor Orpan .r si tiu. thin;: ciitne'y new j it is a la nuth'ul f.a' toi ormtii:eiit, posM.. s.ses a swi-et m il power ful tone is a incNt comni.iiidalile iucn liou and holds a IdiJi plm e in jmblie fa vei'." -V, )', i'.ftain JX'.t. A.N Olif'IIKSTltA IX T11K I'aKI O!!. Thl. orehcKlrui 01 can is the naiuu of unuw reed erpan recently announced by Hoini e Wa ters Hi.li. ''i'ho Instrunielit takw this, name, from its n eently liivciite.1 uch( s tral 1 itp. '1 ho voieingiif lb: is peeuliHi', producing the effect ot a lull w o-t ea.n trnlto voice. Its tinest eti'ua-t is produced w hen ti e sti 1 s are drinve. s lliut an or chestral oiled is given, 1 lie ease iiuiiiuo and makes s lenel-oine arlieio of liuni luie." A', i . Aii.'i. . TheWnters Pianos are k nnwii 11s iiiimug tin vitv best. c are enablerl to speak of lh.e iu'ti nun nts v i'li conlidetieo, from personal kit-, t !i d" A. '. ' e.Wi. I ' flan tfl . t-