IKON WIDDL0. Busby of Treotno celebrated bis "iron wedding" one day lint week tod be invited about ooo hundred and twenty guests to the wedding. Of court each person felt compelled to bring a present of some kind.and each did. When Mr. and Mr. Smith came they banded Busby a pair of flat-irons. All hands laughed at the coincidence, and there was eren greater merriment when the Browns arrired with two pairs of flat-irons. But when Mr. and Mrs. Robinson came in with another pair of flat irons the laughter became perfectly convulsive. There was, how aver, something less amusing about it when the Thompsons arrived with four fiat irons wrapped io brown paper. And Busby's face actually looked grave when the three Johnson girls were ashered into the parlor carrying a flat iron apiece. Each one of the succeeding sixty guests brought flat i . i i .. irons, ana mere was no create in ine continuance until old Mr. Curbycame irotn rniladelphia with a cast iron cow bell. Now Busby has no earthly use for a cow bell, and at any other time ha would have treated such a present with scorn. But now he is actually grateful to Mr. Cur by, and be was about to embrace him when the Walsinghams came in with the new kind of double pointed fiat iron with wooden handle. And all the rest of tha guests brought the same articles except Mr. Rugby, and he had with him a patent stand for holding flat irooa. Busby got madder aud madder very minute, and by (he time the eompacy had all arrived ha was near )y insance with rage, and ha went up to bed leaving bis wife to entertain the guests. In the morning they counted up the spoils and found they bad 213 flat irons, one stand, and a cow bell. And now the Busbys hava cut the Smiths and Browns and Jacksons and Thompsons and the rest eutirely, for they are convinced that there was a preconcerted design to play a trick upon them. The fact however, is that tha hardware store in the place had an overstock of flat irons and sold them at an absurdly low figure, and Busby's friends went for the cheapest thing th.v could find, as people always do on puoh occasions. Busby thinks ha will not celebrate bis "silver wed ding." i Flease stop ray What f Times are hard, money is scarce, business is dull, retrenchment is a duty please stop I my Whisky? Oh, no ; times are not ' hard enough for that But thero is something else that costs me a large amount every year which I wish to save. Please stop my tobacco, cigars and snuff? No, no, not those ; but I must retrench somewhere. Please stop mj ribbons, jewels, ornaments and trinkets? Not at all ; pride must fee fostered, if times are ever so hard j but I believe I can see a way to 0ect quite a saving in another direction please top my tea, coffee, aad need less and unhealthy luxuries? No, no, not those ; I must think of something lse. Ah I I have it now. My paper costs (2 a year; I must save that. Please stop my paper I That will car ry me through the panic easily. I be lieve ic retronchmentand economy, es pecially in brains. Baptiet Watchman. An inebriate got into a car in Bos ton, and became so annoying to the passengers that it was proposed to eject him ; but a kind-hearted rever end doctor interposed for him, and soothed him into good behavior for the remainder of the journey. Before leaving, however, he scowled upon the occupants of the car, and muttered some wvrds of contempt, but shook hands warmly with the doctor, and said : "Good-day, my friend. I see you know what it is to be drunk." A few days ago a hungry party sat down at the well -spread supper table of a Bound steamer, upon which one of the dishes contained a trout of moderate size. A serious looking in dividual drew this dish toward him, aaying, apologetically, "This is fast day with me." His next neighbor, an Irish gentleman, immediately inserted his fork into the fish and iwur it to his own plate, remarking, "Sir, do you suppose nobody has a sowl to be saved but yourself?" A literal-miuded youngster was picked up by a visitor of the family, who, dandling him on his knee, said : "I wish I bad this little boy; I think there's money in him." To which promptly -responded the child: "I know there is, for I swallowed a cent when I was at grandma's the other day." A man in tha Philadelphia insane asylum imagines himself a woman. He dresses himself in female attire and parts bis bair in the middle. Dur ing the day he associates with the fe males and does sewing and embroide ry of tha finest kind. He has been reserved for the Centennial. A professor who stated that one can not taste in tha dark, as nature intends ua to see our food, was nearly floored by a pupil who asked, "How about a olioa man's dinner?" But recovered himself by answering : "Nature, sir.has provided him with eye-teeth." A Milwaukee boy has swallowed half a docen steel buttons, and his mother dosen't have to scream for him when ha is out on the street playing with those Cluckerson boys. She just brings a magnet to the door, and he flies to it like a needle to the pole. JOB WORK DONE AT THE 'REPUBLICAN" OFFICE Atlht lowett oath price), ntatly, prompt ly, and in ttyU eqxtal to that of any other utahlUhmtnt tn (As DiMricL f BUSINESS CARDS, SHOW CARDS, VISITING CARD&, SCHOOL CARDS WEDDING CARDS, PROGRAMMES, INVITATIONS, BALL TICKETS, ADMISSION TICKETS, MOXTHXY STATEMENTS, s ENVELOPES BILL HEADS, LETTER HEADS, NOTE nEADS, CIRCULARS, BLANKS, POSTERS. DODGERS, HANDBILLS, LABELS, SHIPPING TAGS, ste. Allegheny Valley, Rail Road. Oil Creek A Allegheny River Rail way, ana Buffalo, corry & Pitta burgh R. R. OV AND AFTKR Monday, February 2. 1 QT A .111 - 1 1 . J ii'it) hwhb win iuu h luuunii STATIONS. Northward. ftnnthwa.nl Ho. U Ho. t II.. I Nd. t Na. I R.H p m 8:00 7:H3 7:23 6:56 6:00 5:20 p. in Trains TOn by PrTlladolphia Tim. J. J. LAWRSNCK, Uon'l Sup't. PENNSYLVANIA x CEN TRAL RAILROAD . ON AND AFTER 11 P. P. Sunday May 1, 1870, Trains arrive at and leave the Union Depot, corner of Waabtnton and Liberty street, aa follows: ARRIVE. Mall Train, 1.80 a m t Fast Line, 1112 a m j Well'saccommoriation No. 1, 6.20 a m Brintnn accommodation No 1, 7.60 a m; Wall'a accommodation No 2, 8.65a m ;Cin einnati express 9.20 a in ; Johnstown ac commodation 10.50 a m ; Braddock's ac commodation No 1, 7.00 p m Pittsburgh express 1.30 p rri; Pacific express 1.60 p m ; Wall'a accommodation No 3, 2.S5 p m; Homewood accommodation No 1,9.65 pm; Wall's accommodation No 4, 8.50 p m; Brinton iceammnHiilim Kn a 1 in n mi Way Passenger 10.20 p m. , DEPART. Southern express 6.20 a m ! Pad no er- rress 2.40 a m ; Wall's accommodation No . 6.30a m ; Mail Train a in ... . i. accommodation 1 ).20 a m : Braddock's ao- eominoaaunn mo l, ft.io p mj Cincinnati express 12.35 p m ; Wall a accommodation N 2, 11.61 a m ; Johnstown accommodation 4.05 p m ; Homewood accommodation No 1, 8.50 p m ; Philadelphia express 3.60 p rn; Wall accommodation No 3,3.05 p m; Wall a accommodation No 4. 6.05 p m j Fast Line 7.40'p m ; Wall'a No 5, 11.00 p m. Tha rhllrKh Trains YV.ll'. Ol.ll every Sunday at 9.05 a. in., reaching PitU- at iu.uo a. m. ueiurning leave Kilta burgh at 12.50 p. m., and arrive at Wail's Station at 2. 10 p. m. Cincinnati express leaves daily. South ern express daily except Mou Jay. AU oth er Trains daily, except Sunday. x or lunner imormation aply to W. H. BECKWITH, A (rent. Tha TVnnsvl vant a 1. a tl ra f'mn Will not UtlllTlM anv I? i ulr tnm - -. ' J . ,. -.S v VA oept for Wearing Apparel, and limit their raponsibility to One Hundred "Dollai val ue, ah naegage exceeding that a ount in ralue will be at the risk of to raer, unless taken by special contract. General Superintendent. Alteona Pa. Allegheny Valley Rail Road. ON AND after Monday Feb. 2. Trains will ran as follows (Philadelphia Time): Trains leave Oil City for Pittsburgh at 2:15 p. m. 7:45 a. m. arriving at Pittsburgh at 10:05. and 3:00 p. in. Brady's Bend Accommodation leave Oil City at 6:12 p. m. arriving at Brady's Bend at 9:35 p. m. Trains leave Pittsburgh for Oil City at 7:20 a. m. and 3:20 p. m., arriving la Oil City at 2:33 and 9:45 p. ui. Oil City accommodation leaves Brady's Bend at 6:50 a. m.. arriving ia Oil City at 12:0J p. m. J Train leave Oil City for Buffalo at 2:45 p. m. 6:20 a. m, and 9:10 a. m. arriving in Buftatloat 8:55 p. m. 1:10a.m. and 7:26 p.m. Trains leave Buffalo for Oil City at 6:05 E. m. and 12:25 p. in. arriving alOUCity at 10 p. m. and 8:20 p. m. All trains given above run through from Pittsburgh to Buffalo and return, without change of care. Trains run on Philadel phia time, which is 20 minutes faster than Pittsburgh time. The time at Buffalo ia L. 8. k M. 8 R'y time which is 28 minute slower than Philadelphia time. " At Ked Bank Junction this road eon with the Eastern Extension which runs to Brook vhle.leaving Ked Bank at 11:45 a. m. and 7:60 a. m. arriving in Brookville at 2:30 and 12:10 p. m. The train leaving Red Bank at 11:45 p.m. arrives at Reynoldsvilie at 8:46 p. in. J. J. LAWRENCE, T. M. KINO, Gen'l. Sup't. Ass't. Sup't. THE BEST PAPER. TIi TRY IT ! ! ! The Scientific Amkkican is the cheap est and best illustrated weekly paper pub lished. Every number contains from 10 to 15 original engravings of new machinery, novel inventions, bridges, engineering works, architecture, improved farm imple ments, and every new discovery in chem istry. A year's numbers contain 832 page and several hundred engravings. Thous and of volume are preserved for binding and reference. The practical receipts aro well worth ten time the subscription price. Term. 3 a year by mail. Sped menu sent free. A new volume com mences January S, 1874. May be had of all news dealers. PATENTS obt'ned on the best terms. I H I kil l O Model of new invention and sketches examined and advice free. AU patent are published in the Scientific American the week they issue. Send for pamphlet, 110 pages, containing law and rull direction tor obtaining Patents. Ad V.re?,J?r tne PaPer or concerning Patents. MUNN it CO., 37 Park Row, New York! Branch Offlce, cor. F and 7th st., Wash ington V. C. w40 Ira NEBRASKA GRIST MILL. THE GRIST MILL at Nebraska (Laoy town,) Forest county, baa been thor oughly overhauled and refitted in flrst- clr,,or.der'ld u now running and doing all kinda of " CUSTOM (JRODIXO. FLOUR, rZIX, AND OATS. Constantly on hand, and sold at the very lowest figures. U. W. LEDEBTJR. NOTICE. DR. J. K. BOLARD; of Tldiout, ha retnrnad to hi practice after an ab saooa of four months, apent in the Hospi tal of New York, where ha will alttwtd calls in his profession. above th bank, Tidioute, Pa. 40tf m pm in pin pin Pittsburgh 2:20 7:20 10:OS :00 W PenJuno 4:02 C:.V 8:90 1:20 Kittanning 4:iS0 :4:i 7:45 12:32 K. H it Juno :4rt 10:31 6:20 11:40 Brady Bend 6:00 lOrSft :(H) 1 1 :2f. Parker :43 11:8.1 6:20 10:115 Kmlonton 7:0S 12:00 4:4S 10:10 Rcruberas 8:12 1:10 3:A2 MB Franklin 0:05 1:5(1 lOT. 8:25 Oil City 7:00 9:45 2:3S 2:16 7:46 Oleopolis 8:00 fcdfl 12:12 KagleRock 8:17 3:00 11:45 Tlonosta 0:05 3:2(i 10:57 Tldioute 10:2 4:15 9:2.1 Irvineton 11:45 6:00 7:45 Rousevllle 10:05 2:55 1:52 7:28 Titnsvllle 11:10 3:50 12:53 6:25 Corry 6:10 11:15 Mavvlll 7:00 9:47 Buffalo 8:55 6:05 a. tn p. m p. m a. m a. m T H E S U N. WEEK LY, 8EMI-W EEKLY, A DAILY. THE WEEKLY SUN I too widely known to require any extendd recom mendation: but the reasons which hava already given It fifty thousand sulscrilers ana wnicn will, we hope, give it many thousands more, are hrlcrtv as follows t It is a first-rate newspaper. All the now or ine flay will be round in it, con denned when unimportant, at full imiirih when of moment, and always presented in a i-it-ar, uiiviugf 111 anu interesting man ner. It Is a flrst-rate family paper, full of en tertaining and instructive reading of eve ry kind, but containing nothing that can olTcndtho most delicate and scrupulous tate. r It is a first-rate atory paper. The best tales and romances of current literature are carefully selected and legibly printed In its pages. It is a first-rate agricultural paper. The most fresh and instructive articles on agri cultural topic regularly appear in this de partment. It is an independent political paper, bo longing to no party and wearing no collar. It fights for the election'of the best men to o(llce. It especially devotes it energies to the exposuie of the great corruption that now weaken and disgrace oua country, and threaten to undermine republican Institu tions altogether. It haa no fear of knaves, and asks no favors from their supporters. It reporta the fashion for the ladies and the market fbr the men, especially the cattle-market, to which it pav particular attention. Finally, It Is the cheapest paper publish ed. One do!lar.a year will secure it for any ulsoriber. - U is not necessary to got up a club in order tw have VHK WEEK LY SUN st this rate. Any on who send a single dollar will get the papjr for aj, THE WEEtfLYSUN.-Elgl,t''paB-. fifty-six columns. Only $1.00 a year. No discounts from this rate, THE SEMI-WEEKLY SUN. Same size as the Dally Sun. iZ00 a year. A dia connt of 20 per cent. t clubs of 10 or over. THE DAILY SUN. A large four-page newspaper of twenty-eight colums. Daily circulation over 120,000. All the new for 2 cents. Subscription price 60 cents a month, or $6.00 a year. To clubs or io , over, a discount of 20 per cent. Address "THE SUA," New York City. H CD K 0) - s eC4 PITH OLE VALLEY ll'Y. ON AND AFTER Monday, Jun 5, 1871, Train will run a foliowai TRAINS NORTHWARD. STATIONS. No. 2. 10.25 a m J0.38 " 10.30 " 10.24 " 11.06 No. 4. 8.30 p in 3.28 " 3.18 " 8.10 " 2.60 Oleopolis, Bennett, Woods Pratbers M1U l'ithol City TRAINS SOUTHWARD. STATIONS. "- . No. 1. No. . 1.20 p m l. 1.56 " 2.02 " Pitbol City, 8.40 s m Prather Mill 8.48 " Woods 8..VJ " Bennett 9.02 " Oleopelia 9.16 " 2.14 All Traina make dose eonnectinns at Oleopolis with train on the Oil Creek A Aiiegueny Klver Bail way, North and South. Two Lines of Stares run dsilv belm-aen Pithole City, Miller Farm and Pleasant yille, maklngconnoction witharrivingand umaning i rains. X. ULA1H. II. WIC'KHAM, Sup't, Ticket Agent, Pithole City, Pa. OR WORK of all kinds done at this of ' ace eti armrt notice. CBAWFORJ . w si PITTSBURGH. PA. ORDERS BY MAIL PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO I 111 II I THE AMERICAN MANUFACTURER. A WEEKLY JOURNAL OF THE IRON. COAL METAL AND GLASS Ti? a nrc s !1,,Journ ,,?I,,'.,n.,U, Tw"mh Year, ihl.lr i ' ' nss laciiuiea lor gatering Information r?.Tr"d?' ".UC.h "" ' rP-r possesses. I a.lditlon It h nearly One Hundi Correspondent in all parts of tiie country, from whom it I constantly in receipt few. Among it Specialties may be mentloneili ageoi ujnuenaeu Aianuracturing Motes i Its Able English letter ; us onon r.uuorisis i It.,'ii.?bur,5bJIPO,I i MU1 Prl Luu nA RTlw of Amarloan Iron Mark4i lis Thorough and Reliable Statistical Table i saxa- its nioniuiv Keports rrom Blast Kurnacei i lis Iron Worker Wage Table. waror 8UIWCIIIPTIOX. tS. Sample Copies sent Free on application 44 Sra te!WmS Dr. J. Walker's Cullfornla Vln Cgftr Itittci'fl nro a purely Voffotabla 'preparation, made chiclly from tlio na tivo licibs found on the lower ranges of tke Sierra Nerada mountains of Califor nia, tho medicinal properties of ivlcli are extracted tiiorcfrom nithoi'.t tlio use of Alcohol. The quostlon is almost daily aikcd, ''What is the causo of tlio nnparalleled success of ViXEttAit Rit TEiuit" Our anstvor is, tliat tlicy rcpioro the cnuso of disease, mid the patient re covers his health. They aro tho great blood purifier nml alilo-giving principle, a perfuct Renovator and Inviyorator of tho system. Never beforo in the hi.tory of ids world ha a invdiein been euinpoitiuled ponRCHiiiig tlio reniarkahl qualities of Vinxoas Uittkr in lealincr tba sick of every disease man U heir to. They are a fenlla Puryativs as well a Tonic, relieving Conjrontion or luflammatioa of ths Liver sud Viictral Orgau is lliUous Diwaie The properties of DrWaLitEit's TiiiOii Umni r Aperient. Diaiihoratie, Canninaiiv, Nutritious, Laiatire. liiirtic, Sedative, Counter-irritant budonfic, Allera tivt, and Anti-llilinus. v. n. II. MeDOIf ALD ti CO.. Drnf frlrt and 0a. A ffte.. Sua Krsnaiaea: Csttforela, sa4 oor. of Wuhinrtos and C's&rhan Mu.. N. T. Bald 7 tU Uragglats a4 OcaUrs. IB. BALD W OU?fS, BEVOLYERS, AMB ALt. IIIM Or SPORTING AKD FISKIRG TACKLE, rOCKKT CUTLXR T, SCISSORS, C, C. TOBACCO AKD CIGARS. RIFLES MADE TO ORDER AKD WARRANTED. Repairing Locks and Fitting Keys A SPECIALTY. REPAIRING IK BKANCUEES NEATLY AKU PROMPTLY DOSE. 4l-tf Tlll TK, VA, W J?. a .V U wV or CO a m is recognised a tho Leading RepresentatI ron. of ndrad receipt of 14.00 PFR TEAR. A AMERICAN MANLTFACTUKER, Q7 Wood Street, li(tbiirgh, r. A FAMILY ARTICUS. AgenU make $12.60 per day, $75 per weak. AN ENTIRELY NEW SEWISG MACHINE for Domastio lis. O NLY TIVE OLLAIIS, With tha New Pantsnt BUTTON HOLE JWORKER, Patented June27tb, 1871, A WAR DEO TIIE FIltST PR KM IUU. AT THE AMKRK'AN INSTITL'TR MARYLAND INSTITUTE FAIRS, 1W1. A most wonderful and slrjrantlr emt atructed Sewinir Machine for familV work. C omplete In all its l'arts, Uselhe StralahS Eye Pointed XmmIIo, self treading, rilree upright Positive Motion, new tension aalf fol unii cloih Uuider, Onerate br wheal and on a table. IJlit runninir. MmooUi and noiHeless, like all luKi bigh-priced niachlne. Has Patent c'lieek to preveut tho wheel Ik-Iiid; turned the wrong wit. 1'nea tlio tlirosd direct from tho spool. Makes tlio vlastio lock stitch, linest and trongest stii k l.nown t tirin.durable, close and rapid. Will do all kinds of Tor-, line and coarse, from earn brio to beayy elotli or Leather, and uses all description of threal. This Machine is hoavilT ooa structed to ive it strongth; all ths part of each Much ine. being made alike bv ma chinery, and beautifully linished and orna meiiUid. It 1 vorv easy to learn. Rapid, smooth and silent In operation. Reliable at all times, and Practical, Scicntlflo, Mechanical Invention, at greatly reduced price. A good cheap family sewing machln a laxt. The first and only success in pre during a valuable, substantial and relia ble low priced Sewing Machine. Its ' treme low price readies all conditions. Its simplicity and strength adapt it to tui capacities,while its many merit mad It universal favorite wherever uaed, aa4 create a rapid demand. IT IS ALL IT IS RECOMMENDED. I can cheerfully and confidently raeem mend its use to those who are wanting really good Sowing Machine, at a low prioe. Mrs, H. lt.JAMIi.80N, Peotone, Will County, 111. Price of each machine. "Claaa A." "One," (warranted for five years bvspaoia certificate,) with all the nxtnies, and eve rything complete belonging to it, inolod' lug self threading needle, packed la a strong wooden box, and delivered to aay part of the country, bv express free further charges, on receipt of prioe, only Five Dollars. Safe delivery guaranteed. With each Machine we will send, oa re ceipt of tl extra, the new patent UUTTON HOLE WORKER, One of the most important sno usoful la ventiens of the age. 8o simple and oar tain, that a child can work th finest but ton hole with regularity and ease, btrona and beautiful. Special terms, and extra inducements ia Male and Female Agents, store keeper. Ac., who will establish agencies through the country and keep our new machine on exhibition and aale. County Bights given to smart agents freo. Agent' oi m pleteoutnt, furnished without any extra charge. Samples of sawing, desorlptiv circulars containing terms, testimonials, engravings, xe., Ac, sent free. We alaa upply AGRICULTURAL IMrLEMEXS. latest Patenta and improvement He the Farm and Garden. Mowers, Reaper, Cultivators, Feed Cutters, Harrows, Kara Mill, Planter, Harvester, Thresher, and all article needed for Farm work. Rare Seed in large variety. Ail Money sent in Post Oflioo Meney' Order, Bank.. Drafts, or by Express, will be atour, riak and are perfectly secure. Safe delivtry a' all our goods guaranteed. "An old and reationaibl firm that saU' tha best goods at the lowest prioe1: and eaav be relied upon bvourreadors." (Farmer'' Journal, Nt w Vork. Not Responsible for Registered Letter. Addres. JKKUMKB. HL'ItiON AGO., Corner Ureonwich A Cvrtiandl Bta., New York. je-Oox WE WANT YOU To act aa Aiieiita, a4' distributa our New Advertlaiac Mapa. mounted on English Cloth, blag a complete Map of th United Htsta. W give thee Mapsaway gratis and will alWsw you on dollar for every Map you distrib ute in every county and state ia Us Union. Male and Female Agents wanted. Ad dress Immediately, enclosing on dollar for ostlit of five Mspe, Territory, Circu lars, and full particulars ADVF.IU IWlNi; MAP CO., 'l Ini Fast Hrsdy P. O., I 'Urluii ( a., Ps,