Y i . VEIIKMIAY JIllllMMi, JIM! IS, I. ! ' nonouuHoiTicuis. Hrifcf -M. TrT.M., .I:t. i bnWm-)i -N. J. Wnlinlt. 'l J. Tun 'ileaon, J. E. Plain, 1. S. Luox, J. S. ! 1'mxi, .1 . .V. Proper.- .i ' . Jutlicet uftlic Jnr!X. P. MorciUiott, i' I. S. Knox. I fViivfii'iic IT. Swinrnart ' ft.-hnnt o-c(or.i--l. N. Knox, If jvls, K. .1. Wnltnll, S. H. Haslet, f Kelly. U. ( lurk. O. I'.i A. II. !ruiu Vi.Vf. i on est county offtceis. I'r.orcit, Au I llKV I OOK, Mrri.rT. .1. Van (Itrsf.K. r- I Tfnurtr 1' itKO. ur.ASSNSK., ' l'ntfinrttrn'i (ii'gtsttrr it- Mtconiw. tc I 11. AciNlAv. r . '.'jiiiriuniyiiTi T. 1. Col.LlSS, Jull.N . I IIOMI'MIM, .l,l. l.( I Mli. j HNHfu t.jrnvfrwi'iii. v . lion rt.ii. T:lj-irl Atim ni..i-S. 1. Inwix. .mi XiHmisi.iiuncrx .1 ti, I''LVXV,W.M. ' P,TTIIl'ION. ' (Voin'.y A''iriv,i;ni--,'s.Ii. Iuwiw. ; f Vrinri---M. Ittut., Jii. I'mmly A uililm- -T. 11. Conn, L. Waii- ' nun, tl. Ja.mipson. , .Vm' nr iWrti.t IPA Ihstriet--V. It. . t'niriL , At.mmWi MaKTIN WllMAJH. . J im of Train -- ATMt!SiT.. STATIOS, on nnd after .Tnno 1, 1ST I: , . - HOVTII cr.Afft.T ' i ( Trnln 22 .,-. 7:12 l iu. ' ' 2 rtA". ' ' '' ' ' ' TVxln r,n - - - 11:05ii. m. -, M i 4. . n-jn p. n. ," .. jomn-lt tx.M. i',''1Vm 81 - 5:i8 p. ui. ' n CLAW. Trun 5.1 fc.VI n. tn. " P0 - fiJOS p. in, . . On Uio KiTor Kivinion i. c. from Oil City ' Ji Irviiietan, up tUo rlvor ii North i Jowu , (ho river, Noutli. LOCAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. m N. B. Tlio Tioncsta Cemetery Asso cinlion (oiani.cl July 11,1808,) will ' meet ut the Court Ilonso, in (1)0 oftico ' of tlio Ptyreta.rr, on Saturday evening, nl 7 oVloi-fe, P. M.) to clort officers to fill vacancies, to ronnult concernitip a hcwTl-ixt, Ac' The following nro tlie .Jwfil": II.. U. May, Presto .Jaf. O. J)a1e, 1. l).:Thot til Jacob Wetik, Tmtitoe ; r?iiimicl-D. Irwin, 8e:retary, iill Ii. S. Knox, .Treasurer. . ..There lieinj; a vuenney in the ohice of Super- Jnten Jont, tnnscd by tho death of. Jncoh Shi iver, thro will he a new Siijitriutenilent cleeteil by tho Donnl. titeii8 iuterestcd io the imrtrovo iiiieiit, of niil Cemetery nro cordially f invited tn nttonJ. ' l'yy onlr of tho I'nYnlerit and Board ; i.r Tin-tct. - SAMvicr. I). Ikwin, Scc'y. Juno 1, li71. . Natico new aniiouiu-oiuents this' I'reBchinj; In jr. II. C'liiirch uct 1 Suiiday evenine;. Kahhnlh School ev . try Sunday o't 9:o0 a.'ni,, prompt. It will he seta by refcrenco-to . theTima of Trains; at tho head of the tlrst locnl ridimin, tlmt a slight change 1m taken plnce. - Attention is directed to tho new , rnrd of V. P. Murcilliott Ksq., in au-- lhcr eolumn, who has nssoc'Rtcd bini- irslf ivitli Hon. A. 15. Ilichinond, of Mcndville, in tho practice of Jaw iu this count)-. In addition to tho improvemenlg noticed lust issue, CuvnrJ & Uo. are ' erecting a portico iu front of their .ftni-e, similar to that in front of the Supprior Store. All of which will ,Kftttly add to the, looks of the prcmi- lji-othir Carpenter's Photograph " inllry luid a hg run of custom last v.i rk, hetdds that he took a great many ut-iloor viewp, nt which business he 'heats tho world. IT. his fkyli&ht is lixed io suit him, Carpenter can get tip ri good assortment of pictures. i John Keck bus built a very nent 'fence in front of his new hotife, which julds exceedingly to tho nppcaranco of 'things. Ife hasi alsi laid a fulitcn (ial side-walk ; nn improvement which vo think would not injure tho looks inl value of several otlier' frouts 'in kiliis jdnct. . Ky rfcucoiicii to tho now iidror wtioment, it will ho seen thut C. K mVcIh'i-, of Tylirs!iiij; hns again tsktn t hargo of iho Weber House, and in ito nil I. is l'rir ikIs tn stop with him. J.Ic. Wihi-r u well knt.wu as an excel- I'Mit landlord, und will on louhtedlv ,mve a good p.-, tr uing .. IT- -Tho lU'irivl: of l'i iday Iat Iiusaii jnei-ount of tlm fliuotiug, at Uoi'M viiie, sjuf u lad oaiuod 'I iioiiins (Jemen, 4y Ocrniail boy nbout 1(1 vi m of lige, Alined dolin Wail.' The bnvs were Cnhliiy wl cu iha siiooiiiig uoourrod. hu boy Wall folded bis U'!,t ami de parted from the u co .-jioiitHiK'oiy . The l:o took i llii I ill Ckluoiiij' knee. Wrlttcn'Cor Iho HKi-murA. . Reflection! on Decoration Day.; There's oin ( nnd panoply" to day, Near tunny n Village, near many n tomb, Win re tin' soldier ti-!t t do sleep nwny, Midst sin iiiuin Mowers, nnJ vernal ' ' ' Tlicre is martial musk- heard in tlio land, For wo hc:ir the' bent of t ho stirring drum ; I As wo lint lo the music of tho Cornet l'nd V'o tliink of tlio brnvos who no more will cone. la (iod'sowil lulu" tllCV tlirro a weedy sleep ; Tread softly, they were so pood und no , brave ! Vol them our very best hoipicts we'll kocp, n ml scatter Iho (lower o'er nidi honored Urtivp. t I'roui Sweden's icy shores, to Ihisourown nHtion, ('anion youii)? Holdior inlilnt our. war riors In lnM, Ileueuth our own llii' he look lip bit sia tlou. Until lo If Her regions he look up his "Wit. . . ,' There was itiiothor whoirt ll loved nr. eliorWhed J In Memory's ehnin, a bright shilling Wh f JifclnhVB 'j'f bl countrj' iniatlto piriMicI, "'Asl ' ' whosd :t!ess life we love tn ... -V Tho niomory of Stowr ialu-ightor'thnn the ' flower, " " . "Tlmt spread around lii.i uionunicat to- i ... Ouy, , . ..' To-those who knew 'him in lliose golden hour, a Time Unit nro pant forever gone awny. f ... Thosft Soldier heal tn were truo and firm ns cvnrj i' ' Spnrtnns of old who led the battle field'; Their willing hearts and hands Were Join ed toy other, Their notion's lits and, liberties to HhieliL, i f ) I j i i , 1 1 Trf tho casa of Commonwealth vs. Samuel Walker, indictment fur assault with intent fo .kill,, t''a-jury found a vordief 'ojf 'fnU guilty." MessrsJ A. U. Iiicbnwuid , Aleadville, and W, P.'Slefcillictt -of Tiotiesta, conducted the dyfctU'Ovnilf Messrs.. Ramue'I T. Johnson, of. Warren, and M..W?Tate, of Tioucsta, conducted the case for thel commoiiwoHlth. The'J cvideoco was conflicting as to w hether Walker or Lacy mad tho first assault, witnesses for the commonwealth swearing posi tively thnt'Walker was th aggressor, while the witnesses for tho defence swore jr.St us poitire)y that Lacy Crst strflck t Walker. , W'o . Sujiposa the jury gavo Walker tho- benefit of tho doubt,', and thus cleared him. V.'o understand that Walker was bound oyer in the sum of $1000 to keep tho peace for one year. This was a caso that occasioned a good deal of excite ment, nnd tlio court house was crowd ed during tho trial. A good deal of sprjring, sometimes partaking of a perstmal nature, occurred during tho IrialHof the case, between Messrs. Richmond and Johnson, nnd his Honor had, ontwu or threo occasions, tn call the learned counsels to order. It was fun for t!jO. spectators, however.'' The r.ads in this section of coun try nro in .splendid condition 'for trav eling, and in tho. woods about us nro many rom.yitic sopts, beautiful as Jhe garden;' J'den was a f;w years back. In facl-r Ufejug everything into oon tiderali'nt wc think there was a mis take T-pijiT'linrfl" among" tho ftinjalic engineers whea they selected that out-of-the-way plnct, Asia, as a location for Paradise. Then jus t think of how bendy 'twould Be flu- preacher of all denominations (o make a pilgrimage if Kden was-loc-itcd hero.. How nice it would bo for nman hi whcedUd man nito tbrtt aQ'airof the Garden.if from tho spot she could influence him towards lomo:nv!o ..and . othtr mild stimulants. SVo think, and let no one writo our epitaph, that such n centre of operations would make a magnifi cent tidal wave in favor of tho "crews aid," and bear the craft of temperance, morality, Godliucss, hopo, faith, chari ty, and scvornl other things, too mi melius, to ; mention, Gir beyond,, the pales of modern civilization, r.ud land it high, dry and afj upon the barred shores of Oil Creek; ' ' ' j At no time from creatian to ere ; ination does the human animal m in- teniely ei j y himself ns when', on j these bet days hu can get into some : coid retreat, strip lohisshirt and pant, : and have obliging venders of crusade drinks bring him .brimming goblets of! ice-cool lemonade. Tho thirsty soul biii.s aiilhems ,f thnnksgiving and jov. aud the afousaid human u.iimal-! drinks. - . ! Laud Piasirr and Lime at Uohiu- ; son A- 1! Tho Decoration. j'.c:orntioii Day dawned fuir and ch-Aidless, o'er our village decked with (lags and garlunded with flower. It J seemed that Providence was lending his aid to mako tho day as bright ns the records of the bravo dead to the memory of whom tho day was set apart. All nature smiled, and, but for the. melancholy yet pleasant na ture of tho duties of the day, the hap piness of all concerned would have been complete. . 'About nine o'clock a. m. the Picas antville cornet baud, which had beeu engaged for tho occasion, put in au oppourance, in a neat band wagon drawn by four spirited horses. We knew of (licit; arrival brfnre they were iu fight because of the pleasant sounds of National airs, peculiarly amiable to a brass lund, which were borne upon the breezes to the cars cf the expectant multitude. Instead of At once hous ing themselves. up, or scattering to the four wiud.1, the members of this band scorned disposed to give ptirk ecus tho benefits of thekjstudy .and many and varied were tb pieces with which I pur citiz:iT ucr regaled previous to the titu lor tho regular ceremonies. . Agreeably to notico published in last week's paper, , tho Odd Fellows gathered in their hall, nnd tho citizenr in the Presbyterian church, n little be fore two o'clock. It was ascertained at these meetings thai two of tho in vited speakers were tint present, .but were expected on the S:26 train. Ac cordingly tho Odd Follows formed nt about half pat two 6'elock, nnd, pie ceded by the band, marched to the mouth of the creek,' and back to the Presbyterian church,' where they wait ed for the citizeii3 to form. In a short time the wholo procession formed in the following order: First tho Pleasantvillo Cornet Band ; Sec ond, tho ladies third, the citizens, and fourth the Odd Fellows in regalia, Marshalled by 'Sheriff Van Giesen. The procession then took up their line of march for the cemetery, .the band playiug a naticnal air. Upon nrriving at- the cemetery, the band took op a position just insido the gate, and, as the procession filed past them, played a beautiful and solemn dirgo, very appropriate to 'the occasion. The procession was then marched past the graves of ("he soldiers buried in this cemetery, and floral offerings were scattered over the resting places of tin soldier dead, - wit'f '-lavish and loving profusion. . Miles W. Tatt Fsq., of our placo, as introduced by Sheriff Van Giesen, and delivered an eloquent and filling oration, occupying about twenty-five minutes. Mr. Tuto's orati'ia was well delivered, nnd many were "Iho congrat ulations he received. Cor the excellence of his remarks and the eloquence with which they were delivered. The choir then rendered a piece entitled "Sleep- ing for the Flag," which wis eminent ly fitting, and well received. ; ' The othe speakers' not huviug .ar rived, it was suggested that tho assem bly adjourn to the Court House, to await them,' nnd Iwieu tc their re marks. Soma objections were made, on account of .otia'of tha speaker having expressed n.desiro to deliver hi.-i oratioil iu tlio cemetery,' ' Tho audieuce finally concluded togn to the Court House, ,nnd",' again -forming, marched there, where tho court rjom was found open to receive them. .Shortly nfter the andiaucs' Were seated, Gtn. Harry ' White, who had been invited to speak n this occasion, made his appearance; which was the signal, for the band to strike tip a stir ring piece. Gen. White va3 then in troduced by Miles W.Tate, Esq.. and proceeded to iiddrcn the assembled poo- i.!.. lrfa o. 11 .- i i I i-ii.. lijo ij..eLu nus nvii-iimcuj, anu , wua vcii.vereu wiui i no- nr.se- and; ele gance for v.liii h Gen.. White is. noted. Having himself bcuu n soldier ho 'was .1 l: i . -.t. .i , . abio to cntor nt onco into tho spirit of j l"aM l"u 'ht of January, '73, the c tho day, nod to add to tho inturett by ' in t previous ' to that time being relating sonic personal remiuicCeuecs I l'iivublo to the old .firm. Tha old suh of the late war. From the feelings J st-rijtion boolt Ife yet io oor bauds, and ho havo since heard expressed, and ' "" T ''ipls "ill be recognized by the too approbation evinced at the t'uno, think :t (uiun. t.nu general Wtmo may count ou largo audience whenever j he shall cl.00,0 to address our people, i - At tha conclusion of this oration tn5 "hand struck up," again, which was luilowed by 'bVmonca irom the c hoir in which tlie uudienca was roii,if..l 1,, - 'oin' Although tho invitation was i ..t sobcraJly j-e.-pouel.J to, He Lean.- 1 " ' oi mo pauiouc assemblage w.is rench wf i atioiiul hymn, ' cd by that grand old N of applause "'! -r 'i ' Mr. llheem, of Franklin', who had been invifod to be prcent and speak, did not, on account of a press of busi ness, put in an appearance, and, the programme, having been carried lout the audience mas dismissed. Appar ently all were well satisfied with the exercises, and left feeling that "it was good to have been there." Tho Odd Fellows' Lodge of' Lick ingvillc was represented in the parade, by most of its officers and several of its mccnibers. .Their presence assisted materially in the size and appearance of the procession. It is safe to say that, after the ex perience of Saturday last, Decoration Day will always be approprictly ob served in Tionesii. The law making tho fJOth of may a legal holiday may servo to remind us of our duty, but it can ucver put mtVlicart .into . the ceremonies lha8lias beeu displayed this j'ar. """ r- y " . Wc arc under obligations to ,the Pleasatvtville Cornet Band, for a day light serenade tendered us shortly ho fore that body left for their homes on Decoration Day. May tl.ey. improve in ' numbers and practice, until the. Plcasntville Band will be the best in Northwestern Pennsylvania. ' The juries wer? kept nt work Iasl week faithfully. If ever jurors earned their fees listening to the laws as .in-tcrprc-ted to suit the different cases' by the learnod counsel on opposite sides nf tho. various cases tried, tho jurors of last week certainly earned theirs. Tha court room was hot, too. - M. B. Lowry of Erie refuses to be a candidate fr tho Itepublican nomination for Congress in his district. He don't want tho office Tho fox didn't want the grapes. Wool ! Wool! ! Wool I ! I Take it to Robinson A Bonner ; they pay the outside price, and sell goods very, very low. - - lOtf Horses and Cows for sale. Orders from a distance solicited. 3tC D. G. IlfXTEit, Tionesta, Ta " Robinson & Bonner have a full stock of Wall Paper. 8tf -i . , ... , New Millinery Storo. "', - A ' Mrs. Ni.E. Stevens has pcocd, a first class millinery store, whore '-can be found n full assortment of Hats, Bonnets, Ribbon, Straw' Goods, French Flowers, Ornaments, etc. i All fresh and new. Sales room same b u i 1 el ing with Stevens Shoe Store, Tidioute, Pa.' '""..:' 8-tf , Largest stock- ut Stoneware and Qiifetuwaro in Forest county, and at lowest prices, at Robinson & Bonner's. ' - 8lf A CArtD. Having purchased , the stock und business of Mr. N. E, Stevens in the Boot and Shoe trade, I call cpcclal attention to my large stock for spring aud summer wear, which are now bo ing sold cheaper than ever. tSpeeial iuducamcuts to customers from a dis tance.. ... D. O. GiixfcsrtE, Successor to N. E. Stevens, first door above OhnfToy's grocery, Main St., ... Tidioute,-Pa. . ,- - 8:4t Papa I3.!dtvin", 'nf; Tidioute, has the most extensive und best selected lot of Fishing Tacklo that we havo ever seen in a country f tore, and at astonishingly low prices. -1 6in -Tho colored address label on each' paper shows the d.te to which tho sub scriber has paid, thus Tiros Turner 174, signifies that Mr. Turner has paid fr P'M'01' ulltil Miirch'lst, 167 4 Tho mail lint, a norrneleil weet-K 'IV. " --v j -" nulling the address lnhol every subscri ber can tell how his account stands! Our accounts go back no further oI'l urm. . . , If. , Thl)$n beautiful lots iust north of jira. JIL.ur'a ,-Caidcuc tan bo bought - l,uyG ly yi tii the editor of this paper. " if. -Marriago CsrtilieatOH, hiuuk Deeds, Leases, Warrants, Hubi o-iias, C!,..., t. . . w j u . rimS ana i"""""'".'-r .:i!tj at this ofUci. ft " -Jl'""d and Tenant 1,-a.es, (he j i)i().?t approved f..;-in,f if s.tle at'tjs JoIJ nintlni. ' Do you want posters ? 1 """ ' ' Do you want hand-bills ? Do you want business cards ? Do you want a neat bill head T Do you want a tasty letter head ? Do you want a nice visiting card ? If so, leave your orders at the Re publican office where they will be exe cuted in tho neatest style and on most reasonable terms. TIMBER LANDS FOR SALE. . Over two thousand acres cf fine Hemlock Timber Lands sitilatid on Maple Creek, nenr Clarington, this county, are for sale at a baigain. Part of tho lands aro situated within four miles of Ciarington, on tho Clarion River, nnd would be a fine site for an extensive tannory and saw mills. .Map and particulars can be seen by apply ing to tho editor of this paper. We are short the following num bers of the Forest Republican, and our files arc incomplete without them : Vol. X No. 2'J. " 3, " 6, ii ii ii i r. 1 . i, . , " ' " 23. This paper is marked vol. 4,v which is wrong, 4ut tho date of tho paper is Sept. 13, 1870. Vol. 4, No. 26. -t :i ' ' " 25. r : I 2 r These papers nre very necessary to us, and if any of our subscribers have them, or any of them, and will bring or send them in, they will confer a great favor upon us, and will be liber ally paid for their trouhle. A'etp Alrertt8eMcnt. W. P. Mercllliott, A TTOHNKY AT LAW, cor. Elm nnd iA. Wiilnut Sts., Tionesta, Pa. I havo assonated invsoll with lion. A. B. Rich niond, of Meadville, Pa., in the practice of law in l'oresi louniy. 10-ly Weber House. rpYLEU.SBUHGII.rA. C. It. WEBER, A PnopniETOR. Mr. Weber has imaio taken possession of this well-known house noil win nc nappy io enieriain an nia oiu enslomers, nnd hiiv number of new one!". tlood accommodations for glints, and ex cellent stablinir. 10-3111. SOTfC'Il. In pursuance of an net of tlio fienoml Assembly passed tho 3d day of April. 1HM. and subsociuout Spplemcnts passed tho 11th day of April. lH72 and l.s"4, tho sub scriber will bo at tho following named places for the purpose of collecting taxos for iho year 1K74. All taxos not paid on or before the lirtijny f August, 1874, ten per cent, will lie ndilod tor eollectintr: Unmet township, Cooksburp. June Id, from ! a. in. to 1 mi. Clarington, June 1(1 iroin i p. in to p. m. .looks township, Marlon, Jnno 17, from On. m. to 3 p. m. KiiiKsley township. June 19, at tlie itore of Wheeler Duscnburv. tircen township, June 20, at the house of 1.. Amor. Harmony township, Juno 22, at tho store of J. I. ltange.. Trunkey villo, June '2'i, nt Peterson's. - .' llickorv township. Juno 24, at the storo of T. J. Bow man. Tionesta township, Juno II, at Court House. Tionesta borough, Juno 21, at Court IIooso. Howe township, June 2!, nt Brookston, nt the Btore of fioortro Pond if- Co. KKKU, tiLASSNEll,, Treasurer. Ufar n, 1S74. -'-- P. V -..- .iw ameer eTrrfon. af fu nam' jvttxutc fr. -i(itirpxj tifTn i 7f Knives and Forks. .SPOONS, BOI8BOH3, AXES, SHOVELS, LOCKS, 1 tCS 1 Hinges, Nails, hies, etc. l'lCarpenter's, Blacksmith's, and! i r3 AbliloULIUriAL JUUL5, U ' . x. X Uor. ljbartT ft Blita TkJiSS. Btrssts, THK BEST PAPKIfi. Tl w TRY IT!!! " bo Sim k.n i n n A Mi:ni AN i tlio rhenp est and best illustrated weekly paper pub lished. Every number ontains from to to l." original cm:inviii.i;s of new innchinery, novel invriilioiis, bridges, eiipriiu-ering works, uri liitei loic, improved larin iniplo nienls, nnd every new discovery in chem istry .-' -A year's e 11 mbcr onnhsl'u S3-' paijin nail sweerst lniMdied enJravinKS. Thous ands of volume nro preserved for binding nnd reference. The practical receipts are well worth ten lime iho subscription price. Terms. $.1 a year by mail. Mpeci nunls sent free, A new volume com mences Jiniiiiuy 3, l'i7i. Mav bu had of alt news dcalum. PjJTpNTC olilained in the best terms. (HI L.I1 u Models of iuiw inventions and sketches examined and ndvien freo. All palunts arc piiblisliod ill tho Scientilie Americaii Hie weuk thoy issue. 8end lor pamphlet, 110 pans, contiiiniiiK laws ant full ilirei lions lor oiitaiuini; Palenls. Ad-lre.-s for tlio Paper "r i-onceruinu 1'nteiits, MU.N'X.i ('., J.' Park Kuwr, .Nbjv York. Jlrnm-h ( mice, s,r. i' and 7th sis., Wash ington I). ('. w4u 1m .NOTHI-. Dr.. j v. BiLm,,.. Tidioute, hssl ro .'rnsd to'lds tiracUcn alter an ali frs! xZ'tro 'li' win S f rails in his prfesbioi. i i onii e in i'lircUn linifT St' .'Id 1 mm U ii' TZ' i-i.'- .v. :) A- '9i s: .V " 'i'IREKP'" CJ At V-. Tut TMSHII Dr. 1 Walker's Caliroinia YIm egnr Hitlers ate a purely YegetnWi preparation, mado chielly l;o:n the w tivo licrbs found on tho lower ranpos vi tho Sien a Nevada mountains of Califor nia, tlio medicinal properties cf wliicii arc extracted therefrom without the usn of Alcohol. Tho micstion is aVmros daily asked. ' W hat is thn cause of (lis unparalleled success of Yinkoau Urr TKns!'1 (J'.:r answer is. that they remove tlio causa nfdi.sea.se, ami tho patient re covers his health. They ate tho groat blood purifier nnd a lii'o-gh in? principle, a perfect licnovatnr and Invlgnramr of tlio system. Nci'cr beforo In the history of tlie world has a lnnlltiii bnvn eiiiiipoiiiiiled fifsoiiiiR tlie roniarktlil q-iaiitirs of Vi.vkoas lllTTKiis in hcslinf tha lick or every iiie.iso man i heir to. Tjmj are a pe::t!o' Pitritatire s woll a a Tsui. . rclieviuf Cun pent ion or Iuflainmatian of tha Liver a;.d Ti.-ccral Oigsii ia i(ii.os . Disfaics ...''. . The pi oppi'lios cf Dr.. Wauckb's Tisr.OAK Uittkbs are Aperient. Dinpsoretia, Carminative. Niitritiisis. I.ixativ. llinri-Uc. Sedative. Cunnuif-Irritant budorifie, Altata- (ve, aud Aiiri llilioua, . Grateful Thousands proclaim Vi. I. Car liixiEKS tha most wondcrfut In vigmaut that ever sustaiucd. tli liukiuj . system. ' ' No Person crm lake these Hitters nccording to directions, nnd remain long unwell. "jirorieteU thoir bones are not de stroyed by mineral poison : or other means, and vital organs wasted boyood ropntr. t4 . lliliou. Rcinittent and Iuter miltent Icrrrs, which mo so preva lent in tho valloys of our great rirer throughout tho United States, especially those of tlio Mississippi, Ohio, "Missniri, Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, 'Arkan sas, Hed, Colorado, Urnzos, Kin Grnml'o, Pearl, Alabama, Mobilo. Savannah. Ku nnoko, James, nnd- many others, wits . their vast tributaries, throughout ur entiro country during the Sununor and Autumn, and remarkably so, during soa sons of unusual heat, mid dryness, aro luvariably accompanied by extensive- de rangements of tlio stomacU end Ih-er. and other abdominal viscera. ' In iMr treatment, a purgative, uxertinj; a v orful jntluenco upon tlieso various er Knns, is essentially nnccMary. Tlmi.u is no cathartic for Uio iui pose o.unl to Vk. J. NYalkbu's YlNEejA.it 4!l U'b;. its tlipy will speedily reinmo tha di'vik colored viscid matter with vhitlt tli bowels are loaded, nt tlio same mls stimtilaliiig' tho secretions of tlio tivsr, kand penorally restoring tlio. hu!:tiy functions of tlio direstivo orcifis. ', Fortify llto body ns;aiiisl(H.4;)l by pal ii vinf all ila tltiids ith if-oAH lili Ti:us. No epidemic can tke of a system thus fore-nruii iL Dyspepsia er Indigcsti;;;:, Rt'eeJ -. ache, Pain In the Shoulder,. Con,;)..--. Tightness of the Clie't. IMyzin.'iss; t"-rr Kruetations of the Stomach: !!:u! 'I'ri'ft . iu the Mouth. Bilious Attack.- pstpi-s-tatiou of the Heart, li!iiiimm-itin ot Lungs, l ain in tlio region nf ilet hti ncys, and a Inindicd oilier paiiiiul a tonis, aro the ill':-pi ins m' PS ' 'i;-i '.. One bottle-nill pi.no a betiefijuai .;" of its inci ita tlj.in n length v mlve.tif UlCllt. "f Scrofula, or Ivlii's Ktil. "ii.ii S c!liiirs. l.'lirr.i, InvMp.-l.-is. ,-,.,m1 ).,.. . Goitre. Hcr.irulotn 1 i'i:!.inn:i,ili .n . I xi. '.si Iiillniniraiiniis." .Vrviiitnl . ie-:.'i:". : f-urcs, l,ii!!ti.iii ! Hi.- Skin, fimm Kr . ". lilliicv, an in till oiher i-i.i.,uluii.i,.ii iv eH.es, WaIKIUK YlXMO tillTUUM tu-s slum 11 liicii- prreat ciirnliin pi.'.-i ia il. riiaI obtjiiatu ami intrarlnl'le j- For lnrliiiiii:ito2'y r.!d Chrtv.it: IMietlJntlfisill. Gm't. Uil'tms. Ruiff. tcntandluti'Uiiiltent Fei'ers. li-0SMivi tho Uliind. I. iver, Kiti:.cv iii..l I'.v.nl-.. thfe Bit ici-s linro im cici-.d. S'.i-h bV,vi iu c t-ansifil by Vitiated Illoeil. ! : j Mt'cliank-ftl IHsenst s. 4-1 or-- u flawed in I'aintl and Mi:ier:i: vs'tt ! 1 i.nnbrri, Tyjie-.ietlr, tiuU l:u iLis, ut Miners, as l):iy inlvaueu ia Ii:-, t..i uV-jy. i to psralysia "cf (he It.iireN. Ti ;r M I aain-t nils. ti.kt i doSc cf N .11 ...ik' l : mar Biytkks uera-iintialb.. .. ' , For N!tiu Diseases' Kt upturns, T.-t- to:-, :!'.nmi, l!li.tcli.. ,'':.-. p. . PiKtiilci. !..i... C.irf.t:U:'lc:. Ibr,-. .... S-nUMiiMd. Sor Kvmj; lvrv-o'..i. ' l'. fllirls. Ilucoliii'Hlioni of tim Sl.a:. in-il 'M n:i.l l)ca-.ui of iliu .Sl.iu ul' v i:.tc.. 4 ; naf.uv, am liiciaily ii tt ip ,1 , 1 ' . I out oi tliv rnteiti ill .1 jIimil tnnv 1',. ' J sxt ) lliCiO l'-.'lcH. . " Pin, 'J'upe, nml lit'i-M- Vi'oiii;s, 1';;kii.h in ihv sv-tcai f 1 inir.v tin ihiwu. a:M ellootiiallv ih-muvi'il air.l rc"mmc,l. . hvti-in .of imuliciiic, nu vuriiiilii;:s. r.e aa-lhiliiiil,iU'-' Mil b'vo Uio m-.ujii i. 01.1 itih.4 Ijl.a tiis'-o Bitter-. ..." . j For Ffiiiitlo Contpl.tinls, in' o; or old, ni.in ieil er sii:rle, it tl: d i" V 1 f -v liianli.'iud. or tl;c tiun cf lu. ll..o Tsiti Ititlers ill --play so iIm idol .in ii;:Jr.-;;e ta( inij'-nrcrnuat i neivi i-vrMfli!.? t'lcaitspthe Yitlatcil IMooil wJ.-n- eter yon tir.d ilw impuriiics l u liiw vr.rssca (he km in Pini .. l-iiNjuinns, r.S'iros: cican 1. u :;c:i y.m U. .1 u!, .iiu.:H-l 44 i".?i;ih ia tl: ve:a: 1 iesr.s it r..-a !l U foul: Vcnr f t-f i i 1 : if : will t.'l' v ci wrif 11 Ks,. lit" IlllKlJ pure, till tlie a.aiir, , f tiiiyt 1 v-'.l I :." - . - .,, - v, Ii. II. M. IIOV ti.n A Cf'.. li iU -1 1 A v.-i 1 ; .-.i.m 1, . :f w.bi, an.l ,i .r r V ,'..i:ri"ii ' au'h--i I' T autil ly till .Jck-Kl-A f i4l Ut Ai ,f NEBRASKA GRISTMILL.": f pj-I J1 O Pit. ST MILL al Nelicka (Ijmv. a town, 1 Forest Ciiuulv. Iiu'i lic-u lln.'r. oukIiIv overhsnloil ancf refitted ifi' tirat class order, and is now r uuuinK and doing a.11 kinds of f' f - : c: r t . ? : fi ii 1 !V f t xu. onstwntly on l.nnd. an! a-fld'al-thi" rfrv w TKi.avaJa HUf'j aud was ?r. ted at it- close bv a rmi , .-:(. ofli-. r lo'Toit lifruri. I tl.O'.T 1 lie r.iin kvSJ'i'tl'.'Hi IVt.i j , , . iJlt j n ilni .