r W"MlWLIUiUilllUW V TT . ( .... .. i ." t e. W. R. PU.X.V EMTOII. ,. , Aianonurmit-iits. - S . I i . . t T ", . The wlirtvbut prices chnrtrcd for announcement i .Aaunoinfn ,Tud"p $pi; f""iwrttrfl( 'tYeaenrer,' Wimi.s sioncr, m; Auditor, f:;. N" niiiionnee meiVs M ill nppisi unless the. cah accom- l.anli s tlic name. 1 . - 1 1 lie i 1 KniToR KnnfcsT Rvi'i nt.lr.vir : -Please ' announce tli" name of J. H. .VGXKW, a ;i cnnilldnbv for Assembly, subject to the "usages of tlic Rppnblican'psitv, nnd oblige f t , , "Is l''iiiE5nn. ' FpiTonREriin.ir-Aw:-. Announce ttio name f A. L. SSKKi.WOltTlX, Ksq., of Cooksbunr. ns a cnndldafe f.r Assomblv, M subject to Republican nsairea. v t Mant CiTizits-s. ASSOCIATF. JUDGE. 111". Hkpiiki Jiian :Aniiouneo JAM ITS i tk, ORKF.N, Fs.., cif Hickory, us aenndidnta for Associate Judgo,iuhioct to Republican . usngrs. .HAST UTIZKNS f ' TRKASFR'llt. ' Kd. Rrt:ni.tcAi:Vlpap announce mv , flame as a candidate for fount v Treasurer. subloUto tlio usages "f tho Republican ,- parry, ti. .1. SKILLY - J Court Proceedingi. , ( Courts met Monday, May .5, . nt '! p. m. , l'rracnt, Hon. If. D. .1873, . Wet- more, I'rcsi.lent Jurist?, utiil Hons. J. ' A. rroper, on J A. Cook,' Awocistea. j i, Irooeciled to tlio opposition of tliflva ti rious business before them, nnd 'con tiuucil In session until 6 p Friday, May .!), transacting a largo amount) of busin V- 1 ' - ' V; ; . , Tho majority of I lie civil list vva? continued, somo of tho cast being un r able to be reached owing to the pres., , . pare of criminal caVs. ," ' -' ; Tho foilow'u)g'era' (!;posc i of a3 follows : ' r l I John Buasoa fpr ia-Vs. Ii. Ililbron ier, ipeal. . Deft by Attorney with , draws appearance and plc:i, snd on hiotion judgment by default eible & Uopllua vs. J. J. McGm- M fit), assumpsit. Non-suit taken on . .. pinlion with Icots of court. v' The Fourth National Hank ofPitts " - lurgh ct at vs.' George S. Hunter et al, ejectment. .Verdict for plaintiff for . the Jaml llasrribed in the writ. -. 1 1 T.U- " II . . T -. t y. S i foreign Bttflclitnent. Verdict for. pl'if x,r-r.pw8.z( James Ii. Brown vs. Beuuett Dobbs ,ct ol, ejectment.. Vndcr Justructious , froin the Ciurt jury 2nd verdict foe : ilofendeuts for 315 -aorta of laud de- Bcribcd in the writ, and verdict for plaintiff for balance given; ' .'.CoryHon Turiler vs. Hira'm Heath i t al, capias. SoltleJ. ' , V . Jas, J5"bq et ux vs. Hiram Heath-, i fct al, capias.. Verdict for plaintiff for ?90. :- - .... .. The folhiwiug vcr the crimitml cases disposed of : i Commonwealth vs. Judsun Child, indictment filso pretenses. Verdict, T-.liot guily, but drfendent pay one-half the costs, and proscutor, John A. ' Frnper, the other buif. Com. vs. Andrew J. Small, indict- .ment, assr.ult.nnd battery.- Not gniliy, but defendant - to 'pay onc-bajf the . . costs, niid, prosecutor, Jacob T. Ov'cx-' ." lauder, pay the other ha,lf. Com. vs. Jeroiniflli V. Brijrgs, in- f dictmcnt, larceny. Not guilty, si Dim. va. Kainubl Walker, iuvlict- ' uietit, attcnipting to Fhoot. Notgiiilty. : i The following Attorneys wore ad mitted, during the week, to practice in the several Courts GfTorcU coun- ty : C. O. Bowman, Esq., of Corry ; , L. S. Norton Esq., of Erie, nnd Con. .. JIarry White, of Indiana, Pa. ' Out- tlianks are duo P. M. Clnrk, ' Esq-., for the above minutes. : I To Titu Cimr..3 or Tj;k.vsylva-xjA.--Ywur attention, is specially in v'tpd to the fact that thu Nationcl . .Banks nro now pn -pared to recti vo fiilwrlpti.iiw to tho Capital Stock-of the CVutennial Board of Finance. The funds realized from this sourco are to bo employpil in the orrrtinn of ti e buildings'for tho Intcrnntlnna! Exhi btticn, and tlio expenses 'connected with the same. Tt is confidently be lieved that tho Keystono State vvill be reprcMontU'vl by tho nanio of every iii ; .en alivo.t.i putriolio counnemoratiun . of the Olio bundrodlli birth-day of tho initio tK -Tho hares of stck arc offer ed for 810 filt h, and . subscribers will , rof eive it hamUonitly steel engraved ., Certificate tif Stock, suitable for tram : ng aud pirfecvaiion a-s u national liicmorial. 'f , Interrct fit iKo rate of 'six per cobt. per annum will In paid on nil pay. merits of OiUrniul Ktoek from' dato ' of pnymwit to Jntiusry 1, 1876. " irnlnK-ribers win) ra not near a Nti tional Bank cnir remit ti check ur p'ot office urde tu tho, undoiiixueil, c y , FKijKK. Fit.vt.KV, Treasurer, 'if . , '2 Wulout .t.; Phila.' WE AND OUR NEIGHBORS." Is Hie latent nnd Mrlnt nrlr In j Iliriet lleccher Stowe, Author of "I'mle Tom's a)ln." "Tho Minister Wooiiijt," "My Wilo amt I," nnd-otlier ))o-.vei ful storips. raeh tlio liter ary epxatlon of Hh perioit ; nnd thH tory promip n likp genuine nmlwholesoinp sensation, It lieara ttireetly on soeinl top ics of iutci'ost, cuiluaoiii) tho rumuuoo of yotitlinil ronipnrionsliipa, tlio luinlitnam of linpv hoine-Hl'e, tlio spicy rompllea tiutm ,if iiei-lilini-luiotl association, ami hipIi lollios nnd pi-ofouml domOMtln mls rles as h.iro led to the widespread Tom-! pcriiuce iitovriiient Of the dav. Mrs. Stowa is now In the prime of that (renins whieh wrote "I'm leTom," rlpvnrd liy years of study nnd oh.ervalloiu Her novels are immensely popular, "Unulo loin s viibnr nlone oul-sellin by luin dreds of thousntids any edition of any original work ever published-sav 6 tha T'.ible. Her book ma jiars ro, "My AV lfeand I, outsold evoiv eon torn porarv. sncii a pure mid ennoblinir story as "Wc and Our r!j;lilmrs" nhnnld bo rend in rvery liome. This new Ferial is now run ning cxclurdvaTy in lliu WKKKl.Y FAMILY NEWSPAPIIV. THE CHRISTIAN UNION, Y WARD 1SEECUEH, IWtcr In religions rnaflors tbia paper is Kvnn KPlioal and uns'oolari.vu j in politicil atlairs, inaeif;ident and outspoken. It contains the Lest ai tirloa, and both short and aorhU stones, from th foremost writers ; It .vtn to iraintain tin lilpheMt slnndurtl in Rrli l.iioninire, roolry, Art, Musie. Sei- fiu-c, NVw, Politira, Hauwohuld aiui Kam n.i Aiiurs, wan ntoriea. unrmes, l'uralr Ibr tha Children, Vtr,' Xothin ppnred to iiniko it a CompUlo Xew.spapor for tho Family, pure, nttraetiv, wide-awakn, and lip with the times a journal 'Intcrostinir to erery olio In the housihold, voting or old. It is MARVEL OF CHEAPNESS For less tii ui ons cent A day, it civps every week reading matter enough to till an o.-dinar.v tl.2.j book of overUiX) pniri s; and in a yiar .12 nuch Volumes, 1. ., sixty ocloUars' worth of matter! To pa.h is thus aniiunH v rnKSEXTun a drnvw-i: iATiit.vitY Tlie form of Urn jipor, VI p-iKca, iai s; 41o, iutel and trimmed commends it to all. ' c .- . The wel'-cariicd popularity of tins, pa per in now such that of its cIhms it has tho LAKUKtiT. CIRCULATION IX Till: AVORI.P, and liaH readers by hundreds of Uniiiandi. An Illustrated Number, ' aintaining the openinir cliupter of Mm. .Stowo'a,diuirablo Ktory, will be ' to every ncwand renewing Subscribed If you arc not already a ulisejiber send atoneo and seenre it under the now oirere I ' LIUKHAIj TEltMS. Tho paper may "lie had cither with or without tlio 'attractive premiums ol'ered viz: the , CHRISTIAN UNION, ONE YKAK, OXLT f !.0v Or, with premium pair Front-It Ole.'. ' - tirKihs, '-(hir iioy," (sine, 11 x , 1M melies each,) cbaruiin in de siLrn and execution, imuintedj silted, vainislipd, ready lojrtiam- ' . inj-. Delivered free . jtf.jo Or, w:ih laige prcijiiiim Froneh Oil Chromo, "Tlio Lord is Risen," a : r Jicar.tilul CroMaud Flowor-piecu '. wnich sells iu ui t stoies lor fVOO. ! (si.. lljxiiij inclias,) lnoiiuie,!, ' . : ni.r.i, liu ii.sue.j, rcuiiy foi lram . ing. Dtdiiwued irco . . $:!.60 Ppeeimcn copies sent pant ptiid on re ceipt of 10 cents. i &-,-Money must be sent hv Postul xr.. v Order, Check, lirall, or Jt'ettisteretl Let ter. Otherwise il i at thn aynrlcr a ri.L- Address Ji 11. 1"(KI a.- CO.. PobHulmi s H7 I'ark 1'laoo, Mow York. . ' Tlie immense cireulation of thn 't llii'ia. tlrm L'nion" b:a been built ui bv aetiva' lutnvasseis. ctlur iiUblii-uiion nun. pare with it lOr iiuiek nnd nioiitablo ro- turini. Tho pulilif tagernc-ss for Mr Stowc'a uV story, the populiiritv of the paper, the friendly supjH.rt of thousands ot old subscriber, the artistic premiums for immediate tlclivcrv. li.rbt ouniL n,i complt-to instructions io bixinueis. asmre rej.eute.l success to aonU.und oiler aeli vo, ilitellilit'iit persons unusual ciiiinces to maiui money. AH who want a sale, indo ptuident business writo at once for 'terms. r semi lor rhrumo outfit to J. C. FuKU 4 CO., New York, Lobton. ChWa-o. ( iu- uiuuati or !aii l'i aucisoo. : in-li LAST CHANGE ' FOR AIT EASYFyiTUlTE! FIFTH AND LASr GIFT CONCERT PUBLIC lTbRAY SKENTUCKY JULY 31st, 1C7-1. ; , " LIST OF GIFTS. One fiarid cash (riff On grand cash gift Oiiei uiid eah ;ilt One grand essh gi.t One grand cash trill S eusli pills, Sl'0,000 each, 10 cash gilts, 1 t.tioo each, 1j cash gnt.-i, lO.OiKi each, t:0 cash gifts, 5.0e(lcach, ."j cash uilis, 4,00(1 each, -0 cash gilts, 3. ooo each, iO easii Mills, 2,uuo each, 1(0 t-a-li gilts, l.iji o en.-h, ' ' 210 i a-.li gifts, ounpach, f.i.O cash gilbi, 100 each, lti.Oou t'ar.li gttts, f,o each, ?Jo0,C00 lWi.i'rio 75..XX) f0.i;iK) Vi.OoO MO.0'10 MO.OOU FiO.Oikj Ilil.tHHI loo, i oo l'.n. ooo i ICO, 1.0.) j iro.o'io I 1 fill i s ill i Grand total M,C) Gifts, all call, PRICK OlTTlCKKTjit Whole Tick cis . . r,o oo Halves - , . 2 1 00 lenms, or each ( cupoti 11 whole tickets for . - , , ! I -is tickets (ur : . .- - ' . ' For Tickets or iuP.i nialion, S 00 50(1 (10 1,100 U0 , , address llli'W. ! J1KA1I4.K1 I I.;. Ai-oiit Manairer, Public Library Luiloing, Louis Hlltl j ville, Ivy,, or , l IK '.-. II. J I A I Si if" CO.. iil, ro c..l, j, .''.' llroi)va.v, New York. 10 It i NEW JEWELRY STOTtE v I .Tionrsita. t " S ; ; ' S " ; . . M, SMITlf, WATCHMAKER & JEWELER, At SUPERIOH . ST0R2. ALU WORK WARRANTED. A T-ar and Superior Stock of TVntolios,' , . ' i - - - , "unatJoM-clry, COX8XATLt0.t.VNU. " 1 "v... ill cm i i;i Has fini ni.Ti'jinrv fnr 1 !, " manner all part of n watch .iriiW 'in. triav oe inivsl ill- nniacn. Ha v.-.ii- "'in a'l ins work Phil IVIf rMiClirn .if.... elt.isnnsof forest Count v is movt re-pe''t-iuby snlipltcd. A 11 lie asks is a fair trial. i r, . pbo ri pt. ; ; STRaiSHTF0y.7HRDf HQSOniDLE. O ATISF.UTIOX OCA It A T V. V V p OR.Ml.STONdiavat.JruitN. j;. Js.l, larSalo. Hooii;! at half prico. No'.Aue tion" or shop. worn coods. Kverv onlrr filled piomptlv. No "Tiekota ';Cmii .1. cate-i," or KWindlinir "distributions." . ft nuv4 eletmut fl.,'0 ami its k.V. plemULr gold icwelrv. pins, rimrs. la lies' KK.s,, hair chains. Masonij n.iw ii .! cn-i, reucil.!, Ac. , ... ' SI l.'.ina silver troMotJ. runs, .'..b.-.t'ln castor, i hyaiit liiiUcr dis'j, 0 silver p.Him. 12 tumbler. 'J elej-ant 4,-oblt U. S-h..'lo ta ;to; 13 ktiivtvuunl ior:j', earvinx 'kaif and fik, t pr. razors. Ac .Ve. .-1 lluya i-.!i jsu-.t 10J-i.lctuio allium I valise, 1 pistol, e!eir;int woii.-l,.s. 1 Herman aoeordcon. iln' ,.r t..r piano, 1 Uuc violin, drum and slialis. I tvi- es-ipo or inicr.i-icope., St l'.nvs 1 d'.'X llK:ldkircli!prs. tmi'r Itnnn table elotl.s, t doen lineu poll.tm. rt tuiirs hr.se, j-tii- un.le'shinKoi diawois, 1 p.mnd lined thread, IlHi papurju illais, pir kil ?l-UiT ilW Band tral- In lbs. a. r..... i t " .. . mi...iinniiiijii.ii, i,, i.,,.-s seap. J b-s. hc-i , o caiis . tomaiooa, 8 lbs. cuitdo Sosp, nnd all fc-rioi-ie4...ta If you want b. oki, dryor rivn.cy ponds. jcwtiiy, i-'io.-ei iea, tf-e., bvil not to send (or tfurgrent list of sUvplc goods. Ai.I.Syl.I) AT ON K HOLLA It. . , . Yo buy only of the lartrest wh ilosabi Getters and importers, aiul It.-tail at Less than Wholesalo Prie". Send trial order. Sond all order. ,(.,(,! OHM ISTOX a CO., 33 Lrooinfield Street, M oston, Mass. Men tion in what paper yea saw thit a Jvertias ment. , , , . ., ;im COXSTAXT F.MPLOYMLNT Al Home, Main or Female, 10 to' fro n week warranted. No capital required. Full fiartieulars nnd a valuable ssmplo sent roe. Address, with fl rt., return sump A. I. You!i;;,20i"irth.Si. WiHiamsurj!i, x- Y - . . , v3 3m li. L. II.. D ABBS," T , Artist and Photographer, 46 A 48 SIXTH STREET, ' c - ' . rri'Tsr.t'Roii, pa. .. Rn'isfa.'tiini ' "uarantep 1 in every ju stanee. , Particular attention paisl louov' ing old pic urea, and linis!iiii tho same in India Ink, C'rayob or Colors. , wi lm MA OP A TISOVN .VI. n des:h was hourly cxoeolcd fiom COXfsf Ml-aiOX, all rein, dins huvintr failed, and Ur. 11. .lames was expel inn nt i.ntr, he aoeidentall v made a prepaton of Indian Hemp. wl.i.Ji t in ed his onlvtiliild. and now liives this recipe tree, on "receipt of two s( snips to pay ext.enseH. Hemp also eures night sweats, fcausoa at tbo stomach, and vvill break a fr. sh old in "i hours. Afldrrsa CltALHOCK ni. lov llaco ht., Philadelphia. Naming this pa- t i wi &m . PORTABLE SODA FOUNTAINS, 81.0, tew, a7a jfc ?ioo. GOOD, DUR.USLKa-CHEAP Rhijiped Readv- for fsa . Maniiiiuaured bv J. w. Chap man it Co. M.-iili on, liid. SCrScnd for Catalogue. -rfJ!; The n!detand most rclln'.do institution for tibtninim; a Mo.-cantilo .bicjMinn. For Circulars writo to I'. DUFF A SO.Ml, wio'4w -s ' I'ittsbui-Rhi Pa. may iis3i.ts:. A'NE (Pi r-ple-riaekiwads). Svmp toiuni Uird, fcinsll f imi iei, iv itli black noi'nn, most numerous iu tlui cheuUs, ibr-)-hond and iii, 1'lii itloo, ( Inteiiae It. liin :.) vvhicli bn uilis when Ihtt lolhlng is i LMiioved ; iu-era-e.l by ll.o vsiinlh of the bed. No eruption-except Ihet pioduccd by scialch ii :-. Ti e above aud all Skin liv asr . ; ei nia nent'.v ptired. Fniiie e. st of trealioent, 81. :.o per week, or ..(:! per inontli. A i dless Dr. .1. M. Vmidyko, llo Wainul St., I'liiiadclphia. v..j am tub woMi:rn'L PET CAIfARY BIRD! (I'atelit iust I'lo.-nrcl.) 1 XIXHTOIt IU H' IIS CAX RL 1 T mana-'e I 1 v anv child. Tlio lnt-it an. I ne.st woniierlul iiiocntion ot tle n.e. 4,1 . ..v niiOfi it.t ciiucr i itiior or oni- 0,ouoo door nmiisemnit. ----- I tiNO lOK HAMPLK AT OXCB. ' -2, .jOO,ooD J"!it pay to agent and to the trn.le. Snt j itl-iction guaraiitoct or money pioiiily I Sent pro-paid by mail to any address, on receipt ol . , , '''lreH W40 thu 5U l. or 3 f.ir tfl.OO. ii. R. 1MIS1-.UTS A CO., ' IV(i liroadwuy, Ne Yorlf. CF'inicnc send io els,, for ll.o in w ill VlV.llvJ j-cJi-an.i ii.sliu ei-iireite and ! ,.i I... .V Co. 1 ler. - llr. - lor .!.. ,M. K. b'obcr'.s ' i.l-.iiy, New -o... w '..-.:ii riCKERSGILL, LYONS & CO. Manuracturcrsnnd I.clnrs.n Manufacturers, and Pealors tn LOOKIIIG GLASSES, Of pvpv ds rip!loii j nlsn,. JMmildini:. ". Ovals, 1 hromos. Kitirriivinm. .te. l-'ine Mantel and 1'ier L'V.U In.T 1 ihvses ami Picture I'luiues a Specialty. wS It 111 V,ii,l Kl., . . I'lTT.III ItCIl, P.V. A ti:x rs YVANTKK too Agents wanted to M-il 10 domestle mtieles, which nell on sieht in every fami ly. Our n.;cnts are in ikinK from ?:i to per day. aollinor mir (rortds. Npnd Vs cents and por.tn;,-ptamj f..r -iiiipl,. iu; 1 terms toa-.tnta. i:. F. FIT( II t CO., X.. 21 filh A veil uo, l'iltsbiiinh, Pa. TM liu T u I: ; k m MIOBOSOOPE t tho most Vondei-ful seientiiio i.roduc tion of tlie nineteenth eentui r. it fur nishes the power of a high-priced iuslru-lui-i-t for nit iucio trifle, and exceeds In u.setiilur-s nny juieroicopo pvur invfitte.1. It reveals tho hiildeu womhra of Hod's niaiu.o crrticii-as Iv la in. Vineear, ani. iiials in viator, liiittta dies' Fentiiei, th.i oU,cn Marrow of a buir. etc., ei.j.. It aiso shows. the Tliichina Spiralia. or l'i !i Ol'lll. Wbclt.v.11- it. r.itti. it, ..... t. 1. ... Jti-t thn thin;; for ehild.-pii u.l'vi.iimr . .-., urovvji lolly low. I'l iee, d.5o. Mint ny mail, pntpaid oh rerciit r pi i,f , ;ivat cliuiu't) lor A-onts. .v. ..m vl- ou .vei.Tvvoero. .Mini nnd wumen, boys t and trii Is : w lioto ir .irn ti... .t .1 or CvomuK. Complete Outlil, ins. I. d". iiost- i: I3W-.RT.Y COM TAW. '.'-t vi..-i. Avl'hlca.T.- 8ti.iow W'A A'Tl H Wo wl" k'vo - ' f 11 1 - -. Ki,tio ,t a woman Ji I XIX ESS tha r WUj h PA Y eaiptof fifty ci'iit-j. (AddroMs J. LATHAM Si CO., 2iU Va.4iinstou St., Uoatou Mass. Pit. J. P. FtTLen. J3Mnj 9 worn, Mn I (rrdtiMc?fl et tt rv-r.'Mt,sj tr. l-'iiltr' Vf7tabl It fx umai Iu Hyntp 1 PUlat, hi- 1 Kturutr tn tnUlitUa nr fur Tai-iB in 1 1 r .1 .t . l.-.iir), rirX.Tleirt. L.nit i NerTo-n. K i f 1. tuivi u i:n 'i.Al '.irtwlp'.umMwTllo Jr.l ltlrr.I'lii fr.rvx 1. Iv - Prof. FOWLER'S GREAT WORK On Manhood, Womanhood, nnd their Mil dial lntei-relatloi.si L"vu, ' Its Lswa, I'ovvs'r, ate, - " W. ' . . .'--Agents hie Pcllifnj'frf m IS foS5 copies B day. Nenil lor specimen pairc and terms fJS Agents, nnd see why it sells faster than ".' -Hiicr lim.l;, Arlilisiss. .National- I'llb lishiu (.'o., Philiolelphia, a s!t - THE ARlERICAFi ' LOAN AND TRUST COMPANY ... OF LKAYF.N WORTH IvAX. CAPITAI, - (jtnoo.OOO Will negotiate Leans on Improved Real J-.statp worth nt b.at twice tha H iimoiuit leaned : thereon. Iitrrt Tn-elre jicr C'rnl. per Asuuta. Ctilltvtit-n of Frincipal and Interest (u vralitced. I'rima):l and nterett par able ill New York ir desired. Send lor circulars. Ad. tress' flKO. A. MouRU See'y, Leavenworth, liaii t,is. t , ; 6 4t, The Mil.jjeet Js all'imprrbinf, vet a "purs bnonr. It replenishes: tlie Government Treasury and impoverislus the people; makes (he rich poor aud tho poor rich; itnikcs foils of wisq men; exhausts tho wildum of LPaislalion; makes men run mud and women feot sail. Tho eitoia lo bss be-un ; o;i t-i vietnrv. Men .or women w.iu'ed to ranvass ovrV town. Address llt-nrj ilowo, fhk'.iL'-rt 111. H It CD FLORENCE The I.oti2-eontts)tod Suit nftha FLOTlKNCU KlJWIXd MAf HIXHCO against theSinoer, Wheeler d-Wibon, snti li rover ,fc tlaker Companies, involrlnx OVEIt gSSO.OOO, ' la linallv derided by tho Supreme "Court of tho United Stairs in favor of tha FI.OHKNCK, ' whlcb,alie has- br .ken theMonop., ' o!y of ILrrh I'ricta, - . the NEWFrcrcrrNCE Is Iho O.N LY niachinn that sews baekwurd ,.. and forward, or to right and iuft. HiuiplesUCheapest :-.oun run ('ash O.m.y. Spiu ui. Tkhmh , ToCLUiiS ami DUALliiK. i "hril, 1374.' Florcncs, Afu.i. K 41 . . , This Mewiin; Miudiine j2iv e tho i: st sat i'llhetiort to ih:- u-cr, is .ail for most readi ly, an, I is tin. best of nit to soil. If (hero is no "Domestic" agent in vourtnwa. no ply to IioMliSTllittw M, CO., X. Y. 4 It Labll-.H Sl-.-Jtl) fl.r tltcm.t I'alitmi. Doolt. T. TK.ST IMl'H(77;i" UiCAiJM TJUUIsiSJUNO WOOD SAWING HACHIHES, Mjiiul'actuie.l and sold by A. W. OKAY -t SOXJ, Middlclown, Vt. Purlieu wiio wish t.v nun huso io:eil,ln. s I tiiat lies o proved to be superior to all oili I ors, will do vv, II to rend tor circular ami descriptive prico list, ivhi. li will I-. i,r I marded upon aj pli.-ation, free, s 4t BUY JS P. COAT?.' BUCK THREAD for yonr MACHINE. TISEIIS ml 2i cents to Goo, r M a- Co. ! tv-pav . i-' Hi;, II Park Row, N. Y..' - Ptinijil.h r, hliow!i s Ii .1 t. M. of ,i'd fi jni $1 to $S per day, can be ptuwncd Mo l-K v.K.i- own nciKiiUoiliootl, tinrl Is a;ii,j;v i. bonorable.. IWUeulni-a tree, or aample's Xv worth scvfiai deijais that will riub rou to tro to w ork at enoo. in ill bo k..,,i .,,.. ' Ai rtl.1s7l. F. A. VKOV UK A'mktrv Publx. J'At. f Fv isnxiiic fT. Ii I I.Ul.rUi:il .tCl'MiS( s-;4. hirOf IO. tlilt I. .la I t'Tn3.1iL'vnr-.i;-ri?T,i.T..IVinl-fr.ri,J hiiA.V;T.C.! j ....... V 3 - tv?.r!vr.i v l.rr..l.ts.l ncVsnati.t wrttH.I'ni.RtT. r" m : r . i .' ! ifo t?3 A ' D.AY'. CUARANTFEO Vv & t , - I! ''1 r.r Utry. 1 1 It II I..-, r I M If-. ' 1 ' s rao.v! t.oM .iivou - I fcJtt:..t;i...i., v..".u.t.i.'t.l.u,..ii I i J A DVKRTlSISttSKtnd 2 . cents to rion. ' A P1 -... .j . . . ... . . . . - t , fT2 Am 7 i ,UV010n" . ri'iv,"? DRUGSTORE!! Joa. II. Fouon, Proprietor, - t Manner .t Afrnew's J!l i-k, t:t.M STUEXT, -' TtosinsT.v, r.t,' Aot f..r Drl Mori-i' Bym'p of Tar, Wild ' Cherry aad. Ilorohound. : B;tJ G H PATEUT F.lEDICIfiES. tTOSJICCO,' i A, . ISOTICES, sr. Pf iz r: 'i .v?. dotoii; Whit? T.cad, perfcetly pare; nld wtiob vouitpwi tuau lonuoriT. A) nH kinds'of Oili,' 'Jtirosona. Tnr soiit Artialea. IV r tujr p, I M ..' j .JAS. US J'ONSS. r-r-i - -i- 1 v- ' w -i V- k-A. -.. . I GROCERY AI.D'T'fjOVISIO.i STORE . ; : s 21 a i i - V o q a v; ; " -' ; '"''-'"'-"m"r .ii r j e ' geo; mhovARitm HAVKinsti.innuhton a ('omplctj, aud earofully e!nr.l atooi. f ; . m. rrnTii; v s. i f..bji.yl GKOCERIK3 rno visions, .... c and every! Mug ij,-yta;-v K ti oomplete ni.-cik oi iu sl-c ai i,r.i?prT llonsi, Whlcll they biT8 ogoiird .out at . ihei :abirBh- nieui on him t., lust tloor north ol M.Ti. - ' " . 5T" ft, v ';..; ( corrnns. ; , suriAits A HTKl'rs, TRUITS,. ' JTICE3, n.i VS, . , L.RD, A XD 'f'Ao F.S-O.V.y Or ALL KlSOS. at tho lowest caalt prices. CooiJs warrant ed to bo of thu be.t finality. Cull jind ex aniino, ar.t nve baliavv wvean suit you.. GliO. W. BOVARD CO. ; Snr, 0. "72. - - . ' ' , Y'AN"TTri)7-" 1 v. ; .' 'j rvrti ia)ino;ijoia. f , Call on or address j r .' ' .. i ; LUTUCR S. KAVKFMAX, ilRtiKER, ' " .'" 93 ForaTR Avjttscn,.!.-' . w4ir.m .. : . 3P1 f TS C FRO II, PA. ' ' ' tt. Sk if ( ; , ; f liir.ms auffarin vvilh"'Xci,vdu'a'riciil Ir, In iipient 'pnsiunptirm; Aethpia, Uron clHtia, Vauarln oranv fut iaf Narvaus or l'ulinoiiar CtiinphiinU, ) will rceuivo o preinpl and mdieal Vrfible Remedy, iie of cli.trge, bv giving symptom in full, and addressing, t lh. CilAS. p. MARSHALL, 3 If 3s Swan St., ItuCnlo, N. Y. TIM iEl Kl ELI OS DiTOE TESTED! 1 1Ii .OltMI.At ETHAIMSUBAHCe-COfflPANY OF HARTFORD, 'Conn. A 1 ITS V ASSET'S Ijw. 51, 1875, , .. t j r , rs r ; o .-5 :v o M I I.ICS W. TATH, Sub Agent. T'oiitstii, Pa. . . FUR NIT U R E . The old end wall known rtrm n' J.f nion A M'ise of PltlsburjfU, Pa. manufacturer of Cabinet. Furniture, and Chairs, lis, removed to No. Ill-Fourth Avcnuo, (Opposim Un.it; Old ritaml.,.. f Where they ront.ii.uo tho tiusiuoss In all its bi niieln u.'. . , .- , w Hi 3iu LOTS FOR SALE ix Tin: ,U(.ci ficj :: ,.; BOROUGH OF TIONESTA. . ni'tfi r r I i.iiUwil.l totiKO. a: iricKi.rx, TV, ':' s.sn;f',;'?f i w 'ort: Cite. -n: vr; n v. i. WATCIIivlAKER '..IT ... .-1 .-.'i , W It-W vtM 4- Hi i n i i i i -Jy A run st.ti.S5 ur mr AVATCXIES, V. .V.' ii.v , v ,. JEWELRY ...,.'" - -1 ' O LOOK-Sv . ( ' o II H t .1 tl ( 1 y H n VVIU Now been dollicr Tusiiw In Tionesla for thn .avt mi ...... nil.. r niu wen soil-1 willi thn place snd pstron-nL-e, an I havo coueliitlod tosoltia hero per niiuientry. All persons wNhitit anvthln in mv iiiia vvill do well In call and "ce n beiove p-irchnslng clsewhnre, as 1 urn to lei nilited to do business on as rVesonabla terms as tun be had ani-where.-' '- ' 4if x ' ii,w.Myi:i:h. ko. w. nu n kidih:, )'t t- II.V1.1IUAN, H. H. COl.l.ISS. ilJ-:o. w kAlR. FORI FITT GUSS WORKS." i I 'tf El Ii I I ii K A O. Mnnufactiireis of overy varitijr of, AND SlLVCriED GLASS REFLECtOftS, WA8U1NOTON. A HiAN KLIN, BT8., ': PiTTsm.-ivnit, Pa.' r'TleolsbolUl.v in glass, as Woll as la In woolen Jabrwa. L'uiikumera of koro seiio are somrttmes almost disenn raged, so l're'iuontly do chimney break, witlyjol nny apparent csusq, reuderlnjr the eoI of ehi nTuu.v about einuvl to (hat ot oil. Cheap ness beinr tho ortler of the dsv,-a (trest many nisnu-neti!Tlesmnkoehiin'titva rrorn silicate of lime, instead of from lead. Tha initiated may tell the different qualities of glass by ringing them ; t'. vibrations of the toad f-lass Imve a clear, ringing. Imi1. like : sound, possessing the rcniilslta strength. to withstand expansion and Con traction, as wrnil ns the general pressors of use, ard will outlast hair a-doxen' ef tha llni ClasM chimneys. FiAncn eents-tn-vefited m one of the lead chiinnera Is money vvoll spent, even thouch It In'lnren the "tratlo" in the cheaper kind, which It moat assuredly ought to, and tlnabtlews willj. litiek a pin fnera, and reniouibsp II. The (tonuine lead glass ehimneya way be had at vriiolositle er r.itail of UnW. W, Ul l'HHlDor. A CO., 2-tf Tionesta, T. WATERS' CONCERTO X ORCHESTRAL ORGANS "'"' must brnutllul v-r misilc. Tiw iosra. V. KTII sna nUCIIK. '1 It 4 1. N I'OI'S.lV fiver plnt ed in any Ur f nil m. Tkn itrr pmtwni t-f cm extra e t rwda. Ma ullitt lf , lrtitl,o !. 1KIT f vrk ii nil( 10 AlCSIISKi VI I lllllH;.v.,l,fA, IITI I I A I IUV 4IklIMIIAM rfsr-TTOT ft.- 'm t. .j r -r.,i VOICr ia III rt lilt. '1'Ik.mi Urnu qr Uu lfji nvAttv in ih l'i.'..rf Suiw. NEW SCALE , PIANOS. Viw irreatrposv- r umi a sine alnaliiir io. wth nil motlern lmprfs-ffiiititta. i sd mr IW bent rlauu uintlflt. 'I'hsM Oro:ailas.l Hiaiiua u ss iu-rMlitvtl ft H )rsrib I'rlces rxireiuelr lour fiw cash or purl cusli. ani bnlaitre Bitttiiclily i.i quarterly a)iiirnta beriliautl InsirHntfiuts I nit a rx liHiijii, (l II i: A l I.Mil ( t. HUMS m Oh HAIti:. A I. i: 1ST A.VI'l-:l ur rvt-ry l ily tin.l i-omity in llu II. N. oJ I'aunilii. A IttrK ales' COBSlsA ocww, U I n uf . t A yrr iur HA W J, UwlM, m, me. ti l l HH.tmi ca WAILiS. . UOlt ll i: A t I KS Al SO.SJ, 4S1 llraudwar ana IS Mnerr IM., N. Y. TBstiiaon'.als of Waters' Pianos anJ Organs. ... . Waters' Concert Parlor Orjan noe- seist'H a iieautiful and peculiarly soft loan. 1 ne i.oueervo iop is, wiiuoui u.juoi, ins best ever placoil In aur organ. It Is prn- dueed by an extra set of retuls, peculiarly oiocu. Irom which tho c.-eet la most charming,- end Its imitation of tlie human voice Is tunerb. ror avvctilncss of tons and oiehesual tlb-uts it has no fKiual," . 1 . X.mr v, Tlt Coiir.art i Tarlor Orcan is somo- tliiii;; fiaii vly now ; ilis n beautiful pari.r Oiiiutiutint, poi.es.'--.-i a s'.vei t and pot or- fill tine is a most couim.inuaplc iuvon- uii and holuH u hih place iu public fa vor. '..V. 1 . y.Krtii.O I'ilil. 4 . AV Op.f lirSlK.V IN T IT K P.lStt.OB. Tho ois-lipstml organ is the name of a no a rued organ recently Muiiouuetsl by Horaca Wa ters A ai.ji. "The instrument likes this air.e from its rccontlv rnveutctt crches- tral tp. '1 ho Vuiciiiij of this is peculiar, producing the eflect ol a full sweet con tralt.1 voice. , lla tinest elfeut i produced when the ste ; s are draw", so that an or- nhestiiil eitect ia given, Tho t-ase ia niiiqtm undma!csn hnndoiii articiu of turiu I ure.' 'A'. V, Hun. Tint Waters Pianos are known aiiajiinar the very best. v are enabled to speak of theso instruments with confidence, from personal kpowletlfrei .V. J. Krnngtlut. 2-ly WOOD'S HOUSEHOLD MAGA--' ' ZINE. '.' THF. I1IWT I'Ol.h.VltMO.NilTl.Y,, IT Tf) t!C A day me!" by r.invni!r.j 4J I U sPlJ for this insaT.inp now In jtu J Uh vol. with CUi'onto, ' THE.YOSEaiTE VrLLEY: I 1 1x20 i.vclus, m IT O'l olt.i J. - I MatrHJ-iiie, one yosr, wi'h MnnM . - urtiuio, . - . :Mja.1iie, Mip year, with -t'n-j- ItlOllllttll Cbroi'iio, i I V) Juaa.iiie, nlone, one, v ear. ! too LMiunnc, our cli rroiiiiuiu I Llstv. Two l'ii-:j-cl'iss Perifvlie tis 4br ihe priro of one. We solicit i pecienced C,invss " er-eiind olbci-s lo v,.n, j ut 6,. ,,r trne. mid Snecimu M 4trahiir. Alrteis.s S. "1f; rf'Vi'lliMrxtiae, 41 Pi '( I I'ta.. - V. T. , Cijj-orNvjJXI !'-'. - f tt i