The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, May 06, 1874, Image 4

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    Win III u .ww.. m... .ni,..... -
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WEDXESPil BOMIXO, I1T fi. 1874J,
Meeting'.of Republics. County Com
There . will be a meeting of the
CoBoty Committee, Tuesday evening
or court week, Mil y 20, 1374, at 7, P.
M., at my office in Tionesta. ' A full
, Mtendaoce is desired, m matter of
importance will be conailereo The
, following named person are member
ff the Committee : ,.'?. ''''. ' !
tJ. B. Agaew, Tionesta Do re ugh. '
John Hudrileson, Tionesta Twp.
' tfamce Green, Hickory ', ! .. ;
X Was. A. Dusenbnry, Kingler -"
Lewi Arner, Green " " ''l
Hon. Wm. K.Conn.'Ba'fnett "
John Mercillroft, Jiok: ;
Kobert D. Black, Hew. r ." i,;'
(. f " Milks. W. .Tate, Chairman.
c ,-t-The thirteenth annual session' f
the Good Teroftlars CokVeritiuoj 'of
'Erie, Warren, Crawford, , Venango,
Cameron, Mereer, -Fwreat,' Ulk and
MeKeau.wiM be held in "the City of
Union, comvenoing May 19th at elev
en o'clock AM.f X& orrtinoe 'at 'the'
wijl of ihe'.conrehion: Th$ "eirc&iari
lay that the ciiiioovOtloiember. of
the Order in Unis Jity are ; neted '
Tot tliejrWpltalitr;pf all may $x-J
fcect a generous ajd brty ', welcome
The circular CtftinueavN'ever before
iohe hutnry thisiggLvt4un lias
there been a time; wbenothe temper
anee cause awcwed wweh grgau'tlc pro
portion as at the Jreseq.t. fjlje grand
tidal wave thav liad iu -inception in
Ohio (Fredoni N. Y.) has epreKd in
ever direction, gathering., strength
with ita progress, ttntil it has stirred
the inmost depths of' the- moral -heart
of the nation. length a cry
Jial gone up wjvich. has k penetrated to
the throne of the Supreme Ruler of
thUniverseV V!!lo ";, ' ..; -n
lA ' 1 i , , .
w-t-Laat week Jansee 8agr. the J wi
der of the gang of bursters who rob
bed Mr. Befininghoff, some' si years
ago, of bonds" and curreror Uo the
amount of $500,800-wa rreted in
Colorado by the Cofcf.jnf the 'Rocky
Mountain Detectives jCJiief of. Police
Itouse, of TitustiUe,)-was notified by
telegraph of the arrest, mt phf rjday
en -requ'uiitUn from Governor Hart
re n ft upon the Governor of Colorado
for the Ijodj of.Seger., Mr.' Rouse left
Ilarnsburg on Saturday i evening for
Denver, aud.. expect to return with
SaegM-by the 6rstef next week; From
dispatches recievew by Mi. Rouse from
. the detective-who-nrrested Saeger it
appearf that1 he has "been residing-in
the teritory for tiearlv three tears and
owns v large amount of real &tate anH
valuable interest iin eitver" mines.
. Whenrreted he eeknowledged. bis
uawMsevnsl reemed perfectly resigned to
ioiniuoq. i 1 i " . . ii -
puW y- -' , m t ' 1 -,! '
James Elgin' body has -been
found.-' i It will be remembered that he
wa drowned over a month ago, in the
Clarion river, below Callonsburg.
FruitlasB search was made for his body
until last Friday evening, when per
son oa board a steamboat On the Alle
gheny river, nar Phillipsbnrg; taw. a
body floating and al)ed to tw niee
on a raft who took a. skiff and bi ought
the body to the wharf at Phillipeburg.
Ale. McGiffin Esq.,eummnned a fury'
and held hn inqnesr. -Tke' body was
reoogwUod a throf Janie Elgin, of
6ootehHill. Hie friends were - tele
graphed ,'nd they earn for his re-1
maliis'VfcM ' kiterre l' them-atj Reids
burg oa Monday.- Clarion, Democrat.
" ' ' rewi"" ' i 1 1
The army' reuuioii proposed to 'be
held. at Harnsburg on the 11th,' I2tb,l
x oiu 9j fiie present month, promise to
be a very .interesting event. Lieuten
ant General Sheri Ian is President, and
a long list of the most celebrated Gen
erals pf,the war is announced as repre
senting, those v who will be present.
These army reunions are agreeable oc
casions, and serve to keep alive a feel
idg of interest among tiosa wliq foughi
the baufes of the war. aud to insnire a
seue of fatriotio. pride withal. ;. We
are gratified, piat.jwe .affair arranged
forllarnsbu.gpromisrs.0 favorably
lltinrtl 1 I fnl '" III ;
Tee tenor that tbe proprietors' i)f
the :xchaot?e ll.jtel, this eity, iatejid-.
ed cloeihg the heose; .because, of tUe
teqiperance dernoaetralriani without.
any foundation in truth.. iTbe propria
etors withtj'. their applicatioo Tor-
license last week 'for' the purpoae of
the expsr'rrdent of running a flfst-C'lkss
hotel oti-temperance principles,1 td
everj efTirt will he made- tb mantain
the rppotatlon of thd hotel ns the best
in Ndrth western'' Pennsylvania. Ve
mngtt CttbeA. . '' ' ;' . t ; -
1 ' 1 1 m t' 1 -.j
--ev' JerseVelec-ts t li fa year a Oov
eriuir, nod '.a'.'JLviKislattire" which will
I. . .! A.jI .". ' ...
rttnitS' TWCt-V aVtV
btales henator .lion. Vcorv A- IIaI-
.. ll t 'a 1 j f . k er. ml
sey win prouably Itu, Ilia ItJ)UDllcan
cuiiitidule for Governor, Ind1 ion. Ne
hernial) I'erry the Democratio catidi
date. TVro s a hig list of "enndi-'
dates for JJnitetl Jjtaiei fWiftfor, from
uie tanas 01 doui parties , ,
5 ' t . . , . .. .
The bill presented bv Senator An
nersnn, oi irawiord. in relerejicf Jo
the storage and transportations mU,
and the issue f ertift1les,-ft.,; U
rather an interesting Kill to tboe en
gaged in the trade. la substance,' it
provides that no certificate shall be
given miles the party has the oil act
ualy stored ; no second certificate shall
be given unless the first is cancelled ;
no oil shall be deliverd except "upon
the surrender f Ihe Tfirsl certificate.
The certificates shall be transferable
when endorsed, bo oil shall be remov
ed from any place of storage except
in case of fire or flood without the
written cousent of the owoer.i Kvurf
corporation is also required on or be-
lore mo turn day tit each month to
make a report of the stock on band
and where located, which statement
shall be sworn to; bow much the are
liable for the delivery of at the close
of the mouth ; how much oil was re
ceived during the ""mouth artil whete
r . I 1 . 1 ; i , ' i
irum ; now niucu uyverea ana wnere
to; what kiud of traojxrtlioii was
used. They shall aiau make owwrtarry
reports to , the , Buread of uilustrial
statistics at HariisburcL..-,,.. i
RaUroad cowtiaiiies are- mif' undo ;
like xnditbne al toiftti'4nrtAi-tif.;i,1
of refined or ci!iJe 'peXroleiiio '
- The penaitv for civiucadJswrJKL
is not less than 81,000 and imnrisOn-i
mit notwxceedinif Vafthe penal-;
tyiur removing oil witneut permission
is the samj the penalty for not report
ing is a fine t. $ 1,000 and 509 each
day that the report is1 kffptljack
40u Tuesdav afterueon.Mrl A J A
Harris, met witk sn . ace4Wwm whloh
very nearly proved fatal.. It seenis that
3f, JI. was rolling foirs from a pileon
a!ule hill, neardiiswiMfll on the Eeon
wntete tract.antr'a tht wtjre" frozen
tngetlir. he jiujlecfhe .logj'-.frinj ,Uie
U'ttoin of the pile. At Us In rolling
one out theWlej st'ftKl nd Ik-fore Mr.
M I . ..II . ..... ' ..
gi oui, oi me way Que oi ..ue
lvgt caught bint about thes tnkldle of
the body ind thre him gainst another
oi. After striking' him llie etik'L juui
p4 and'svrrleasod.Miv JL -wbo alio
jumped, clearing the code of the roll-'
mgnias,. which -went onottowit the
hill.J' Bt hia Tiresence' of mind oiilv
did he save himself fruni bejpg actual
ly eruebed. , : . . .,. i. . . s
Freeman was called1 and did
rtrnt he Cqu1 &r. the. iiflpror,'
tbiiiln atauddia good -fair x.-hanoe' of
being-amuiid in a few day;1 No botes'
vcio uiyjBii ajiuvnio ,o)iy:: danger . w
be appreliended is' from .inflataatiou
setting in. Tidfail JowrnaL
w-Those beeuti ful lots just northtvf
Url. Henry' reslde'bejo.can be "Sought
cheep, on long1 fiAe' bf ;ahp1ytng 'to
tue editor ot tins-paper. ". tf.l
"'-Marriage Cvrtifioates," tiauk
Deeds, Leasee," Warrants",' Subpoenas,
ci- r iv ' 'I i i - i '
Sjummons.-KxecutionSuWarrante aud
Informations, fof sale at this office, 'jtf
Trial List fbi May Tenf 4874.
douiity of Forent .ve J. 'KSteghSs, late
Kliatlieth Ureon va R.r?ScoU"ct'ai. or
Frpcman II. Kllsworth for u Ha vs'Jno. Tl.
.Kllkoet al. " '- .- ' J 1
I. . 15. HotloiHn vs JqUh FoKiindiw ct al.f "
Jolia licaHoii for rifo vs Leonolit Ililbtu-
" 11.' '' .', "', rr."
II. IT. May vs. Jainl'S T. Whisper et al. ,t
II. H. May v Jolin,MMer ot aL. . . ..
Jno. Weihle ct al va J. J. HeCaaln'. - '
Tie Fourth Xatiomii Buk of fivtnburgli
et al va Goo. S. If untor ot al. , , :
TIlU, Fox I'o. va Cieoi'XO S. 'Hunter. . "
Kljaiilieth Itaffortv vs Michael Rull'ertj Sr,
... .. ...... u, v, , unmm -
Owston A Sowers va A. V. If. h; Co. 11
Jos. K. ltrown va U. Dobbs et at.' ' ' 1 -'
W. W. Idyur.1 vs John A. A .T. O. Dalai "
C. Turner va II. Heath ct al '-' ?1
Jaa. Ielie et ux va H. Heath H ill "
t has: Hinton vs 1). It Wntter. " ; Vw
Khrlver A Siiwyer.6r Use vs O.S. Uunlir,
J. M. Kepler va Alex". Waria.'i'."' 'Ll
8. IJ. MeCiintock vs Vitt, t.iffoTtt?
Kd ward Jonoa vs C.'S; Rl harrtsop. "
Ij. Ri'lireim va Tle Poua,'Tians.t;o.ct S.
A Bean va Win. Howb'etal ' "
U'Voyer va Daniel Hlark. r "'";
II. W. MYEltN,
. t. i ,
t ...
r !
II f 'i.
, -'- "rii.t. ...
'", "' ToWsY "pa" ' !:
, r t k -
i .a '
. irw J L 1 i.m ii:;. I
I .'v
. tti.'l
.1 I
Ii :
CuitMluxitl y" 11 , Jin i d.
, .,
'.in- 1
li L
HA VINO Vw VV doillB
A TioneU for the' pa aix 1
i . . i a . .
. 1 . .
't. k
muneHB fn
lllillltlia. It
am wall suited witltha pJava ami patrou-
aga. have culuxUiaU. -tliu here pr.
H)ilently. All perw.n wishing llytuiJlg,
in mv line will do well to call and suo me
Iielore purttiiislng oliowhere, a I am de-
Utrmined toate buaimwaea aa raaauuable
i4tf iiiTswra -
It. V. MYKI5S.
Jolm t.'lcnry va Jrnn Oobb , Son. , ,t
Jobu A. I"iUJ vi W'njvIt.,Cole. ;
('has: Muriiby s.Thoi(ia!i TotUt, i"'-
Joseuh Y.ohVer Vh Johh CoTiftpr. .. "
isu w jii wxLKY ctoiut;
n (! J
!l TIosowtrt.i
) s-
-. I
, i hi ... f-
. . . 1 .1 I .
Jk 1arge and RoprHr Stock of -
I W.v
I i.r
y .i
and JoveIi''.
if :st f.-ir
RSlITir has" flne marbtoSr'fV
IilAk'iitir all tutrix of a waii-h nt 'ljsrV
wiU aWhH wiirlt Tpo ntroiiaffa oUie1
.''jJlivitecU "Alt ) aska , a fair trial.
r ' j. n- ! r'.-' ' ?.!
SJ4 I ISF.(TIllX filJ A K A N T K K D.
O .OHM ISTOX A tfo'j On at N., tw IM
.JafSnlo. Uoods at Iul r price. N,.VA
tlnn" or shop-worn tivh1s. Evory order
flllod tiaaunptly. No."Ticketa," !kirtl
catos.'1 or swindling "distril.otioBS,'' , o-
1V,7" clo,::llt 1-so " )ooks.
aplondldiit lcVo1ry. pins, rinppt, la.lio.'
sots,' Uan-' yeliiuus, Maxuic gins, -stailo,
4iPh, wncil. AcnI .. s " e f ?
llnvs, ajlVor. fcoldets, Wips,.- 6-lxUUi
Cintor, eliyjniit tintler diah, (iMilvpf xoillit
12 .tumblers, J1 cleuant k J1U,, S-botUo
castor, 12 kolos imi forks, carvijig knifo
and foik, JirNiiz)rs. o., 4.
1 liny, u(p4aut. I00-pi-luro aUxllu. 1
benf s valtAo, 1 piotol, elPK'' work-uw.
ket,. 1 l.criuau aet-urileni lloto ur Joy
pliino. 1 fiiio violin, drum aud slioka. Hnl-
s-oe ir inii-ruwipa.. , . ,.
JM Kovs l joz IiMidkerchifrH, pair liaon
talle rlntha, 1 dps mi linen collars pairs
ho!t, pir itivJ-ilii'raor draiTs. 1 pound
lino.1 tlir.cud, Kajcr JIra. pair kid
t Knya aflis.
ins. KO'J lbs.,e,n:oe, 40
1 box ruivliis, IS lia-s senp.1 7
tine cinr
Iiiri; 5 rans toinatocn, -A lba. aaiU
s-tfin, ai J all iirocerica. .to.
Jowflry, icroeorlck, tt-c., fail,"Hnd for
ou r irrem I ih o r stiyrio g oods-A L. LtjO L D
,OV Juy only or lie lareilt whlea1e
Ja ilers and Importers, kud lltnil ht' Is
ui.ui i uoicwtio rri". .-scncTMrinl Ardor. T
S3 Broomfleld Street, Itoaton, Mas. MAjJ
tlou In what papor you daw this advmif -
y Home.'Mnln Or Hi-rAnlc. :in
to. tna
weotc warrsailMl. Nommlnl rrviiilrnl I.'..''
partlculara amL a val'uablo anmile aq(
li-eoi.-' Addreaa, with A ., return .nUonp,
M n. Young, ttfiftlSt. W'illiainaonriilij
' Tr (I1 ":" M letsam
cjt rv.
Artist a n d PhotoerabheVJ:
48 f8 SITII STREET. - ,t
I i n.rfj..-,., 1 1. : 4 WTsnr rgJi; pa;
' SaMsfnotian n (ruxranufcd in every m.
amnoe. I'artteular attention paid fc'iopv.
las old ptCarexaad-tfaiHliinK th..aumO
fa imliu liik-Cravtmaf ColorM. -mi Ita
.. .: c
'Vf n deatli -na hourtv expected f.oni
OOXMUMPI'IUN, nil. rotii:!'.!!?!! 'svilfr
failod, and Dr, II Janws was experiment
lnK,ifc' at-cidentailvmaiio a preparation of
Indian Hemp, which enVed hia nnlVrhihV,
and now erivestirfn rewrite rrce, onrmeHpt
Of two stamps U pay eajnrs. Hemp
nUo fnros jnuJit aweaU, nautw-a t Uia
rUMuacIi, and willhreuk a frwh cold in 24
ibius. -Addrewi CRAtiDOcn d;- f;.i.. ih.",2
Naiuiiifr this pt-
'iPORTlhliE .jH
. Shipel Ready for VJiej-"
Manufm-inred by J. Wvi'liap
i miuiift(Jl. MacliBon, IihI. .
' rU Hmui fer Catalogue.
' Tho olilest and moat' relialAe intUntlon
for oMainuiir a Mercantile -''rliu-atvn. For
CtriQlars write to
wW4w, ,
J .AO t ,
-rrz t
1 DUPf lkwN",
SKIW.WISKAMi".- .e-,;
; .""AisE ( Pi t pica IUackhfks).5 Kymp'
!tpius: Ilard, aniall pimple.' wirfrblaek
POintH, niqn numerous iu tke-v-hecki, lore
ueiuj and u(io. .. -" '-' 1
, l'm iuiio, ( Intense. jU-hinK wHWi Vie.
gins wlien tlio elotliipu i. rcinovril ; lii
arcuKod by the warmth ofHio 4xl. No
qru'plion exoept that uroduecid by scratch
ing." c 1 f . j '
.the abuve an' allTskn ttisr ism,' perms
heutljr'cnrfd. ftnHi-.e1' cost O ' treatment
l.ii per week, or ."i.00. nor in nth: AxU
dreHa Dr. J.TSf. XuirJ e, 1VM 'aliutWf.
,-t.TUE .W'CWiPERFUL . . ....
, ... ' "(Vatfnr.Jdst Procured.) l".-
iiuuiauodliv auv'child. 'J'bo.S fleM
aud oiimt wonderful ilmoiition of tliu ttire.
j The very tiling for nitht-r parlor, oe intt
liuur iuU!imMgit. ,. ' . , ! ,
' JOB 6A.HI'Ui Al' Ut,Jf. I ,
,k lei pay to HtrentK and to the tntda.i Hot-
fUitntioif guaninuied of money pn.inptlj
retsirnerf. " u. -i t. j-m u,-'
' SHt bre-paia by mail to any afldoeaa.'Ot
1 ,.ii,t of ..u.f.fiw . .. ri. .
'..1' .aM W r .. .
Addy.. af M imu. u'l-u'i rr
So8ut - S!r KYWfc
. . . 11 J Broadway, Aew
- " t r--r r r-rr-.-,-
CMnkTRC send 25 ets., for -the new
OIIIUIVI.DO aU-adhibrtig cigan-tto aiu
Inr IvnLiW. S &ir rM .i M It lt,.l,eri.
, A ro.,171 Hnmr'ar,Kv Vfrk.- w lotHn
M. 8 MIT IT,
Wit) ' ,'l'm
ill alvo ener
mtie man woman
rrn 4lofS pt-1hV( rn be pursued In
your own ni-nrliliorhoMl, and Ik strietly
hrtilorablp. I'nnrtii'iilnrs frao, or siiiuoIm
worth ssveml dollars that will ennbln you
to iro lo work at onco. will bo sont on re-
eclptof llfly i-cnta. JF
AUiiroNa j. LATHAM .V CO.,
20 1 WaxhiiiKton St., lloalon Mass.
wll'reSentftioniiteft-oinplito for frnininir
m os
on n-veipi oi ou cuuu. i wo naw Uliroiuoa,
HMTl.ES and TKAliS, name price A Mean
Ifnl Hniqnet of Flawer.i for V ets.inrtwo
dlfl'urent snbjei-ts Tor tat cU Vor tlioe in
nernl of buxim-is, wo bav the brl Mint
a id bout selhnir Chromos In fho nmrkot.
If yon iv-ould wiiro an tndependouec,
sond (.".00 for a Krthli anil a utork of
OliroiuiHi and commence at nnco. Tar.
tii-ulur free, or iiliistrntcd circular on rv
ocipt of three oent tiin. A.IHnm it..
ton Franm and I'liromo Co., M2 H'HHbliir.
ton 8., Honton, M1M8.1 . ..
a& JtyfrtH A.m:t.
Itl oaoll count v for th Nnrin. mnH Nn.
niar.i f lfio por month. -Ketwl' ftrcaler
ftiria full partioulara, Zieglor A WeCur
dl'hiladclpbiii, I'n. il 44t::i
t. Ml rUTUXK! 9v I
$450,000 given aw at r1;
1 . ioo,ooo FUKtaNi.y i -
In -Bid of a Juvenile Wofnrm :Kjhoolf at
af LeavonworJij km' i'
:!! DR.VWINO APUILSO, 1874.''
C)fe rrhro artftOe'd In evcrv packata
of 1 1 liekeU. mtiirln tlcktita.JiiO"; S lor
H V-rtZi. Rut IVtir tickets leflj and, a.
tmV-wdes are rapid, ourchaiera abouldor-.
ilw at niu-o. Any money arri Vina l late
will bo -KiftMd; ' innd, ' rt-1liibl Aent
SaiMfd evervwlirTe.- Irfull particulars,
addressWrSlW AKLES, JLavqiiworeB.
KaitHnv. y '..-i 60 4t
. C- :,t
V!u ti Jrra.1 .lie
1 1 Vi!
,1 Cvi
i' :
'.t'FLowERS.: ;:
fib A Ll.EN' otfera hia Bttrpltis atook of
at hoicsala for.Jif et 100, 80. pi
8t-iit by express upon- reVetpr i
er 1,000.
of price.
t4 for cataloittie. Addle tV L'-AL
LEN, Ota&isi.N. .'' c . I 4 4t c;
... " , ...
. I- Tlio Loug-rvntewUd.Stutnf tUe tr;,
a(,-rnKt tlitinur, H'Jiaeler & VVUMoh, and
Orevor iii Uuker Companies, In.olving :
' ' l OVKli iSO.OOO,' ""J
la ftnairvMcelcted by Uve yupreaie Court
6r the United SliiU-s in favor of tle. ,
jr.- ' ' FLORENCE, . ' '
whieji oIomq haii broken the ton.op
.!.: oly of High l'riiiiat, , n
I the OM,V inacliinu tbatavwa backward
t.h . and forw aril,!- lt ilit ami it MK,
" H .KuuuleMt--CjiaiutrU'-t.
Sold vqh.Ca&h Qxlt.. .8imccia Terms
.rf,J9I4.v, j ,.7 ,:;'oirce,;.VaM.
i! 4tr-icf i .' .. i v
SI 1 " .1 n'n'"1" ' p"
re)UR TEETH can be made pare white,
aiut t.rventod rrnrdecy eijr the use
of. "Preservative." I'rice-ode. Addresa
J. J. 4 4t
-j-nis sewing .Maiinne iflVeM the Im-hI sit-iaful-tion
to the uner, is paid rtr most reaili
ly, and ia tht.bfflCol' nil tu. aeil. If tliere
ia im "DoincHtia',' aKnt iu votiritown, eivr
ply to 1H).M E8TIC-. CH, JS'. .4
"Writ. t Hi 1!.-S
N. TnlMlut'uctlti
rvaai sirt w auitn
ut astrui. Iro 111
t swdii wiut in port" i
l..tki n.l itrtila- anin. '
i sa&4 I
i Ii
1. ' a mi iani iii.iitu t -
T"or Rut.4fMfee, K-li,; Auntny Ked-Huga
Moths, Ac. J. H. lk,'ei v, 4'iirmi- A 4'o
N. Y., Holo Agent.- ' .i ' "4-4ir -
- V ' - Ift'r , JI .i. 1
TpSYCIiOMANCYj ! Hoiil. Oharmlng.
X - How oillier fcSx may nmehiateand Attia
the lore knd aifeclion vt any persoiiiirr
rbooH(, iHHtuntlv. This aimple lnantiil d-riiilretiienr-afl
(ifn, -trcei,' SivhhI,
cinf;ti."ctltir wild, a Marriage
j u i le; '3j;yptir)U' Hsf.e. Dri Ai 1 1 i 11 1. to
I.adieH. A oncer iHHik. lee.nee sold. Ad
dress Tf Wtrtirtid PubMnlieAi, Phil-a-lrtpbiii.
iim.Ui,w,.ii n,i 4444
- t l.'iu-t tv
tfS Ve'ftloO iirVal'st',nii'laJ 'W
iO J V'loiluiie. No rihk. KJ-paus UWU'
plilft furUuii.T A'letitine 'fmultriclgM It
Jrpfjonrrr tsrgayrp
ff r-- KnWet nod Forks, AV
11 r I BOineowB, T i
-C 94 Hinges; NiUs, Files, etc. ,1 f 1
9 ' lS lCarpnter'vBladtmitti,s and) 31
..? t Ubarty ttk JS
WT f it; vtta
111 lKIIUI, X.I
aaQ uii your
1 ttota. ttwa
imaaerenrtrji4 ttriwivi-st S.
--iv vs-tr-- "!'-II.
IV w
r" 1
.i.!-r:i .t ,v'l
Jas. II. Pones; Ftop"' ptor i
'(at th Baat End f the k
Water strket, ,
ll f: I
1 -1
; .ARentlbr ;
Dr. lffoTa, Syrup of Tar, Wild
1 Cherry and ; HoehoundL,
p" i'f .t.iiMK-.-: f IV. ,', I S .S ","
i . ; V al fi
. r-) , ,".i.i..... 1 1 t Hi! i
' I ' "I ''Hi' I Ini'.T ilf
oi .iT0AtC0,-o . t. la Ua tl !
.i9o!II a wanA A ..a
htM cm eiU v.t ,f"J
(.stisia ct j
" White"!.tad.,n.?feAlV W.lAl J
.v rl aeials."
cheaixr than formerly.
Alao aljind ot Oi, Kerosona, Tisr-j
rumerlea, Ac, for sale Ueaf
i& "'!'
XXS. n. FONEv.
I al m-ft i,(T
j : Geo? w:yfmopn
tTAVJC JnM KhVJS-V piM and
i. A carefully aeloctad stock of
vi a avtrfi tI)
i.BW ;T,s,,TpndfisioNs,
, anHK..C a, f
and evarythinir naccMiarr to the oomplete
Stock ofa flret-tllassHrooorv loesa w hich
the? have ooencd but at their "eatabliah-
niaed-tt Klni St., arat djojuiojrtt MNQl-M
JL.-U ea t vu
corrKKacC" : -f. 'sue a its
j S)Xuiss, -nr: jrnuiTs,
)Vuiis. r.i
a',' : ' . ... .
HAM8, r t -i.:-r "0 iajrd,
! -'' ; " r
; jtD pro risfogs uiL xrxDs,
at tHoweat-eAah rIM. 04 warrant -
ed to benf the beit qnat.iy, call ami tt-i.
amine, and w bvlwva wM iiuit you. -
Jan't..Wo,.iiT . vf Jf -JV' :n--!
ax r...i
-l Hut,". U.
van on lysaiHwi
i-.i amiia-i. r fTtoiiirrVjiaMfejja,
ii"V u
3 II j PA.
W Snt'
ti I 11. .lnnl:a ft.rii h
Persons suHWIwer-wKJKirWalH
tr, Inaipieiit I'oimumptioii, AHtimia, ltroii
iiituyCietHlreYor anjTorut of Kw-f amsir
Pulitionury t'ompiaiirta,- s iil reeiv4 a
prompt and radical VigeUililo ltemedy,
freo of charge, by giving syuiptouta 111
full, and addrcKsing,
3 tf &4 Swan Nt., lintlalo, X. Y.
ASSETS Dec. 31, 187S,
. ICVKRIM 9 Tiff 5 1
MILKS V. TATIC, Kub Agent,
M T'oueata, Pa.
The old and well known firm of Lemon At
JYietMjf Jil-sfcijrfdj, raimjacatiieijief
Cabinet Furniture and Chairs,
n1A -UIn eBitIo JUTK3
No. Ill JTqif r,th Avenue,
(OpiMwite their Old Stand,)
,tVheL Utnl cntaiia'aiabuefuaalif aQ
iu brniiclicv.
w-io ain
.it: -i.Tin.
:it a n
7!, V.autJfaw ..yof kJilrj
rpicpaiataiiwliiaile cliu'Jy liiiiuIiiala-
tive herbs foiuul.oirilio bHteuiaMreetirl ; '
l:e SleiTiXoriulii momitnii,s of luiiTot--.
Mia. tlie'nieiliclimt jniort!c tty.i-li,
are extracted tliererioMi wlirioiir Jlifi lLxir
, Of. tleoliol, ' '.'I'llO 'HK'SUilJl .JSaJlllost
,. daily askml. " tt ;i. ii tJic cWjJfkhn
unpar.-illeU:a,iici;ef.vf- Vjit:UAU'JaW''
X 'nt" Our ntisnur is, tliat ifu-v 111,)
- the eiiuse f iliwawt, 11 ml ilm-fmiMovtw-'eders1i
, blood pyiillei and lULiu-jilvini.' principle,
a perfect KotiuTafnf ninf lm iorator
of-tlie -eystimin Never .ijtifma, Iji the
lrttnrr"bT tiis lrlirtir is nHifii iw.i
uiu)uui4ilv'l - ("""("'h' tliu 11.111 i;Kl,',
qtialmcii nf VixiriiAS lilTTKits iiiTiii'tta
sick nf: everi, iii-(r5rTnan U ftptr la, J'tuur
ii.A i-iillS TurL'ntive a wrirKt T.W.
rolisviiiir Ciinircuiiu or rilftSiSTniaiion of
.ls l.tver .irfini.ri-rfif,flr.iru in
" ..1 . vt A.I T A
j hp pniw ntrs ornrr. tta
Tixkiiar IJn
Carminative. ?
- .f 1
"xr " tj"''t '" u'ni";sii'i
1 ; 1 111 Hi. I.ixa
,sJv, tudAftHfiiiAjui
r..4rf.f n't.'J.T.....
rr budoritie, Alir .
rm r a.
..TiaaMi UtiTRita tho.nioft wifiiflrrTuI
-MafaeaMattlBWetsaewBjav TOJja j ---' - -- k .
vi(rrniit tbat ever, su.taiuod ilvv m.Iiii. .
Na rci-sonXuft tul0csihrJBlJpri
TibeBl-ding to ilircetions, nnd remain loti
-enmcll.irrjtTtldd rlielr bma nvewe-teaa
sti-oitnU ljy.';inMral 4iao!r-orr'iiirrr '
nicnimf unvitui-iMlr.'aianautnl.iuultf..T
' .v liilioil.1. Jli'inif (enf 'nnJ; Ii Jei-.""'
: niitteilt i'evcrs. vli'di aro so imva-'
t,e,lt '0' ( Wr'(Jit5iver
. luiuuguotu 100 imti'd states, c? peeialiy
: tlmso of tuo M! ipliri6nm, mitfr
' llluieiaf 'I'eiiuoiiwjo, Xime iwW, Ai 'V'Wm
: , lUlAui)iiaii.t4jiiiMis lliiatUtikii'i. I
il'eartf Alubaimt, Mobile, Kjiv;iiii!;.h.
'anokc, James. ,;unl, .ui.uiv ,otliri-s. vlth
1 VUpjr . vast, g ibytajicV f ImYhi!
I cviw e
j Atittlini
1 none of 1
j intttrtnWt neooninniiietl by eucu-iv4Mw
1 r.tiiinnninr-oi ino Nnninen-ftlMmauat'a
1 aim fltlier itlitloininal viKi eni. l.ilsr
iniiiai i iKi ei a. 1.1 iiw
tHatiVtJw a po'
iicatinent.A putHti
I oi'iuivriiiiiH-iitK) it
) KiUia, is Jn.souUii
! ' aitliui tio h(,ue vi, t 'Uij.Aiii
UiuiJ U'AUtKii'a W.VB(bwvliiiHWiat,
eoiorett visetn matn-r viil. viiii.-U tl e
I bowclsttre I'iniKjit nt tlin ?ri-rw tfnij-"-
stiimi)atii)''"tV5 seciTtlonf bf t!: '. .-.
! itntT jrenofaliy ' Ventcn-m , th3
: - I-ot'tii.v the liuJj-.nuaiwai Jtw'iiv.
TfUTiiyliifrollita ttuicta -ttlt k sAKx
IfOTRKS.-r Koplilirit--iiVrill.-Uoif'
bfrt syrti-irT'tlhlsVoiThfiiirtr.'"
I LKIL-ld;l or JlltHI'MIiVl Uo;fl"
j ache, rain S j1ih MtmtiMrrt CiHijil,,"
j Al'irtt4tOh.s uf tilt Client, liziti:, oyr
-r.riH-ianous os- imc .-uenuen. Umi I .i jj
rt.iMnuth. llllinim AHni-iH I' .laitw,.
L-.:!n"brtlii Mfai-t: liiil.tnrmsrl!) ofl
(Uttj;; raiif iu .thn nloii if ll:TWd"
neys, aiwl a luimlieil otliet- painfio
toms, aro th oUHpuih-i uf: I )i spoil..;.:."
One bottle uill tHuv.'i U-tin- i'iH: ...-.,
1 -0f Its mvi1t tliiui .ti nJiiJi.T-
I VllCllt,"'"'- J'""' - .r .-tr
-tIui;U-rji,;t.t ..ipniifin'i-jji- l '"..
! (iiiitrc, Scrul'uluiu IiilluiiiiiniliniiV,
iillniiiiimtiiuvi:il4i'Ctfri.d vtl.u-ii. :i-. O.J
I .guroi. Iiroiiiuii4,( th. Skl-.u Sunt Ky ..".
Ji tWeVS iu ijl v'.yr fi-u'ltitui !ir D'4
asKiYV'LKiii's. vis! ut.Vn-"' '
.ku. ttijuji; juh:J titraiiu'. -.v.-t-rr m ff-f"
iu uUitniatu und iiitrnilali.r i-1-. V",
- Fur liitlamiiiator-uuJ C:i'm:lc
ItllC.llllllltlsilli n.l. ItiMniis. l.'nmv-
teiitanii1iiteniiUreiit'rutiirl'UiHiee. 1 1
'. tlirf M.M.1I, ' l.lvrr,- KWik-i-s suit laoi 1
jMiee RI(iTi lie;va'ii eajna -6'am In ifc
'ar esiiiird by Vitlntcir IIIoihI. ' . 1
" Morliiuilrnl DiNPrtscs- n "'"'"'
caged in Ijiyils and Miiii r..!.-'. ?.'ti-!t S.
VrMiliucrs,' T-iiitier.y S"M ln'ur' i ;.
Aiiun.:.i.tlni aUnsian W.lil.y.a,i: ji.j'i of, ti.y Jiuwi'l-.. 1'.) IT'i..-.
;jbuiiI Ui,-taks ajI-i-h vf a". '4l,kiil ' J
kuas Ui-rraaaaM-v.asiiMMiih;., , t t, , . :YV
tl,,opSkiii WicilHt's, Kinailiiin.Ttn-
er, SntMNienw.1 stMotM4.i-i f
l'tisnilcsr'Unii". CiWbeiR-l ' K mg .ura
cnlil ln-nd. Sura Kvcm. 1rvii.ii .'tw-ii.
JbtUfl'i, DiM.-oliiratjiiu t(f 1 Sl:tn. l r.inTt
, und Disei.ifii of tliu sua nf" uii.-ai.-vr
or niuucr, Aro -iiiw.illvfciiist ii auUArrii- (.
ouXul tUa (iv.Uua in 4 'Jjort tiniu 1'. il.s n ..
oP these, nittcra-1. jiX :yv. LT
,n, J'iHin,, niul titlii r,"
l.ukiiiir iif the y-ti-nl i.l Vh biaiii-rliotiMii.t-.
ara clitUU iU'luy;dainl i-uwn u4r
nrntcm of iiieilii'iiic, nu vrrtiiiiii;L,., Du aii
llitdiiiHiitiv willfrt a U-yUii Jm. 'i""
liko tlicso Hitler.
Yat H'iiialeCnl'lit1.jHr
or old, niariii-il 1 Mills', at iIhiIhu of -lusiijuwl.
ur tliu turn of lifv. Jlie.-'e T':ii
. Hitters di.iiTiiy so if-tIifi-ir'm-ffiRu-4jta tl...i
iiniiriivoiiiciit is soon pen .eptilJc. -
t'lpansellift Yitiiitctl Hlual l;ei:
ever you Mini it iit,,MH'x.'!illlr"l'it'i
the likin Hi lutytr.- hmfiivn , r Smu-;
cleanse ii.wiii.-nijiit.f.i;il it Jj"4clrd I
iliu-'i'i-'ii HI Hi" veins: tli'iiiiM.. u i;ifi 11 'i
-'T R O fi ' TO T NAT UREi"
This FiiDf-ehiss'fnrronie Vni-di given t
i.vrry baoibei fc.aa4aii
. JWhctliop t ainale eu oacriticrfor Ttres
Dollars, or in. a CIuIj of Six, for Tuu
UstMiPoRitVr1 J -t .
- .(iVlreVI,".AjswnBY,-'
2f1 Cof. RJstn and CJieatrrtrt m.r
L y-VSt'f Term in Lsrti- forother
lo:t o-.:-
1, JUKI 11-lii.tljiiilJ.V HA tlVll'illiSr;;-
tluilHuaUlioiit -aa l ili ji... n vT
lie) fourS-eliH-4 A J J!t- )t.Xxii
..Uie.bMasl mW. UVU7' a1f?li
,.. , , " 11. It. McllOAI.I a .. M
i'.'lWifit O'-ii. aiv' I" rt-i"- .K..-aai
uul cif f WflJ.ift-n.ii rti.M'li irtu..hSi.. '..t
r i-