The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, April 01, 1874, Image 6

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    ,. YimmTioiiuxG, iikci u, ;s74.
' ' thm-f M. Ittbl, J.
1 kmliiim-n. J. Wolcntt, T. J. Van
Waaea. J. E. Blaine, P. S. Knox, 3. 8.
pnodi J. A. Proper.
Juiiiet e(A TVoee W. P. MerolUlott,
it. H. Knox.
niuliilt-II. Swagtrart
1 AcAeot Dirtcior 8. Knnt, II. O. la
Via, S. J. Woleott, 8. H. Uaslut, A. 1.
Jtelly, t, Clark.
, P. Janice.
A. Paoraa, An.
Attntuit JdgttJ,
5 tihiriffT. J. VaH Omesn.
' Trtnturrr Fit ID. QLAaeitBR.
YotAonefnry, Regltlrr 6 Btortlir, .
J. B. Aaxcw.
CbinmUn'snrr T. D. CoLLlwe, Joaw
Tnonrwir, Jai. K. I'Ltli.
. Omiry uprrtn(crfrHf 8. F. Holm BR.
Harriet AKorv 8. D. Iawiw.
' Jury 0bmmi4iiir Jas. FlthK.Wm,
. County Surveyor fl.D. IWIH.
' rVwir-M. Ittbl. J.
' ttaemry Auditor?. B. oBB, L. WAA
Aemfrere Vonfrtu 19fA DittrittC. B
, uwmftly MAariw Winuxf.
. Tiiew Trains
' At TIONFSTA BTATIOX; on and after
jrevetnoer ir, irrsi
sovtbT UT clam. , " :
Train M
fcM p.
o CLAM. v.
Train SO
" 64
. 11:03. an.
:M p. m.
Hoavat lev CLAM.
- , lcM p. w.
. feoiiaTm.
12:40 p. m.
Train M
On the River Dlvlalon t a. from Oil City
to Irvlneten, up tha river U North ; down
late river, aoatli.
John Rock is erecting a barn on
the bank of the back channel,! in th
rear of his houM. -' ' -
S. II. Haslet hat purchased the
IiAie lot", above Thorn ' brick yard
'The consideration ii not mentioned. '
. March cam . in like tha young
nhetp, and went out like the king of
beasts.. Look out now for April ahow
, . 'Recollect that M. Caqwntcr has
come to town, and that hit gallery it
-si'uated next o Ro I into a & Bonner's
fctore, touth tide. , , , .- . .
Mitt Arner't school commencct
to day. Last week, being misinformed
atated that it would commence on
3fonday. Bhe occupies the lower
I. U. iiutterheld has been airing
liis furm around our town for a week
tyast. Hit health it excellent, which
ithe tame hit friendt ' will be clad to
liear. '
Mr. Adams formerly of Titusville
Xss moved iiito Wolcott'a houce, the
taaio being vacated in hit favor by
Mr. V. Davis. : John Tyrrel occupies
tho Louse recently vacated by J. V
5troup. ...
"Col. Thomas hat wpward of 200,'
000 good brick ott a sod, suitable for
4)uiMing anything from A lordly rei
nlence to emota-bouM flue. If we
ro rightly informed ho tellt them At
410 per thousand.
. Charley Bonner got a glancing
tlow from big boulder a few . days
ago, 4td the tame was an accident,
joto nd aitnple. Fortunately no
damage wat done, tavo that he felt
little tore for a day or two. .
Nearly all the ratfsraen who went
lo Pittsburgh came home on Saturday
lost. They had a windy trip, though
but few rafts were da ma cud. Lumber
it not bringing at high prices this tea
aou as it will a year or two from now
- Saving a few cbunkt of ice, thin,
stored away iu our ice houses, aud
'ilitlo cold air which whistles uapleas
ntly up the trousers legt of our young
Jiieu who keep late hours, nothiugnow
remains of winter save a few bad
colds aud sad memories of a poor lum
ler season.
About next month the political
campaign will open, and we will nrob
Ably know wLq is to rua fur the offices
of the county. Several Candidates for
offices ifi both parties are mention
ed, but whether with authority w
could not state. Tim will tell; but
tt is tafc to any Uiat Lut one man will
tie chosen fur each cilice.
Mr. Dalrymple will exhibit hi
''Celebrated Sciopticou" ut the schoo
tiouse, ou Friday evening, April
Hr. jj., uy au accident ou the cars,
lost both legs, and therefore takes tliw
meant of earniiig a livelihood, at the
same lime guaranteeing his entertain
ineut worth the price of admiMiou
which it 2j vU., children laots. IXors
open at 7, tvliihiiiou couiuiii ccs at
7..'f i . m.
This issne commences Vol; 7 of
Tub Forest Rrfvblicam, and with
the exceptien of about eighteen
months, we have been with it since the
first number was issued. Each passing
year hat put the paper on a surer foun
dation until now it iv a fixture, and
will undoubtedly always be a part of
Tionctta, as long as the town stands
and papers are publithod anywhere.
Our thanks are due to those who have
aided ut by their encouragement and
support, and it It our desire to better
merit their patronage with each suc
ceeding year. Although we are al-
wayt to be found on the Republican
tide of the house, we are not of those
who condemn all measures that do not
originate with our party. Uur paper
it not filled, week after week with lung
accounts of Democratic dishonetty
and Republican purity, but we are in
weekly receipt of democratic exchanges
that make it their business to ferret
out and show up every instance in
which a Republican official has proved
unfaithful to hit trust: the reason riiis
is not practiced mora among republi
can journals, is, we presume because
then are none of them large enough
to contain the name of all tha demo
oratio defaulters. , As for as honesty,
neither party can lay claim to a great
er portion than the other. Frauds are
constantly practiced, and one party u
represented at strongly at the other,
and we do not propose to shut our
eyet to the (act that bad, men 'of Our
party have been, and are constantly
"doing those things that ought not to
be done, and leaving undone those
thine which ought to be done." But
if this it the case, where are the Dera
ocrary ? pointing out the stright pHlia
which they refuse to follow, and stand
ing always and forever in the way of
useful legislation, and when any fraud
is i revealed always furnishing their
full quota of the twiudlers. No, it is
not that the Republican p".y it all
honest, or that the Democratic party
it all dishonest, that this paper always
edyocated Republican principles ; It is
lecauie of the good work the party
has done, and is doiug, always leading
the Tan of any truly great reform, and
always legislating for the poor, man
making hi paths as easy as legisla
tion can ever make it. - is there' any
abuseV be Republican party is al
waya frit to prescribe s remedy,
administer it until the abuso is ac:;o
away. . Is there any way by which the
condition of the poor of all races and
tongues can be bettered T the Republi
can party studies it out and makes it
a law, while democrats are devising all
manner of plans to clog the wheels of
legislation. Is the credit oi the Union
assailed? there, always in front, ia the
Republican party, proclaiming by its
acts that the publio credit must be
tutlained at all hazards. When the
democracy wanted to "repudiate," the
Republican party said, "Every dollar
of the indebtedness shall be paid at
coutractcd." What ia the result? the
bonds of the Government, because of
Republican legislation, are on a . par
with gold, and will be until the gov
ernment takes them up. For. these,
and for many other reasons which
space forbids us to mention is this pa
per identified with the Republican par
ty, auJ will be while that party holds
the proud position it now occupies.
lUviug thus briefly defined our po
sition, we will promise not to tire our
readers reiterating it during the com
ing campaign, nor again until it seems
to us necessary. Hoping our readers
will welcome the new volume as tbey
.Jy have those of past years, we
put this paper forth to greet its Sev
enth Birthday.
. Congress has parsed the bill fixiug
the limit of legal tender circulation at
t400.000.000. , It is probable that, the
Senate will agree to the bill. This is
not as much of an inflation, however,
as it looks, as the circulation now is
upwaid of 1350,000,000. Gold, has
only advanced about one-fourth of a
cent on a dollar, aud the bugbear of
"depreciated currency," is a played
out argument. It is altogether proba
ble that Congress will pass the free
hauling bill, wheu we shall have at
much currency at will be ueeded to
put the industries of the natiou ou a
good footing; "good times" will agaiu
prevail, aud the money will be good
because secured by bonds deposited
with the Treasure! of the Uuitod
Robiuson &, Bouuer have just re
ceived a fresh invoice of boots and
shoes of all stylet aud prices. Also
tooie of the old stout on hau! which
ii lt told w crt.
In thif Issue we preset! thTreat-
urer't Bales, an advertisement which
will prove of Interest to a great num
ber of our read nrs. and which will
gladden their eyes for tome weckt to
coma. Contrary to our expectationt,
the list it not so large by teveral tracts,
at it wat two years ago; nolwithstand-
.aaa.a . Ml
ing the hard timet tax-payers win
recognize the importance of having
their accounts with the treasurer
squared up. By the publication con
siderable expease is added to the own
er of each tract so advertised.
Jacob Kepler was called sudden
ly away on bunday last, by the re
ceipt of a telegram containing news of
the death of hit father, in Centre
county. He started in a boat for Oil
City, and got down three miles, and
concluded to do the rest of the dis
tance afoot. Mr. Kepler Br., was quite
an old man, having reached the age of
74 years. Our community will sym
pathize with Mi. Kepler in bit sorrow
for the death of hit aged and respect
ed parent.-
Mi". Charles Reich, Cutter for
Wm; Reich of Beaver, is at. present
stopping at the Central House, for he
purpose of taking orders for suits or
parts of suits of clothes. Mr. Reich
is a merchant tailor, in Beaver, and
will take measures of all who apply
and show samples of goods and style.
Leave your measure, and you can or
der at any time. He comes highly
recommended, and hit prices are very
reasonable.. '
The Senate hat confirmed David
Recc at United States District Attor
ney for tha Western District of Fenn
svlvania. Mr. Reed has never shone
as a politician, although he hat always
been a straight Republican, ever since
the organization of the party. Thrre
seems to exist no doubt in the mind
of those who are acquainted with th
official but he will fill the position
with honor.
The legislature of Massachusetts
it balloting for a successor to Chas
Sumner in (he United States Senate,
At our latest advices Dawes was ahead
having 88 votes ; 128 necessary to
choice. ' Brn. Butler fondly cast hi
eyes after that position, but the peop!
of Massachusetts will have none of
him. It is generally supposed that
Dawes will bo the final choice of the
There is a dearth of butter here
just now, and has been for some week
past. From the number of bonnes
kept in Forest county we should judgi
that we ought to make enough butter
to supply the home demand, but th
hat never yet-been the 'case. Near!
if not quit two tons of foreign butter
it used iu this county in the course o
a winter.
To day, and hereafter, until the
15th of August, it it lawful to catch
trout with the hook and line. There
no telling, until it has been tried, how
the yield will turn out this year. It it
not supposed that there is a stream, in
Forest county but was fished nearly
dry last summer. It depends altogeth
er on how fast the trout propagate,
how many there will be this year.
Pullman's Talaca cars bave been
introduced In England, and the Lon
don papers are enthusiastic over the
new feature in England Railway travel.
The Timet soys everything fits closely
and works smoothly.: The eye falls
everywhere upou mechanical contri
vances of that ingenuity which we are
accustomed to recognize and describe
as American. ' '
Mr. Dimmick the late blackmail
ing deiuocratio member of the legisla
ture from Pike and Wayne counties,
having resigned his teat, a Republican,
Thomas Y. Boyd, has been returned
in his place. Apparently the people
of those counties are tired of "demo
cratic retrenchment and reform,'! .ttnd
propose to try the old "radical corrup
tion" again.
St. Paul's German Reformed
Church, of Titusville is advertised for
sale in the list of Sheriff's Sales fgr
Crawford Co. If we are not mistaken,
this is the church to which King Will
iam, of Prussia, presented a cannot
which was captured from the French,
during the late war, and which was
manufactured into a bell for the said
church. ,.; .
' MeadviUe is having a spell of
temperance reform. It hai not yet
broken out in the form of the woinSu's
praying crusade, but no doubt will
not be less effectual pu that account.
Several of the promincut men of that
city have identifiod tlicmstl vti with
. the moetnent.
,-Col. Thomas informs ot thai ",
are five new dwellings to be erected on
the lots east of th Court House dor-
ng th coming season, one eachj)y the
following Individuals ; M. Ittel, Whit.
Davis, J. W. Stroup, Mrs. McKay,
nd a sawyer up the creek, whose
name he did not remember. This is a
good start.
An election of officers for the
term commencing April 1st,1 for Tio-
nesta Lodge, 363, 1. O. O. F., was held
on Friday evening last, and the instal
lation will take place next Friday
evening. Tbe appointed officers have
not vet been named. . The full list
will be published next week.
A meeting of the friends of Sun
day Schools will be held at the M. E.
Church on next Sabbath at 2 o'clock
All are invited,1 without respect to
creed, as the school is not to be of a
sectarian character, but will be a
Union Sunday School,- in every sense
of tha word.
Mr. Henderson has gone to Brook-
Title to "see a man," and Albert Grove
Is attending the Superior Lumber Co.
Store during his absence. Mr. Wright
has also departed for hit home in Pitts
P, 8. Henderson has returned.
F. f. Mitchell, Esq , of Frank
lin has received a very loud call from
the Republicans of Venango to allow
his name to be used as a candidate for
Congress, and has accepted the call.
It i pot very likely that be will have
any opposition at the primaries.
Now that Spring it fairly opened,
it would be well if our borough coun
cil would enact an ordinance making
it obligatory on owners of sidewalks to
put the same in proper repair. There
are several dangerous places in the
walks about tojin. "
On Sunday last a young leant of
S. II. Haslet's, becoming frightened at
something, started to run before the
teamster realized his position. Result:
a sprained ankle for the teamster and
a ruined axle for the buggy. The team
was not injured.
The Republican office of Clarion
is getting a power press and engine.
This looks as if the printing business
in that place were looking up. How
long before the Jacktonian will be put
ting in the same kind of machinery?
Mrs. Joshua- Douglass, of Mead-
ville, lectured in the court, room in
that place one evening last week, the
subject being "Glimpses of foreign
Life." The audience were highly de
lighted and edified.
Teachers' Examinations. -
The regular Spring Examinations
of Teachers for Forest county, will be
held as follows:
Marleuville Saturday,
Clarington Tuesday,
Nebraxna Thursday,
. Tlonesta Friday,
' ' Jfaillaburg Monday,
JEaat Hickory Tuaaday,
Nowtowu Wednesday, " 6
Tu? Fall Examinations will hcaeaf-
tor be beia At Tionesta, 2 tbe close of
the County Institute.
No certificate will be issued to an
applicant who does not possess a pro
per knowledge of the theory of teaching,
as well as a fair knowledge of all the
brancJiet required by law to be taught
in our common schools.
Applicants should be well provided
with paper and pencils.
' Examinations commence at 9 o'clock
A. M.
Directors and friends of education
are respectfully invited to attend.
" S. F. Rohrer, Co. Supt,
April 1,1874. .
We are short the following num
bers of the Forest Republican, and
our files are incomplete without them :
Vol. 2, No. 29.
" 3, " 6. -ii
ii ii 15.
ii ii
This paper is markecTVol. 4, which
is wrong, but the date of the paper is
Sept. 13, 1870.
Vol. 4, No. 26.
" M " 28.
. These papers are very necessary to
us, and if any of our subscribers have
them, or any of them, and will bring
or tend them in, they will confer a
great favor upon us, aud will be liber
ally paid for their trouble.
Clover aud Timothy Seed at Rob
inson & Bonner's. " . 48 tf
' Cottius aud Caskets, a full supply
on baud aud for sale by A. II. Par
tridge at h:a furniture store, in the
building formerly occupied by J. J.
Fih.rr. i!tf
Boston Cracker, twenty -five bar
rels, juei arrived at Robinson & Bon
ner's. 48 tf
Don't fail to go to Robinson &
Bonner's if yoo went stoves, stovepipe
or tinware. 23-tf.
Job Printing.
Do you want posters ?
Do you want hand-bills ?
Do you want business cards ?
Do you want a neat bill head ?
Do you want a tasty letter head ?
' Do you want a nice visiting card
If so. leave your orders at the Re
publicau office where they will be exe
cuted in the neatest style and on most
reasonable terms.
Sewing Machines, Sewing Machines.
. Iikconnection with my Sewing Ma
chine business, I am now prepared to
take all kind of Sewing Machines in
exchange for new ones, aud repair all
kind Of Machine! ; making them work
at good at new, or no nay. I also have
needles fur all first class machines,
Parties living at a distance can tend
machines and they will be repaired and
returned by express. Needles sent by
mail on receipt of $1.00 per dozen.
Call at my office on South Seneca
street, Oil City, Pa., or address
S8 tf D. C. Gbaym
The colored address label on each
paper shows the date to which the sub
scriber has paid, thus
Thos Turner lf74,
signifies that Mr. Turner has paid for
bis paper until March 1st, 1874 Th
nail list is corrected weekly. By con
suiting tbe address label every subscri
ber can tell how his account stands.
Our accounti go back no further
than the 1st of January,. '73, the ac
counts previous to that time being
payable to the old firm. The old sub
scription book it yet in our hands, and
our receipts will be rccqgnized by the
old firm. tf.
Don't send money by mail and
run risks, but buy Briggs & Bros'
Garden'and Flower Seeds io packages
and in bulk, at Robinion & Bonner's
40 tf . .
Those beautiful lots just north of
Mrs. Henry's residence can be bough
cheap, on long time, by applying to
the editor of this paper. tf.
The lightest running Machine I
the world is the Grover & Baker, at
least Baldwin, of Tidioute says so,
and he knows. 46 ly
A'u . Advertisement:
Whereas, letters of Adminstration to the
estate of Alexander Iloleman. late of For
est County, deceased, have been granted
to the subscriber, all peraona indebted to
aaid estate are requested to make imme
diate payment, and those having claims
aKainat the same will present thi-m duly
authenticated ror arcuemem to . ,
logt v.&w lj iv.-L n . , j
mo mi. liiimil um mr W I AUU1 r
BY V1RTUR of sundry writa of Fi.
Fa. isaued out of the Court of Com
mon Pleaa of Forest county and to me di
rected, there will be expoaed to aale by
publio vendue or outcrv, at tho Court
House, in tho borough of Tioncata. on
! Xi.VT(AV APRIf. TH. A T 171
at 4 o'clock P. M., the following decribed
real eetate, to-wit I -
S. P. McCalraont vs. O. R Long, II.
Wathev and Kli Walton, Alina Fi. Fa. No.
5 May tr 1874, C. P. No. 0 Dec Tr., ISO",
Fi. Fa. No. 6 May Tr., 1874, O. D. No. 46
May Tr., 1870. Unburn All defendants'
right, title, iutereat and claim of, in and
to all that certain piece of parcel of
land situate in the Township of Hiok
ory, County of Forest, and State of
Pennaylvania, bounded and described
as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a
while, oak tree the moat northerly
corner Of the whole tract, thence by tract
No. 6207 aoutii forty-five degree east three
hundred and twenty pervhea to afioxt and
atone, thence by tract No. 520 south forty
five degreea went one hundred and alxty
eight and four-ten tha nerchea to a pout,
thence by landa of the Mercantile Petro
leum Company north eighty degreca weat
three hundred and eighty-eight and four,
tetttha nerchea, to a poat by blazed trees,
thence oy tract No. tMO north forty -Ave
degreee eaat three hundred and aixt.v-one
and aix-tenth perchee, to the place of be
ginning. Containing live hundred and
aeventy acrea, more or leas, being the
moat northerly half of tue tract numbered
6OT3. Together with all and singular the
buildings and improvement.
Taken in execution and to be sold as the
property of U. U. Ixn, H. Wat bey and
Kit WaJtou at the suit of S. P. McCal
inont. Term cash.
T. J. VAN UIESEN. Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, Tioneata, Pa., March 10,
t, 1 TU K 01UU1NAL
ASSETS Pec. 31, 173,
MILES W. TATE, Sub Agent,
4u T'oiieaU, Pa.
A Urrat OfTcr to All.
Two large and Splendid Kng-avliige
will be aeut poetpaid by return mail, aud
aUo The Home Companion, an excellent
. family paper, lor a j ear all ror 40 rente.
I Mpeciuiriia 3 cents, ilgent wanted every
I where. .-trMr-i "Home I'nmpatiloa,"
Trot, . II. 4-Im
an goo! as Caalilo ( coata hut a half n
one com put nnnnn, ln(rrmen aair
wlwr-: rout almost iiothtfiir. Kfitirly
now riifluowv. A child of ten Tenra "n
inaVe emniirh In an hour to lat a family
nix mnnthn. Havlnir of $10 to f 10O yearly
to linnnohoIrK All pnrHea paid fnr
trouhln of writing If diaaUftfied. Ke m
mended and lined hy thousand! in prfr
enrn to anr aoap In tho world. WaMiea
withon' rnbbinK, and made without a par
ticle of lye or Bond 20 ct.-eurrn
cy and a poti(e ntamp, and rncnlve full
articular or return man. vv marii a.
:lrown. Fourth and Walnut street, Fhile-
elphla, Pa. . w47- 1m
Write to F. F.. Smith A Co., Atlantic Mills,
Brooklyn. N. Y., nianufai-turora or the
Crushed White Wheitt, for their pamphlet
(aent frefl) on'Fooda, with important ea-
trats from Lining, Johnson and other eien-
lists. Head it and ftave your health and
money. 4fl4l"
$250,000 FOR $50!
Fourth Grand Gift ConCert
run tii BKNKriTor run
On Tueadny, '5)ft of March, Next
60,000 Tickets. 12,000 GifU.
One crand eaah gift
. j
. 60,000
'. 3,ooe
' 100,000
, 160,004
, 50,00
' UO.00O
una grana aaan gin
One grand cash gift
One grand cash gift ',
Una grand erah gift -
io uaaninna f io,ow eawai
20 Caah gifts fi.000 each
M Caah gi fta
SO Caah gifts '
100 Cash gift
150 Caah gifts
260 Caah gift
125 Caaa gifta
1.000 each
60S each
4O0 each
100 each
' Ueaeli
11,000 Caah gifta
. . fl.600,000
ka-The oonoert and dlatibntion of gifts
will positively and unequivocally take
place on the day now fixed, whether all
tbA ticke'a are sold or not, and the 12,000
gifta paid in proportion to the number ef
tickets told.
Whole Ticketa. $30 : Halves. $26: Tenth.
or each cotipou, $3; Eleven whole ticketa
rar 3Wi rcj Ticketa iot iuuu in vnoie
Ticketa for $5000 1 227 Whole Tioketa for
$10,000. No uiscount on leas tnaa $M0
worth of ticketa.
The time for the di awing 1 near at band
and peraona intending to purehaae tieketa
have no time t lose. , :
thos. k; bramucttb.
Azent Public Library Ly., and Manager
Uitl Concert, 1'ublic Liibrary Bailing.
Loulaville, Ky., or
THUS. . HAYS A ax,
Eastern Agenta, 608 Broadway, K. T.
$5 TO $20 K3SSSi!
people, of either aex, young or old,' make
more money at work for ua in their anar
momenta, or all tbe time, than at an v thing
elae. Particulars free. Addreaa U. bttn-
son t Co., Portland, Maine.
$5 TO $15 tffi
ay made by canvawlag
this magazine now la
its 14th vol. with Chroino,
14x20 inches, in 17 Oil Colore.
Mairailne, one year, wlfh Mounted ,
Curomo, . $3 0
MaiforJne, one year, 'with Vn- '
mounted Chroinoy ' ISO
Magazine, alone, one year, 1 00
-Lxamtne, onr clubbing and Premium
Lista.- . . , . . v, t . ,
Two Firat-olaat Periodicals for the prie
of one. We solicit F.xperienced Canvaaa
era and otbora to aend at once1 for terms
and Hiwcimen Magazine. Addreaa 8. X.
SHUT 8 Ptiblibor, 41 Tark llow, . Y.
--t . x.- l X- . . .
City, orNewburg, N. Y,
Curea without pain or incoavenlenoe to
buslneaa. It la a tonic alterative and nr
vona sedative. It reatoras the broken
down nervoua syatem give energy and
strength t eurea without pain or a u faring
to the patient. Rend for paper en Opium-eating-
P, O. Box 475. Ura. It. A L.
MEEKER, LaporU, Indiana,
pSYCIIOMANCY, or Soul Charming.
1 Bow either aex may fascinate and gam
the love and affectinna of any person they
ehoose, instantly, This ei tuple mental ao-
?ulrement all can poaseas, free, by mall,
ur 26 cents j together with a Marriage
Ouide, Egyptian Orac.a. Preama. Hint to
Ladles. A queer book. 100.000 aold. Ad
dreaa T. WUliaus dt Co., Publishers, Phil
adelphia. , . S9 4t
For agents. Large income guaranteed.
Unclose stamp for circular. U. Alliaon,
113 Chambers St., N. Y. 4S-4t
The old and wall knows firm of Lemon 4k
Wise of Pittsburgh, Pa. manufacturers of
Cabinet Furniture and Chairs,
Ttaa removed to
No. Ill Fourth Avenue,
. lOppoaite their 014 BUad.J ,
Where they contlnee the bnslneaa la all
its branches. wio-s
NOTICE Is given that an application
will be made at the present acaaiou of
Ijeglalature for the pannage of a anpple
Ineutto AA Act appointing ronimiaaionera
to lay nut and open a Hlate road in tha
counties of Mckean, EJk, Forest and
Clarion, approved May 1, Itttil, (the county
of C'lariou having heretofore been except
ed front ita provision, ) to extend tne pow
er and dtitiea of the CoiiiiniHioner for
the ecttleinent of their accounta until the
meetingof the County A adi tors for theyear
1877, and fox levying taaea until ana in
cluding tbo year 175, wlim they shall
cease. ri. P. r'KKE.vlAN.
Feb., lit C 46-41 i '
telllOO iu Wall HU often leads to a
lortuue. o riak. w-iace Dam-
Ptilct tut atainp
Valentine Tnmbrkfire A
Co., rliinkeru and ttrclnrs, V Wall-at.. X