Enrron. IEDSESD1T BOMNG, KIRCH ti, 187. "-The following items art from tn Brookville Republican of last week : Oo Monday nig'.it last, the (tore of MeMn, Sterner A Kinert, at Kuox ville, was broken open and a email eroouut of mosey and over $300 worth of good : stolen. lb door of the more was pried open with a crow-bar. No clue lo the perpetrators, but araall portion m cootie louaa on the Punxsutawoer road would indicate that they had gone in that direction. Ishelman A Son, of Dowlingville, keepers of a country store, were visited on Saturday night fast by some nb- ' bers, who helped themselves to' the amount of abeut 1200, and the con- ' tents of the money drawer, about $20. The same taotice were used as at Knoz ville, Ihe bolt of the look being pried ' oft" with some kind of heafy lever, and It It possible the same parties were interested In the deed. . ;. During (he latter part of last week there was a fine rtfting flood in Red bank creek, ami a large number of fafts were . safety fun to the river. There seems' W be quite a lack of the usual horrt among lumbermen at this season of the yeaf ,; occasioned doubt less by the diminished' amount - of stock that Is on hands to be marketed by the old process. , We understand that nearly 100,000 feet of board pier day have been shipped by thncarsduY fnt the past month, which, Wi,tlr thj ima'tl stock on hand's, will . make fart ing a rather short job (his spring. -'-Shooting matebea appear to be a sort of a mania fa St Mary's, as wit, uese the following from the Oatette: There will be a shooting' match in this borough on EaMer Monday after noon for a sheep. Mr. Windfelder do nates the sheep and the tonsorial artist, Martin Huber, a famous shot for sheep , is to contest with Frank Sosenheimer and our humble self for the prize. The ' distance is 50 rod open tights breech loading guns. We have no doubt but Martin will win the prize with his' handsome Excelsior gun. ; On the second day of May there is to be a grand shooting match between Hod. Warner, of Ridgway and Joe. Haines of Benzinger township. The match to take place near 8t. Marys. Warner shoots with a muzzle leader ' and Hainea with a Winchester repeat ing Rifle. Distance 100 rods eights, gun to weigh not more than 13 pounds. 1 iT'ie following items are taken from the Venango Citizen Last night W. A. Norton's store was entered by burglars, who e flee ted an entrace through the cellar, and who Succeeded in carrying off several boxes o noney, a lot ot pocket knives, and numerous other articles. There is no clue to the thieves. '- L "' 'Thirty-one persons joined the M. E. church, in this city, on last Sunday, with quite a number of seekers. Eighty-seven in alt have united with the endrch tince the meeting commenced, iorae four weeks ago. The good work Continues with unabated interest. ' -The first accident of the present rafting season, among our Clarion river lumbermen, is the death of James J. klgln, who was drowned on last Friday. The particular of the ad event are as follows : Mr. Elgin has been for some time a resident of Scotch Ililli'thia' county. ' On Friday ftidhsing he started down the river on one of Cook's rafts, Harmon Knight pilot. At Wilson's Bend, Elgin was thrown off the raft, by an oar. At the same time several . boards Were . torn loose from .the bottom of the raft, And Elgin succeeded in' getting hold of thelu. i He could not swim, but with the aid of the boards, he floated down the river two or three miles. Knight gave notice to all the men he aw along the river,' of the condition of Eliu, and efforts were modo to save hira by throwing out ropes, but these failed. Two skiffa finally star ted to bis assistance, but when within a few rods of him, bis strength failed, And lie sank, being evidently overcome by the cold. At last accounts his remains had not been recovered, but diligent Search was being made. lie leaves a wife and four children, who, we are Informed, are in needy circum stances. Clarion Aepubticaa, Col. V. G. Terrell, the Covington orrespondeut of the Cincinnati Com tnereM, shot and killed Hon. Harvey Meyers, in Covington, Kentucky, on Saturday. Both were very prominent fneo in Kentucky politics. The shoot ing was the result of a lopg-etauilio" grudge.1 " - 1 . The groat event of the year, among uuiversity and sporting men in England, is the anuual boat race be tween the Cambridge and Oxford (4ul ; That for. this year came off on the Tbftroes on Saturday. . The course was the same aa that rowed over when the American club cou tested with the Oxfurdt. The Cambridge crow came off victors iu the race Saturday, and received the plaudits of a thmug of a I ririnff lVi-.u'.Jr. tr. it, duns MimW.HUHllMWUTJWi.l m .iliiuu i iip.1 rHti.APW.raia, Martft 2.1. The Democratic State Central' Commute resolved to hold the State Convention in Pittsburgh in May. A resolution was adopted that where representative and senatorial delegates- have been already selected,- they shtttt be taken to be .delegates fVorrf too districts in which tbey severally reside, an'd that elections shall be held for all other districts not represented or not fullvss represented in accordance with and on the basis of the apportionment. Ihe new elections shall be held at such times and places as the City or County Executive Committee shall designate. The river" was In irood raftine condition the latter nar of last week, and hundreds of rafts -f board: and squera timber were run out. The freshet being so early, and very soon after the recent cold snap, onlv a Part of the timber was rafted in. There was not near as much timber taken out this year at usual owing to the monetary panic, and scarcity of snow. The prospects are good for a fair mar ket this season, though -Ui want of money may make cash sales difficult, Clarion Democrat A statement prepared by the Di rector of the Mint shows the amount of gold and silver bullion, iocludin? abraded and foreign coin, operated up on at the Minis at- Philadelphia and San Francisco, and Assay Office, New York, during the six mouths ending UeceniOur 81st, 1373, to have been $60,881,666 84. or $36,279,956 more tha for the tame period of the year " TI .1 ' . I t . .. jue gam io me siocx o coin in the country during the first sic mouths of the current fiscal year it given ' at about $30,000,000 gold and $1,000, 000 silver. The number of trade d oi lers issued was $1,225,000. i The State fish hatching house at Donegal, three miles from Marietta, has proved an entire success. Enough fish have been hatched to supply the eastern streams, nnd attention will, soon be directed to those in the wes U'ro part of the State. The princinal difficulty iothis consists in the fact that our rivers extend through sever al Slates, and' it is proposed to supply our streams with such fish as remain near- their hatching grounds. The State bhs employed, but a small amount oi money in developing its fisheries, but the enterprise hat been vry successful, at far as carried. The opinion held hv manv that the building of our railroads depends largely oat foreign capital it an erro- neout one. Acoording to the Ameri can and Oatette, the whole' amount invested in falirortda in America is i lr.r nAn Ann e,uuu,uuu,uuu, ana scarcely ten per . ceuu oi it is ownea aDroaa. Make money fust and lionoraoiy, $12.50 per day, or $75 per week, by at once apply for a territorial right, (which are given free to agents,) to sell the best, strongest, most useful, and rapid selling Sewing Machine, and Patent Button Hole Worker, ever used or recommended by families, or buy one for your own use ;' it is only $5. Sont free everywhere by exprens. Ad dress for particulars Jerome B. Hud oh & Co., Cor. Greenwich A Cort landt Sts., N. Y. . " 256m MILLIONS OKACltEa" RICH FA It Ml X LANDS I INNE11RASKA, KOW FOR SALEVERY CHEAP. TEN YEAS CREDIT, INTEREST ON LV Dili MSB CENT. Iearriptive Pampbleu, with 8Cii02l Mapa, sent Free. THE PIONEER, A handsome Illuatrated Paper, oontainina the "Hoineatead Law," mailed fraa to all narta of thA wnM AAA au i i V t a kto Ijnil Commissioner U. I. R. It Omaha! ieu. 60 it SEEDS AND PLANTS. W. R. Thur ber & Co., Brooklyn, Windham Co., Conn., otfor a full aaaortniaut, at moderate ricea. Twelve aaaorted plants sent free y mail for f 1.25. 25 papers Flower Seeds sent for It. Catalogues sent tree on annli- eation. ujit ' , THE 8HOHTK8T KOUTK TO FORTUNE! $450,000 GIVEN AWAY! 100,000 FOR ONLY i50 ! GRAND LEGAL GIFT CONCERT I In aid or a Juvenile Reform School at Leavenworth, Kan. . DRAWING APRIL 30, 187t.. ;." One Prize guaranteed in every package of 11 liokeu. Single tiokeu,f2.50; 5 lor f liij 11 for tiS. But few tk-keia left ; and, as our aales are rapid, purchasers should or der at ouue. Auy money arriving too late will be returned. Uuod, reliable Agents wanted everywhere. For full particulars, addreae SIMON ABELE8, Leavenworth, Kanwan. to 4t o WANTED OKNTS for Dr. Cornell's f iHjllar Family Paper Religion and Health united A apleudid Jireinium to c-ery subscriber nothing like it in the country a rare chance par tifulara freo. B. B. RUSSELL, -Publisher, Boatuh, Mass. 50 41 EXTERMINATORS And Insect Powder. For Rata, Mice, Knchca, Auuls, Ued-Iiugs lotllS, Ac. J. If. Henry, Cjrrau dt Co., '. V., Hole Ageuls. 504t lf)T". WOKK iielilveseeuKtd at lhiom at reasonable rate, sew Ycmr CAY-BOOK A. Pemoorstln Weelur.. Established i.tv. ii support w nil supremacy, po litical and social. Terms, ti per year. To clubs, nine ceres for a. Kncecl mens free AdslressDATI-UOOK.New York City. 564 "WHts tar FrlH I.w fa- f. It. JOfUVSTOTI M BaUtaMa S. MtMtovk. Pa. Breech-Loadine; 81" Grtnd, 4 to $300. Double aliot iruns, 8 to 1160. Sinale iruna. to tno. Itilfee, t to 175. RevolA, S3 15. Piilola, tl to fA Uun Material, Full ing Taokls, Ad. Irire cliaeounta to deal era or club. Army Ouna, Ktrrnlrar, etc boiiRht or trnded tor. Uoodaaant by ex'! praaa C. O. . to be examined bafow- paid for- - 40 4t EAT Wtir to F. B. Sam fAtUatkV Mill, HnoltW 9nr thmt paur.yhWt tme .? cm I'Mwt. with import. aia HKmi and nHa m. hti rktmJtte b4 stu . BUY J. & P. COATS BLACK THEEAD far your MACHIKK . FITS AX1 EPILEPSY positively eured. , The wort 'casn. of longmt standing, by using DR. 11KIJ BAKD'S CURE, A bottle sent Free to all addnAMins J. E. Dibbleo. DrULririst mi 8th Ave., N.Y. ' 60 MIIRRFR out' Truth Trlumph lll u I1U kll ant I Airanla. oll arl Villi Hn male and female, make more a-llii:g oim American Jewelry Books and Games than at anything else. Greatest Inducement to agents and imrchaMi-a. r.i.iMnu and full articttlara sent free to all. Ad dress P. O. VICK.ER Y. Auanata. Ma. ft) a P APE R S We Mauulaotare and Mell Paper, For the II Dry Goods Trade, Hardware " Orocerv ' Glass " Drugit " , Butcher ' Building Canvaslng Mania, IJnlng Houses, 1 Roofing Houses, Roasted Coffee, Tor PAPKn BAGS, PRtNTINO and TEA- n. PAPERS, ( Roofing Cement, Saturarted Felt. FRAZIER, MET2GER & CO., w lm 31 Wood 8t., PltUbnrgh, Pa. ANTED. ' IS or tlx Paclflo Bond. Call on or address LUTHBR S. KAUFFMAX, BROKER, .rOt'STHAVISCI, w 3m PITTSBURGH, PA. WltlTK TO M E . Circulars free, write to me and got the exclusive sales of a county. Write to nie, and no other man ill have the right !i eell i n you r county. Write to mo and you can make $180 per week. Write to uie aod secure theounty you live In. WRITE TO M E NOW. Address, R. LAWYER, Patentee, No. 5 Sixth St., Pittsburgh. Pa. w44 Ira CONSTANT EMPLOYMENT At Home, Male or Female, $.10 to $(50 a week warranted. No capital required. Full particulars -and a valuable sample sent free. Address, with e !., return stamp, A. D. Young, 2iX) Fifth St. WiUiamsburgh, X.Y, . w40 4m $300 IEIt JIOXTJI, Over Half Profit. Bvat selling articles, needed in every fum i I v. A valuable sam ple sent on receiptor IS cts. to pay post eg. Address, fl. W. 8NEAD k CO.. 44 Sixth St., Pittsburgh, Pa. w3e Sm NEW GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE IX TIONESTJ GEO.W.BOVARD&CO. HAVE Inat brought on a eomplete and carefully selected atock. of FLOUR, .1 GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, and everything necessary to the eomplete atock of a Arat-claaa Urooery House, which they have opened out at their establish ment on Elm St., flrst door north of M. fc. Charch. TEAS, COFFEES. SYRUPS, SUGARS FRUITS, SPICES, HAMS, . LARD, AND PRO VISIONS OF A LI JCJXZiS, at the lowest cash prioes. Gooes warrant ed to be of the beat quality. Call and ex amine, and we believe we can auit you. GEO. W. BOVARD dt CO. Jan. 9, '7S. WANTFD Wo"1 give eufr- ' a Ui7 gutio uin 4 women BU8IXESS THAT WILL FAY from ft to $8 per tlav, eau be pursued in your own iitughborhouit, and is atrktly houoruble. Paarticulura Crew, or aamiilcs worth several dollars that will enable you to go lo work at unco, will lm sant 011 re fiptof liMy I'UIHh, Addrew J. LATHAM A ft., :'! aliiiijitr,n !... .-n Mn-i. AWAKE and ASLEEP. KTSnP.'i wl'l be sent mounted complete for framing i-ii, Ui m vnu. 1 wo new Diirnmm. SMILES and TK A K8, same price A Roau lifnl Houqunt of Flewer.i for S3 cU.,ortwo liillorent i.ulJwts for 60 cts. For those In nca or ounineis, we fcsvs the brightest a:id beat soiling Chromos In the market. ..... n.iuiu wt-curr an inupentience send $5.00 for a portfolio and a stoek o t'hroinos and commence at once. Par ticulnra free, or illustrated el rcnlnr on r, ceiptof thrAcrnt n tarn p. Ad1r(mi, Bon- .1... . I.II.O nin, nrumo io., icu V ashing' ton S.,lioaton, Mass. m HOME LIFE IN THE BIBLE. NT he author of "Wl ht 8-enes In the mi.) and "Our Fathor'a House," of W Hlr'M hn.il. QliA IWWI I.-. 1 . .," '. iiavn orrn soul. Home Life" ia commended by ministers "inesuthor's tirst liook." 'fllll nf nrnn.m.a .1 ..... pri mus as gems, "a choice book for rv v., rniuiiy, an. hiwi engravings, rose Darxtr. rich hlmli,, ... r... v i . . - mi miim miiv nn- equaWHl. AGENTS. Young Men, Iliea, viyrvTinen, wanted in everv county $74 to $190 per month. Hi nd for i,rCiU- ,,,R,,LKK M'CURDY, 518 mvu , raiiaiieipuia, f a. 48 4 1 The oldest and most tvIIrI.Ib Institution for obtaining a Mercantile rtncatlnii. For Circular writ to P. DUFF A HONS, , wOOsw '-. - -Pittsburgh, Pa. SKIN IISEASIX." AcTtB (Pimples lllackheada. Svmn- torn: Hard, small pimples, with black points, most numerous iu the checks, fore head and nose.- Prurigo, (Intense Itching,) which be gins when the clothing is removed In creased by the warmth of the bed. No eruption xoppt that produced by scratch ing. The above and all Skin diseases perma nently cured. Entire coat of treatment, $1.50 per week, or $.V00 per month. Ad dress Dr. J. M. Vandyke, lliitj Wainntst., Philadelphia. wdQ lm mT tkM turn Wlai a m JPmmttA aiiii r i k fUaU Ana -IdUim ilMb,. - TRY IT 3 Months foj JO Cent i U or with $-1 Chromo. r 50 cents; or t Eontlis with "Flowers of Paradise," a lirst-olsMs $ii cliromo, Vxl Inches, in 18 colors, lor $1. Thb Nation al Aoricui. TUHALisr is a aixteen-page perof Stuol nmns, handsomely illustrated in all its departments. One of the bestanriciiltural and family papers published. Onlv $1 per year, or $1.25 with a beautiful CHROMO. The Dce-Keepcrs' Magaaine, a 82-page monthly, enmo term's, or both for $1.75. 8end for sample copies, and liberal terms to aaeuts, rutia. ""rito now to . 11. A. KINtJACO. w 40 lm 14 Murray St., New York, LAST flNQJISJc combination for Canvassers, Agts and Halesmeal Henry Ward Reechor's family newspaper gives every ubscnbor a pair or cue largest and finest OLEO GRAPHS twe most attractive subjects, that "take" on sight painted by Mrs. An derson, as contracts and onmpaniona for her "Wide Awake" and "Fast Asleep." Agents have IMMENSE SUCCESS ; call it the "best business ever offered canvass ers." We furnish the lightest and hand somest outfit, and pay verv high commis sions. Each subscriber receives without delay two beautiful pictures, which sr ready for IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. The pnper itself stands peerless among family journals, being so popular that of it class it has the largest circulation In tjewor'dl Employs the best literary tal ent. Edward Egglestou' serial atory ' I just beginning; back chapters supplied to each subscriber, Mrs. Htowe's long ex pected sequel to "My Wife and I" begins In the new year. Any one wishing a good salary or an independent business, should sendforclrculsissnd terms . O C NT S to J It. FORI) A CO., New WANTED. York, Boston, Chicago, Cincinnati or San Francisco. , 35 t THE WONDERFUL PET CANARY BIRD I (Patent Just Proenred.) WILLSINO FOR 'HOURS CAN BE managed by any child. Tbe latest and most wonderful indention of the age. The very thing for eufasr parlor or out door amusement. BEND FOR SAMPLE AT ONCE. Big pay to agante and to the trad. Sat itfaclioii guaranteed or money promptly returned. Sent pre-paid by mail to any address, on receipt of 40 Cts. w t for S1.00. Address M. K. RO HERTS CO., w40 em 170 iirosdway, Near York. O III U ( L fl J self-adjuatlng oigarets and cigar holder. S for 60 ets. M. It. Roberts A Co., na Broadway, New York. wtOflm LOTS FOR SALE! , IN THE BOROUGH OF TI0NE$TJl. Apply to 0KO. G. SICKLES, TO, Nassau St., New York City. J OK WORK ncntlv ecfiitr st (lie Mlv IT HI. If AN Oirif,.. 71 V Knives and Forks, ;1V f.y FOONB, B0I88OBS, V v I AXIS, SHOVIUS. LOCKS, vfCn I Jj Hinges, Nails, Files, etc I e lCsrpe titer's, B lattamlth's, and J) g W AGRICULTURAL TOOLS, J3 1 arBbff r i : j-,. DRUG STORE! Jm. II. Fones, Proprietor, (at the eld staud or Fsrest C. Drag Store ELM 8TRKET, . . . Tita, Pa. ... - ., , Agent for . , . , i ; Dr. Morris' Syrup of tar, Wild Cherry and Ilorehound. - , . ... , i i l. : i . t . u ' - -.;- : . ' i , ., , . -'tr'S';'' PATENT 8EDIC1XES, TOBACCO, r . : CIGARS,- V ROTioNS.wC, LIQ VORS, Ft ilidkot OXh Y . .... . ... .. White Tad. BsrfaMlv aara mm.) A u.l. heaper than formerly . . Also all kinds ot Oils, Krosn, Tar psntine, itensine, Toilet Artloles, Pr- luuiHin. a.o. ipr sai eneap, . f . ' VA3. n. FONE3. : TRY ITJIlv The HciKNTirio Amkrican is th cheap est and best illustrated weeklv paper pub lished. Every number contains from 10 to 15 original engravings of new machinery, novol inventions, bridgrs, engineering works, architecture. Improved ittrm imple ments, and every new discovery In chem istry. A year'a numbers contain M2 pages audi several hundred engravings. Thous ands of vlumes are preserved fo binding and reference. The practical receipts aro well worth ten time -th subscription price. Terms, $3 a year by mall. Kjxx-i-menta sent free, A new volume com mences January S, 1874. Msy be had of all news dealers. PATrMTC obtained a th best terms. MS I. II I ) Models of new invention and sketches fxnmined and advice free. All patents are published in th HoisiUitio Americsniie week they issue. Horn! for pamphlot, 110 pages, nontalning laws and lull directions for obtaining Paten's. Ad dress for tho Paper or ooncorninv Patents, MUNN r tl., 37 l ark Row. Nsw York. - Branch Office, cor. F and 7lh sts., Wash ington D. C. w40 lm NEBRASKAJjRIST MILL. THE GRIST MILL at Nebraska (Ijiov town.l Forest eonntv, baa been thor oughly overhauled and refitted in llrst class order, and is now running and doing all kinds of " FLOUR, FEED, .'' . AND OATS, Constantly on hand, and sold at Ihe very lowest figures. R. -6n . .'- n. Vf. LKDEBU Allegheny Valley Rail Road. ON AND after Monday Feb. . Train will run a follows (Philadelphia Time): - , Train leave Oil Cltv for PltUburirh at 2:15 p. m. 7:45 a. m. arriving at Iltuburgh at 10:05. and 8:00 p. m. uraay a nuna AocommooMlon- leave Oil City at 6:12 p. uu. arriving al Brady's Bend at B:S5 p. m. Trains leave Pittsburgh, for Oil fit r at 1-:M a. m. and S;20 p. m., arriving In' Oil City at 2:S3 and :45 p. m. " . Oil City accommodation laaves Brady' Bend at 8:50 a. in. arriving in Oil City 4 12:0S p. m. Trains leave Oil City for Buffalo at 2:i p. m. 6:20 a. m, and W:10 a. m. arriving in Bumttloat 8:55 n. in. 1:10a.m. and 7:25 p.m. Train leave Buffalo for Oil Oily at 6:0 p. m. and 12:25 p. ui. ai riving at Oil City at 2:10 p. m. and 8:20 p. ni. 1 All trains given above run through from Pittsburgh to Buffalo and return, without change of cars. Trains run on Pbilsdul phia time, which is 20 minute faster than Pittsburgh titlie. The time at Buffalo ia L. S. M. 8. K'v time which is 28 minute slower than Philadelphia time. . At Red Bank Jum-tiou thia totA eon wltli the Eestem Extension whioii runste Brook viile.leavlng Red Bank at 11:45 a.m. and 7:50 a. m. arriving in Brookvllle at 2;S0and 12:10 p. m. Tbe train leaving Red Bank at 11:45 p.m. arrive at Reyuoldavilie at t:46 p. m. ' J. J. LAWRENCE T. M. KINO, ' Osa'l. Sup't. Ass't. Sup't. CjORnn A YEAR mXurn . l i?yUU WITH OV'R SPLENDID COMBINATION PR03PKOTU8. Tt represent sample pages and style of miming oi ou intensely interesting and useful books, that sell in every family. Bust thing ever tried by Canvassers. Agents anted, to make a puruianent business on these works In every oounty. Prospttus sent post-paid ou rxlpt nf firice, fi.au. rur circulars anl lilieral erms, address JOHN E. POTTER 4 CO., Publishers, Philadeluhia, Pa. oil 4t Th, Rerpublican Offic IEEPS eonslantly m hand a large as X. aortment of Blank DiSed, Mortgages. Subpwnas, Warrants, Siimineus, Ac. to be aoli cheap for cash. tf. BUILDITJC FELT (No Tar used), for ouNido work and in side, instead of piaster. Felt Carpet ings, Ac, Soud two It-cent stmis for circular snd sP'iU, ( '. .1. V Y. i smdcii, X. .1. t:-H r Dr. J. IValker'n Cullfonifii Tin- fgar JlittCin nre a jmrclr Yegetabto-1 preparation, tn:ide rhleflT fioin ilie na tive herbs fonur! on the lower miibcs ef tte Sierra Normlit mouiitaiiis of Califor--tila, the ninlicliial properties of litcu k are extracted lliercfroiii niilumt the nsw of Alcohol. Tin) quostion ii almost , daily askeil, " W hat ia the cause of the' ! utipnn'leled success of Visrn llir TKitaf" Our answer Is, that tlteyfeninr' the cans of disease, ami tho patient )-- 7, eovcis his licalth. Tlieytro ibo great V' Moml pin illcv and a lifc-iiit ing principle. a peiTeet Itenovalur. ami lm :;itiaior' of tho evatcm. Never before in the- ; (lUtory kP" is w.lU. hat a' V.intii ins beo'a . tiiiMjHiiinilr.l ))(..-().. uit; the rtmsikslil ,uahttna r Vixkuak Bittkiis in hfiinr ih sick f every din in.iiun heir to. Tsef sr a psntl I'urrniiv ai all as s Tsai. . rrlisriue Coiieraiiuii or luftsniinsiinn ef th l.iver ar.d "Yucoral Organs in il;lioss- y.'. piaes , The ii'npeillf of Dit. Waiukr's ISKilAS HiTTKBSar ApsriMit. l:anrtetis.. Carminalirs. Nntr:ii. Ijiisuv. iliursii.' uliv,t;glsr lrri;iit ijudoritia. Altera- '' Mr, aad AsU-DiliosA. Uratefnl Thonsaml proclaim Tix. . SOAK linrtRS tlie moat eromlorful In- V rigsraat that ersr ruitaiucd th- siukinr' jr'sm. , ,, j. . t " No Person can tale these Bitten- t according to directions, and remain lonj unwell, provided their bones are not do- ' strored by mineral poison or other -1 means, and ritul organs wasted beyoud repair. .. . JUlion. Kemittent and Inter A mittent Jerers, which are so prr- - , lent In the valleys of our great rirers throughout the United Stntos, especially those of the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri Illinois, Tennessee, C'tiuboilaml, Arkan- Siut, Hod, Colorado, Hrazon, Hio Orande, Pearl, Alabamn, Mnbilo, Savannah. Ro anoke, James, ami many others, with their Vast tributaries, throughout ovr entire country tlurinj; tbe Stinimer ami Autuum, and remarkably so itin itigsoa sons of unusual beat and rirynsM, at tuvarinbly acomnpauied by extansiv du rangoiueiits of tho Homacli mid liver, and other abdominal viscera. It) their t' tientnient, a purgatiro, exsrliui; a poe -crn.il Infln.oiito iihiii tliesc various or rnns, Is esseiilUiliy licceisarr. Titer Is no rnthat'lio for the puroe equal t f 1)K. J. WaLKKKH VlXKIIAR Rl'll'KRS. as they will speedily remove the dark colored viscid ninttcr with !iiu the bowels are lontlad, nt the sain Wme T etimulatins tbe secretions of the liver. v aud cencrally' rostoring tho bsaiibr . functions-of tlio diyostivo organs. Fortify tho body agalnxt diea. , by purifying nil its Hunts Kh Vinki. it JlrrrKits. No epidemic can taks Uoii of a system tints forc-nriucil. ' " ' Dj-spephia or IiKlicstior, Head- -; ache, Pnin in tho Shoulders. Cough. Tightness of the Chest, lirrii;eja. sjnur r.ructntlons of the S'loin.icli, t Tnata in tho Mouth, liilb us .tt.-.cl;s. J'ulphs, tatlon or the Heart, lu!lainiuat!;i or tho Lungs, I'aln In the region of the KM tiers, and a hundred oilier painful tym, toins, are the oIl'spriuRS nf lyurai:. " One botllowill prove n better suunmtrs , of Us merits tbau a longthv uUvsnise ment. " Scrofula, or KIiis-'h 1'viJ, Wbita fissliiUKK. LU'tirn. KiiHilss. Slo.l Nsck. " (loitro. tjcrofulniK I iiti.iuiiiitvii.ni. linlwlant Iiiuaiiimatiinis, Ali-reiuml. A iUcudim, U.J burs, fcrujitUuiJi nf llm hl.ni. Si.ro Kye. st. , r III tkais, Mill ail utlioi-oi.iisiUiuioii.il i.. 'i ruas. Walkkr's Vi,kiiah Itn riiss iisie "'. sUssru tlisir great ciirntive j.uwert iu tin Biost absliuais autt iiitrurluli'.i! ri-n. For Inrittniiiiatory ami Chronic lUienmatiHIII, (.out. Hilton, liemit- tetit and Intermittent Fevers, I isei ' ' the Blood, I.ivcr, Ki'lners swl ttl'ulil, ' tUe Hitter lisvs nu ruiul. fcitli 1'i.i.a.ii.v art caused br Vitiated llloi-.l. t ? Mechanical Dlst'uses, Persons en- fagod iu Paints and M'rtiur.fls. such ns. iambers. Trwe-wllect'. Ould Lsuu-:. su.L U inert, as tlier siiratwrs iu hli-, are ui.jn-; I paralynia ut' Ui ilnsvln. Iu nuiU againat lUU. take a iic.se of UH.ki.ti Vin . Bus BlTTias iH'ciui.iualtr. " For Skin DNeasexj Kniptiotis.Tu:- tsr, Salt-MUunili, lllnlilicn, Sjx.l-, 'iiul.. Pnatsles, Built, t'uilmiii 1: lting nrnriin,. , Scalii bu.icT, Sore Ky. Kryi-!s.. Itsli,. Bcurf, Ditcoloralioui of tl.u' Skin.. U unii.r. aiij Isiessos ef th Skin of whutavxr imais or DSturs, avs liicrully duj vji nrni csrri I: out of tlia systeiM in a'vh-.nt tiuia br th . of ths.ie ItiUor. . Tin, Tape, and othar Worms,. lark i ii j iu tliu y .tcin of so initiir tliuuisjul.. are iloslually uuntroyvd anil ru'uiovsil. Nu. arttsm ef mwliuiiie, no wrtniliitrvs, au wi thulinioilici M ill frvo llic v.tcm hvu aniniA. like tlisra Ilittoii. For Female fomplnints, inyounc or eld, married or ungls, ut the iUwii'i.I' w- mrinhot.il. or the turn ul lifu. ii.sm T"ii- Uittsrs display to tUuidcd su inline. u s tlini improTtmiuli sonn iorcitilile. Cleanse the Vitiated I.lootl when ever yeu liud it impurities liurliti( tlirouxu th skin in Pimple. Krii)iin, wr Sore : eloaiu it shtii yu find ilsilMtiuctwl so-t tlufgith in th vein: clt smw K -vli.tt It i foal; year fealinn will tell yi wtmir.. Kesi lbs blood pure, anil th health ufth irium will iollow. St. H. MrUONAI.D Jt CO.. IlciiffkiUanilljaa. Afl..Siiii l'riucicii l.'alifi vlSw sail nor. of Wa.liiicrtwn anU l i.ajrl.u Su.. N. 1. , gold sjr all iit'HKStkts u uil i alsra. , "TRUE TO NATURE. This Flrst-clnss Cliromo wili be jlven t every subscriber to GODEY'S LADY'SiBOQKii f274 : Whether to a single snbscriberfor Tltres ' Dollars, or in a Hub of his, for loir, teen iJollars. Address L. A. il)liV, N. K. .'r. Sixth and t'licstuiit Him., Pliildclpbia.Pa. rSce 'r.-rnii in I aclv's ItoitK" iertha t'lu. 1,4