The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, March 25, 1874, Image 3

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.... L J 1.
vr eesu aTYors is (i7 w arm , :s?4.
Im-prst M. Ittki., Jn.
tbmicinirit-H. J. Wolsott, T. J. Van
Oleweo. J. K. Hlftlne, P. S. Knox, J. S.
Hood, J. A. rroixr.
I JiisUmothe iVucf W. P. Mercllllott,
l. N, Knox.
, Hfu7.P II. Swaggart
( SMhnol lii-orl). S. Knni, 11. O. a-
vla. S. J. Wnlantt. S. II. Uaslet. A. 1.
Kelly. I). Clark.
rrri1ent JuJije W. P. Jr.Kii.'
,4..oeitfi Juilytt1. A. Pnor"En, A--tBKW
Cook. "
i tllttritT'T. J. Vax Oikskx.
Trmturcr Frkd. Oi.amnkr.
. JVotAonoiiiry, Jtrginter Jt Ilreorder, iff.-
J. H. AnSRW.
(Vmrm.tionrr T. T. Col.Llss, JOHN
Tnor!oK, Jau. K. Curr,
(inri .Suierrnfeti'fcnf-H. K. Kohiikk.
IHntrict Attorney 3. I. Irwin.
Jury Cjmmienrj Ja. Fiasx.Wji.
Vunfi .Viirrcvor S.D. Irwiw.
trontr M. iTTitr, Jr.
(Hi(y m(i7or. T. II. Conn, L.
1rr, O. Jamikson.
Member of Vongrelt Wh DxllriH C. U.
; 4emMy Marti Wiu.iami.
-Several of our country exchange,
ami especially tlie Huffman' Journal
and Time, of Clearfield, make honor
able otid deserved mention of Hon.
John Pntton, of (.'learfifld county, as
a candidate lor Lieutenant Governor.
General ration represented tlie old
'Nineteenth Districts 18G1-2, in Con
gress, lie changed tho pv major
ity, carrying the district by a major
ity of 1.G00 over Colonel J. U. Kerr,
Clearfield then for the first time, and
tlifl last, wo believe in its history,
iMvinir ft Iicnublican majority. The
GeneraT was very sure of a renomina-
tion, which, however, ho declined.
Ho is at present President of the
First National Hunk at (Jurwiusvillu.
He U a gentleman of popular mnnners,
widely known ami greatly esteemed.
If nominated, he would strengthen the
tickg, and if elcctod, would adorn tbo
position. VUUburgh (lazctte.
Tims of 2Vin
.At TIONKSTA STATION, on ud after
Kovotnbar 17, ISTSt
aoCTtt 1T CLASS.
- 0:64 p. ui.
io CLAM. '
- 11:01 a. in,
. i:M p. m
- i 3:2Gp,'ui
- 0:05 a. 111
12:40 p. 111
fin tlie Rlvor Division i. t. from Oil City
In Irrtneton, up tlia river is North ! down
U river, (011111.
Train ti
Train AO
Train SI
Train 5J
" Ml
Kev. Luoricr will preach in the
M. K. Church, in thin place, on Sun
hy evening next, nt the -usual hour.
The Town Council meets wice a
monih thii year, regularly, and oftener
if it is found necessary. We believe
no important business has been trans
, acted as yet.'
Itev. Clark's School commenced
un Monday last, with qyito a good at
tendance of scholars.- Miss Arner's
school will commence in the lower
room, on Monday nest. She teaches
tbc small scholars.
The Borough Auditors have been
at work for some day auditing the
borough accounts. The job is not quite
fiuUhed yet, but ln voters will have
a chance to sec how thiugs stand when
tth'93tt!ement is finished. ''
i Tho Central IIouso has put up,, a
;ldrge and handsome sign, representing
m two sides of a triangle, the letterTpg
on which is so plain that "the wayfair
ing man, though a tool, need not err
therein." The painting was done, we
believe, in Tidiotitc. ;
Tho trustees of tho Odd Fellows'
Homo Association held a meeting; in
Meadville a fuw day "since., The
Home will be dedicated on the 9th of
June. James. B. Nicholson, Hon.
Helm vler Colfax and P. G. Farnsworth,
of Teuuesscc, are expected to be pres
ent. The Treasurer's Sales will proba
bly appear next week, as we under
stand they are all made out and ready
for the priuter. Probably more than
, ihe usual cumber of tracts will be ad
vcrtiscoV, on account of the recent pan
ic, from which the people of this sec
tion have not yet fully recovered.
The cilice of tho Argus and Hadi
eal at Beaver, was burned on Thursday
morning of last week, together with
u tins brick block, in which it was Io
4-atbd, belonging to M. S, Quay, Sec
retary of tho Commonwealth. The
uftico was owned by a stock company
and was a valuablo institution. It
will be started up again immediately.
' A decided opposition being mani
J'entcd throughout tho Western Dis
trict of this State to the appointment of
Mr. McCorinick to the position of U
S. District Attorney, the narao of
David Ueed, Etq., of Pittsburgh was
sent in iu his stead. Mr. Reed is very
l:ighly spoken of by the press of his
On Woduosday lust Mr. Kotau
offered an act in tlie Senate, providing
fur the appoiutmcnt of a commission
to report to the Legislature a uniform
uystem of School books for use
tliotighout tho State. This is a step iu
the right direction. There is scarcely
a school district in the Commonwealth
which bus not been bored more r less
ju regard to suggested changes of
books, aud hardly one but has becu
Bcriounly embarrassed by having throe
or four sets of books distributed
urouud among the scholars. IVe hope
uniform MfUm will Le adopted.
After quoting tho bills of several
papers, among which is' that of tho
Forest ItF.ruiii.icAS, for printing tho
new constitution, the Tidioutc Journal
eel cfT tho following- remarkably
smart comments : ' w .
Our wise and beneficent law maters
at Harrisbunr are puzzled and dicta
ted with the publishers and hurdiy
know What to do. ur course tne
Itr.ruBLicAX's claim is very modest,
only being five or six times its. adver
tised rates. Besides all this a good
many of the papers bought expensive
supplements containing the constitu
tion, w hich cost as Iiigh as ten dollars
a thousand sheets. Its hard luck to
get only from 600 to $1000 for fold
ing ra sheets, printed in llarrisburg,
into an edition of COO or a 1000. And
all tljeso papors blowcd about back
pay grab. Buhl .
i ins document was printed in mo
columns of this' paper, and our bill
corresponds with our regular . rates.
Tho'' Journal wasn't considered of
enough account to publish tho new
constitution, henco the above heavy
blow at all those who did publish it.
If thei editor of that paper would fill
its columns with the last word of the
abo,va extract, he would, beside 'know
ing his ppecics, tell less bare-faced
falsehoods, aud Lava more original
matter. J '" '
Th women's praying noyament
mot 'with a' check in Cleveland, on
Thursday Inst, but such n check ns
should make man blush for his kind.
Two bauds of women, one on the West
Side, and one in Cleveland proper,
were visiting saloons, praying for the
proprietors and pleading with them to
disist from the salo of liquors. The
band on the West Side was surround
ed by a drunken mob, and tho kneel
ing women nearly trampled into the
oartlMi Two of thtni were severely
kicked. A citizen who tried to pro
tect them was nearly killed. A po
liceman, also, who tried to keep the
peace, had his head laid open to the
skull in several places. The ladies
were only saved by flight.
In Cleveland the scene was hardly
less disgraceful, although none of the
woman sustained bodily injury, but
they were grossly insulted by the mob,
and epithets of the most obscene na
ture heaped upon them. This brutish
behaviour of the liqour men and their
vassals, will do more to help the tern
peranoe cause in Cleveland, than all
the laws ever framed for tho suppres
sion of tho. traffic.
OUNTAIN 1'I.W SOAP.-Every way
om troo 1 n ' as', ilc i -"fls out it half to
our cent per ponivl. Iimrmliniln rverr
wImtoi eoxt almost nothing. Entirely
now diHuoviTV. A child of tc i your rah
iiuiku unouli in an hour to last a litmily
six niontliK. Savinsr of 110 to J190 y parly
pf me ivnisr, mn - . .,. to hourholi. A 11 partly pRil ior
lotely produced some,clcgant pomato l,,al consent, jonn i . i orn wuuumw- trouhloof writin it l,Haiisiipl. Jtowm-
. Waaka pleasurt-in foppybf tht
following complimentary notice of one
of our citizens from the Warrca
Ledger : ' ' . .
Mr. W. A. Greavee. the Artist, Kns
Otlijii of Partnerskip.
The partnership heretofore existing,
of May, Park & Co., Bankers, Tiones-
la, Pa., was this day dissolved by mu
of several of our town's people, among
whom are Mr. and Mrs. Judgs I U.
Wetmore, Mrs. Wcnthcrhy, and Mrfc
Scott, mother of E. W. Scott, former
ly of the Scott House. The three far
mer faces are familiar to our people,
and so life-like and natural do they
appear on canvas that they a-ltmjtseem'
to address you in tho pleasant manuer
so peculiar to the originals. We can
not do Mr. Greaves justice in a notice,
but ect him to do somo work for you,
and tho work itself will speak more to
the point than wo can. Mr. Ureaves
under tho samo name, by tho remain
ing partners. II. II. May nnd A. B.
Kelly. II. II. May,
dons r. i ark,
A. B. Kelly,
January 20, 187.
Sewing Machines, Sewing Machines
In connection with my Sewing Ma
chine business, I am now prepared to
take all kinds of Sewing Machines .in
l r i : II
i. -r .::., rtl, ,1 exenange lor new onus, ami re u uu
and his name as time advances will be kinds of Machines; making them work
found hiirh nn on the scroll of fame, as eood as new. or no pay. I also have
fori rait painting is his specialty, but needles for all first class machines,
be also does some tine landscape worn, i par,:eg iivinif B (ijstance can send
James Brown, of whom we spoke machines and they will be repaired and
sonio weeks aco. as having been badly returned by express. Needles sent by
crushed, while hauling boards at Bear mail on receipt ot M.UU per dozen
Creek, has since taken: a bad cold, Call at my officfl' on South Seneca
which har rendered his recovery ex- street, Oil City, Pa., or address
withnn nihhinir, and nis'ie without a par
llflo oriyo cir itrcnso. Hmnl l!0 eta. rurrt-n-cy
iukI a ! postaic stamp, anil ref!ive full
particulatH hy return man. iu;rn a.
lirown, j-uurui nun waintu sirccv, rnim-
dolphia, l'a. w47-lln-
22 AT TO wySV.
Write to V. V.. Smith Co., Atlantic Mill.
Itrooklvn. N. Y.. iiianufavturRrs of tli
Crushed Whito Wheat, for their pamphlet
(sent free) on Koodn, with important ex
traUfioni I.icliiir, Johnson ond other cion-
liats. Head it aud aave your health and
monov. 4fl 4t
Ou Sunday morning last, at about
4 o'clock, nearly all our citizens were
Awakened from sound sleep by the
distressing - cries jnado by what ' was
supposed, at . first,, to bo wi)d gecee.,
I They flew arouqd, over tho lowii iqak-
mg a terrible fuss, having lost their
bearings. A fire was built back of
Johu Hulings' house, and (ha birds
gravitated toward the light, one of
them coming so near that it was cap
tured.', The rest would probably htve
shared the same fate, but the noise
made hy the capture of the first ohe
scared the rest away. But imagine
the purpriso of the enptors when they
found that instead of a wild goose,
they had bagged a beautiful swan. It
is now in durance vile, just back of
the Central House, aud seems to ent
its grub, and consent to bo gazed upon
with philosophical indiUerence. It is
viewed by admiring crowds every day.
resolutions are occasionally offer
ed in tho Legislature looking to an
early adjournment. The prevailing
Impression is, however, that that body
eantiot gel nway from the Capital pre
vious to th 1st of May.. Very few
bills have been finally disposed of, but
a number of general imprtance are
under way. Under the Xew Constitu
tion legislation moves very slowly,
owii'g, perhaps to the fact that it is
new harness to nil, aud they have not
yet learned just how to pull in it. It
is anticipated that tho "rush" of leg
isiutiou is yet to come. If it does,
and tho legislature wants to get through
with? it, there is no use of talking of
adjournment at this early day.
Wa are short the following num
hers of the Forest Bei-ublican, aud
our tiles are incomplete without them:
Vol. 2, No. 20.
" 3, " 6.
i si II J fj
" " " 2i.
' This paper is marked vol. 4, which
is wrong, but tho dule of the paper is
ept. U, into.
Vol. 4, No. 20.
" " " 28
Those papers are very necessary to
us, and if any of our subscribers have
them, or any of them, aud will bring
or scud thorn in, they will confer a
great favor upon us, and will be liber
ally paid for their trouble. . "
Senator Sumncr.prior to his death,
hod served louger, coutiuuously, thau
any other Senator iu Cougress. Scuator
Chandler is now the elder iu tt uato
rinl a;c. .
lV'c are luformcd that about 25
Allcghenies left the mouth of the
creek during the lato rise. Raftsmen
were as nuaieious as ever, there be
mtr enough to have put at leniii a
double crew cn each raft that pulled
out. ' The general wages paid were
about eighteen dollars for tho trip to
Pittsburgh. - The weathei lias been
cold since Sunday, aud the water has
fallen rapidly, so there will probably
be no more lumber run until the June
flood, always provided that we hive
one. . It is the universal wish of the
people of this country that the lumber
may bring large cash returns ; then
we may realize that the panic is over.
S. J. Wolcott, just previous to his
departure, miormed us that it was
likely that he aud Mr. Grove would
put down another well on the hill op
posite Trunkeyville during the coming
season. Ihey were pretty well satis
tied that thero was oil in that locality
and ditlu't like to give it up until they
found it. Their last-venture up there
produced about five barrels a day, but
as oil was low they did not pump it
If their next well is a success they
will open out a iiew territory withi
our county ; "a consummation devout
ly to Le ishcd." i '
We have received a copy of
"Home Life in the Bible," which 1 is
advertised in another column, and
must confess it exceeds oar expsctn
lions. It is profusoly illustrated, with
steel engravings, and pnatcd with
largo clear type an beautifully tinted
paper. Tho contents, as far aar- we
have been able to examine' them are
excellent. The publishers desire agents
iu all parts of the country. Here is a
chance fwr'sorae euterprising young
man or woman. .
Messrs. Mason nnd Wolcott both
left towu last week, Mr. Mason going
rather sooner than he anticipated, on
account of a press of legal business in
his new place. He will visit our Courts
for perhaps a year to come to settle
up the busiuess cn hu hands when he
left. Mr. Wolcott goes to his far'm,
there to "raiso". butter of b superior
quality for the markets. He is not
yet entirely cured of the oil fever, and
iu nil probability will spend the great
er part of next summer boring for the
': The present is, to a very large ex
tent,Couference time among the minis
ters of the M. E. Church. The Pitts
burgh Conference is in session at
Blalrsville, presided over by Bishop
Foster; the Central Pennsylvania
Conference is in session at Altoona, iu
charge or Bishop Scott; the Philadel
phia Conference is in progress at Fas
tou, Bishop Wiley presiding; tho New
Jersey Coufereuce is holding its session
at Camden, in charge of Bishop Ames,
and other Conferences are in progress.
In an itoni on tlift rnftioiv nt Ta.
I iytowu last week, we made a groat
mistake as to the number of creek
pieces which hnd been put in there.
Tho number was stated to be uoarly
fitly, while the facts are that it was
nearly one. hundred aud fifty pieces
Also, instead of there being 100,000
feet iu a piece, as we were informed
there are only about 30,000, so tho
aggregate number of feet was not far
wrong after all.
Judge Dent, brother of Mrs
Graut, died ou Suuday morning at his
rcsidcuce in Washington city of tumor
in the stomach. The funeral will take
place tj day.
tromely doubtful. Thero is a slight
chance that lie may recover, but it is
very slight.
P. S. Since tbo above was in type
wo learn that he died at 2 o'clock yes
terday morning. ' ' , . ' ' ,
The flood extended to Clarion
river where we learn they had a good
rise, on which a large amount of lum
ber went out from Clariugton and
D. C. G BAY 13.
Certificates, biaufc
$250,000 FOR $50!
Fourth Grand Gift ConCert
On Tuesday, 3lt of March, Next
GO.000 Tickets. 12,Q0Q Gifts.
One erand oah gift
One grand cah gift
One grand cahu guv?
Deeds, Leases, Warrants, Subpoenas, 0o grand cwh gift
T- .- xJ i . One grand orsh gift
nummonM, ixccutions, u arrauts uu
Informations, for sale at this office, tf
Thi has been
hearts of tho
a noou to make
10 Cash Rifts 110,000 earh
20 Cash glfta 6.000 each
Ml Caul) gifts 1,000 each
SO Cash gifts . 500 each
100 ('ash gifts 400 each
!;0 Cash gills SOU eafh
2t0 Caxh gilla 00ancll
325 Caxh k'i fts 100 each
11,000 Cash gifts i0 each
IS, 000
". 17,500
. 150,000
' " 40,000
. 32.500
' 850,000
.l. ii
Over two thousand acres of fine
Hemlock Timber Lands situated on
Manle Creek, near ClarinirtoU. this
Cooksburg, .and some .from above. t are fur 8ale at a bargain. Part
"e of the lands are situated within four
Sine for :t. ,.f i .... r'l..; th tickets are sold or not. and the U.000
w ill I ifn ill uiai ii luu. uu wiu uihiiwii ... .
t r r- .u ii i .u.:- ."'. . - - e ill rjaid in proportion to mo numuer oi
j ....j D niver. ana wouiu uo a une sue mr uu uckctaaoid.
to market in good shape. extenslvo tannery and saw mills. Map
. . rf
.. Mr. Carpenter, the picture man and particulars can be seen "ny apply
has again made his oppearance in our ing to the editor of tkw paper.
.The concert anil dUtibution of gifta
will ijohitivcly nnd unequivocally take
: place nn.the day now fixed, WBcthor all
midst, bringing his gallery with him
lie has "set 'cr up" alongsido ou of
fice on the south side, and is prepared
to take anv thing from a small gem
to a creek piece. Photographs of all
sizes mado to pattern, and satisfaction
During the late rise in the creek
Sel. Whitman came down with a raft
of logs, and couldn't exactly make up
his mind which span of the bridge to
run under. He finally split the dif
ference and tho rait by running: on a
pier. , He only lost a few logs, he. in
forms us.
r-Mr. G. Jamieson has . purchased
tho real estate formerly owned by Ma
son, consisting ef two lots and his of
fice, and his residence and lot.' .The
price we believe trs $3,000.-
Jas. Hulins has removed his bar-1
bier shop to Smearbaugh's liuilding,
just north of Tate's Law Office, where
he Ualwaystobefouudon Wednesday,
Friday and Saturday evenings,
The Repvbuc. -This Magazine
for March contains an extraordinary
amount of voluble aud instructive
matter. The most important articles
are: "The Expenditures of the Gov
. i . a V-k i tr at ..mi
ernmeni ior me rust icar, ana "iiie
Growth of the' Country and its Les
sons," either of which Is, to the poli
cal student, the statesman,' and the
philanthropist, worth more than tho
Annual Subscription price of the
Magazine. The Platform of the
Granges, Tho Postal Telegraph, Letter
from Secretary Delano on Indian Af
fairs, Postage on Public Documents.The
Railroads, aud numerous other articles
add greatly to the value nnd interest of
the publication. The Appendix con
tains the instructive speech of Gen.
James A. Garfield on Governroeut
Expenditures, which should be rend
by every citizen and also-' the able
speeches of Hon. S. W. Kellog, of
Connecticut, aud Hon. G. L. Fort, of
Illiuois,on the i inances. llio Repub
lic Magazine is Published at Washing
ton, D. C, at 82 per year, and should
be subscribed for by every person de
siring an accurate and thorough knowl
edge of public a flairs.
Don't send money by mail and
run risks, hut buy JJriggs x iros
Gardgn and Flower Seeds in packages
and iu bulk, nt Robinson & Bonner's.
40 tf
Those beautiful lots just north of
Mrs. Henry's residence can be bought
cheap, on long time, by applying to
the editor of this paper. tf.
Coffins and.Caskets, a full supply
on hand and for sale by A. II. Par-
tridze at h:s furniture store, in the
building formerly occupied by J. J.
Fisher. 48tf
Whole Tickets', $00 : Halves, 2SiTiitbs,
or each coupon, $o ; Eleven -whole tlokot
for i.HHl; 21 Tickets for mow: iiji wnaia
Tickets far $5000; 227 Whole Ticlceta for
$10,000. So uiscouit on lesa than jfiOO
worth or tickets. '
Tho time for tho drawina is noar at hand
and persons intending to porchaae tickets
havo no time to luxe.
Ajent Public Library Ly., and Manager
ifl Concert, fublio jjiiBrary nulling,
Ixjuisvillo, Kv., or .
. Eastern Agonts, 609 Broadway, N. T.
The lightest running Machine in
the world is the Grover & Baker, at
least Baldwin, of Tidioute says so,
and ho knows-. 46 ly
Xeiv Advertisements.
Clover and Timothy Seed at Rob
inson & Bonner's. 48 tf
Job Printing.
Do you want posters?
Do you want hand-bills T
Do you want business cards T
Do you want a neat bill head ?
Do you want a tasty letter head?
Do you want a nice visiting Card ?
If so, leave your orders at the Re
publican office where they will bo exe
cuted iu the neatest style and on most
reasonable terms.
Boston Crackeri, twenty-five bar
rels, just arrived at Robinson & Bou-
ucr's. 48 tf
-Don't fail to go to Robinson '.&
AVherpan, letters of Ari.:jinKtralion to the
estate of Aluxandcr llolemaii, laiooi t or
est Count v. deceased, havo been granted
to the subscriber.-!, all persons indobtcu to
said estato are requested to mako imme
diate payment, and tlioco having claims
against the name will present them duly
authenticated fbr settlement to
48Ct AS1IBAL. IIOLKMAN; J Aum r " '
1 -
CY VIRTUE of sundry writs ,of VI.
Ka. issued out of tho Court of Com
mon Pkasf direst county and to me di
rected, there will bs exposed to salo by
public vendue or outcry, nt the Court
IIouso, in the borough of Tiouesta, on
at 4 o'clock I. At., tho following docribed
real fHtato, to-wit :
S. P. McCalmont vs. O. 8. Long, II.
Wathev and Eli Walton, Alias Fi. l'a. No.
5 Mav'Tr., 1874, C. H. No. ti Hec. Tr., 1800,
VI. Fa. No. 6 Mav Tr., 1S74, C. D. No. 4(1
May Tr., 1870. Oabura All defendants'
right, titlo, interest an 1 claim of, in and
to nil that certain piece of parcel of
land situato in the Township of Hick
ory. County of Forest, nnd Stuto of
Pennsylvania, bounded and described
as follows, to-wit : Beginning at a
while oak tree tho most northerly
corner of the whole tract, thence by tract
No. 5207 south fortyftve degrees east thrco
hundred and twenty perches to a post and
stone, thenco by tract No, 5202 south forty
live degrees west one hundred and sixty
eight and four-tenths perches to a post,
thence by lands of tho Mercantile Petro
leum CViU'iany north eighty degrees west
three Hundred aim eignty-cigut ana lour,
tenths perches, to a pout by blazed trees
thence uy tract No. 5JS0 north forty-liv
degrees east three hundred and sixtv-one
and six-tenth perches, to the place of be
ginning. Containing tlve hundred and
seventy acres, more or less, being the
most northerly half of too tract numbered
Together with all and singular the
buildinirs and iniprovoiiieutu.
Taken in execution and to be sold as the
proucrty of 41. 8. Long, H. Waibey anil
Eli Walton at the suit of S. 1'. McCal
Terms cash.
T. J. VAX (ilESEN. Shoriff.
Sheriffs Otllco, Tionusta, Pa., March 10,
C Trt t0ft perdav! Agnts waatedt
$9 IU JZU Air classes of working
people, of alther sox, young or old, make
more money nt wor ior us in ineir spar
moments, or all the time, titan at any tiling
else. Particulars free.... Addreaa U. bi
son A Co., Portlaitd, Maiuc. . ( t) ; . SO
CC Tfl (TIC A day made by canvassing
4Q IU I3 for this magazine now iu
its 14th Vpl. with Chromo, -
14x20 fnehes, in 17 Oil Colors.
Magazine, one year, wif KMouuteoT ' "'
. Chromo, . . : 83 00
Magazine, one year, . with . t'n-
mouuted Chromo, I BO
Magazine, alone, 0110 vear, 1 00
Examine, oiirclubV)iii(r and Premium
Lists. . '
'iX'o First-class Periodicals for trie pno
of one. We solicit Experienced Canvass
ers ami others u; send ut once for termi
and Specimen Magnzini. Address S. E.
SHOTKH, Publisher, 41 Park Itow, N. Y.
City, or Newburg, N. Y. - -48 4t
ASSETS le. 31, 1873, .
h rs . v : fs , ( rs . "M.
MILKS W. TATK, Suli Agent,
45 T'onesla, l'a.
A (Jreiit Oiler lo All.
Two large and Kplcudid Engravings
will be sent postpaid by return luuil, and
also The Home Companion, an excellent
fauiilv paper, for a year all for 40 cents.
Banner's if VOU went BtOVC, Stovepipe I Specimen 3 cent, azcm wanted every-
,. wlieie. .Idilr's 'll.'ine Ccwipaiiioa,"
or tinr are. --tl. 1 i i , S. 11. iMm
Cures without pain or inconvenience In
business. It is a tonic altorative and ner
vous sedative. It restores the brokon
down nervous system; givo energy and
strength; curen without pain or sunTering
toiho patient. Send for paper on Opiuui
eating; P. O. Pox 475. Vn. D. & L.
M1CKICEK, Lnporte, Indiana,
PSYCHOMANCY, or Soul Charming.
X How either sex may fascinate and gain
the love aud atlbctions of any parson they
choose, instantly. This simple mental ae
(luirement all oan possess, free, by mail,
lor l!5 cents ; togothor with a Marrlago
Guide, Egyptian trac.o. Dreams. Hints to
Ijidiesu A mieer bonk. 100,000 sold. Ad
dress T. William it Co., Publishers, Phil
adelphia. 3'Jlt
For agents. Largo income guaranteed.
KncloHO stamp for circular. R. Allison,
113 Ciiauibors St N. Y. 40-41
The old' and well known firm of Lemon A
Wise of Pittsburgh, Pa. manufacturers of
Cabinet Furniture and Chairs,
Hits removed to
No. Ill Fourth Avenue,
- (Opiotiite theirOrd Stand,) '
"Vhcre they continue the UusineMi Iu all
its branches. wKS Sin
TVTOVICK Is given that
li will I o made at I
an anulioution
the ineseiil Kcssiou ut
legislature for llio iaisafto of a supple
ment n An Act apulntlng coitiinisKioiiers
to lay out and opu u suite road iu lbs
counties of Mckean, Klk, Forest and
Clarion, apprned May 1, IMil, (Ihctmunty
of Clarion Laving heretofore been except
ed from its provisions, to extend tie '
era and duties of the Commissioners for
tho settlement of their accounts until the
inccingof the County Auditors lor the year
1 37 7, and lor levvwig taxes until and in
cluding tho year 1p75, when tbev shall
cease. S. l. FHElC.VlAN.
Feb. 4, I!74.
CI rtllo0 1u Wsll St.
,7 I Viurtune.
often leuds to a
No risk. - nsin-
plilet lor stamp. Valentine Tuiiihriilge ,V
Co., ttaiikerw mid Hrokers, ai all-st., N.
X. :m 41.