The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, March 18, 1874, Image 2

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    - EDITOR.
WEDNESDAY 10M1S9, I.UfB 18. (874.
Daath of Senator Sumner.
lion. Charles Samner, of Massachu
setts, was suddenly stricken down bo
Wednesday last, by a swift ioflama
tion, and death quickly followed. He
follow, thus quickly after Fillmore,
and bia death will fall as a sudden
shock on the nation. lie has well
earned for himself the title of "states
man," and has borne it in honor for
many years. Of incorruptable integ
rity, he has never been eiupicioned as
having a part in any corrupt Con
. gecssional seheme. Strong in his con
victions, he has been a firm and influ
ential friend of the colored race, fight
ing for them in the days , when great
courage was required, to speak in their
behalf in the United Slate Senate.
.Hi poitivcase, united with the dis-
ae which at last culminated In hi
ceatb, is generally credited aa' the
cause of his differences with President
. Grant and the Republican party. He
was persuaded about a year ago to go
abroad, and derived considerable beu
' efit from his trip. His health,' howev
er, was not entirely restored, and his
"physicians felt it imperative to dis--uad
him from a proposed attempt to
lecture at several prominent points in
the' country." As an'orator.scbolar and
jurist, he was eminent, and bia legis
lative history is indelibly impressed
on that of the country. His life, was
one of great usefulness and his death
will be widely lamented.
Charles Sumner was born in Boston,
January 6, 1811, and was, therefore,
ia his sixty-fourth year at the time of
his death. His ' father was a lawer,
and the son, having graduated at Har
vard at nineteen years of age, was
, bred to the law, under the tutorship of
- Judge Story. He was admitted to the
- bar in 1834, achieving at once a wide
reputation, and recuring & largo and
.profitable practice. He was soon ap-
pointed Reporter for the United States
Circuit Court, and in tb'yt capacity is
tued three volumes known as . "Sum
ner's Reports," containing the deci
sions of Judge Story. During this
time he lectured frequently before the
' law school, and edited a quarterly
law magaiine. In 1837 he proceeded
. to Europe, where he remained three
years, one of which was spent in Eng
land, and fwo in traveling in Italy,
Germany and France. On his return
to Boston he resumed the practice of
law, and in the course of a few years
published an elaborately atyjotafed
edition of "Vesey's Reports," in twen
ty volumes. Up to this time he had
taken no active part in politics ; but
on the 4th of July, 1845, he delivered
an address on "The True Grandeur
of Nations," in which he took strong
ground against war with Mexico, and
gainst war at all as a means of set
tling international, disputes. This
speech attracted very general atten
tion, in this country and Europe. He
also opposed the annexation of Texas,
. on sioti slavery grounds. .. In 1848, he
favored Van Btiren and Adams as
Free Boilers. When Daniel Webster
resigned his seat in the Senate to en
ter Fill more's Cabinet in, .1850, Sum
, ner was elected to fill his place by a
coalition of Free-Soilers and Demo
crats. In the Senate, his first speech
was - against the constitutionality of
the fugitive slave act, and from this
on he consistently pursued the course
he then marked out, hostility to slave--ry.
In the debate on the repeal of
the Missouri Compromise, his speech
on "The Crime Against Kansas'' was
made the occasion of Brooks' assault
upon him, the injuries from which
caused much suffering for three or four
years., 1858 be was re elected to
the Senate by a nearly unanimous vote.
He visited Europe that year, but re
turned iu the .Autumn. Ia 1858 he
went to Europe, receiving in Par is,
medical treatment for the cure of the
injury suflered from Brooks' assault
On his return, a year later, he deliv
ered his address on "The Barbarism of
Mi-very." In the canvass of 1860 he
spoke for Lincoln and Hamlin, and in
the secession excitement that followed,
was nrm against all attempt at com
"promise, and was among the first to
propose tbe emancipation of the slaves.
vu ine no oi march, iooi, be was
suade Chairman of the Committee on
Foreign Relations, and retained the
position for about ten years, tilling it
with great ability. lie opposed the
seizure of Mason and Slidell as unjust-
ijiable aud as his last great etibrt, op
posed the lleverdy Johnson protocol
for the settlement of tbe Alabama dif
ficulty. Last year he went to Europe
for brs health, avoiding thus tbe ex
citement of the Presidential campaign.
While abroad he recuperated some
what, but has steadily declined iu
"health siuce. The excitemeut result
ing iY'jia tbo rcadiug of the resolutions
of the Uaasachnselta Tcrialatnro re
scinding its censure of his battle-flag
resolution, is nttriDutea as me imme
diate cause of his death. He will be
mourned as one of enr greatest state
men gone. lUtburgh Gaett.
Our readers will recollect that
some six months ago we cave in our
columns an account ,of a fraudulent
and secret divorce, obtained at Prairie
du Chicti, Wisconsin, by a A. Reeser.
oi i leasanivuio, Venango county, and
that Hon. M. C. Bccbe had been re
tained by the injured wife to obtain
redress for tbe eross wrontr committed.
We are reliably Informed that the case
was opened upon proof of the fraud
committed, and the divorce formally
annulled. This leaves Mr. Reeser and
Mrs. Reeser No. 1, in the same marital
relations that they sustained toward
each other befors any proceedings were
commenced, but whose wife No. 2 is,
is the question. Unless C. A.- Reeser
can be husband to two wives at the
same time, she has no husband. Still
she married Reeser in good faith, and
we do not know that she has ever for
feited her right to consider herself an
honest wife. The case ij mixed.- Zf?r;
The following items are from the
Warren Ledger " '
Warren county now kas five ne wants
Pers two in Warren, one inTidioute,
One in YoUnuBvilln. nnd in Kilns,
Grove, each claimiug the largest circu-
i.uon, we oeuove, and each exceeding
the others in tha amount and t- -;..
of material. Beside those, there are
six job offices in Warren borough, not
includiug Hazel tine's Piso printing es
tablishment, which prints more paper
than all the newspapers in the County
combined.. ., ,
The second week of Court ended
ast Monday. Jndo-e Wtninr k;nr.
been so seriously injured in-attempting
to save' a servant - girl from the
flames aS to be unable to preside. ; He
telecrrsDherl for
to procure a Judge, mid the Court fraa
I It. 1 1 , . . . . .
uut cnneu. inenoieiB mied up with
witnesses, iurors and nartie lint nil
returned home to the elm grin of the
landlords who had made up .their
minds to a full week's business. ' But
as serious as it was to others, the cause
was greater to Judge Wetmore. The
clothes of ihe servant girl caught fire
from the explosion of a kerosene lamp.
' "It looks as though Charles Sum
ner s grave were to become the nation
al altar, and as though we would -all.
Republicans and Democrats, loyalists
and rebels;; offer up on it 1 a - common
sacrifice." Philadelphia Iress. '
now about the retusal of the Vir
ginia Legislature to pass resolutions of
respect for hi mehiory? Does that
indicate a desire to bury the prejudi
ces and animosities of the past? -burgh
Commercial. .' -!
The colored address label on each
paper shows the date to which the sub--
scriber has paid, thus
Thos Turner 174, . ..
signifies that Mr. Turner has paid for
his paper until March 1st, 1874 The
mail list is corrected weekly. By con
sulting the address label every subscri
ber can tell how his account stands.
Our accounts go back no further
than the 1st of January, '73, the ac
counts previous to that time being
payable to the old firm. The old sub
scription book is yet in our hands, and
our receipts will be recognized by the
old firm. fif
To the Citizens ojv Peiosby'lva-
JU. Your attention is specially in
vited to 'the fact that the National
Banks are now prepared .to receive
subscriptions to tbe Capital Stock of
wiu venionniai xtoara oi r inanee. ihe
funds realized from this source are to
be employed in the erection of the
L. -1 J.' i ., -r . .. . ..
ouiimnga lor ine international .Exhi
bition, and tha ernenses ennnactai
with the same.- It is confidently ' be
lieved that the Keystone Htate will be
represented bv the name of tvnn iii.
ren alive to patriotic commemoration
oi ine one nunareatn birth-day of the
nation.- ine snares of stock are offer
ed for $10 each, and subscribers will
receive a handsomely ' steel engraved
Certificate of Stock, suitable for fram
ing and preservation as a national
memorial. ,
Interest at the rate of six per cent,
per annum will bo paid on all pay
ments of Cenlenial Stock from' dato
of payment to January 1, 1870. '
Subscribers who are not near a Na
tional Bank can remit a check or post
office order td the undersigued. -
Fkkok., Frai.ev, Treasurer,
tf -, , 904 Walnut St., Phila.
Make money fast aud honoraoiy,
$12.50 per day, or $75 per week, by
at once apply for a territorial right,
(which are given freo to agents,) to
sell tbe best, strongest, moot useful,
add rapid selling Sewing Machine, and
l atent Button Hole Worker, ever used
or recommended by families, or buy
one for your own use ; it is only $5.
Sont free everywhere by express. Ad
dress for particulars Jerome B. Hud
sou & Co., Cor. Greenwich & Cort
landt Sts., N. Y. 256m
JOB WORK nearly eie-ute l at theRE-
All , xrn' nrw.,n Twelfth Year, In
T i, A, t "v'Ti J'ubhcdatPiltsburKh.thecentoroftheheavylron.
Staol and Olasa Indimtria of tha country, it nan (aollitiea for Raierinir Information of
ihoaeTraileii aiich wno other paper poasoawa. In addition It ha. nearly One Hundred
rorreapondoiita In all paru of the country, from whom it la eonatnntly In receipt or
Newa. Amona It Sneolaltioa matron mentioned! J . 1
Ita Vafc of Cjndtmacd MAnufaoturlnR Notoa
Ita Able Knplish tttor z
I1if.hK1.r2 $ r,0 Unl
Ita MnntlilT Report from Illat Kurnace i
Ita Iron Wnrknra' Wn,r. 1.1.1..
-.oBmpiB vopiea aent roo ou application.
07 Wood Hired, Pittsburgh, Pn.
44 3m
"' -V ' - ....
Rv the author of "Nlqht Seonoa In the
L. 1 Bnd ""r Father"- Houaa," of
which nearly 800,000 Jiave" been aold.
ohu',ol'P8"theauUor aVst hnnk "
"full Of II......U.. ,.,r.:.?.'
rr?!r;n- ;u perns," "a choice brvk for ev
ery family.'1 . Steel anirravlnva ' m.
per, rich binding; and for rapid aalo un-
Tt-achers and nerirymen, wantel In erery
vinnt wtk. tn !
circular, ZI-EGLEK A M'CL'RIJY- aim
Arch St.i rhlldelpUia, Pa. .. . 46 it
A. P E R S
A We Maaalactnro and Sell laper,
. r - ' ' i
For the rry Good Trade, ' ..
" Hardware "...
" ; Oroeerv - ! i i ' '
: :! ' Ulaas ." ",. -,. ' , ; . ,
..." .:..JKlt.,....o . ,
" . Butcher ..."
1 " Jiuildin; " .!-.
.For ('nnvainn Hams, ' :i .
." , I.lnina; Houim,
" ', Roofing Hoiiaea, ', ' '
' ." ' Boasted Ooflee,
- .-
'. -. ! -- . ' . .
, Roonng ffemout, Satnrarted Felt.
... '
w44 lin S2 Wood St, Plttaburgh, Pa.
yy ANTED. .
Xorth Pnelfio llondi.
Call on or addroa .
; 06 Founnt Avatr cb,
- . , .
r-ir.iii" r .n i . ....
v" nut. w uig HIIU UUb . Ut,
- .... v. . . ..i nwj HI (111,
and no other man will have tha right to
awn id yourcoumy. write to me sou yon
vu uionv iou per wwk vv rite to uie and
secure Uie oounty you live In. ,
ji. jjvy i r., j-aicnioe, no. a
Sixth St., PiiUburgh, Pa. y,H lm
WE WANT YOU To actna Anents, and
distribute our' New Ariv..rtiiin.
Mapa. mounted on Knfinb Cloth, buiiiit a
complete Map of the United Statos. We
Rive these Mapaaway frrntia and will allow
you one dollar for every Map you distrib
ute in every county and atate in the Union.
Male and Kemalo Agents wanted. Ad
dress Immediately onclowfiig ono dollar
ror outfit of liva Maps, Territory, Circu
lars, and full particulars
wf4 lm East Brady P, O., Clarian Co., Ta,
TIJ. A T. . 17 A IT.HO A Ti
ON AND AFTER 11 P. P. Sunday May
1. 1870. Train arrive at aud leava the
Union Depot, corner of WawMnton and
T iUn . r. i i .
AH.K1V li.
Mull Train 1 51A . n. . V.. T 10 10 .
--- , 1 t m
m ! ell s accommodation No. 1,6.20 am -
AJiiiibuii accuniiiKKiailon io i, 7,00 a m;
Wall' accommodation No !2. 8.65a m -rin.
Oinuati express 0.20 am: Johnstown ac
commodation W.aa a in ; Braddock'a ac
commodation No 1,7.00 prii; Pittsburgh
HIWW P "il J-aeiuo express J.oa p m ;
Wall's accommodation No 3, 2.6 p ni ;
Homewood accommodation.No 1, 9.65 p m;
Wall's accommodation No 4, 5.50 p ni;
Briaton accommodation No 2, 1.10 p u;
Way Passenger iO.20 urn, ,
Rrtllthern ........d ' n ... . T .! i -
j... .... m ... . .IM.1UU r JV "
nrAuN 2.40 a m , W.ll'a .v........l...;n'
1, 6.S0a in 1 MaU Train 8.10 a in 1 Urinton's
uajuuiiuuuauon u.zv a m 1 uraauocit ao-
ninimfuluttin Vn T R in n . . ."...........;
. , ... . .1 J 1 111 , . iiiuiuuUU
express 12.35 p mi Wall's accommodation
KJ II El .... 11 . .
, .11 m lu 1 iuuiuhjwu auouniureuauoii
4.06 p in ; limiifwioij accomiuodatjon -No
1 R SO n m . T1.;,l,; o Kit ... .
all accommodation No3,3.05 p ni Wall's
accomnioilation No 4, 6.05 p in ; Fast Line
7.40 n mi Wall s No3. 11.00 0.111.
The Church Trains leave Wall's Station
every Sunday at U.05 a. 111., reaching Pitta
uurii ui m.uoa. 111. nuturiimg loava Pitts
burgh at 12.50 p. m., and arrive at Wall's
Ktalion at ') in m
Cincinnati express leaves d.ily, , South
ern ox nross uiuiy except Mou-.luy. All oth
er Trains daily, except Snndav.
For further information apfv to
W II u vt -tr 7 f-i-'ir A
The Pennsylvania Railroad Company
nl" any iik ior uaggs X
ft1lt til VI an -4 . T .1 11..... .1
1-- 'ip Ajiimgi, nil', iliiiii. flieir
rsponsibility to due Hundred DoUai-val-
.... .icH.uga -DA-wvtiiiig mat a. ouut
... . niu" niu w ni um riHH. 01 ilia filer
unless takeu by apecial contract. '
A. J. C'A&hAl ; -
General HuperintenUent, Altpona Pa.
uuino, maie or female, SOS -to- ffiO a
week warranted. No capital required. Full
particulars and a valuable sauiplo soul
free. Addi-eHH .with ti ft mut.r, utA...
A. D. Young, 2W Fifth St. WllliuiiialiurKh',
f - '1 - wM 4m
Il300 lICIt MOXTlir7"
Over Half. Profit. Best selling articles,
ueeded in every family,.. A, valuable sam
ple sent on recoipt of lo cts. to pav post
ago. Addresa, 11. W. SX12AD A CO., 41
Sixth St., Pittsburgh, Pa. w38 3m
Th, Republican Office
KEEPS oonstautly on hand a large as
sortuiant of Blauk reod. Mortgage.
Bubrni-uas, Warrants, 8-.taimas, Ac. to
08 SA f uaaj lor caati. tf.
rwogrntwHl na tha Llni! Represenraliue
"" R"vlew of American Iron Markelaj
. 14.00 TER YEAR
r"4 f TRY IT S Month for 10 Cent j
J or with $1 Chromo, for M eenta:
or 6 Ejintha with "Flowers uf Paradise," a
tlrst-olass 1 chromo, 15Jx21 inches, in 18
color, tbrjl. Tub Nationai. Anntrui,-TFRAt.i-r
In a lxtcen-pnge paper of 64 eol
nnms. handsomely Illustrated in all its
deartments. One of the liestagricultural
and family papers published. Only It per
year, or $1,125 with a beautiful CHROMO.
Th Hoe-Keepers' Magaaiue, a 32-pago
monthly, same terms, or both for $l.5.
Hend for sample copies, and liberal terms
to agonu, KRKE. - Write now io-
J . i ' II. A. KINU A CO. ;!
w 40 1 111 . 14 Murray St., New 'ork.
UST AND RFTnatlonfor
and- Slilesnien I llenrr AVard rtv-l..r'
ftiaiily.uewspBper glvea lavcrv ubsoriber
?,-.Wr.?f the Jrt nd tinest OLKO
ijHAPHS (w most attractive subjects,
that 4take" on sight palnt)d by Mrs. An
dnrson, as oontrasts and -companions tbr
hor "Wide Awake" and '"Kant Aslaan."
Apent kave IMMENSE SUCCKSW : .-all
it th "best business ever olTered canvass
ers." We furnish the lightest and band
omest onttit, and pay very high commis
sions. Each subscriber receives withovt
delay two beautiful pictures, which are
the paper itaclf atanda peerlcsa among
ftmily journals, being so popular that of
Itaelasatt has the-largest circulation In
t J world I Employ tho Iwst literary tal
ent Edward EggleMton's aerial storv is
just beginning j back chnptors supplied to
each subscriber, Mrs. Stowe's long cx
jxioted sequel to "My Wifb and I" begins
in the new year. Any one wishing a rood
salary or an independent business, should
send forcirculars and terms A CENTS
to J. U. FORD A CO., New WANTED.
York, Boston, Chicago, Cincinnati or Han
Francisco. , 36 4
THE wnNDTrinmr. 1
(Patent Just Procnrcd.) ' ;
managed by any child. Tho latest
and most wonderful inqention of the age.
The very thing for cither parlor or out
door aniuaoinont.
Big pay to agents and to tho trado. Sat
itfaclion guarauleed or money promptly
returned. ,
Bent pro-paid by mail to any address, on
receipt of 1. -
O C'ta. ar 3 tar I AO.
Addres M. R. ROBERTS A CO.,
w40 6m ' , 176 Broadway, New York.
... ! : . -POCKKT
SCISSORS, 4?., Ji C.
1 in . . :.
V ' . ,. ' ' . - I
Repairing Lock, and Fitting Keys
V AND AFTEU Monilay. Juno 5, 1871,
Irani wui run as iouows;
: ' STATfo.v. No. 2. ' '. . No. 4
Oleopolia, 10.26 m ' S.SO p m
aniieit, io.a ,
Woods 10.S0 " '3.18
1'rathers AHII 10.2t " 8.10
PilholeClty ll.OU 2.W
PilholM City,
Pratliora Mill
Woods i .
Old. polls ' '
No. 1.
8.40 am
.4H "
No. 3.
1.20 p ni
fl.02 1
2.oa "
2.14 "
am Trains
at Oleoioli witb trains on tha Oil Crouk A
Allegheny Itivcr Builway, North aaid
South. 1
Two Li nea of Stages nn daily letween
Pitliole City, Miller Fau-iu nd l'lousunt
villc, niakingconnoi-liou witUnt-j-ivliig and
departing Trains. J, T. BLAIR,
' II. WH'KHAM, - Hup't.
picket Agont. PitlioraClty, Pn..
lOU WORK ti'-atl-e-ejecutcd at thiottica
at reasoraula rates.
TJa "American"
Jas. H. Fouos, Proprietor, .
(at th aid Uad of Frt 0. Drag Stor)
KLM STRKXT, . - Tiviimta, P.
i . .. Agnt for , ' ' .
Dr. Morris' Syrup of Tar, Wild
Cherry and Horehound.
i.. i
LIQUORS, -Fr , JMifm w; QSLr
" oiw ieaa, parieciiy pwr, HI . MUCH
cheaper than furmarly. ,
Also all kinds ot Oils. Rarosona. Tur.
Dentins, Benzine, Toilet Articles, rPar
fuurciles. do.i for sals chatD. ' n i''
TV III? I I.1 k! 'II lit I ft II
r wixy' iT!i! r
Thk Rcif.NTIvfo AmkricaN Isdia ch
est and best illustrated weekly paper pub
lished. Every numlier contains from 10 to
15 original engravings of new machinery,
novel inventions, bridges, . engineering
works, architecture, improved thrni imple
ments, and everv now discovery in chem
istry. A year's numlier contain 8.12 pagea
and several hundred engravings. Thous
ands of volumes are preserved bt binding
and reference, . The practical receipts aro
well worth ten times the sulwcription
price, T Torms, f3 year by maiU Speet
menta sent free, A new Volume com
mences January S, 1874. May bo had of
all news dealers.
PuTFIIITQ obtained u the beat terms.
HI kll I J Models bf new InTontiona
and sketclioa examined and advice froeJ
ah paienis are puiiiisiieo in I no Nclentitic
American the week they issue. Send for
pamphlet, Dupaea, containing laws and
lull directions for obtaining Patents. Ad
dress for the Paper or concerning Patents,
MUNN A CO., 87 Park Row, New York.
Branch Otlloe, cor. F and 7th ats., Wash
ington 1. C. w4U lm
THE CRIST MILL at Nebraska (Lacy
town,! Forest county, has been thor
oughly overhauled nd refitted in first
class order, and is now ruuuiiig and doing
all kinds of
. . FLOUR, ,
Constsntly on hand, and old at the very
lowest figures. R,
am .- ; . . HW. LgpaBtl '"
Allegheny Valley Rail . Road.
ON AND after Monday Feb. i Trains
will rnn as follows (Philadclohia
Train leave Oil Cltr for Pittsburgh at
2:1.' p. in. 7:45 a. ni. arriying at Pittsburgh
at 10:05. and 3:00 p. m.
Brady's Bend Accommodation leaves
Oil fh)y at:12 p. in. arriviug at Brady'
JJUIK! llfc V.OJ 1, in,
Trains lcav l'iiutburgh for OU City at
7:20 a. in. and 3:20 p. m.,' arriving iu" Oil
City at 2:33 and 0:45 p. in.
Oil City accommodation leaves Brady's
Band at ii:U) a. m.- arriving ft 011 City t
V2m p. m. " v .. ' -
'rains leave Oil City for Buffalo at &4I
p. m. 6:20 a. m, and tf:10 a. iu. arriving in
Buttatloat H:55 p. ui. 1:10a.m. anil 7:25 p.ui.
Trains leave liullalo for Oil City at :5
p. m. and 12:25 p. ni. arriving at Oil City at
2:10 p. m. and 8:20 p.m.
A 11 trains given aliove run through from
Pittsburgh to Butlalo uid return, without
change of cara. Trains tan ou Philadel
Thia time, which is 20 iniiuito fnster than
Pittsburgh time. Th time at Bulla! i
L. 8. ift M. B. K'y time which ia 2s miuaies
slower than Philad-I4ila tune u.
At Rod Bank Junction thi' road con
with tho Eastern Extension which run to
Brook vlile,leaving Red Bank at 11:45a. in.
and 7:50 a. in. arriving iu Brookvillo at
feSO and 12:i0p. m. i ; - -
- Tlie train leaving Red Bank at 11:43 p.m.
arrives nl Roy ltoldsvillo at 3:40 p. in.
T.M.KING, Ueii'l. fctup't.
Ass t. Sup't. -
It represents sample page and stylo Of
uiimuiK i uu miciiseiy inieresiiiig ana
useful nooks, that sell in every fuuiily.
Best thing ever tried by Canvassers.
Agents anted, to make a permanent
iiusinoss on incse works in every county.
Prospectus sent post-paid ou receipt of
price, 91. W. l or i-uculars and liberal
terms, midrosa JOU.V E. POTTER, tfc CO.,
Publishers, Philadelphia, Pa... , W38 4t
' XOTICK. '" "
DR. J.N. BOLARD, of Tldioute, has
rot.irnHil to his practice after au ab
sence of four uionths, spent ill the Hospi
tals of New York, where he will atbmd
calls in his profession.
Office in Eureka Drug Store,' 3d door
ibove the raiik.T-idioute, Pa. . fuf
- - - . - - -. - . -
CMfllfFRQ 1,0,1(1 -3 r,-s- f,u' 1,10 ,hw
OIHUnklld HcU'-iu'ijiistiiig cigmeito and
i-i'nr holder. :S for 5U t-lh. .f. U. Kubcrl'-i
Ji Co., ITi. Ui'.iui wji-, N-v Voi-k. . IfMii'n
I)r. J. lVal .orart.Cal I rorii In Yin
fs;!ir Kilters nro a purely Vugptnins
piopnratioti, iiiiuln cliiclly IVum the nn
lire lici ba found on tho lower riuigo of
the Sien a Nevada mountains of Califor
nia, tho medicinal propcrtio of ivliii-h
nro extracted tlimcrioiii nitlioiit tho uao
of Alcohol. 'J'lio 'lucstioii is almost
daily naked. " What is Hio'ciuino of Ilia
linparalloled ucccss of Vixi:i;ah lii r
Ti:itsT" Our answer is, that limy lemoro
the cause of disease, ami llift pnliniit 1'9
covers lii health. Tliey lliepi'cal
blood piuillei-anil a life iviii5 prlueiplr.
a perfect. Unnovatur iin-i . Iiirlgorntnr
of tho Fvnieiii. Novel- Ixl'me in th
hittnry of" th wsrkl tias it mniirinii brnn
c6iiHioiinili-I iliu".iu!:i ' tho relnirkslila
i a-.i;UilK nl Vinkiiak IIiitkks iu 1 . c u 1 1 : i tr ho
ick ui svciy llican ni.ui ia iii-u I", mrr
are a xcUo Purfative in well . Tmnr.
i raliviuie Connatimi or IulUiiuunlion of
tha l.iver.uuU Vicil C'ijhu. ia ii.lious
Uiscase - , . , j, .. - ,. .
TllO pTOllOVtil' cf PB- VaIKVh
Vl.x.iiAk Itn TKi.ara Ape: ant. Diiiiiluucuc.
Canninslive. utlllinu.4. Laxative. Iiiurotin.
Sedative, Cuniitcr,Iirr;teul tiuiiorili. Allra
tir, aud AutMliiiotw.. . '., ,. ..,
t! rate Ftil Thnnstiiitls prorl.tim Vi-
rem BlTIFIi the mint : wnnilni-fnl In.
1 Vlporant that ever tustsiuod th fliiVirfj
No Person cau take tliese Ilitters
a (tcoordiug to ducctions, and rciuaiu nn
unwell, provided their bones aro not de
stroyed by "miljeral poison or other
uioaiis, aud vital organs waatod Icyoud
reair. - - - -
ifilioiHj Kemittent nnd Inter
mittent eveif , which rio o preva
lent In tho vallcvs of our c;i6at rivers
' throughout tha United Suite-, especially
IUO80 oi tho Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri,
Illinois, Tennessee, CmiilKirlaiiil, Ai'knn
ami. Red, Colorado, llraro, Ulu Grande,
Pearl, Alabama, Mobilo, Savnnnah, Itu
nnoko, Janioa, and many otheis, witli
their vast tributaric4, tln-ouslinut oiw
CDtiro country during the Siuuiuor; and
Auttiinn, and rcniiu kably no (lin iiiR sen
sows of unusual beat :nid flryn"., ai
tuva,riali)y iiccomiianled by 8tnsivn do
rnngcuionts of tlio htomacu uiul'liris.
and other abdominal iscern. . In their
liciitiuont, a vurgatlvo, exerting; a poa.
eriil inlluciico upon tlirso Tiiiiou or
ans; 1 etsontinliy nec.cas!ry. Tlicra
is no catbnrtie fur tho I hi muse enual to
as iuoy win Bpoctiny icmnvo tue uarii
colored viscid niatu-r with liiU tha
bowel are lomlud, at tho tan-. tima
ktimulntins tho secretions of the lirfs,
and generally restoring tha hialiiiy
fu net Ions of tho digostivo oinn. -
Fortify tho body nRfilnst (iiser.s
by puiifyiiiR all iu lluidswiili Vinkii h
HiriKr.s. No ep'ulumiq e.ui l.u Iwid.
of a svstcni thus foi c-ai'incil.
DysnepKiii or Intliomtirt. tlead
aebc, fain in tho Shoulders. Coughs.
Tightness of the Chest, Iifue. Houi
Eiuctations or tho Stomach. Tuslix
iu the Mouth, Itiliuus Attacls,
, tatiou of the Heart, liillnimnatiun l il:o
i.unss, Pain iu tbo region of tho Kid
tieys, and a hundred other painful ytnp.
totns, are the ulVsprinjjs of livspcp.ti.t.
Ono bottlowill proio a better i,J'i:iV:in!t
Of IU merit than a lengthy, at!veni .-
Uicnt. v
Sorofiila, or KIiik'h ii-'vil, wijii
8wolliii)rs, Clcers, KryiHilaik. .sucllrd '.
Coitro. 8cnftiniu I iilliiuiiiaiioiK, linlult-ut
InlUiiiniatiuns, Mprciirial A lleciiuii-, v.L
Sores, Eruptions of tkn .SUin. Sum i'.Uv. ol t.
Ill theie, as iu iill.ollier viiiisiitiiiiuiinl IK
aatet, WaLKKK'a Vimcvk Hi ttk I j
tliavn Unur great c unit ivn powui iu lltj,
ioit wbstiitnto and inli'tu-tnliia cM. "
For Inthiniiti.'ilory and tiironlj
. Ulieuiiiatisiii, (iout, IViliou-i. licmii
tcntandliitcniiittcnt l-'cvms, l);r,casei if
th illuml, I,i viir. KuliixiM n:iil r.luli'.i.-i,
tlisat JiiUurs Imvu im i'iiiiui.
. are caused liy Villsti-d liUnd. ... M,
Meclianiciil Discuses.-Persons on-
fngod in Paints ami .Miuci.iI.h, such an
liunbers, Typa-sctturi). Cuhl bu.Uui. i. I
Miners, as tln.v uiIvuiii-h i-i life, urs ulii"i-t
' ta paralysis f tlio Hm-.its. 'J'.i Air.l
SRaiu.Tt tins, lnko a ib ! aT.KH; , Viv
KUA BiTTKirs oei-itiiinll;
, For Skin Diseases Ki n;tiii:is,'Ti t-
tor, fisll liliuiiiii, LIiiIlIiw Siiuli. l'iiiiiiltit.
Pastilles, lluils, CsibmiL-lc-.-i, i'.nig Wuims
Scald-head, Sura Eyn. Erylicl.i. Iti-lj.
ScaiTu, DitculorntiiHM of the' Skin, liumori
Slid Diwasusof Ills Skin of Kli:Cuvyr linnin
or nature, aro liu-mlly ilu up ii-ul canii-.i
out of tlm item in a 'short tunu by lban
of tliese Bittars. - -
Fin," Tnwr and other - Worms
lurking in tho kvsli-in of ko iiiany llu.iu:uiii-.
ar ellostnally Aei-lroyeil ami runiiivsil. ..
syttcui of nicilii'iiic, no viumiliiu'e-, i u nn
tliohniuitlct will free the system IVciu worn...
lik tba Killer. - . .. ,...
For Female C'(iii)1ninl s, inyoun
orM, niarricd or single, at thetlnuu of wn
manhoud. or tho turn of life, tlio-t 'i'uniii
Bittsri display so (lvcitlcti an iiilluuius tlisL
ilnprtiTtmut it icon iH-rcoptilil.v .
Cleuiisothe Vitiated lilood niiei-
ver you UuJ iisiuipuruw W.tipx thruugli
th ikiu in Iiitiilvs," Kruitinii. in- ,SoreV;:
cleans it when you fimi it nb-tria-tcil ayd
lUf!ghii -Ii8.vumi: cIcMvjs jt ,u Uuu .:J m.
fool ; your luuliiifj-t will tell oh vhfti )Ct-(i
tha blood puro, u:.d tbo Uuallh ut ths yv.-tm
will follow. i " i
H. II. MtUUHALU ti (..
DrUf-riaU sntl Ocu. Afrts.. San (; ilifunvs.
Sad uvr. u( Walilui:l.Mi aait t hiullan la,. Vi V.
ttoltl by all lruglals Hod Uculcra.
- j ' . .
This First-t-lass Chromo wili be given to
every subscriber to
Whether to a single sulscribeifor Thrwc
l)ollara, or iu a t'luli of Stx, lor i'on
toen lioljurs.
Address L. A. (iODKY,
N. E. for. Sixth and Chestnut .sts.,
Phlhulol'phin, Pa.
'. f.-i in ; in f ..!.- Ii .,.!: l yrut'-n:
Clllb-i. - !..4,