f EMeTdIT M0RX1X0, MARCH II, 1874. ., BOnOUGH OFFICERS. Jlterpene M. Ittki., Ju. JbHnei7irn ft. J. Woleolt, T. J. Vim C.lesen, J. K. Blaine, 1. H. Knox, J. H. Mood, J. A. Proper. i Juxtieea of the Peace W. P. Mercilllolt, tf. H. Knox. I nHffafe IC. Hwaggnrt A'AkiI Director 1. .M. Knox, II. O. ym IS. .?. Wolsott, S. II. Haslet, A. l(. Kellv. I. Clark. FOREST COUNTY OFFICERS. Prmident Judge VT. P. Jrnk. Alnrhtt Jadje$3 A. FHor-KR, A pnnw OooK. . Sheriff T. J. Va Oiesk. ' Treasurer Ehko. f!i.AHfenn. f'rotlionotary, HegMerd: Recorder, fc. J. ft. AllNKW. J OunmiMiopieri-T. P. Collins, John Thompson, Jar. k. Clark. I r)Miifw Superintendent N. F. Rounnn. i ttinlrifl AtlnrnniH. I). InwiN. I Jurv (Mmmitiionert Jas. Klynn.Wm. JrATTKRUO!. tMrny nunvynr .i. irtvis. fin-oner M. Ittki, Jr. uwfV j4 Hditnm T . )1. Comi, Ij. War MKR, O.JAMIF.SON. sijembtro Vongres Wlh District C. B. V'CWTI. ' iarm6iT-MARTlN Williams. 2'm o lYain At TIONESTA STATION, on and aflor Kovetnber 17, 1M7S : cum 1st clans. Train ti - -6:56 p. in. Sd class. Train AO .... 11:02 a.m. " 64 . . . - 3:26 (. in. IIURTU- 1T CLASS. Train SI - 3:26 p.m. 2D CLAM. Train 53 D:0' a. m. Ml 1:40 p. in, On the Ulvor Division . e. front Oil City to Irvineten, up the river is North ; down the river, wiutli. locaiTand miscellaneous. Jacob Hood was appointed Street Commissioner at the first meeting of the now Council. Judge Dale, who was ill wiicn our last naner was issued, is now around a enjoying his usual liealth. Money comes slowly into the County Treasury. From prcscut indi rations there' will he a large tax sale in June. c " Protracted Moeting is still going ' on, with moderate success. The meet t ings are well attended and are said to be very interesting. ' - -Tho woman's praying nioverocnt has gotten as far as Willinmeport, in this Stato, and there's no telling which . way it will spread. : During the fine weather previous in to the present snow, the youugsters of : : our placo have been reviving their ' base-hall practice". It looks kind of ! old fashioned to see them in position Ilev. Clark, at prcseut in charge of the borough school, is in favor v. putting new seats in both rooms of the school house. During thp present term tho seats now in use have beeu ' uncomfortabl v crowded. ; The Odd Fellows' Homo in Mend will he formally opened nnd dedicated on Tuesday, May 2Gth. The Grand . -Officors of the older in. Pennsylvania .. and probably some of the officers of the Grand Lodge of the United States . .will bo present. C. C. Leonard, the gentlemau who used to run the funny department in the Titusville IleralJ, has heen lying seriously 111 in Cleveland, for somo months. He has hosts of friends ; throughout the oil regions who will ftope for his speedy recovery. -. . Thero i a slim specimen of hu manity who occasionally comes to t. town, who is noted principally for his v nfltictiou for Sp. Frunienti and pies, which his front name is James. Home genius who evidently does not think that "a rose by any other nt.me would be as fragrant," has dubbed this chap , -".Slim Jim, the Tie-Eater." The Derrick thinks that "politi cians must be in deadly terror of the , FotiEsr ItErunuuAN." Perhaps they have more respect for it thau they have for the Derrick, the editor of which paper tried to blackmail Harry Allen wheu he was running for the position he uow occupies, and finding that wouldn't work, concluded to sup port him any way, so be wouldn't take ' tho trouble to expose the attempt. The I'resi suggests that Hon. . Ilasselas Brown of Warren be appoint ed Prcsideut Judge of this d'wtiict (Worren, Forest and Elk) uutil the next elcctiou. Now we would prefer Judge Brown to somo legal gentlemen we kuow of who belong to the ltepub Jicau party, but we believe there are lawyers in this district of our own par ty who would cover the bottom of the Judicial chair with much grace, and wliosd legal alilitiej would le fully tjual to the occ u ion. Tho bills sent in by the papers which published the new constitution nre greatly perplexing the' legislators of our State, there not being much regularity about them. The question is how to equalize tho payments. The following extracts front speeches will show how the honorublo gentlemen aro disturbed about the question: Mr. Iiirrt.K, of Wyoming said : There is evidently not diffused n very high sense of honor among the pub lishing fraternity. Most papers ad vertise their rates, nnd it is supposed that no individual would pay more than tho adverlifed rates. How, then, can publishers who advertise that they will print n column advertisement for 820, 830 or 840, charge the State 8720, $900, 11,000 and upward? It is simply -a gross, unjustifiable fraud and brings contempt upon every printer in tho State. Even tho reli gious papers could not resist tho temp tation to dip into tho treasury, now that they bad the chance. MR.1rockway-1 am ashamed oi tne loth. Of what use is it for editors to nveieli nzainst the salary grab, the petty slealinirs in eo vern mental depart ments, the opposition to tne repeal ot tne usury laws, ana inoso pious injunc tions to honesty, and rant about the geueral rottenness of the body politic, . . . , . i t when upon tne nrsi opporiunny tuey dip into the treasury arm's length.and steal what they can, and claim it as their due. For the credit of the hon est portion of the press we hopo that theso exorbitant bills will not be paid. There are honest charges made in the above exhibit, and there nre some out rageous! v dishonest ones also. Mr. Webb The editor who will falsify upon oath plain facts for the purpose of drawing big bills upon the Treasury is equal to Tweed, and is a disgrace to the profession which he claims to honor. In order to show that we are not one of the publishers referred to by thee honorable geutiema.n we will give the bills of ours and neighboring papers Erie Gazetto $ 660 00 Erie Observer C60 00 Warren Ledger 095 00 Warren Mail 695 00 Oil City Derrick 737 00 " Times , 590 00 Venango Citizen 797 00 Spectator C55 00 Titusville Herald " 996 00 Elk Co. Advocate 840 00 St. Mary's Gasctte .v :. 647 50 Forest Republican ' -648 00 Forest Tress ;-v 1,188 00 East Brady Independent . 1,166 50 A Committee of seven was finally appointed, to which the bill was refer rod. .Tlie committee is expected to re port a bill which will be mutually ao ccptable to both legislators nnd. pub Ushers. ' They have our, beet' wishes for their success, . !-An act has passed the first read ing in the House compelling railroad officials to place watchmen at cross ings, and fixing tho penalty for nou complanoo with this act at imprison ment not less than two years and a fine nj)t less than (2,000, or both. Said fine to be paid to the family of the person killed or ' injured. Now wouldn't it be well to let up on the railroads a little t If this bill becomes a law, the expenses of evtry railroad in the State will- be . increased to an alarming extent, in some cases reaching up toward a million dollars annually. This precaution is necessary iu large towns, but to mako a general thing of it, would in all probability baukrupt a good many roads. Wo have not seen the bill as presented and it may ouly refer to towns. Lust week ut this timo lumber men were thinking seriously of run ning their lumber, but wiuter has now set iu with an nir that looks rather more like business than any experienced during the winter months. The ground is covered with snow to the depth of about four inches, and but for the very muddy roads the snow fell upon, we would now have passablo sleighing. This being an exception to all winters and springs within tho recollection of Old Probabilities, there's no telling but we may yet bo enabled to put up large (stores of ice for "quick cousump, tun during the summer. Matthew Elder, who formerly owned the place now occupied by David Hunter, was in town a few days ago. We believe he is nt present liv ing in Viiioluud, N. J. He sold his property in thhrsectiou iu the beginning of the first oil excitement, aud is well situated by reason of the proceeds. He was formerly first-class pilot the river aud creek, aud had a "fresh" come while he was here, we would nut have beeu surprised to seo hiui piloting an Allegheny to Pittsburgh. The old life will Hick to luo-c who once ire I ! accustomed to it. The Literary Society did not meet last week, on account of the protracted meeting, nnd we presume thero will be no Society this week on the same ac count. The freight fewcived at the Depot now is just about the same in amount as that received at this time last year. There was a falling off during autumn last of about one-fourth, but it appears that busiucs has revived. This is a sign that the times are getting easier iu this section. Geo. Hunter and Thomas Mack had a discussion which extended from Robinson's store to the Central House, the ground having been gone over sev eral times. A clinch was eventually arrived at, nnd unfortunately for Geo. he tell under. 1 he combatants were parted before much damage was. done, and nothing but a few haodsful of hair remained on the snot to tell of the struggle which had taken place. Alex. McClure was 'snubbed by W. A. Wallace in the Senate last week, the latter taking occasion to say that Alex's influence with the Democ racy had played out. Tobr McClure, he is now on Ishmaelite wandering around among the scenes of his for mer glory, "his hand against every man, and every man's against him." It is altogether probable that he will retire from public life wheu his term as Senator expires. Those smokers of our place whose time has heretofore hong heavily upon their hands, have found a means of making their leisure hours pleasant, aDd in some degree, profitable. They hiro a small boy to go out and dig them up a lot of the roots of the laurel, and out of them manufacture pipes that rcsemble"tiothing in Heaven or on the earth, nor in the waters tin dor the earth." They have a supersti tion that these pipes taste sweeter than those procurable for lucre. May their delusion in this respect be lasting. The report of the State Commis sioners of Fisheries for 1873, came to hand last week. A good work is being done by these gentlemen iu stocking the waters of (he eastern part of the State with desirable varieties of fish. This is well as fur as it goes, but if there is any reason why their opera tious should be confined to the' East exclusively we would like to know it. Stock the Allegheny with some of these uew varieties of fish, and we will bet ter appreciate the usefulness of the Commission The office of the Petroleum Cen tre Record was recently sold by the Sheriff. This Is a case wliere nobody wns to blame but the editor, and hid fault was that he run his paper in that place long after it ceased to pay ex pauses. The Record was a live paper long after Petroleum Centre was a dead town. If ever a man deserved t succeed, that man was Wicker. It is our hope that he may break out in a new spot soon, with a paper such as he is capable of running, and may he place us ou his exchange list, Au incidect happened in Pleas antville recently, by which one man learned a lesson. He was a married man, but this did not deter him from addressing a letter to a waiter girl at one of the hotels, with whom he was slightly acquainted, asking her to ap point a placo where he might meet her. The young lady showed the note to her employer, who took a few men in to his confidence, and answered the letter, appointing a meeting in a barn on a certain evening. The gay de ceiver was there ou time and met a party of men whp first poured a buck et of tar over him, and then sprinkled a sack of flour over that. It is said that his wife reminds him of his ad venture occasionally. The Odd Fellows' Lodge of Tid ioute have startod a library in con- nection with the lodge, for the use of '.he members. Over one hundred vol uiues wero eontributed at the first start, and the number will be increased rapidly. The following are the rules for borrowiug books : Members may retain a booK one week, and will, by sinning the rules and regtilutioi.s, assume a pecuniary re spotisibility for the same. A book may be renewed from week to week, hen a book is retained ever one week without ta'mg renewed, the mem ber so offending will pay a fine of five ceuts, aud five cents for every week thereafter, aud will lose his member, ship uutil the fines are paid. This is something which should be established iu connection with Tiones ta Lodge, and wo hope the subject will be broached immediately, and the I roject carried hi succf-i. -F. W. Hays, Attorney at Law, whose card appears- in this paper, was elected City Attorney of Oil City on Monday evening last. He will fill the position with honor. The People 'i Monthly for March w before us, and is one of the best pa pers of its class that comes to enr of fice. It abounds in well written sketches, and useful reading. The next number will commence the serial story, "Simon Girty." The terms are $1.00 in advnnce. Address, People's Monthly Publishing' Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. The new ten cent fractional cur rency note is a trifle larger than that of the last scries, the size being three inches in length and two inches wide, and instead of the large red seal across the face' it has the small seal of the Treasury Department encircled with ! lathe work in green on the lower por tion of the note. The portrait, en graved in viginctto form, of Win. M. Meredith, Secretary of the Treasury during tho administration of President Tayltr, appears on tho left end of the note. . .. From the Clarion papers we learn of a destructive fire which occurred in that place on Monday of last we'ek. The fire caught in the roof oi the store and residence of T. C. Wilson, it is supposed from the chimney. That place is like our own, being without means of fighting fires, and the build ing where the fire originated, and also that of N. Myers, were burned to the ground. The roof of Mr. Myers' resi douce was also burned off. Wilson's 1 )ss was about $10,000, fully insured. Myers' loss was about $12,000, also in sured. The result of this fire will pro bably be that Clarion wi'l have a fire engine of some kind soon. Raftman'j Stoves, includiug full outfits at Robinson & Bonner's. . 48tf Dissolution of Partnership. The partnership heretofore existing. of May, Park & Co., Bankers, Tiones la, Pa., was this day dissolved by mu tual consent, John P. Park withdiaw- intr. The business will be conducted under the same name, by the remain inir partners, 11. II. May and A. B, Kelly. H.H.May, John 1 . 1 ark, A. B. Kelly, January 20, 1874. Boston Crackers, twenty-five bar rels, just arrived at Robinson A Bon ner's. 48 tf Coffins and Caskets, a full supply on hand and for sale by A. H. Par tridge at h:s furniture store, in th building formerly occupied by J. J Fisher. . ; 48tf Clover and Timothy Seed at Ri.b inson & Bonner's. . 48 tf Marriage Certificates, Blank Deeds, Leases, Warrants, Subpoenas, Summons, Executions, Warrants and Informations, for sale at this office, tf Don't fail to go to Robinson '& Bonner's if you went stoves, stovepipe or tinware. 26-lt. TIMBER LANDS FOR SALE. Over two thousand acres-of fin Hemlock Timber .Lands sttuntad on Maplo Creek, near Claringtou, this county, are for sale at a batgain. Part of tho lands, are situated within fou miles of Ciarington, on tho Clarion River, and would be a fine site for an extensive tannery and saw mills. Map and particulars can be seen by apply ing to the editor of this paper. Codfish, whitefUh and mackerel at Robinson & Bonner's. 46 tf Job Printing. Do you want posters? Do you want hand-bills ? Do you want business cards ? Do you want a neat bill head ? Do you want a tasty letter head ? Do you want a nice visiting card ? If so, leave your orders at the Re- publicau office where they will be exe cuted iu the neatest style and on most reasonable terms. Sewing Machines, Sewing Machines. In copnection with my Sewing Ma chiue business, I am now prepared to take all kinds of Sewing Machines in exchange for new ones, and repair all kinds of Machines ; making them work as good as new, or no pay. I also have needles for all first class machines. Parties liviug at a distance can send machines and they will be repaired and returned by express Needles sent by mail on receipt of f 1.00 per dozen. Call at my office ou South Seneca street, Oil City, Pa., or addross 35 tf ' D. C Ciit.ivi-'K a. !--''- i , Don't fend money by mail and run risks, bnt "buy Briggs & Bros' Garden and Flower Seeds in packages and in bulk, at Robinson & Bonner's. 46 tf Those beautiful lots just north of Mrs. Henry's residenco can be bought cheap, on long time, by applying to the editor of this paper. If. The lightest running Machine in the world is the Grover & Baker, at least Baldwin, of Tidioute says so, and he knows. 46 ly Xew Advertisement. NOTICE. Whereas, lettorsof Ad m lustration to the estate of Alexander Holonian, latqof For est County, deceased, have been granted to the subscribers, all persons indebted to aid estate are renuested to make imme diate payment, and those having claims against the same will present them duly authenticatedor settleincut to tl.l IIOLE.MAN, 48 6t ASHBAL, HOLIiMAN, J " SHERIFF'S SALE. BY VIRTUE of sundry writ of Ki. Ktt. issued out of the Court of Com mon Pleas of Forest county and to me di rected, there will be exposed to sale- by uiblio venauo or outcry, at mo uouri louse, in the borouh of Tionesta, on TUESDA Y, MARCH 31ST, A. 1). 1871. at 4 o'clock P. M., the following decribed real estate, to-wit : S. P. McCalmont vs. O. H. I.oni. II. Wfttliev and Kli Walton. Alias Fi. Fa. No, 6 May Tr.. 1874. C. D. No. 6 Iec. Tr.. !, rt. A'u. I'M,, n jhhv ir 1011, jlt, .u. tu i , i -v. a . . ,o A ' i r v.. An May Tr., 1870. Mason A Jenks An un divided one half interost in all that cer tain piece of parcel of land situate in tho Township of Hickory, County of Forest, and State of i'eiina., bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Beurin liiiE at a while oak tree the most northerly corner of the whole tract, thence by tract No. 6U07 south forty-five degrees cast three hundred ana twenty perches to a post ana stone, thence by tract Mo. Klxi south lorly live decrees west one iiunureu and sixty ei(?ht and four-tenths porches to a post, thence by lands of the Mercantile retro. leum Company north eighty degrees west three naiidrect ana eighty-cignt ana lour. tenths perches, to a post uy Diazeu trees, thence by tract No. SiiHO north lortv-llve degrees east three hundred and sixty-one and six-tenth perches, to the place oi tie- ginning. Containing nve huwtrou ana seventy . ncros, more or less, being tho most northerly hair or tne tract nutnoerea h'MX Together with all nd singular the buildinss and imurovenionto. Taken in execution ana to De sola as tho property of O. 8. Long, H. Wathev and Eli Walton at the milt of 8. V. McCnl mont. Terms cash. T. J. VAN GIESEN. Sheriff. Sheriffs Ollice, Tionesta, Pa., March 10, 1874. Mercantile Appraiser's List for For est Co. for 1874. TIONtSTA BORO. Class TA Superior Lumber Co. 12 Oeo. W. Uovard & Co. 13 tl'2 00 10 00 S. II. Haslet 14 7 Morris Kinstrin 12 12 60 20 00 Robinson dc Bonner 10 II . O. Davis - . . 14 7 7 7 00 A. II. Portridgo 14 Jacob Smnarbaugh 14 Reed W. M vers 14 00 00 7 00 Oeo. T. Latimer, 2 billiard tables 40 00 QREEK TWP. Ford Lacy 12 12 50 BAR!fKTT TWT. James B. Persall 14 7 00 Andrew Cook 14 7 00 howe tvrr, Geo. Pond Co. 14 7 00 HICKORY TWT. T. J. Bow man - 12 Wheeler A Uusenbury 14 T. I). Collins 14 12 CO 7 7 HARMONY TWIN A. Slater 14 7 J no. Peterson H 7 J. I. Range 14 7 Wm. C. Neill 14 7 KIXOSLEY TWP. Wheeler, Dusenbury A Co. 14 7 00 A Court of Appeals will be held at tho oiuce oi tne evuiur i reasurer,iu ximicnwt, on Tueslavtue2Hu tlav ol March, I8i. W. B."HARI.aN. Mercantile Appraiser, TIME TRIED AND FIRE TESTED THE ORIGINAL ETNA INSURANCE COMPAN OF HARTFORD, CONN. ASSETS Dec. 31, 187a, c,7ac,oy5. t.o. MILKS W. TATE. Sub Agent. 45 T'oiiostH, Pl, CENTRAL HOUSE, OONNER A AONEW BLOCK. W. A iJ UlLASDs, ix-ssee. I his is a new house, and has just Ix-on fitted up for the accommodation of tho public. A ortion or the pair on ago or the public is solicited 4ti-iy TVTOT1CE Is hereby given that wo inU it to apply to tho Legislature for the passage or an act the lino or which son I Le "An act to repeal all local lien luws in tho counties or crawtora, euango, war ..... 'l..i.n U.ltt.... n.wl A strong," and the object of said scIkIkiII I as miaou in tne title, t . m. jaroen, i . Joy. O. I). Harrington. H. B. Htowell. A. Ralston, M. B. UroHsbeok, II. B. Porter, 8. II. Carpenter, David Emery, J. D. An gier. February 14, 1874. NOTICE Is given that an application will be made at the present session of Legislature for the passage of a supple ment to An Act appointing commissioners to lay out aud open a State rou,i in tho counties of McHeau, Elk, Forest and Clarion, approved May 1, lwjl, (the county of Clarion Laving heretofore been except ed from its provisions,) to extend the low ers and duties of the Commissioners for the sell lenient of their accounts until the meetingof the County Auditors for the year 1877, and for levying tuxes until and in cluding tho year 1H75, when thev shall cease. " tS. 1). EH EE MAN, Eub. 1, 1874. 4li-U O 1 f to;10U In W'all St. often leads to a O I Viurtuiie. No risk. 32-pauo pam phlet for stamp. Valentine Tuiuliridgs it Co., Hankers and Brokers, 2ti Wall-st., N. N. l!i-4t. JOB WORK ueatlyexeutited atlhisoflice at reasonable rales. MOUNTAIN TKY NOAt'.Vvcry wnr k iroo 1 as Cnilo ; cot luit n hull t'" ono cent per pound. Inrrilicnt rvcrr where: e.M hIiikwI ii'tlnmt. l.ntirily new (tinmverv. A child of ten your run tnako enough in nu liour to lat ft fiimily millionth. Havinn of $10 to $100 vomlv to liouwlioltlH. All prtio liiol tor tronhlo of writing. It (lismixllcd. lie. -oni-momlrd and lined ly tlionnsmls In prefer ence to any soap In the worlit. Washes without rubbiiiif, and mado without par ticle of lye or irreav. Mend 20 cts. enrrfn ey ami poMtno Htsmp, nnd receive full purticuhirs hv return iriull. Willanl A. ISrown, Fourth and Walnut streets, iMiilu delphin, Ps. w471m NEW YOUK DAY-BOOK'. A Democratic Weck.v. Established 1R.V). It supports Whito isnpremscy, po litical nnd social. Terinn, $2 per year. To clubs, nine eiies for . Sjieeeimonsfroo Address DA Y-UOOK,Xow York City. 4M EXTERMINATORS And Insect Powder. For Rats, Mice, Koehes, A nuts, Red-Hugs Moths, Ac. J. it. llenry, uurran v uo., N. Y., Sole A genu. , ,. . 40-4t: SEAT TO MVS. Write to F. T. Smith A Co.,' Atlantic Mills, Rrooklvu. N. .Y.. manufacturers of the Crushed Whito Wheat, for their pamphlet (sent free) on Foods, with important ex- tratsfrom I.ioUg, Johnson and other soleii- 1ists. Head it and ave your health and money. 4b 41 $250,000 FOR $50 ! Fourth Grand- Gift. ConCert I FOR TUB BENKriTOP TRB UBLIC LIBRAimKENTUCKY On Tuesday, 3lt of March, Next 60,000 Tickets. 12,000 Gifts. 4LIST OF GIFT8 : One grand cash gift One grand oash gift One grand cash gift One grand cash gift One grand crsh gift , $250,000 : 100,000 60,000 25,000 ' 17,600 100,000 , 160,000 60,000 40,000 40,000 45,000 60,000 3'2,50O . 650,000 Tl,500,000 10 Cash gills S 10,000 each 20 Cash gifts 5.000 each, 60 Cash gifts 80 Cash gifts 100 Cash gifts lflO Cash gifts 2S0 Cash gift 325 Cash rifts 1.000 each 600 each 400 each SQ0 each 2O0 each 1O0 each . 1 40 each 11,000 Cash gifts Total,-' fea-The concert and dlstibution of elfta will positively and unequivocally take place on me oay now nxea, wwinw mu the ticke's are sold or not, and the 12,000 gifts paid in proportion. Vo the number of tickets sold. PRICE OF TICK ETS. Wholo Tickets. 150 : Hlvs, tiSi-Teaths, or each coupon, (5) Eleven whole tickets ror S5O0; Til Tlekets toe siuuu ; 1 1 J v noie Tickets for 15000; 227 Whole Tickets for 810,000. No uUcouoV on loss than $500 wortnol lleKeis. , . i ; - The time for the drawing Is near at hand and persons intending to purchase tickets havo no time to lose. THOS. E. BRAMI.ETTE. Agent Public Library Ly., and Manager tiib umevrk ruuuv JJllUJMI AJUlllUg, Louisville, Kt., or " , rilOH. U. ITAYS A CO., Eastern Agents, 009 Broadway, IT. T. C Tft CHI per day I Agants wanted! 3 IU 4U Ail classes or working people, of either sex, young or old, mako more money at work-for us in their spare moments, or all the time, than at anything else. Particulars free. Address O. fctin son 4 Co. Portland, Maine. - S9 4 WOOD'S HOUSEHOLD MAGA ZINE. THE BEST DOLLAR MOXHTLY. CC Tfl f A day made-by canyasslnr 4a I U for this magazine now in lis 14th vol. withChromo, THE YOSEMJTE VALLEY, 14x20 inches, in 17 Oil Colors. Magazine, one year, with. Mounted ' ' Chromo, . . . 2 00 Magazine, ono yssrr lWU L'n-' mountod Cbrouio, 1 50 Magazine, aloruo, one year, 100 Examine, ou clubbing- and Fremiuui Lists. Two First-dins Periodicals for the prioe of ono. We solicit Experiunced Canvass ers and others to send- at mice for terms and Specimen Magazine. Address S. K. H1IUTEH, Publisher, 4t rarit Ityw, X. Y. City, or Now burg, N. Y. 46 4t THE CHEAT DISCOVERY OF THE AGE. PItOE. I. MEEKER'S PAINLESS OPIUM CURE. Cures without pain or inconvenience to business. It is u tonic alterative und ner vous sedative. It restores tho brnkun down nervous system; Rivo energy and strength euros without pain or suli'eriu): to tho isitient. Mend for ptqer on Opium-eating- P. Ou Boa 475, lr. I). A L. MEKlvER, I.aporte, Xiulinna. PSYCHOMANCY, of Koul Charming. How either sex may fascinate aud rain the love and all'eetions of any person they choose, instantly. This simple mental ac quirement all eau possess, tree, by mail, tor 25 cents; together with a Moirisgo Oulde, Egyptian Oracie. Dreams. Hints to 1 jul lea. A queer book. 100,000 sold. Ad- dress T. William 4 Co., Publishers, Phil adelphia. . S9 4t THE GOLDEN ECC For agents. Largo income guaranteed. Eucloeo stamp for circular, ft. Allison, 113 Chamber St., N. Y. 4l-4t FURNITURE. IVKMOIST & AVISK. The old ami well known firm of I.cmon A Wise of Pittsburgh, Pa. manufacturer of Cabinet Furniture and Chairs, i Has removed to No. Ill Fourth Avenue, (Opposite their Old .Stand,) Where they continue the business in a' I its branches.' wtfl-Sin X Great Oder to All, Two large and Splendid Engraving will lie seiii postid by return mall, aud also Tho Home Companion, au earelletit family paHr, for a year all for i) cents. Specimen 'J cent. .1 gems w suted erery uhcre. Iddiis "lioine Coiiipsuiou," Troy, .V, II. ft Hi-1 n i