EDITOR. WEDNESDAY MORXnG, SURCII II, 1S74. i-LLl-.-LJL'L J . ' Lieutenant Governor. The Uaflaman Journal speak ing of ex Congressman Fatton iu connection with the Lieutenant Governorship stk "In the session of 1861-5, when trusty and determined rnen were required, Gen. Fattcm was locked tipen bs one who could always be relied upon, and soon became known as -one of the most active and efficient working 'members of that ever memorable Con gress. During his two years service his coarse was highly acceptable to his constituents, and when offered a re nomination, voluu'arily declined." tJen. Fatton would, in our opinion, make a .strong candidate. Of pure per onal character aud high social stand trig, he is also possessed of great energy and fine ability. lie is a sound Republican, has a politicat record, free from blunder or stain. Among those who are likely to be named for the position we scarcely think a more trusty or worthy man than Gen. Pat ton will be brought before the Repub lican State Convention for nomination. ... Persons intending to be candidates for office next fall, or any lime there after should peruse the following ex tracts from the "bill to define the ncc essary and proper expenses incidental to the nomination and election of Sen iors, Representatives, State, Judicial and county officers," which has been passed by the House, and will iu all probability be concurred in by the Senate: It provides "That no person who shall hereafter be a candidate for the i nomination or election to the Senate or House of Representatives, or to any 1 office of the judiciary, or to any Stnie or county office in the Commonwealth shall be allowed to pay or contribute, 'either directly or mdirectly, any money or other valuable thing, or ' knowingly allow it to be done by th ' era for him, either for the nomination, election, or appointment, except fur Ilia tlnl-ttta Inrl tHarriKnlinit (ti. emt for publishing his card, for printing " circulars, and for circulating the same." " The second section makes it a mis "'demeanor to violate the foregoing pro visions punishable by fine of not more than five hundred dollars, and irapris 1 onmcnt by separate or solitary con finement at labor not .exceeding two jeara." ' Tbe third section fullows the lan guago of the Constitution, and de '.' clares that any person who shall re fuse to take this oath shall forfeit his office, and if convicted of swearing lajsely shall be guilty of -perjury, and puniahed by fine and imprisonment not to exceed five years, and "be for ever disqualified from hold any office of trust or profit in this Common wealth." The fourth section provides that in trial under this act "no person shall be permitted to withhold his testimony upon the ground tlmt it mny crimi nate himself or subject him to public infamy, but such testimony shall not fterwards be used against him in any judicial proceedings except for perjury ju giving such testimony." Ex-President Fillmore died of paralysis at his home in Buffalo, on Sunday evening last. The following executive order was issued by the President on Monday morning: Washington, March 9, 1874. It is with deep regret that the President announces to the people of the United States the death of Millard Fillmore, one of his honored precessors, who died at Buffalo, New York, last even ing. The long continued public ser vices and eminent purity of character of the deceased ex President will be remembered beyond the days of mouru ing in which the nation will bethrowu by the event thus announced. As mark pf respect to his memory, it is ordered that the Executive Mansion and the several Departments at Wash ington be draped iu inourmog until the close of the day on which the fu neral fchall take place, aud that busi ness be suspeuded on the day of the funeral. It is furthermore ordered that the War aud Navy Departments ' cause suitablo military and navul hon ors be to paid on the occasion to the memory of the eminent citizen, whose life is uow closed. Signed. U. S. Grant, President. Hamilton Fish, Soo'y of Stato. Considerable excitement was cre ated hero last Thursday morning, at the report that tho ladies were to make a raid on the U. H. Hotel. It was causej by soma wag sending Mr. Smith, proprietor, a postal card au- nouncitig that they would be at his place, between eight and uiuo o'clock that morning, for the purpose of hold ing a prayer ami consultation mcet iug. Vtmtngo Citizen. v R. DUNN Says the Boston Globe of the woman s praying movement in Wor cester: "The Lewis plan won't work in Massachusetts. The Worcester women have acted as we believed they would, abandoned it, and arranged one of their own, less sensational, but likely to he more effective. Thus, we are spared the spectacle of a mob of women parading the streets of Wor cester, making an attractive exhibi tion to street idlers, obstructing the ways, and rendering themselves liable (o civil process. The belter plan adopted by the Worcester women for the suppression of the evil of retail liquor vending is, we understand, to attack the dealers quietly, persistently, and sensibly. The city is to be divided into many small districts, each of which is to be assigned to a small com mitteo of the churches, the members of which are to quietly visit the dealers, from time to time, and uso their best endeavors to make them quit the business. It is to try 'moral suasion' in as unostentatious and unobtrusivee. manner as possible. In this move the women have tho co-operation of the cleigy and the sympathy of all Chris tian people and honest reformers." The Union Mill which was erected last fall by Judge Cook, at Couksburg will soon commence-operation. The mill is a splendid one, and capable of cutting a large amount of lumber. The millwright work was done by J. G. Thompson and Mr, Grable. The machinery was manufactured in Brook ville, Jefferson county, and renders perfect satisfaction. During the few warm davs this winter, the mill has cut 500,000 feet of boards. Clarion Democrat. Make money fust and hnnoraoiy, $12.50 per day, "or $75 per week,: by at once apply for a territorial right, (which are given free to agents,) to sell the best, strongest, most useful, and rapid selling Sewing Machine, and Patent Button Hole Worker, ever used or recommended by families, or buy one for your own use ; it is only $5. THE AMERICAN !Y1 ATiUE ACTURER, A WEEKLY JOUO AL OP THE IRON, COAL, METAL AND GLASS TRADES. This Journal, now In Its Twelfth Year, Is recnpmlMKl as the Lending Roprcsontntluo of its class In the United States. Published fit Pittsburgh, t lie cen tor of tho heavy Iron, Steel nnd Glass Industrias of tho country, it tins facilities for imtering information of these Trades such as no other paper possesses. In addition it lms noarly One Hundred Correspondents in all parts of the country, from whom it ia constantly in rooeipt of News. Amontr its Specialties may bn mentioned: , : Its Tape of Condensed Manufacturing Notes; Its Ablo English Tetter i Its Short Editorials ; Its Pittslmrfth Iron A Metal Price Lists nnd Review of American Iron Markota; Ita Thorough nnd Reliable Statistical Tallies ; Its Monthly Reports from Jtlnst Furnnoot j 1 Its Iron Workers' Wages Tables. No person enjiaRed the Mtinufhctnre or Snlo of Iron, Steel, Ore, Coal, Glass, ITard wnre or Motuls, can do without it. SUBSCRIPTION, - - -- f 1.00 PER YEAR. fcg.Samplo Copies sent Free on application. AMERICAN MANUFACTURER, 44 3m 97 Wood Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. HOME LIFE IN THE BIBLE. Bv the author of "Xrht Scenes in the Bible" and "Our Father's House," of which nearly 200.000 have boon sold. ''Jlome Llfo Is commended bv ministers of all churches lis "thenutlior'8"best ttook," "full of precious thoughts,". "Truths precious as (ferns," "a choice book for ev ery faiuilv." ttc Steel enaravins. rose paper, rich bindinz and fnr rnpL'.l snlouT! equaled. AO KJfTH, YounR Men, Ladies, I Teachers and Olerpymcn, wanted in every county; f"S to $150 por mouth. Send for circular. ZIEOLEK fr M'CURDY. 518 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. 48 U P A P E R S We Manufacture and Soil Paper, For the Pry Goods Trade, " ' Haul ware . " " Grocery " " Glass " " " Drunirist " " Butchor " " Ruildirifr " . For Oanvasintr Hums, " I.ininir Houses, " Rooting Houses, " Roasted Coffee, PAPER BAGS. PRINTING and TEA PAPERS. Roofing Cement, Salurartod Felt.. FRAZIER, METZGER & CO., w44 lm 82 Wood St., Pittsburgh, Pa. ANTED. oitii l'lifific IJokkIw. Call on or address LUTHER S. KAUFFMAN, BROKER, SHiFoURTlf AVBNCB, w44 3m PITTSBURGH, PA. W KITE TO 51 E. Circulars free, write to me and get the exclusive sales of a county. Write to me, and no other man will liuvo the right to sell in your county. Write to mo and you can make flao per ween, w ill to uie auu secure the county you live in. WRITE TO M E NOW. Address R. LAWYER, Patentee, No. 3 Sixth St., Pittsburgh, Pa. W44 tin XV V. WANT YOU To actus Audits, and it distribute our New Advertising Mans, mounted on English C loth, being complete, Map of the United States. Wo trive thesa Mapsawuv gratis and will allow you one dollar for every Map you distrib ute in every county ami siuic ill me uuiou Mall) and Eeiualu Agents wanted. Ad dress Immediately, enclosing uno dollar for outlit of live Maps, Territory, Circu lars, and full particulars ADVERTISING MAP CO., w4 1 IHI East Brady P. O., Clarion Co., Pa, JOB WORK n PL BLK'AN p.ulr I si the KE- Oltice. Sent free everywhere by express. Ad dress for particulars Jerome IJ. Hud son A Co., Cor. Greenwich fe Cort laodt Sts., N. Y. 256m To TrjB Citizens ok' Pkhwstlva nia. Your attention is specially in vited to tho fact that tho National Banks are now prepared to receive subscriptions to the Capital Stock of the Centennial Board of Finance. The funds realized from this sourco are to bo employed in the erection of the buildings for the International Exhi bition, and the expenses connected with the same. It is confidently be lieved that the Keystone State will be represented by the name of every ci'-i-toa alive to patriotio commemoration of the one hundredth birth-day of the nation. The shares of stock are offer ed for $10 each, and subscribers will receive a handsomely steel engraved Certificate of Stock, suitable for fram ing and preservation as a national memorial. " " ' Interest at the rate of sit per cent per annum will be paid on all pay ments of Ceulenial Stock from date of payment to January 1, 1876. Subscribers who are not near a Na tional Bank can remit a check or post office order to the undersigned. Fitr.DK. Frai.et, Treasurer, If , :; 904 Walnut St., Thila. Tho colored address label on each paper shows the date to which tho sub scriber lias paid, thus Thos Turner 174, . signifies that Mr. Turner has paid for his paper uutil March 1st, 1874 The mail list is corrected weekly. By con sulting the address label every subscri ber can tell how his account stands. Our accounts go back no further than the 1st of January, '73, the ac counts previous to that time being payable to the old firm. The old sub scription book is yet io our hands, and our receipts will be recognized by the old firm. tf. TRY IT 3 Months for 10 Cents ; J J or W ith $4 Chroino, for SO cents; or 8 Eoliths withV'riowors of Paradise," a first-class 'l chroino, lokx21 inches, in 18 colors, for fl. The National Aniticvi. TCRALisf is a sixteen-pare paper of 64 col umns, handsomely illustrated in all its departments. One of the bostaitrlenlUiral and family papers published. Only fl por year, or 51.25 with a beautiful CHROMO. Tho lice-Keepers' Muirazme. a 3J-iai;e monthly, same terms, or. both for $1.75. Ke;;ij fur .ampie er,vteHt Bmi liberal terms to agents, tuf.e Write now to II. A. KING A CO. w 40 lm J4 Murray St., New York. Canvassers, Ag and Salesmen ! Honry Ward Beeeher's family newspaper Rives every subscriber a tinir of the largest and finest OLEO GRAPHS two most attractive subjects, that "take" on slht painted by Mrs. An derson, as contrasts, and companions for Ucr "Wide Awalce" and' "Fast Asleep." Anents have IMMENSE SUCCESS ; call it the "best business ever offered canvass ers." We furn'ih the lightest and hand somest outfit, and pay very high commis sions. Each subscriber receives without delay two beautiful pictures, which are ready for IMM EDTATE DELiyEKY. The paper itself stands peerless unions family journals, being so popular that of its class it nas me lariresc circulation iu tje wor'd 1 Employs the best literary tal ent. Edward Emission's serial stor is just beiiinninti; back chapters supplied to each subscriber, Mrs. Ktowe's lonij ex pected sequel to "My Wifo and I" begins in the new year. Any one w ishing a good salary or an independent business, should send fiircirculars and terms A C E N T S to J. It. FORI) & CO., New" WANTED. York, Boston, Chicago, Cincinnati or San r rancisco. TIIK WON DERFUL PET CANARY BIRD ! (Patent just Frocnred.) YUIM'HI FOR IIOIIRM CAN BE W inuuaucd by any child. Tho latost nnd most wonderful indention of the ago, Tho very thing lor oitiier parlor or out door amusement. SEND FOR SAMPLE AT ONCE. Pig pay to aganls and to the trade. Sat itfaclion guaranteed or money promptly rutin noil. Sent pre-paid by mail to an y add ress, on receipfoi ou i is. h o iur v m M. R. ROBERTS & CO.. Address w4o lim 178 ltmadway, New York. CMfiSTFR nd 15 cts., for the new O It I U A t nO sclf-aiij listing cigarette and ciiiir holder. 8 for 50 cts. HI. R. Hilrls k Co., 176 Broadway, New York. w406ni OONSTANT EMPLOYMENT At H loine, Male or Female, M) to $60 a week warranted. No capital required. Full particulars and a valuable sample seal lien. Artctress, won o ci., roiuru siaiuii, A. D. Young, 2'jO Fifth St. Williaiiisbiirgii, N. Y, w40 4ui Woo 'viai In t ati i , Over Half Profit. Best selling articles, needed in every family. A valuable, sain- pin sent on receipt of Is cts. to pay post - ii'jfC Address, J. V. HNKAD A '(., 41 M.lh St., Piitsbursh, Pa. w; : JOB WORK DONE AT T11K 'REPUBLIC AM" OFFICE At Ihe lowed cath prieet, neatly, prompt ly, and in style equal to tliat of any other establithmonl in the District : BUSINESS CARDS SHOW CARDS, VISITING CARIA, SCHOOL CARDS WEDDING CARDS, PROGRAMMES, INVITATIONS, BALL TICKETS, ADMISSION TICKETS, MONTHLY STATEMENTS, IN VIS LOPES BILL HEADS, LETTER HEADS, NOTE HEADS, CIRCULARS, BLANKS, POST E RS DODOE113, HANDBILLS, LABELS, I j 1 SHIPPING TAOS, Ac. "3 DRUG STORE ! Jas. H. Fones, Proprietor, (at the eld staad of Forssi Om. Drug Btors) ELU STREET, Tiohbsta, Pa. Agent for . ' Dr. Morris Syrup of Tar, Wild Cherry and Horohound. D,ii Xj as, atentredicikes, 1 tobacco, :; CIGARS. KOTIOKS, tC, LIQ VOR Fr Mtdittl t , ONL Y TThit Tead, perfectly par. Mid muoh eheapsr tbau. formerly. '.., ' Also all kinds ot Oils, Esrosan, Tur- pantiiM, leuziuw Toilo ArUqUa,. Par- rum r las, o., for aala vhesp. . - . , ' JAS. II. FONErfi THE IU:ST IMI'fiK. The Si u mi ikw Amkrican is tho cheap est and best illustrated weekly paper puli- Imlieil. J.verv nnmuer cuitnins lrom IU to 5 original emsravimts of new machinery. novel inventions, bridge's ' onuiiu-crin works, architecture, improved farm imple nionts, and every new discovery in chem istry. A year's numlicrs contain 8 !2 paices and several hundred eiiKrnvitiuM. Thous ands of volumes are prowrvml for bindini: and rrlcrence. -i no prai-tirai reipts nro well worth ten tiiuos Uie subscription price Terms, 3 a year byniail. Mpecl metits sent free, A new' volume com mences January X. 1874. May bo had of all news dealers. DITCMTC obtained in tlit besttorms. In I Lll I O Models of new inventions and sketches examined and advice tree. All patents are published in tho Scientific American tho weok thsy issnm Hrnd for pamphlet, UOpiurc-t, coniKinln laws ana full directions lor obUnning Patents. Ad dress for tho Paper or concerning Patents, MU m it iu., a i arK now, mi tunc, Branch Ollice. cor. F and i lb sts., asli- iiiKton l. C. w40 lru NEBRASKyjRIST MILL. THE ORIST MILL at .Vtlrast;a (I4-.cy-tow n,l Forest county, has been thor ousblv overhauled and relUttxl iu iirt- closs order, aud is now ruiiuing ami rilti all kinds or CCHTOM 3 IS I X I) I X J. - FLOE R. FEED, r AND OATS. CoiistHiitly on hand, and sold at Uie very lowest futures. K. 4S-6ra - " Tf. W. LEDKBU Allegheny Valley Rail Road, AND aftor Monday Feb. 2. Trains W will run as follow ( Philadelphia Time): . Trains leave Oil City for Pittsburgh at 2:13 p. iu. 7:4.a. m. arriving at Pittsburgh at io;u,i. anu s:uu u. in. Brady's Bend Accomin'slatinn leaves Oil City at B:12 p. m. arriving; at Brady's Heml at v.aa p. m. Trams leave Pittstmrcn Tor mi t-ity :'i0 a. m. and :S:'-'u n. m.. uriiTinr iu Oil Citv at 2:3:) aud 11:43 n. 111. UU Civv.iu coioimwiaiion leaves jinuy Bond at I!:j0 a. lii. ai riving in Oil. City at 12:05 p. m. ' . . ) Trains leave Oil City for Buffalo at -2:43 B. m. 6:20 a. in, and &10 a. m. arriving in utlatlo at 8:55 p. m. 1:10a.m. and 7:26 p.m. Trains leave Buffalo for Oil City at Mi p. m. and 12:25 p. m. arriving at Oil City at 2:10 p. m. ana :1!0 p. in. i All trains civen above run through from Pittsburgh to Butlalo aud return, without change of cars. Trains run on Philadel phia time, which is K0 minutoa faster than Pittsburirh time. The time at Buffalo is L. (4. A M. 8. R'y time which if b minutes slower than pmiaaeipnia lime, : F ' -At Red Bank Junction this road eon with the Eastern Extonsion which runs to Brook viile.leavincr Red Bank at 11:45 a. in, aud 7:6o a, in. arriving in Brookvlllo at j:SOaml I2:iup. m i The tram leaving KOtt nana at ji:4o p.m arrives at lteynoliisvuio at a:w p. m. T. M. KING, Oeu'l. Sup t. Ass t. Sup't. A Y EAR MADE CwOUU WITH OUR SPLENDID COMBINATION PROSPECTUS. It represents samplo pagos and Btyto of binding of 50 intensely Interesting aud useful books, that sell in very family. Best thing ever tried by Canvassers. Agents Wanted, to inako a permanent businoss on these works in every county. Prospectus sent post-paid on receipt of price, H.50. For circulars and liberal toxins, address JOHN E. POTTER & CO., Publishers, Philadelphia, Pa. w;W 4t 3TOTICK. DR.; N. BOLARD, of Tidioute, lias rOvixrusd to his practice alter an ab sence of four mouths, spent In the Hospi tals of New York, where t w ill atbuid calls in his profession. Office in Eureka Drug Store, 3d door thove the bank. Tidioute. Pa. 4KK' Tro Republican Ollice PEEPS constantly on hand a large as-- sortniMit t-.f Klaiik Peed, Mortusges. HubHPims, Wurrants, Siinunens, Ac. to be sold heap for" cash, tf. J)r. J. AViilkcr'H Cttlifonila Vln PRnr Hit tors are n ptm-ly VegntuM prepanitioii, iniulo cliiclly irusti tlio h,i tiro herbs found on the lower i nures of tho Sierra Nevada iliotintaln." of C:iliror uia, llio iiieiliclinil piopeities of "liiclt. nro extracted therefrom without the UaO. of Alcohol. 'Clio qnostion U nlinnst tlaily !isl;ed. "Wlmt U tin' rmin of llio lllipiirnlloicil success of i.i:Ktii IllT TKusf" Oiirniiswer Is. tli.it llicy ieniot e the cuiiKC of ilisease, nnd tlie p.ii ient ix covers his lic.iilli. Tlie.v are llio :viit Mood piii illei niid :t lifc-gi i:i;: ; i-iin.-ij-Ic. a pei icct Kemn iititr rnd ln' i',ni:i;or of the ssler,i. Nccr before in l lie . lil.twyNif tlm'wwM H iCHir'i'i' '" c'-i roiniHiionlcl piis-e-iii;r tho iVilmrkul.in qnariftcs af Vivimi Hi rTKi'.s in Jtciilnr .the ilk uf mere ii-c.u :tia:i i l.eii b.' TV.fy ave a pent ij I'aitt iiivo in wvila a 'I'n uc. relicvuii; !!?! --t i i hi or liillaiiiiiislio'i nf the Luc:- .and -Vj cml Drgun in Milium l;iAti!i ,ri i , l j (. , . . , . ,. . 'ilif privtiorilrs r ' P;i. ai.kru's VlSK'iAR ISlTTKtis :irr A ;M ii i.l. Dmiiliorotic. t'annin.Hivfi. V.nrilnnn. I.avaiirn. lijnrolio. Hetlatlve. 4!iutr-lir!:iit ri icorilir. Alma lire, aud Ami Bilious, . . , , . Grntiful ThftnsimdsinwlaimVj. ruAit llinntHthe must wmiilciful In viipirnut that ever sustsiiied tli (iukiii ,v.teai. . i . No Person ran take those "Ditter acconllnff to direction, and remain long mnvoll, provided their bonca aro tint de stroyed by mineral nison or other menus, ntnl vital organs wastod loyoud rcpnlr. UiliotiSj Iiomlitent nntl Inlor lnittont 1 evors, wlilclt are so pn lent ill tlio valleys of our gieitl livers throughout the I'nitod .States, especlaliv thoao of tlio Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Cuinbctlniul, ATkati -sua, lied, Colorado, Brazos, l!!o Grnndc. I'earl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, lie-' anoko, James, and luatiy others, nilit their viut tiibntaricJ, throughout oi;: entiro country iliniuj; tho Siiiiiiucr aifd Aiituinii, and renntrkiibly so during era sons of unusual lieiit and dryussa, aio InvnrlaMy ncQimpniiied by extensisda rnngcnionts of the stomach nnd liver, and other iibdoininal visteni. In thei.' treatment, a purgative, cxeitiu;; a pow erful iiitluchco upon tbcxo variona or gans, is essentially neccssuty. Tlicra is no enthiirtic for tho purpose equal t I)K. J. Wal.KKU'H VtSKl'.AK BlITKI'.h. AB thor will spocdily reninvo tlie dark colored viscid ii;nlUar r UU vrliisli tlio bowels are loadvd, at tho fau'.u tiir.o stimulating; tlio secretions of tho liver, and 'generally , restoring tlitr' lita!:!iy ftuiclions of tlio'digestive rtrtitis. ' - FortiTy tlio body np;aiitst (llseus by purifying all it's HuiiUwitli Vi.kha:i ItiiTKits. No rpiileiiiic fan take IwU cf a system thus fore-iiiuicil. i ," Dyspepsia or Intllrestloii, llo:id nclic, Pain iu tlio &huiildcrs. t'on:;!;'. TightnesH of tlio Ciicsl, I i .i: i. . F.i lie tat ions of the Stoinncli. l:d i's.i'. in the .Mouth. Bilious AltarU. I'l.lpit.-, -tation oftlio Heart, Inllainii.iitioii oft! l.unji, Pain in the region of t!,:e Kci noys, and a bundled oilier pitlidiil synt)' turns, are tiio tiiVi-prings of ly;;pepwi.'. One botllo will pioto a better j.'m'raiiii of it luciits lliau a'le:ic".h n '.-ier.l w nicnt. Scrofula, 'or Kiiis'n I'vil. wiiii Swolliugj, Clicri, Krysipelai, Kwellril dm .. Ciultro, Scrululinu ll"illiinn'ii:Hi,ii Ir.'.vin .. Intlautuiatious, Jtlnixuriid A.Ici liuii.-, y. I Scnw. Kruplious "I tliu Ski.i, Sore I ye. ul . . Ill llliue. a-i 111 all oilier ruiiliuiiui .ii I) -eusci, V U.KMIH VlXMlAH I.. Hi.,.. I..;, I lisnn tlii'ir gi-oat curaliio puntia 1:1 Siu't ali.tluntu and iiitracl.ili'.u cit-n-. Tor Iiilliimntatory n:nl t'lironi:: - ltheuinatism, Cout, Biiiov.s. iN-m i- tcntiiiiulutcrniittciu rcvetM. rinvisc. tho Blood, Liver, Kiilnct uial Hl.uljii., tlioje Bitter huu no eijii.d. f.'wi!i IU.fa.es. arc caiisnit by Vitiated ftlooil. Mecii.iiiicul Disenses.- i'ci-sonseii- fnged iu l'alnts and Minerals, audi at 'hiinlieri, ' TviJe-K'ttci (lulil lntcri. i.ii i Miners, ns tlmy ntlvamo in life, r nuli.i t. te, uinlyU of li e lluwi-l--. To ?!.!:. I against tAis, taLo niln-cof V u.K ':..'. Vis- KHAR UlTTKtlS OCCIl'itUUllty. For Skin Diseases! l-'.rupllons; Tit tor, Sall-Klicum, IiIiiIcIick. Sm,1-. I'iaijj!-' . Pustules. Iiuil-, Carbiini lc. li'ins v.u . KcaM-liciul, Sore Eye--.. Ki.v-ii.i'I.H. I:t-!i. Scurfs. Dincoloriitioiis of the .lui. Huiih.i h aud DiseasM of tlie Skin lf -1hUcx rrim or naturu, are literally ilay up anil cavriu.l out uf the nystem iu a mIioiI tiiiui by ;!.- u n. of IhcHO Ililteiii. Pin, Tape, nntl other Warns; lurkiof in tlio dVKlciii of so imiiiy lln'iiHan.i-, are ollustiilllly iienlroyuil unit ivuiut i.ii. S i irtem of niedieine, no vermiliigm. in :.n tlicliniuitics will Iri'O the i-yilcni iVoui v. ,rin like tliesa Hitters. For Female Complain! s. in yumi;' or old, married orjugle, nt the ii.'i' " l' c maiilioud. or tlnfini of life ihc.-n To;::,! Itittort lluspiuv so lUicidiit an iilluc.:i"e thai iniproTsinsnl is simiii perceptible. C leanse 1 lie Vitiated Wood win u- ever you liiul its inipiiriticH biirolin lunn '). i. the- ikiir in l'iinls trainiou. or Smu-: cleanse it whim ymi l'uunt o!iiru ied an I. lucgish in the veins: cleanso il when it ; fuul ; yonr leiilinirs will tell you wlicn. K-- the blood pure, and the health of tl.e sr. icai will follow. It. II. .MrlOMAI.I l l.. . DrllpifiaU BIl'llilMl. A'U.. Kim K; jnc0' I' lllfii-ui anil mir. nf Ws.lincrtuu in.il rhniii.ui St.. . . bold toy all tli ul.li mill li ulii'. "TRUE TO NATURE." This First-class Chrotno will be given to every subscriber to GODEY'S LADY'SiEOOKJ 1874 Whothor to a single subscriberfor Thi ut Dollars, or in a (.'lub of Six, for l-'oue-toen Dollars. Address U A. (it DK V, N. II. Cor. Sixth and I lie-iniit Sis., Philsdclphiii, Pa. 71 H e Terms in l.adv's liook Ivrolltur ITuli. .) I