IIKRAN1 WOMK. The Londou ' Times mentions that two rcnmrkable cases of coiiraco and presence of mind on the part of girls nave jtnt Dcen Drought before the Royal Humans Society. The first case was that of Miss Olivia Georgina D. Maude. She saved the life of a girl named Adele Grcaven, who sunk wiiilo bathing at Sea Point, Monks town, -under the following circum stances: Miss Maud and her sister, who had themselves been bathing, were dressed and sitting on the rocks watching the other bathers, when their attention was aroused by an alarming outcry a girl had disappeared in deep water. No assistance was at hand, no ' boat or ropes, and even the usual at tendants were absent or otlicrwlso en gaged. The child rose to the surface, but being unable to swim sank again. She rose a second time, and the bv- slanders and bathing women thorough ' ly alarmed and crying for assistance, were shocked at perceiving that the child's bathing dress had got over her face and head, that her arms were en- : , tangled in it. At this moment, Miss Maude leaped into the deep water, i dressed as she was, without even tak- , log time to remove her Watch,' caught the child as she was disappearing the third time, and took ber safely to , shore. The other caw was that of Miss May Kerridge, who saved a lad of fifteen, named Stewart, who sank .''while bathing at Wontworth, New . South Wales. The boy had gone with .- a companion to bathe la the river Darling, and was carried by a strrfbg ' current into deep water. . Neither he ' nor his companion could swim, and he cried loadly for help. Miss Kerridge was about 100 yards off, and, tearing the boy's cries, ran as fast as she could to the spot, plunged into the river with all her clothes on, and caught the lad as he rose the third time. Af ter considerable difficulty,' owing to , the rapidity of the current, having on-: . ly one hand at liberty, and her eiibrts being impeded by the weight of her clothos, she ultimately succeeded in placing the lad in safety. The Roynl Humane Society, bestowed medals for " saving life, with suitable testimonials, on each of. the young ladies, i ... . j v. 1 a " ' ... ' A lady made complaint to Fred erick the Great, King of Prussia.' " Your majesty," said she, "my hus band treats me badly." "T jThafj noes of my business " said the king. "" T ; "But he speaks ill of you," said the lady. 1 "That," said he, "is none of your business." - The- koston Globe -wickedly says, the Supreme Court of Maine has ta ken hold of the question whether wo men are legally competent to be 'Jus 1 ' tices of the Peace, There are people who doubt whether they have , any comprehension of the ! principle ; of justice or the conditions of pence, and jt is well to have the vise men of the East settle the matter. ' . . ' A Boston paper thinks that the man " -who plunged beneath the ice and saved , , a lady from drowning, in that State . recently, should bo rewarded with the lady's hand.' - Let that' man accept v such a reward, and half the unroar - ried women iu Massachusetts , will be :.- under the ice within twenty-and-four ;' hours. Courier-Journal!';' ,' , i .: The most novel and ingenious plan 'ri of giving children castor oil is, we think, that practiced by the physicians of a cbildern'8 hospital in Paris, to which 300 tiny loaves of bread are daily sent, each containing a modicum of the oil, which in ibis form is per fectly palatable and thoroughly dis- gliuW. 7. . .! " , ' "Wife, what has become of the grapes T" "I suppose, my dear, the heo picked them off," was- the bland reply. "Hens hens ! some two leg ged hens, I guess," said the husband with some impetuosity, to which she ealualy replied, "My dear, did you eye; see any thef Jfind f" t . i A gentleman was about completing the sale of a horse which he was very anxions to dispose of, when a little urcbjn, appeared ,and ionoceoUy, in J -1 quired t '"Grandpa, which horse -you oin to sell ; that one you built the fire under yesterday to make -him draw?" The bargain was at an end. An epitaph in a couutry church yard reads : "Here lieth the body of Amy Major, who departed this lifb March 20, 1792. Suffice it to Bay that she was an Louest woman the second noblest work of God." It is a curious fact that all the ' Presidents' of the United States but ' ' four had each but one Chrtstlau name. The moral thus taught to parents is obvious don't use front names reek. Jessly in naming your babies. Why is a candle-maker the worst acd most hopeless of men ? Because all his works are wicked, and his wicked works are brought to light. The fathom - (six feet) is derived from the height of a full grown man. A hand,, in horse measure, is four Inches. The) editor of a San Autonia, Texas ,!.,. i ii ,.;. ,.i i i...n. scalps from an admiring reader. , .No roou has the right to du as he pleases, except when ho pleases to do rignt. : Very few persons have sensa cijough to dctpise the praiso of a tool. JOB WORK' DON R AT TIIR 'REPUBLICAN" OFFICE At ih Mttett cah price, noally, prompt' Ijf, and in ttyle equal to that of any other establUhmont in tho JXMriet, ' BUSINESS CARDS, ; 1 . im ii i -i SHOW CARDS, ..-!. '.I ' . VISITING CARL. ' .- ." . i :' f " .'. 1. . . (.' -! .''. ,.7 . ' r-TTr - r WEDDI SG OARDS i i . i programmes; ' INVIT ATION3, j . t rf.t-i . -rr BALL TICKETS, ADMISSION TICKETS, .. . , ; .i. .a : I ; . i . i . ' ! i ; ii- T ' v.. . .. IV r 'rj ..'i. ' j ' -.,1 .11 J. . " . II I.J, I ii- i.l ( j 10. . . ' ' .-.,'! ' " i . . H..-. t! . . J-.. . " ""V ' r : ENVELOPES ' . BILL HEADS, i'. i' f i 1 ". , : LKTTESl HEADS, ., y.r ' ' . 1 il - : : ..;......-.!,: i r :! " -i . 1 i NO'l'E HEADS, ; CIRCULARS, BLANKS, ; . . . . i I' .. ! POST E R S . DObQEllS, HANDBILLS, LABELS, eaipriNG tag, Ac. Oil CrcckvtAIIcghcnyirtycr Ry (XX AND AFTf.lt Momlny June 6, 1P71, 'ma nm ruuM IOUQVB! SOVTltWARD TttAtm. ' STATION'S: M Clnwi. ; " M Clivwt. 4 H '8 - Itf ,14 a. m. a. m. p. m a. ni, a. ni. Oorrv " 8 15 11 00 6 W) 14 ; 37 8 00 9 10 e so Hivnrlatisbui-g 6 42 li 35 CilTnilen w M II 47 T 04 II M 7 13 li 01 7 'ir, ia 15 7 U 1U1 Contraville Tryonvllle Ilydotown ' AR Titunvlll r.R Miller I'nrtli 8 4i 6 65 7 10 T 25 f 40 7 W 8 0.1 ff M 10fJ() 11 00 11 20 e M ii a.-. & ID 15 7 20 12 20 T 40 12 4J '7 42 H 45 -j 02 1 1: Nlmnor 8 07 Pioneer ' AR Pet Centre if 8 25 8 10 1 23 8 23 7 &5, 1 05 8 1 28 1 35 1 SS 8 30 8 18 1 83 8 41 i 8 itO 8 II) 8 42 . 8 30 , 2 25 8 16 8 40 Tirr Kwm Rrnl Fitrtn ltoiiwTville J 4fl I 44 8 60 8 40 I 40 00 '8 65 0 5 J 00 20 I 20 McClintnck SM 1 81 00 -i b io a o . io AR Oil City Olootwlis 0 45 2 : M 3 45 11 10 4 25 11 32 4 60 1 1 38 4 6B 12 80 37 1 20 tl 15 1 45 ' 43 2 II 7 10 4 93 '8 40 Prenldont 9 59 12 50 TionenU.. . 18 g3 I 12 I ii 8 41 ,5S 4 49 ' Hickorv,'. 10 44 Trnnkorville 18 64 Tidiouto; ... U 11 Irvlneton . . 12 01 ADDITIONAL SKCOtfD-OLASS TRAINS-SOUTH. To. 18. TltuHn 2.10 n. m.t Ullllf-n 1 50? Pionoor 8.20; Pet Centra d,3.ti Coiumbia 4,1ft; 'llrr fnn 4,23; K vml . Farm 4,37; Ronevile4,55t Oil .tv,V No. 8 Corry 6,15 . in.;. TitunTlU 8,83; Millor Fnrm n,2."i; Pol Centre M; Colum bia 10 11; Tarr t'urm 10.1R; Hrnrt Vttm 10,27; Jtonseville 10,35; Oil Cltvll 1,00. No. IS. Pet Centre 1.28 p. in.'; Cclumbfa 1.50; Tarr -Farm 3,05; Kynd Farm 8,10i ltoimevillc 2.30; Oil City 3,00. ' No. ft! Oil Cllv 8.30 . m.:' Oloon 1 7,25. iTlpnpfU 8,54 ( Trunkey ville 10. .. TidiuuUiU.il. STATIONS: '1st (las. ' "J J 5 3 I ' a, m. in nt. p. in. n. iu. a. in. . 12 4". 6 05 9 00 7 45 Irvincton TiHloule ' 1 TmnkeyTille Hickorv 1 28 1 8 47 7 SO 9 Oi , J 1 45 6 05 0 3 10 16 1 61,; 15;:8 20 10 44 TioneMa 14 8 84 8 45 11 40 M 55 30 12 2J in 59 9 35 12 32 7 08 10 05 1ft) Preddrnt . 2 85 2 38 2 47 3 15 Vr1o JW-lC Ul)ioll ar . OH Citr 7 35 10 65 1 50 2 10 2 25 2 30 a 40 2 55 3 10 3 20 3 33 3 45 ?4 15 4 40 i 20 , r ( MrClintm'k , I!unevlll ' 0 00 3 20 7 40 II 30 0 13 ft 32 H7 55 11 50 8 1(5 3 35 7 59 12 0 Kynd Farm Tarr Farm ' Columbia Hi" 20 ' 8 2.5 tt 29 34 3 40 04 12 25 3 45 8 10 12 33 3 49 k;14;12 4 a o;-8 :i i 05 5 'Ac- k;l Pet Centre D I Pionir' ' 1 Sbatl'or- ' , A 38 8' 42 3 59 8 23 1 25 1 45 2 00 2 15 2 45 4 OH'1 830: 6 6a i 4 15 40 4 20 "8 44 4 40 05 Miller Fnrm O M -.1 AR TiUuvllla PR 7 3i Hvdetown! 1. 7 44 Tryonvllle , 7 57 Centrcvllle 8 W 4 45 4 65 9 10 9 20 re 34 JO 4!t .'xt 3 05 8 SO 8 68 4 10 1 4 30 1 4 60 50- 5 08 5 17 Ulynden J 8 H I 27. bpartaiisnurg 24 Corry ' 8 64 5 33 Ift 02 8 18 lO-OJ- ADlMTIOBALSKCONDrCLAWTBAIKS-NOHTU No. 15 Oil City 6.55 a. m.: Holism i Me 7.20; Tarr Farm 7.40; Columbin 7.W; I'et Centre 8.10; Pioneer 8.40; Miller 9.25; Titusrille 9.55. - ' ,", , ' No. 7 Titusvillo 9.00 . m- Corrv 11.25, NO. 11 Oil City 11.20 a. in.; nouttaville 11.45; Itynd Farm 11.53; TarrlFarnv 12.03; Columbin 12, 10r-Pet Centre 12.20; Miller 1.25 Titusville 2.00; ' Coriy 4.42 p. m. ' ' Ko.'it , TidloiiUv 12.45 n, in.; Trunkcv vll f.45; Tlonetu2.4B; Oloonoll4,!15; Oil Cify 5.20. . ! ,, ? ... () Trains do not stop, x!) Slop onaignal. () Htop farmonla. : i ' .. l Trains 5, H, 24 ami iSrun dully all ether trains dnilv escopt Hrtmlavx. . 3J..B. .'Jfrkin Nol'J in ail Exnres Troiii Tituavlllo to Curry. . ;. . Vri.vn t-ALAOR HLKKPIVb iAR TriXvs-3. .'No. 4 )VUireot from PhiiadclpUi without change , , . , ' No. I Direct t6 Phll:u1nliihln' trltlmut hai:ire.' -'.. ii -l.i:' . mi, -.n' , &o.o .Direvt rroin Titijibujrgh, wtthont. No. 6 Direct 'to riftsbMrgh 'without rbausre. 1 ! i, -.It ,.1 ., . , .. C, ?. HEPBURN, JNO. PITCAIR.V.'' ' SMprfntondent. ,,. tlon'l Manager. i 1' ' .t i-i't; : .i' i ..:!'- - ' . . ii : ) 0'pjtAi.uii air -j t t'-A .'- ..; '" !. ') '. 1 ! .ji; ;:., j . , " U '. III!! '.: ;,. i .'i.ln.OOllt K8KWI OH-. ., , i ' .; ri ' l.'ti -lit in i 'i-.i : ' SPORTING AND ' FISHING. tACKLE, ii ! I, j ,; - . -..i : ', POCKKT WJIY't 1 ... '' '- . ( ..,'.-. A i i-1 i . - scts.-ioitsl tc, tic. ii. i '.I' -i:-i .in i .-. ..' t.-- TOBACCO AUD CIGARS. - . : , ,i . i ;t . . ! . -.Kn.ii.i-i;; RIFLES MADE TO ORDER AND WARRANTED.' 1 ' . J -l i Oi Repairing Locks and fitting Koyt A SPECIALTY. "REPAXRtJijr.o ' J i rjto.viT&VftOftfK, 44-tf . ',- ; TJDI ' TR, PA, l:iOO l'Ktt MOXTII, Over Half Profit. Boat acUinR urti.l, needed iu every tVtmii.v. A valtmlilo hhiii plH Kent nn receiptor 15 rts. to pav piwt as?e. Address, I i. W. KNK AD it CO , 41 iixth St., PitlalMtrgli, Pu. v3s 1 t irEvs u;n.; WEEKLY, SKMI.WKK1J LY, A DAILY TIIK wKKKT.Y SUN la too wl.l.Ov known to jmpilre any xtondil roroni inomlntlon; but the ronmina ivlilrh have nlnodT jrlven It flrtvlhonnHml aubHorilx'ra ami wnion will, we hope, give It many thouHanda more, are briefly na Tollowa ; It Is a rlrat-rtite iirw-n paper. All tli Tiewa ot the day will be found In it, con donaod when iiiilmportnnt, at full length When of intinmnt, and alwava preacnteil In a clear, intelligent and lntcrcHtiiig man ner. It la a first -rate fniull v paper, full of en. tertalning and Instructive rending of eve ry kind, but containing unlltlng that can otl'cnd tho uiuet delitattn and acrupulotia tast.i. ' r It ia a A rat-rat story paper, tTha best tales ana romances of currvnt literature are enrofnlly Helected abd legibly printed in its Micros. It la a tlrat-rato nirrli-ulturul paper. The moat fresh snd InatriretlvenrtlHeann agri cultural topics regularly appear in this do partmont, i It isn Independent political paper, W lonplng to no party and wearing noixillar. It rlghta frr the election of the best men to office. It eajKiclally devotes it energies to the exposuie of tho great corruptions that now woakea and dixKmen our country, and threaten tu undinrmine renublicjin instim. tlon altogether. It nas ns fearor knaves, and auks-no favors from their supporters. It reports tho fashions for the ladies and th market or. the men, , spi-ciallT tho vattle-mnrkots, to whjuh It pn Vs paitlcular attention, , : v ., t'jimily. It Hllienhopeit ipef pulillHh, ed. One dollar vear will aeciire it for any snhserlbor. It In not nceesnarv tkget up a nun in oruer io nsvs THJSi WEEK LY 81,'N t this rate. ' Anv one who umln a single ilolkur will got the paper for a yrat. THE WEEKLY" fifty-aiic ovlumn. Only fUOO year.' .No aiscounUi from thin rnto, . - , ' THE 8 EM t-WKRK LY flU,m0 size as tho Dairy Sun. 82.00 a year. A dis ciMtnt of 20 per cent, to clnba of 10 or over. ; TUB DAILY SUN. A lurga tbur-pno newapaper of twoiitv-eipkt column. Daily circulation over 120,000. All' tho ncivs ror 2 cents. Subscription triee 50 rftmlsl a month, or Srt.(X) a rear. To clubs of 10 or OTer, a diacount of 2upor cent. ' 1 AddroMS "THE HVK,". Key urk City .v .ji!l ol r.; O it TV-'-'S 'J '''9 5 ffl n.S - a Si "W. .Mi, . fe. ri x i a n w . i i r 7, u -w PITUOLE VAXLEY ILY, AND AFTEtt Monday, June , 1871, Trains will run f l'oljows: f ' ' TRAINS KOimiWAHD. , ' STATIONS. ' OleojKills, ' Hennett, Woods -. Pinthers Mill Pltliolo City , No. 2. ; -1 10.2;-. a m i wj : m.ao " , 10.21 M ll.Ott Ko. 4. 3.:i0 p m 8.2S " 3.1S M 3.10 " 2.60 " TWAINS SOUTI W A It D, KTATfflWB, Pltholo (ftV, Prm Mill Woods Hennett Oloopclia No. 1, No. S. R.4o a m ' 1.20 p in .4K " 1.48 '' - " , 1.5 " U.02 ,. 2,04 " .ii:v. U.lg 2.14 All Trains make close connections fit Oleopolis with trains on the Oil Creek A Allegheny lliver liuiHvay, Jv'oi tU , and Booth. ' ' ;. 4 " ' Two Lines of Stages run dolly 'between Pithole tuty, Miller l"'srm aiuf Pleasant yille, liiiikluKi-minwtioii wiihni rivinnund (leiiartinur Trains. J, T, 1ILAIK, II. WJCKIIAM, ' Bup't. Ticket Aucnt, Pitliui City, Pu. J OB WORK neatly exooutod at the H1S Pt'BLlCAN Otlioc. "i .1MI -..I' U--.I ,'.li; ' .,- i -j'.': i':.- .til g ' !(,,: n 'i L :v.-..- i.jfK i '" J.3-:t; h i n..-;,.- '. i.:J . Jg ' niij J ::-i -..- i'Q i -li'-'iiu fH 5 ,ii.-js " H . g 1 .. v 8' 1 : ' v tf-- ' : l&h ' nu -.i . id i -3 r.; S3 . fJfi.V'lJllilu') 9 ;,...;i...i , ' U . -', 'M H ,,,e5 '' A 'i Mi. g S-Siii-vH,-..-.5.,.P.-.73-.'. ;'''-" '' 1 rj ; i-s rA i ' 1 H..i a, Cm ifn-oS .m,,, ;Oi4,.CQ,.9: if...:. -,.--, j . .i.b ::';":':'S:;1"::;-1H'' - ... H . . 57 a M. .... . ., ' - PITTSBURGH, PA. fv ' ORDERS PY MAIL PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. .' ' i. KtBi III II I I t I -IT-' i . . The Oldeil, Largoit anil Best Apfnte. CulU-e in the United Stntc, for nltal IiJj ' a Mercantile Edoentiun. ' Ku vaciitiuii, : atudu,t ouu cnUr'at any tiisi-.. f Por Circ'ulart' write 'to;' 'j .-P. DIJF. & SON i- 5i l Dr. J. Walker's Ulifomla Vln. egar Hitters ;aro a purely VoRctablo preparation, niado cbiorty from tho na. tiro herb fuuntl ou tlio. iotvsr rancoa ot tte Siorra Novadu mountains of Califor nia, tho niouicinul properties of which nre extracted therefrom without tlio uso of. Alcohol, i i Tbo qucstiou is : almost daily asked. " What is tho cauao of tho ' unixirallolei siioooss pf VlSEOAn BiT Tikst" Our answer Is, that tboy romovo tho causo of disoaso, and tho patient i-o-covors. his health. Tlicv nro tlio great i Wood purifier and a lifo-giviug principle, t a perfect Jtonovator nud Invigorator , of thQsysteio, Never before iu ths history of the world bos a mcdlcloo becu compounded posssssiiig i t!m remarkable quahtios of Vikkoab Uiit)iri in haaliuf the ick of every disease nan U heir to. They . are a areutlo Purgative as vsll as a Tonio, rcljering Condition or' Inflammation of ths. Liver aad yUccrs) Prgaos iu Bilious Diseases . , ,., !'' The properties bf Cit'WAtns'. TiaioAt lirrrias are Aperient, Diaphoretic, Carminative, Nutritious, Laxative, Diuretic, Sedative, Counter-irritant Sudorific, Altera tira, and Autiiiilioos,. n i ' !.. i i U. It. MtDO.l,n & CO., . i. ' Tirnirirlrt n(Tn. A rti.. Sun Fmnoliivv Cnflfomlaj Mil our. Wiuhiiiirl'in soil (.'btu-lbiR Sf,. 5f. V. ' ' Hold bjr U UraggUU a ud IXalen. Ntflvrwt Stove It S(otcm!!X .J Ii .!'.- - 1 AT PANIC" PRICES) ,, j .We will sail the ,;, Spear ' Celebrated Anti-Clijiker HOT BASEBAND REVOLVING ; LIGHT STOVES , AT 15 PER CET. DISCOL'KT., Until after the First of January" for . -j ; ,('... ...... .. " : OA s n ; .' ! ! i. i . j. ( . . . . i i. . . 1( Gentlemen." this Is tho liot rlirlHtniiw I'ient you van moke your . wilij, It will continue to pleaMe until the huliny days . of Hprinif ' . ,-l ' . . . . - ImS m f)nd one , Rotul-n jriuo nadiant, !.. I. 1 . '.I. . I.- I - . . . ONE AMERICAN BASE BURNER, ONE STEWART BASE BURNER, which yo will null at hull' prlec. ir, ii. TIMil.I?, V CO., astf on. CITY, PA. vvicN-trn:, 'K FAMILY ARTICLE. , Alfents nuikc tl2.M per day, 75 per weak. AN ENTIRELY: NEW SWIXC MACIIIIVE For Domestlo Use. . ON J FIVE DOLLARS, l . ....I With the New rantent - BUTTON HOLE WORKER, i ; . I'utmile.1 Juno'iTtli, 171, ' AWAIinKDTlIi: KIHST THKMIUM AT TlIK AMKItU'AK INHTri'CTH MARYLAND INSTITUTE I'-ilRH, 1871. A' lnost SnilorM- and lepr"tly con struvted Sowinu Mnehine for tiiuiil v work. Cmipl.-to In all ita TartM, U'oh tho iHtrniulit Kyo Pointed Needle, noir 'treading, direct upright Positive Motion, iicw teiiMion self feed and eloih. Ci ul. lor, Operates hv wheel and on a tiililo. Liht running. MmootU and noiHOloHN, liko ull hkmI hiuh-prlced maiiliinoH-JIi)s I'atont Chock lo prevent tho wheel beinr turut-il tho wrung wav. T'ses tlio thread direct from lliu spool. Makos tho ehiatii) lock stituh, liueNt and NlrongcHt "tick l.nnwn; lii-iu,diiialilo,4.loe and np1L 'Will do oil kinds of work, line and oonrso, 'rom rainhriu lo heavv eloth or Leather, and usea all deHcription's or thread. - This Maehino is lienvilv oon Htruetoil tofrivo it Hticnjttli; all tho purt of em-h MarMne hplng made alike bv ma chiuery, and Imnuuiuily rtniahetl nt)tj'urPH meuted. It Is very eauv to learn, liapiil, smooth and silent In ojieratton. Iteliablu at all times, and a Practlml, Hclontilic, Moelwrilwil Invention, at greatly reducod price. !.:; : mA good uheap family sewing inm liiiio a last. Tho tlrst and only succeKS In prot iliwlnn a valualile, suhatuntiul end relia ble low priced 8ewln(f Machine. Its ex treme low price reaches all conditions. Its Himplicity and strenirth aiMpts it l) ll eapHclrle-hilo its muny merita muds li uiiiversnl favorite . wburovcri used, and creates a rapid demand. r: i it is iLb it is nKifiMiiKNiiKn. 1 I can cheerful ly and confidently roiem mend Its uso to thoao vlio aro w'auting a really good Hcwinjf Mauliino, at a lvw price. M rs. II . U.J A M I'.SON, ...n .. I'cotoue, Wilt CoiiiiIt, III. Price of e; h macjiliw. "Class A." "Ono," (warrantcil lor five vearshv special certificate,) with ull llioIixiiu.M, u'nd t rythinpr eonipluto beloiiKiuir to it, Includ luef " ""If 'threading needle, packed in a strong wooden box, and dvlii erod to any Kart of the country, by express free it irtlier t-harcs, mi receipt of priee, only Fivn Ihillura.i Sato delivory guaranteed. Witl each Machino wo will send, on re ceipt of l extra, the now paUtnl iiutton hulk wokkkr, One of the most important ami useful lu; ventions of tho age. Ho siinplo and cerr tain, that a child can work tho lincM but ton hole with regularity and oaBo. blronu and beautiful. Speeiid terms, and extra iiiduceinents to. Male and t'omulo Agents, Htoro keeporx. .Vo,, who will cKliiblihli iiciu ioH tliroiiKU the country and keep, onr new iiiachiiieN on exhibition and sule, Countv liiglit given to snmrt UKents fnv. Aleut's ei.m pletojjntlit, iiiriiilio l wiUmut any extni charKe. Samples of eewuitf, tU'sVrlive. eirculars containing; terms, tlimi,,i:il enKravlii(H, Av., d-c, sent lice. Wo ili supply AU HIOULTUHAL 'IMPLKM ENH. )nUint l'atcnts ami improvements thl-'rm anil Harden. Mowers, Menpers CultivutnrH, ('utter, Harrows, Finn! MillH, Phintcrs, Harvesters, Thrckhcr Slid ull artiiloH need ml fur Farm work, Kuro Seels in hune vln iety. AH Money sent in Post Otlli-e Money Orders, Hank limits, or by Kxpross, will bo at'our risk! and are perfectly secure. Halo delivery of ull our K'XhIs Kiiarautced. - "An old and responsible llrm that sell tho liest oods at the lowest price, and can lie relied upon broiirrcailur,"-Furiiier'a Journal, Now York. Not KoHpoiiHilile for neirislered Letters Addrtms, J, lOUUM li R. llUnsoN A- CO.' Corner lircenwieh X Cortlaudt Sts., New Vork iVO Trie Republican Ollice L'KKPS eonstantly on hand a luiue M. 4v sorlinnt of llluiiL- li.....lu li iiiiliKi.(,as, W.uiaiitd, fciu i !t i iii i-i, dx." 1.1 bo sulj .-Lcsp hi-i.isli. ' i(. '