11 ii. 1 J)M''Wjijiijn!r: Ufa wti $rpWfnmr- TT. R. DUNK - EDITOR. tfEDSESDAT.MORSlSO, FEB. li, 1S74. . Somo canning rognos pem to bavo seized upon the circumstance that au act relating to usury in the Legislature, to attempt to levy black " mail on the banks. This was dona by sending them a circular, representing the advantage to thcra of having the bill passed, and applying for money to aid in securing the result desired. It is iutimated that several members of the Legislature were privy to the 1 scheme, and an investigation is to fol low, We hope the guilty members, if there be such, ; will be promptly ex polled. This has been a rather un- ' profitable session of the Legislature to such members as were in the market, . in other, years, and eucceded by selling "influence" . and - votes, in making something handsome during the ses sion. And It has ' been particularly unprofitable to the crew who prowled . around, as members of the 1 lobby, ...rcaiiy tu wu any ' muu, vi uiri,j vorft for money. ' Ya hope these gentry will be discovered, and if anv means ' can be' devised for pauiBltiog such of . .i .them m: sought' to 1laok -mail the banks, we hope they will, be promptly ." " - applieif. " It' is a scurvy trick all round. ,J .Later. la j., the,, ppinioa of ' a a man named Kreiter and ;V.i It. .Dimmick some- funds were . necessary to carry the; thing through, and in ac f oVdkfacB with this opinion sent notices p to all the country banks to the effect bur. W were assesied 1 per cent up , j on their capital stock., How much these members of the pure party real' feed before the fraud, was .discovered, " ; ' (aa.U1)as l)een) 'is uot known, Tha ,,; records of Dimmick and' Kreiter are ,l strangely disfigured to the past, and aU l'- though 'they kre democrates, they are H ' not hittejt'J , , They', are tield ' , under bpnJs at jujescut, . ; Dimmick .id a i ,., merobenof the House, placed there by j- liis Wajne county democratic friends, CVHe has sent in bis resignatioa to the f ' .'llotise and' thus hM.,ave4,' hunaelf from expulaionl , it ; is reported ; h at Kreiter has jumped his bail. ' m NowMrr Brewn here is a chance "ftf Voiu.P" D)cs iY! riot ' Wke tiara 'cepoe to your honest truthful. yes, to1 '' see sueh goings-on T ' Voes it not seem strange in yonf innocence, that ithe ' first corruption of this legislature .is arranged and partly carried through " by a brother T We are extremely sor ry that, owing to circumstances be : I" yond your control, tou are wade to weep lor yohr noole fraternity,' the democrats. l Mt . " I.I... I It: nv A Cowardly Outrage: in Clarion Co. j 1,.. Curllsville. Feb 1671874L-! fe. ti. Brows Et What are jwe . ; drifting to- in this nlightcnqd ago? " "Who can tell now when Jie lies down ". to rest at night wbctlw, ha :wJU. wake j,,'.' up jn the morning without tiding burn ,,.,''ea out, or robbed, or his othqr proper tv destoyed ? r Ou last Pxiday night,' the 13th injsL, some fiends or defifsin . , ' buaiau furm, entered my orchard nd cut down and peeled over forty of my beet bearing apple and a few of my " peach trees They must have bad a -1. good knowledge of the fruit, for I M' -could not bare selected out the best trees myself bettei1 than they did. .' Of 1 - course tney tasted the fruit sjid futiud it to be very good. I will pay a re ! ward ef $ 500 for the detection, arrest and conviction of the guilty parties. The reward is- pretty high, but it , is c, . the duty of every good citizen Ao try bi utmost to put a stop to such dia ... bolical oouduct. , Yours, . , j . 1 . . .!-; .1 , J. E. Kacter. h, I , The; abo-vtj lettor explains itself. . , hquure Kjnoter in one or tha ruout re . ., snoptable. peaceable and useful citi zens of our county, and it w a wonder bow any human being can .become so fJ"dcpraved, or lost to ulfcoiumou sqse as to perform an act so dastardly, as ' : that of destroying 'such choice fruit treos, ' Mr. Kaeter has eivea much at ;,' tention to frulf culture, and took pride 5a raising one of the. finest orchard) iu thte county, the fruit of which he has always been remarkably generous with ..to Lis neighbors and strangers. ' With rt all good citiieus wo sincerely hope for i, ,; the arrest ane cwiviclioa of theguflty partio. . It is for 'public- benefit bud protectiort that nuire Raster has' 1 of- Xt'rfla.&b Utgo-a reward for thut rur til r. . 5 i1pose.-iL.wrwB.mo:rt.....,1 t ; 1- ". . ;'t'J ,- . .. , . t f - '!'', ' l Job I rintiilg. ; ., , ij , , 1(..',J)a you wane ppstu-a 1 1- o yeu want hand-bills I ' , Do you want business cards ? ' Do you want a neat bill head ? II Do you a-aut a Uty letter head ? . Do you want a nice visiting card ? If so, leave your order at the nubheau ofiice where they will beexe :uted iu the neatest style and ou reasonable tetuis. moot 4 - FRED. OLAS.SNER, Treasurer ct Forest wesitrt ror ids year To State ts- for Die year J73 1 In -to " retailer license " tavern ( " , 180 oo fiRS oo ISO B3 To balanco FRED. GIiASSNKR, Treasurer of Forest County, In tvermnt With J he. Mbd Anptlon ' Funds forthoyearendlnn Ito. 31, 1873. To aiu't roc' J nf 8. J. Setlov " " " In.llvUtualii , 7H To Vmlnnoo '7 02 FKKI. CJLASSN'ER, Trrwiuw of Forost county lor ui year To wo ted Innds rptnmcd 187i l!T tn " Ken tod tax for the year lb73 " iHMpated tax l7i " ' " 1S73 . ' forfeited rftconnl.-Minoe ' " taxes of HurIi llnnunh . , uih of Green Twp. " rndempUon rtf Cv lands ' " Jury fo of ,J., B. Agnrw . " roo jUof C. J. Fox M ton dar assessment '' " fee t of H. J. SpMpV i " " " " T. J. toooou "Bridiro Bonds . , " seated bridge ta l!7 ' ' unsoated h . , ",ten dy mwm'I brlihto' - .u J' Jury foe of J, B, Ague w ' ,; ;w ii,u.f w 6.ZS7 M US OO , f2 45 IfJ 8A 'w- Jlfl 00 17( 00 1 ' M M 69 tte.' i ,0(t0 00 " ii, 100 43 I.BSi M .,-. 44 IS . ,W 00 :;t -I r. VI!.-.! tt ' Ml'i..: : n. ,.:vi.) T.I i an : M IV ,f:.(ll , I !.- Ml , L-l ,H,:,l;a4,B70 05 To lalanco il .tr 3 - "I-3 . T : ,.. I '.. V. J I ,!!' d !!!! I. . ers of Forest t'ounty In account with aniil County for tho rear tnilhia i . i. .n , Ttemmbcr Slat, IK73. , , t ,7 ''r'!-i. 1 " ' 'Jacob MfcRcittorr?''"' 5' 'K '. ' , I c;r. ii drawn i1 !' -1 '" 443 3 y lialanoe lahturtHement1 ' ' '" 1 00 US fomntiwiioiiers Dr. To :C. orders , "vbanoa ..-y, vis 1 . It-; v. I rn .493,-1;! in .M I r::.-.lL 1 1 '! - , To Co1.! brders drawn '' bolanco " T 107 M '17 W : ; r i I I I v... 'lH6-8 J Dr. .( ,i ; -i i To lmlauco due, last setilynu nt .00 - o. oraors orawn " Balance . r . JAMES K. 20 00 ' I 19 90 j Tr. To Cd. orders drawn ' bttlanco,..: -.! -i.i: SO'Sjr' N :; W. W. MASON, District Attorner for Forest Country In account for tbe year ending i : ,,:(!' I .: !. .i ii in J-"i'eoeinuer To Po.rdera drawn. wn, i iUvun n Wit 9 AO i !. J. B. AONBW, Protlionoury 4e ll'. i.. .! 1 i. I . i J To Co. ordors drawn 1 Tfi. VA"N QIESltN.'ltigh'BhiW'fr of FoMst Conntr li) account for-1 iita eii,:nJiug 1,1 ii I" r....:i ; JIN -,. '-l'Doo4borBlB,a!.7.I. : ol -M ,;.'.' Ji i., i'.Tjik ; XotCo-ordors drawn . i. j .hi.ij.l14s 45 : " -"" We, tho undcrsiKnod A mli tor of JVe the ttoinniissinners' (Mftee. tn said County, ersl iwcoents of Die Treasureri ttherjff, aaia con hit, ror me year ciuung uoe. aiac, coins atateinent. . I .. In testimony whereof wo have hereunto net onr hands and aeals this 7th day of Jan uary, A-1. WM- '; : .: ; . r. 1 --..i ,U . : j-ll " I'l " I -1 ... in, ,1 ,,.;. .1. r.,i H" ::.' ExrsNDiTURKS or forjmtx county, a. d. m. County Commissioner ' : " "' ' Mt B4; 1 .11 t ciei-K i t Txii-ou Auditors iul Cleric -I't 40 V0 00 3'J 6Q 1,320 d Counsel Wild-Cat atia Fox Bbaaiy-i nry i-ees Conimiasionoia - in ! 'ii 1 . 4.S 4i NSQHSOrS vs'i 95.1 222 v 40 . . PrintliiR" ' ' : ef". in: Constable .: ' oUrt Crier ., Hond Yiows Fuel and Llgllta ; ' Kloetlous ' i''' ' -'tJ.ti . d w wot'I v.. , oL xn 3" ; .2 01 261 07 'oiuuionWealth Costs Books and Stationery 1 .1 Kin sxtfi , WA0IUTIES. . County Bonds, nm( .,, ri. y ,,26,000 (V) iin.igo ; .s,iss) Inst, on Oountr Bends " 1 ' 1,mu " Ilridwa I'.l b'i . !172 00 Co. & Bridgo orders outstanding .i.itu; 74 i i. I , ! pmii iiT rvirmi v t i .. l'umuaiit to law we. the undorslclved foregoinr exhibit of thp receipts aud. e.iieuditurcs of said County for tliu year endiiig ocemler HUt, 1S73. -. . . -T j ... . ..i . ... f P In textimony wlioreof wC have bereiintOtt oitrihnuda this TLU diy of Jnuary, A. U.m. ;i r.u'liU- .1 ., , . T. J. COLLINS, ..l.t i ... i - !.. ,! ... i. :!.. .. ) Attest: ,., , " , ' D. Wl CLARK, Clerk. ' ', ; THE AMERICAN '.' , a weekly. JomiarAii of tiiij 1 :'; " ' " - IRON, COAL, METAL AND GLASS TRADES'.. ?; Tins jonrnaJ. 110W in its Twclftli Year, is reootrnized as the Lending RenreSentutiu'e of Its oIshs in the I'niled States. Puhlislied at l'itluburgit, tlioernlei vt tbe heavy Iron. Steel niul lilass Indiistrhui of tbe oountry, inese i ratio aiuu a no uuuir paper possesses, in aiiiiicion 11 lias nearly ono II un.lrcit Correspoiidonts In all purls of the country, from wliuin it is constantly -In reeeipt of News. lAuxing its Specialties may lie maiitUiiuU i , , t- t , i.' . ' . ' lis Fageof Coudeusod Maoufacturiiia yotes.i -, , , , i ,( ., , t Its Able Knglish Letter : . , f 1 1 . " " ' ',' ' Its Hhort KdiUirials j ' " "' it J-.i.t. .1 Oj...I-..i H'm I U .. '! . iu rituDurgn iron k rimki i-rice i.ihim ami ucview or American Ironilaiketx J ,JPJ j. its Thorough an Reliable Htittistiiuil Tallies ; . ,i , tt , . ,.. i i , I V Monthly liooi'Ut friuu. Blast Furnaces j ' , - ' ' ' , ' '' ;, , i - (' Its Jron Workers', Waca Taliios. . ' ' t- .' r ' ' '. 1 JNe person' engn'god tho Manuliicturo or Sale of iron, loW, Or'Ooul, Glass,' HantU Ware or Mi-talsj t-an-do Wltiiout. It. j , ., ; ii-v . ; i " . i. - ! -..i .! .KUBSCBIPTlOy,' ' - . ., KQ0 t liR' YKAll. '. '. ". ,i i, j j , ; i.-a-,6aeiiot'oplofcontFrceoirniplicatioP. o bi n. 1 ! i ' lum j,u..--.i.;- ! ;: ..v'i :::AMraac MANp(5TUjEii,:!,;l ! U .Tiii ; : I . . i i 7 ' Woo4l rt(, IMMtburchV NOTICE, i DR.. N. ROLAROj' of Tidionto, has retnrtisd to his practice after an ab sence of four months, spent in tho Hospi tals of New York, whore bo will atlmd cslU in bis proiot-aion. .' ' . OftV'e in Kurcks Diug Store, Sd door ilovethe hank.Tidionte, Pa. Btf lie ' " County, In acenunt wltft the Common" onuiaiii Hoc. Bint, 1B7TV. t , By State Trews roe's Rent 4, 1873 " . " . " IHjc S.t, -M xonerallon. ' ' " ' " 5 per ct. on fcVTP 00 " n " fcM oi balance 24 01 SO IS td i ao 150 IM 605 40 By nrflirMtta!f rctTf f-Tcl in balani'O 1 - : '7 02 l,3til 78 County, tn anrou'nl with tli Tiniilg of snlj mnunj IH 3lnt, 1N7S. 1 . . A . 1 , i 'I i..ouiiLr nu jinu ompr re .,! deemed ,., , . . . . fcW.106 W voiiHns inuiuy. iwiiu ro-i I.oIh) oo W mialAd landsf rfct'd for Co. tn 31 H) D2 44 " re(undinirrdor ; Collectors' oouinjisHlon. eu 10 vKiiiiumiKms o. cax -;i . brldire tax - . 5 per ct. on a,y;w.7X Uxow, ' paid Drevlons to Ann. 1 . 14 40 f t 4r eu on SPIXI0.0 liridge; " I " 4 per nt. en $12,100.07 Co. ant , H , j , bridge ordors . ' 4M 24 "i 4 pr r. on f 4.7rt rv1e-ptlon '' I 14 69 WtlOif 4 per ft, oil, B1.77.72.a-houl i oroora 7; JO 4 pr ct.' ort tnOG.38 road.r(lprs r .'4 xrr;oti SAJO.OO Bla t.M ' ' ordiOfi . t . 1 1 i , " 4 per cU on Jl.OOO Coupon 1, R on 4(i eo balmieo- '1" -.J 14,70 05 "v mj nw TUB .'1,062 ml'os" trava, " expenses , .U 3t.l ((J ol iV.'.H y-r. , :. a. i 8 OIV I i" Kt W , D 00 4'.I3 is "ao fa I Or., llu 'Ml j n in. rni.t iKs i i - isv naiaqon due Inst aettlenieiU). i 3T-daVaerle'' ." 1 "' r.r 47fl mUea' ttavsl i J . i (If) 1 47 o expenses ,r,u. '.''(' ' t i ' Ij'tU i '..: ..'II '..-! ' Brunlanto. i I :' LHi " .-rrj ltitHJ . . II" ' .", 1 W) .i.m-Jj;"- H7-W JOlINTHOJLTSONil -i '; u JJv H4 dnya' aerviue .1 ,,i t . -" 320 miles, travot ... 11 ClTnPllSAK 1 J ' ll f...l, . i.I .ti. '.'.IJl ll ll :i I. ;:i ,i,;it' - B27 !' aiv Daianca CLARK ' ' ' " iU 10 days' service .'1 U9 mi"le.traY(l ' ' !Cr. "'V .10 00 .7 .I:." . ,90 3p no - 11 " ,'li,'i" .-..n bslsnce uv WW aisi, loia. .'.u .j. , ) m t Bji fees ,, ; A 3 i.r-.id xrt k 00 Ac, for Forest Connt,lnceouut for the year ending ... December ?lst, 1873.10, !,j i,ca .-.jnig-. i .. : I vm ho 130.16 By .feua-, .),' I.nii!,,.! v.nua-ji i,il3J6 By feea. .- , ta : oi( i ".t ' 14 6 1,.;, .lii.:.) ii .-.:14r 6i Oonntr, tin hereby certify that We' rriot al: and did Audit Settlo tinU AJtHst lhe acv- L'lo'lmuoUry, and ConnAy7jLiniuisHioiiir4 of ik.j, ana nmi tueiu as set Mrcu in the lore ' ' ' - : I., ,1: ; -j; AVAUNKft US. I Auditors, r." 1 4.. IAMIlSO, II.H.I ' l' HclUrs y 1 I . m.l 1 1 -' '110 8 V-Md 0!) A 1 li iiijiusm Jiiuidinir ', Western UsiitU : Witnesses ;;!imirr Feem "' V'-'a ; Kedemptlon of lands KC .1 Jd' l.l '"i "f 1 .:- ' 40 . I'rothonotary Fees oo iHduxing Kecords 00. District Attorney . ' 02 ; Jnuitor Court House 00 Toachors' Instiluto ' Aa 1 y in 'I .-. U 45 ao ..ft li 4tVO'.4W 9i St 75 1,0M 00 ' " ' flt 10 ;, .12,673 J ':ri .1.1 j I.. j.iinu iiiiv . iirHiu't.. iwinilN nm i oioctora . . i . liridges ! . .. . 'I' mi... Ifir'ie k vi'i?a A-r 11 ASSETS. I ytafahee due from Treasurer ' . 02 uu Neaten lands returned - ' 00., Diib from i. P. Sintrins .ill ." .C. J. Fox i . ., , I Ji2 !U . I Jt) m ''1TSI60 H 107IS0 ' J "-1, Bla k ' , " " ureen Township ..!: .i'io Individuate .: :i i . , CommisHioneraof JTorest Countv. nul.li.s.i tlm 4 joiik TiiuarHiis. coiumittiiioiiera, "JAM KB K. CLARK, . ! , ,.i. ' ... ii..i;i ; i ..Ij MAfJUEACTURER, it lias fwilitivs for gnlering iutoimation oi 8300 l'J '.It "till Til. Over Half jWit. Rt t'Ul.n articles, ono. Address, J, W. NN KAI j(itirrs k yy .i rj CO , 41 hi x til St., PitushuiKli, i's. WHS 3lll IOK WORK neatly essotitoj at tho UK- 1 41. IU .'BUCsN Oehce. A P E R S Vo Manuf'arlnro and Bell l'npcr, Foe tho,TrwbcKWts 'Tradiv, , . - : llWdWHT t it H- tfrocerv " - " . UlnKS " ; ' , " f " lrii)trlMt ' " " Buu-her " , - " Building " For Cnnvasiint Hums, " l.lnlnn llimscs, ' Itootlue Jlouspa, , " Iloivsted CotVee, ' ''.'I PAPKK BA-TJJ4, PRTTTTITTO (! TEA PAPKItM. IVijiimn Oinent, 8atarnrtrd Felt FRAZIER, METZGER k CO.,,; w44 lm S2 Wood Nt, Pittsburgh, Pa. w AS TR1V i i JVovlU PnoUlfl ltotiilat. .-, ' Call on or address nv. , IiVTIIBR '8.' KAUFFtA-M, BROKE if, ' ' "i: ' t"0 FoTRTH AvNVK, ,, w44 3m !;; -V ', rm'SBUROir, PA. i W U ITK TO 1WK. . . ... I . i : . : ii- " CtrcuJ:-.rs free, WtHe to mo ftrnl jot the exclusive sales of a iounty. Write (o me, arxl iwoshnr itwu. wilt have tlii lulit to sell in ywir caunty, Write to mo and you can miike (iho per week. jVVrite to mound sevure the county you live hi. -v . i -1 I . WRITK TO ME NbWY1 J I Xddrms, R. TiAWYKR, "Patentee, No. 5 HiU tUt Jt'itWtbiirRU, h.im,. . , i 44 lm L' YOU To 'not as Ai;eiiU. 'and tJlntrilmte our - New AilvcKisim; Mti. nMiHiittnl on lintrHsb Cloth, beinr U i;oiuplete Map of tho l.nJlcHl Suttw, Vc (iWe thesi MapsrtWixy gratis and will allrnir you one dollar for every Mnjyo distrib ute iu every county aiid stioe lii the Union. Mulo and, Kcmalo , Airentt. wanted. AdMT urtsh ,jjiiiucriiittMV, uiiutuniliK one uoiiai forouttH of tlve Ms, Territory, Ciroii' Jura, mid full paytieulara' in" . mli , . , AUVJ'Jt IWIUAlsl'tU, -'! I isiJo. I'a, w;4 lin, Eastltrady V, Clar DO ti'ttV-jf 3 iuuuthi fct ao Lirmt t ' or with C3 Chrnhio. tnt SO mnU! or 6 bonths with "Flowers of t'amdiva," a nLi-i.-nli pnromi), i-jxi iiicncs, in 1 ehlora,ftirl. Tub Naitonai. AnrtioiU.- Tiifi Ai.wr i a d xtona-nago paper ot'u4 cl-f; uiiins. handsoiuoly illimlruUHl Jn all its flf pnrtmenls. Ono of tho Iwst s rrii ulliirsl and family papers published. Sn1vfl per year, or Uli with a bcauUtul C91ROMO. The Rce-Keoiiirs.' Muiiweino, a monthly, sumo' terms, or both 6r l.7,i Sk'iid (br sample copies, and liberal terms tyAgenta, rucK.' wmte now to. i" i- ; j. ... , , 0 , JU,A- CO.I w401m, 14 Murrajt 8U, Xcw York. I QT: ANrt DCCTcomWnatluhimr I CanvabenirAgts ami Salesninn !-l Imirv Wir.l llAn..linr,a lamiVv newspapor jrlveserert aubBcrilier a nsir of the InrrcMl and AniM llll'ii. (.iK.vrastwe most attractive subjects that "tako" on siphtpaintod by Mrs. An- wnn, as eomrasis ana companions , for bee j" Wido 'Awake" and 'Fast Asleep." Agenls hmvo JJIMKNK HUi;ClS!.S tull It the "best business over olfeivd ranvua ers." We furnish the lightest and hand-r nomeK ouuit,'aiiu paw very high eOmmis sious. . KachMiibMribCr rsowivea without diuav two. bcsntiful tlcture!, which are ready frtr IM MEDIA TK DKUVERV, The ruiier ritaiHr stands' peerless Hinonir Xiuily journals, ImIiih so popular itlint of its class it n:iH iiio iitrge.-t eirculation In te world I Kmploys tho bes litenirr tal nt. , Edward Ksrlexton's sertul storv Is just hcuinninp j back chapters supplied to each subscriber, Mrs. Ktowo's lonir ex pertod soinel to ''My Wifo and J" begins 111 the now vour. At olie wIsMn.r a inwirt salary or an inde)ientant buHinessHhonhl send for cirenlarft and terius A O AftsTi to J.'H. FOH1) CO.. New rWA York, Boston, Chloanj Cincinnati or 8sn r runomfo,. i f - ' l.u. :-Ta 4 , : j.-.,-... -. THK WONlJi-HKUlJi -'' , PET CANARY BIRD! 1. 1 ?r, ('(fatont Just Frocnred.)"-! a 17ILL SINO FOR HOURS tVAJ UK W maiiHgel by-.anyj cliiUU The latest nud most wonderrtitifniontton of the rg'e'. The 'Very thing ibr.altlier psrjor or out dKraniius(sient,.4 iro 1: ) , , ,i ii , tnyiD for Sample at.ono& ' liig pay toganta and. to the.twidu. Snt H faction gUatuutecHl or myney nromjitly retunied. " -''I.. .... Wont pre-paid by 'mail to anyadilross(on 6c,s..r;3v.,,Voj;'1':';, Address ' l! W. R. ltORERTIH A Co:j ' W40 tinp J': I7 HMKidway, New York. CMflVTRC """i K ctB- fhr the'.now O ill U l L. nO seir-adustlnn cigarstte and cigar holder. 3 for 50 eta, , M,, Jt, nborls t Co., 170 Itroadway, Now irk. , w406in POKfin A YEAR MADR 'i i: " gisZOVKJ , WITH OUR SPLENDID .'COMBINATION PROSPECTUS. It represents sample pages ant) style of iiiMiiuiK i oo iiii4nsnT liucrcllllg UUU vsefni iKMiks, that sell In every fainilv. liuMt. .tiling over trie! by,. CaiivasHora. Agents anted, "tq make a pcrmauent business ort thrao svorks In every county. FroHuecDs: sunt! post-pah) on receipt of price, il.M. For circulvrs and lils rsl tonus, address JOHN K. i'OT'1'F.U t CO., FMblisJiers, Philailelphia, Pa. w33 4t CONSTANT . KJIfUIVMEJiTi- At Homo, ialo or Female, f-Hl to (CO a week warranted. No capital required. Full particulars and a valuable sample sent Jhca. Addrevw, with 4 tit,, return btump, A, D.-Yoimgtf FmUSt. WUliamsbuigli, NrY, , -. ' VW4m I... --i k-avi-l-'-1 L PITUOUE. VALLEY IIT. AND AFTKH Monday',' Jiiiio 5' IS71, Trains will riw m follows" ' ' ; ;i' ' TRAINS KORTinVARD. " !. 1 rr.lri8iia.!'''' "; Nn;i'! ' " W. 4. Olenpoliw; - J '10.25 a In ' ; 3.IM p ni Keoueuj,,! n. . i j .K ).. "i.ua.iM " WismIm. . . ... Jo.ao "., , .ia Vrathqrs Milt 10.24"" ' S.)0 Pitholeflty 11 " ' '2.M 'TttAi'N'rf siyjrnity.VRp' ' ' ' ' stations. . ' .No, J. . ' No. 3. Pith.iic City ' ' '8.40 am 1.20 p in ; i rauiara Aim n . x e. t.s- - Woods j 3 -,' 1 -.il 'f, I, i.fsi. Hcnnclt " ... U.tt4. " , I 'A0i '.Alt-. 'I'vsiais ' vuuVe' j..in' pahmim,! Ii.tm at Oloopobs with tmins on the Oil I'reqk 4 ''.t" :.'tiv t IJ K""tU ritbolo City, Miller Farm and l'leasunt villc, imikinycounuctiDn witharrivivniaud departing; Trains. ' J. T. Hl.Alll. i. VH K11AM, .Siip't, . . ,'i'ii-hfl Agent, 1'itliulo t'itj , Pa. F urn. DRUGSTORE! Jas. II. Fones, Proprietor, ' (at the eld staad of Ferest O. Druf Store) ELM. 9TRBKT, TiAnasTA, Ta. .,. Agent for , Dr. Morris' Syrup of Tar, Wild Cherry and Horetiound. ' r n xr a s PftTEHt fttEBIClRES. , v .1 .Oc CIGARS, !,, us? 91!) i r ;' I ! li ' : : 1 i ' NOTIONS. C, ..ft,. Ii.'.l ifn.n'J i " (..i. .1 Ti " I '' TThiU Lead, perfeotly or, seld sauob cheaper than fornisrlv. , I . ' .4.1!- T - i ' i i-r ,, Also all kinds of Oils, Keressna,. Tur pentine, lienr.ine. Toilet Artistes, Per- pu?erje,witfcri.recbeap.r' t ' I --- JS J f ' TIIK BEST IAIKK. 1 The HotHNTik-ic AwvKii'Afr Is ttifTi-hnnp-est and best IllustratiHl weekly paorMib lishod. Kvery nuuilier i-outnins from 10 to 15 original engravings of new machinery, novel iuveuliouH, britlui's. onuliieeriiur. works, aiMhltecture, iumroved Ainu Implo-1 menus, aim every new discovery in cnein. rstry. A yc' s nnmlirTH imtnin K'U pages and several hundred engravings..' Thous ands qf yoUnuc srcirosm v4 tl ifliiniUiic. aod tcfiireiy. j The r:n tloojl VV'IpIs nro Well' worth ten limes tho subwripCion prtre.-r-Twrm. JSanws by iiiim.r"yinel tnenta' unit' free; A-ritrw "Aolmiis foin- rnciicos Jhihihi v3, 1874. May bo had of all news dealers. I ,.. DKTCNTC uhtiiiuedou-iha lesVtorhis. TJi I a.11 1 O MiMWs-if tlcwlintious and sketches examined mid iidvico Ireav AH patents are published In tho Scientitio American Hio Ayuct llu'.v isspo,. . siuud lo namiihlot. 110 sijres, dttnriUrtiii'gr laws and fit 1 directions for oblnining l'ntcntM, Ad dress fur tlio PaiHr or edncoriilmr l'ntcntM, MUNN A IX U-ST 1'ark Row. New York. , liranch Otilccy cor. K and Ttli ma., Well ington 1. C. !. u ii-- - w40lui .ttEBRASKtVGRISTMILL TMriUiUIMTMILL! Nebraska (tiicy- A town,) Forest i-ounty, has Mo 'tbor- OUL'Ill V nverhatileil and rehtted ill Jirst. 4bwv order, aud is auiuUiiiK Jdi dolnf all kinds of VI.I1IM! : l'F.F.r,l,' '"and CoustBuity on iajul,jiuV .wjl at the very PENNSYXVANIA CEN TBALi RAIIaKOAD ON AMI A FTK1V 1 1 P. P.twndav May 1, lT04 Trains arrjre et ami leave the I'niisi m-put, corner of Wushluton aius Libertv stfeet, as follows t 1 . i -ARRIVK. ' .Mail Traill, 1.30 a lut Fast Line, 12.1S a m l well aawo4iiniMiMioii ao. i, e.ju a in ni.lnton. aciHiininislalKin No l, 7..o a m; all s accoiniii(Ml;itioii .o I, .wn in ;( In elnnnts exereHa 0.-0 ami Jolmstowii ac oommcxlation 10.50 a m ; llraddnrk'M bo. eommodation No 1, 7.00 pm; Pittsburgh express l.:w p m; j'aclllc express l-0 y hi Wall's aesmmaation No a, ULSW n in llomowood MtioinmoilalNm No l,n.i.i p 104 wans aiM'om moijuKn 1-0 o.in. ja u Rrinton iMH'orrtmodnhoa Ko 2,l.l0p m ay vaaaonger 10.111 p in. . -. . , DEPART. ; ; . ' Routhora exnresu 3.20 a ui 1 VaHflc ex- rress 2.40 a m ; Wall's neoommodnrton No , 6.30a in ; Mail Jrsle .8.10 a in 1 llrinlon's accoimuodation li.MUtni Rrnddoek'a ac eoinuiodati'm .Ne L ".10 b -ai 1: !lnclnmiti express 12.35 p tu j WaU'S accommwlation a. 11.01 a ui ijusaiiKiwn mniiinniD.uiiiuii 4.05 nm; Uonieweod iwomiruxi:iti.n No f, 8.50 p m;PluUiiolphbarpissii:l,.4p lu; Wall auironnnwlation -oo,3.uop 111; an s aecommothilion o 4, 0.05 p in ; Fast Lin 7.40 p 111 ; Wnll w No 5, 4J.O0 n m. The 1'Ulirou. i rains louve . alts Pvianon pvory Sunday at t.0." a. nuneiiJag pltts- liurgli at Hi.Uiio. m. itciiirning leave 1111s ImrL'll at l'J.Wp. imj mid. uirb a ut Wull'a Station ut 2.10 p. 111. Cincinnati express leaves dily. South ern express daily except Mouday. All olh m: li,'r!UiiHt;vi v.iftvm-pt Mumls,- r 1 VAr furtjto lutinialin njifyt6l ! W. If. HKCIv WITH. Agent. Tko Pennsylvania Railroad Company will not assume anv msa lor iiaggage ex cent for Wuarinir Apparel, and limit their rsHusibility to One llunilicit Dolla1 s sl- ue. All uiggao exeeoiling mai u In value will le nt tho risk of too ouni 'iier. uuless luku by special contract. A. J. CASSAl - tieneral HuporiuteiidDnt, Altoon Pa, J), W. CLARK. (eoMMisstoNKu'a txKRK, ronKsTcn., r..) REAL ESFATH AGE XT. nOOSRS snd Lots for Sale and RF.Nrp . .! '- Wild IjiiuU for Hale. 1 J have superior facilities for ascertaining tlio condition of taxes aud tux deeds, Ve an.l am thcrefoie qualitiiHi to act intelli gently as aKent of those living at a dis tant 0, owning lands iu tlie County. Olllce in Commissioners Jt.xnn, Court House. Tiuuusta, I'u. .. 4-il-ly.. . ; V. W. CI ,ItK. lltt, W8Et (drckA )r. .1. Wttlkcr'f Calironiln Vln 'rar IMlit'ra nro" n' tPteh- vprotai.io picpniiitioii, 111.11I0 vliiciljr ffnf fctln lift -tiro horlis found 011 thn lower r.ii:es of tho Sierra Nevada iiiimnt.'riim'iilT'nlifor- " liia, tho incilii'liKil projMjrtiu.4 pf wliirrffi am cxtrartetl ilieiffnitii tviilmitt tlio uw' of Alcohol. "'1'iio fmslioii i.s iliiinst daily asked. ."What u 1I10 uutsc of tlir; tinparallolfil' .spetcr- nf, Vk.NJ;i.)V I1""-' TEitsI". Our niifiwor i, tliitttUvJ.Jiiiiivo tlio catiso of diM'ayt:, nyd tho paHUlit re covers liis lii'iiltli. Tliey me llieglvat- blood pni ilicrniiitil liru-viinin inciple. n perfect HiMiiry:tfor u igorainr' of tlio avsiem. 'Xevcr bcfnri! in the -riiistiwy et UtiwerUHia4'asialiciiin been ' 'cOinpotmifeil pu.seilii(r"' tlie Vi-ninrkalila quslitinn nf ixkiias Hittkiis iu liciilini trnr slck of evry ili.eaia in.inl liriin? They ,,ar gcntlo I'nrirativo wjy a alnnir. . relieriitK Canirestinn .or.'u;4mniitm of the l.imr tiai. Xmccral Urgaim 111 iniiuoa " TIib m-oporfle? fj'b;i'' vAkru'r 'TlXKGABliiTTKKii aro i ptiritnt. IJiaiifinrMir. Carminatira, Kutritioa. I.axniire. bnirctie, Sedatire, Cuunter.lrriuut Eudnfjfe. Allsra- 1 Mra, aud iati lliilous. , ,,.,'A. C.rHtOIUi Tll()US!llltl4 T()JsiltlVlT. ; Tmi. Ht-ri-tts thn tittivf witletftil lo. Hripiirsht thut eror luntnineiT 111 ulnkiiTJ' lvtci4l. , , T NaPVrkortf'nritakfitlif'soltitters ' ,iif cording to (JiicctUHis, .tiul rcuimij long . unwell, provided their bones aro liut do frtrnyerl 'bf mhiei-nl 'unison J nr lother ' 'tiic'.i'fis, iiud vital orgaiij wiUcij.boj'onj icjiair. ... Uiliotis, Ilcinlttent and Inter mittent 1' CVCl'S,,wliic!j aro so prcra h.'tit lh' tlio tuTreyi "of olir" rcat rirora s ,tlirougliouttlio L''uUi,ilStatc;Mi;'Uip,''!llly tlioso of tlio Mississippi, 'Ohio, Missouri, lllitio'ia, Teimoude (JitmbrrtiithK Ark, -in -saa, Rod, Oilnrndo, Rr.tzna, Klo'Uiwiule, . 'l'carl, Alabama, Mobile, SavanrW, lo nnoke, James, and piany otheis7"witli . thoir vast tributnrips, tiirntiliotit our I entire country din-in tlic Siniinici and ; " Anttimn, iind roinaikabby so dtirtiij sra- I ,5ui3 of unusual beat ami drying, nro iiiV;iably iiccoinpsiiicd by CKttmU-c do- ' jaiiL'omonU of tho wtouiiivu- aml.iivrr, j 1 mid otlior iibdoniinal viscera.' ltr tlicir rrrnmimit, a.iursatlvo, rxcrtlnir a iiow. crfut Inrtuuitoo' nsm tlieso vaiiotiji or- i titns, 14 e.xsc'iitimif.ilwi'ssiii'X-.' ftiiero ' is no I'atlim tit' for tlio iunos.'t'riuM to lilt. J. ai.k,i:i. s j.:(iAit iiiiikus, ns.tlioj' Will spocdilv ietiinvo.t'.ic Jf-tik- j Volored-'viscV'l nuin'cr witli,'w(i4' tho ., bowcla, ftia Joiideil, ,t' Uie, aauui.fiiuo i ,.(LuuulutiuK tlio teetotums of tlio,iver, ; ; and' gooerallv rostniiiig the bealiUy "ftinelions of tlio illjiestlvc ornna.' ' ' ' Fortiry the body nun I its t disns by puriryin all Us llniil.HwllIi Vim.ua it llrn tlis. J No (tldiiiiU'' ('an tako bold of n syptom tluta b)rn-ariueil. " T . .'llyHiMmia or ItKliuroslion, ilead- -Wlin, Pain In tlio Slinulilcrs. imf;h. "Tightness of the Clii'Kt, J)i..'u:es'; four Eructations of tlio Sloi11.11.l1. ll.id 'Isie ' i'a tlio Mouth, llilious Attacks, I'a'.ita- . tntion pftlio Ikvut, liiliaiiunalinii of thai . Lungs, Fain In tiie ivvt")" Vf tl: 4'd 0 .. licys, ntxl n lmudrcl ollivr paiiil'iU ySn; imiwi, 1110 the iilhtringa nf .l'Jspe(ji-ia.' .lino hottlnwill pitw a tnifieri'retT'.iiitce . ''of Itsfncrlls than a Iciiirthv tt.hi-fti-- Smiulitv or Kim's IMI. V!ilt, . Svclliignrt 'rt'lA; Kiyijiciit, S.H'llci Neck.' .'.liuiUo, .Scl'oWu.iii Tiilluiu;aitli..r., Iii4, .'iil , JiifltmimatuiuK, iliTuioi.il ii.ii', O. I .Hvtm, lirmliuil of tlio fkin, .Sain Kyr. elc. jn llii'.n., an ill all ntlivr rnii-tiliitivitaL li -a.uK. Wai.kku's Vinki.au l'.i iku liavn cliuuu, tUeir great' varuttM' uuci hi lliJ , A)ut'ulitiiito and intiartalfls ms ii.f 1 i' For liilliiiiiiimlory ttiul (. liriinlc ' lUiunial Ism, Gout, Hilliti4. ltiiuii 'tci audjiitcvnilttent Fevers, Pisctisp -if ' tlio lilooil,' l.ivcr, Kiilnnvs ami ItlmUler, tlioiH) liiltcM liavu uu ciiual.' KiK.il tliiiatc I ert eauurd by Viliatt'il i.looil.l ' 1 ' ,. MociiiUiiml Uist.'aws. !'cmii rn-. cnged in I'ainls and Minei als. iuich as . Pluiubcrs.' T.vae-ni'tliT.i. Hold licsteM. 'and Miners, as limy ailvane in lift', sin suLjci t t to" panilvsi of tho ' IbiWel. To truarJ t igsint IhlH, take a ihwe "f W.M.Kr.K'n i.." Koas BirrKiis iwca-ii.tiaiiy. - Fill' Skill D.SPitSfS, V-nipl'lotis, Tet ter, Salt-lllii'inii, llliloln-. SjK.u. I'tTniilie.. Pnstuliw, Hull.''. I'lirbiuiclc. Ki1ir iifin-'. ijcala rwae, K"t i:.W "f.i Itch. .Scurfs. Disciiliiraliuii ef t'.i.i Skin. IJuuu.r end Dlscakss of tint Skill of wiyn.iv.fr iiiii: or uature, 1110 literally ilu u"i and rarricil ut ef the -system In a Umt tiiuu by tku uu of tlieHo Hitter. l'lii, Tniic,' niid'olliw Worm lurking iu lli hvMciii uf hi niiu .v lltsiiiami. aro cik'stualiy ilcstinyiil uml rcuim ud. Jiu rstvui uf liil'ilii'iiic, no Aunniiirtrr-, i. an. tlieliiiiiiitles V illlii; the Mum ln.m wuriiis. like tlicso Hitters. " For Feinnl Complaints, in yonnij er elil, married or ningle, ut Die iln 11 nf niaiiliii'-il. or the turn of life. tluie Tutue llitten display n ilcciilcil an inllucrao that inipriiroiiieiit is tomi iereefilible. C'lcniise Hit' Vitiated lliootl when, evor yen twi.l it impurities IniMhig llirmit;! aKut ill .l'J'uiJtiiun., or, Sre 5 1 i-lesnse-lr when' yon find It ultrm riil ami . aiuggit-U in tliu veins) oleansn It licit it it ..foui; your iulhigttili tell von when.' Keen . the I1U.11I pure; anil Uic In nil!, at the yH'm will lullow. ".. I 11. II MiPO.NAI.n ,Vi (.. Ili-iii-i.'iHlj uml li . 1:1... n rrviu'iMn. i.:.iii..vti.t. .ana cur. .4 Wf.iii'-''i'm uiui rluiill.m .l.. . 1 "fRUly TO . NATURE." This First-elass Chroino will bo driven tu every subscriber ta GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK. J874 Whether to a hiukIo Huliseriberfor TiirM Dollars, or in a Club of Six, for F011W. teeu Dollars. Address 1.. A. (iOliKY,. N. F.. Cor. (Sixth and Chestnut Sts., I'hiladelphia, Faj, jt-fl-Hee Terms in T.adv's look lorotlwt flubs, li", 1 4--Viols-X f- TV