The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, December 24, 1873, Image 3

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AtrlMl-J. O. IMLB.
Opanciimrn W. P. Merellllott, W. B.
Marian, P. D. Thomas, 8. J. Woloott, Oeo.
Bavard, T. B. Cobb.
Justice of th react W. P. Morcilllott,
D. H. Knox.
CVu(6f Oeo. Haslet.
WI Director S. U. Irwin, M. W.
Tate, H. O. Davis, I). 8. Knoa, H. J. Wol
oM, L. L. Hackett.
VMhltnt Ju'dpe VT P. JkNK.
'' .4oeit Judge is A. Pttoraa, An-
fihertffT. J. VaW OtiMKN.
Treanurer Knt. Ouhhu.
Frothonotary, Regitltrdt R reorder, etc.
3. B. Aonaw.
Cj m miMiM er T. D. Collins, Jonif
Ownfv ipfrtnfrnient 8. F. ItOHRKR.
Ihttriet Attorney 9. D. Iawfj.
.cry Obmmvilioner Jai. Fltkk.WM.
Pattriwow. -t .". - j,
rbunfy .Wvtxtyer S.D. T8WIK.
. . Cbroner M. Ittii., J.
C)Kfi(y Auditort-rrTB. Aobb, L. Wii-
,. Jamimom-.- ' -'
sro bityrM 1VA ,Pirte-C.B.
5jii.' - ,..... k . .
UMm6VrrVlAjiTiM WiLlftAMn.
. ,7. M'.H vv- V TV? O
TiviB of Tretin$
Mil Aor
Xoveinber 17-I678i'. i;.'1
.V "T-'. 1 "OTH'J-lsT CLAS. ..'' .
Trall- 4:Wp. la.
... -.rM":;-'".'-'
TrUriflO . ' - 11:0 a. m.
' M - 1 - ' ;28 p. m.
, Tts !U . " . .- ' 8:29 p. in.
Train Bl ' V '"' ' ' ", '-WK', th.
no . ;. "t ,.,'. iss-io p, m;
On fits River' Division . . from Oil City
to Irvlstn, npthe river U NWlh, j.down
. tk rlytr, south.' '., . '!-, i'
,, .'".'.No Paper Next Week.
" Next week we take our ' seini-annn-'1
rest, but as our reader have by this
tlme becomti accustomed to it, we
make no apology then-fur.1 Our next
issue will he on .the 7th of January
1874. The t.fllceVill be opeu during
'lu'itfi of the week for the transaction
'iif .butae. '"'',.. '! ' "' '
,'j Tho brass band propose to- give
kis some music during the huliday.
- Mr. Dilhriilge has brought some
. snore logs down the creek, and the mill
Is running full time.
, J. 1. Long, the harness maker
liaa shut up shop here, for the time be
.ing, aud ha taken a contract iu Tituj-
" ,yill. . .
Tha School fund of Jefferson
count t was increased $700 by Sues for
aelling liquor without license. ' That'
the way it work in ami license conn
ties. A good thing for the (ohool.
-.i.i Harry, so.t of C. D. Mabie, is now
lying very ill with fever of some des
oription. lie has youth and a good
' ontitulion iu hi favor, aud will prob
' ably recover.
Alex. Henage,' who met with an
accideut about tbe 1st of October, is
around on crutches, aud i improving
lo1v. It will be some lime before he
. i fit for bosines Again. ' ' '' .'
One of David lu'nter't pet dee?s,
- tha doe, died some time since, during
' the. absence of the owner. It was sup
posei that tho buck gobbled up the
. fjed intended for both of them, and
that the doe died of starvation. ,
During the pat week a great
many extra trains, carrying oil, have
"passed over the railroad.. . A railroad
roan informed us on Saturday, thut
luore oil was being moved this month
than ia anv mouth siuce the road was
built.'..- . ' '-, ; :
Staats, of the "National," Oil City,
buys deor, cuts them up in the h:glie.-t
elyle of the art, and has no' trouble in
disposing of the venison at prices t
make it an object. II ny of, pur read
rs have veuiou for snle, they hud bet-
ier'communicate with Staats.
-Apectntor in!rnis Us tjiat
couple of J be citizens of the Hunters
Run regiou had u tussle on our streets
jJstWfher day. :Au old grudge, with
.some new provocation was the cause
thereof. It is not supposed . that the
strong arm of the law will be called
.nrionin the matter, : "
ine 'attention or our reaaers is
railed , to .the. .new ad vcrtejnent of
Ferdinand Wenk.wnolms cintmrted
in the livery' business, and has the on
lr establishment of that kind in this
Tliice. Those nwdiiiir' 6ny thing in
hi line should give him a call. , .
The sleighing it or wu said to be
..quite good up on the hilly part of this
' region, and' although it might seem
"quite trying on the synem of a nervous
parson to leave lowu io tho aforesaid
vehicle, a good n J fawliioncd sleigh
idv after jvoij gut a mile or two out of
tn might make ao)fid. "
During the last fow year of the
life of Jacob Sltriver, who died nearly
two months ago, his pet scheme was
a tront pond. Many a weary day did
the old roan spend getting trout to
stock his pond, and excavating' pre
paratory to dirictingpartof the waters
of Tubbs' Run into the pond. About
a month previous to his death he
showed us his trout, of which he had
about 150 of all sizes, from 11 Inches
in length down to 3 or 4. He had
them in an oblong water-tight box
through which the water was directed
by means of pipes connecting with the
run.. Until he was taken sick he went
every day to see and feed his trout.
A few days after his death his son went
un to look after the trout, which he
considered iu the light of a sacred
legacy, and lo 1 all were gone save some
eieht or ten of the smallest ones-
Stolen, in alj Tprohabilily, while? the old
tuaiMayiun ni, ucp1.1-ut.41
Bad bccaiioli to speak ; if to'trir vimall
iMTtVhicU hiive taken plati ' in our
uidst. bClSe must say .we.Ayera not
prpafcd'To hoar of uclT'coliKbJooded
cVImi btin committed amouRst
We fenetly- hopeftathe-'Tillan or
lftt pajgee brotigij
5 ago thereto n great
puliation scueiueKuitM);W,io irescud
li!)" Jkltolehmi;ir6ip'i ilie grnsp
CiX-ki 6pW(5l ssfo 3 s WeTlTibiii eq u i t a-
fbf rates ufl carriage iq. fi ijaaUrrt
tubdard. i Meeting wera held; money
Subscribed .;tle .'Oil TroduekrsV Rail
roud Cvmpauy .orgauiaed, nd surveys
Miu)e -' The interest in the project He
Creased materially, and it was allowed
to:, languish " Then the financial
troubles came, and tint ah' fend to it.
liast.jwfdk',' ajtjft , meeting if the stock
holder held in Titusvilio, it wns voted
to dissolv.e Jho cotop'aiij',' ant : ietdm
the unexpwided bulauee to those front
whom it cniue. , ibis hasn t been a
very good year for the - new railway
chcmcs,' 'and' 'some .of the' old. ones
have fared badly. . i. l
Mamday evening,, jlitf 2 id ' inst.
tho friends of Mr. aud Mrs. T. J. Van
Giesen assembled at. tlnlr xesiiicucei to
rate their wo.ndeD ' wedding. A
gW.ou time was enjoyed by all pres
eat, and mirth aud-gladness ruled the
hour. The prtsouts were , numerous
and varied, some of them 'occasioning
considerable luughter, and oilier great
admiration &r their fitness to the oc
casion.-. io mention alc ana to give
the names of those presenting, would
4iiour au outlay ol tune ana Bpnce
whichj at prescut we eaunot pare,
All present departed at a late hour,
wishing the bride and groom of five
year ago, many protpcrous and hap
py years.
-Ihebor with sad eves aud sor
rowful hearts do look upon ftie ponds,
and cutler untold agonies lest -tno ice
cometh not with the proper thickness,
in the small hour of uitit they have
bright visions of glassy frog ponds and
ice bound streams, and wake on the
on the morrow to fiud that Morpheus
ha given them in dream that which
winter still refuses. Keep a stiff upper
lip, hoys, and you'll have it yet. In
the meantime clean the rust off your
skater aud put the straps in condition
for business.
1. S. The bkating has come, and
tho boy glide gaily.
Court week, the time which has
been looked forward to with ardent
hopes, is here, bringing with it fumilinr
faces of many limbs of the law Who
come here when business calls, which
is only oil couri week. Several legal
gentlemen whom wo do not remember
to have seou hcra previous to this
court, are present. According to besi
accounts this term will close to-day,
many of the case having been put
over until next term. ' And (till we
don't observe any superabundance of
currency, - ' ' ;
Cliritttiuas is coming in fact is
nearly here, and our hill?, us if wish
ing to contribute their share to the
festivities cif thut occasion, display
countless Christmas, trees, and on fros
ty morning they nppenn loaded with
th bright) erjstjls f$itd fr l diamonds
which Winter so lavishly scatters jii
his pathw'ay.. jOjye-ladeu., boughs
will pr ut hi UjsbeiAy' of these,
as they gleam in the col J light of the
Christina season.
In playing charade at the party
at Sheriff Van Qieseu's on Monday
evening last, the word "dogmatic"
win proj-iufcu-r), but wa not acted be
r-aiiiHi of the stubbornness of two gen
tlemen, both nf whom bluntly refused
to pcrsonat the dog.
-r-ly the telegraphic reports of
Monday last, we notice that Spain has
made a formal demand for the Virgin
ias, so that the war cloud may gather
and produce the thunders of battle be-
tweeu the two Republics, notwithstand
ing Jhe extreme temperance of this
government in the premises. It has
been demonstrated that the irginius
was not entitled to fly the American
Flug, and further that her pnpers were
procured by fraud and ptrjuiy. The
salute to tha American Flag, on Christ
mas, therefore will be dispensed with,
and the monarchies of the world will
exhaust overy endeavor to bring the
two-Republic into war,"; Our govern
ment will not fight for the take of
fighting, but will defend,, her honor
when assailed.
A year ago we took possession of
this office as proprietor, aud we must
8ay that we have been supported above
one expeoiations. Annougn 11 nas
been with us, as with every business
man iu town, a season of "hard times,"
as fur as casli was concerned,',' yet :our
real business has been increased, and
our business relations to tho 'public
generally pleasant, and moderately
profitable. The now year finds us en
couraged to proceed, and although we
caum,, expect to pile up a fortune iu
hoi, we are doing better than we nuth
i puled when starting in. One.-tlmnks
are due all our patrons, a)nd. we ' liope
to merit a contiiniancft of the tim'&. '
At a regular meeting- of Petrol ia
Lodge No. CG3, held at Oil City, on
Friday evening lastihe following of
ficers were elected : ,J
Heury G. TinkerV. M.
James M. McElrey, S. W.
John A. Ritchie, J. W.
I! M. Choate, Secretary.
8. II. Lamberton Treasurer. ,
A number of Masons from here are
member of that body, and were pres
ent at. the election The institutinn
banquet will take place on the even
ing of the 2i th tnst.St. John s day.
This week, we publish the ofliciul
vote nf forest county on the. Jew
Constitution. It will bo seen that a
small vote' was out, Imt we rolled up a
majority for the instrument, which will
do us honor now and m after years.
The official vote of the State has not
yet been received, but only about two
counties in the Stnte went against it
and tho majority was even larger than
was at first supposed
A communication catue to us this
week for publication with no name
given. No paper iu theUuited States,
we believe, publishes communications
unless the name of the writer accim
panics them. This has been our in
variable rule, aud wo cannot deviate
from it.
During these days of low diet,
complaints reach us that venison is
deer meat even at panic 'prices.. For
our part, we believe venison steak is
more current than beef ditto, but less
legal tender.
Our readers will notice tue new
advertisement of II. G. Tinker & Co.
of Oil CityJ and their extraordinary
offer of 15 per cent.;ofT for stoves dur
ing the holidays.
Governor JIartranft has issued his
proclamation, announcing the pay
ment of $1,504.672 70 of the State
debt during the past year.
It is rumored that the fraukinv
privilege is to be restored in a modi
tied lorm, the r. U, l. not gaining
what the government loses by the
C. W. Grant, at. the sign of the
big bear, iu Reynolds, Hukill it Co.'s
block, Oil City, Pa.,-' dealer in Gents
Furnishing Goods and Ladies' Furs,
has just received a new stock of goods
for the holiday. Bis furs range in
price from $5 to $200, aud is the most
complete ttock in, Northwestern Penn
sylvania. Nothing can be more ap
propriate for holiday gifts than some
thing of this nature, which combines
the useful aud ornamental. Givo him
a call.
Cojf.VCIL Chambrr
Tiosesta Borough
De. 18, 1873.
Sealed proposals will be rocieved by
the Borough Council, for the furnish
ing of materials and building a bridge
across Tubbs1 Run, op the River Road,
uutil Thursday, the let dny of Janua
ry, 1874. Plans ! and specifications
can be seen on application at M. W.
Tate's Law Office. The Borough Coun
cil reserve the right to reject any or
all bids. Bids can be left with M. W.
Tate, or the undersigned. .
By order of Council,
W. B. Har.ajj, Hoc'y pro trm.
Sewirtg Machines, Sewing Machines.
Io connection with my Sewing Ma
chine business, 1 am now prepared to
take all kinds or Sewing Machines in
exchange for new ones, and repair all
kinds of Machines; making them work
as gnod as new, or no pay. I also have
needles for all first class machines.
Parties living at a distance can send
machines and they will be repaired and
returned by express. Needles sent by
mail on reecipt of $1.00 per dozen.
Call at my office on Smith Seneca
street, Oil City, Pa., or address
38 tf . D. C. Graves.
CuitnaNr Cakk. To the yolk of
five ccE'. beaten, add two cups of
white sugar, three-quarters cup of but
ter, 'oiie cup sweet milk, four , cups
flour, having in it one measure Ban
ner Baking Poivdcr, whites nf five eggs
well beaten, two cups of currants,
washed, dried, and well dredged with
flour, this prevents tberii fr'cm sinking;
they should be stirred in last. Bake
in shallow pans. 1 ' ' '
Each can of the Banner Baking
Powder contains a small measure; :to
be used even full, according to printed
dirsclioDS. If you cannot obtain .this
really valuable article from your gro
cer, Send twenty -five cents by mail,
addressed to Banner Baking. Powder,
Pt O. Lock Bixi'SjL.J'itl'shu'rgh. Pa.j
and you will receive posttrge'YraldV a
quarter poundj)jiotiago together with
list of fifty valuable Recipes.
Buyd's Waterproof Polish,, . Best
in America, at Robinson & Bonner's.
Pearl barley, hominy, mince meat,
spiced salmon, Sardines, di'ied-apples,
prunes, raisiiis, 'English currants', cit
ron. prepared cocoanut, with a full
line of spices at - . ' '
37tf ; Robinson '& BtoNsra-.!
. if-'
Ladies' trimmed hats fur tale
very cheap at Robinson & Bonner's.
Those beautiful lots just north of
Mrs. Henry's residence- can be bought
cheap, on lung time, by applying to
the editor of this paper. tf.
The books of the latei firm "of J,
Hilhronner & Co. are in my hands for
settlement. I shall be under obliga
tions to those having a book account
at said store if they will call and set
tle the samQ immediately.
M. Einsteis,
Nil. Your attention is specialty' in
vited to the fact thut the Kaiional
Banks are now preparod to receive
subscriptions to the Capital Stock of
the Centennial Board of Finance. The
funds realized from this source are to
be employed in the erection of the
buildings fur the International Auxin-
bition. and the exutftises connected
with the same. It is confidently be
lieved thut the Keystone State will be
represented by the namo ol every citi
zen alive to patriotic commemoration
of the one hundredth birth-day of the
nation, ihe shares of stock are otter
ed for $10 each, and subscriber will
receive a handsomely steel engraved
Certificate of btock, suitable for tram
in z and preservation as a national
Interest at the rate nf six per cent.
per annum will be pant on all .pay
ments- of Cenlenial Stock from date
of pa vm cut to January 1, 1876.
Subscribers w ha are not near a Ka
tional Bank van remit a check or post-
office order to the undersigned.
Fredk. Fkaley, Treasurer,
tf ! 9H Walnut St., Phila.
Sole leathes, wall aper, sausage
cutters, sausage fillers, gum shoes and
Moose skin boots at Robinson & Bon
: The Queen Clothes Wrincer. Best
out, at Robinson it Bonder's.
Don't fail to go to Robinson &
Banner's if you went stoves, stovepipe
or tinwar. Jo lt.
Over two thousand acres of fine
Hemlock Timber Lands situated on
Maple , Creek, near Claringtou, this
county, are for sale at a baigaiu.- Part
of the lands are situated withiu four
miles of Ciarington, on the Clarion
River, and would be a fino site for an
extensive tannery and suw pills. Map
aud particulars can bo seou ny apply
ing to the editor of this paper..
77i Presbyterian . Jiaivisr, whose
adveitiaement appears in another col
umn, was established by Rev. John
Andrews, iu Chillioothe, Ohio, July 5,
1814, and is, consequently, tho oldest
religious and family newspaper. This
is the cheapest paper, of tha class to
which it belongs, now published, aud
is excelled b? na other. It ought to
be taken by every family.
rTh best . stock - of Watches,
Clocks, Jewelry and Silverware iu
Oil City can be found at J. Wolf's,
Centre St. Particular attention paid
the repairing of fine Watches. Or
ders by mail promptly attended to.
Make money fust and honnraoiv,
$12.50 per day, or $75 per week, by
at once apP'y '"r territorial rigni,
(which are given free to agents.) to
sell the best, strongest, most useful,
and rapid selling Sewing Machine, and
Patent Jiiitton Hole W orker, ever used
r recommended by families; or hoy
one f r your own use ; it is only So.
Sent free everywhere by express. Ad
dress for particulars Jerome U. Hud
son iV tJo., Ut. ureenwicn oc vori-
landtSts., N. Y. 256m
Certificate of Deposit No. 355, of
Tionesta Savings Bank, drawn in fa
vor of J. K. Kuhns, for $279 85, and
dated Aug. 20, 1873. The certificate
is of no use to any one hut myself, as
it has been cashed. The finder will
confer a favor by leaving it with me.
Oct. 22, '74. J. T. Dale.
The colored address label on each
paper shows the dato to which tho sub
scriber has paid, thus
Thos Turner If 74,
signifies that Mr. Turner has paid for
hi paper until March 1st, 1874 The
miiHist Hr corrected weeKly.By cfln-
suiting the address label every subicrl
ber can tell how his account stand.
Our accounts eo back no furlhor
than the 1st of January, '73, the ac
counts previous to that time being
payable to the old firm. 1 he old sub
ncription book is yet in our hands, and
our receipt will be recognized by the
old firm. l-
The lightest running Machine in
the the.Groveri & Baker, at
least Baldwin, of Tidioute saj-s so,
and he knows. 46 ly
. crr cr rrv aiyk A R matk
Tf ranrncnnl. E'lllinlll ru7i nnH t V I n ft f
munlnfr or 60 intensely iiueretin(5 mo
useful books, that nell in every family
Best IWnB over'tfied by Canvasr,
Agents Wanted, to make a permanent
business on lhes works In every county.
Hronpoctus sent post-paid on re vipt of
price, gl.oo. j-or circular aim iioerni
terms, address JOHN E. POTTER CO..
Publishers, l'lnideiiim ra. w.o n
iS'J I .JJ Will prove it or forfeit 1S0O.
Now articles In at paipnted. Samples free
to all. W. II. CUIUK81ER, VM7 Broad
way. New York-. wSS 4t
Fourth Grand Gift : ConCert
Over A: million Bank I
On Tuesday, 31st of March, Next
In order to ment the general wish and
exuectalion or the uubuu ana me iicKei-
holders lbr.the full payment of tun
nillcenl plrts -aniiounc-ed for th Koorth
lirand out uoucert ol tne I'uono l,i rary
jl Kentucky, tno manniiera nave aoicr
mined to postpone tne UoHcert until
Thy have already realized over aMIL-
LloN DOLL A KM, and have a ersat many
as;ciitH M t to near H um.
vo doubt la.entertainea or tne sale or
every ticket beiore the drawing: but.
whether all are sold or not, the Concert
and drawinu will positively and uu quiv-
oc4illy take piaco on tue nay now nxeu.
and if any remain unsold they will be
cancelled, and tbe priioe will be reduced
in proportion to Hie unsold tickcta.
only to,uou tickets nave ueen lsxiiea, ana
12,000 CASH CIFTS.
will be distributed among the ticket hold-
The tickets are printed In coupons, of
tenths, and all fractional parts will be rep
resented in the drawing Just as wholu tick..
els are.
Ons grand cash Rift fiM,000
One grand cash gill 100,000
One grand cash gift S0.0U0
One grand eaMi gilt Zd.ono
One grand crsh gilt ' 17,500
10 Cash Kilts 10,000 each 100,000
M Cash gilts 5,000 each 150,000
60 Cash gilts 1,000 each 60,000
80 Cash gills 500 each 40,000
100 Cash gilts . 400 each 40,0ti0
l-iO Cash gills 300 each 4i,lK)0
2.r0 Cash gilts 200 each 60,000
Sij Cash gilts 100 each 3,600
11,000 Cash gil'ta CO each 6j0,00u
1,500 000
The chances for a gift are as one. to five.
WlvAo 'WA. U, 0rHalves. $26; Tilths.
ofiacn coupon, f.j j L-ieven wlmlo tickets
lor ;ioo; lukeis lor siooo; iu wools
TickcU io $0000; 'ITi Whole Tickets for
$10,000. No uiscouut on less than foCO
worth of tickets.
The Fourth Oift Concert will be conduct
ed iu all rebpecu like the three which bav
already been given, and lull particular.!
may be learned from circulars, which will
ba scn freo from this oilice to all w ho ap
ply it thmn.
Orders lor tickets and applications for
agoucitts will be at ended to in th order
tliey aro recoived, and it is hoped Ihoy will
b sent In promptly, that there may bo no
disappoiutinont or duliiy iu tilling all.
Liberal terms given U those who buy to
soil aain. All agunls are perem tonally
required to sutils up t cir accounts and
return all uusold lickcls by the 20th day
of March.
Aijent I'ubliu Library Ly., aud Manager
Uift Concert, Public Li.brary Hulling,
Ixjuisville, Kv., or
Kastcrn Agents, tSO'J ilrwadway, N. Y.
JOB WORK of all kinds iNa at Hit nt
H "n Hhrt iiMia.
Btoveat NtorcsXt Stoves! XI
W will sell the
Spear Celebrated Anti-Clinker
Uptil after the .First of Jmwj, for
CAS H. ;
Oentlemon, this Is the best Chriatmta
JToment you can tasks your wire.
It will continue to pleue
until lb balmy dj i .
, of Spring
i We have on hand one '
Return Fluo, Radiant,
which we will . sell stjialf prce. ;
' - ...!.!
38 tf OIL CITY, PA. ; , '
. . . , i . . i
I.... j ' - a cj v !.... 1 1
Ja8. H. Fones, Proprletbr,;,
(at th old sUnd of Forest Co. Dras; )tor
: .. i
H AVI NO purchased ths antlr stock nf
..the forest Oountj Pratt Store, I hate
ehans;d the name to Ui "Amerloaa," and
put iu an enure new swea ei ,
D Tt xr a 3
... I . . I .
TOBACCO, . ' '
.... ... ,!l '' ! '
' ciqftns , ; V
T1 LN. T ...1 maam! .n ul4 MM
sheaper than formerly . r ,-.
Also all kinds ol Oils, Keron, Ter
pentine, uenctne, ' t oilet Aruciat, rw
funieries, dee., for aal cheap. ,
Allegheny Valley Rail Road.
ON AND afte,r Monday Nov. , Train
will run as follows (Philadelphia
Time)! '.
Trains leave Oil City for Pittsburgh at
2:15 p. m. 7:35 a. m. and 9:30 a. in., arriv
ing at mwDurgn at iojuo. x:uu ana o:iu p.
m. i ''
Hradv's Bend Aooommodation learea
Oil City at 5:12 p. m. arriving at Brady's
l'.cnd at v:so p. m.
Trains leava Pittaburgh for Oil City at
12: Jo and 4;35 p. m, and 7;!0 a. ni, arriving
in Oil City at 8:10, U :?", 2.33 p. m.
Oil City acovBimodation leaves llrady'a
Ilund at 0:60 a. ut. arriving In Oil City at'
Trains Kwve Oil City for Buffalo at 12:0
a. in. and 2:4d p. in, arriving in Buflalo at
10:00 a. m, and 8:56 p. m.
T ,ains leave Kutl'alo for Oil City at 6:0 i
a. m. and 0:0V p. in. arriving at Oil City a
ii:00 p. m. and 7:i!0 a. ni.
Ail trains given above run through from
Pittsburub to Ilultalo and return, w ithout
change of cars. Trains run on Philadel-
iiliia time, which ia 'J minutes faster thao
JKtsburgh time. Tbe time at Buffalo is
L. H. A M. 8. H'y time which it 28 min ate
slower than Philadelphia lime.
At Hod Hunk Junction this road coo
witlrthe Kastern Kxtension which runs la
BrookvUla, leaving Ked Bank at 11:15 aud
7:30 a. in. arriving in Drookville at 1;4
aud l-:lio. ill.
The train Isaving lied Bank tli:15a.m.
arrives at Reynoldtville at S:!A p. in.
T. M. KINO, Geu l. Kup t.
: , A't. Hup'!.-
For both sexos. Established 25 Jr.
in every Department of Culture. Bend for
Catalogue. Arravgo early tot rooms.
Fall tai tu begins Aug Sto.
W. LEKfePOrrbWOOD. D. D.,
13 6t Piealdaut.
Dll. J N. liULAHU, of Tidioute, has
ret.-rnsd to his practice after ait ab
aenoaot Tuur uiontas, apaut iatha Ho pi.
tals ef New York, where h will att-ud
calls lobls professioa.
OIMoa la Kureka lrg Mat; Sd donr
bnvetlia haMhiXioMle, Pa. 4iU
''.tf" ''':'':'