WEDsisoXr iqm7smct. 8,Tsn.. xar-rr-- .. . BOROUGH OFFICKRS. BnrgentZ. ft. Dai.k. (JbUHcimcii W. . Mprrllliott, W. B. Harlan, P. 1. Thomas, H. J. Woluntt, Ooo. iBovard, T. IL Cohh. Juntiecu of the Pence V. P. Meroilllott, D. H. Knox. Chnstatilf Cleo. Haslnt. , " AJrAoof Director. I). Irwin, M. W. Tt, II. O. Davis, I. S. Knox, S. J. Wol ott, L. I.. Ilifknlt. FORKST COUNTY OFFICERS. Prnritlnt JiltfYr. P. Jrntt. Annoeintn Judye J. A. PnorKH, Aj Vnuw ConK. Sheriff 'f. .1. Van CIiknek. Trennurrr Fkki. Olahhubh. ' Prothonotury, Jlcpinter ct Jtccorder, fe. J. II. AONKW. 0inniioncM jAcon MKitcir.MOTT, T. D. Ooi.i.inh, John Thompson. fV-nnfi Siprrintenlmt. F. Hohreb. DUtvirt AtlnrnryW. V. Mahdii. Jury OnminiJMioMera UKomiK Slooi:n, Win. PatTkuson. f Vxntfy Surveyor S.D. InwiN. florritirr Josi An Winaks, Oiwnf.y Auditor Vn, Clark, T. U. Conn, L. Waknkii, Member of Vongre 1!(A District C. B. Cvrtih. AemlilyJ. B. Lawsos. Time o Train AtTTONKSTA STA TION, on and aftor Thnraday. Julv 10th, IS73: BOUTll UT CI.AS. Train 23 - - - f:2n a. m. " 24 - - 7:05 p. in. 9n ci.An. Train CO .... 11:45 a. m. " ( - - - - 8:43 p. in. FORTH IsT CLASH. Train 21 - - - I0:?n a. ni. " 23 . - - 6::t5 p. in. 2B CLASS. . Train 51 - - - - B:5fl a. m. 6! - - - - 2:12 p. On the PJver Division i. e. from oil Cilv U IrvinoUn, up tlm rlvor in North j dowu the river, aouth. LOCAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. . ' ' "Rev. I). C. Tomlinson, of Cincin finati, Ohio, will preach in tlm Uni- Tersalist Church, on Friday evening, Oct. 10. Services to en nmonro at 7 o'clock. Services in the jr. K. Church on 'Sunday next, morning and evening. The Modoc wore hung on the 4 h. Boston Charley confessed to the mur ler of General Canny. . Teacher' Annmil Institute for w Forest county will he held at Tionettfi, commencing on Monday, December 1, 1873. Loads of sand, lime, lumber, lath . and atono are constantly passing our office, whiee goes to ehow Tionerta is i iurcly iin proving. . . The last span of the river bridge ' will be up the last of this week, and the entire etrncturo finished in lees than three weeks. . ; Messrs. Savage and Campbell : have let up housekeeping for them solves in tho little house just opposite .Tcitsworih's. Ross Freeman rut his foot with , .-an adz on Saturday while at work rthe DithriJgo mill. Not a very severe cut, but enough to make him -careful in the future. Mr. C. L. Ilnnua, of Hickory iluis our thanks for files of lute Colora do paper, which makes a good many times Charley has accommodated us : in that way. M. Einstein gtarts for Philadel phia to-morrow. He will bring on a llarge invoice of fsncy goods of all '.kinds, such as ladies" fancy dross goods, .furs, jewelry, &e., in fact everything . needed to muke up a first-class store. I. G. Butterfleld, for many years agent at Tionesta Station, but latterly agent at Greenville, on the A. it G. V. Road, was taken seriously ill about two weeks ago, from tho effects of long-continued hilliousnebs. For a time it was thought that he could not Survive, but by dint of good nursing and a scientific physician, he was at length able to be moved, and came to Tionesta on Saturday hint, and is now stopping ut the Lawrence, with lua brother, G. G. Btittertilil He ex pects to bo able to move about town in day or two. Now we don't want to . iake any threats, but we verily be J leva that Is:ael U destined to be a nighty big railroad man some of these jtfueaayi. Pianos a ad Organs. The makes of Weber; Steck; Mutuahck; Haiues ; Mason & Ilmuliu; Smith American; JSstey, and several others. Foreign and domeotic Sheet-Music, Music Itooks. All kinds of Musical Instru ments, and merihandiiie of the Lent quality are cotistautly on baud at Jos. rjteinburger & Co.'s, Music Dealers, Oil City, la. Agents for the above named manufactures lor this section, aud for all tho music publishers in the country. Bend lor catalogues and prie lists. 20 tf Among other late improvements of our town, we laBt week casually no ticed the new brick yard of Col. Thom as. Ve believe however, that this en terprise deserves more than a mere notice, and propose to give our readers and Idea of tb extent aud usefulness of tho manufactory. Tho whole en closure consists of an area of" 300x350 feet. Two floors for laying the freshly moulded bick, nre 75x100 feet each. The kiln is' 75 feet square, covered. The south floor is being covered by im mense sheds, so that the weather will not interfere with the manufacture. There are four mills for gi hiding the clay, two of which nre kept constant ly running; when tho floor to which they belong is full, the other tvo mills nre started, tho first floor-full being ready for burning, and, in fact, built into the kiln by the time the second floor is covered. The average capaci ty of this manufactory is 200,000 ev ery month, hut if pushed, douhlo the number can be made. 13y means of pipes, wntcr is brought from a spring in the side-hill in a constantly flowing stream. The kiln will be ready to burn on the 20th in?t.. aud will be burnt, ready for building on the 1st of November. Col. Thomas assures us that tlicso brick will be sold for about one-half what they cost in this place during the last year; this being the case, a brick house can be built lor nluui the funic price as a wooden one; will la -l bcver:l generations, and save from 75 to 00 per cent, iu insurance. All should rejoice that good building material can be furnished al such rea sonable figures. This is an enterprise which will certainly be of benefit to the county at large, aud we hope the Col. will receive largo returns there from. Alex. Honnge, of whom wo have had occasion to speak heretofore, re garding his busiuess as painter and paper-hanger, met w ith a severe accident on Sunday last, which may yet result fatally. Il must bo understood that all along tho side hill ou which he lives, chestnut trees grow and flourish, nnd bear much fruit in good years. Allcx climbed up a tree to shako off some chestnuts, aud, by some means lost his balauco and fell to the ground, a distance of twenty-four feet. He was picked up iu a semi-uueoncious state, and carried to his house, a few rods away. Dr. Hunter was immedi ately summoned and funnd Alex.'s wrist dislocated, aud his lower ex tremities paralyzed. After attending him closely for about throe hours, the re-actioti tct in, and ever since a severe paiu in the sin.ill of the back has troubled him. Ilo is entirely helpless, and has uot been moved siuce ho was hurt. It is feared that bis internal injuries may prove fatal, but nothing definite can be said about tho case fur a day or two yet. Himself and family have the sympathy of all our citizens. Co.vckkt. Prof. V. II. MoCoIlin, late graduate and instructor in the Pennsylvania Instituto for the Blind, will give ono of his parlor entertain ments in tho Presbyterian Church, in this place, on Thursday evening.Oet. 9. The following complimentary notice in regard to his entertainments we take from tho Mead villa Itepublican: "On Monday evening of this week, Mr. McColliu favored us with a musi cal entertainment which whs most cer tainly creditable to this bli..d man. His performances evince considerable musical talent. Ho plays aud sings well. The audience entire was pleased with bis ciforts, and felt that Uiey had spent an evening most pleusuiilly in iit-tenino to this man from whom God bus shut out the light. We under stand he iniends giving concerts through the country; if so, we hope he may have a large audience on eve ry occasion, for he U worthy of pat ronage, not because of his ldii)duss, but for the intrinsic value of his per formance." We had the pleasure of heariug tho Professor sing eral pieces one eveu ing last week, and must confess that his performances are first-class, and nothing short of wonderful for a blind man. Our citizens will be well en tertained at his concert. The colored address label on each paper shows the date to which the sub scriber has paid, thus Thos Turner 1 j?74, signifies that Mr. Turner has paid for his paper until March 1st, 1674 The mail hat is corrected weekly, 15v con sulting the address label every stbieri ber can tell bow his account stands. Out aci.'ounts go hack no further than the ljt of January, '73, tho ac counts preVious to that tiiuo being payable to the old firm. The old sub scription book is yet iu our hands, .ind our receipts will be recognized by the old firm. tf. Lnat Friday evening the following officers of Tionesta Lodge No. 3C9.I.O. O. F. were installed for the next term, by our D. D. G. M., J. G. Dale, assist ed by D. D. G. M., J. Clary, of Mer cer county, P. G., Geo. Diiuond and S. D. Irwin : N. G., Jas. Woodington. V. G.. J. T. Dale. Sec'y, A. B. Kelly. Asst. SBc'y, O. V. Sawyer. Treas., J. A. Proper. It is not a year since the lodge was started, yet iu that time they number sixty members. They have a good hall, and nicely furnished, all paid for. It is a pleasant place to pass one even ing in the week. ;i. ii:n ami kh.veii jki.i.y cake. Golden caki;. Take the yolks of eight eggs, well bctean, ndd cup white sugar, one-half cup of butter, one half cup of sweet milk, und ue nnd three-quarters cups ft ur, having in it one half measure Banner Baking Pow der. Silver cake. -Take one-hnlf cup butler, two cups white sugar, three quarter cups of sweet milk; flavor to taste; then aild tho whites of eight eggs, well beaten, and three cups of flour having in it one measure Ban ner Baking Pcwder. Kneh can of the Banner Baking Powder contains a small measure, to bo used even full, according to printed direclious. If you cannot obtniu this really valuable article from your gro cer, send twenty-five cents by mail, addressed to Banner Baking Powder, P. O. Lock B..x, 317, Pittsburgh, Pa., and you will receive, postage paid, a quarter pound packago together with a list of fifty valuable Recipes. Administrator's Sale. Notice is hereby given that the fol lowing described personal property of Alfred Patterson, deceased will be sold at Pu'ilio Auction, ou October 15th, 2873: Two Rpan horses; 1 yoke oxen; 3 cows; 2 Chester hogs ; 1 spring calf; 1 new road wagon; I two-horso hauk ; 5 pairs log hobs; 1 pair road slrds; 1 cutter ; blacksmith tools nnd stock on hand; 1 set carpenter's tools; a job bers complete outfit; farming utensils; oats, rye and hay, household furniture, and various other articles too numer ous to mention. TERMS : Ruins of $10 & under, cash. " from 10 to $25 3mos. good notes. " 25 " f0 Chios. " 50 " 100 9mos. Sums of $100 aud upwards 12 months, good notes. Geo. S. Hixdmav. Whig Hill, King-dcy Twp., Forest U.., Sept. 'Zi, i&rf.t. .KAIL ( ii an;e. t The mails from this point on the railroad will arrive aud depart as us ual, with tho following additional mails : All mails going east of Irvinetown, will be made up aud sent north at 10:20 a. in., ; this mail will close at 9:50, and no mail arrives for tlris point on that train. All mail matter from east of Irvine ton will arrive at 7:05 p. in. No way mail will be carried on that train. J.- M. McKay. P. M. POSTAL NOTICf. All money due this offieo for post age aud box rent up to October 1st, must be paid immediately. After that date all postage atid box rent must be paid in advance. J. M. McKay, P. M. FOR SALE. We nfler for sale our farm, situated in Barnett township, Forest county, containing two hundred and forty-eight acres, about one hundred acres cleared, ballance iu Pino nml Oak timber. Improvements: Ono largo and sub stantial dwelling house, one plnk frame house, one bank bn.n, and oth er out buildings, two orchards, bear ing choice fruit, plenty of good run ning water. For terms and particu lars, call ou the undersigned, living on the premises. Samuel Coast xm. 25 tf. SlbA.vaii Cousins. Tho best stock of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Silverware iu Oil City can be found tit J. Wolf's, Centre St. Particular attention paid the repairing of fine Watches. Or ders by mail promptly altcndnd to. 39-ly. Don't mil to go to Uobinson B .Miner's if you went stoves, slovepipu oj- tinware. 23 tf. NOTICE. The books of the late firm of I. Ililbronner & Co. nre in my bands for settlement. I shnll he under obliga tions to those having a book account at said store if they will call and set tle tho same immediately. M. Einstein. New invoice, boots anc shoes, mens', boys' nnd youths' boots, woinans' shoes and gaiters, misses and children' shoes. Stock full and complete ; come and see before purchasing elsewhere; wo try to please all. Rodinhos fc Bonner. The lightest running Machine in the world is the Orovcr it Baker, at least Baldwin, of Tidintite says so, and ho knows. 40 ly Stevens the boot and shoe mnn is now receiving the finest and liir-; stock of boots nnd shoes ever brought to Tidioute. When in want of fine goods remember Stevens has them, nnd you enn buy them cheap. Tidioute, Sept. 24. 187.1. tf Those beautiful lots just north of Mrs. Henry's rcsidenco can be bought cheap, on long time, by npplying ,to the editor of this paper. tf. N. E. Stevens, the enterprising boot and shoo dealer, of Tidioute, do sires U3 to say that he will sell boots and shoes to poor people at cost, dur ing this full and the coming winter. He means just what he sava. 25 tf The Queen Clothe Wringer. BeFt out, at RnnixsoN & Bonder's. Job Printing. Do you want posters? Do you want hand-bills ? Do you want business cards ? Do you want a neat bill bead ? Do you want a tasty letter head ? Do yon want a nice visiting card ' If so, leave your orders at the Re publican office where they will be exe cuted in the neatest style and on niot reasonable terms. TIM3ER LANDS FO:l SALE. Over two thousand acres of fine Hemlock Timber Lands situntjd on Maple Creek, near Claringlnii, this county, nre for sale: ut a baigain. Part of the lands are situated within four miles of Ciarington, on the Clarion River, and would be a fine site for an extensive tannery and si:w mills. Map and particulars can he seen apply ing to the editor of this paper. To the Citizen of Pennsylva nia. Your attention is specially in vited to the tact that the National Banks are now prepared to receive subscriptions to the Cxpital Stock of the Centennial Bonn! of Finance. The funds realized from this source are to be employed in the erection of the buildings for the International Exhi bition, and the expenses connected with the same. It is confidently be lieved that the Keystone State will be represented by the name of every citi zen alive to patriotic, commemornliitn of the one hundredth hirth-day of the nation. The shares of stock are offer ed for $10 each, and subscribers will receive a handsomely steel engraved Certificate of Stuck, suitable for Irani ing and. preservation us a national memorial. Interest ut the rate of six per cent, per annum will bo paid on all pay ments of Ccntenial Stock from date of payment to January 1, 1870. Subscribers w ho are not near a Na tiomil Bank can remit a chock or post office order to tho undersiL'tied. Fkedk. F kaI.ey, Treasurer, tf 904 Walnut St., Phila. Xew Advertisement. 1-2. IValrbinakrr tV Jeweller, mil acnt for I tie cel ebrated ELCiN WATCHES Tiiuoute, Pa. French "Clocks, Vutcliea ami Jewel ry rcui rcil. A 11 a cirk wiirruntuJ. Uju ADMINISTRATORS NOTICf. IKTTKKS of Administration to tho os J tau.' of Allied l'alior.iou, ute of l' orct county, have luiuii anted to llio bul scriocr. All nervous iudohtd 1 to said es tale are reiuasUid to mako iiiioicd!atc payment, und lliosu having claims a t:ul tho na mo will present tiieiu duly authen ticated (or itclilciiieiit, w ithout dnluv, to UKO. S. 1UN li.MAN, Administrator. Kinsley Tow nship. til IISMLL i IOX. Tho co-partnership heretofore between too uiiJers.Uuil, uuiur ii. ono ol 1 Uiibi'oiiucr v Co., is Ui.'oivcd by inutaai consent lor poao ut cioslli too business. . Uuu the lut'j urui, cit.icr of noto uecuunt, w.ll bo coilucicd bv M. existing too ilrtii tins da. lha pur Ail ilebis or IJOOn. l.instein, wicj M ill settle, all claims aaiii.-t I. llll.UKo tno same. NNKU. Sept. I, 173. M. F.ISNTh IN. vdS7. t?5, At DRUGSTORE! Jas. II. Fones, Proprietor, 'at the old stand or Forest Co. Drug Store) ELM STREET, - Tiokkhta, Pa. HA VI VIS purchiwrt tho ontlro afnek of the Korest I'ounti Urivt Store. I hve chnnned the name to tho "American," and put in an entire new stock of DEUGS, PATENT lilEDICIKES, T03.1CCO. CIGARS, MOTIONS, &C, LI QUO US, For Medical use OXLY White T.ead, perfectly pure, sold much cheaper than formerly." Also ail klndi ot Oils, Kerosene, Tur pentine, lienxlnn, Toilet Articlos, Per fumeries, tie., for sale cheap. I am np;pnt for the PERKINS & HOUSE NON-EXPLOSIVE LAMP, The only SAFE I.AM P made, will hum all kinds of oil with iM-rfcct safety, hoinir nil Metal -1: can ujit Ijreak.and no constuel ed it cannot explode. THE SODA FOUNTAIN is constantly charged and l-ed, and will ho served up in the host unuim r. Cad and see me. J AS. II. FONES. G?u33E3T SCHrME EVER KNOWN! Fourth. Granl Gift ConCert l oll llli: IIKNKI'ITOK THK PUOLiC LI33A8YSXEHIUCXY 13,000 CASH (ilFTst 91,500,000 Every Filth Ticket Draws a Gift 8250,000 FOR 850. The Fourth (Srand fiift Concert author ised Ly special act of th" I.eisli)tuio for the benefit of the Publin I.ilirn y of Kou tuckv, will lake place iu Public Library lhilli at Louisville, Ky., WEDNESDAY, DEC, 3, 1373. Only sixi v thousand ticketa will be sold and one-half of these aro intended for the European market, tuns leaving only .10, for Kale in the U. S.,w lure.$l08.O0O w ore aold for tho Third Concert, Thn tick ets aro divided into ten coupons or parts and have on tho r ba: k tho Schema w ith a I'll i 1 explanation of tho modi) of drawiuu. At this concert, which w ill be tlip(ran(l eit inu-ical display over witnessed in this country, the unprecedented sum of $1,500,000, divided Into 12,00o cn-li iriltH, will he dis tributed by lot uiinuiK t!i ticket-holders. The iiuml crH of the tickets to ho drawn from one wheel by blind children and the Kills lrom another. IJSTOFfilFTS: One irrnnd cash irift $iV),0tX One frrand cash cilt 100,000 Ono nxand cash Kilt f,0,Kt) Ono jri-ind cash nift ii.l.noo One trrand ersli tiift 17.500 10 Cash nift $10,Ono each loo.noo 1 Cash jrifts .0,000 each l.'iO.OOO fiO Cash trills l.OnO each f0,0io Kl Casli iltH ono each 4n,n00 lull Cash irift 4'H) a.-h 40,0t0 I '.O Cash nit'ts 3'Kleiieli -!."",( 00 C.-h gilts 21)0 ouch. f:l),0u0 :.2.i C.i.-ii uiits 100 each ll.WMCuhjsiita 50 each S;,0,00" TOTAL. 12,000 (JIFTS, all cash, Hinouutmt't $i,roo,oeo The distribution w ill lie positive, wheth er ull the tickets are Hold or not, and the 12,i (10 utitla all paid ill proportion to tho tickets soldnil unsold tickets beinir du st i wed, as ut I he Kjrst and JSecond Concerts, and not ropienciitcd in tho drawing. PHICEOFTICKKTS: Wholo tickets $"0: Halve $i; Tentlm, or each Coupon, $.5 j Eleven Whole Tick ets for fciOO; --! Tickets for 81,000; 113 Whole Tickets lor f ",(KiOj i!'J7 Whole Tick ets for $10,000, No discounts on less tiian $500 worth of Tickets at a time. The unparalleled success ol'lhe Third tiift Concert, as well as the satisfaci ion tti ven by the First und Second, makes it only nflces sury to announce tho Fro mil to insure the prompt salt) .f every Ticket. The Fourth (ill Concert will be conducted in all its details Iiko the Third, und full particulars may lie learned In ill circulars, w Inch will bo sent free from tins oilico 'o all w ho up -ply for them. Tickets now ready for Hide, nnd all orders accompanied by the money promptly till ed. Liberal tei ins given to those who buy to sell again. THOS. E. NHAMI.ETTE, Arrent Public Library Ky., Manager (,51ft Concert, Public Library iiuild.U)f, Lou isville, Ky, lUviiitf btruuU'd twenty eui8 Ut.. ...... '.. Jt7 - " 'mnn it IIIU mi nt-m 11 nun pr$ ASiii M or PUiil ISiC, I ex .".1 .A licrinionted liiVKclf iiv ct.ui. !lVw,.?HMuiidiiii roots'aini hei l s. and ' Jt 7q I'lihalinn llio Medieino thus ob ai ! iTit't-i j ained. 1 fortunately discovered a most wood ri'ul ready tnnl miro cur- lor Asthma and its kindred diseases. War- I ranted to relieve llio severest paroxysm in Htuntly, so the pal lent can lie dow n to sleep comfortably. One trial Puckairo sent bv mail free of ehariro. Address 1). Laiiyoll, j Apple Creek, Wayne Co., (). TELEGRAPH INSTITUTE! roL'N(i Ml:S AND LAIUKS fjualiliod lor prac tical operators, at too ilnilulo Telegiaph lusuiuio und Cily Lino lcio Krapli. ivery Kiadualu reeurus a position, 'i liu lare-il aiul nioot coliipiulo ill Aiueri ni. Address, for Circular and Catalogue, C. I.. H It Y ANT, SupcriiiUMulciit, Idiilalo, N. Y. id x :f l o :m: AWAnuicn nr Til's 4Ii;iCSiAX lASTITL'TK, TO J. W. McKEE, for FmbroMering and Fluting? Machinei. "It is lnc nions and will moot the waola of every matron in the laud." " EXIIMUTlOV OF1K72. John E. Gavit, lteeordlnir Seerotary, F. A. Itiu-iiiird, I'rcsidntit, Samuel p. Tilnian, Corresponilinn Secy. New York, November 20, l(i72. This simple mid iimetioiis Machine is aa useful as thn cwinif Machine, and in fast br-comiiitf popular with ladies, inthnplacs of expensive Needle-work, its work beinir mile more handsonio, requiriiifr less tiinn an I not one tenth part thu cxpeuso. No la ly's toilet is now complete without If. A Machine with illustrated clrciilnr atut full instructions sent on receipt of J2, oi finished in silver platn for 2.7.. Addrt-as, The MeKeo ManurncttirlnfrCo. MOD llroailwayvN"ew York. AgoiitH Want eI. DR. G&RVIM'S ELIXIR CF TAR. Is recommended by regular Medical pratitioners and a speedy euro puarntoed lor Colds. Coughs, Catarrh, Asthma, Hron ehlts, Spittinu llhsid, Coinsuption and all Ptiltnonary Compliiints. Scrofula, Krysip elas, Iiyieps'a mil (iout. I'ysontery. ( iiolera-niorbiis, Cholera and nll liveraiia bowel complaints. Kidney diseases and all allectionsof the t'rinal t )rj;aiis perfect ly harmless free from Mineral or Alco holic properties pleasant to'akeand nev er known to lad Price JI.OO per Itottla. Full purtictilars with medical testimony and ceitilieates sent on application. Ad dress, L. F. llydu&t'o., It'j Seventh Av mil', New York. DARTS FROM THE DEVIL ; OK CUPID ABUSED. A P.onk just issued, cxposins?tho"pernn ids" that have appeared in tho New York Newspaper; their history Btid lesson. Stvlish Yillians fully exposed. Advor tiscmcnts from desperate mnn to beautiful women; Clandestine, meetings; how frua trated ; The History of the Coodrieh Trag edy the result of a "personal." Descrip tion of I.ivinir Br adway Statues. Ex poses social corruption. Sent on rnceiot of 50 cts. Address, Unique Printing Uousv 3iJ Vesey St., N. Y. rp fl E jTecK V IT! I ?20 Portable Family 1 Sew ins? Macliine, on :(0 Days Trial; many advantages over all. Satisfaction, Kiuiranleed, or f'0 refunded. Sent com p:ete, with full direetions. lieekwith Sow in Machine Co., W 12 Itroatlway, N. Y. 4 TiiK.Miiv i;i:.ut;iv kik itiniKK. An Important Invention. It retains tha littpturo at ai) times, and under the hard, est exercise or severest strain. It is worn with com Tort, and il k pt n nilit and day, ctl'eets a permanent cure in a few weeks. Sold cheap, and sent by Mail when rcfpiested, circulars free, when cr dered by letter sent to Tho Elastic Truaa Co., No. 0S:t iiroadway, N. Y. City. No body uses Metal sjuinn Trussos; too painful; thoy slip oil too frequently. 4 TIIK I'AKl.OU CO.III'AMUM. - ICvcry Lady wants one 1 Every Mali onulit lo havo ono!! Sent on receipt of Ten t'onts. Addrcma, L. F. HYDE CO., 1U3 Seventh Avenua, New York. 4 ulSK!rLLTELLr Tiu itw DtPftRTUREiii Bwki. Asonts Wanted. Kxelusivo torritorr p'.r eu. The book will soil itself. Father, Mother, Sister, llrothcr. Minister, Mori-hunt, Manufacturer, Farmer, Miner, Mariner, and l'0Hrfall want it. Therm is Mon ky ix it. Send for a Circular. WKH.-ii'EIt, 50 NortU 5th St., Philadelphia. Pa. TELEGRAPHY. A necessary part ot every person's educa tion in this advanced atf is tht? art of Telo lrajhiur. Apply to llio undersigned for Sontli's Manual of Telegraphy, the boat work published on tills subject. Pricn, ' 30 cts. A Iso for every drscriptioii of Tele graphic liistrucnionts and ilitttery ; Nitro (iiroinie liallery f.r Eli-ctropluliinf. L. (. T1LJLOTSON & CO., 8 Dry St., N'w Y'ork, WAGES Fort all who are willintr to work. Any person, old or youiifr, of cither Bex, can make from $10 to $50 per week, at hin day or cvonimr. Wanted by all. Suita ble to cither City or Country, and anyska sou of tlie year. This is a rare opportuni ty for thou) who are out of work, and out of money to make an independent living. No capital bcinu required. Our pauiplet, "How to make a hvtntr,'' Kivinn full in structions, sent on receipt of 10 eont. Address, A. ItCHTON & t o., Morrisania, Woi-tehestcr Co., N. X, 4 A R-T'TTTi everyw here to sellour new 5 . "Srli'ioV""1' novel Embroidering VVAiTTEDNIat',''1,,,. Bft"'1 for tiatcd Cr. iiiiir, to th(McKon Manufae turinn Cuuipany, 3UJ liroudway, Naw York. 4 IION.TON I'LIUTATION MKiXALM, Sent ou receipt of 25 cts. Unique Print invalid Publishing House, Sti Vescy St., N, Y. 4 THE JJ00T & SHOE STORE OF 0?IDIOTJTEi! NE. STEVENS. Proprietor. Partiea iu want of FINE ltisMs ami SIiikm will always lind a !m, assortnient at Sioveua'. When you call, just say "Fiom Tioncsta" and vou will bu lilierall v dealt with. l-(iiu N. E. STliVENS. 1L tir....x NEW DILLIARD ROOMS! ADJOIN I NO the Tionesta House, at th mouth of Tionesta Creek. Tho tublea and room aro new, und every tlilim kept in order. To lovers of the ame a cordial Invitation is exit nded to come, and play iu the new room. M. 1TTEL, 1'rop r. WlLLUMSrORT Dll'KI.VSuJI SEHIVIBY, WII.LIAMM'OKT, PA. For Loth sexes. Established 'St years. SUPERIOR ADVANTAGES in every Department of Culture. Send for ( j ."i(ih'. Aliunde caiiy lor looms, lull I. mi begins A lit; 2th. W. l.i-.E M'O ITS WOOD, I. 1)., lii-Ot I'r-c-ioi ut. JoH v(KK oi ml kinds tii lie alThis ut-h-o on short notice. lOU WOUK neatly exsriitd at thisonTci at roaaonal'l i at.