The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, July 30, 1873, Image 3

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    iVIDMSBAT MOItflSG, Jilt ID, 587J.
JtHTtifitn3. fl. Dalk- ' v " I
(fewitrimiw W. P. Morcllltott, W. II.
Harlan, V. I). Thomas, S. J. WolooU,Goo.
Dovord, T. 1. Cobb. N
Justice of the I'eaeeW. P. MorclllioU,
IX' Knox. ,
(nirWr floo. Haslet. V'
School rirrc1om- H. I. Irwin, M7 W.
Tir, II. O. Davis, 1). H. Knox, H. J. Wol
eut, L. llnckott. "
..-.--' - . - .
iV(im'rfm Jiulre V P. Junks.- .
' Assoetntt J.nlijeJi3. A. Propicr, An
JlUKW Coolt.
' AArrf(T T. J. Van Oibnkn.
. Treamtrrr Fhku. Ulaxsnkr.
J'rnthonolnry, Reg Mar & Recorder, die.
J. It. AflNKW. 1 ' '
I), COLLINS, Jouk Thomphon.
rtrtui'v AJMperinrmlMit S. F. RonHKIl.
JHntrid Attorney W. W. Mahoii. . .
.(in CnmrnfMionera Georob Hiooins,
Wm 1 ATTKRMON. 1 .
hh( Surveyor S.D. InwiK. ....
. ronr Johiah WlHANH. -
Oiutiti AuriitoraWn. VhfM, T. H,
' Conn, T Warnkr, iy
.. iltmlierof Congress 10(A iMirMC B,
Assembly J. U. Lawson.
o Train
- At TIONKNTA STATION, on and aftor
Tlmrsuay, July JOtn, i7: ,
boutu 1st class.
Train 22
i o
' -
-Train 00
,. " 61
fl:20 a. m.
7:05 p. in.
- - - 11:45 a, ui.
3:13 p. m.
: a. V. .
i- " 13 -
Traill M
10:20 a. m.
5:35 p. in.
fc."9 a. in.
2t exAss.
. , 611 . . . . p. m.
2:32 p. in,
On tlio Klvor Division '. c. from Oil City
tu Irvlnoton, up thu river Is North ; down
mo river, south.
t Row Reescr will preach in the M.
K Cliurch on Sunday next, morning
nifl cveniii''.
, ,, t-Micriu van umseu is quito uusy
- 1 hi n r r ' .. i
ur.w, serving writs, posting notices utid
selling pooplo out. "It's an ill wind
, tliiit Mows nobody good."
' "Times in tighteniu'," right smart
'just now, but notwithstanding nil that,
our towu is btill growing and business
onliiiiie3 to be luiddlin'.
At the lirml of the first lorn rol
limit will be hiuuil Llio Limn of trains at
tliia station. The lulilo should liavo
li'cn coi rcctod lust week, but was over
.i i t
.lOOKUU. ,
: Tho cholera is vistitlnsr omo of
(tie other largo cities of tho United
.bliiles, but lias not yet made its ap
' fiiruiicc nerc, ini wo iiaven i ncaru
.. i i t. u i
of anybody that h anxious for a vis
, ilaliou.
inu nidi nucKieuorric oi me
c:i.tin made their nppcaranee in to'vn
,ou Monduy. Put siir:ir and cream on
these berries in propor proportion, and
(hey are not n hard thing to force
.down a fellow's neck.
Grove fc Wolcott ara intendius
to put down another well nearly oppo
site Truiikcyville. If faith was as cs
seutial to tho production of oil as it is
"to religion, Ihey would havo had a big
well long ago.
' .ivun njjii utu juat nuoub Ulg
linlltrll llfivv Irk Inmnl tlm b...11
. I n ... - -1 1 1 1 '
to steal tuciu and got the colic in con
tiefjuenco of eating thorn. ' No cases
nave as yet como under our notice,
but we ore convinced that there are
lots of them, for alt that.
Tho water in tho river ''ru" about
two feet on Saturday last, buv as that
id not bigh enough for running there
was no particular stir about it. A
furniture boat, which we bclicvo bo
.longs to Mr. Partridge, of Jamestown,
passed this place on Sunday,
Hard cider is taking the place of
whiixy in Warren siuce tho county
went feruiust license, but tho cider is
so mighty "hard" that it might as woll
be tho puro articlo. The topers liko
it, as usual, believing that "a rose by
any other came would smell as sweet."
Tho frame-work of Dithridgo's
new mill presuuts an imposing ap
poaranco, and we should think from tho
bi.e, would have a capacity for sawing
up all tho lumber in this region in
about thrco years. Mr. Dithrdge atill
rcmaius in Pittsburgh, but is expected
home daily.
r-PrOf. G. Adolphus Weber has
put us under obligations to him fur a
copy of a new waltz eutitled "Sounds
from tho Allegheny," written by bint
and published by Ditsou & Co., of New
York. Tho fact of tho pieco being
ncccptud bv this firm is evidr.nee Unit I
it is a piece of considerable merit.
AVo have heard tho Professor render
i ho wa'lz, and think it will compare
favorably with some of those written
Jy more famous compilers.
Hev. Brown's morning sermon of
Sunday, he 20th inst. h grtsly " mis
lopresentcd by the. last issue- of tho
Forest Frets, which ieiuo seems to be
gotten up with an especial view of
ridiculing the Biblo, Christianity, and
all exponents thereof. 'We quote ode
of tho objectionable "remarks in to
gard to the Sermon spoken of: f;
J "He (Mr. Brown) concluded there
were some chosen ones in which evi
dence of tho grace of God was too
slight and obscure to be observed, vet
as the Ivord had marked them for Ilis
own, they'd eventually be saved, altho'
considered all that was bad in the eyes
of the world.' . "
Rev. Brown's sermon contained no
clause that could be thus interpreted.
His , remarks upon that point were
such aa any right-minded man will
agree with, and the suhstanco of them
was very nearly as follows i
-"The Lord knows his own ; . the
world cannot always know them. That
some of the loudest-praying and fore
most members of Christian Churches
- were aftcn the veriest hypocrites, an'd
that somd more modest and not , es
pecially marked by the world for zeal
and forwardness, might be the Lord.'
chosen ones." . ,
Nothing was said, from which the
inference could be taken, that "al
though considered all that was bad in
the eyes of tho world" the one so con
sidered might be among the chosen
ones. Under the circumstances .we
consider the remarks of lho Press up
on the subject uncalled for and do not
bclievo they will meet with the appro
bation of any part of tho readers of
that paper. "
Rev. Brown is a new man among
us, and has been called to the Presby
terian Church of this place, and in
stead of misrepresentation, ho deserves
encouragement and welcome. Minis
ters are human, and are liable to be
as sensitive to rebuffs and calumny as
other people, and wo can ouly look at
this article of tho Press as an attompt
to discourage the Reverend gentleman
from accepting the call that has been
tendered him by tho unanimous voice
of tho congregation of the Presbyter
ian church. . We hope however,' that
Rev. Brown will consider that tho feel
ing displayed in tho articlo quoted
from is tiot the feeling of the citizens
at largo ; for we very much doubt if
tho author could Cud another auditor
on the occasion spoken of to agree
with him.
Two weeks ago we published an
account of a young man of Hickory,
who attempted an outrage upon a lady
of that vicinity, on tho uighlof tho 4th
of July. A correspondent of the Der
rick puts tho matter in a better light
for the youcg man. It seems that the
chap bad been at Tidioute, and im
bibed a littio too much anti-license
lemonade. When ho arrived nt home
ho had tense enough to try to tvoid
the parental eyes, and was shown by a
couple of "jokey" chaps, tho room of
the lady, and informed that it was
his own, supposing of course iho lady
would waken and meet him at the win
dow and dispute the ground with him
Finding that the lady still slept after
the young mau wcut in, tho two disin
tercsted friends "ulid," and loft the
young man to his own destruction.
Very shortly tho lady awoke, and then
thero was a ruction. Tho deluded
youngster tried to explain, but it was
too thin. Thero was nothing for it but
to make himself scarco, which he did
on short notice. The young man will
now better appreciate tho wisdom of
Solomon, when he suid, "Wino is a
mocker; strong drink is raging; aud
whosoever is deceived thereby is not
The Democratic District Conven
tion met at East Brady on the 22d
inst,, aud ballottcd 52 times without
leaking a choice, each county's dele
gates voting for their own candidate
every time. Finding that they were
making no progress, the conferees
voted to adjourn tho conference, to
Fryburg, and to meet there on the
13th of August. It seems that the
Clarion Coupfy Conferees are bound
to stick, notwithstanding the fact that
they have had the Assemblyman for
four years, and now havo the State
Senator, while Forest has never bad a
district or State office since about
IS GO. To some people this grasping
disposition of Clarion county might
look a little hoggibh, but we bcliove it
is not intended by the Peiuocratio
politicians of Clarion to creao that
impression they merely uact the
Assemblyman., Nevertheless, jtUpono
of our funeral, and if the Democracy
wart to kick up a bobbery among
themselve, they have our permission.
On Saturday last Dan Andrews
had two very narrow , escapes from
death. He and Charley Ilinton and
another man whose name we did not
loam, were walling up the Lawrence
IIouso well, which had been sunk to
the depth of thirty feet. Andrews was
in the well, and whilo there the large
bucket, containing upward of 200 lb3.
of stone, foil to the bottom, twice,
narrowly escaping Lira both times. If
that pail had struck him, he would in
all probability have died. How it
happened that the pail fell, we have
not heard. Tho well was put down
about 24 feet in Juno, and Andrews
and Jacob Sraearbaugh were stoning
it up ; once there was more stone in
than Sraearbaugh realized, and when
he launched the load, it was so heavy
that it threw him completely over tho
windlass, but with an agility surprhv
ing for a large man, he turned imme
diately around, and braced himself
and grasped the windlass at the same
time, stopping it perfectly still. If
wa were Andrews we would quit the
business. He may not Always be so
The stono for the Laeytown bridge
are being prepared for laying, and by
the time the debris of the old bridge
is cleared away tho work of laying
them will be commenced, and rushed
through as rapidly as energy and good
management can accomplish it. The
contractor of the stonework, Mr. J,
Clary, was fortunate in having almost
all tho stone he will need in the con
struction of tho abutments, right uear
tho site of the bridge, within reach of
the crane, in the shape of huge rocks,
which havo been split with wdges,
make altogether the finest lot of stone
for building purposes we have ever
seen. About fifteen men are at work
there and are making things buzz.
A fresh outr.igo on decency and
humanity comos from Pleasantville.
It seems that C. A. Reoscr,' proprietor
of tho Pleasantville Nurseries has sen
crotly gotten a divorce from his wife,
through the agency of a New York.
City lawyer, and married another wo
man all unknown to wife No. 1 until
Rcescr brought wife No. 2- homo and
sought to turn No. 1 out of the house.
Assisted by her father-in-law, slip
drove the husband and No. 2 away,
Recser has been living with both wo'
men since his marriage to 'the lastono.
He has left tho country, and if he
comes back it will probably be made
interesting for him.
George Killmer, a little boy aged
about four years, fell into the river off
a flat-boatjust below the abutment on
this side of the river, where the water
is quite deep. The littio fellow would
certainly havo been drowned, had not
Prothonotary Agnew plunged in and
pulled him out. It is a wonder that
there aru not more accidents pf this
kind, as there are always ten to fifteen
small boys playing on and around the
boats tied there. Parents should keep
their children away from such danger
ous places; a little wholesome disci
pline now may save some sore hearts
T-The enterprising base-ballists of
lylersburg are around that burg with
a subscription paper to raise money to
procure base ball suits for the mem
bers. As the suits cost from $3 to S5
apiece, it will be a pity if they can
not raiso the amount. We expect
soon to hear of some roaq running
around with a subscription paper to
pay hia board bills. If the members
of that club have hands and legs as
hord ns thoir cheek, they will be tho
champions of Clarion county in no
-A oommitteo of the Town Coun
cil was appointed on Saturday even
ing last to take into consideration a
motion to abandon River Street and
open up r illiaru Street. It is said
that tho borough will either have to
abandon or rip-rap River Street, and
if the latter is done, j will cost an
immense sum more than the tax-pay-
ers will care to invest, If William
street is opened, it will let them out,
being just back of the lots fronting
on the other street.
There are several good skiffs in
tho river hero, an excellent sheet of
water for rowing, and there aro sever
al good rowers in town. Why would
it not be a good idea to get two or
four of the best of them to mako a
trial of their sk'ill some of these flue
evenings, just to get up an excitement T
We don't suggest betting, but believe
a small purse could bo mado up for
tlio sinner.
A little excitement was occasion
ed yesterday about , dinner time, by
one of Mabie's teams running away.
It appears that the driver had left the
horses for a few moments, and they
cantered off just for the fun of the
thing. Nobody nor nothin' was hurt.
S. J. Wolcott, Superintendent of
the Union Sabbath School, desires us
to state that the prize ofiored to the
scholar reciting the most verses from
the bible, will be awarded on Sunday
next. It is desirable that all tho
scholars and teachers of the school be
present on that morning.
Our readers will recollect Rev. J.
Matoer, of Clarion Co., who preached
in the Presbyterian church, as a supply
some two years ago. The Washington
and Jefferson College has just confer
red upon him the degree of Doctor of
Divinity.. Rev. Matccr is an earnest
and eloquent minister, and we know of
no one upon whom the honor could be
more worthily bestowed.
rhiletus Thompson is one of these
chaps that must have some business on
hands or ho can't enjoy himself. He
ta going to put up a stave mill on Jam
ison's Run, and work up a tract of oak
there. Then he proposes to take a
Blandy Portable Saw Mill up to a
tract of hemlock on Spring Creek and
mauufacturo bill stuff. If he has any
reasonable luck, he will undoubtedly
make money on both ventures.
Tho office of SherifT,- In Erie
County, is worth to the holder the
sum of $17,000 peryear.or $51,000 for
a terra of three years. The Observer
moves that the office be mado a sala
ried position, say of 85,000 per year,
the balance of the legal fees to go in
to the county treasury or be disposed
of in some such way, so that the Sher
iff will not become purse-proud at the
eud of the first year.
-Peters' Musical Monthly, No. 72j
is to hand, and contains the following
selections of Now Music : '
Lost and Cast Away, song and cho
rus; My Lovo Sleeps under tho Dai
slesj Will lio come Home to-night?
song ; My Dear Old Mother, song and
chorus; Hear the Piistil ion ; Bertie's
Schottische ; An Instrumental Piece ;
Tho Reapers' Dance ; Golden Hours,
morceau de salon. You cat) secure
tho above pieces of New Music by
sending 30c. for No. 71 Peters' Musi
cal Monthly ; or the last eight num
bers will be sent you, post paid, for
$2. Address, J. L. Peters, 599 Broad
way, New York.
Lesion Jklj-Y Cake. To the yolks
of six eggs well beaten, add three
quarters pound white sugar, juice of
one lemon, one-half pound of flour,
having in it one measure Banner Bak
ing Powder; then add the whites of
six eggs beaten stiff. Bake in jelly
cake pans.
For tho Jelly, take the yolks of
three eggs, beaten, and one-half pound
of white sugar, juice of one and grat
ed rind of two lemons, and whites, of
three eggs beaten very stiff. Put iq a
vessel and place it in boiling water ;
boil until it thickens. When it is
polJ, spread over each layer of the
cake, except the top one.
Each can of the Bannor Baking
Powder contains a small measure, to
be used even full, according to printed
directions. If you cannot obtain this
really valuable articlo from your gro
cer, send twenty-five cents by mail,
addressed to Banner Baking powder,
P. O. Lock Box, 317, Pittsburgh, Fa.,
and you will receive, postage paid, a
quarter pound, package together with
a list of fifty valuable Recipes.
Lawrence House,
-I I'IKLD, Prophiktor. Thin housn
la oentrally located. Everything now unci
well t'urnivhud Superior accommoda
tions aud Ntrict attention given to guetttH.
Vegetable and Fruita of all kinds aervod
in their Naon. Maniple room fiir Com
mercial Agents.
By which you can obtain Life Insurance
ia the Low Premium, All Cash, Stock plan.
It furnis!)et the largest amount of insur
ance for a giveu sum of money. The Con
tract ia plain and dolinite, without compli
cation, mystery, or uncertainty. Tho pol
icy ia always worth iU (ace, tho premium
never increaaea. It la the tuoat aalialiictory
and economical plan for the insurant.
Tub Travelers Imsuranck Company,
of Hartford. Com)., grants I.ii'o Insurance
upon this cxocllent plan. It security ia
unquestioned. Apply to any Agent, or
send for a Circular, 15 It
Th,a Republican Office
rCKPS constantly on hand a large aa
IV Kortment of lilauk Deeds, Moi l.ige.-i,
Kulipii-iias, Warranty, SuipmouN, Ac. to
be solj -beap lor cash. tf.
WILtf ambport; pa.
For both sexes. Established 23 years.
In every Department of fculfnro. 8cnd for
Catalogue. Arrango rarly for " rooms.
Fall term begins Aug. 28th. ' ' 1
15-6t - -- President.
r L , .-, i ;
ADJOININO the Tionenta Houno, at tho
moutli of Tioneata Creek. The tables
and room are new, and ovorythlug kept in
order. To lovers of the gamo a cordial
invitation is extended to come and play it
in the new room. M. ITT EL, Prop'r.
- -AT . '.
We have an immense assortment of the
above goods In every style and quality
imaginable, aa for instance :
11 Inch Two-ply Belting.
2 Inch Two-pl'v Ilelting.
2 inch Two-ply Belting.
2 Inch Threo-plv Belling.
!!J Inch Throe-ply Helting. .
3 inch Throe-ply Belting,
SJ inch Three-ply Belting.'
4 inoh Three-ply Belting.
. . 6 inch Th'iee-ily belting.
6 inch Throe-ply Belting.
7 inch Three-ply Betting.
8 Inch Fonr-ply Bolting.
9 inch Four-ply Bolting.
10 Inch Four-ply Belting.
12 inch Four-ply Belting-
We garentoe satisfaction In every In
stance. . Wo are headquarters for the
above goods.
Jaa. II. Pones, Proprietor,
(at tho old stand of Forest Co. Drug Store)
TJ AVING purchased the entire stock of
A. I the forest CounU Drug Store, I have
changed the name to the "American," and
put in an entire new slock of
D E U Gr S ,
LIQUQRS, For Medical use ONLY
Wliito Lead, perfoetly puro, sold much
cheaper than loi inurly.
Also all kinds ot Oils, Kerosono, Tur-
fieutine, Benzine, Toilot Articles, Por
umeries, &c, for salo cheap. ' ,
I am agent for the
The only BAPE LAMP made, will burn
all kinds of oil with perfect safety, being
all Metal it can not break, uuil so const uc t
ed it cunnof explode.
is constantly charged and ieod, and will be
Served up in the best manner. Call and
see me. J AS. II. FONES.
NE. STEVENS, Proprietor. Parties
in want of FINE! Boots and Shoes will
always rind a good assortment at Stevens'.
W hon you call, lust any "From Tlonesta"
and you will bo liberally ilunlt with,
G-diu N. K. K.TEVENS.
C'OMMi.ssiONKita' OFrii'R, Forest Co., )
! lONKiTA, MAY 1, j
Notice Is hereby given that the bridge
across Tiouesta Creek near its mouth will
lie removed by the 15th inst, aud the Creek
will be obstructed for aixtv ilava thereaf
ter In the ereeti:n of a new' bridge dc. Ail
persons interested will govern themsolves
liy order onus County Commissioners.
1). W. CLARK, Clerk.
An Important Invention. It retains the
jvupiure ai mi utnea, una unuer mo iiiuu.
bat exercise or novel cut kiiuii. It ia worn
u'ilK .u.MitVt-, uii.l 1,' L ... .... .!.!.
1..U ...... V, Ml 14 ,''ll flip,.,.. AIIU
day, ellcctH a porinaiiont euro it) a tew
weuaa. rtoiu iMcup, wiu auui oy man
w hen requested, eiroulurs free, when or
dered by letter sent to Tlio Flaxiic Truss
Co., No. Broadway, N. Y. I lly. Nn-
luuiy UM-s Menu spring irmuio; loo
painful j lluy (jjip i ll too frequently. i
The Nfw DEPARTURE'" Book..;
Agents Wanted. Exclusive territory giv
en. The book will sell Itself. - Father,
Mothor, tSistor, IBrotlier, Minister, Mer
chant, Manufacturer, Farmer, Minor,
Mariner, and Yourself nU want It. Tsbiik
1 Monkv ii i t, ! Semi for a Circular.
6th St., Philadelphia, Pa. . ;
A necessary part l every person's educa
tion In this advanced asro'is Un avt f Tele
graphing. 1 Apply to the unilermguad fur
Snnth's Manual of Telegraphy, tho best
x.-n.-W .,.l.liaUi.l nM l.ia cmiKicu,! . tlM.
30 ots. Also for every description of Tele-,
graphic IiistriieinenU and Buttery j Nitro
Chroniio Battery for Electroplating. L.
(1. TILLOTHON A CO., 8 Dey St., New
York; , ... v -...: : .
AT the .: ' ," ' ''
- . ... . ...... A
. 'i . OF:
A Fresh Stock of
Boots- ' ;
Gents' Furnishing Goods.
A full line of
: ,". . ' K-W.
. , '. .BRUSSELS,-'. ' . '
. HEMP, . .
Arc.,, Ac, c,
We are prepared to pay (lie highest price
siii:ei-i?lts a hides,
Of all kinds, either In MONEY or Oosds.
We have inonr employ a flHS T-CLAbt
TAILOR, and keep constantly on band a
GOOD STOCK OF GOODS, of best quality
and latest designs, whieb be will make up
lu a workmau-Uko manner and latest
styles. Good tits guaranteed or no sale.
A good and complete stock of
Alwava on hand.
Of eiy superior quality and latest de
E)R all who are willing to work. Any
orson, old or young, of either sex, can
make from 1 10 to $00 tier week, at home
day or evening. Wanted by all. Suita
ble to either City or Country, and any sea
son of the year. This is a rartt opportuni
ty for thone who are out of work, and out
of money to muksan independent lirin?.
No canilal beimr reotiirer). Our namDliat.
I'ljow to make a living," giving full in
structions, sent on receipt of 10 cents.
Addreas, A. BURTON A CO., Morrisanta,
WestcliosterCo., N. Y, 4
A frT'TTT! everywhere losellouriiew
mZZ wi,i,lincl novel Embroidering
W AUTEDMiw',i'"o Bu"d for 111uh-
tiuted Circular, to tho McKeo Manufac
turing Company, yuJ Broadway, New
York. ; " 4
Every Lody want one !
Every Mali ought to have one I !
Soiilon receipt of Tell Cent. AddrtibS,
L. F. 1 1 Y UK A CO., l'.ij Seventh Avunuu,
New York. - 4
Sent on receipt of 3' et. Vuluiio Print
ing and Publishing House,' 3U VOsOV St.,
N. V. 4
rpiIH BECKWITH Portable Family
-I- t-uwng Machine, on .10 Duys Trial '
many advantages over all. tSaiislarliou
guaranteed, or -0 refunded. Sent com
plolu, with lull directions. lieckwilji Sew
ing Machine Co., n- Broadway, N. V, , I
lOll WORK neatly executed at this oT.tu
at reasouablo rales.