WHO ARE TBI NEBftABUAN. X FKOr. J. D. 8UTLSR. - Liscols, April, 1373. One-sevento of our United State population it of foreign birth, namely five and a half millions, among thirty eight and a half; in exact figures, 5,667,646 among 38,553,371. The foreign element is much largest at the north, but its distribution is al most identical in ihe newer and older (States, on the Atlantic and, on the Missouri. Thus the foreign, percent age in Massachusetts, the oldest State, and in Nebraska, the youngest, is iu both States, well-nigh the same, name ly, one-fourth. In the former 353,129 in a total of 1,457,351 ; in the latter 80,743 in a toUl of 122,993. Yet the quality of foreigners West is, no doubt, better than' East. Those who have least of pluck and purse, linger along tho Atlantic as drudges, or eren pau pers or worse. But those better and better off, go West, become land-lords and lords of the laud. The first Gur tnan Governor was elected in a State on the Mississippi. Of the 30,748 foreign-bern Nebras kiaus these originating in the British Empire are the most numerous, being 12,271. Next, and almost as numer ous, is the Teutonic element, amount ing to 12,026. The Scandinavians are almost 4,000 and the SclaTonians half as many. Of the Kebraskiaus men, inree-rourins are native Ameri can, while of the remainder, two-fifths are of British origin. The English percentage is larger in Nebraska than in any other State except three. These figures prove that te settlers i'n the United States will form one lomogeneous people, and that English peaking and nolding niaiuly to Eng lish institutions. As they were in the beginning, so they are now, and ever shall be, in eaeeula taeculorum! Still, among the 12,304 homesteaders and the 13,447 pre-emptors who, before the close of 1372, bad filed their claims to land in the Lincoln office, the names betoken various nationalities. So do those of the 2,325 purchasers who had bought 294,625 acres of the Burlington & Missouri River Railroad on ten years credit and six per cent, interest. A new impulse has just been given to railroad sales because on those made since 1872, nothing of the principal is payable until the end of the fourth year, and then only one-scvonth annu ally. A Great Horror Done Away With. House cleajiing is a great hor ror to nine men out tS jsyexy ten. When that time comes the ''men folks" as a rule, give the domestic Jbearth a "wide berth." Oceans of emjWthe product of tons of soap fairly flood every part ef the house. The women, from the mistress down, labor as they never worked -before, and what with the discomfort, the smell pf suds and the dampness, and pot "infrequently ickness, the product fifolds and over work, matters are genei ally disagreea ols. The simple use of Supolio instead of soap does away with all this discora fort. It lightens the labor a hundred per cent., because it removes djrt, fcreaM, stains and snots, with hardly any labor, with but little water, and in one tenth the usual time. 13-15 A rmotoexaDher in Portland em. El, oyed a woman to wash the floors of is establishment. The woman seeing a basin full of what she presumed was het water standing on the stove, emp tied the contents into her water nail to .warm the water it contained. Of course it was a nitrate of silver bath, and the first the photographer knew, his floor was a dirty red brown, the woman's arms much browner, and she howling because the "Ould Nick was turning fcefcto a nagur." A reporter for a Western "nation peaking of a certain fair creature, remarxea mat the prolusion and col or of her hair would lead one to leok upon it as though it was spun by the nimble fingers of the easy hours as they glided through tit bright June days, whose many aunny rays of light uau oeen caugm iu me mealies, and were contented to go no further." This is better than saying the girl's uair was rei. lit. Roswell D. Carnagan, of North Carolina, was enticed into a gambling house in New York, where he won. or wa permitted to win as a bait, $340. When he coolly announced his inten tion to quit playing one of Abe .gam blers dew,a,bo,wjo-Sntfe and demand ed a return of "the money. Mr. Camagan jumped out of the window to an awning, quietly slid down a tele graph pole and had all the parties ar rested. A keptic wbo was trying to confuse a colored man by the contradictory passages in the bible, asked aim how it could be true that we jree in the Spirit and the Spirit in us. ."O ! dar n6 trouble 'bout dat," replied ke. "Jt's lik4At poker; I put it in de fire till it gets td hot now de poker's ia de tire, and 4e fire in de poker 1" A Virginia gallant recently weoed, won, and wedded a maiden fair, all within half an hour ..the first intro duction to her. "Your behavior is most singular, sir," said a young lady to a gentle man wKn liarl Inafc atolen n a-iai. ff ibiil is all," fn'u lie "I'll noon make it r'"T.l." Enoch Morgan's Sons' Is a substitute fbr Snap for all Household purposes, except SA.POJL.IO fbr Cleaning jour House will nave the labor of one elcanar. Give It a trial. SA-lOJIO for Windows is better than Whiting or Water. No remov ing curtains and carpets. SAPOLIO dentin Taint and Wood, in feet tho entire houne, bettor than Soap. No slopping. &avea la bor. You can't afford to he without it, SAPOLIO fhl. Scouring Knives ia better and cleaner than Bath Brick, Will not scratch. SAPOLIO ia better than Soap and Bund for polishing Tinware. Bright en without ncrmti'hing. SAPOLIO Polish all Brnw and Copper utensils better than Acid or Oil and Hot Urn Stone. HAP OLIO for Washing Diahes and Glass ware is invaluable. Cheaper than Soap. SAPOLIO removes (Stains from Marble MmUlns, Tables and Statuary, from Hard iniuhl Walla, and from China and Porcelain. SAPOLIO removes tstnins and Urease from Carpets and other woven fabrics. There (a po one article known that will do bo many kinds of work and do it as well as Sapollo. Try it. HAND SAPOLIO a new and wonderfully effec tive Tiolet Soap, having no equal in thia country or abroad. HAND SAPOLIO as an artiule for the Bath, will "reach the foundation" of all dirt, opens the pores and gives a healthy action aud brilliant tint to the akin. HAND SAPOLIO Cleanaea and Beauifies the Skin, instantly removing any stain or blemish from botu bands and face. JJAND SAPOLIO la without a rival in the world for curingor preventing rough neas and chapping of either hands or face. HAND SAPOLIO removes Tar, Pitch, Iron or Ink Huiua ouui (jr.oase; for workers in Machine fcfeopa, Mines, tic, is invaluable. For making the Skin White and Soft, and giving to it a "bloom of beauty," itia unaurpasaed by any Cosmetic known. HAND SAPOLIO costs 10 to 15 cents per cake, and everj-body should have it. You will like It. DON'T FAIL TO TRY THESE GOODS. Buy it of your merchant if he haa it or will procure it for you. If not, then write for our Pamphlet, "All about Eapollo," and It will be mailed free. Kuoeh Horgan's Sons), 20 PARK PLACE, N. T. eow. n-iy PENNSYLVANIA CENI TRAL RAILROAD ' OX AND AFTER 11 P. P. Sundav May 1, ltfTO, Trains arrive at aud leave the Union Depot, corner of Washintea aad JUbeity street, aa follows; ARRIVE. 1 Mail Train, 1.30 a m j Past Una, 1I.1J J K i Wall s accommodation No. 1, e.20 a m . Brinton accommodation Ne 1, 7.50 a aa WaH'e accommodation Ne 2, 8.85 a 01 ;Cin einnati express 9.20 a m ; Johnstown ac commodation 10.60 am; Braddock'a ac commodation No 1, 7.00 Jim; Pittsburgh ezpreaa 1.30 p m; Pacific express 1.50 aa t Wall's accommodation No 8, 2.36 p aa; Homewood accommodation No 1, 9.65 aa; W all's accommodation No 4, 5.50 p aa nriuion accommoaation xf 2,1.10 a aw; rray raaeenger iu..u p ni. D1CPART. Bonthera exnroaa 6.2S ana : Paeifta n presa 3.40 a m ; Wail's acoanunedatien Me 1, 8.30a m ; Mail Train 8.10 a in ; Brinten's accommodation 10.20 a m : Braddock'a ac cominodation No 1,6.10 p m ; Cincinnati 1 press 12.35 p in ; Wall's accommodation; N 2, 11.61 a m ; Johnstown accommodative 4.05 pm; Homewood accommodation Ne 1, 1.50 p m; Philadelphia expreas S.60 ni VV all accommodation No 1.3.05 d m: Wall a accommodation No'4, 6.05 p 111 ; Paat Line 7.40 p mt Wall a No 6. 11.00 p m. The Church Trains leave Wall's Station every Sunday at 9.05 a. m., reaching Pittav burgh at 10.05 a. m. Returning leave Pitta burgh at 12.50 p. in., and arrive at Wall'i Station at 2.10 p. m. Cincinnati express leaves daily. Heath em express daily except Monday. All eU ar Trains daily, except Sunday. For further information aplvte W. II. BECK WITH. A cant The Pennsylvania Railroad Company win uuionauuie any iusk ior isuggage ex cept lor-Wearing Apparel, and limit thai raponaibllity to One Hundred Dollai o, yal ue. Allggfige exceeding that a aunt in vaiue wui uo at ne risk or toe ier unless taken by special contract. A. J. CASSAl general SaperlntenHcnt, A 1 too as p. PITHOLE VALLEY R'Y. O Tf AND AFTER MomUy, Jap $, UfTJt, " "u uu mm iuuutflf TRAINS KORTHWARD, STATioaa No. 2. Ko. 4. Oleopolia, Bennett. 10.25 a m 10.38 10.30 " 10.24 " i.sepi .2 .is s.ie Woode 1'ratueca Mill Pltuole City 11.0 S.60 TRAIS8 SOUTHWARD. atTATIOHB No. 1. Ne. S. Plthole titv, frathars Mill .4t) a m 8.4S 6.5 .02 " l.i'S p 1 1.48 1.56 " 1.02 ooua Bennett Olttopelle All SW.I 8.1S 2.14 - . muov VHJllIlVCMOna at Oleopolia with trains on the Oil Creek A ns make close connections Sonlh. Two Lines of Stages run daily between Plthole City, Miller Parru and Pleasunt ville, makingcounection witharrlvingaud departing Trains. J. T. BLAIR, n. niiniiAM, nop I. .icVet Afnt, Pitble.'ity, Pa. i i-' . -.. ,-rfss- 1 - m Jm.. 167 Water Street, GENERAL STEIN WAY & SONS, As wall as several other makes. Also V f UnSTTTID STATES O.O-AITS,. TAZLOB &g FABLET olO-AJN. SHEET MUSIC BOOKS, ami f.vartni.r in tl, MlTSTf! T.rt?. which will be furnished at the very leweot prices. WING AND SON, "THE AMI. Ill CAN FIAXO, 417 BROOME STREET, N. Y. TjrSTJTlRIPASSIEID First premiums whererer exhibited Prices low for the oualitv T.artre prices allowed for Second-hai.d Iostruments in Exchange. From Mr. Eduard Hoffman, Iht tfilthrated Pianist. I conscientiously believe that veur Piano ia ia averr resDact a mail sumM. unt Inttrumtnt. From (A "Independent." The imerican Piaae has deservedly become a verv nonular Instrument. lrKeiponsible Agents wanted for unoccupied territory. Sead for circulars te WING A SON. 417 Brnoma Rt . ti V a?.m atif A7J.VIM SXXH3NVHW TIT KI -Aiivioidi y 6ujJ!j put )00- Eujj?d9a aSXJITHHTJkV aT mm 01 mu sbijiu savoio any ooorgoi 'Jivnzno xxxooj 'mill SKiKSIJ QNV ONIlUOdS 0 saaiz nv av 'tH3A10A3a 'SKI1D 1 iiva BEST THINGJNTHE WEST. AtcMson, Topeka& Santa Fe. E. R. LAUDS! THREE MILLION ACRES Seated tn and near the Arkanaas Valley, the Finest Portion of Kansas ! Eleven years' Credit. Seven per Cent. Interest. 21 1-2 percent, reduction to settlers vv bp, improve. ' FBEE PASS TO LAND BUYERS 1 THE FACTS alit this Grant are Low Prices, Lous Credit, and a Itebato to set tlers of nearly one-fourth ; a Kicli Soil and Spondid Climate; abort and mild Winters; eaily plantinor, and no wintering of Stock; plenty of Rainfall, and just at blie riirht aeaaon ; Coal, Stone and Brick on the line; Cheap Hates on Lumber, Coal, etc.; no lands owned by Speculators ; Homestead and Pre-emption now abundant j a tirat claaa Railroad on the line of a ereat Through Koute;Producta wiii pay for Land and Improvements. It la the beat opportunity ever offered to the public,, through the reoent ooa; pletion of the Road. . 'r'r- ,KS For Circulars and general information, addreaa A. E. TOUZALIX. Manager I-aml Dep't, 3- 2m, . Topeka, Kan. I. W. CLARK, Agent, Tioneata, Pa. BOOKKEEPIN'Q MADE EASY. Kvorv clerk and merchant ran learn at once. Honk mailed, .'iPe. 11. fjnuldni Brvant. Mu Bale. V, ' ' " . .... --.---'-''vr'v - '. tJ);-, a 1 1 mm Medville, Pa, AGENT FOR CIIICKERING&SONS, AHD 1U1 WM. B. B.RADByY PIANO FORTES, the nil for circular. 39-1 jr. f The oldeat and most reliable Institution for obtaining a Mercantile Education. evPractical business men as intruo tore. Kor Information, write for a circular to P. DUFF KONS. Pittsburgh, Pa. BLUM & RECK, jBZjAOICSiyCITHIS AND WAGON-MAKERS. Corner of Church and Elm Streets, TIOISTESTA PA. This firm la prepared to do all work In hs line, and will warrant everything done at th,e!r shops to give satiaiai-tlnu. Per tioalar attention given to nORSEIIOHING, QJvethem atrial, and you will not re-a-ret it. iny. THE WEEKLY SUN. ONLY $1 A YEAR. 8 PAGES. 7"A But Family raptr. The Weekly N. Y. Bun. 8 pagea. $1 a year. Send your Dollar. The Sett Agricultural raper.Th Weekly N. Y. Hun. 8 pages. If a year. Bend your Dollar. TAe Bet Political Paper. The Weekly N. Y. Hun. Independent and Faithful. Atrainat Public Plunder. 8 pages. $1 a year. Send your Dollar. The Beit Keupap&r. The Weekly N. Y. Run. 8 pagea. $1 a year. Send your Dollar. o XI! the . The Weekly N. Y. Bun. 8 pages. $1 a year, bend your Dol lar. The Beet Story Paper. The Weekly N. Y. Sun. Bpaea. SI a year, bend your Dollar. The Best Fashion Reports in the Weeklv N. Y. Nun, 8 pages. 1 a year. Sen'd your Dollar. The Best KTarktt B.tports In the Weekly N. Y. Sun. 8 pagea.' tl a year. Send your Dollar. The Best Cattle Reports In the Weekly N. Y. Hun. 8 pagea. f 1 a year. Send your Poller. The Best Paper in Every Respect. The Weekly N. Y. Sun. 8 pagea. 1 a year. Send your Dollar. Addreaa, THE SUN, New York City. PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. Water Street, OVER HILBRONNER k CO.'s STORE, Tionesta, Pa., M. CARPENTER, . . . Proprietor. rirtnrha takan in all I hoi latent atvie. i the art. ' ' 2-tl ' NEW DISCOVERY la Chemical and RleAlcel aeleaee. JT j' I f i, atae -Mi. .. .i.l"sf an L aaa i Ir. E. F, GATtVINa SOLUTION AND COMPOUND ELIIIR FIRST AND ONT.Y FdtrTtni .tot ail. hi oiwailitunnt ALL, TUB TWKLVBi1mM mut, priDiiplei at the .U kaawa wmttT ifeat, riNia tres TAn, rKBOU ALI.KD ia Confli.. Cokla, Catarrh, Aitkma, 'roashilia, and Cooaiuaitioa. civna without faix. A Mtfi.1 kM la thra lo iHt hran; .ail aha, tT Its YlTAlAtWO, PUUIFYIJSQ and BTIMULATlNti SMta upoa iht anaral tftum. It ruaarkablf Ataa maraeica of the blood. Indsding Kctoruu snJ Kraptu. of th ikta, Dre. napua, 1 iiihm of Ui Um aud Kidatya, llaarl Die ONK TRIAL CONVINCES! DR. GARVIN'S VOLATILE SOLUTION of TAR MEDICATED FOR INHALATION. sari mitUU; valaable dlaaoTtry, irkkh paeW ATARRH, BROIVCniTIS, , A.MTI nn4 aU DUesuef oftbel kE'TnKATaw 'rNGa ran cox?o?x? TAR AKD MAXnlZA-11 tor m In emnMticm with tha FTaT1- Ad1 aablnauoa of tho TWO Binat Tiluablo a. TIVI M oiIMimo known la tho ProfooMi, aaO r aan thia put wlllwat aaeniUna the in bewt l otaOoa aad Oooond Elixir, j JJj J8" Tar aal Uaadnko Pllla, Ilea, par Boa. Modicftadlnhilttfos, M.OepwFuk. rwa tor CliraUir of rOIITITK CCRE8 e UraniM, or te I r. JJYDE & CO., bqu paoPHixToaa, 19 S Seventh Av., Htw York, a- M m e o fa S M a w c 9 ot T: fi o o ti a a 3 . s as o a A J2 e e ss O p & c a o 3 u BO -3 f S m u S-3 v B M B T3 H 1 P g5 "s a TUB NEW ELASTIC THI SH. An Important Invention. It retains the Kupture at all times, and under the hard, eat exercise or aovcrcttt strain: ' It is worn with comfort, and if kept on night and day, ed'orf a permanent cure in a few weeks. Sold -oij.ap, and scut by Mail when requestod, circular free, when or dered by letter aont to Tha F.latic "i'ruas Co., No', 6;t Hroadway, N. Y. City. No body uc Metal Spring Triisaea; too painful; they .lip off too ft'equentlr. i 18 N. Porooei earn take these liltl.ri oow fag to dirtcttono, Knd r.m.in long ttnw.ll. fni.d th.ir bona r. not d.tlrortd by iniitnl ooimo of mthmt BMni, and tho Tiul orna wuttd hoyood the peatf. of ip.ir. v Ufripopala or Indlgo.tlsni. Htuftuho, rde , in tlio Shmild.n. Conjiht, Tiftiln.M of ItM ttw.1, D Bioow, Sour Eruct.tioao of tht Stomach, pd Tomo . in tho Month, Biliom Altck, Palpitation of tho . Hart, Inflammation of tho Lunsa, Pain io tha raai.no of tha Kirtn.ra, and a humlrad alliar painM armolonni, aro tho offtpringa of IlT.iwp.ia. In thaao oooiptoiofa.' it haa no aqual, and on. bottla will provo a Lattor gnat ' aniMof it. m.rita tlian a l.nnlhy advattiMPaoot. Par iromnln Coanplntaito, in rooaar or ooft. nam.d or ainala, at Ilia dnwn of womanhood, or lo tarn of hfo, tli.M Tonic Biltara dianlay ao doodd am inlloanc that a aurkod iaaprOTOnnal ia aooa I iroon tibia. For Inflaaannntery and Ckrenle Xhonv. nnntlam and (.out, ililioua, R.mitt.nt and laaao. anill.nt Favara, Diaraaraof tho Blood, Liror, KianofB aad Bladder, ihtw nui.rs hira no oq.l. aaoh lo. ' oaat. aracauard bv Viliatad Blood, wliirh la g.aawWS produced by d.rnrrtn.nt of tho Digaalivo Organa. Thojr aro at Uoaitlo ur jot loo ea wall ta m Totale, iMMaruing alia tha peculiar maril af aoamo) at a powerful arenl tn relieving longoatioo or I maiion of tho Livor and Viacaiai Otfoa, aad aa I lieaaaa. for Bkln rilnonaoa, Iraptiona, Tartar, M Khtum, Blolchaa, Spota. Pimplea, Puatuloa, Saito, Car huaclaal Ritia-worm., Scald-Head, 5 or. Kro., Bw- palaa, itch, bcum, lliacolorationaof too Skin, Mo and Diaeaaaa of tho Skin, of winterer name or ooeaoa aro literati, dug op and carried nnt of tho ajulaaa an a abort time br the uaa of theM Bittara Oratafail Tboaaanda proclaim Vitmoan aVn run tho moat wondaKul Inrigorant that oror anotaanooV. tha linking ayatam. i WALKF.R, PropV It. II. HanORaUD OO Proggiata and Gan. Agta San Pranrtian, CaL. and cor. of Waahtngton and Charlton Si.., Maw Vww. IO LP BY ALL DRUGmtlS AWDUAUaa Oil Crcck&AIlegbeny River Bj U It AND AFTER Moadav Jaae a, mt, I'lJios will run a follows i SOPTTAaOTaAIKS. STATIOX8: 1st CI ana. U 4 1 M a. m. a. in. B. art. a to. 14 C'orry 15 II 00 M S e KnarUtjabTixf 1 4 j ( U ' 11 I W t.tyn,ueo e M It 47 T Ceitlteynie 1 01 11 M i a) . Trynnville T II U CI 4 tl Is W Mydetown 7 15 12 15 t 1 iiaa aa 7UUU 7 1t M?4 l-itnet"1" T 42 U 45 T 40 14 It 02 1 OS 7 t U II It' t7 lot t OS TMUH 17 l if t io 7 at is aa as in iu 7M i to Miller Ttrtd KharTer Pioneer aa Tet Centre Da Columbia Tarr Farm Kynd Kami liouaoville McCllntock Aa ou ntv . ia Oleopolia Kaule Itock Prealdent . Tioneata V. is S 15 im a so f i i m ; s i is s j i u S 40 IV? 4S t M S a S it 1 44 ,-.4 .VJ t 44 t 4rV f 58 t 49 f f to y is &e i m e 9 10 3 04 9 IS I H It 1 10 It It I af t 46 1 M 11 10 4 M I IA 2 40 1 1 t'J 4 (0 9 f.9 2 60 11 Sf 4 tn 10 S S 12 12 M 0 ST 10 44 S US 1 SO 0 IA Hickory Trunkeyville 10 M B 41 1 4 f 4 Tidloute 11 11 S M 2 24 7 l Irvlnetun 12 01 4 40 4 OA t eii additional at colt -CLAa raAIKS-SOIrTa. No. 14. Tilusville 2,10 p. ni.; Miller J.hO; rioueer 3.W; Tet ('autre S.S3; Columbia 4,15s Tarr Farm 4,Ktj nynd raraa 4,17 1 Ituuseville 4,5."i; Oil City 6,20. No. fCorry o,15 a. m.; Tituavjllo l.tli Killer Farm 0;4 l'et Centre 9,4; Colum bia 10,JH Turr Farm 10.1S; Kynd JTaraa I0,7j ltouneviUe 10,35; Oil City 11,00. No. IS. Fet ViU.-e 1.28 p. ni.; Ccluntht I, 50; Tarr Farm S.O.'i; Itrnd Farm l.lfi Kouseville 2.30; Oil Citv 8,00. No. U Oil City O.SO'a. m i Olee'p.li 7.25, Tioneata tfii; Trunkeyville 101a Tidioute 11.11. MOrtrUWARD TBaias. STATIONS: lat Claaa. 24 Oaa 111 a m. p. m. p. m. a. m. a. an , Irvlneten 12 45 f M 0 00 7 4 Tidioute 1 18 ( 47 7 20 0 Jtt Trunkeyville 1 46 0 04 f OA It la Hickory 1 64 4 fS 30 It 44 TionenU 2 14 0 4 t 4$ 11 e Preaident 2 SA IS 63 M II u Eale Rook 2 SS f 69 9 6 12 U Oleopolia 2 47 7 00 10 to 1 Of aa I If 7 S 10 44 1 ft Oil City ea f 00 t SO 7 40 11 SO t so McCllntock f If 0 S2 7 65 11 M 2 M BouooTllle f 10 t SS 7 69 12 00 I to RytvdTarm 0 SO S 40 S 04 12 IS 2 ce Tarr Farm f 25 S 45 t 10 12 tf 2 44 Columns 8 29 S 4 f 14 12 44 t 10 Aa H IH 111 IM IU Pet Centre DU f SS I 69 t 22 1 26 I H Pioneer t 42 4 00 S SO im SM Hhallor 0 62 4 IS S 40 2 00 4 If Miller Farm f 6f 4 90 8 44 3 If 4 .7 15 4 40 9 M i 44 I to Titusville rs 7 S5 4 4f 9 It S Of Tlydetown 7 44 4 66 9 20 IM Tryonville 7 7 I M II 14 I SO C'entrevill S 05 8 17 44 IS Glynden 14 15 27 9 64 4 to Rparlanaburg S 24 f SS 10 02 4 to Corry 8 65 0 10 10 12 f H ADDITIONAL SBCOND-CLAMTBAHto-VeaTaV No. 18 Oil City 8.65 a. m.: Rouaevllla 7.20; Tarr Farm 7.40; Columbia 7.6; Pes Centre &10; Fioneer 8.40; Miller t.t&j Tituaville 9.55. No. 7 Tituaville 9.00 a. m.j Corry Il.ta. No. 11 Oil City 11.20 a. m.j ItouneTllle II. 45; llynd Farm 11.53; Tarr Farm IS O Columbia 12,10; Pet Centre X 20; Mill 1.25; Tituaville 2.00; Corry 4.43 p. ra: No. 21 Tidioute 12.45 p.m.; Trunker viliel.45; Tionesta 2.43; Oleopolia 4.26; OB CU.StV ' - ' - - . .- () Trains do not stop. () Ek onouaal, () Stop lor meals. Train a 5, 0, 21 and 22 rnn dally all eske traina daily except Hundava. ... N. B. Train No. 19 U an Express frem Titusville to Corry. SILVER rALACB SLEKPIK CABTBAlVw. No. 4 Direct from Philadelphia wltheas change. No. 1 Direct to Philadelphia wttbortt cbaiKO. iii No.5 Direct from Pittabargh withea ohnnge. , ,. No. 0 Direct to rittaburgh wlthewe change. , c. 3. uzrpvn jno. pitcaifx. Superintendent. Ueo'l Manager. IVQTM'K. DR. I. N. DOLARD, of Tidioute, has recttrnsd to hia practice an or an al aouce of four niouthn, apent in the Hospi tal of New York, where h will arr.-ni calls in ia in profeiori. tbce in Kureka Ptnp Stt. 1,1 nr tove the bank, Ti(ionie, Pa. jotf