1 V: JIOBMXG, IU l, 1871.- - ' J UOftOTJGH OFFICERS. v' -... " , .' 4 2lur(i&$ J, O. t)AiR. - " Cfnt,il,nen W. 1'. Merellllott, -W. II. Harlan, P. D. Thnmns, S. J. Wolcott,GeO. Ward, T. B. Cobb. . Sustiaci oti i'eaee W. Is. Morctlllott, I. 8. Knox. v Tnutable Geo. Haslet. 1 fiiiAoot Pirtctor- S. I). Irwin, Si. W. Tata, H. O. Davis, D. H. Knox, S. J. Wol oott, L. I.. Hackott. ' FOREST COUNTY OFFICERS. Vj)rfmt Sudan W. P. J f.n k. j4mi JiulyotJ. A. FnupiiB, As Hitif Cook. 4Wcr(r T. J. Vaw ntKB!. yY.iKrer FRF.D. Gi,a.ssneR. ' ' Vrnrtfry, Jiegisturd: Recorder, dc J, B. Aonkw. (TommUsionm jArvm MnnriLL!OTT, T. t. Colli k, John Tiroarow. Cbuncy ifWntfnl',ni S. F. RoHnEn. J-irt Mom W. W. Masoii. ni ' Ctmmi'ai'oner Okouob Siuoins, Wh, PaTTKHSON. Cbun'y Survey?? R.D. TnwtTf. ' ' Oironer Johiah Winans. nmnry yftuiiroriiWM. CLARK, T. B. Ct)BBrli. WAHSBB, Jm&arV.Cbii0)'M4 District C. B. CimTia. JtimfiMy J. B. Lawso. ,, , Tim o J'raitt AITI0NF.3TA STATION, on niul aftor Monday, November 4th, 1S72 : - - aotfTnwAno. ' Train 3 . -..-, . 4 . . . 3:;n p. 10: 1 rt . 6:50 p. ni. in. ni. KOkTHWARB, Tula 1 " 1 - t - - - 6:54 p. ni. 2:0 p. m. :83 a. m. Passengers will havo to understand that "Northward." In tlio table Is down tho riVcr, anil "Southward" is i:f ho river. Trmna lf and 20 ar . mixed freight and ae enmraodatloo ; Uia others ro passenger train. LOCAL AND MISCELLANEOUS, Thoso beautiful lots just north of Mrs. Ilenry's resiilcnco can be bought cheap, on long time, by applying to the editor of this paper. If. No one has beon aunstruck about these diggin's yet, but some have bad mighty siroug symptoms.' ' --The Clarion Jingo is a vehicle of some style, just now. It Is ueatly cov ered nud pain led, and looks eupy. , -Mr. Kepler -lias closed his res$ donee during the hot mouths, ond ho and bis famly arc away rusticating. .--The ' Tidioute Weekly Journal comes to us changed to a folio form, .and much improved iu appearance. - ' A ucw and tasty fence has been put up about J. D. Aguew's lot, in the rear of the Post-Office. Let the inter nal improvements go on. -Some of "the boys" were spearing last evening, but succeeded iu getting nothing better than a few "stone pokers." Messrs. May and Kllcy, with their families, started for Cape May on Monday last, where they expect to . sojourn for two or threo months. The iron ef the bi idgo which was wrecked last wiuter, is about all out of the river now, ready to be put ou the cars and shipped back to the shop for repairs. Susan B. Anthony is going to talk to the citizens of Franklin, this week. That city had bitter reform, or there's no telling that'll happen next, Bjy, The Derrick lies been improved by '.a new dress, which was made necesgary iby the wear and tear of the old type. Theso large emulations are trcmenjus wcarin on a font of body type. Ilev. Brown and lady will be ia ' ' town during the latter part of the week, qftid it is possible that he will preach ,i tho Presbyterian church on Sunday. Church-goers will know by the ringing f the bell. Some parties are building barges, or ccal-boats, at Oldtown. Oil Thurs day last we noticed two in the water, ' and the builders were at work on a third. These boats bring good prices iu Pittsburgh. Harry Bates, well-known to the .citizens of our place from his frequent visits here, who has for a few years past been attending Allegheuy Col lege at Meadville, carried otT tho first prize for declamation last week. Mnttcl'a billiard rooms, aro run ning in good shape, and are extensive ly patronized by loveis of the game. The tables are first-class nes, and will undoubtedly prove .t good investment for tho proprietor. In front of XiobinBon's store, "yes terday morninjr, we noticed a circular saw about four feet in diameter for M. J. Boud's mill at Bear Creek. Mr. Bond's reputation as a manufacturer of lumber accerding to tho capacity of hit null, is oeoi Jf o ttav.e in the l:im- her Well, wo wcnl fishing, fourof us. Mike Ittel's tenmstor picked ns up in town about eight o'clock Monday morning, and landed us at Balltown in front of tho residence of Jake Cos per at half-past one same day. All of us had tho fever the worst kind of a wny, nd merely waiting to get din ner; went down to the creek and after catching a chub for bait,' commenced to fish among the rapids below Ball-town-dam for some large trout which Jake told us wero'thcre. A terrible raid came up, and we got mighty wet, but did't get any of those large trout. The sky cleared up shortly, and we started up Logan Bun to try tho little ones, as the larger ones didn't seem disposed to bite. Four of us caught CAy trout That' evening, ' making an average of twelve and a half trout to an individual : iust enough to make us all radical en tho trout question That night wo slept the sleep of the just, and dreamed of trout. Tuesday morning all were up at peep; of dnyt and after euting our catch of the even inir before, started out after those trout, two going up. Loiran and two up Minister. Tho trout (and puukjes) bit well, aud many, thrills of joy did wf thrill on that occasion, and each trout pecasioned a thrilli Turcr joy hath no mere worldly man ever known than just that same delight one fcela while jerking d trout from his native element to the thirsty earth. We all came in a little after dark, and count ed 'our trout, aud fouud wa haJ caused 030 dwellers of the purling broolc to bito the dust on that day. Nobody felt' disposed to 'quarrel be cause some one else had captured more fish than he alf were calm, so calm ilmt thoyweut to Led immediate ly after ' getting supper , nnd pulling their boots. . Thoy did not drsam of trout, norany thing elso, they were tirert. You might have gotten up another Boston Jubilco right under their win-, dows fur ten hours of that night, and they would never have' been the wiser. Nest morning - we painfully dragged our wearied ylimhs out of bed, .enthusi asm dampened 'materially j thought we WDUlda'b go Out that day, weren't well. After stirring about a little, howover, we concluded to try it iigain. The fishing of this day was more ra tionia than on iho previous ono ; wo took it cod. But didn't tlio puukies take a square meal out of our frame that day? If there is anythiug that will jerk iho graco out of an upright, conscientious christian it is punkics. If we could inflict as much punish ment according to our size as a punky we'd immediately challenga all the light ond heavy weights of tho world, Cght them all at once, and put them all out of misery in seventeen minutes by the watch.- Ou this day we fished the same streams, commenced later, and aud came in earlier, and caught 281, making onr entire catch 884 trout. Wo were well again, and pur chasing a john-boat pushed down the creek to town on Thursday, taking the entire day to do it. Nono of us will go out this season again for a "regular old time," and we feel weak when we think of our liability to me taken with the same epidemic 'next summer. It's an awful sight of fun, but a man wants a constitution four teen times stronger than that of. the Uuited States, to make n busiiieis of it. . - - ' ' , , We clip the followiug compli mentary notice of Mr. Graves, the artist from the Venango Citizen : Win, A. Graves, artist, vis'ued this city recently, bringing with' him two elegant portraits, life size, of Dr. W. L. Whanu and lady, of this city. As a portrait paiutcr Mr. Graves is un surpassed. His work gives entire satisfaction, and th'e large number of rdors received by him is evidence that his work is highly appreciated by all. For the present his studio is lo cated in Warren, Ta., but wo under stand he will scon move to this city. Jns. II. Foues, who has been clerk ing fur dipt. Knox fir some time past, purchased the Drug Store last week, and is uuv running the machine on his own responsibility. In addition to drugs and medicines ';f all Li'ids, the soda fountain is constantly charged, and James kuous how to dih it up. CAufectionerics, tobacco, cigars nnd toilet articles constantly on bund, for Kulo at the lowest figures. An announcement bus been pub lished that there would be a hall at the j Lawrence House en the evening of tho I 4th of July. We are requested to Ht:itc O.r.t there? will bo no party there on ilmt oceai'in. DEMOCRATIC NOMINATIONS. The Democratic delegates elected at their primary meetings, convened in the Arbitration Room at tho Court House yesterday afternoon and organ ized by electing the following officers : President, Capt. Pennell. Vice President, Maj. Goodman. Secretaries, Jas. Flynn and Siggius. '. , A ballot was taken on the candi dates for Assembly, and the following was the result : Dr. J. Wioans, 20. I). Black, 9. Wm. Hi slet, 5. Dr. Winans was therefore nominated on the first ballot, and the following conferees were appointed to meet con ferees from Clarion county, and in structed to support tho nominee of Forest county for the district nomma tion : Jacob Hood, I. C. Siggins, Capt. Neill. S. C. Sloan was nominated as candi date forCou v Commissioner, without opposition. Jas. Gilfillan, of Hickory, was nora bated for County Auditor. Jury Commissioner, Jas. Flynn, of Grr-eu. . Coroner, J. E. Blaine, M. D. I. C. Siggins was elected chairman of tho Democratic county committee, Adjourned to meet at call of chair man. ' The turnout to the Democratio Nominating Convention was crediUu ble in point of numbers. It is claim ed, we beliovo, that a nomination for Assembly in Forest is equivalent to an election, as Clarion concedes the representative to Forest this time. The nominations made were good of the kind, but we don't like the kind. Good men are to the front, who, barring their politics are .unquestiona ble. Tuo platform adopted to run tho candidate for assembly on, is a good one, viz: The Constitution of the IT. S., Declaration of Independence, the Ten Command inents and the Fourth of July. The Campaign airs endorsed are ae foljows "Star Spangled Banner." ,"ft. Putrick's day iu the morning," "Vere is dcr Vater. landt." The cnudidato for assembly was plac ed under an injuctiou by tho conven tion to endorse last year's copy of the German Almanac. The following iUras of interest' in regard to two former citizens of our county we take from tho Petrol eum Centre Tieeonl: We had the pleasure this forenoon of meeting1 Mr. G. K. M. Crawford, of Tionesta. Mr. Crawford is ongagod iu the lumber business with Mr. A. II. Steele, the well known President of tho Pennsylvania Petrol eum Railroad. Mr. Steelo has tho contract for furnishing 200,000 feet of plank for tho Titusvillo and Ccn treville Plank Road Company. He has purchased the timber on 180 acres of tho Skinner farm, on Oil Creek, has put up a portable saw mill and will bo under charge of Mr. Crawford, who is one of the pioneer lumbermen of Forest county. Tho lumber is principally oak with a flight sprink ling of chesnut aud baeswood. Mr. C. thinks it will tako at least a year to cut the timber on this piece of land.. ' '" Forest county wild cats are so tamo they follow people about liko kittens. One of the spry sort followed a man named Haslet some distance up Tionesta creek last week, and was ou'y prevented from making a closer acquaintance by Haslet turning on his would be acquaintance aud shoot ing it. Cbun'er. Wo suppose, of course, this item was taken from our note ea the same subject two weeks ago. Mr. Hatlet did not shoot, nor shoot at, the animal, having nothing but a fi.ihiug polo to do it with. JIa merely bounced a rook at the cat, which scared it away. The Postmaster and postal clerks of Pittsburgh complaiu of obscene matter passing through tha ofhVo in that city. Tho instructions aro a little mixed ia that particular case. The clerks ure forbidden to read anything but the address on tho cards, and ut the same, timo warned if thoy permit any obscene or improper communica tions to pass through their ofliccs on postal CHrds they will be held Ftrictly accountable. The very reason hy the nblc game of baso bull is not pluycd here this summer, is, that Geo. Hunter has fenced up and planted coin on the old 'lOlMltlr. . The summer meeting of tho Tidi oute Driving Park Association will be held at Tidioute on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, July 2d, 3d and 4th, 1873. The premiums amount to (1,500, and competition is open to all. Purse No. 1, first day, amounts to $2-j0. No. 2, (150. No. 1, second day $250. No.. 2, $150. No. 1, third day, $325. No. 2, $125. No. 3, $200. No. 4, foot-race, $50. The entrance fee is ten per cent, of the purse, and must accompany the nom ination in all cases. There will be no 4th of July in Tionesta this year. The American eagle has so many engagements on that ccasion that no inducements of ours were strong enough to secure his ser vices for any part of the day. lie was wanted at the blow-out in Oil City, and was afraid that if he wasn't on hand the oil producers would meet and rcsoloot him out of existence. This accounts for the absence of fire crackers and enthusiasm this year. As we came down the creek last week we could not fail to notice the important improvements that had ta ken place in the Lacytown grist mill since Mr. Ledabour has taken it iu hand. From the indications, the mill is ready for business, and we'll warrant that Ledabour will do good work. If there is any spectacle that is real refreshing, it is to see two drunken men perambulatiug our streets, trying first to hold one another and then the fence up. It's only once In a while that such an exhibition takes place here, and the scarcer tho better. " On Monday Old Sol thought he I would give us a specimen of what we had to expect, and forthwith fetched up the mercury to 02 in the shade. A refreshing rain during the night checked the general perspiration and gave us moisture of a cooler nature. . . Work on the ice breakers for the piers of the river bridge commenced this week, Mr. S. O. Sloan having the job. They are to bo built of logs, fill ed with stone and to extend up the river twenty-five feet from the bottom of the pier, and bound with iron. , Robinson & Bonner have a full stock of Palm, Leghorn, Wool and Fur Hats for men and boys. Also Ladies' and Misses trimmed Hats. The lightest running Machine in the world is tho Grover & Baker, at least Baldwin, of Tidioute says so, and he knows. . ' 46 ly MARRIED. II AYS LASH ELLS. 0:i Thursday ev ening, June 12, 1873, Frederick W. Hays Esq., of Oil City, to Miss Lizzio I., daugh ter of the late Cieo. F, Laahells, Esq., of Meadville. Kov. ,1. V. lteynold.s, D. D., oUiciating. Jieing absent last week, the above notice was accidentally omitted. Many of our readers arc acquainted w ith Mr. Hays, and will Join with us in wishing him and his fair biido a happy future. Both are old friends of ours and our best wishes will always accompany them. Tho following nolico was went us by a subscriber whs was indignant because wo cut down a former communication ef bin. We ara determined he shall find no fault this time, and therefore publish his com munication verbatim et literatim: Married on tuesday Eve June the 17th at tlio Itosadenco of tho Brides paretic Mr Francis Witheral to Miss Rozela Alabauh By James Green Esqr all of Hickory For est Co Fa no cards Down a lone T.iloy with llemlook orespred From Uozelcys abodo I penHirely strade The gloom trom the face of fair aoveu re tired Tho winds hused their inurmor thn thon ' dcr expired A seng as if angels inchanting Rung O Francis O Frauds to Glory ariso A Qawn of the world and a ehildo of the Hkies. Mr Dun I'lease in Sert in yor Faper and obligo JO . DIED. DITIIItinuK. In Pittsburgh, Sunday morning, June 22, IF";'., Edward DitU ridgc, aged sixty-nine years. Tho deceased was the father of Mr. G. S Dithi idge, aud was respoetod by all his acquaintance in this seotion. : TI IK BOOT & SHOE STORK OF TIDIOUTE ! AT E. KTEVKNS, Proprietor. Parties ! in wunt of FINE Boots and Shoos will always find a good a-moi-tnicnt RtlStevons'. When you call, just say "From Tionesta" and you will be liliernlly doalt with. (i-iini N. K. STEVENS. ('OMMINSIOSEllS Ori'im, Von EST Co., Tio.msta, Mat 1, 1S71. J Notieo is hereby givon that tho liridgo across Tioiiusta Creek, near its mouth will lu removed by tlio I.lilj hist, and the Creek will bo obstructed for sixty du.va thereaf ter in the rrocti in of a now hridL'O tie. Ail poi sons Interested will govern themselves aecnrdiiifcly. Il order of thn County Commissioners. 1. W.CLMIK, Clerk. ' RUBBER GOODS, -"RUBBER GOODS, ;' ' ' RUBBER GOODS, RUBBER GOODS, - - AT If. C4. TINKER A CO.'S CENTRE STltF.KT, OIL CITY, PA. Wo have an I m men no assortment of the above poods in ovory atylo and qnality Imaginable, aa for Instance : Jl Inch Two-ply KcltlnK. 2 inch Two-pi v liclthiK. ' 21 inch Two-ply Belling. 2 inch Threo-; plv Bolting, -ply Belting, ply Bolting. Z4 inch Three S inch Throe- 3 inch Throe 4 inch Throe- 5 inch Three 0 inch Three- ply isciting. ply Belting, ply belting, ply Belting, ply Belting. 7 inch Throc-l 8 inch Fonr-ply Belting. inch Four-plv Belting. 10 inch Four-pfy Belting. 12 inch Four-ply Belling- FIVE-PLY AND ENDLESS BELTS TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE. We garentoe satisfaction In every in stance. We ar headquartors for tho above goods. H. G. TINKER & CO. A GREAT OFFER ! raisffi; 4R1 Brondwav, N. Y will dispose of 100 PIANOS A ORGANS of tirst-class makers, including. WATERS' at extremely low prices for cash, or part cash, and balance in small monthly payments. Now 7-Oc-tavo tirst-class Pianos, all modern im provements, for $273 cash. Organs $-)5, 875, )ouhlc-rcod Organs, $100; 4-stop 8110; 8-stop, 1 25, nnd upwards. WATERS' CONCERTO PARLOR ORCAXS are the most beautiful In stylo and perfect in tono ever made. Tho CONCERTO STOP is the best ever placed in any orgr.n. It Is produced byathirdset of reeds pecu liarly voiced, the effect of which is most charming and soul-stiriing, while its imi tation .of the human voice is superb. Terms liberal. Illustrated Catalogues Mailed for one stamp. A liberal discount to Ministers, Churches, Sunday-Schools, Lodges, etc. AGENTS WANTED. WANTED. Goneral and Local Ag'ts, for tho Bartram Sewing Machine, made at Dan bury, Conn. The stillest fastest and easiest Look Stitch, Straight Need In Machine In market. We give bettor terms titan anv other company. Ad dress, JOHN A. DODGE, Gen 1 Agent, Danbury Conn; ' ; " WAM.Af'K c COMPANY'S CREAM TABLE CHOCOLATE. No boiling necessary. A cup of delicious Chocolate mmle with it in two minutes. No waste Packed in pound jars. Vanil la or plain. One doz. In box. Unequaled asa confketion for lunch, spread on crack ers, with a glass of milk at hand to drink. For making Soda Water Syrup or flavor ing Ieo Cream it is superior to any Choco late Cake, nothing else will bo used where this has been tried. For salo by J. T. Warren fc Co., Cincinnati, O. WEfWAXT AN AO EXT. In this township to canvass for tho now, valuablo and fast selling book by Dr. JOHN COWAN, THE SCIENCE OF A NEW LIFE lloeomniended and endorsed by promin ent ministers, phvsieiaiiH, religions and secular papers. No other book like it published. $40 per week garanteed. Ad cliess, COWAN c CO., 13! Eighth Street Now York 4 t Writs for a r-rlra I.i.t to J. H. JOIIXSTOXi 179 BnatWlcW UU, Pittatrarfh, VJ Breech-Loading fcliot Guns, ?40 to $300. Double Shot Guns, $150. Single Guns, $3 to $20. Rifles, $1 to $75.' Revolvers, $i to $25. Pistols, $1 to . Gnu Material, Fish ing Tack lo, die. Larco diseounuto dealers or clubs. Aamy Guns, Revolvers, ect., bought or traded' for. Goods sent by ex press C. O. D. to bo examined before paid for. WORKING CLASS nhlSZ $60 a week guaranteed. Respectable em ployment at homo, day or evening; no capital required; full instructions and valuablo package of goods sent free by mail. Address, witk six cent return stamp, M, YOUNG & CO., Ill Cortlandt St., N. Y. 40-4t tC Tfl (tin perdav! Agent wanted 1 iJ I U 4ZU AH classes of working poople, of either sex, young or old, make more money at work i'or us iu their spare moments or all the timo than ut anything else Particulars tree. Address Q. Stinsou A Co., Portland, Maine. 40 4t GETTYHlIUItO KATALYSINE WATER Is the nearest approach to a specific ever discovered for DyspepHia.Neuiulgia, Rheu matism. Gout, Gravel, Diabetes, Kidney and Urinary Diseases aenerally. It re stores muscular power to the paralytic It eures Liver Complaint, Chronic Dinr rhtta, Piles, Constipation, Asthma, Ca tarrh, and Bronchitis, Diseases of the skin General Debility and Nervous Prostration from Mental and Phyieiil Excesses. It is the greatest antidote, ever discovered for excessivo eating or drinking It corrects tlio stomach, promotes Digestion and Be lieves the Head almost immediately. No household should bo without it. For sule by all Druggists. .:-er-Kor a history of the Springs, for mar vellous cures, ami lor testimonials Horn distinguished men, send for the pamphlets. WllllNKV BUGS., General Agonls, 17 South Front Street, Philadelphia, Pa. UKTTlSBL'RG SPUING CO. . 0-4t Qrrr? A We havelustissuisl O I OO Waltzes in Two Vol umes, price, $i each in boards, each in cloth. The two volumes contain over forty beautiful Waltzes, worth st lnt in sheet lonn.l. A Vf I) I rV1? in or dering fe' in I I VJJVi 1 X jn t h e r dealers bo particular to ask Air I'l.vm' r.MiioN ok hi hai is' W'altzks, as it is the onlyeorreci and complete edition. Ail drcH J.I..P1 T1;ksI riyri-. .Music I'uhlii-her, V Ali 1 JlvO. lireadwav, Nw York. Nov. i: 'YOU ASK! I'LL TELL 1" The cff DEPARTURE Books. Agents Wanted. ExcIiimIvs tcrritorr itlv en. Th book will sell itself. . Kstiier, Mother, Sistcr.t Brother, Minister, Mer chant, Manufacturer, Farmer, Miner, Mariner, and l'nururl all want K. T If mix is Monkt l! it. Send for a Circu!nr. C'MKSTF.RMAN ft WEBSTER, 60 North h St., Philadelphia. Pa. TELEGRAPHY, A necessary part ol every person' educa tion in tliis'ad vunced age is the art of Tele graphing. Apply to the undersiguod for Smith's Manual of.TelegraphT, thn Iwst work publishr-d on this sntrjert. Prie, 30 els. Also for every description of Tele graphic Iiistruenienls and Battory; Nitr Chromic. Buttery for Electroplating. L. (. TILLOTSON A CO., 8 Doy St., New York. j u stHreceiv e b AT TUB PEOPLE'S STORE OF HILBRONNER& CO. A Fresh Stock of SPRING & SUMME R GOODS Cloths, Jrlats, Capa, Boots, Shoes, Hosiery, Glovesy Gents' Furnishing Goods: VNDEHWEAR, EMBROIDER . . HANDKERCHIEFS, CORSETS, -LACES, LACE ClOODS, . BUTTONS, BRAIDS, TAPES ANtf NOTIONS OF ALL KINDS, SILK GOODS, BLACK, FANCT SILKS, ... A full line of . . CARPETS: HA. URUSSEL8, , , HEMP, INGRAIN, 1 A v., Ac, Ac, ALSO ' MILLINERY ' AN DSTRAW GOODS, HATS, BONNETS, VELVETS, VELVETEEN, IU11BONS, FRAMES, ORNAMENTS, AC, AC, AT EASTERN PRICES. We arc prepared to pay the highest prtoe for w o o x, : aiiurcr-rEi.TS a iiiii:t, Of all kinds, either in MONEY or Oo.'rfs. We have In our employ a FIRS T-CLABS TAILOR, and keep constantly on hand a GOOD STOfK OF GOODS, of best quility ' and latest designs, which ho will make up in a workman-like manner and latt stylos. Good fits guaranteed or no sale. A, good and complete stock of . ,i READY-MADE CLOTHING, Alwavs on hand.. SILVER-PLATED WAKE ASD JEWELRY, ' Of very superior quality aud latest ( signs. 3Uiy IHLURONNEU A k CO. WAGES I,X)R all who aro willing to work. Any. porson, old or young, of either sex, eaii mukolromflO to $50 per week, at home day or evening. Wanted by all. Suita ble to either City or Country", and any sea son of tl0 year. This is a lure opportuni ty Air those who aro out of work, and out of inonoy to make an independent living. No capital being required. Our pamplet, "lluw to inalio a living," giving full in structions, sent on receipt of 10 rents. Address, A. BURTON A CO., Morrisania, Westchester Co., N. Y. 4 AGENTS everywhere t sol lour new .,,.,1 tin.-al l.'...l..llnM WANTEDMiiu,il". "'"J for I)u trated Circular, to the McKeu Manufac turing Company, IMI Broadway, New York. "4 Tin: I'.uti.oit omfaSiov. Every Lady wants one ! Every Miui ought to have one ! t ' ) Sent on receipt of Ten Cunti. Address, 1.. F. HYDE Jt CO., Jlfe Seventh Avenue, New York. . 4 UON.TON I I.IKT.tTtO MO.NAI.M, Sent on ruccipt of ll.'i cts. Union print ing and Publishing House, 30 Veaev St., N, Y. . ,'4 . MMIE BI'.CKWITH tf0 Portable, FauTijy 1 Sew ing Machine, on 30 1-invs Trial , many advantages over ail. , Satisfy-lion guaranteed, or :0 lefumJed.' Sent row plrte, with full directions, lierkwith fc-uw-uig Machine Co., hb'i Broadway, N. Y, 1 loll WORK iviat.lr MrruiiMl at ehiairrllee ' at rca.")Onsldo rates, .