BDJiESDA IK 0 RM IS G , JCSE J8, 1S7J. , BOROUGH OFFICEna.- 4 ttrnn J. (. Dai.b. ttouneitmrnvr. P. Mcrellllott, W. R. Ilavjan, r. I. Thomas, H. J. Woloott, Goo, govard, T. R. Cobb. . Just' en of the Vaet W. I. MoroillloU, b. H. Knox. : 0HtM G". Haslet, i MJml Dirrrlor- 3. I). Irwin. M. W. Tate, W. O. Davis, 1. S. Knox, 8. J. Wol- colt, L. L. llaciceu. X . roncsT couiitt officers. JVsmctoW JadOf V. P. Jewkh. jlwirwi JudgrtJ. A. hnomn, Aw jmnw Cook. TiMiiT T. J. Vam Giebkh. 'J'rtnHurtr Frkd. Ohwkeh. fiefAonofavy, liryiittr it Hecorder, rfe. V R. Aakrw. Oummi.i.iionrr.1 Jacob MinciLMOTT, T. D. Collins. John 1 ho-mpson. . OiMSfy Hupertnltndrnt K. Ron nan. IHKtriel AtfornryW, W. Ma son. , Jury OtmmittionerM GEonaB Staoiss, Wm Pattkkhoh. Auny Surveyai Srf. Inwiw. County Auditors 1V, Clauk, T, B. Crtun, L. Wap.mkr, . Jdrmbn-o Congrtn 19(A J)Mfrici C. B, . OrTi. Atfrnhlu J. I). L.vwsow. ...... TVri o Train AlTtONESTA STATION, on and after onduy. November 4th, Ibii: ' ' '','.., lOUlnWARO. Train a " 4 . :23 p. m. 10:1(1 a. m. 6:00 p. Hi. KORTHWAHO. Tiin I -1 ' 19 . 6:M f). ra. 2:05 p. m. 8:SS a. ni. - " .inMr xv 111 hirn to understand that "Xorthward," in the table is dawn tho0f Ti"Pr, inn iwumwurn it, iiw Ttin 1! nd 20 are mixed froicht and nc enmmodation ; til others uro passenger trains. LOCAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. ' Those beautiful lots just north of Mrs. Henry's residence can bo bought cheap, on long time, by applying to the fditor of this naper. tf. I We aro informed that Philete . Thompsou lost a valuable horse last week, the nuirual having takea sick and died inside of half an hour. "'Squire'' Fleming, one of the old settlers of this place, was iu town last week.' lie is one that his old acquaint- . anecs aro a! wave glad to see. '? ' New and tasty fences have been put tip about the Tionesta House gnr- 1n, about part of A. B. Kelly s prem ises, and about the Lawrence House. G. W. Uobinsnn will resume work on bis house in the course of a week. . The roof is to be raised, another story P added, and other material improve- .incnU made. Our County Treasurer, Fred. Glassner is making the rounds of tho county alter mo taxes, rrom he says we judge money is pretty scarce. Where i our Street Co in mission er this vear? It is high time roads were repaired that are going to re paired at all : and our's need it bad .enough. '. Samuul lliddle taught a young porcupine just' below the blacksmith Khon. Inst week. Its obiections to cap- tWit were rather pointed, so Sara, let ' liwn cn nirain -o : -Next Saturday, we believe, is the time when the Democracy of Forest .-"county holds its primary elections. ' ,'Xho principal excitement is on the (question of Assembly. May tho best ,ui an win Tho frame of the first etory of Diihridges mill is raised, and is strong .enough to bear up about seventy-five ' thousand tons of weicht. If the rest of the mill is built as strontr it wont come down iu a hurry. -Mr. Price, a daughter of Col. Thomn. of this i.laco. and wife of Dr. I'rle. f U.t Plater. Pa., has beeu visit!" her friendi iu town for about ra t A hvr ideasunt lady , whom all are glad to meet. a week aud one whom nil are glad Juo. Hulin"H, tho Thompson Brothers and oas. Jilack are pulling the arches of tho old bridge out of the water, and are to deliver the same on ,luo cars, it u a iow joo, uui win ua accomplished In good time. Tlje wotk on S. II. Haslet's house . . t i ? is going on; uio plasterer, we oeueve havinc: the floor mst now. e are a littlo sorry about this, at we wanted Baruuel t go Cshiog with us, and he rannot loave on accouut of the liouae, 1 ' Bridge work ii lively Just now. Mer. Wolcjtt (Jrove have a large force at work on tie river bridge aud are driving ahead fait. The stone work of the creek Liidj-o will bo done this week, en J the ireu is on the way, and with no bad luck or high water, will be up and rtu Iv or t rn-;i)p by Wliv is it that wo cannot have prencliing every Sabbath. As it is there is only preaching every two weeks. If there is no one dcnotnina- lion in town able to support a regular preacher, let us all join together and get a preacher every Sunday one Snndiiy have one denomination, and tho next another, and so have preach- intr of some kind every Sunday. There are now a large number of strangers stopping in our town who would go to church every Sunday if they had a I ehance. Cannot our citizens afford them the opportunity T .There is net bridges and railings having been re a town the size of ours in tho Stato newed and the Clon is iu a much but that has from one to three regular churches, and we certainly ought ta be able to support one. t rrvi ,i m.,:ia ready for his house, and Charley Ilin tun is, also; tho nex'. we expect to hear is that D. V. Clark lias sold out and bought a lot up Tubs' run, as he comes from an old stock of pioneers, and since Tionesta began to improve has been tho one to build the furthest out of town. The correspondent of the Derrick faith fault with the way the new piers of the bridge are being constructed, i. e. with the ends heading up the stream being square. . For his infor mation we will state that there are to be ice breakers built of logs, and filled with stone ; joined to the square end the piers aforesaid M. Ittel, proprietor of the Tiones ta House is building an addition to tho Seuth side of his hotel, large enough to make plenty of room for two billiord tables, which are on hands waitinir for tho room. Tho structure is to be finished by Saturday next. Col. Thomas is preparing to build a very neat houso (according to the PlariS which he showed us) on the lot ju,t east of Cobbs new house, and just acr(es Ilcllen St. from the Sheriff's house It is to be reudy for eccupa- tion by tho 1st of September next. linrmioli Tl,iil rlnnn n. frond thing when tney passed me oroiunncr .. . ., i.i i? Ir property owners io "r"' "'" walks iu ironi oi u.cir proptny, uut the property owners aforesaid, den't repair worm a ceiu. r e uupa io tlie ordinance cniorceu ai ence. Postal cards having written or printed tnsreon matter oi a vulgar or t 1 indeceut character, scurrilous epithets or disloyal devices will not be foiward- cd iu the mail. Any person deposit- ;nir ptul cards, bavin written or pvitotl matter thcron, as above for bidden, or causing to bo deposited in ii,,. nost-offico for mailing or for deliv- ery, is subject to a fine of not more than five hundred dollars, or impris onmeut of not more than one year, or both, according to the aggravation of the oiieuse. Pestmastcrs are not, under any cir cumstances, permitted to redeem or oxchango postal cards, that may be misdirected, spoiled iu printing, or otherwise rendered uufit for use. ..... ..It Jn their treatment as man mauer . . , , , , , ""7 ll "Kretl oy po tmasters llie same us scaioi leueia nuu iiui, as printed matter, except that they are not to be returned to the writers or sent to tho Dead Letter office. If net delivered within sixty days from the time of receipt, they will be burned by postmasters BrainartV Myjical World for Juno is on our table, and contains a full and very interesting report of the Kreat Cincinnati Musical Festival, usual of musical . n1. EssiP' riew &c- TurM pieces instrumental music, andabeau t!ful w iong are given in this nam- ber, which are alone worth the price Mu.ical World . year. No Dorson interested in musio can a lord , . -.iti..ut tha Musical World, and lll(J jow ;ce ftt wLiuh -t ;g furn;,hcd, ,o dolIlir anlum) brings it with- in tbe regch of g,, gpecim9u copies ara gcnt u ddreti oa application t0 tll, publiaiiergi 6. Braiuards' Sons, Cleveland, O, I TLe Ju,v number of Ballou's Magazine is already issued, and a nice number it is, one of the best that has appeared tiuce the great fire, when the office of the publishers was burned. It is a marvel of neatness and good tale, aud coutaius such a brilliuut libt of stories and illustrations that we Jo nut wonder at its popularity, gaiu ed in spite of competition. It is just the book for the household, and such being the care we recommend it to our readers. Address Thomes & Talbot, Tlie famous W atkins Olon, locat cd nt Watkms, Bcbuyler to,, IN. I., which has become oue of tho most popular Summer Ceserts in tho Uni- ted States, and is annually visited by tens of thousands of people from all sections of the country, will with its two Mountain Houses be open this season, for visitors, on or before the 1st of June. The entire Gleu proper ty hos recently been purchnsed by John J. Lytlo & Co., of Philadelphia, who have mado many important lm provements nearly all the starcasen, better and safer condition than ever before. These gentlemen will person ally supervise and manage the Glen, t Bummer Hotels, duung the season of 1873, and spare ne time or expense in endeavoring t make it an attractive and pleasant place of resort for the public. New stock of Men's, Boy's, la dies', Misses' and Children's Shoes & Gaiters, at Robinson & Bonner's. Call and see thera. - 12 School Tax Notice. In pursuance of act of April 21st, 18G9, Sec. 2, P. L , page 87, 1 will at tend at my store, iu Tionesta Borough, on each Saturday for the next tivo months, at which time any person wishing to pay his or her school tax for the year 1873 can do so and receive a deduction of 5 pr cent, on the amount of his or ber tax. After that time no abatement shall be made, but after three months, their will he an additional 5 per cent, added on ril tax not collected, or paid into the hands of the Treasurer. D. S. Knox. Tionesta, Juno 16, 187.3. Robinson & Bonner have a full gtock 0f puinl Leghorn, Wool-ami pur uat8 for mell amj boys. Alsc 1 oys. Also Ladiei' and Misses trimmed Hats. V14VI'i. Jn rurauance of ftct of tho Gea eral Assembly paseeJ the 3d day of Aprii iS5lnnl Biibecqueiiit Suploment pBMed lIl0 llth dliy 0f April, 18G2, ,ho lllbcril,or will be at tho following ,.,! ,,ico within the fVmntv ,.t Forest, for the purpose of collecting 1. i l OTrt T taxos lor me year loio. laxpayers who pay to the Treasurer aro cntilled to a deduction of five per cent. Baruett township, Couksburg, Juuo 10th, from 8 a. m. to 12 p. m., Clar injrton, Juno 10, from 3 p. m. to 7. Jenks township, Marien, June 11. Howe towntdiip, iTilltown, Juue 13. "Kingsley township, Newtown, June 14, at Wheeler & Dusenbury's store. Harmony township, Juno 1G, at tho store of J. I. Iiango ; irunkcyvillc, June 17. Hickory township, Fust Hickory, June 18, at the storo of T. J. Bowman, Tionesta township, Tionesta, Juno 19, at Court House. Tionesta Borough, at Court House, uune Green township, Juno 21, at the IIouso of L. Arner. Fred. Clasps En, Treasurer. May C, 1873. -The best stock of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Silverware iu Oil City can be found at J. Wolf's, Centre St. Particular attention paid the repairing or hue Watches. Or tiers by mail promptly attended to. 30-ly. TIMBER LANDS FOR SALE. Over two thousand acres of Cue Hemlock Timber Lands situated on Maple Creek, near Clarington, this county are for sale at a ba.gain Part ' mo lanus are nuuuixu wiunu n.ur miles of Clarincton, on tho Clarion luver, and would be a fine site for an extensivo tanuery and saw mills. Map "J particulars cun be seen by apply g to the editor ol tins paper, Job Printing. Do you want posters? Do you want hand-bills T Do you want business cards f Do you want a neat bill head T Do you want a tatty letter head f Do you want a nice visiting card T If so, leave your orders at the Re publican office where they will bo exe- cutcd in the neatest style and on most reasonable terms. The lightest running Machine in the world is the Grover & Baker, at least liuldwin, of Ti'liojito says so i Chums, Stone Crocks, Land Tlast ter, at Robinson & Uonnehs. The colored address label on each paper shows the dato to which the sub scriber has paid, thus Thes Turner 1J74, signifies that Mr. Turner has paid for his paper until March 1st, 1874 The mail list is corrected weekly. By con- suiting the address label every subscri ber can tell hew his account stands. Our accounts go hack no further than the 1st of January, 73, the ac counts previous to that time being payable U the old firm. The old sub scription book is yet io eur hands, and our receipts will be recognized by the old firm. tf. Xew Advertisements. Enoch MorKtin's Sone' SAPOLIO . is a substitute for Soap for all Household purposes, except washing elothss. SAPOLIO for Cleaning your House will save tho labor of oue cleaner. (Jive it a trial. 8APOLIO for Windows is better tjian Whilintf or Water. No remov ing curtnins and cn'pete. SAPOLIO cleans Paint and Wood, in fact the entira houso, bettor that) Soap. No flopping. Saves la bor. You can't afford to be without it, SAPOLIO for Scouring Knives is better and cleaner than Bath Brick. Will not scratch. SAPOLIO is better than Soap and Sand for polishing Tijware. Bright ens without scratching. SAPOLIO Polishes all Brass and Copper utensils better than AcidorOil and Hotten Stone. SAPOLIO for Washing Dishes and Glass vi are is invaluable. Cheaper than Soap. SAPOLIO removes Stains from Marble Mantles, Tables mid Statuary, from llard-flnishsd Walls, and from China and Porcelain. S APO LIO remove Htaiim and Greaso lrom Curpot and other woven fubrics. There la no one article known that will do bo many kinds of work and do it as well as Sapolio. Try it. HAND SAPOLIO a new and wonderfullv effeo tivo Tiolet Soup, having no equal in tin country of auroaa HAND B -A. 1J O L. I O tn an article for tlie Bath, will "reach tho foundation" of all lii-t rnmns the nores and irives a healthy action and brill inn t tint to the skin. HAND SAPOLIO Cleanses and Beau ti ties the Skin, instantly removing any stain or blemish from boln hands and fnco. HAND SAPOLIO is without a rival in the world for curincorpreventing rough fiass and chapping of either baiius or nice. hand SAPOLIO remove Tar, Pitch, Iron or Ink Stains and Grease; for worker in Machine Shop, Mine, ifco., is invaluable. For lmikiug the Skin White anil Soft, and giving to it a "bloom AtVi.nlu o IliunnuiicnBcaoH Itv any Cosmetic Known. HAND SAPOLIO costs 10 to 15 cents per cake, and everybody fcbould have it. You will 11KO it. DON'T FAIL TO TRY THESE GOODS, Buy It of your merohant If be has it or will procure It for you. If not, then write for our Pamphlet, "All about Sapolio,' and It will be inane a tree. 20 1' AUK FLACK. N. Y. eow. U-ly THE MOOT it SHOE STORE G2T TIIDIOTTTE! TVT E. STEVEN'S. Proprietor. Parties 1. in want of FINE Boots and Shoe wiil alwuvs find a good assortment at Stevens' Whou you cull, just suy "l'l om Tionesta' and vou w ill bo liberally dean with. 6-o'in N. E. STEVENS. NOTICE. CoiuinMO!r.ns' OrnoK, Forest Co., ) Tionksta, Mat 1, 1873. J Notice is hereby givou that tho bridge across Tionosta Creek neurits uioutli will bo removed by the 15th mst, and the Creek will he obstructed for sixty days thereaf ter in tho erection of a new bridge fo. All persons interested will govern theiusolves. ucooruingiy. Bv order of the County Commissioner 1). V. CLABK, Clerk. a pdcit nrrcn I horace wa a nnru i iir r r n ! n,-i,u . aw n a was . i 1 . . . . ' ' , 4K1 Broadway, N. Y., will dispose of 100 l'lANOHJttirtGANSofUist-claMs makers, includintr WATEKS' at extremely low prices for cash, or part cash, and balance in small monthly payments, now -uc tuva lirst-class Pisnos. all modern im provomenU, for j7& cush. tlrgaus 5. $70. Doublo-reod Organs, flOO; i-btot SI 10: H -stun, fr., anil ui.wurds. Wil'tKv I'UMTltTU PARLUH ORGANS are the beautiful in style and porfivot in tone ever luailo. The CONCERTO STOP is the best ever placed in any organ, It is Produced bv a third set of reed pecu liarly voiced, tlie effect of which is most charming and soul-stiriiug, while its in 1 1 lalion of the human voice ia superb Terms liberal. lllutruted Catalogue Mailed for onu stamp. A liberal discount to Ministers, Churches, uiiiiay-rtchools, WANTED. General and local Aa'ts, Tor the liartrain hcwiiitf Machine, mada at Pn bitrv, Conn. Tho slillsst fastest and easiest I.ork Ktitoli, Straight Needlo Machine in market. We give better terms than anv other company. Ad dress, JOIIX A. DODGE, Gea l Agent, Dan bury Conn. WALLAI'R COMPANY' CREAM TABLE CHOCOLATE. No boiling necessary. A cup of dslicious Cliocnlato made with It in two minutes. Nowaato. I'm'kcd in pound jars. Vanil la or plain. One doa. In box. Cn'iiHled as a oonlfCtlon lor luncn, sprenu on ur'-K-ers, with a plas of milk at hand to drink. For making Soda Water Syrup or flavor infj Ice Cronm it is superior to any Choco late C ake, nothing else win Da ubou wnere this has been tried. For salo by J. '1. Warren V Co., Cincinnati, O. WHjlWAXT AN AUK3T. In this townshinto canvass for the new. valuublo and fust selling hook by Dr. JOHN COWAN, THE SCIENCE OF A NEW LIFE Koeoinmonded and endorsed by promin ent ministers, phvsicians, roliciotis and secular papers. Is'o other book liko it published. w per woeit gamine eu. Au di ess, COWAN C CO., 139 Eighth Street Now York 4 t Wrile for s Trie List to I. II. JOH3I9TOW, GREAT WESTERN BmlUifidd St, Pittebwas, Fa,.J Ilreecli-Loadinp: Shot Guns, J0 to Double Shot Guns, flfjfl. Single Guns, S3 to$0. Rifles, $-i to 973. Kovelvers, aft to a. Pistole. 81 to as. (ian .Material, lsn- ingTacklo, Ac. Lurire discounts to dealer or tin lis. Amv uuns, iiovoiverx, w., boimhi or traded for. Goods sent by ex press C O. D. to be examined before paid lor. WORKING CLASS ?&kl $(i0 a week gunrantoed, Itespeetablo em- plovment at homo, day or evening; no capital required; full instructions and valuublo package ot goons sent irco ny mail. Address, with six cent return stamp, M, YOUNG & CO., 10 Cortlandt St., N Y. 4ll-4t r TfJ lierduv! Agents wanted 1 $3 I U 4ZU All cliwscs of working pooplo, of cither sex, young or old, make nioio money at work for us in their spare moments or nil the time than at anything else. Particulars tree. Address Q. Slinnon Co., Portland, Maine. 40 10,000 GIFTS, $5000,000 On TUESDAY. Jl'LY 8th. 18TS. the Third Grand Gift Concert, under tho man RL'cmcnt of Kx-uoveonor T hos. K. Brain lelte. and authorized by sncoial act of the Legislature, for tho bonolit of tlie Publio Librarv of Kentucky, positively ami un- enuivocallv conies oll'i J Public Librarv I lull, at Ixniisville. Kv..wlien SlO.OOOGifts. all rnsn, amounting io f.iuu.uuo, win oeuis. tribued bv lot auiong tho ticket-holders, Tho money to pay an tneso gnus in iuu is already in bank set aside for that purpose, as tho following cerlincato snows : I'AKMEIW AND LlnOVKKS- I Louisville Kt Apr. 7, 1M73. f This is to certify- thut there is in the Far mors' and lrovcrs' Bank, to tlie credit of tho Third Grand Gilt Concert ror the bene fit of tlie Public Libriry of Ky., Fivo Hundred Thousand Dollars, which lias been set apart bv tho Managers to pay the irifMln full, mid" will be hold by the Bank and puid out for this purpose, aud tuis purpose oniy. Onlvafcw tickets remain unsold, and thev will bo furnished to the first appli cants at the following prices : Whole tick ets, til): halves. 5 : quarters. $2.60: 11 wholes torjioo; oo t T r.jiiu ; sui lor i,oou and 575 for t S,0O!. For tickets and lull in- formution, aiply to Til OS. E. DRAM LETT E, Iiuisville, Ky., or TIIOS. H. HAYS ft CO., 5-4t COD Broadway, Now York. 12,000, OOO ACRES! Cheap FarxxiB ! The choapest Land in market for sale by tho UNIPN PACIFIC RAILROAD COMP'NY In tlie ureal riaiio v auey. S.OOO.OOO Aomin Central Nebraaka, Now for sale in tracts of forty acres and upwards on live and ten years' credit. No advance interest remiired. Mild and healthful climate, fertile soil, an abundance of good water. THE BEST MARKET IN THE WEST! The irreut uiininir rontons of Wyoming, Colorado, Utah and Nevada being supplied by the lnrmers oi mo riuiio ancy. Soldiers entitled to a Homestead of 160 Aores. THE BEST LOCATION FOB COLONIES. FREE HOMES FOR ALL! Millions of Acres of choice Government Lands open for entry under the Homestead Law, ncur this Greut Ruilroad, with all tho conven iences of an old settled country. Froo passes to purchasers of Railroad Lands. Sectional Maps showing the Land, ulfo new edition of Descriptive Pumphlet with now Maps mailed lree everywhere. Address O.F.DAVIS, Lund Commissioner V. P. R. R. 50-4t Omuha, Neb. O liTT Y (SITU It i KAT ALYSI N E WATER Is tho nearest approwli to a specific. evr discovered for Dvspepsia.Neurulgia.Rhou inatism. (iout, Gravel, Diabetes, Kidney and Urinary Diseases ifencrally. It re stores muscular owor to tha iiarulytie. It cures Liver Complaint, Chronic Diar rliou, Piles, Coiistiiatiiii, Asthma, Ca tarrh, and Bronchitis, Disiaises of the skin General Debility and Kervous Prostration from Mental and Phyical F.xccsses. It I the greatest antidote ever discovered for excessive eating or drinking It corrects the stomach, promoUts Digestion and K liovcs the lluud almost imiiiediulcly. No household should be w ithout it. For sulo by all Druggists. -erFor a history of the Springs, for mar volloua cures, and for testimonials from distinguished msn, send for the pamphlets. Wlll'INEY BROS., (ieneral AgenU, !&7 Sottlh Front Street, Philadelnliiii, Pa. GliTTYSiSL'ltG Kl'RING CO. 50-4 BOOKK1CFPINO MADE EASY. Every clerk and merchaut can learn at oncw. Book mailed, 'Mr. H. Getilitnj Bryant, 'YOU ftSK! I'LL TELL!" The New DEFRRTUREIn Boeki. Agents Wanted. Kxvlusivo territory giv en. Tlie book will soil ilsflf. Father, Mother, Sister, Brother, Minister, Mer chant, Manufriotsrer. Farmer, Miner. Mariner, aud YournUf all want It. Tit unit is Monkv if it. Send for n Circular. CM EST K R MA If WKIHTKlt, Nort!i 6th hi.. Phiiadelphia, Pa. TEICRAPHY. A necessary part of evury JHjrsou's on UPS tion In this advanced si is th art of Tele graphing. Apply to the undersigned foi Smith's Mnnual of Telegraphy, the boi work publislie.i on tins kuojcoi, 1'iee 30 els. AIo for every description of Tel graphic Instriipineiiui and llat,tory; Nllrf l.liromin Kattery for Ltrctroplatiny. L O. TI LLOTSON ft CO., 8 Dey St., Nen York. JUST RECEIVED AT THE PEOPLE'S STORE OF HILBRONNEIUSt CO. A Fresh Stock of SPRING & SUMMED GOODS, Cloths, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Grlov Gents' Furnishing Gooi UNDERWEAR, EMBROIDER HANDKERCHIEFS, CORSBT, LACES, LACE GOODft, BUTTONS, BRAIDS, TAPES AN I) N0TIQN5 OF ALL KINDS, SILK GOODS, BLACK, FANCY BILK! A full line of CARPETS: HAS BRUSSELS, HEMP, IXGRAIS, At'., Ac. ALSO MILLINERY" ANDSTRAW GOODS, HATS, UONKETS, VELVETS, VELVETEEN, RIBBONS, FRAUH ORNAMENTS, AC, AC, AT EASTERN PRICIOB. Wo are prepared to pay llieliihekt pric for W O O Xj, siii:i:i-r:ia"s & xiikn Of all kinds, either in MONEY or floe Wo have in our employ a FIRS T-CL A TAILOR, and keep constantly on hand GOOD STOCK OF GOODS, of l.est qnalil and latest designs, which he will make u in a workmau-liko manner and latei styles. Good (its guaranteed or no sale A good and complete slock of READY-MADE CLOTHING Always on hand. SILVER-PLATED WAKE AS, JEWELRY, Of very superior quality and latent Ai signs. SiNly HILURONNER CO. WAGES I TOR all who are willing to work. Ab . ponton, old or young, of either aez, oa make from (10 to Wo per week, at hom day or evening. W anted by all. Sutti ble to oither city or Country, and any ei son of the year. This is a rare opportua ty for tlioso who are out of work, and ot of money to mukoan independent livlm No capital being required. Our pamule "How to make a living," giving full it structioiis, sent on receipt of IP rQb Address, A. BURTON & CO., Mofrisanli Wostchostor Co., N. Y. 4 A rj.T,T0Trn overvwbul'otosellollrBe, -iiT'Wi.i.'i11'"' novel F.inbroidsrin WANTED-Nltttliinc' rnJ ,or lllyu tinted I lit uiiu, to tho McKea Manufw turing Company, 3ul Broadway, N' York. 4 TIIK HA It LO It 1'U.lirAMUN. Every Lady wants one I Kvery Man ought to have one 1 1 Kenton receipt of Ten Cents. AddrMi L. F. HYDE A CO., lld Seventh Avnu New York. 4 BO.N.TON 11.1UTATION KK.NaU, Sent on receipt of 25 cU. Unluiie I'rini ing aud Publishing House,' Stt VMuy Hi K. V- rpilK BECK WITH JO Portable Famil A Sewing Machine, on SO Days Trial many advHUtuies over all. tStUiafaali guaranteed, or t-0 refunded. Sent eoan pleto, with full direction. Beckwl'.h Sew ing Machine Co., btii Broadway, N. Y. Of! WOKE nealiy exeouted at thlsolfl,'