ii i t nxrsriva IN formt copjerr, T ARNOLD BUROCA. In these wilds the rifle it the on! weapeev used, and for game wa have dear, squirrels and pheasants. These last we do not kill on tha wine, but cut their heads off with a ball aa ther ait perched upon tha trees, to which thev immediately ratort whan flushed, Xba principal sport is, as you mar imagine, deer huntiag, and this ft practiced both by "still hunting" and with dags. Tha latter, though no popular with tha rairkethnnUre, is by far tha moat exciting, and for tha ben efit of Tour many readers, I will give you a hasty sketch of one day's wark early in December last. Our party, consisting of fire men had four dogs, croesed the river and started for the mountains, aarly on the morning of as fine and clear a winter's day as could be desired, our plan of eperatiuns be ing to place three men in stands at point along . the Alleghany river where the deer wonld take te the wa ter, while the ether two put the dogs oa. The deer bad been very plenty all tha season, as the firea in the woods of neighboring counties had driven them to the river for shelter, and we had every reason to anticipate good pert. Mr. A., Ned R. and myself were soon in position, and Charley, with Dick and the dogs started up a etsep and narrow ravine which, with many a sharp turn weuod its way down the Mountain side. Fully half the morning had passed without eur cava being greeted with any eeund that ield of our absent comrade, when suddenly faint and dim in the distance, the deep bay of a hoand broke the atillnese. Three times it came to nt singly, then, as with one accord the ethera oaened in way that assured us the game was really on foot, and we eaught ap our rifles and listened with fast throbbing pulses to make out in which direction the dogs were .running. Soon, howev er, we heard the sharp crack of a rifle, and in a few raements all was silent, showing that the ball had gone home, And oar first deer was "wiped oat." Resuming eur places wa waited pa tiently for nearly an hour, when the dogs again challenged sharply, and sew came bearing s'.eadily in our di rection. Nearer and nearer they came, till we could hear the crash of the brushwood aa pursuers and pursued tore their way through the laurel thickets. Presently I caught a glimpee of a large doe as she jumped a fallen tree, and raising my rifle, drew a quick bead and fired. Ahead long stumble ef the quarry assured me that my shot had told, but gather ing herself aha dashed on for some three handred yards, when the dogs pulled her dowo, and hastening np I drove them off and cut her throat. With Ned's help I aeon brought her dowo, te my stand, where we broke her up and hung her to an overhang ing branch to drain. While we were at work the dogs struck another trail and followed it along the side of the mountain, gradually bending upwards till they craaed the ridge and passed almost out of bearing. It was now fast approaching sunset, and we had but little hope of getting another ahot , still we waited patiently, knowing that if the dogs could turn the deer he would make for the river. For some time we listened in vain, but at last we heard them coming along the ridge, and in a few moments a rifle rang out, proving that Charley or Dick waa on the look out. Not for that, however, did the deer stoo. but turning, came bounding down the ravine, up which the boys had gone in the morning, directly towards where Ned stood with his bouble rifle cocked and ready. From my stand I could see jurlner up tbe ravine, though I was not in a position to shoot till after the deer Had passed Ned. At I waited I aaw the bushea shake, and from the thick cover sprang a fine buck, followed inslaatly by another equally as largo. Not daring to warn Ned, ana sausnea mat be would do his part I made ready to aecond him should his shot fail, and waited, with every nerve braced for the trying moment. Ou came the bucks and when scarce! v forlr vards awav I saw Ned bring his rifle to akoulder and a puff of white smoke jet from its mux- ale. Struck fairly iu the chest the leading buck fell, and aa tha other with a terrified bound cleared his fal len comrade and turned towards the mountain. Ned rave him the ihmkH barrel, and laid him kicking among Ufl UUSlieS. We were aoon joined by Charley and Dick, bringiug the deer which had been killed early in the day, which proved to be a two year old bock. a By their help one of the skiffs was loaded with the four carcases, and while Dick proceeded to paddle them across, the rest of us, with the dogs, quietly followed in the larger boat, and procuring a team to carry our game, wendod eur way homeward, feeliug that we had no occasion te be diia tuned with tbe result ef the day'a port. TitutvilU Vw. A farmer'a daughter out -west re ceived a hairy poodle dog from 1 a friend in New York. The unsephisti rated damsel wrote back thanking aer friend for the preeent, and aayiug .hat the found it very handy when ied t a tliVV te clean tbe windows lilh. RUBBER GOODS, RUBBER GOODS, RUBBER GOODS, RUBBER GOODS, AT II. . TIWKEn A CtXB CaTSTRE STRF.KT, OIL CTTT. PA. We hare an inmtnw aaaortment of the bore (roods In every style and quality imaginable, aa for instance : U Inch Two-ply Belt Inf. 3 inch Two-)1t Rolling. I Inch Two-ply Belting. 1 Inch Tnroe-piv Belting;. - 24 inch Three-ply Relting. I Inch Three-ply Relting. ! Inch Three-plr Relting. 4 Inch Three-ply Belting-. Inch Three-ply belting. Inch Three-plv Belting. 7 inch Three-ply Belting. Inch Fonr-plv Belting. Inch Four-ply Belting. 10 inch Four-ply Belting. 12 ineh Four-ply Belting' FIVE-PLY AND EXttLFJM BKLTS TO OKDER ON SIIOKT NOTICE. We ga ran tee satisfaction In every la. stance. We are headauartera for u above goods. H. G. TINKER & CO. Allegheny Valley Rail Roid. DIRECT ROUTE TO BUFFALO) THROUGH TUB OIL REQIOXB. OX AND after Mead at Feb. M, Train will ru aa n!lo'wa r PHllaaala,a,,a Time)! nTTTIT Buffalo Cxpreaa leave Oil City at t IS aa iiiiMimpurn a oa p aa KlghtExpreea leaves Oil City ISO pat Arrives at Pittsburgh Sit a a Day Expreaa laarea Oil City It a aa Arrives at PitUburgh 06 la Oil City Aeeoni. leaves Oil City 4 M p. aa. aud arrives at Brad r'a Bend f It p. aa. NOltTII. Buffalo Ex. leaves PitUburgh at T 40 a aa IrrHvukt Ail IStv-t . na Night Expreaa Leaves PitUburgh 00 paa nin.viMvi. hit e w a as Day Expreaa leaves Pittsburgh IS 10 a aa A f rlwaa at fill a"i . r Oil City A ec leaves Brady's Bead 40 a aa Anil iprtM a, fill ' -1 m . - ... una BilTer Palaee Bleeping Cars ea algal Express Tralne, between Pitubuigh and Titusville. Through CVtaehee oa lav Ex press Traiae betweea Pittsburgh and Bea ton. J. J. LAWRENCE T. M. KIXO, ..'I. aw Ass t. Bup't. PENNSYLVANIA CEN1 TRAL RAILROAD OX AND AFTER 11 P. p. Sundav May 1. 1870. Trains arriva at and laa'.a aka Union Depot, corner of Waahlatea aad Liberty street, as follows; ARRIVE. Mail Train. 1.30 a at : Fast Una. 111! a m : Weirsaccoinmodation N. 1, 4.20 a am ' Brlnton imnmmrkHalinn Vaa t 4 i-a . Wall'a accommodation Ne 2, 8.55 a as ;Cia einnati expreaa Uin Johnstowa ac commodation 10.50 a m ; Braddeck'a aa oommodation No 1, 7.00 pm; Pittaborgh express 1.80 p m; Pacific expreaa 1.60 p aa ; Wall's accommodation No , 3.86 p aa; lumtnwu aooommoaauon ISO 1, v.tt p aa Wall's accommodation No 4, 5.50 p aa Brinton mvtmmiufatinn X" & 1 in . . Way Paasenger 10.20 p ni. ' DEPART. Bonthara innail'JOimi Vaaifla - frees 2.40 a m ; Wall's accommodation Ne . 0. 30a m t Mail Train a in a .n . itin,.'. accommodation U.20 a ni : Uraddock'a ae- eommooation lo 1, 6.10 p m ; Cincinnati expreaa 12.35 p m ; Wall'a accommodatiea. i- , ii.oi m ; .lomiaiown accommodanaa 4.0ft p m j Homewood accommodation Ne 1, 8.50 p m; Philadelphia expreaa S.50 p m; Wall accommodation No 8,3.05 p m; Wall'a aoeouimodation No 4, 6.05 p m ; Fast Lane 7.40 p m ; Wall'a No 6, 11.00 p m. Tbe Church Trains leaTe Wall's Btatiea every ounnay at v.Oft a. m., reaching Pitta burgh at 10.05 a. m. Raturning )eave Pitta burgh at l'J.50p. in., aud arrive at Wall's HtatiouatSUOp. m. Cincinnati express leaves daily. Seata ern expreaa daily except Monday. All eth er Trains daily, except Hundav. . For further information apfv te W. H. BECKWITil. inaL The Pennsylvania Railroad Company vau iiuiHiuuif any xviaa lor luggage ax cpnor n earing Apparel, and limit tuair rapousibility to One Hundred Dollai -yal i m A 1 1 Y.n : , , . " 'k(4 vAa-wuiiig mat a euni -. T " waaa aj aa ma, rina. ui tUV ZaaT uulesa taken by special contract. A. J. CASSAl Seneral BaperinteadeDt, Alio ana fa. PITH OLE VAOll3YB7Y. O If AND AFTER Monday, June 6, U71, - " a ae-v tvuunti TRAINS KORTHWARD. ' STATION'S. Oleopolis, Bennett, Woods Prathera Mill Pithole City Wo. X No. . 10.25 a m I 34 p m 10.38 " S.2S " 10.30 1.18 10.24 " I.1S - ll.Ot J.50 " TRAINS SOUTHWARD. statioms. No. 1. Ne: S. Pithole City, 8.40 a m 1.20 pan Prathera Mill S.4S " 1 48 " Wooda 8.68 j M Bennntt a a i a m aa Oleopalis a 18 " 2 14 " .7.1 Trln make cloea eonnecUons at Ol0OtOlial Wif h tMina t. 111 . . . . , ; "t i wa ac Allegheny River Hallway, North and ,T.W? L'ne r Stages run daily between I I ' .' """w aaaaaa ai IU irjeaaailt- ville, raakingconnection witharrivinr and f1Aliai4lnn T..ln. m ... . . . . II. WICKHAM, Sup't. Ticket Agent, Pithole City, Pa. STRAUSSVaeViVT'w.To'f- - ...... - - " -.. wnavia, f . vaaa.aa ail Cloth. Tha r . .i. . a. cacn in Doarae, each in "" maaaiaa.n v,ir luny k V "aiuara, worm at ei in daring t A V ( ) K ' P VL 1 or- daaiora be particular to auk for Pit e r ";"" OTBAUTS' WALTIEI, U it ia the Oil I V rvirral a ml v.... .!..). . j 600 Broadway, New York. Nov. IX TOR VrCtll V na.il-.. J .a .Li. .aa I at reasonable nttea. V Ht" 167 Water Street, GENERAL 8TEIWAYtS0IfS, CUICKERING & SOUS, ADD 1HI WM. B. BR ADHCItV PIANO FORTES, As well as several other makes. Also the TJiTITEJID STATES OHQ-ItTS, A IV D TJLTTXiOI Sc PASLET ORG-AIrS. SHEET MUSIC BOOKS, and evervthinc in tha MU.-?IC LINK, which will be furnished at the very lowet prices. WING AND SON, "THE illERICAN PIAXO," ,417BROOE STREET, 1ST. Y. " : TJlsrSTJDEASSED First premiums wherever exhibited Prices low for tbe oualitv Lares prices allowed for Second-hat.d Instruments in Exchange. from Mr. Eduard Hoffman, the celebrated Pianist. I conscientiously believe that veur Tiano is in everv reeneet a mote auxmtf- eeni Inttrummt, Trom ih "Independent" The American Fiaae has deservedlv become a varv noDuIar Tnatrumeat. MTBespensible Agents wanted for unoccupied territory. Send for circulars te WING A SON. 417 Broome St.. if. Y. 42 6m Tj'ainoiaix n-n anr Aixvxm eian.oKvaa ttv ki 'AXIVIOldl V sXe) Bti))j put ai(ooi SujJiedey aXXKYTii aKT H3QH0 01 3QVU S31JIU "SHYOIO QHT OOOYffOl 'mm 3WIHSIJ GNY DKIlHOdS ao aaix iiv eav mi aaivaa BEST THING IN THE WEST. Atchison, Topeka& Santa Fe. K. . LA1TDS! THREE MILLION ACRES Sealed in and near the Arkansas Valley, the Fineat Portion of Kauaaa I Eleven years' Credit. Seven per Cent. InWreat. 21 1-2 per cent, reduction to Rattlers who improve. FREE PASS TO LAND BUYERS ! THE FACTS about this Grant are Low Pricea, IaOiiK Credit, and a lie bate to set tlers of nearly one-fourth ; a Kii'h Soil and bpemlid Climate; aUort and niild Winlera; eaily planting, and no wintering of Stork; plenty of Haiiifall, and Iuxt at the rijint aeaaou ; Cal, (Stone aud Brick on the line; Cheap Kates on Lumber, Coal, to.; no lands owned by Speoulalura; HomeHtead and Pre-emptiona now abundant; a ti rst claats Kailroad on the line of a great Through Kout; Products ju pay for Land and Iuiproveinenta. It Is the beat opportunity ever offered to the publio, through the recent completion of the Koad. For Circulars and general inforimation, addreaa A. K. TOUZAUM, Mauiurer 1-aud Dtn't. -2in, Toix;ka,Kan. D. W. CLARK, Agent, TioneaUt, Ta. BOOK KKK PING MADE KA8V. Kvery clerk and nierebnut can luarn at once. Book mailed, . H. ruliing Urrant, -iml T. T, s-HA-o r:L:' s y. aV 1 f If Wi 1L Tr. Dr. E. F. OAltVIX'S .aSav aa I m a: 1 tat fl all Jl aaaV 1 Meadville, Pa. AGENT FOR nd Tor rirrular. 89 1r. ' The oldest and moat reliable Tnetitatlon for obtaining a Mercantile Education. feta. Practical business men aa instrno tora. For Information, write for a oircnlar to P. DUFF bONS. PitUburgh, Pa. BLUM & RECK, BJliJLOEZSaiTIIS AND "WAGON-MAKERS. Corner of Church and Elm Street, TIONESTA This firm ia prepared to do all work In ha line, and will warrant evcrrtliing done at their h"pe to give satisfaction, l'ar ticalar attention given to, iioitsrjiioF.ixt., flivethem atrial, and yen will not re gret it. ls.jT. THE WEEKLY SUN. ONLY SI A YEAR. 8 PAGES. The Beet Family Pnper. The Weekly N. Y. Sun. 8 pagea. 1 a year. Bond your Dollar. The Pitt Jgrintlturat Paper. The Weekly N. Y. Sun. 8 pages. 18 a yar. Send yout Dollar. Tht lieM Folitieal J'uper The Weekl v N. V. Nun. Independent and. Faithful. aAraiut Publio Plunder. 8 pagea. 81 a y nr. oeuu jour iouar. The Bent Ketrtpaper. The Weoklv N. Y. Hun. 8 pagea. 81 a year, bend "your Dollar. Has A II the 2fw. The Weekly X. Y. Sun. 8 pages, llayear. Send your Dol lar. ' The Beet Story Paper. The Weekly N. Y. Sun. Spaea. 1 a year, bend your Dollar. The Beet Ftuhion Keporte in the Weekly N. Y. Sun. 8 pages. $1 a year. Head your Dollar. The Beet Market JtrporU in the Weekly N. Y. bun. 8 pagea. SI a year, bend your Dollar. The TieH Cattle Reports in the Weekly N. Y. Sun. 8 pagea. $1 a year, bend your Dollar. T Beet Paper in Kvery Jtespeet. Tht Weekly N. Y. bun. 8 pages. 81 a year. Bend vour Dollar. Addreaa, THE SUN, New York City. PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. Water Street, OVER HILDRONNER A CO. a STORK, Tioneata. Pa.. M. CARPENTER, . . . Proprietor. riotures taken in all the latcat stvle the art NEW DISCOVERY Xm Chemical aad Medical Brlaaee, v vs.rvz-Uu8 ' -1 s r . r a A Tl f -aBa Dr. E. F. GARVIN'S SOLUTION AND COMPOUND ELIIIR or aaaSi aaaaJaMaa!aaaa aaliaaasCiJaaa KinBT ANI OKT.r POT T-TTny rrr vt.A la enamizliarvof A I.I. TIIK VWKLV M valuable eatlrt principlv. uf llae wl-U kiauwu ourative aapaui, iini3 Tnnn tar, r XCQV ALt.ED in Cnuvb. CuUs, Catarrh, Aataaa, ! Broariiltta, aaU 1'otMuuipUun. - Ct'HEH "WITIIOtrr FAIL j A rernt roU In tlin to .Iy hmtn: itnt aw tir US i VITALI.l.Nll, rUKlFVl.Nlt ami KT1MI: LATINO ! ii poo the gtmral aK-in, u remarkaUr ttttoa- taeaa in all DiMKASsa op nir moon. I lai-luuinif Hrtulula ami Eruiltoa. or Ilia akin. Ttra paiaaaa, ifiwaaaoi enff I4rr aou aaautya, Ueart afej aa,, anil llrliml I'hllilr. ONK TRIAL OONVINOE8 I mu GAitrii's VOLATILE SOLUTION of TAR MKDICATKD FOR IMIALATIOIV. avaA rriaarkallj nimble iliacorfa-r, which peal. Ualy aura CATARRH, BROXCniTIS, ASTimA,ati1 all DiaeaseaorUie) NOSE, THROAT and Ial'KOS. TBE COMPOUND TAB AJiD MA X DRAKE FILL, for ra In ronnantion witn the KLTXIR TAH. fa s aonhinauonof tha TWO moat raluahl. ALTRRA TI VJ hlailiainta knuwu ia tha PrafrMlnB, and raa ? !" rai wl"0" oapta the rtrj bnt erer ehatioe u. Compound Klixtr. 'j1 Tw and ltaadnk Pilla, SteU per Boa. Hadieatad Inhalatioa, S.OO par Fackar. nf I for OrruUr ef POSITIVE CVBEI te Tmr Dnafyii'i or to I. P. HYDE As CO.. SOUS PftOPBIaCTOllfl, J95 SerentK Are., A"wo Tork. O bo a s so -3 . e - a 3 s a On a THE NEW CJ.AMT1C TUI Hl. An Important Invention. It retain the Rupture ai all timea, and under the hard, out exercise or aovcret strain. It ia wora with comfort, and if kupt n night and day, eiteota a permaueut cure in a rw Weka. Hold r.h.'nn nnrl u.nl K latil I I -' - "vin ' t ... a L l When rPflllHMiul mmil ara r.a a.-- deied by lottr aent to The KliiKtio Truss a'ara Vm 4(11 1l J a.T r . i.u. uoo urunqngy, is. j . l.'lty, J,o bedy neea Metal Sprinpt Trueaea; too rainftil ; they eltp eff Iao freiuently. 4 PS M PurfOal ealM lAt k IhMi Hitter ata-evw-ta ittg to dirtriinn. md rem a in Innf vnwill, prDViie4 llitir brmM arv mm destroyed by mintml riri ar Mtvat mtatit, and iht vital ergana atf4 btyoa.il ihtj peuil lyappala or Irivlltraat lone HtatUtW, INia. ia td Sliavuldrr, Cotftit, iipln of tha Ci, Ih aintta, Sntir KnKtnliotia of td Slom-Kh, liad Tutt ia !. M mull, Itiliutia Atiarka, Paipiutiawi ni tiu Heart. 1iAainaeatirm ntf l.un?!, Taia im lia rf hrs i l he Kirhtaytw and a hundml oibar painnil ayteiptaffta, art lh offour tin r( Ivae(e.ii. Jn tlveea) ertmr4av-iri M haa no atrial, and on btilft wUl prrw a tattar guar aVntaaef ita me?rii tlna a lengthy advertifamtut. For Fiial C'oHiplrelaata, in you rig af tid, manied o? aiiiplc. at lit ttawn of amtnanhoAa. af tfa) turn of 1 fs- ilipaa Tonic !'tr d'tp-fty w deodad ttA innueirCf tna( a ntarkad iniproveiiitnt ll aoo perfoair lible. For InflammRiory and Ct.rtil Rnan mat tarn and (.nut. ltilimia, Remittrtit and Intaas aiiiient Fevr, I) i of tha pitiod, Livar, Kidnap 4 bladder, iheae Idliert hav no aqnal. Swk Lk aei art canard by Vitiated BUmd, wli.ch ia genaraairf pioHuceH h derangement vf the Uigekiivt Oranav They ni-a UeintU rnrvatlra aa wall a ft Ton l t piitaing aUrj tht imlitr mtrit eef avtm tl a powerful nceitl In rfiiering CnngMttOn or lnAeB maiion of tha Ltvtr and Viacaral Orfaaa, aad f Biiiww Kor 81(lti DUaaaet. Krupt.pna. Tatitr, 9 Mhtnm. Itloiclita, Saota, I'tmple, Puatulva, B Ca uncita, King-worni. icaia-.leAil, bora Kvaa. a ai,ela. Itch, Scurf., Iiculurationof tht SUia, Huatt, and Iitieaie of tht Skin, of whatever naj.it c Mttretaa art literally due up and carried out af tltt irttaai ia al)ort time br the nat of thest Uilltr Urataful Thaniandi prntlaira VimMab aW Ttt at tht mmt trondertad Invigorui that var tMmM tht sinking trtttm. I WAI.KkK, PrfapV R. If. WAltO?TALDdarC. l)rusL'it and Gta. Agfa., Sa rtaatiaaa, Cai., and oor. of Wahmgton and CJiarlton Kit., Maw Vartu lOLl BY ALL DRUUOISTB AND DKAtUBaV Oil Crcek&AIIeghcn) KiTer Bj 0 1 AMD AFTER Moariay Jaae a, MW, ara.ua nm ran aa mi low, i ioksw.io Taxtas. STATIONS: 1st Claas. kl cUm i M i a. m. a. m. p. aa. a. aa. a. aa, Corry limoo IH t 8tarlansburf I'lllli t i fllynden fl M 11 7 ST M ('(.ntrrviUe 7 04 11 U t 4C t S4 Tryonville T II 12 OS U ' IS 9 Hydutowu I 25 12 It T 10 11 sh a fUl.lt TM 11 Tltnsvllla ! I II 11 tt T 40 I II 11 Miller Farm 02 J OS 7 as 4 IS n Shaffer S07 1(M S OS 710 lis I'loneer S 17 lis 10 7 40 IS 41 ab IU 1U IU 7H IM Tet Centre ia s is i so so ti i aa Columbia IIS IBS ISS S SO I IS Tutt Karm 40 I i8 S 41 ISO I M Itynd Farm S 41 l 44 S M I 41 li Hnuaeville t M I 49 I M S 04 S 4 Mcciinutck 8M iss eee eea se AB 111 IN IU IM liV OU C1tv pa 9 IS S II II It t 4 Oleopolis Mi JM a jo 4 i Knle Hock 9 CO 1 44 11 S3 4 it) rretid-ut V AO 2 64 11 SS 4 H Tloneala 10 2S S 12 12 84 IT Hickory 10 44 S II 1 SO IS TriinkevviUe 10 64 S 41 1 44 I 41 Tidioute 11 11 IU 2 34 7 16 Irvineton la 01 4 40 4 14 I at AlaDlTlr.HAL sreo D-rLASS TBAIS-aolTT. No. 18. TituTllle 2,10 p. tn.i Miller 2,i Tioneer 8 20; ret t'ontre S.S3; CulnmbU 4,15; Tarrl-aint 4,23; Ityiut rarra 4.S7 j KmaeTllle4,.; Oil city ,2(1. No. 8 Corry , 15 a. in.; TIUi.t.'.U S.SkV, Miller Farm 9.L1S; Pet Centre ,4'; Cnlutn liia 10,1:1; Tarr farm 10, IS; KviiU Far in 10,a"; ltouweville 10,Mj Oil City 11 00. No. 18. 1'el Centre 1.28 p. Cihimb' l,N; Tarr Fnrin 2,0j; llvud Farm S,lC Itotueville V.:i0; Oil city 4,00. No. 22 Oil City ,K0 a. m ; Olevn , 7,M, Tlunela 8.M ; Trunkevville II lt Tidioute 11.11. MORTllWAr.D TRAIKS. STATIONS: lut Claaa. SA C Ua I S I J.I a. m. n. m. p. m. a. m. a. m, Irvlneten 8 OA IU ? al Tidioute Trunkevville Hickory Tioneela rresidnnt F!a?le Hook Oleopolla a a Oil CltT 1 18 & 47 7 a M 1 48 . 8 05 I OA 10 1 1 61 8 IS 8 20 10 44 2 14 A 84 I 44 11 u IJ to It Si SO 12 SI 2 S8 I S6 13 as I 47 7 08 10 04 1 M I 11 7U10U M , DM IM IX 7 40 IIK IH Mt-Clllitork 8 IS t8 Si J 85 11 0 IN Rouaeville I 18 I S3 7 t 12 00 3 SO Itynd Farm 10 J 40 8 04 13 36 3 4 Tarr Farm IX, S 43 . 1 10 12 88 3 M Columbia 8 .. 3 41 8 14 12 41 I VO AH 6 Si S M 8 21 1 06 I 1ft Tet Centre DB IS8 8 SO 823 134 IM rioneer 8 42 4 04 8S0 I44 S 44 Shaffer 0 bj 4 IS 8 40 3 CMS 4 14 Miller Farm 6 64 4 20 8 44 3 IS 4 44 ab 7 13 4 40 9 Oi 3 44 34 Titusville ir HB 7 $1 4 45 0 10 1 44 . Hydetown 7 44 466030134 Tryonville 7 67 S 08 10 34 I 6A Centrnville 8 06 6 17 o 48 4 II Olyndon S 14 )5 27 64 4 SO . iSpartansburg 8 24 6 38 10 02 60 " ' Corry 8 66 8 10 10 (2 t 61 ADOITlOWALSCCOXD-CLASSTaAIlrS-tteaVat No. 15 OH City 6.65 a. m.; ilonaevilla 7.20; Tarr Farm 7.4(1; Columbia 7.66; Pat Centre M.10; Fionoer 8.40: Miller I.Sas Titusville 9.55. No. 7 Titusvtlle 9.00 a. m.; Corry 11.21 No. 11 Oil City 11.20 a. m.; RounerUle 11.45; llyiirt Farm 11.55; Tarr Farm 13.01; Columbia 12.101 Fet iVnlre 12.20; Miller 1.25; Titusville 2.00; Corry 4.12 p. m. No. 21 Tidioute 12.46 n. ni.; Trunkev ville 1.45; Tionesta 2.43i Oleopolis 126. OtS ' City S.ZD. V . " i . ,a(JaTri,MI do not ,toP'. H) Stop oaatfiu). () Stop for meals. Trajus 5, 6, 21 and 32 run daily t all eeher traina dailv except Siiadays. . N. U.-Train So. IV U at) Rpree tVea Tituavtlle to Corry. an,vr.a r.LAr tiriM cab tiim. No. 4 PUect from,FWladelpbia wlto change, . , No, 1 pireot to Vbiladelpbia vrtihesit ehaigel No.S piroc from. Fitteburge witfcMi ebonge. No.6" Pirept So Plttaborgh with oat V, J.ilRPBURX JKO. VITCAIRX. ' Muperiuteadent. Ua'l Maaager. NOTICE. DR. J H. ROIiARD, of Tldloote, haa. reiitrnsd to his practice after an sh SeilCfi Ol' fllir mnnlhu ,n.mt In tha Ufta. talaof Now York, where ba will a(nd rua in Ills proioaaion. Office in Kureka Prng Wore, M djior hrt Hie bak,TidiTie, l'a, 4fti I